Re: HSM/TSM platforms supported?

2001-01-22 Thread Thierry ITTY
A 12:09 22/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit : >Space Manager apparently is only suported for AIX and Solaris. Tivoli Web site also indicates that OTG's DiskXtender 2000 will make it work on NTFS filesystems. > >Anybody using Space Mgr for NT 4.0 and does anybody know if such a product is availble f

Re: Backupset Restore of TDP Domino Data

2001-01-22 Thread Thierry ITTY
A 20:09 22/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit : >Many thanks to James & Richard for your input. You got me thinking of >the problem from another angle and here's what I came up with ... >To my surprise, the backups straight to DLT were insignificantly >slower than our backups to disk -- even duri

Re: tdp for lotus domino

2001-01-22 Thread Thierry ITTY
>For doing on-line backup and restore of Lotus Domino R5 >servers you MUST have an R5 "compliant" product. That is, >you must have a product that uses the backup/restore >APIs provided by Lotus. TDP for Lotus Domino is R5 compliant. ok, i have the latest release of domino (v5.0.4 or so) and the

Re: Solaris client v4.1.2.0 problem

2001-01-22 Thread Jager Frederic
Hello Richard, I am running in 64 bits mode and installed the appropriate packages ! Frederic. > -Original Message- > From: Richard Sims [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 4:04 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: Solaris client v4.1.2.0 problem > > >

Antwort: tdp for lotus domino

2001-01-22 Thread Robert Fijan
The only things I can tell you are: - every time a Domino Database get's opened, it get's a new date and so the normal TSM Backup Client thinks it got changed and backs it up. We have a problem with this at the moment, because we need nearly 18 hours to backup our Notes-environment. so we are

Backupset disparity

2001-01-22 Thread Jeffery Carroll
I completed a backupset for one of our Novell servers. The "problem" is that there is a large disparity in number of objects that were incorporated into the backupset versus total number of files that reside on the Netware volumes (a lot less). We do not have many exclusions setup on this serv

Re: problem restore

2001-01-22 Thread Kelly J. Lipp
Is it possible to set the restore priority in such a way that it will preempt the other process consuming the tape drives? Kelly J. Lipp Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc. PO Box 51313 Colorado Springs CO 80949-1313 (719) 531-5926 Fax: (240) 539-7175 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Scratch tapes...

2001-01-22 Thread France, Don G (Pace)
If you really have lots of disk to work with, you would configure disk pools to hold one night's worth of backup load (check dsmaccnt.log for actuals, size the disk pool at 125% or more), then trigger migration when backups are finished. Then, only send the big globs straight to tape; send all t

Re: Tivoli 4.1 Best Practises

2001-01-22 Thread France, Don G (Pace)
The "Getting Started" RedBook is the very best starting point; also, SHARE has excellent sessions, usually with usable hand-outs, so there's much info out there, and for a (very modest?) small fee... there are folks who would visit for awhile and make pointed recommendations, some even in writing

Re: problem restore

2001-01-22 Thread Nicholas Cassimatis
Was anything else using the tape drives? If you have 2 drives, and are running space reclaimation, your restore won't start until the reclamiation ends. Same thing with migrations tying up the tape drives. This is why I always recomend an odd number of tape drives, and only allowing one fewer m

Re: Backupset Restore of TDP Domino Data

2001-01-22 Thread Eric Lindbeck
Many thanks to James & Richard for your input. You got me thinking of the problem from another angle and here's what I came up with I created a new policy domain for each Domino server, and defined a new nodename for each as well. These new policy domains are set to write straight to the DL

Permissions on Archived Files

2001-01-22 Thread Gerald Wichmann
I have a customer that mentioned that in older versions of ADSM that the retrieval of archived data did not retain file ownerships or file permissions. He would be curious to know if this has been included in newer versions. Does anyone know how to respond to this one? Offhand or do I need to go

TSM 4.1 & AS/400 Client API

2001-01-22 Thread Peter Kostrobala, Cap Gemini Ernst and Young
Is anyone using the TSM to backup AS/400 nodes? If so, can you give me some direction in obtaining, installing and configuring the TSM AS/400 Client API. Thanks in advance! Peter Kostrobala Manager, ADC Infrastructure Cap Gemini Ersnt & Young - Los Angeles ADC 714/436-4271 - Pager 888/827-4560

ADSM Monitor - Updated ...

2001-01-22 Thread Sean Voyce
Way back here ... I offered an HTML based ADSM Monitor, built using unix scripts and a touch of PERL (CGI). Quite a few people were interested, although I haven't heard how any of them got on. Anyway, for those who are interested, I have fixed a

Re: Backupset Restore of TDP Domino Data

2001-01-22 Thread James Thompson
Eric, It looks like you already now the real problem. Your hardware is not sufficient for your business need. You may be able to kludge something to work, but you really should look into getting additional hardware. You could even setup a dedicated TSM server for just your TDP for Domino infor

Re: HSM/TSM platforms supported?

