[WiX-users] How to use condition in component ?

2009-12-16 Thread Akihiro.Shibuta


I want to do that the component "X0"  is installed  when I select both "F0" and 
"F1" on UI or  command-line parameters.
When is it evaluated a condition of component ?  Something wrong ? 

wix code:



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Re: [WiX-users] UI Custom Action displays dialog behing MSI

2009-12-16 Thread Tobi Ha
thanks for the advice, but the messagebox was just an example for a more 
complex dialog that would be displayed at this moment.

For example:
- LoadLibrary to get a handle
- Call ShowMyC++dialog with the handle.

The main idea is to show a dialog during installation that is also used later 
in the programm and so not implement it twice.
The problem is not to show this dialog, but that it is "hidden" behind the 
normal MSI GUI.

Best regards,

Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:19:02 -0700
From: Richard 
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] UI Custom Action displays dialog behing MSI
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net

Use MsiProcessMessage to display message boxes, not MessageBox.

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Datum: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 14:32:21 +0100
Von: "Tobi Ha" 
An: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: UI Custom Action displays dialog behing MSI UI


I have a WiX installation that shows within a custom action a dialog from a dll 
that is installed during this installation. It all works fine, except that the 
dialogs appears behind the normal MSI UI.

Here a short example how my custom action looks like (instead of message box, a 
real UI appears)

UINT __stdcall MessageBoxAction (MSIHANDLE hInstall) 

LPCTSTR lpszText = L"A message box text";
LPCTSTR lpszCaption = L"A message box title";
UINT nType = MB_OK; 


Is there a way to display the own UI in foreground?


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Re: [WiX-users] Simplified Chinese version of WiXUI?

2009-12-16 Thread Tony

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:33 AM, Sebastian Brand (Instyler Software)
> There is a wixui_zh-cn.wxl for Wix2, but not for Wix3.
> You could use a converter like
> http://www.khngai.com/chinese/tools/convert.php
> Best regards,
> Sebastian Brand
> Deployment consultant
> E-Mail: sebast...@instyler.com
> Blog: www.sebastianbrand.com
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Tony [mailto:yellowjacketl...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 16:34
>> To: WiX Users
>> Subject: [WiX-users] Simplified Chinese version of WiXUI?
>> Is there a Simplified Chinese version of the WiXUI available?  If not,
> will there
>> be one soon?
>> --
>> Tony
> --
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[WiX-users] Bootstrap with pre-requisites embeded

2009-12-16 Thread nandini sa
I have generated a bootstrap for VSTO runtime 3.0 pre-requisite using
GenerateBootstrapper in my after build and it is working fine. However it is
1. A VSTOR30 folder containing vstor30.exe runtime.
2. The MSI file.
3. The setup.exe.

Clicking on setup.exe installs VSTO runtime (if not present) and calls the
MSI. Is there a possibility to embed vstor30.exe runtime within the setup?
I'm aware of the download option, but can we not have a self extracter do
the same, thus having just a single exe?

- Nandini
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[WiX-users] Patch/Media/@Id question

2009-12-16 Thread Yan Sklyarenko
Hello WiX community,

I have a simple question, just to make sure.
When creating a patch, should I always change Patch/Media/@Id attribute
between patches?

For instance, I have Patch1.wxs, which is to be applied to RTM
(baseline), and Patch2.wxs, which is to be applied to RTM+Patch1. In
Patch1.wxs I have , and in Patch2.wxs I also have
. It seems to work fine, but is it absolutely

The tutorial says this Id should be "larger than any Media/@Id found in
the installation packages". By installation packages the base MSI is
meant here, right? 

I made a conclusion that if Media/@Id in all my MSI packages of this
product never reach 5000, than it is safe to put Patch/Media/@Id="5000"
in every single patch of this product.

Is it correct?

Thank you,

-- Yan

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Re: [WiX-users] Bootstrap with pre-requisites embeded

2009-12-16 Thread Bob Arnson
nandini sa wrote:
> I have generated a bootstrap for VSTO runtime 3.0 pre-requisite using
> GenerateBootstrapper in my after build and it is working fine. However it is
> generating:

That's the .NET Framework bootstrapper, not WiX. You might check out a 
.NET Framework newsgroups/mailing list instead.


