[9fans] plan9port acme can't load dump file with shell output of "9p read plumb/rules"?

2009-06-08 Thread Jason Catena
nually edit the dump file, which only works if I delete the "bad" +Errors window's tag and all windows and tags after it. If this is a known problem, or you would like a bug report, would someone kindly direct me to (its record in) the appropriate bug-tracking system? Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] plan9port acme can't load dump file with shell output of "9p read plumb/rules"?

2009-06-08 Thread Jason Catena
Applied fix locally, works like a champ. Thanks! Now I should probably set up hg to get updates without patching it myself. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] plan9port acme can't load dump file with shell output of "9p read plumb/rules"?

2009-06-08 Thread Jason Catena
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 23:46, Russ Cox wrote: > On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Jason Catena wrote: >> Applied fix locally, works like a champ. Thanks! Now I should >> probably set up hg to get updates without patching it myself. > > If you downloaded the archive and ex

[9fans] plumbing to get files from odd filesystems, and get pages from local manuals

2009-06-17 Thread Jason Catena
cal manual pages. http://www.evernote.com/pub/catena/public#73edd473-f300-4e1f-991c-9876eb29dba0 Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] p9p acme: incredibly slow typing in tag line for file.

2009-06-28 Thread Jason Catena
rrow things down if writes to the tag file showed up faster than input from the display. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Guide to using Acme effectively?

2009-07-01 Thread Jason Catena
switching wholly over to plan9port. Probably its greatest advantage to me now is that it's small and compiles easy to any platform I've tried: Linux, Solaris, even Cygwin. So I tend to load it on machines I will be on only briefly, to avoid having to use vi or emacs. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Guide to using Acme effectively?

2009-07-06 Thread Jason Catena
> How far off topic are we now? Can we get away with carrying on? :) Not unless you're wearing Spock ears.

Re: [9fans] Google finally announces their lightweight OS

2009-07-08 Thread Jason Catena
ot;done" is an elusive illusion, so enlist others throughout the process. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Google finally announces their lightweight OS

2009-07-08 Thread Jason Catena
e every large problem is a small problem struggling to get out. >        - niklaus wirth > When in doubt, use brute force. >        - ken thompson Agree, but these are off the point of when to release code, however well-spoken and perceptive. > - erik Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] data analysis on plan9

2009-07-09 Thread Jason Catena
the data collected earlier, discarding functions which completed in less than 4000 cycles, we just ran: plots/createplot /amd64/9k8pf 4000 ./trace > plotme and fed the input into gnuplot." Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Google finally announces their lightweight OS

2009-07-09 Thread Jason Catena
he Library of Congress, it would make a handsome down payment, useful for testing the value of the answers and for smoking out follow-on questions." Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Google finally announces their lightweight OS

2009-07-09 Thread Jason Catena
plot driver I downloaded from the page of a guy at NASA. (I posted a few recent simple examples, in the tufte-handout style, at http://swtools.wordpress.com/papers/ . I plan to ask for a publishing release for the really interesting ones now behind a corp firewall.) > Thierry Laronde Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Google finally announces their lightweight OS

2009-07-09 Thread Jason Catena
er constructions (on the BWK gibe that I won't be smart enough to debug it later), and to describe how the code segment interacts with others and maps to the problem domain. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] plan 9 interface color ergonomy

2009-07-10 Thread Jason Catena
Rob explains the fonts and colors (inspired by Tufte, no less) a bit in this reposted message, and mentions Renee French. http://www.mail-archive.com/9f...@cse.psu.edu/msg13035.html Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Plan9 as an everyday OS

2009-07-10 Thread Jason Catena
"Much anger there is in him. Too much pride in his powers." Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] nemo's book - where is it currently hosted?

2009-07-12 Thread Jason Catena
> The more hosts, the less chance of it going missing. In this spirit, newly mirrored at https://files.getdropbox.com/u/502901/9.intro.pdf Jason Catena

[9fans] Why does Acme only show text?

2009-07-14 Thread Jason Catena
rated interface? Or is any format other than text considered a red-headed stepchild to be delegated to other programs in the few cases where it must be used? Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Why does Acme only show text?

2009-07-15 Thread Jason Catena
ight not actually code the next line right away, but auto-indent to just the right place for it means I have to go out of my way more often to get the cursor to where I actually want it. > Dave Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Why does Acme only show text?

