Answering from the (Oracle) SQL standpoint, not necessarily from the
ADSM standpoint...

A Date object usually contains a date and a time.  If you want something
specific to a date, you need to remove the time component.  If I want
rows from yesterday or before, for instance, I could "select ... where
date_field < trunc(sysdate)" as one example.  If I only want yesterday,
then I could say "select ... where trunc(date_field) = trunc(sysdate) -

Someone else will need to respond with the ADSM relative issues.

Alex Sokolek

Winfried Heilmann wrote:
> Hi,
> for reporting I work with sql select.
> Can anybody tell me, how I can do a select from a table (for example
> actlog) only with the record from yesterday or the day before yesterday?
> I can select the records from today with
> select  ..................................where date(date_time)=current
> date .
> regards winfried

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