[9fans] No signal on some monitors with Raspberry Pi 400

2021-03-10 Thread Kent R. Spillner
Howdy- I recently bought a Raspberry Pi 400 and installed Richard Miller's 9pi img (https://9p.io/sources/contrib/miller/9pi.img.gz) onto a microSD card via Raspberry Pi's Imaging tool. Everything works fine and I'm really enjoying learning Plan 9, however some monitors don't detect any signal.

Re: [9fans] Ultrafiltered Ideal Plan 9

2022-01-25 Thread Kent R. Spillner
> I think the plan is the survival of intelligent life Intelligent life has been discovered, then? ;) -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T72dd761e0f95baf7-M704658a9519625f0e4ab4763 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox

Re: [9fans] building blocks speaking 9p

2022-01-28 Thread Kent R. Spillner
> What does it do that PoE doesn't do infinitely better? For most of its life USB was only 5 V: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB#Power PoE is (mostly) 48 V: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_over_Ethernet#Standard_implementation PoE also requires the use of either special PoE switches or pow

Re: [9fans] licence question

2022-02-04 Thread Kent R. Spillner
> There is no benefit for the students to learn how to realize such a platform In your experience do students appreciate being told what's best for them? ;) -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T3e07bfdf263a83c8-Mc124d3c548