2009-07-15 Thread Jason Catena
to parentheses. In addition, I rely on design theory (esp. Tufte et al on his web site) that reducing clutter aids comprehension, and delimiters very much seem clutter to me. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Why does Acme only show text?

2009-07-15 Thread Jason Catena
Real World Haskell ch4 pp71-72 >> do x <- foo >> y <- bar >> >> the y <- bar must be directly under the x on the previous line or it's a >> syntax error, and the error you get from GHC is "the last statement of a do >> construct must be an expression" > > Huh, so this Haskell syntax actually preven

Re: [9fans] first timer - editing plan9.ini

2009-07-19 Thread Jason Catena
esn't work well for you. http://codereview.appspot.com/95076/diff/1/2 Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] dcp - a deep copy script, better than dircp

2009-07-20 Thread Jason Catena
would produce a more usable, less frustrating filesystem than the former. Jason Catena

[9fans] Does "as little software as possible" include a modern browser?

2009-07-22 Thread Jason Catena
real browser for the platform, how will Plan 9 participate in the "cloud computing" (r)evolution? I suppose it would be enough to have a Chromium port, if Chrome and the Chrome OS gain traction. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Does "as little software as possible" include a modern browser?

2009-07-22 Thread Jason Catena
e a non-browser API (eg Twitter). Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Does "as little software as possible" include a modern browser?

2009-07-23 Thread Jason Catena
On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 04:48, C H Forsyth wrote: > >I hope the services I want to use (will) have a non-browser API (eg > Twitter). > > in fact, since a browser must ultimately send messages, it's not clear > what a `browser API' would look like. Many AJAX and image-map interfaces wouldn't m

Re: [9fans] iwp9 updates

2009-07-24 Thread Jason Catena
To complicate the answer: there's an effort to make article and book styles along the lines of Tufte's books. Sidenotes, Palatino and Bera Mono fonts (I use Inconsolata for both paper code segments and in Acme), and shallow sectioning without numbers. http://code.google.com/p/tufte-lat

Re: [9fans] iwp9 updates

2009-07-24 Thread Jason Catena
Sorry, didn't mean to imply one should vary from the conference's writ. Jason Catena

[9fans] plan9port behind corporate firewall with no DNS or port access

2009-07-24 Thread Jason Catena
sources from my home computer? 9fs sources srv: dial tcp!sources.cs.bell-labs.com!9fs: unknown host sources.cs.bell-labs.com 9fs: exit 1 Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] plan9port behind corporate firewall with no DNS or port access

2009-07-24 Thread Jason Catena
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 23:35, andrey mirtchovski wrote: > Just checking: have you tried accessing it by IP address > ( rather than hostname? (this, of course, assumes that > you've ruled out a bad ndb configuration as the reason). > traceroute can't get to that IP address, so I'm pr

Re: [9fans] unsuscribe

2009-07-27 Thread Jason Catena
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 14:36, root wrote: > unsuscribe > > I guess Unix isn't interested in Plan 9 anymore. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] unsuscribe

2009-07-27 Thread Jason Catena
And gets all the cleverest guys. Sometimes they're a bit full of themselves, and they don't cruise the highways normally (they'd rather teleport), but they know all the neatest party tricks.

Re: [9fans] contrib dir

2009-08-06 Thread Jason Catena
Hi Geoff, I would also like to request a directory in sources/contrib, to store a stream wrapper around sam (ssam), a script which uses mk to parallelize a command over a set of arguments (apply), a script to port ksh/bash scripts to rc (torc), et cetera.  Many thanks. Jason Catena (jdc)

Re: [9fans] Acme Configuration

2009-08-07 Thread Jason Catena
acme: highlight and execute "Dump /home/me/dump/whatever" in shell: rum "acme -l /home/me/dump/whatever" Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Acme Configuration

2009-08-07 Thread Jason Catena
y own a subsystem; and the master vets all code for architectural coherence. These roles vary by code base: I'm apprentice of Plan 9, master of a 10-year-old build system. I can transfer some knowledge and skills, but still need to learn the conventions and architecture before suggesting a

Re: [9fans] 9base-3

2009-08-07 Thread Jason Catena
disk space free). Maybe I should try hg when I'm not behind the firewall, to download the whole distribution file-by-file. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Using Guide Files

