I must be expressing myself badly because you do not understand me.
My copypool tapes are housed in an offsite tape library. They never
leave there unless they go bad. The move nodedata's run there, on the
offsite library-- on its drives. We do not use a courier to move
tapes between our
You cannot back up DB2 for z/OS with TSM.
TSM does not understand traditional z/OS filesystems.
z/OS backup tools do not understand Windows and UNIX filesystems.
How many TSM servers you need depends on the amount of data you will back up
per day. One AIX server like a P550 is probably enough. B
HI Zoltan,
the number of objects is proportional to the size of the object name. TSM
5.5 has a maximum architectural limit of 530GB for the TSM DB, and at our
usual (conservative) sizings, this is approximately 500 million objects, at
1kb per object. In reality, many systems have more than this
Am running TSM on Windows Server attached to IBM tape library to take backup
of 20 Linux/AIX servers am looking for a script to monitor my TSM
activities bind it
with nagios, my problem i want to monitor it it on Linux server since
am running SMS services and nagios on Linux RHEL.
Any input would
Let me explain the case more precisely:
- We do not have TSM now
- Automatic backup should include: Six Oracle Databases on AIX
servers, four MS SQL server databases, DB2 for z/OS (two-node
-TSM server could be on any of the following servers, but AIX is preferable.
We are in the phase o
Do you have "agent.lic" in /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64 directory?
On 2/5/09, Jorge Amil wrote:
> Hi,
> Try de following:
> # rm /usr/lib/libobk.a
> # ln -s /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64/libobk64.a
> /usr/lib/libobk.a
> # rm /$ORACLE_HOME/lib/libobk.a
> # ln -s /usr/