Not answering as an ADSM guy, but addressing the philosophy involved in
protecting a large database...
150 to 500gb? Once an hour? That seems overwhelming, unless I'm
missing something...
We tend to do a two tiered system. We periodically backup everything,
say once per week, with transaction
Phil Lenor wrote:
> {snip}
> We also have a problem backing up hardlinks ( IBM acknowledges this
> problem but will not commit to fixing it. ) in that each occurrence
> of the hardlinked file is backed up. This means that backing up an
> 18GB disk often results in double if not triple the volume c
Not having read this thread... but RS232 does not have the performance
of Ethernet...
The line drivers in RS232 may be pushable to 250kb/s (0.25mb/s),
depending on the capacitance of the cable, but Ethernet can go 10mb/s,
or 100mb/s with Fast Ethernet. I also don't see a serial UART going
Have you isolated it to ADSM, i.e. is it a network problem only?
Try FTP'ing a 16mb file in and out and see how long it takes.
If its only ADSM, someone else in this group will need to reply; I'm not
an ADSM guru. If its network generic, you need to have it looked at by
someone in your networki
Answering from the (Oracle) SQL standpoint, not necessarily from the
ADSM standpoint...
A Date object usually contains a date and a time. If you want something
specific to a date, you need to remove the time component. If I want
rows from yesterday or before, for instance, I could "select ... w
Hello ADSM gurus;
{My apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, but I am new to this
list, the searchable archive does not seem to have the answer, and I am
in a bit of a hurry.}
Client for HP-UX v310
Client for Win-32 v31-0.8
Server for MVS v31-2.50
I can not seem to retrieve an archive m