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Re: [WiX-users] Skipping features/components during upgrade

2009-12-16 Thread Bob Arnson
Markus Gaugusch wrote:
> So, since I can't read out the old value, I thought about skipping the 
> component (see below) during upgrade. The entries would not be written and 
> everything would be fine.

Try a component condition of NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE.


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Re: [WiX-users] Another merge module problem

2009-12-16 Thread John Aldridge
Genius! Thank you :)

Now, is this behaviour a bug in WiX which I ought to report? It seems 
really odd that it doesn't "know" that CommonFilesFolder is 
intrinsically 32 bit.


On 16/12/2009 00:59, Sascha Beaumont wrote:
> I think I've found a solution... wrapping the 32-bit CommonFilesFolder
> inside ProgramFilesFolder seems to work.
> The 64-bit components are then installed in APPLICATIONFOLDER or
> wherever the user consuming the merge module decides, while the 32-bit
> components are forced into the 32-bit CommonFilesFolder.
>SourceFile="Module.msm" />
>Guid="D23E4C6A-E9DC-11DE-88E3-4B5155D89593" Win64="yes">


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Re: [WiX-users] How to use condition in component ?

2009-12-16 Thread Bob Arnson
akihiro.shib...@jp.yokogawa.com wrote:
> I want to do that the component "X0"  is installed  when I select both "F0" 
> and "F1" on UI or  command-line parameters.
> When is it evaluated a condition of component ?  Something wrong ? 



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Re: [WiX-users] Patching problems with alternate directories

2009-12-16 Thread XorPtr

That's an interesting idea, I assumed that the windows installer more or less
kept track of an original install for repairs, uninstalls, patches, and
upgrades which may have been the error in my approach.  My installer does
not contain a registry key for an installation path.  Although I can easily
add a registry key to do this I'm not sure how I would make use of it for
uninstalls, repairs, and patches though, chiefly how to make them look for
that registry key and update their working directory based on it.  Do you
have any idea how this might be done or perhaps a link to some online
resources.  I've been searching google to see about how to do this and
haven't had much luck so far.

Thomas Svare wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry about that just meant any install operation after the initial
> install.  It sounds like WIX_INSTALLDIR is not being updated to the user
> select install directory during patches/repair/uninstall.  If the
> install directory is being saved in the registry or .ini file you can
> use the RegistrySearch or IniFileSearch element to set a property.  Then
> you could use that property to set WIX_INSTALLDIR based on whether or
> not your product is installed.  
> There's also a ComponentSearch element that may be helpful as well.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> -Original Message-
> From: XorPtr [mailto:reaper4...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 11:59 AM
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Patching problems with alternate directories
> Sorry, I'm not familiar with the term "maintenance mode" and all that it
> encompasses.  I can tell you that the WIX_INSTALLDIR is being defined in
> the
> actual code.  When running the installer it has a default location which
> is
> preset and shows up in the dialog.  When the user changes it they do it
> while running the installer by modifying the text which should reset the
> WIX_INSTALLDIR property during the installation.  If this could be
> defined
> as being set/defined in maintenance mode, than yes it is for user-chosen
> directories.
> Thomas Svare wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is WIXUI_INSTALLDIR being set/defined in maintenance mode?
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
>> -Original Message-
>> From: XorPtr [mailto:reaper4...@gmail.com] 
>> Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 10:28 AM
>> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Patching problems with alternate directories
>> Hey Tom,
>> I have the option for users to choose the installation directory from
> a
>> custom InstallDirDlg.wxs file, basically just copied with a different
>> name,
>> call it MyInstallDirDlg.wxs.  The user can either click a button and
>> browse
>> or type the location manually into an edit field.  The value gets set
> to
>> a
>> property defined in my main installer .wxs file as WIXUI_INSTALLDIR.
>> Then
>> in a custom MyWixUI_InstallDir.wxs, I have it publish the
> SetTargetPath
>> event to value [WIXUI_INSTALLDIR].
>> By default the directory structure is put in as follows:
>>   > Key="Software\IWARS\ResearchAndDevelopment\Uninstall">
>>   ... components below ...
>> Thomas Svare wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> How does the directory for the binaries and docs get set when the
> user
>>> chooses a non-default install directory?  It sounds like this isn't
>>> happening in any maintenance operations.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tom
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: XorPtr [mailto:reaper4...@gmail.com] 
>>> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 8:07 AM
>>> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Patching problems with alternate directories
>>> Hey Tom,
>>> I managed to get a verbose log of a good and bad uninstall (seemed
> the
>>> easiest place to start.)  INSTALLDIR was set properly in both logs.
>> The
>>> issue with the uninstall prevents itself with only the data files
> used
>>> by
>>> our application being removed.  This holds true for the other issues
>> as
>>> well, the data files don't seem to be causing a problem.  The binary
>>> files
>>> and documentation for our product remain behind.  In both logs their
>>> directory data is also the same, which naturally means it works fine
>>> when
>>> installed to the default directory.
>>> There isn't really any key difference between the binary files being
>>> installed and the data files.  One difference being that all the
>> binary
>>> files are being installed under a single component (which I know is a
>>> rule
>>> violation but the ruling to do it this way is happening above me).  I
>>> also
>>> don't see how it could be contributing to this particular problem.
>>> Thomas Svare wrote:
 Try looking at the property dump section of a verbose log and
> compare
 the directory table entry values between a good default install and
> a
 bad patch/repair/uninstall.  INS

