Off Topic 3494 question.

2001-08-13 Thread Steve Harris
Those of you who are not interested please excuse the off topic post - this forum is the best source of 3494 information around. I have an AS400 connected to two drives in the 3494 which I theoretically control. I use the other two drives for TSM on an RS6000. This AS400 is not configured to

ADSM Monitor ...

2001-08-13 Thread Sean Voyce
Hi, A long time ago, I offered the list my ADSM Monitor. Today I'm offering my new improved deluxe version to anyone who wants a copy. This is an HTML interface to a monitor that checks at regular intervals for outstanding tape mounts. The "Lazy Operator" (that's me) can then mount the tape and

Eric Schaefer/San Jose/IBM is out of the office.

2001-08-13 Thread Firstname Lastname
I will be out of the office starting August 13, 2001 and will not return until August 15, 2001. I will respond to your message when I return. For technical matters, please contact Michael Kutras or Fun Tang.

EMC, Timefinder, Oracle, and TSM

2001-08-13 Thread E. J.
I have an Oracle DB on Sun in an EMC with Timefinder. The plan is to use Timefinder to create BCV's of the DB and then back up the BCV's to TSM. Question: How can I use the BCV's and still provide the ability to restore to the most recent point in time? If the entire database is backed-up by at

Re: Client Backup Issue

2001-08-13 Thread Andrew Raibeck
OK... in your management class's backup copygroup, you can change the FREQUENCY setting as I suggested in my earlier response. In the schedule settings, you should change the OBJECTS from: C:\TSM Backup to C:\TSM Backup\ unless you only want to back up the single file or directory named

Re: AIX 4.3.3 list of excludable files & filesystems

2001-08-13 Thread Ray Schafer
The Bare Metal Restore product from The Kernel Group ( has the ability to use the backup data in TSM to recover your server. The "prepare to restore" operation can be issued with a single command and will create a customized restore procedure that will automati

Re: dsmc: same vs. different node, root vs. non-root user...

2001-08-13 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi, Jack. I believe the client is still using the encrypted cached password even when you specify the -password option. That or maybe it's defaulting to the TSM Authorized User/sticky bit behavior described in the manual. In either case, the truth is that any user that knows the node's password


2001-08-13 Thread Thiha Than
hi, >Our oracle DBA claims that 'hot' incremental backups of Oracle takes as = >long as 'hot' full backups using SQL-BACKTRACK. Instead he does weekly = >full 'hot' backups of the database and backups of the redo logs thru the = >week. >Is that how others using SQL-BACKTRACK and ORACLE do thier

Upgrade Causes 30% more data?

2001-08-13 Thread Mark
Hi all My customer upgraded ADSM 3.1 to TSM 4.1. Since the upgrade he has a number of problems which I believe could all be interelated. The symptoms are as follows: 1. 30% more data. 2. Less expiration going on. 3. Running out of scratch tapes 4. Reclamation used to free up scratch tape but

Verification TDP/R3, Sun, 2+GB files OK...

2001-08-13 Thread Cook, Dwight E
Does anyone currently use Sun Solaris 2.6, TSM 4.1, & TDP/R3 3.2 and process data base files greater than 2 GB ? I have an environment with Sol 2.6, TSM 3.7 & backint (yes, so old it has gray hair) and it doesn't like files over 2GB. I'm seeing that BKI0005I: Start of ba

Re: dsmc: same vs. different node, root vs. non-root user...

2001-08-13 Thread Jack McKinney
Big Brother tells me that Alex Paschal wrote: > When you have access to the node's password, TSM assumes you're the > authorized backup person for the node, which is why you can see everything > when you use the VirtualNodeName option and plug in the password. As root, > obviously you have access


2001-08-13 Thread Martin, Jon R.
We do incremental on weekdays and full on weekends for our Oracle databases. I do find that both types of backup take "about" the same amount of time. As far as I know we never looked into backup of just redo during the week but I think we will now. -Original Message- From: Davidson, Beck


2001-08-13 Thread Davidson, Becky
We used to use SQL Backtrack and we did a hot full backup of a 1 TB database nightly in about 3-4 hours going to a 300GB disk pool with 16 threads. We then backed up the redo logs nightly. -Original Message- From: Lawrence Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 3:

Re: dsmc: same vs. different node, root vs. non-root user...

