Hi Robert,
You should look in the User's Guide for DP/Exchange 6.4.
There are specific sections about Exchange 2010 DAG setup.
It documents the DAGNODE setup. Here is an excerpt from the book:
6. If you created a node name for backing up databases in an Exchange
Database Availability
Hello. We have 2 Exchange servers as well.
But I only did 2 proxies, one for each, where the Target node is the TDP name
and the Agent Node is the BA name.
We have 3 schedules.
One schedules backups both Exchange servers as normal b/a.
One schedule backups whatever DB's are passive, which kicks
My new project in our Exchange environment backup is to use the DAG node backup.
For now I have 2 Exchange servers 2010 ExchsrvA and ExchsrvB , I made all the
upgrade version of TSM for both of them as:
Tsm Client 6.4.1
Tsm Langree 6.3.4
Tsm Server 6.3.4
TDP for Exchange 6.4.1
When on e