The Gresham EDT software is needed for LAN-free and/or a SHARED library, and
then it's only needed on the LAN-free clients and TSM server --- not all

Also, I believe this middleware is not needed for IBM library;  only STK

Don France
Technical Architect -- Tivoli Certified Consultant
Tivoli Storage Manager, WinNT/2K, AIX/Unix, OS/390
San Jose, Ca
(408) 257-3037

Professional Association of Contract Employees
(P.A.C.E. --

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Joni Moyer
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 4:22 AM
Subject: Re: Rif. : LTO Tape OR 9840

Our problem is that with our 9310 silo, if we go the IBM way we will have
to purchase a third party software, Gresham, that will manage the library.
>From what I understand this is not a cheap solution because we have to pay
for each license we have out there which is approximately 250.  What is
your environment?  Do you have any problems/concerns with either one?

Joni Moyer
Associate Systems Programmer

                    Guillaume Gilbert
                    <guillaume.gilbert@DESJA       To:
                    RDINS.COM>                     cc:
                    Sent by: "ADSM: Dist           Subject:     Rif. : LTO
Tape OR 9840
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                    07/24/2002 04:38 PM
                    Please respond to "ADSM:
                    Dist Stor Manager"

Hi Joni

I personnaly prefer 9840's but the bean counters love the LTO because the
drives are very much lower cost and the cost per GB is lower. The 9840 is
probably the best
drive/tape on the market today. The native thruput of 9840b's is 20 mb/sec
while the LTO is 16 mb/sec. The start/stop on the 9840 is considerably
faster than the LTO.
Reclaiming a 40 - 50 % full LTO took me 4 to 5 hours (client compressed
data) and I can move data a full 9840 (client compressed data) in less than
30 minutes. I reclaim
my 9840 at 40% and do about 20 to 30 tapes a day easy. Is your STK silo a
9310 or a 5500? Or is it one of the smaller ones like a L180 or L700? With
the big silos the
mount time is not much of an issue. The seek time will be faster with the

As for tape life, I've been working with 9840s for a little over a year
without any tape failure.

I look at it this way : if I lose a 9840, I loose a max of 20 GB of data.
With an LTO, I loose 5 times that.

Guillaume Gilbert
CGI Canada

Joni Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 2002-07-24 15:17:32

Veuillez ripondre ` "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Envoyi par :   "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc :
Objet :   LTO Tape OR 9840

Hello everyone!

The environment here is going to be changing soon... We will be moving off
of the mainframe and onto an AIX server that will be on our SAN.  We will
have 1 STK silo for the tapes for 2 TSM servers.  Right now we are
considering IBM's LTO or STK's 9840.  I was just wondering if anyone out
there has had experience with either one and if so,  what are the pro's and
con's of them?  Has anyone that has worked with LTO know how long it takes
to recover a bad tape?  Considering that they are 100GB tapes, it was
assumed that it would take 5 times as long as it does to recover a Magstar
3590(20 GB).  And also, do the tapes get damaged easily or is that all a
matter of handling them to take them offsite to vaults?  Thank you!!!!

Joni Moyer
Associate Systems Programmer

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