Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Buddy Howeth
I agree. The log should reflect the actual condition of the object Buddy Howeth Computer Operations Specialist Information Systems Pacific Coast Producers Corporate Offices 631 N. Cluff Ave Lodi, CA 95240-0756 (209) 367-8800 - Main# (209) 367-6288 - Computer Room (209) 366-6240 - Alpha Pager

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Huebschman, George J.
I envy your gift for brevity! -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Shawn Drew Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 11:18 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Full tapes with low percent utilization I think the confusion comes fr

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Buddy Howeth
Correct Buddy Howeth Computer Operations Specialist Information Systems Pacific Coast Producers Corporate Offices 631 N. Cluff Ave Lodi, CA 95240-0756 (209) 367-8800 - Main# (209) 367-6288 - Computer Room (209) 366-6240 - Alpha Pager Shawn Drew Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 07/23/200

Re: Incl/Excl Problem

2009-07-23 Thread lindsay morris
Well, not to quibble, Bill, but you can use exclude.dir to avoid getting the C: directories, right? And the problem of users / admins adding a drive in the future, and TSM then SILENTLY skipping it due to DOMAIN D:, is real. I mean, I've seen this happen, and want to warn against this bad practi

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Huebschman, George J.
We agree, I was just trying to make a distinction between TSM's two usages for the term "expire". First when objects become inactive, which the client refers to as expiring: 07/13/2009 22:16:38 Expiring--> 310 \\rrmamprobe1\d$\Mercury\MAM-V6.6\MAMDiscoveryProbe\root\lib\longpathnam

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Shawn Drew
I think the confusion comes from the fact that the client log says "Expiring-->" when it is only "In-activating" the file Regards, Shawn Shawn Drew Internet Sent by: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU 07/23/2009 10:58 AM Please respond to

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Buddy Howeth
When a new version is saved, the older version become INACTIVE, then per policy (which can vary from company to company), it will expire. In our case this occurs when the 5th version of a object is saved. The older version is then expired and the space on tapes becomes reclaimable. Buddy Howeth

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Buddy Howeth
The difference is ACTIVE vs INACTIVE, then EXPIRE Buddy Howeth Computer Operations Specialist Information Systems Pacific Coast Producers Corporate Offices 631 N. Cluff Ave Lodi, CA 95240-0756 (209) 367-8800 - Main# (209) 367-6288 - Computer Room (209) 366-6240 - Alpha Pager "Huebschman, Ge

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Buddy Howeth
You are correct, but in order for space to become reclaimable, it has to have been expired and this occurs in the database, which results in the object expired on tape. In our policy, we keep the last 3 inactive objects plus one that is active. Older objects then expire and space on the tape is r

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Buddy Howeth
Run reclamation Buddy Howeth Computer Operations Specialist Information Systems Pacific Coast Producers Corporate Offices 631 N. Cluff Ave Lodi, CA 95240-0756 (209) 367-8800 - Main# (209) 367-6288 - Computer Room (209) 366-6240 - Alpha Pager Mario Behring Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Re: Incl/Excl Problem

2009-07-23 Thread Bill Boyer
I prefer to exclude it from the DOMAIN. That way you won't get the directories on the C: drive. This is from the help. For example, in the following options Tivoli Storage Manager will process all local drives except for the c: drive, systemobject, and systemstate domain:

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Huebschman, George J.
I am not sure that is quite right. When a newer version of an object is backed up, the Client does "EXPIRE" the object, but the object only "EXPIRES" from the TSM SERVER db according to the retention policy (copy_group) bound to that object. The data does not expire from the tape until it expires f

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Buddy Howeth
RECLAIM STGPOOL LTOPOOL1 THRESHOLD=60 This will reclaim all tapes that have 60% or more reclaimable space. Reclaimable space occurs when you existing objects that were backed up are saved again. The preivous backup of that object is expired and that part of the tape is reclaimable. Tapes are rec

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Tchuise, Bertaut
Mario, As many have already noted, the reclamation will take care of your issue and is probably the fastest way; you can also make use of "move data" with reconstruct=yes on a volume basis. BERTAUT TCHUISE Storage Support Administrator Legg Mason Technology Services *410-580-7032 btchu...@leggmas

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Huebner,Andy,FORT WORTH,IT
View the help on RECLAIM STGPOOL and UPDATE STGPOOL RECLAIM= Andy Huebner -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Mario Behring Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:24 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] Full tapes with low percen

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread lindsay morris
Run reclamation. They're FULL because TSM wrote all the way to the end; they're less than 100% because TSM expired some data, so there are effectively holes in the tape. -- Mr. Lindsay Morris Principal 919-403-8260 On Jul 23, 2009, at Jul 23, 10:24 AM

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Erwann Simon
Hi Mario, Have you ever heard about space reclamation ? See Help RECLAIM STG -- Best regards / Cordialement / مع تحياتي Erwann SIMON Mario Behring a écrit : Hi list, I have several tapes on an IBM ULT-3580 library that show very low percent utilization (see output below) but a FULL status.

