Hi Everybody,
This AC97 driver seems to be around for awhile already. Why don't you
just include it in the distribution?
I suggest to fix the problem you guys found, compile the kernel with
it, and add it to the default install CD image.
If Erik's fix works for Lyle's installation, I suggest that you
include it in the distribution.
Greetings: Bela (the annoying "include it in the distrib" guy)
We are going to see your changes in the distribution CD soon, right?
(Its strange to find great solutions and fixes in the /contrib
section, why are they not included in the regular install CD?)
I have a problem with my Plan 9 installation in Bochs. Do you know,
why I get "grep: exec header invali
I suggest that you keep the floppy-install option. If Plan 9 is
installed, its normally on a virtual machine, or on an older computer
somewhere in the garage, often with floppy-drives only. But if its
time consuming to support it...
- Can you make it automatic? when you create the boot CD, generat
I was able to install from sdC1 in the Bochs emulator. If you install
and your CD is not sdD0, you get this prompt:
Unknown boot device: sdD0!cdboot!9pcflop.gz
Boot device: fd0
boot from:
If its sdC1 (like in my case), the answer has to be:
boot from: sdC1!cdboot!9pcflop.gz
More info about the
Harka Győző at the University of Pécs has just started a new mailing
list for the Hungarian fans of Plan 9. We discuss topics about our
favorite operating system in our native language. You can join us at:
I have a problem with connecting USB HDD. When i plug it in, i get
this error message: /boot/usbd: /dev/usb/ep5.0: port 8: opendev: can't
open endpoint /dev/usb/ep7.0: '/dev/usb' file does not exist
I get this after several other tries too, only the ep-number and the
port are varied.
- usb/di
Forgot to mention, I tried to start /boot/usbd manually, i got error
messages, it said that the epX.Y and port numbers are busy or
something (i dont have the exact error message here, sorry).
2009/8/5 Francisco J Ballesteros :
> It seems you dont have usbd running.
> El 05/08/2009, a las 17:51,
e (nonexistent) usbdisk
manpage, not to mention the nonexistent -f and -l parameters...
Can you help me?
Greetings: Béla
2009/8/6 Bela Valek :
> Forgot to mention, I tried to start /boot/usbd manually, i got error
> messages, it said that the epX.Y and port numbers are busy or
> someth
- usb/usbd is up and running
- the only option in my BIOS is to turn USB off
- I am sorry, i dont understand the part about the old and new USB
devices and tools. can you explain a bit?
Thanks: Béla
2009/8/7 erik quanstrom :
> On Fri Aug 7 02:53:14 EDT 2009, bval...@gmail.com wrote:
>> There is
I have checked it on 3 different installations, the 'usbdisk' manpage
is missing, on fresh installations too. Its not a filesystem
corruption for sure. Most other USB-related manpages still list the
nonexistent -f and -l parameters for the 'usb/disk' command.
Greetings: Béla
Erik: thank you for helping, I see that the usb(4) manpage is up to
date. The old usbdisk(4) manpage had a working example for attaching a
FAT filesystem formatted USB hardrive. Can you tell me, where I can
find the updated version of this example?
Thanks: Béla
Well, then simply running 'usbfat:' is supposed to work, right? I see
the warning about the untested drivers in usb(4), so a bug is no
surprise i guess... I try to create a proper bugreport with exact
hardware specification then.
2009/8/10 erik quanstrom :
> On Mon Aug 10 08:30:37 EDT 2009, bval..
I managed to reproduce the error in Bochs, the only thing I did was
turning on the USB support in the emulator (usb_uhci: enabled=1).
pcirouting: BIOS workaround: PCI.0.1.3 at pin 1 link 96 irq 11 -> 9
#u/usb/ep1.0: uhci: port 0xC020 irq 9
256M memory: 105M kernel data, 151M user, 576M sw
> Presumably this is because ssh is sshv1
> but bitbucket requires sshv2.
> Russ
Correct me if I am wrong, but an sshv2 server is also providing sshv1
too. Maybe when the Plan 9 ssh client is facing sshv2, instead of
shutting down with an error, it should try sshv1, or wait until its
3 Noah Evans :
> Are you sure you're not running two usbds? Can send a listing of your
> process table?
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Bela Valek wrote:
>> I managed to reproduce the error in Bochs, the only thing I did was
>> turning on the USB support in
/sys/src/libthread/sched.acid: '/sys/src/libthread/sched.acid' does
not exist
acid: :2: (error) no function stacks
echo kill > /proc/95/ctl
Greetings: Béla
2009/8/13 Noah Evans :
> Okay, could you run:
> echo 'stacks()' | acid -l thread
> On Thu,
2009/8/13 Noah Evans :
> Can you mk all /sys/src/libthread. This is bogging down a bit. Take it
> off-list?
I did mk, and i tried the command again, thread 5 has no process
information, thread 95 gives this:
term% echo 'stacks()' | acid -l thread 95
/proc/95/text:386 plan 9 executable
Its a default install, i didnt modify it.
2009/8/13 erik quanstrom :
> On Thu Aug 13 06:25:14 EDT 2009, bval...@gmail.com wrote:
>> First of all, i missed some pids, the total number of usbd processes is 8:
>> glenda 5 0:00 0:00 356K Sleep usbd
>> glenda 6
2009/8/13 Noah Evans :
> Can you reboot the machine and then pastebin the full transcript of
> what happens from boot to your usbd error? AFAIK you shouldn't have
> two instances of usbd running.