2009-08-10 Thread Jason Catena
some way) the path between the directory where you started acme and the directory where you want the file. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Using Guide Files

2009-08-10 Thread Jason Catena
ume Run works similarly? That is, I can put Run in a directory's tag, highlight a filename in that directory, then highlight a command and apply it to Run with 2-1 to run the command on the file? > Ruda Thanks, I'm a happier acme user now. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Using Guide Files

2009-08-10 Thread Jason Catena
ighlighted, then chord-1-and-release to execute the command. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Using Guide Files

2009-08-11 Thread Jason Catena
it will be clear). >        thanks, >        Peter Canning Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] nice quote

2009-09-03 Thread Jason Catena
gone and the eulogy was delivered by Perl.") Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Compiling plan9port under Mac OS X 10.6

2009-09-03 Thread Jason Catena
e shell interprets "CC9=gcc" as setting a shell variable named CC9 to gcc, and -m32 as the name of an executable file to run. For example: ; CC9='gcc -m32' echo $CC9 gcc -m32 In the shell, you have to use quotes when you have a space in a variable's value. In makefiles you don't. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] nice quote

2009-09-04 Thread Jason Catena
ge, but sometimes it's better just to write less, more stable code (eg xmonad vs any C-based window manager). Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] nice quote

2009-09-05 Thread Jason Catena
" without tedious framework implementations), maintainability (typeclasses of parameters in utility functions means you don't write different implementations of the same function for different types, yet preserve type compatibility and checking), and reliability (pure functions don't depend on state, so have fewer moving parts to go wrong). Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] nice quote

2009-09-09 Thread Jason Catena
e script called vary (not published yet) which takes a sam script and another file, applies the sam script to the file, saves it with a new name, and optionally executes it. So you don't have to maintain many nearly-identical scripts. I should upload vary to the same patch set soon, for r

Re: [9fans] nice quote

2009-09-09 Thread Jason Catena
cho $3 $4 doing that $6 $4 $2 Put that in bash's pipe and smoke it. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Chaucer on 9fans

2009-09-13 Thread Jason Catena
n in a Scottish dialect on the other side of the great vowel shift from Chaucer's middle English. http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=116217231&blogId=178646624 (Sorry for contributing to off-topic-ness.) Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] linux stats in last year from linuxcon

2009-09-22 Thread Jason Catena
er and for proving its correctness. Such a verified compiler is useful in the context of critical software and its formal verification: the verification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well. > Tim Newsh

[9fans] nice appearance to Times font with accented characters (in acme)?

2009-09-28 Thread Jason Catena
ult Lucida (there's no "bit" directory, so which file actually defines the default euro.8.font plan9port-acme uses?), but are not so small as palatino/latin1.6.font (7 & 8 get clipped). Jason Catena

[9fans] acme without a heavy grid (SFW)

2009-09-29 Thread Jason Catena
A quick edit frees acme from its "heavy grid prison", a la Tufte. https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/502901/acmenogrid.jpg Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] acme without a heavy grid (SFW)

2009-09-30 Thread Jason Catena
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 15:43, Jack Norton wrote: > Jason Catena wrote: >> A quick edit frees acme from its "heavy grid prison", a la Tufte. >> https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/502901/acmenogrid.jpg > > How about no grid whatsoever (while you're at it)? I believe

[9fans] remedial sources auth, connect, and mount in plan9port

2009-09-30 Thread Jason Catena
ount sources (specifically, my directory) as a writable filesystem? I promise diligent study, to understand what the commands do. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] remedial sources auth, connect, and mount in plan9port

2009-10-01 Thread Jason Catena
annot touch `this': Permission denied $ ls `namespace` acme factotum plumb sources.cs.bell-labs.com Jason Catena On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 02:44, Venkatesh Srinivas wrote: > Hi, > > In order to construct an authenticated mount of sources, you will need > to start factotum, use srv -

Re: [9fans] remedial sources auth, connect, and mount in plan9port

2009-10-01 Thread Jason Catena
On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 05:31, sqweek wrote: > 2009/10/1 Ethan Grammatikidis : >> On Thu, 1 Oct 2009 04:50:40 -0500 >> Jason Catena wrote: >>> $ ls -lad >>> drwxrwxr-x 1 4294967294 4294967294 0 2009-09-30 23:11 . >> >> You have numbers for user and