Re: Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Huebschman, George J.
Tapes are sequential media. When they reach the end, they are defined as "Full". As data expires, their percent utilization changes, but they stay defined as Full, because no data is going to be written to the spaces occupied by the logically expired data: Volume Name Storage

Re: Incl/Excl Problem

2009-07-23 Thread lindsay morris
Well, there's a problem there: Our ART product has found several customers that shot themselves in the foot by doing this: DOMAIN D: because they don't want to back up C:, a stock image of windows-and- office. That works fine. But months later, the user adds drive E:, and TSM silently skips it.

Full tapes with low percent utilization

2009-07-23 Thread Mario Behring
Hi list, I have several tapes on an IBM ULT-3580 library that show very low percent utilization (see output below) but a FULL statuswhy does that happens and how can I fix this? Volume Name Storage Device Estimated Pct Volume

Re: Limiting backup data amount

2009-07-23 Thread Björn Rackoll
Hi Remco, estimate: it'll be hard to backup more than 500 GB of data of a 500 GB disk. well, recently this client ran a backup of about 3 TB, causing the server to run low on tapes. On macos, if you are really worried, you could run a "find -ctime" (lookup the manpage) to find the change

Re: Incl/Excl Problem

2009-07-23 Thread Patryk Bobak
virtualmountpoint works great on my linux client but it don't work on Windows. Patryk. -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of km Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:06 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Incl/Excl Problem Eve

Re: Incl/Excl Problem

2009-07-23 Thread km
Even easier (no OS involvment) would be to use: virtualmountpoint c:\dir domain c:\dir in dsm.opt -km On 23/07, Adrian Compton wrote: > Hi Patryk > > I found the best way to selectively backup directories was to create a > share on the directory, and you can then choose that share as a domain >

Re: Limiting backup data amount

2009-07-23 Thread Remco Post
On 23 jul 2009, at 13:31, Björn Rackoll wrote: Hi TSM'ers, we have a policy that we have to be notified by a client beforehand if there's more than 500 GB to backup. One of our clients uses version of the tsm client on Macintosh (server: on AIX). Is there any possibility for him

Limiting backup data amount

2009-07-23 Thread Björn Rackoll
Hi TSM'ers, we have a policy that we have to be notified by a client beforehand if there's more than 500 GB to backup. One of our clients uses version of the tsm client on Macintosh (server: on AIX). Is there any possibility for him to limit a backup to 500 GB or at least to estima

SV: SV: Incl/Excl Problem

2009-07-23 Thread Christian Svensson
Another way to do is by the schedule add under option C:\test\*.* -subdir=yes In that case will your schedule only run "dsmc i C: \test\*.* -subdir=yes" Best Regards Christian Svensson Cell: +46-70-325 1577 E-mail: Skype: cristie.christian.svensson _

Re: SV: Incl/Excl Problem

2009-07-23 Thread Steven Langdale
To add to Christians correct email. You also said you wanted subdirs too. So the line will be (or rather ONE of the ways of doing it :) ): Include C:\test\...\*.* Steven Langdale Global Information Services EAME SAN/Storage Planning and Implementation ( Phone : +44 (0)1733 584175 ( Mob: +44 (

Re: SV: Incl/Excl Problem

2009-07-23 Thread Patryk Bobak
Hi, > But don't be confused if TSM list all your directories during the backup. Oh, that's why... Ok, this is my dsm.opt: ... DOMAIN C: EXCLUDE "*:\...\*" EXCLUDE "*:\*.*" INCLUDE "C:\test\...\*" Well it's almost ok. It backup files from c:\test but send too whole C: directories struc

Re: Incl/Excl Problem

2009-07-23 Thread Adrian Compton
Hi Patryk I found the best way to selectively backup directories was to create a share on the directory, and you can then choose that share as a domain to backup in your opt file. Hope this helps Regards Adrian Compton Aspen Pharmacare Port Elizabeth tel: +2741 4072855 Fax: +2741 453 7452 C

SV: Incl/Excl Problem

2009-07-23 Thread Christian Svensson
Hi, On the client, start DSMC and run q inclexcl to see more info what's wrong. Also remember that TSM is reading your DSM.OPT file from the bottom and up. Ex. If it looks something like this it will go wrong Include C:\test\*.* Exclude *:\...\* Exclude *:\*.* You need to switch so include C:\te

Incl/Excl Problem

2009-07-23 Thread Patryk Bobak
Hi, I have problem with Incl/Excl list on client. I've searched forum and google but I cant find good solution. I want to backup only one selected folder (with subfolders and files) from C:. For example "C:\test\". I tryed a lot of configurations with exclude, exclude.dir and includes, and it back

Re: SV: TSM 6.1 Licensing

2009-07-23 Thread Mehdi Salehi
Thanks Christie.

SV: TSM 6.1 Licensing

2009-07-23 Thread Christian Svensson
The Lic for 6.1 is the same as 5.5. Best Regards Christian Svensson Cell: +46-70-325 1577 E-mail: Skype: cristie.christian.svensson Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] för Mehdi Salehi [iranian.aix.supp...@gm