Not always messages to TEC

2002-07-25 Thread brian welsh
Hello, TSM servers 4.1.1.x (soon 4.2.x) and using TEC for automatic event registration. Unfortunately not always every message is send to TEC, the way it should be. We enabled the messages like 'schedule missed', 'schedule failed', and so on, and one day message anr2579 is send to TEC the way it

RE: Réf. : LTO Tape OR 9840

2002-07-25 Thread Don France
Well put, Wanda; in a nutshell, I would add... - consider LTO, in lieu of DLT (ie, NO COLLOCATION) -- okay for diskpool migration and non-collocated copypool data; - use 3590/9840/9940 for the heavy duty cycle workloads... onsite copies, collocated data, any workload generating lots of start/stop

RE: Réf. : LTO Tape OR 9840

2002-07-25 Thread Don France
The Gresham EDT software is needed for LAN-free and/or a SHARED library, and then it's only needed on the LAN-free clients and TSM server --- not all clients. Also, I believe this middleware is not needed for IBM library; only STK w/ACSLS. Don France Technical Architect -- Tivoli Certified Cons

TSM & Microsoft .NET

2002-07-25 Thread Boireau, Eric (MED)
Hi all, We are joinning the JDP on .net and I want to know if I will be able to backup my .net servers with TSM (Currently TSM on Win2K ADV). Does TSM (Client) support MS .NET ? Does someone tried ? When it will be ? Salutations / Best Regards g GE Medical Systems _

ANS1304W Active object not found & USEUNICODEFILENAMES YES

2002-07-25 Thread chris rees
Hi all, Setup is TSM Server 4.1.5 running on AIX 4.3.3 TSM client is 4.2.1 on win 2000 I have been experiencing an old problem on one of our Win 2000 servers. Basically I'm getting problems with international characters , i.e. ANS1228E Sending of object failed ANS1304W Active object not found

ADSM 3.1 to TSM 5.1 upgrade

2002-07-25 Thread Walker, Mike
Anyone have the joy and experience of migrating a ADSM 3.1 server to TSM 5.1 yet ? and if so - are there any issues ? ( or is it even possible - the docs seem to say it will work - I don't have a test system and this will have to be performed in place ). Thanks Mike Walker St. Joseph. Celebra

Re: Offsite Archives & DRM

2002-07-25 Thread Seay, Paul
This is certainly an alternative solution that should be consider if not the first choice at least the second. I had closed my mind that he only wanted to send primary tapes offsite. Paul D. Seay, Jr. Technical Specialist Naptheon Inc. 757-688-8180 -Original Message- From: Jolliff, Dal

RE: Réf. : LTO Tape OR 9840

2002-07-25 Thread Prather, Wanda
I think you also need to consider duty cycles - how much data does TSM push per day, how hard will you be pushing the tape drives. In my discussions with IBM & STK, they BOTH say that the LTO drives are not designed to replace "enterprise class" drives, meaning the 3590's or 9840's. The construct

Re: Redirect Output in Windows dsmadmc

2002-07-25 Thread Frost, Dave
How about putting the output file as part of the dsmadmc command: dsmadmc -id=admin -pa= -outfile=myoutput -tab select * from processes regards, -=Dave=- -- +44 (0)20 7608 7140 Any time things appear to be going better, you have overlooked something. -Original Message- From:

Re: Offsite Archives & DRM

2002-07-25 Thread Jolliff, Dale
Why not just assign an overflow location then do a move media? You have to keep track of the tape movement manually, but at least the checkout part is simplified. -Original Message- From: Seay, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 12:30 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] S

Re: Redirect Output in Windows dsmadmc

2002-07-25 Thread Richard Cowen
When will we be able to do this with a select statement and use a "greater than" symbol under windows? -Original Message- From: Andy Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:16 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Redirect Output in Windows dsmadmc Consider i

Onbar utility and TSM backups

2002-07-25 Thread Ramnarayan, Sean A [EDS]
Hi We are currently using the onbar utility to backup the Informix database to TSM. I need to create a management class to run a Level 0 backup once a week and another management class to run a Level 0 backup once a month. The once a week backups need to be kept for a month. The monthly Level

Re: Réf. : LTO Tape OR 9840

2002-07-25 Thread Joni Moyer
Our problem is that with our 9310 silo, if we go the IBM way we will have to purchase a third party software, Gresham, that will manage the library. >From what I understand this is not a cheap solution because we have to pay for each license we have out there which is approximately 250. What is y

Re: diskpool performance

2002-07-25 Thread Remco Post
Hi, I have noticed that it is very bad for performance to have 10+ diskpools (we had close to 50 volumes) on one raid5 volume, and have multimpe volumes being accessed at the same time. We greatly increased throughput by breaking our raid5 down into jbod, having just a few diskpool volumes on a d