Re: Swappin Silos

2002-07-24 Thread Don France
Forgot to mention, in a true tape technology migration, use "nextstg" to migrate a stgpool of data from one to another technology -- plus approp. controls on the "old" library so no new data gets created there... all is okay, data xfer done during off-peak usage times, start/stop migration as desi

Re: Swappin Silos

2002-07-24 Thread Don France
Why not just update the library definition? Remove all the tapes from Lib-1, insert them in Lib-2; audit lib on Lib-1 after removing all tapes, change the Lib def to Lib-2, make the physical connections, dev-class uses same lib, all is copasetic (zero data movement, since drive type/format is th

Re: LTO Tape OR 9840

2002-07-24 Thread Don France
I will share what I know from users across about a dozen customer accounts: - 3590 Magstar drives are the Cadillac/Mercedes of the tape subsystems; though you did not ask about this, I felt compelled to include it! - LTO technology is based on IBM's Magstar, but shared in collaboration with HP &

Re: Gigabit Ethernet Performance

2002-07-24 Thread asr
=> On Tue, 23 Jul 2002 14:33:06 -0400, Tom Melton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > Thomas, > I tried two FTPs, one to the machine itself, then to another machine, > using 100MB cards... > Here is my output.. [..] Don't trust this if you're staying on the same machine. On AIX, at least, you're go

Re: polling for drives

2002-07-24 Thread Michael Benjamin
"update drive libraryname drivename online=no" Before doing your AS/400 backup which I assume is going direct to a /dev/rmtX device and not via TSM in any way. "update drive libraryname drivename online=yes" When done. This will tell TSM not to attempt to use the device while you're doing your

Re: Redirect Output in Windows dsmadmc

2002-07-24 Thread Levinson, Donald A.
Use 'DIR /X' to get the 8.3 mangled name of the directory with the space in it. Then address it that way in the redirected pathname. i.e. C:\Program Files is also C:\PROGRA~1 -Original Message- From: Seay, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:01 PM To: [EMAIL P

Re: TSM Client Licensing

2002-07-24 Thread Seay, Paul
You should be able to register more nodes than you have licenses. The reason is a node does not equal a system nor a license. You can define 10 nodes in your dsm.sys stanzas on one system and that is only one license. To most the license thing is a pain; however, it does help you as a customer s

Re: Redirect Output in Windows dsmadmc

2002-07-24 Thread Seay, Paul
I would open a problem record on this. Paul D. Seay, Jr. Technical Specialist Naptheon Inc. 757-688-8180 -Original Message- From: Gerhard Rentschler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 11:00 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Redirect Output in Windows dsmadmc Hi,


2002-07-24 Thread Seay, Paul
Look on page 39 and 40 of the TDP for Oracle for UNIX (Second Edition April 2001). It says that the TDPO_OPTFILE must be specified in the allocate channel. Take a look at what has to be done to the script. Paul D. Seay, Jr. Technical Specialist Naptheon Inc. 757-688-8180 -Original Message

Re: Redirect Output in Windows dsmadmc

2002-07-24 Thread Andy Raibeck
Consider it noted. Don't know if this will help, but if the Admin client is done in batch mode, then the redirection will work: dsmadmc -id=adminid -pa=x q se > "c:\test dir\qse.txt" Regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes

Dirk Billerbeck ist nicht anwesend

2002-07-24 Thread Dirk Billerbeck
I will be out of the office from 21.07.2002 until 12.08.2002. Ich werde Ihre Nachricht beantworten, sobald ich wieder aus meinem Urlaub zurückgekehrt bin. In dringenden Fällen wenden Sie sich bitte an Herrn Thomas Stüber (Tel. 040/300 53 - 309) oder Herrn Ulrich May (Tel. 040 / 300 53 - 0) Vie

Swappin Silos

2002-07-24 Thread william derksen
We are running a TSM server attached to an iceberg using Gresham's EDT. I would like to know the best way to move operations to a newer silo on the same TSM server. The tape media for the current silo and the replacement silo is to be the same format. It would be nice if clients could be mov