Re: [WiX-users] Patch/Media/@Id question

2009-12-16 Thread Peter Shirtcliffe
Theres an answer in Peter Marcu's blog at

which says the ID has to be above the last sequence number of the
*baseline* you are targetting, so it sounds like you are doing it right.

-Original Message-
From: Yan Sklyarenko [mailto:y...@sitecore.net] 
Sent: 16 December 2009 14:26
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Patch/Media/@Id question

Hello WiX community,

I have a simple question, just to make sure.
When creating a patch, should I always change Patch/Media/@Id attribute
between patches?

For instance, I have Patch1.wxs, which is to be applied to RTM
(baseline), and Patch2.wxs, which is to be applied to RTM+Patch1. In
Patch1.wxs I have , and in Patch2.wxs I also have
. It seems to work fine, but is it absolutely

The tutorial says this Id should be "larger than any Media/@Id found in
the installation packages". By installation packages the base MSI is
meant here, right? 

I made a conclusion that if Media/@Id in all my MSI packages of this
product never reach 5000, than it is safe to put Patch/Media/@Id="5000"
in every single patch of this product.

Is it correct?

Thank you,

-- Yan

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[WiX-users] multiline edit control type

2009-12-16 Thread Mark Athay
I'm trying to add a control to a custom dialog in my WIX UI to collect
various UNC paths the user wishes our software to monitor.  Based on the
documentation it looked like a standard control of type="Edit" and
multiline="yes" would work.  



However, when I implemented this dialog I discovered that the control
was not behaving as I would expect.  When I typed random characters in
the field and hit 'Enter' nothing happened.  I tried 'Shift-Enter' (I've
seen chat programs and the like use this when 'Enter' is used for
something else)to get a new line and still nothing happened.  It wasn't
until after much frustration and research I happened on a whim to try
'Ctrl-Enter' that it finally worked.  


Is this really how the multiline functionality is expected to behave?  

If so, is this a limitation in WIX or in the underlying Windows


The way it is we don't feel that customers would know how to use the UI
unless we spelled it out for them in help text, and we obviously are not
anxious to do that either.  I'd appreciate any feedback anyone might
have.  Thank you!



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[WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the installer ran as Admin

2009-12-16 Thread little.forest
Our installer needs Admin right to run. So a "Standard user" has to run the 
installer "run as Admin". On the final page of the installer, we have a "Launch 
application" option. So the user can check that option and launch the 
application. Our application will ask a license key. The user inputs the 
license key. But the key will be saved in "C:\Documents and 
Settings\Administrator\Application Data" folder. Then the user exits the 
application. And run the application again by using the normal "Standard user" 
privilege. Then the application will ask the license key again, because the 
license key wasn't saved in the right folder such as "C:\Documents and 
Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data".