Re: [9fans] remedial sources auth, connect, and mount in plan9port

2009-10-01 Thread Jason Catena
/times$ sudo cp /home/jdc/contrib/latin1.7a.font . Oct 1 21:52:45.219 read bad packet from 6 n=62 nn=0 cp: cannot create regular file `./latin1.7a.font': Connection reset by peer Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] remedial sources auth, connect, and mount in plan9port

2009-10-02 Thread Jason Catena
`./latin1.7a.font': Connection reset by peer Jason Catena On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 22:11, erik quanstrom wrote: >> My test case tries to copy a file over top of one that already exists. >>  In this case, the bug decided to flit right by the check at >> convM2S.c:216,217. > > i

Re: [9fans] mishandling empty lists - let's fix it

2009-10-05 Thread Jason Catena
her names. (My first thought was the suffix 0. You might want to avoid the prefix g.) > John Stalker Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] tex on plan 9

2009-10-05 Thread Jason Catena
the same without commerce with the wild, without incorporation of new ideas, it becomes a stagnant and hostile exercise in standards-keeping. > - erik Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] mishandling empty lists - let's fix it

2009-10-06 Thread Jason Catena
The pupils of the Tendai school used to study meditation before Zen entered Japan. Four of them who were intimate friends promised one another to observe seven days of silence. On the first day all were silent. Their meditation had begun auspiciously, but when night came and the oil lamps were gro

Re: [9fans] mishandling empty lists - let's fix it

2009-10-06 Thread Jason Catena
for passing output along than backtick within backtick within backtick, and (3) pipes commonly pass multiple lines, not just separated fields. > John Stalker Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Principles of Operating Systems

2009-10-13 Thread Jason Catena
>> I know you said you bought yours for $10, but why is the book $101.60 in >> the first place? >> >> Jake Todd > > Why is any college textbook ridiculously priced? Supposedly captive audience, and a monopoly purveyor. Usually only the university bookstore sells the latest edition, which professo

Re: [9fans] where are the results of GSoC 2009 hosted?

2009-10-14 Thread Jason Catena
"we'll post an update here when actual source code produced during this year's Google Summer of Code has been made available on project hosting on Google Code." http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2009/08/wrapping-our-fifth-google-summer-of.html Some mentoring orgs already posted results. http

Re: [9fans] Barrelfish

2009-10-16 Thread Jason Catena
ild and test before integration. > Sam Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Barrelfish

2009-10-17 Thread Jason Catena
have to reload the whole ruleset if you change something. > Dave Eckhardt Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Two suggestions for ape (was: egrep for Plan9)

2009-10-23 Thread Jason Catena
X, let alone add in the extra ones of egrep. Take all this with a grain of salt, because I don't speak for any distribution. :) > Dimitry Golubovsky Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Two suggestions for ape (was: egrep for Plan9)

2009-10-23 Thread Jason Catena
tool uses them and ignores them. From what's been described here autoconf should not have the expectation that it gets -i, just to ignore it. For ape that's fine, but from what I've had rejected I believe the core of plan9 is held to a higher standard. > Dmitry Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Two suggestions for ape (was: egrep for Plan9)

2009-10-23 Thread Jason Catena
ppspot.com/95076/diff/9038/10015) and runs the result. For configure, it would be called something like vary -x plan9port.sam configure --configure-opt which would create a new variation of the configure script, called configure.plan9port, and run it. > Tim Newsham Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] sed question (OT)

2009-10-29 Thread Jason Catena
the first uppercases the entire pattern space, and (2b) the second refers to line 3 of the entire file, not line 3 of the pattern space. > -Steve Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] OT (again) PERT charts?

2009-11-04 Thread Jason Catena
> Don't make me use MS Project, please... This web page offers seven years of curated discussion on this (off-)topic. http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=76&topic_id=1&topic= > -Steve Jason Catena

[9fans] grëp (rhymes with creep) and cptmp

2009-11-29 Thread Jason Catena
touch $tmp } chmod +wx $tmp echo $tmp Jason Catena charclass Description: Binary data

Re: [9fans] grëp (rhymes with creep) and cptmp

2009-11-30 Thread Jason Catena
sult I got in practice. The first run had 0.02 user time. This seems negligible to me, so I'm not yet pushing its performance boundaries with this string (lots of vowels and other characters with bigger classes) on this data set (a collection of notes largely cut-and-pasted from the web). > - erik Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] grëp (rhymes with creep) and cptmp

2009-11-30 Thread Jason Catena
signal: sys: segmentation violation > - erik Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] tex

2009-12-08 Thread Jason Catena
on the merits. If you only think you understand, and are actually persuaded by me, then we both may make a bad decision, and my pitch derailed both of us. > -Steve Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] What do you use plan 9 for?