2001-01-22 Thread Jim Kirkman
I researched this some six months ago and was unable to find any feasible product for Netware. David Longo wrote: > Space Manager apparently is only suported for AIX and Solaris. Tivoli Web site also >indicates that OTG's DiskXtender 2000 will make it work on NTFS filesystems. > > Anybody usi

Scratch tapes...

2001-01-22 Thread Ray
Hello all, I'm relatively new to TSM, and inherited a 3.7 server on AIX with one 3570 library (19 tapes). We do oracle backups and Solaris/Linux/Aix/NT backups to the same storage pool. The problem is we're backing up up a lot of data. Occasionally TSM will use up all the tapes, leaving no scr

Re: problem restore

2001-01-22 Thread Richard Sims
>22-01-2001 14:49:50 ANR0406I Session 267 started for node ClientA (WinNT) >22-01-2001 15:49:55 ANR8337I DLT volume BACKUP01 mounted in drive MT3.0.0.7 > (MT3.0.0.7). > >This is a continuation of the probs I have been having with restores. >If you notice it has taken an h

No Subject

2001-01-22 Thread David Longo
I think I saw that a while back. It maybe that startup can't find some config files. Most likely you are not starting in the "bin" directory of don't have *SM environment vars set correctly and it tries to get input from command line. If you are removing something, maybe somthing got deleted

No Subject

2001-01-22 Thread Arturo Lopez
Hello All Is anybody familiar with this generic message. I have a Solaris Server backing up clients in a DMZ zone. When I try starting the TSM server it stop while tring to build the recover logs. I am in the process of removing a patch from solaris that may have caused this mess. Anyway h

Re: tdp for lotus domino

2001-01-22 Thread Del Hoobler
Thierry, For doing on-line backup and restore of Lotus Domino R5 servers you MUST have an R5 "compliant" product. That is, you must have a product that uses the backup/restore APIs provided by Lotus. TDP for Lotus Domino is R5 compliant. If you take "online" backups without using an R5 complian

TSM help please

2001-01-22 Thread Dean Winger
Help please I just recently upgraded our TSM 4.1 Windows 2000 server to TSM However I encountered a few misfortunes. The file I used to upgrade was IP1 (TSM4120_Server.exe) After running the installer I noticed that the TSM Server had lost it's licenses. I looked in the server dir

Re: Tivoli 4.1 Best Practices

2001-01-22 Thread MORGAN TONY
Many Thanks Ken... I have downloaded it and intend to read it over the next day or so. Best Regards Tony -Original Message- From: Ken Sedlacek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 22 January 2001 17:05 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Tivoli 4.1 Best Practices I have found the redbook

HSM/TSM platforms supported?

2001-01-22 Thread David Longo
Space Manager apparently is only suported for AIX and Solaris. Tivoli Web site also indicates that OTG's DiskXtender 2000 will make it work on NTFS filesystems. Anybody using Space Mgr for NT 4.0 and does anybody know if such a product is availble for a Netware 5.0 Client? David B. Longo Sy

Orphaned Oracle backups

2001-01-22 Thread Thiha Than
hi, So far that's the only way you can delete them. We are working on a tool which will help you delete these orphaned oracle backups. regards, Thiha >How do you recommend cleaning up the problem? >Is using the (unsupported) DELETE OBJECT command the only way?

Re: Tivoli 4.1 Best Practices

2001-01-22 Thread Ken Sedlacek
I have found the redbook entitled: "Getting Started with Tivoli Storage Manager: Implementation Guide", SG24-5416-01) to be good if one. This redbook takes you through an TSM implementation from ground zero. Asking questions in this forum does give you a considerable better "real world" goings-on

Re: adsm server hangs

2001-01-22 Thread Fred Johanson
As long as I was on V3R1, I would see the system hang if anyone did a "q fi or q node" while expiration was running. The only solution was to restart the server. I wouldn't be surprised if something similar is at work in your case. At 04:54 PM 1/22/2001 +0100, you wrote: >I've run into a probl

problem restore

2001-01-22 Thread Toni Banire
22-01-2001 14:49:50 ANR0406I Session 267 started for node ClientA (WinNT) 22-01-2001 15:49:55 ANR8337I DLT volume BACKUP01 mounted in drive MT3.0.0.7 (MT3.0.0.7). This is a continuation of the probs I have been having with restores. If you notice it has taken an hr

Re: adsm server hangs

2001-01-22 Thread Palmadesso Jack
I believe all the problems you are describing can be taken care of by applying the latest service updates. In the past when I would encounter these problems the only solution was to stop and restart the server. If you are nervous about that just make sure you have a good db backup before you exp

tdp for lotus domino

2001-01-22 Thread Thierry ITTY
hello i'm gonna move my adsm 3.1 server to a brand new tivoli 4.1 (on aix) and add tivoli data protection for lotus domino on an nt box i'd appreciate any feedback concerning _actual_ advantages of backing domino with tdp instead of just doing a file-level backup, in terms of speed and volume. w

Re: Which client version is best for a Win2000-server ?