2002-07-24 Thread Argeropoulos, Bonnie
Hello, Running AIX 4.1.1 Server 4.1.1 Oracle8.1.7 I'm trying to allocate a channel in rman and getting the following errorhas anyone seen this before? Thanks for your help Bonnie Argeropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recovery Manager: Release - Production RMAN-06005: connecte

Re: question on dsmsched.log for system object backup w/active di rectory

2002-07-24 Thread Rushforth, Tim
I checked my 5.11 client and noticed the same thing. I have been doing a lot of bare metal restores and the AD database is definitely being backed up and restored. I would expect the ntds.dit to show up in the log also. If I use the GUI to backup the AD database, I do see NTDS.DIT being process

TSM Client Licensing

2002-07-24 Thread Jon Adams
Hello everyone, Can anyone confirm that if your TSM server is not quite current on client licensing (the request just went up to Purchasing), nodes can still be created, associated and backed up or restored, though the server license compliance status states "failed"? Are there ANY issues other

Re: LTO Tape OR 9840

2002-07-24 Thread Rick W
We are moving off of the magstar tapes to LTO .. I really despise them .. basically due to the fact that we have 40,000 of them sitting all over the place. I think it depends on what kind of backups you are planning on doing .. ie .. do you have a lot of information to backup or not .. while the

New Policy Domain

2002-07-24 Thread Argeropoulos, Bonnie
Hello, Running aix 4.1.1 and 4.1.1 on the NT clients I recently created a new domain with separate disk storage space from the existing domain and moved 4 nodes to this domain. Backups seem to be running okay...but there is still occupancy for these nodes in the old domains disk

LTO Tape OR 9840

2002-07-24 Thread Joni Moyer
Hello everyone! The environment here is going to be changing soon... We will be moving off of the mainframe and onto an AIX server that will be on our SAN. We will have 1 STK silo for the tapes for 2 TSM servers. Right now we are considering IBM's LTO or STK's 9840. I was just wondering if any

Adding new file system under a existing hsm client

2002-07-24 Thread jamshid_akhter
Can any body help me to find the way/procedure to add a new file system in a existing hasm client. We have already one file system managed by hsm and it working fine. Now there is request to add another file system as a space manage file system. TSM 4.1 on a AIX box , it is a jfs file system. M

Re: Gigabit Ethernet Performance

2002-07-24 Thread bbullock
Just to throw in another data point. Here is that FTP done between an IBM S80 and an M80, both with GB interfaces: ftp> put "|dd if=/dev/zero bs=32k count=1" /dev/null 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for /dev/null. 1+0 records in. 1+0 records

DB2 backups and B/A Client on NT

2002-07-24 Thread Bill Boyer
I have an NT box running DB2 V6. We want to starting using the DB2 BAKCUP DB commands, and we've been reading the redbook "Backing up DB2 using TSM". It's all working, including the DB2ADUTL DELETE following the successfull backups. What we're trying to figure out is the include/exclude statements


2002-07-24 Thread Joseph Dawes
Does anyone know if there is an option called tapeiobufs?? This is pertaining to a tsm server at and higher?? Joe

Re: diskpool performance

2002-07-24 Thread Tab Trepagnier
Steve, Ultimately, you're limited to media write speeds. For example, my LTO drives write at 12 MB/s sustained; my 18 GB SCSI drives write at 16 MB/s sustained. Nothing I do to TSM will increase those numbers. They are the media's limits. If I was doing a comparison, I would therefore see on


2002-07-24 Thread Shannon Bach
I do know it is an option for us. We have a TSM 4.2.2 on an Server MVS/OS390. We have our set at TAPEiobufs 9. This was recommended to us by an Amdahl consultant we had in to look at our CPU usage. Shannon Bach Madison Gas & Electric Co. Operations Analyst - Data Center Services Office 608-2

polling for drives

2002-07-24 Thread Rob Schroeder
We currently share our tape library with an AS/400. If the AS/400 is using a tape drive and TSM needs it, it goes to an unavailable state and the TSM server then continues to poll the device to check its availability. However, the TSM server only polls for a certain amount of time and then gives

