No. Also, 9P.L is not merely "9P with 1000 extra messages" as you might
think (, so you'd probably
want to translate that in userspace, like it's NFS or something. QEMU, at
least, also supports .u.
9fans: 9f
I do have ethernet, and that is something I want to do as well. Since I'm
trying to squeeze as much learning out of this as possible, I wanted to
start with the serial connection (though that part requires more rewiring
of my brain than a 9fs mount). At the moment, I use a linux box with
USB serial devices are mounted by nusb/serial. Rimport runs in a namespace
where nusb isnt running and thus won't see it.
Over rcpu, you should be able to run nusb/serial if you know the endpoint.
9fans: 9fans