You cannot back up DB2 for z/OS with TSM. TSM does not understand traditional z/OS filesystems. z/OS backup tools do not understand Windows and UNIX filesystems.
How many TSM servers you need depends on the amount of data you will back up per day. One AIX server like a P550 is probably enough. But tell us how many Gigabytes of data you need to back up per day, and we can give a better answer. Whether you need more than 1 TSM server On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 2:21 AM, Mehdi Salehi <>wrote: > Let me explain the case more precisely: > - We do not have TSM now > - Automatic backup should include: Six Oracle Databases on AIX > servers, four MS SQL server databases, DB2 for z/OS (two-node > sysplex). > -TSM server could be on any of the following servers, but AIX is > preferable. > > We are in the phase of choosing TSM products and storage devices. What > do you recommend? Please let me know if "one" central TSM server and > "one" tape library are enough. If yes, which platform of TSM server > suits best? > > Regards, > Mehdi > > > On 2/5/09, Gee, Norman <> wrote: > > This client only backs up the Unix Subsystem and not the traditional MVS > > datasets. You will not be able to get to the DB2 datasets. Regular MVS > > backup tools does not allow individual file restore from the Unix > > Subsystem. I have TSM for z/OS, both client and server. The TDP for > > database (Oracle, SQL) does not have a z/OS version. > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of > > Richard Sims > > Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 4:12 AM > > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > > Subject: Re: OS/390 or z/OS as Tivoli Clients > > > > The client that there is is part of z/OS USS. > > See Technote 1052224 and the Unix client manual. > > > > Richard Sims > > >