Re: diskpool performance

2002-07-24 Thread Orville Lantto
What are your throughput values? Tape is not necessarily slower than disk, especially when the data is compressed on the tape drive. Orville L. Lantto Datatrend Technologies, Inc. ( IBM Premier Business Partner 121 Cheshire Lane, Suite 700 Minnetonka, MN 55305 Email: [E

Re: 2 servers one machine

2002-07-24 Thread Joshua S. Bassi
No, there can be as many TSM server on one machine as you would like to have without requiring a license. -- Joshua S. Bassi IBM Certified - AIX 4/5L, SAN, Shark eServer Systems Expert -pSeries HACMP Tivoli Certified Consultant - ADSM/TSM Sr. Solutions Architect @ An IBM Premier Bus

Re: expire inventory question

2002-07-24 Thread Rob Schroeder
Expiration is finishing successfully. I takes about an hour to run, the DB is 20 Gig at 50% util. The reclamation threshold is 50% already. What should be noted is that the files are not expiring. The volumes say full and the used percentage is 100%. Rob Schroeder Rog

diskpool performance

2002-07-24 Thread Steve Freeman
Please could someone advise me on the following issue we have with tsm. I am a TSM novice and would appreciate some pointers etc. Environment : TSM 4.2.0 AIX4.3.3 ML09 Server and Client on same Server using Sharedmem 2 Stgpools defined diskpool and tapepool we have created a diskp

Re: Question about using global characters in a select statement

2002-07-24 Thread Bratlie, Allen
I ran into this same problem a while back. If you are using the command with a script, you need to use '%%string%%'. If you type them into the admin interface you should be able to use '%string%'. I run several scripts from a W2K batch file similar to this: DSMADMC.exe -tcpserveraddress=tsmserve

Re: Question about using global characters in a select statement

2002-07-24 Thread Ford, Phillip
Try "like" instead of "=". select node_name, filespace_name from filespaces where node_name like 'AD1%' -- Phillip Ford Senior Software Specialist Corporate Computer Center Schering-Plough Corp. (901) 320-4462 (901) 320-4856 FAX [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Neil Rosenbe

Redirect Output in Windows dsmadmc

2002-07-24 Thread Gerhard Rentschler
Hi, how can I direct output of a command in dsmadmc (windows platform) to a file with a blank in its name. Example: q se > "E:\users\gerhard\Eigene Dateien\test.txt" This gives message ANS8038E Unable to open file '"E:\users\gerhard\Eigene Dateien\test.txt"' for redirection. Client is level 4.2.2

Re: Volume deleted from OFFSITETAPES pool

2002-07-24 Thread Prather, Wanda
Hey, you NEVER have to worry about TSM losing data! (One of the reasons I think it is the best product on the market...) Here's what probably happened: Either the data on this tape had already expired, or was relocated during a reclaim. So the tape was EMPTY (no valid data left), but still marke

Re: Question on Backups

2002-07-24 Thread Prather, Wanda
-- Environment: SP Model 9076 (1 Frame w/ 7 nodes) AIX 4.3.3 ML8 P.S.S.P 3.2 ptfset 8 TSM 4.1.5 3) I have a couple of backups that appear to complete just fine (no failed files), however when I do a 'q event' it shows the schedule as "FAILED" - I can't figure out if I have a good backup or not?

