Automated drive cleaning is failing.

2003-08-15 Thread Riley, Craig
I have a Spectralogic Gator 64K (AIT3) w/ TSM 5.1.7 on W2K. I have successfully run automated cleaning of my drives from months but since I upgraded to 5.1.7 from 5.1.6 I will periodicly get an error :

Re: Archive schedule error: No file specification entered

2003-08-15 Thread Sal Mangiapane
Correct me if I'm wrong, please. On Microsoft OS; If you schedule an automatic Archive. The Archive will archive every file every time that it runs. I think that archiving would be more functional if it acted similar to the backup client. The backup client is a set it and forget it every cli

Re: Archive schedule error: No file specification entered

2003-08-15 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Correction: my sample schedule definition should have included the ACTION=ARCHIVE parameter: DEFINE SCHEDULE STANDARD MYARCHSCHED ACTION=ARCHIVE OBJECTS="c:\mydir\ c:\yourdir\" OPTIONS="-subdir=yes -archmc=myarchmc" Regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Stora

Re: Archive schedule error: No file specification entered

2003-08-15 Thread Juan Jose Reale
Hi... You may modifiy your existing schedule, complete the following fields: Action COMMAND Options - Objects c:\BackupArch.cmd Where action=command allow to execut a client operating system command described in the Objects field. The c:\BackupArch.cmd is operating system w2k

Re: Archive schedule error: No file specification entered

2003-08-15 Thread Andrew Raibeck
ARCHIVE operations require one or more file specifications, i.e. "dsmc archive c:\mydir\ -subdir=yes" or "dsmc archive c:\mydir\ c:\yourdir\ -subdir=yes". Thus when defining schedules on the TSM server, you need to use the OBJECTS parameter to specify the file specs, and the OPTIONS parameter to sp

Archive schedule error: No file specification entered

2003-08-15 Thread Ken Sedlacek
In poking around some more, I found that the TSM Backup-Archive Clients Install/Users Guide has the "include.archive " statement in the normal include/exclude file. I will try this and see if it works. I can do manual client archives via the GUI so I know archives work. Thanks for yo

Archive schedule error: No file specification entered

2003-08-15 Thread Ken Sedlacek
Enviro: W2K TSM W2K client Client has been backing up normally with schedmode=polling. I have never used archives before, so I need some help here. I setup the archive copygroup to keep archives for 2555 days (7 years). I created an archive schedule and thought that would be i

Re: [tsm] Re: 3590 Upgrades help required .

2003-08-15 Thread Lloyd Dieter
Yes, but from experience, it will work at 4.2.X...although it is officially unsupported. -Lloyd On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 22:46:03 +0300 Zlatko Krastev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote thusly: > --> We're running TSM ... > > To get 3590H supported you must reach at least v5.1.6 !!! > When you reac

Re: Multiple paths to library changer on 3584 LTO

2003-08-15 Thread Anderson F. Nobre
Hi, This is a good question. If you look at the IBM Ultrium Users Guide, on the page 23, it tells that once you enable the control paths by two drive units, and you see in the AIX /dev/smc0 and /dev/smc1. You can enable through the Atape device driver, the alternate pathing feature by doing thi

Re: Multiple paths to library changer on 3584 LTO

2003-08-15 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GL-CSC
Miles, ok with you. Sure we will once install new LTO-2 tape libraries, they allow definition of multiple paths ... Have a nice week-end, René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence Central Support Center

Re: Multiple paths to library changer on 3584 LTO

2003-08-15 Thread Miles Purdy
As you have seen you can have two controls paths. Unfortunately only one may be active at a time. Also there is no automatic failover for the 3584. However, you have done a good thing. It is good to have two controls paths. Then if there is a failure you can manually update the control path to t

Oracle 7.3.3 EBU and ADSM error

2003-08-15 Thread David Longo
O.K. folks, this is an old one! TSM server is on AIX (that part is not old!). Client is an old system, Oracle 7.3.3 on AIX 4.3.3 with Oracle EBU ADSM baclient and API is and ADSM Connect Agent for Oracle is (fileset ADSM Connect agent for AIX is This

TSM Licensing question & Veritas Volume Manager Question

2003-08-15 Thread Lawrence Clark
Licensing question: We are considering implementing a SAN. Lan free backups are enabled on a SAN using the storage agent, which could be any of several vendors SANs. What then is the purpose of these licenses?: Number of TDP for ESS in use: 0 Number of TDP for E

Re: How many drives are you using when you are running TDP for R/ 3 and backing up SAP Database? Urgent!

2003-08-15 Thread Richard Sims
>The performance of LTO-drives differs a lot in my LTO-environment. Goes from >8MB/s upto 30MB/s, but I think that's the result of a poorly setup of the >SAN and the fact that I have windows-clients. ... As posted in the past, see "IBM LTO Ultrium Performance Considerations" ftp://ftp.

Migration Question

2003-08-15 Thread Krishnan, Vyju
Hello folks, Any one here who had done migration to TSM from other backup software products like StorageTek REEL Librarian, Legato NetWorker, CA BrightStor, etc. I am currently using STK REEL Products and looking for a best compatible replacement for this. Any help in this regard would be highly

Re: How many drives are you using when you are running TDP for R/ 3 and backing up SAP Database? Urgent!

