Hi John
Thank you VERY VERY MUCH, your tip was excellent good and after that horrible time of
searching for a solution after I switched from our WinNT system to Linux with this
unsolved problem !
After that there were only the X-libs dependencies there. Further install with "rpm
--nodeps" I co
The 4.1.2 AIX client readme spells it out.
Tivoli Storage Manager AIX 4.3 afs buta Client
BUTA, for AFS Volume Backup with TSM (an TSM version of butc) - README
Version 4 Release 1 Level 2 supports AFS 3.4a and AFS 3.5 .
Note: Since AFS 3.6 butc supports backups to the TSM server, b
One other thing to look for is to see if you have any of the
DSM_ environment variables specified and pointing to a location
that is incorrect.
Look at the output of 'dsmcutil query /name:"name of service" '
Also check in the dsmerror.log and dsmsched.log for errors that
may indicate which direc
Have you tried the 'skipntpermissions yes' option?
Haven't looked at it recently to see if it applies to both
archiving and backups, but that's a start.
James Thompson
>From: Palmadesso Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Are you seeing any BA client sessions going thru? Is expiration
running? It certainly sounds as if you're creating deadlock with the SQL
On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Jennifer I. Moore wrote:
> Gentle Greetings,
> Has anyone noticed any situations where Admin sessions on the server get
I've the same problem here in Germany. You can buy Tivoli products
only from business partners, not directly from IBM. Support then is
provided by IBM by normal support lines.
I've just migrated from ADSM/MVS, where our OS/390 comfort line contract
was the base of the support, to TSM
On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Caffey, Jeff L. wrote:
> REALLY...? Are you using SAN connection agents or is that performance
> increase still going across your network?
Across the network. We were looking at IO stats trying to find the
bottleneck as 20 hours for 40Gb was woefull, even for NT, and we f
Hi Wiz,
What I have observed is :
On issuing an big SQL command( on BACKUPS or CONTENTS table..), first
the command does not finish. Secondly if I stop the session, it goes
into a hung mode. It does not get killed even after issuing a number
of 'cansel sess < sess.