2001-01-22 Thread Wayne T. Smith
Gunnar wrote, in part.. > Which client version is best for a Win2000-server ? I'm optimistic it will be the next one. ;-) (Both the latest 3.7 and 4.1 Win clients have 2k support). cheers, wayne Wayne T. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] ADSM Technical Coordinator - UNET U

adsm server hangs

2001-01-22 Thread Heinrich Hartl
I've run into a problem and I would be very obliged if someone has an idea what I could do about it: ADSM Server for AIX-RS/6000 - Version 3, Release 1, Level 2.20 seems to be in a strange state and nomore doing what its expected to do. dsmadmc shows the following informations: adsm> q log Av

Re: Tivoli 4.1 Best Practises

2001-01-22 Thread Lisa Cabanas
Tony, unfortunately, I have never been able to find one, and when I ask my IBM/Tivoli consultants, they tell me no too. Unfortunately also, when asking for "expert" opinions on how to do things, each IBM/Tivoli "expert" will give you his/her own answer-- there is no IBM way, like there is a "Micr

Re: Solaris client v4.1.2.0 problem

2001-01-22 Thread Richard Sims
>I am running Solaris 8 (October 2000 edition) with the TSM v4.1.2.0 >backup/archive client downloaded from the IBM ftp site. I try to gain >access to our TSM v4.1.2.0 server (RS/6000) via TCP/IP. Unfortunately the GUI >generates a core dump most of the time. Has anyone experienced such a problem

Re: Solaris client v4.1.2.0 problem

2001-01-22 Thread Marco Bartolucci
I have the same setup except the clients are running solaris 7 and I do not have this problem. What I have experienced is the client being unable to restore archived files to their original location. They must be retrieved to a different location. Support has been notified and their

Solaris client v4.1.2.0 problem

2001-01-22 Thread Jager Frederic
Hello, I am running Solaris 8 (October 2000 edition) with the TSM v4.1.2.0 backup/archive client downloaded from the IBM ftp site. I try to gain access to our TSM v4.1.2.0 server (RS/6000) via TCP/IP. Unfortunately the GUI generates a core dump most of the time. Has anyone experienced such a prob

Re: Novell Issues

2001-01-22 Thread Mike Glassman - Admin
Rename the filespacename where ? Mike > -Original Message- > From: Jelle Komrij [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: á éðåàø 22 2001 15:44 > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: Novell Issues > > Marc, > > There seems to be an upgrade problem to long file name space with the > 3.7.x

Tivoli 4.1 Best Practises

2001-01-22 Thread MORGAN TONY
Hello, As a new Tivoli convert (ex-Arcserve), I need to gain TSM 4.1 knowledge rapidly. Does anyone know of a paper, or similar, that describes TSM Best Working Practises that usually come from years of experience, or more often painful mistakes. (Have you written one?) The Technical Guide is

Re: Novell Issues

2001-01-22 Thread Jelle Komrij
Marc, There seems to be an upgrade problem to long file name space with the 3.7.x servers and up. Work around: Rename the old filespacename. Marc David wrote: > Ever since I've upgraded from ADSM 3.1.07 for Novell. I'm now running the > latest client TSM 4.1.2. > > I have volume that were c

UNLOAD/LOAD process bottleneck?

2001-01-22 Thread Scott McCambly
Hello all, I did a timing test of a DSMSERV UNLOADDB/LOADFORMAT/LOADDB with our 50GB database on a separate system. This test system was an older, single CPU, 500MB RS/6000 and the dump was to a file on disk (approx 22GB). What I'm surprised about is that when we ran the process on the real sys

serious restore probs

2001-01-22 Thread Toni Banire
People I am trying to do a restore of a large array with limited success. A. I try to do the restore from another node and type in res -subdir=yes -repl=no -nod={"clientA\d$"}\* client B (specified as drive letter on the local machine). all I get is a msg saying 'waiting for files from server'.

TSM 3.7.0

2001-01-22 Thread Richard Sims
We're continuing to see people write in about various problems, saying that they're on TSM server level 3.7.0. 3.7.0 was the first incarnation of the Tivoli Storage Manager, and as you can expect, had lots of warts. If you are having problems, you should upgrade your maintenance level within the

Long file names

2001-01-22 Thread Jim Kirkman
Greetings, Forgive me if I'm missing the obvious but...this weekend we converted a Novell 5.1 box from the ADSM client to TSM 4.1.1_18. We also set up new disk and tape pools for this guy in order to set up some collocation. Anticipating that virtually every file would be touched anyway b

Which client version is best for a Win2000-server ?

2001-01-22 Thread Gunnar Uhr
Hello ! I have seen some time ago that some of You had opinions about some client-versions on a Win2000-server. I think it had to do with backing up the registry or some other part of the "System Objects" and that it didn't function ok. This far I have only used ADSM 3.1.x on backing up Win2000-

Exabyte 480 problems

2001-01-22 Thread Wojciech Zukowski
Hello, I'm using Exabyte 480 and AIX 4.3.2 with TSM 3.7.0 I have problems with this hardware. Library is starting neverending selftests, like after reset. In activity log there are messages like 'sCSI device failure' or 'drive or media failure'. but all diagnostic tests on aix are ok. in errorlog