The following was the management class and schedule information:

Version data exists = 30
Version data deleted = 30
Retain extra versions = 30
Retain only version = 30
Copy mode = Modified
Copy serialization = shrstatic
Copy frequency = 0

Schedule name = TSMBackup
Action = Incremental
Options = -
Objects = C:\TSM Backup
Priority = 5
Start date = 2001-08-08
Duration = 1 hour
Period = 1
Period units= weeks
Day of week = Saturday
Expiration = -

Regarding question 6:
If I exclude this directory, C:\TSM Backup on the client option file, will
the suggestion on question 6 (WeeklyInc schedule) backs up this directory as
it was scheduled? Another question is by setting high frequency for this
WeeklyInc management class will prevent the daily incremental backup to back
up this directory? Not quick understood, sorry!

Thanks for helping me out here!

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, August 12, 2001 12:33 PM
Subject:        Re: Client Backup Issue

A few things:

1) If your intent is to include files in "C:\TSM Backup" AND its
subdirectories, then the INCLUDE should look like this:

   include "c:\tsm backup\...\*" weeklyinc

2) Note that I used '*' instead of '*.*' . This is important, unless you
explicitly wish to omit files that do not have an extension. For example,
if you have two files in "C:\TSM Backup" named as follows:


The '*.*' specification will ignore the file named "MyFile" because it
does not have a dot in its name. The '*' specification will include both

3) There is no need to append the management class name to an EXCLUDE
statement. Also note that your EXCLUDE statement covers only files in the
root of C:,... is that your intent?

4) Regarding the statement "Include c:\Special_Files":

- If "Special_Files" is a file name (yes, I know the name suggests a
directory, but what's in a name?), then this INCLUDE statement only
captures that individual file. However, because of the EXCLUDE statmenet
coded just below it, this file would not be backed up.

- If "Special_Files" is a directory, then only the directory entry itself
will be captured by this INCLUDE statement. Any files and subdirectories
in "Special_Files" are not captured by this INCLUDE statement.

This might be your intent, but I just figured I'd mention it anyway...

6) You didn't mention your management class or schedule settings, but I'll
toss this out, anyway: I gather the Saturday backup will be selective? In
that case, you can configure the backup copygroup of the WEEKLYINC
management class with a high FREQUENCY setting so that daily incremental
backups will not capture it. For example, set FREQUENCY to 9999 (the
highest possible value).

For the schedule, set the ACTION to SELECTIVE, and the OBJECTS to "C:\TSM
Backups\" (you do not need the '*' in the backup filespec). If you wish to
back up subdirectories of this directory, then add -SUBDIR=YES to the
OPTIONS setting.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Tivoli Systems
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

> Hi all *SM administrators. I need some helps on setting a schedule to do
> special backup. Let's take c:\TSM backup as the folder I need to backup.
> only want to backup this folder on Saturday and not on daily basis. I
> created a different management class and different schedule to backup
> folder. And I modified to client option file as well. It didn't do what
> would like it to perform. The management class I created was called, for
> instance, WeeklyInc and the the schedule was set to run on Saturday at 2
> a.m. This is how it looks like on the client option file.
> Include c:\Special_Files
> Exclude c:* WeeklyInc
> Include "c:\TSM Backup\*.*" WeeklyInc
> Does anyone have an idea what should I do to make it work? Thank you.
> Kien Chan

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