2003-08-15 Thread Hooft, Jeroen
Hola That should do the trick, I think. If the line to the drives is not the bottleneck anymore, the system and/or drives will become. The performance of LTO-drives differs a lot in my LTO-environment. Goes from 8MB/s upto 30MB/s, but I think that's the result of a poorly setup of the SAN and the

Updrading from TSM 4.2 to 5.1

2003-08-15 Thread Farren Minns
Hi All Ok, I'm sure this has been covered many times, but it looks like in order to make use of IBM 3590H drives, I'm going to need to upgrade my TSM Solaris server to 5.1. So, does anyone have a pointer to a good break down of the steps required to do this on a Solaris system (has anyon

Re: slow restores on AIX machines with recent OS upgrade

2003-08-15 Thread Michael Lambert
>Being aware of this, I should think that your AIX admins would respond >by >performing network throughput tests to see if their AIX upgrade needs >network parameter adjustments, as in Receive Buffers, if not Routing. >I would suggest running some benchmark tests in the AIX host where the >TSM serv

Re: Question with DB2

2003-08-15 Thread Richard Sims
>Thanks for the information. This API manual could you elaborate more(DB2, >TSM). I looked in redbooks TSM manual and searched on ggogle but did not >ever find anything on Reason code 13. In our ADSM-L postings, all of our references are relative to the TSM subject area unless otherwise qualified

Really strange message.......

2003-08-15 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Just got this from my TSM z/OS server - Version 5, Release 1, Level 6.4 8/15/2003 7:50:47 AM ANRD DSRTRV(1004): ThreadId Missing overflow range row. Any clues ?

Re: Question with DB2

2003-08-15 Thread Mike Cantrell
Hello Thanks for the information. This API manual could you elaborate more(DB2, TSM). I looked in redbooks TSM manual and searched on ggogle but did not ever find anything on Reason code 13. Mike -Original Message- From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, August 14, 200

Re: How many drives are you using when you are running TDP for R/ 3 and backing up SAP Database? Urgent!

2003-08-15 Thread Juan Jose Reale
Hello! Yes, I am using LAN-Free backups via SAN, but I have one HBA (Fiber Channel Adapter - 100 MB/sec) for accessing drives and other 4 FCAs for accessing disks (SHARK). We have two switches (directors) ED-500 and 2 switches MC-Data ES-1000. I think we have

Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: Resolved: URGENT!! TSM client schedules notrunning (Guillaume Gilbert)

2003-08-15 Thread Guillaume Gilbert
The AIX sysadmin did it though SMIT. He had to disable the network card to do it. I think its in SMITT TCPIP. Guillaume Jacques Butcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 2003-08-15 02:01:45 Veuillez répondre à "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Envoyé par : "ADSM: Dist S

RE: Réf. : Re: Resolved: URGENT!! TSM client schedules notrunning (Guillaume Gilbert)

2003-08-15 Thread Coyle, Jack
Jacques, The AIX command to change the Receive Pool Buffer size is: chdev -l ent"x" -a rxbuf_pool_size=2048 where "x" is replace by the appropriate adapter number. However, it is not as easy as just issuing this command. The adapter must be "offline" in order for the change to take effect. This

Re: Réf. : Re: Resolved: URGENT!! TSM client schedules notrunning (Guillaume Gilbert)

2003-08-15 Thread Jacques Butcher
Hi Guillaume, What command did you use to change the size of the "Receive Pool Buffer Size"? On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 12:44:09 -0400 David E Ehresman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > If other people who are experiencing the problem also > have receive pool > buffer errors and increasing the size of the b

Re: slow restores on recently on AIX machines with recent OS upgrade

2003-08-15 Thread Richard Sims
>We run a TSM server v 5.1 level 5.4 on an AIX 4.3 machine. The AIX >admins here have been upgrading their other servers to AIX v 5.1 with >the 32 bit kerenl. We've found that on the AIX upgraded machines that >TSM restores and HSM recalls from tape are performing horribly, with a >transfer rate of

Antwort: BSOD: STOP: 0x000000B8

2003-08-15 Thread Markus Veit
Hi, we had that problem too, an analasys of the memory dump showed that the ibmtape.sys driver was responsible, but only after a certain drive was was used, we disabled that drive and await replacing, since than the server hasn't bluescreened. The PMR we opened is in a pending state till we replace

Restoring a backup from SQL Server A to SQL Server B

2003-08-15 Thread Chris Leonard
Hello all, I have two SQL Servers both running Windows 2000, and using TDP for SQL (version 5.1.5). Let's call the servers Server A and Server B. I have backed up the Northwind database (just using Northwind as an example) on Server A and need to restore it on Server B. I have copied the dsm.o

[Fwd: Re: Solution update sql query]

2003-08-15 Thread Otto Schakenbos
I was at session number 65532 when it started. so that is over the 64000 limit. (i guess the limit is 65536) But after that it doesn't store anything at all (i did a select * from summary) but i believe that you are right, that this is the bug/limit that hit me thnx Teja, Balbir wrote: Sorry, m

Multiple paths to library changer on 3584 LTO

2003-08-15 Thread Anthonijsz, Marcel M SITI-ITDGE13
Hi, When I issue a "show libr" I can see an autochanger list. Does that mean I can configure multiple paths to my library? How do I do that? I have enabled an additional control path on my library so under AIX I have /dev/smc0 and /dev/smc1. I can access both of them, but how do I tell TSM to us

Re: slow restores on recently on AIX machines with recent OS upgrade

2003-08-15 Thread Steve Harris
There's an IP bug in AIX 5.1 which has this symptom. Latest RML should have the fix. Search the archives, as it has been discussed before. I'd do it myself, but I our http proxy is down again. Steve Steve Harris AIX and TSM Admin Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 15/

Re: Question with DB2

2003-08-15 Thread Richard Sims
>I am recieving this error when the DBA tries to backup. I can do dsmc from >the commnad line and connect to the TSM server. Any ideas? > >db2pet1 @ fr5n09: /home/db2pet1 > > db2 "backup database DVATDMRT use adsm" >SQL2062N An error occurred while accessing media >"/home/db2pet1/sqllib/adsm/libad