How to resolve this problem? 

I'm thinking two options:
1. The user can "run as admin". But the application will be launched by using 
"Standard user". This way, the license key input by the user will be saved in 
the correct spot, namely, the users setting folder like "C:\Documents and 
Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data". But how to do it?
2. If there is a way that the installer can detect this installation was from 
"run as admin", then set a property. Then in the final page's launch 
application option, we'll check this property. If it's set then we disable the 
"launch application" option. This will stop the user "running the application 
as admin" - they don't need to input license key two times. Is there a way to 
detect if the installation "run as admin"?

By the way, we're using the code example from Wix.chm "How To: Run the 
Installed Application After Setup" section.

Thanks in advance.

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[WiX-users] Weird Component State

2009-12-16 Thread cemiles

Has anyone any knowledge on what a component state of -7 actually is or how
it gets set to that value?

MSI (s) (F8:DC) [13:01:44:431]: Executing op:

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Re: [WiX-users] Another merge module problem

2009-12-16 Thread Sascha Beaumont
Looks like it's more of a bug with the .cub files that contain the ICE
tests to run - so you'd want to report it to the Windows Installer
team, rather than the WiX team. Someone else on this list might be
able to point you in the right direction to contact them...

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 1:52 AM, John Aldridge  wrote:
> Genius! Thank you :)
> Now, is this behaviour a bug in WiX which I ought to report? It seems
> really odd that it doesn't "know" that CommonFilesFolder is
> intrinsically 32 bit.
> --
> Cheers,
> John
> On 16/12/2009 00:59, Sascha Beaumont wrote:
>> I think I've found a solution... wrapping the 32-bit CommonFilesFolder
>> inside ProgramFilesFolder seems to work.
>> The 64-bit components are then installed in APPLICATIONFOLDER or
>> wherever the user consuming the merge module decides, while the 32-bit
>> components are forced into the 32-bit CommonFilesFolder.
>>                       > SourceFile="Module.msm" />
>>               > Guid="D23E4C6A-E9DC-11DE-88E3-4B5155D89593" Win64="yes">
> (snip)
> --
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Re: [WiX-users] multiline edit control type

2009-12-16 Thread Sascha Beaumont
If anything, it's a limitation of Windows Installer - not WiX.

WiX just writes control/dialog entries in the MSI database, Windows
Installer implements the actual UI. See
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368342(VS.85).aspx for
documentation on the control itself.


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 4:28 AM, Mark Athay  wrote:
> I'm trying to add a control to a custom dialog in my WIX UI to collect
> various UNC paths the user wishes our software to monitor.  Based on the
> documentation it looked like a standard control of type="Edit" and
> multiline="yes" would work.
>  Width="220" Height="54" Property="UNCSHARES" />
> However, when I implemented this dialog I discovered that the control
> was not behaving as I would expect.  When I typed random characters in
> the field and hit 'Enter' nothing happened.  I tried 'Shift-Enter' (I've
> seen chat programs and the like use this when 'Enter' is used for
> something else)to get a new line and still nothing happened.  It wasn't
> until after much frustration and research I happened on a whim to try
> 'Ctrl-Enter' that it finally worked.
> Is this really how the multiline functionality is expected to behave?
> If so, is this a limitation in WIX or in the underlying Windows
> Installer?
> The way it is we don't feel that customers would know how to use the UI
> unless we spelled it out for them in help text, and we obviously are not
> anxious to do that either.  I'd appreciate any feedback anyone might
> have.  Thank you!
> Mark
> --
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Verizon Developer Community
> Take advantage of Verizon's best-in-class app development support
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Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the installer ran as Admin

2009-12-16 Thread Sascha Beaumont
Check out http://blogs.msdn.com/rflaming/archive/2006/09/21/765665.aspx

You can probably use MSIREALADMINDETECTION to make the AdminUser
property behave as you require.