2009-12-14 Thread Jason Catena
. I use dc for all of my (especially scripted) calculating needs. I would like to use Mail instead of Outlook, if like nmh I can pull files from an Exchange server. I haven't really looked into this yet, but it could be a huge win. I know all this barely scratches the surface of what plan9(port) can do. Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] using acme/Mail from plan9port in Linux

2009-12-16 Thread Jason Catena
or directory mail is indeed not in the namespace directory. These files are present. /tmp/ns.jdc. /tmp/ns.jdc. /tmp/ns.jdc. What should I run to make it present? Does mailfs mislead me by saying it succeeded? Jason Catena On

Re: [9fans] find command reloaded

2010-01-22 Thread Jason Catena
If looking through code: du -a . | xargs g pattern >[2]/dev/null If looking through all files: du -a . | xargs grep -n foo >[2]/dev/null The -n is to be friendly with acme. This presumes you have (at least a cheap knockoff of) xargs.

Re: [9fans] find command reloaded

2010-01-22 Thread Jason Catena
Recursively list only files; grep them with g to get full path, filename, and line number; protect against John's semicolon trick by quoting each file. walk -f | sed 's,^,g '^$1^' '',;s,$,'',' | rc walk apparently completely omits from its output files with a single-quote in their names, and does

[9fans] nb—search and index notes in files by keyword

2010-03-05 Thread Jason Catena
a bit of information) and composability of keywords (just string a few grep and grep -v after the nb command). Jason Catena

Re: [9fans] Go Plan 9

2011-04-05 Thread Jason Catena
leim...@gmail.com: > r...@swtch.com: >> What we need is an OS port of Plan 9 to Go that can run hosted on another OS >> or natively. > InfernGo? Seconded, or at least Acme SAC-n-Go. I'd rather use Go than Limbo, and I'd much rather only compile Go executables once. Jason Catena

[9fans] using Sam idioms with Acme [SAC] Edit

2012-04-26 Thread Jason Catena
t line /(.+0+/ matches blocks of text separated by blank lines /text/+-p highlight the lines containing text > mailsend selection as Email to x/0 a/0 double space selection x/^/ .,/0d strip C comments from selection Edit ,x[a-zA-Z]+/{ g/fred/ v/./ c/jim/ g/jim/ v/.

[9fans] Heresy alert

2012-05-31 Thread Jason Catena
There is a computer science concept analogous to what Zerox does. "Pass argument by reference" also provides a look-in to a point in memory without copying it. So if you want to name it something else, try changing it to CpRef.

Re: [9fans] Heresy alert, Zerox -> Clone

2012-06-09 Thread Jason Catena
and better alternatives are usually available. We've drifted quite a bit from the subject line. Jason Catena

[9fans] make-shells that create a file for you

2012-08-30 Thread Jason Catena
ent way files are made with make tools, so I'm not sure what was gained by bundling it into the shell. Of course, the suggested feature does slow down the shell when it encounters a file that does not exist, since it has to scan through its rules for a possible creation rule, rather than just exit with an error. Jason Catena

[9fans] Watch?

2012-09-18 Thread Jason Catena
Where can I find the Watch command Russ showed in the Acme video? It doesn't seem to be in Inferno, in plan9port as far as I could tell, or noted in the contrib index. Or is it left as an exercise for the viewer? ;) Jason Catena

[9fans] Credo: Inferno build tool

2013-03-25 Thread Jason Catena
> [Mk] only knows about the rules you give it. It does not > understand the real dependencies in your software. > Also, because of this you tend to give it general rules > which are not always right. I thirk this might be a good place to mention that I'm working on a build tool which, in effect, e

Re: [9fans] mk time-check/slice issue

2013-12-18 Thread Jason Catena
In part to substitute issues with time with issues with checksums, I am writing a build tool for Inferno loosely inspired by djb's redo. I think it deals nicely with some of the problems of make/mk tools: it handles multiple outputs, treats shell variables as /env files for dependencies, and uses