I do have ethernet, and that is something I want to do as well.  Since I'm
trying to squeeze as much learning out of this as possible, I wanted to
start with the serial connection (though that part requires more rewiring
of my brain than a 9fs mount).  At the moment, I use a linux box with
ser2net.  I noticed that when I use rcpu to connect to my cpu server, I
don't see the /dev/eiaU* either.  (I still have to investigate Jacob's note
about /shr).  For now, I was hoping to mimic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFhQi0xbrOk where adventuresin9 uses

rimport -b DemoCPU '#A' /dev

to bind the audio device of the cpu server, except using '#t'.

Anyway, I'll keep beavering away.


On Thu, Jan 30, 2025 at 1:02 PM Steve Simon <st...@quintile.net> wrote:

> do you have ethernet on your embedded systems?
> i did embedded development using plan9 as my desktop for years. being able
> to mount the embedded system is a great thing.
> i just compiled u9fs for the embedded system and it just worked.
> at one point we had a multiplexed terminal and file sharing interface to
> smaller serial-only embedded systems: i am sure i have the plan9 end of
> that but the back end would be harder to find.
> shout if you want more info.
> -Steve
> On 30 Jan 2025, at 5:17 pm, Matt Wilbur <wilb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am trying to learn more about Plan 9 by forcing it into my day-to-day
> work environment.
> I work on embedded systems that I typically use over a serial connection.
> I have a 9front CPU server set up that is connected to a device using a USB
> Serial device (standard FTDI stuff).  There is a /dev/eia on that server
> and I can use vt and con when on that machine physically to use the board.
> I was hoping then to put that server on a network and import it to another
> computer running 9front. I used the same recipe in adventuresin9's youtube
> series where he uses rimport to import and bind audio devices.
> However, neither connecting to the CPU server with rcpu nor rimport -b
> '#t' /dev have that particular device present.
> I'd appreciate any suggestions about what may be going on.  Something to
> do with permissions / namespaces?  I'll continue to research on my own -
> but I'm very new to Plan 9 / 9Front.
> Matt
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