Re: rollforward vs. normal mode

2002-07-24 Thread William Rosette
Hi Roger, I recently sent this memo to a TSM consultant to get some ammo to acquire disk space for a project, any additional ammo such as below and then some would be greatly appreciated including your title and experience with TSM (need credentials for directors) "Judy,   I need your recommen

ANR2174E - admin command schedule failed with admin id not registered

2002-07-24 Thread Michelle DeVault
One of my admin command schedules failed last night with an ANR2174E - Administrator ID is not registered. I looked at the ID, and it does exist. It is not locked, has system privs, password works. In all, looks ok to me. What is weird is that there are other command schedules that ran after t

Question about using global characters in a select statement

2002-07-24 Thread Neil Rosenberg
I would like to use a global character in select statements on tsm servers to get information about groups of nodes For example if I use something like: select node_name, filespace_name from filespaces where node_name='AD1%' to get information about all nodes whose node_names begin with 'AD1'

Re: Send Me Latest Favorite SQL Statement for the TSM SQL Session at Share in SF

2002-07-24 Thread William F. Colwell
Paul, here is SQL I run frequently as a macro from the command line. It makes a reasonable size list of some or all the backups for a node that can be viewed with notepad . The parameters are - %1 - the nodename quoted in caps. %2 - either = or like, unquoted not caps %3 - if %2 is =, then one fi

Re: Archive or monthly capability for TDP MS-SQL and MS-Exchange

2002-07-24 Thread Del Hoobler
Levinson, Donald A. wrote: >> Instead of using two nodes could I just specify a different management class >> with a backup copy group that has NOLIMIT on the expired versions retained, >> and use that management class for only my monthly backups? Don, what you proposed will not work. Keep in mi

Re: TDP for Domino backup issues.....

2002-07-24 Thread Del Hoobler
> Yes, they are going straight to tape, currently in a 3590 autoloader which > will become a 3494 as soon as IBM fixes the hardware issues. > > Yes, MOUNTWAIT was NO. Have changed it and it seems to have worked. > > Someone needs to address the error message. It doesn't make any > sense...

Re: Select Command problems with TSM 5.1.1

2002-07-24 Thread Linda Seeba
Thanks for your help. We have an open ticket with TSM support since last week and they still haven't given us this information. I would be curious if anyone else is having problems with TSM support Level 1 help. I have had a couple tickets lately that level one has given me the wrong information a

Re: Del, Please Answer: Archive or monthly capability for TDP MS-SQL and MS-Exchange

2002-07-24 Thread Del Hoobler
Levinson, Donald A. wrote: >> Instead of using two nodes could I just specify a different management class >> with a backup copy group that has NOLIMIT on the expired versions retained, >> and use that management class for only my monthly backups? "Seay, Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I belie

AW: Gigabit Ethernet Performance

2002-07-24 Thread Christoph Pilgram
Hi Thomas, I tried it on my machines (AIX 4.3.3 H80) this is what I got : ftp> put "|dd if=/dev/zero bs=32k count=1" /dev/null 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for /dev/null. 1+0 records in. 1+0 records out. 226 Transfer complete. 32768 bytes sent in 16,33

Volume deleted from OFFSITETAPES pool

2002-07-24 Thread Bill Dourado
Hi, I was updating a few "unavailable" tape volumes to access=reado, and in error typed :- UPDATE VOLUME AD0289 ACCESS=READO (AD0289 being the error). Should I being concerned by the messages below, have I lost some data?, what can I do to recover the situation ? 07/24/2002 10:36:33 ANR

Re: INCLEXCL not working as expected on Windows XP client

2002-07-24 Thread Ole Holm Nielsen
I asked the list about this problem: > However, with Windows XP clients I have been unable to obtain this > desired restricted backup policy. I did install the TSM client, > following the advice on the ADSM list, so Windows XP support should be OK. > I have done many experiments with the

Re: rollforward vs. normal mode

2002-07-24 Thread Roger Deschner
I've run it both ways. ROLLFORWARD is goodness that lets me sleep better at night, but it's expensive goodness, in terms of management effort and system performance. 1. Define your log to be 12gb, regardless of how big you think it should be. The max in V4+ is 13gb, and you want to leave yourself

Re: Occupancy comparison script

2002-07-24 Thread Ilja G. Coolen
We run this server-script occasionally. Just copy and paste these lines from the mail into the command line admin screen. Hit the enter key after the last line to get it into the script too. You can then run the server-script using "tsm:>run totocd". No parameters required. Perform "audit lic" fi