Hi Robert,

You should look in the User's Guide for DP/Exchange 6.4.
There are specific sections about Exchange 2010 DAG setup.
It documents the DAGNODE setup. Here is an excerpt from the book:

6. If you created a node name for backing up databases in an Exchange 
   Database Availability Group (DAG), ensure that the following tasks are
   a. Register the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client and DAG 
      names and passwords with the Tivoli Storage Manager register node
   b. Ensure that the Tivoli Storage Manager administrator issues the 
      proxynode command for each member server in the DAG to grant
      permission for the DAG node to act as a proxy to back up all the DAG
      members. If the configuration wizard is not used to configure the 
      Storage Manager server, the proxies need to be defined. In addition, 
      backup archive client node and the Data Protection node need 
      authority. The backup archive client node also needs proxynode 
authority to
      act on behalf of the Data Protection node. For example, the Tivoli 
      Manager administrator can issue the following commands on the Tivoli
      Storage Manager server:
         register node backup_archive_client_node password
         register node data_protection_node password
         grant proxynode target=data_protection_node 
         register node DAG_node password
         grant proxynode target=DAG_node agent=backup_archive_client_node
         grant proxynode target=DAG_node agent=data_protection_node

Here is a link to full document:


The DAGNODE name does not go in any of the DSM.OPT file.
It is a virtual node.

Take a look at the section titled "Database Availability 
Group backup best practices" to get the other items to be aware of.




"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu> wrote on 09/25/2013 
11:42:13 AM:

> From: Robert Ouzen <rou...@univ.haifa.ac.il>
> To: ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu, 
> Date: 09/25/2013 11:42 AM
> Subject: DAG node for Exchange backup
> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu>
> More questions:
> Ø  When I register the node DAGEXCHANGE did I need to grant 
> authority DAGEXCHANGE authority=owner classes=node node=DAGEXCHANGE
> Or the grant proxynode below is enough ?
> Regards  Robert
> Hello
> My new project in our Exchange environment backup is to use the DAG 
> node backup.
> For now I have 2 Exchange servers 2010  ExchsrvA and ExchsrvB , I 
> made all the upgrade version of TSM for both of them as:
> Tsm Client 6.4.1
> Tsm Langree 6.3.4
> Tsm Server 6.3.4
> TDP for Exchange 6.4.1
> When on each of them I have Active and Passive database (from each 
> of them vice versa)
> For now I have for each server 2 sets of nodes:
> Ø  ExchsrvA = Local Node   ExchsrvAN_DB=TDP node
> Ø  ExchsrvB = Local Node   ExchsrvAB_DB=TDP node
> Run  scheduler for ExchsrvA and scheduler for ExchsrvB and have two 
> filesystems ( A and B )
> I read the Redbook but need more information , here the process I need 
to do:
> Ø  Reg node DAGEXCHANGE  password domain=XXXX pasexp=9999
> Ø  Grant proxynode target=DAGEXCHANGE agent=ExchsrvA
> Ø  Grant proxynode target=DAGEXCHANGE agent=ExchsrvAN_DB
> Ø  Grant proxynode target=DAGEXCHANGE agent=ExchsrvB
> Ø  Grant proxynode target=DAGEXCHANGE agent=ExchsrvBN_DB
> I need to run this command :     TDPEXCC set dagnode=DAGEXCHANGE 
> (on both exchange servers  -  correct ?  and did this command update
> the tdpexc.cfg  file  ? )
> Now some questions:
> Ø  In which opt files I need to put the dagnode name (DAGEXCHANGE) ,
> only in TDPEXCHANGE opt’s (both servers) instead the original nodes 
> (ExchsrvAN_DB  ExchsrvBN_DB)
> Ø  What about the schedulers , for now I have one for each server ? 
> I think no changes because the local client (ExchsrvA, ExhsrvB) are 
> triggering the backup command.
> Ø  Did I need to add on  the backup command for each server:   /
> minimumbackupinterval=60
> Any others tips will be welcome …
> Best Regards
> Robert

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