2001-08-13 Thread Alex Paschal
When you have access to the node's password, TSM assumes you're the authorized backup person for the node, which is why you can see everything when you use the VirtualNodeName option and plug in the password. As root, obviously you have access to all the files, so you can see them then, also. A

Re: Client Backup Issue

2001-08-13 Thread Chan, Kien
The following was the management class and schedule information: Version data exists = 30 Version data deleted = 30 Retain extra versions = 30 Retain only version = 30 Copy mode = Modified Copy serialization = shrstatic Copy frequency = 0 Schedule name = TSMBackup Action = Incremental Options =

dsmc: same vs. different node, root vs. non-root user...

2001-08-13 Thread Jack McKinney
I have a directory ("/foo/bar") on an AIX 4.3.3 box which has files backed up into a TSM server on the same AIX 4.3.3 box. If I login as a regular user and run: dsmc restore /foo/bar/ /tmp/ -inactive -pick -password=baz I get no files. If I su to root and run it again, I see th

Re: new TSM server on Solaris

2001-08-13 Thread Rolf Meyer
Hallo, at the time, we had to make our decision, LTO was quit new and not avail. with fiber channel connection. Today, from the performance/throughput aspect I think, it's equal to 3590. Stability and quality of tape material is an other aspect to look at. We use four drives on one FC adapter and

Oxford symposia

2001-08-13 Thread Kelly J. Lipp
Hello, Long absence, but I'm back now! Three weeks in Idaho on the Salmon River. Oddly not a single TSM question from any of the other passengers or from Laura or from my daughter. Could it be that TSM is not the most important thing in the world? H. I'm sure you all missed me. I have a

Problem with SAN Storage Agent

2001-08-13 Thread Jorge Rodrmguez
Hi I4m implementing a SAN with TSM 4.2 on AIX ver 4.3.3.  I installed the api and the Storage Agent. When I run the command  dsmsta the following errors appears:   ANRE Unable to open language en_US for message formatting. ANRE Unable to open message text file for message formatting

Raymond Chao/CBR/IPAustralia is out of the office.

2001-08-13 Thread Raymond Chao
I will be out of the office starting 13/08/2001 and will not return until 20/08/2001. I will respond to your message when I return.

Re: TDP for SQL Server

2001-08-13 Thread Del Hoobler
> Is there any way to > get the install process to work? Thomas, I am not the installation person and I know we have installed this on Windows NT... So I am not sure what is going on. Please call IBM/Tivoli support. Thanks, Del

Confirming: On AIX, no dsmc scheduler "refresh" or "HUP" support???

2001-08-13 Thread John A. Parker
I believe it to be true that there is no way in an AIX environment to cause a running dsmc scheduler to reload it's dsm.opt file, short of killing and restarting it. Is this in fact true (seems like a pretty Neanderthal'ish process), or is there a way to cause a "refresh" or "HUP" of the schedule

Re: Scheduling a Server Command Script Help

2001-08-13 Thread Richard Sims
>I'm trying to find a way to schedule a Server command script like this: > >generate backupset client1 full31 * devclass=dltclass1 scratch=yes >retention=31 wait=yes >generate backupset client2 full31 * devclass=dltclass1 scratch=yes >retention=31 wait=yes >generate backupset client3 full31 * devc

Scheduling a Server Command Script Help

2001-08-13 Thread Alessio Moretti
Hi All, I'm trying to find a way to schedule a Server command script like this: generate backupset client1 full31 * devclass=dltclass1 scratch=yes retention=31 wait=yes generate backupset client2 full31 * devclass=dltclass1 scratch=yes retention=31 wait=yes generate backupset client3 full31 * dev