Hi, On the client, start DSMC and run q inclexcl to see more info what's wrong.
Also remember that TSM is reading your DSM.OPT file from the bottom and up. Ex. If it looks something like this it will go wrong Include C:\test\*.* Exclude *:\...\* Exclude *:\*.* You need to switch so include C:\test\*.* is in the bottom another wise it will not work. But don't be confused if TSM list all your directories during the backup. Best Regards Christian Svensson Cell: +46-70-325 1577 E-mail: christian.svens...@cristie.se Skype: cristie.christian.svensson ________________________________________ Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [ads...@vm.marist.edu] för Patryk Bobak [bob...@zetokatowice.pl] Skickat: den 23 juli 2009 09:36 Till: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Ämne: Incl/Excl Problem Hi, I have problem with Incl/Excl list on client. I've searched forum and google but I cant find good solution. I want to backup only one selected folder (with subfolders and files) from C:. For example "C:\test\". I tryed a lot of configurations with exclude, exclude.dir and includes, and it backup my whole C: or dont backup anything. TSM Client: 6.1 Windows, TSM Server: 5.5.0 z/OS Patryk.