O.K. folks, this is an old one!  TSM server is on AIX (that part
is not old!).  Client is an old system, Oracle 7.3.3 on AIX 4.3.3
with Oracle EBU  ADSM baclient and API is and
ADSM Connect Agent for Oracle is  (fileset ADSM Connect agent
for AIX is  This whole system is slated for replacement
with an Oracle 9 system in a few months, so don't laugh.

DBA informed me about an error backing up lately, essentially she is
getting this error in the Oracle EBU script logs:

 Starting BFS "434221060838943" on 14-AUG-03 03:24 (1500.008 MB)
"/data4/KRONOS/tkcs1d.dbf" for 1500.008 MB
Finished BFS "434221060838943" (417 secs, 3.597 MB/s) on 14-AUG-03 03:31

     Issuing Statement: ALTER TABLESPACE "TKCS1" END BACKUP;
      Statement processed.
      Statement processed.

      Starting BFS "434231060838943" on 14-AUG-03 03:31 (1200.008 MB)
        "/data5/KRONOS/tkcs2.dbf" for 1200.008 MB
      Issuing Statement: ALTER TABLESPACE "TKCS2" END BACKUP;
      Statement processed.
      BFS in progress "434231060838943" cancelled on 14-AUG-03 03:38

Notice the last line "cancelled".  There are aboput a dozen DB's backed up
successfully  before this one and a few more in list after this aren't processed.

I see no errors on TSM server actlog (looked closely - only shows a session ended
at the time this happened). Client logs for ADSM give no indication of why backup
was cancelled at this point.  EBU script contines with other backups from another
"build list" after this with no problem.

This client was backing up to an ADSM server till 4 months ago.
Don't know if problem was happening then or not, had to move to new
TSM server on short notice one day because the old ADSM server had to be
restored back several days for a totally separate special restore of another

Anyone out there can dust off the cobwebs of their memory?

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH      321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230
Fax:    321.434.5509

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