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:08 AM, little.forest  wrote:
> Our installer needs Admin right to run. So a "Standard user" has to run the 
> installer "run as Admin". On the final page of the installer, we have a 
> "Launch application" option. So the user can check that option and launch the 
> application. Our application will ask a license key. The user inputs the 
> license key. But the key will be saved in "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\Administrator\Application Data" folder. Then the user exits the 
> application. And run the application again by using the normal "Standard 
> user" privilege. Then the application will ask the license key again, because 
> the license key wasn't saved in the right folder such as "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data".
> How to resolve this problem?
> I'm thinking two options:
> 1. The user can "run as admin". But the application will be launched by using 
> "Standard user". This way, the license key input by the user will be saved in 
> the correct spot, namely, the users setting folder like "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data". But how to do it?
> 2. If there is a way that the installer can detect this installation was from 
> "run as admin", then set a property. Then in the final page's launch 
> application option, we'll check this property. If it's set then we disable 
> the "launch application" option. This will stop the user "running the 
> application as admin" - they don't need to input license key two times. Is 
> there a way to detect if the installation "run as admin"?
> By the way, we're using the code example from Wix.chm "How To: Run the 
> Installed Application After Setup" section.
> Thanks in advance.
> /Brian
>      __
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[WiX-users] correct syntax for checking component state in condition

2009-12-16 Thread Amy Rosewater
Hi All,


What is the correct syntax for checking to see if a component is
currently installed on a system during an uninstall.  I want to execute
a custom action if the component in question is not installed.


I thought it was something like:




That doesn't seem to be correct.






Amy Rosewater VanMatre

SPECTRUM Human Resource Systems Corporation

707 17th Street Suite 3800

Denver CO, 80202




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Re: [WiX-users] correct syntax for checking component state in condition

2009-12-16 Thread Michael Osmond

& is for features not components

I think you want 


or possiblye NOT ?component=3  (which would cover all of the different not 
installed situations).



From: Amy Rosewater [arosewa...@spectrumhr.com]
Sent: Thursday, 17 December 2009 7:59 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] correct syntax for checking component state in condition

Hi All,

What is the correct syntax for checking to see if a component is
currently installed on a system during an uninstall.  I want to execute
a custom action if the component in question is not installed.

I thought it was something like:


That doesn't seem to be correct.



Amy Rosewater VanMatre

SPECTRUM Human Resource Systems Corporation

707 17th Street Suite 3800

Denver CO, 80202



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Re: [WiX-users] Weird Component State

2009-12-16 Thread Wilson, Phil
That seems to be INSTALLSTATE_NOTUSED, commented in msi.h as "component 
disabled", but that just begs the question of what "not used" or "disabled" 
means, but maybe it makes sense if you know more about that component. Is the 
component marked as transitive? 

Phil Wilson 

-Original Message-
From: cemiles [mailto:chad.mi...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 12:43 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Weird Component State

Has anyone any knowledge on what a component state of -7 actually is or how
it gets set to that value?

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[WiX-users] Question about upgrading.

2009-12-16 Thread Curtis Jewell
I've got a property that a custom action will expect to exist if a
specific directory is supposed to be deleted upon uninstall.

I'd like this property (call it UNINSTALL_SITE) to be set under either
of two conditions: a) I'm uninstalling, not upgrading, or b) I'm
upgrading, but the version number is doing a major jump (the first or
second parts of the msi version are changing, say, from 5.10.257 to
5.12.0, but not 5.10.257 to 5.10.258)

Would code like what's shown below do the job, or would the property not
get to the old version's msi when doing the uninstall part of the




--Curtis Jewell
Curtis Jewell

%DCL-E-MEM-BAD, bad memory
-VMS-F-PDGERS, pudding between the ears

[I use PC-Alpine, which deliberately does not display colors and pictures in 
HTML mail]

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Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the installer ran as Admin

2009-12-16 Thread Wilson, Phil
..and a couple of things that don't make sense to me:

1. There are always likely to be cases (admin install, over the shoulder, group 
policy) where somebody else is doing the install on behalf of a user. So what 
seems odd to me is Brian's comment that the key is in the wrong place because 
it's in the installing user's profile folder. Why not just install it in some 
common area in the first place? It's not as if you can't sub-directory the keys 
for each user in that location if necessary.

