Re: SQL backup and restore using TDP

2000-08-29 Thread Alexander Z Sokolek Jr
Not answering as an ADSM guy, but addressing the philosophy involved in protecting a large database... 150 to 500gb? Once an hour? That seems overwhelming, unless I'm missing something... We tend to do a two tiered system. We periodically backup everything, say once per week, with transaction

Re: FW: NDMP Support.

2000-08-25 Thread Alexander Z Sokolek Jr
Phil Lenor wrote: > {snip} > We also have a problem backing up hardlinks ( IBM acknowledges this > problem but will not commit to fixing it. ) in that each occurrence > of the hardlinked file is backed up. This means that backing up an > 18GB disk often results in double if not triple the volume c

Re: rs232 vs Ethernet Re: 3494 and RS6000 SP connection

2000-08-21 Thread Alexander Z Sokolek Jr
Not having read this thread... but RS232 does not have the performance of Ethernet... The line drivers in RS232 may be pushable to 250kb/s (0.25mb/s), depending on the capacitance of the cable, but Ethernet can go 10mb/s, or 100mb/s with Fast Ethernet. I also don't see a serial UART going that

Re: Performance problem on some clients

2000-08-17 Thread Alexander Z Sokolek Jr
Have you isolated it to ADSM, i.e. is it a network problem only? Try FTP'ing a 16mb file in and out and see how long it takes. If its only ADSM, someone else in this group will need to reply; I'm not an ADSM guru. If its network generic, you need to have it looked at by someone in your networki

Re: sql select from "yesterday"

2000-08-16 Thread Alexander Z Sokolek Jr
Answering from the (Oracle) SQL standpoint, not necessarily from the ADSM standpoint... A Date object usually contains a date and a time. If you want something specific to a date, you need to remove the time component. If I want rows from yesterday or before, for instance, I could "select ... w

Cross-Platform Retrieves

2000-08-15 Thread Alexander Z Sokolek Jr
Hello ADSM gurus; {My apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, but I am new to this list, the searchable archive does not seem to have the answer, and I am in a bit of a hurry.} Client for HP-UX v310 Client for Win-32 v31-0.8 Server for MVS v31-2.50 I can not seem to retrieve an archive m