Its very short, the error message comes early:
Plan 9
E820: 0009f000 memory
E820: 0009f000
2009/8/13 Noah Evans :
> Can add 'flag x +' to /rc/bin/usbstart and /rc/bin/termrc and post
> that output? I think I know your problem now. Also could you:
> echo | grep -s hello; echo $status
> My guess is that somehow your grep is borked and:
> if (! ps | grep -s ' usbd$')
e problem?
> I'm just reading the mail thread and don't understand why
> /srv/usb is not there. It should.
> can you ls '#u' ?
> Do you have usbd running?
> Sorry, just came and I might be missing some eairlier mail.
> I'm still reading them all.
Hi Everybody,
I try to install our favourite operating system on an Acer emachines
E525 laptop. Installation succeeded with Erik's 9atom.iso, but I
cannot boot. Here is the whole story:
- 1. Plan 9 install CD (of Aug. 15):
Plan 9 from Bell Labs
ELCR: 0C00
pcirouting: South Bridge 8086, 2
> i'll take a look at this. looks like a bug. the number of e820
> entries is also curious.
when its already installed, the system says at boot time: found 1 e820 entries
> what does /dev/swap say?
> - erik
I checked with disk/prep in live CD mode, 9fat = 100 MB, nvram = 512
B, fossi
2009/8/26 erik quanstrom :
>> fossil reports 'out of physical memory' immediatelly when its mounting
>> the partition. I cant get to take a look at /dev/swap.
> can you use the boot cd to modify plan9.ini to set
> *e820print=1
> ?
> - erik
I tried it, nothing changed
> it wasn't expected that anything would change.
> i was interested in the e820 output. if you
> would send that along, that would be helpful.
> - erik
Oh, sorry. The install disk wrote '54 e820', the installed system
already writes '1 e820' without this line added.
The test subject is a desktop PC, it has SATA primary harddrive and
IDE master optical drive (according to the BIOS).
I tried to install with the regular CD (Aug. 15), it detected the SATA
harddrive only. I also tried Erik's 9atom.iso, it detected the IDE
drive only, so it booted the Live CD
2009/9/2 erik quanstrom :
> what date 9atom.iso? the latest is from aug 26. it detects
> more hardware.
> could you send me the output of pci or lspci -nv or whatever
> offlist?
> - erik
I sent you the lspci -nv output private. The 9atom.iso is the latest (Aug. 26).
Thank you for your
Hi all,
I have problem with a SiS 6326 AGP type video card. The screen is
"dirty" at every resolution, including x...@640x480x8 and
v...@640x480x8. Its no fun without graphics, if there is a workaround,
please help.
Thanks: Bela
I agree, but only because PgDown and PgUp do the same as the Down and
Up arrows. Having two pairs of keys doing the same thing on the
keyboard is a waste. On the other hand, I found it easy to get used to
the Plan 9 approach. Its comfortable for me either way, I only think
that this modification wo
Great tool, I just downloaded and tried it. I found a bug: if you
click at the 'Info' menu item before you select any items, it dies.
2010/2/2 Federico G. Benavento :
> after talking about it for some time
> I got tired of talking and wrote a simple
> gui installer for contrib
> so if you pull con
How do we use pppoe on Plan 9? Its listening on stdin and answering on
stdout. How do I have to start it, so its listening to the network
I have new internet probider unsing pppoe lannet, and I need help to
set up Plan 9 for it (i dont even know the right questions to ask)
I got a username, a password, and an IP address from the Internet
provider. How do I give this information to ip/pppoe?
If I have to use Factotum, my question is: how do I give the username
and password to Factotum, so PPPoE can use it?
Thanks: Bela
2010/2/20 Russ Cox :
>> How do we use
2010/2/22 Russ Cox :
>> I got a username, a password, and an IP address from the Internet
>> provider. How do I give this information to ip/pppoe?
> It should just prompt you (via factotum) for the username/password.
> The IP address should be irrelevant - the ppp server
> will tell you the IP ad
Thanks, after I provided the service name, ip/pppoe asked for username
and password. However I still didnt have Internet access. I tried
ipconf/outside but it times out. Here is the complete output of
Did I forgot something?
Thanks: Bela
2010/2/23 Russ Cox
Hi Everybody,
I installed Plan 9 on a new computer (Erik's 9atoms.iso), it doesnt
recognize the ethernet device (there is no /net/ether0). I wonder if
something can be done. If changing configuration doesnt help, I hope
its similar enough to an already supported device, so a few changes
here and t
I used Erik's 9atoms.iso to install Plan 9. When its booting, after
its asking for root partition and username, I get the error message
repeated: "out of physical memory; no swap configured". Why, oh why?
I use fossil without venti, on a 2GB partition, the RAM is also 2 GB.
I found the messa
2010/3/12 erik quanstrom :
>> How do other operating systems detect the available RAM? Could Plan 9
>> use the same method?
> plan 9 uses the same methods for detecting ram
> everyone else does. perhaps we trust bios too much,
> but 8mb isn't impossible, either.
> try
> a *noe820scan=1
There are actual Hungarians on this mailing list, I am sure that we
can be of assistance :)
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 4:41 PM, wrote:
> can they do hungarian subtitles?
> --
> cinap
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Eric Van Hensbergen
> To: Fans of the OS Plan 9 from Bell L
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