2. This sounds like standard data collection, so why not just have the user 
enter the key in a user sequence dialog, and have MSI put it somewhere on the 
system for you? Then you're not running programs with the wrong account. Also, 
if it's an installer property then it also enables silent installs, GPO 
installs. Have you looked at the PIDKEY property, for example?

Phil Wilson

-Original Message-
From: Sascha Beaumont [mailto:sascha.beaum...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 1:34 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the 
installer ran as Admin

Check out http://blogs.msdn.com/rflaming/archive/2006/09/21/765665.aspx

You can probably use MSIREALADMINDETECTION to make the AdminUser
property behave as you require.


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:08 AM, little.forest  wrote:
> Our installer needs Admin right to run. So a "Standard user" has to run the 
> installer "run as Admin". On the final page of the installer, we have a 
> "Launch application" option. So the user can check that option and launch the 
> application. Our application will ask a license key. The user inputs the 
> license key. But the key will be saved in "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\Administrator\Application Data" folder. Then the user exits the 
> application. And run the application again by using the normal "Standard 
> user" privilege. Then the application will ask the license key again, because 
> the license key wasn't saved in the right folder such as "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data".
> How to resolve this problem?
> I'm thinking two options:
> 1. The user can "run as admin". But the application will be launched by using 
> "Standard user". This way, the license key input by the user will be saved in 
> the correct spot, namely, the users setting folder like "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data". But how to do it?
> 2. If there is a way that the installer can detect this installation was from 
> "run as admin", then set a property. Then in the final page's launch 
> application option, we'll check this property. If it's set then we disable 
> the "launch application" option. This will stop the user "running the 
> application as admin" - they don't need to input license key two times. Is 
> there a way to detect if the installation "run as admin"?
> By the way, we're using the code example from Wix.chm "How To: Run the 
> Installed Application After Setup" section.
> Thanks in advance.
> /Brian
>  __
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Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the installer ran as Admin

2009-12-16 Thread little.forest
Thanks Sascha. 

I'll look into it.

From: Sascha Beaumont 
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 

Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 1:33:35 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the 
installer ran as Admin

Check out http://blogs.msdn.com/rflaming/archive/2006/09/21/765665.aspx

You can probably use MSIREALADMINDETECTION to make the AdminUser
property behave as you require.


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:08 AM, little.forest  wrote:
> Our installer needs Admin right to run. So a "Standard user" has to run the 
> installer "run as Admin". On the final page of the installer, we have a 
> "Launch application" option. So the user can check that option and launch the 
> application. Our application will ask a license key. The user inputs the 
> license key. But the key will be saved in "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\Administrator\Application Data" folder. Then the user exits the 
> application. And run the application again by using the normal "Standard 
> user" privilege. Then the application will ask the license key again, because 
> the license key wasn't saved in the right folder such as "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data".
> How to resolve this problem?
> I'm thinking two options:
> 1. The user can "run as admin". But the application will be launched by using 
> "Standard user". This way, the license key input by the user will be saved in 
> the correct spot, namely, the users setting folder like "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data". But how to do it?
> 2. If there is a way that the installer can detect this installation was from 
> "run as admin", then set a property. Then in the final page's launch 
> application option, we'll check this property. If it's set then we disable 
> the "launch application" option. This will stop the user "running the 
> application as admin" - they don't need to input license key two times. Is 
> there a way to detect if the installation "run as admin"?
> By the way, we're using the code example from Wix.chm "How To: Run the 
> Installed Application After Setup" section.
> Thanks in advance.
> /Brian
>  __
> Make your browsing faster, safer, and easier with the new Internet Explorer® 
> 8. Optimized for Yahoo! Get it Now for Free! at 
> http://downloads.yahoo.com/ca/internetexplorer/
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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the installer ran as Admin

2009-12-16 Thread little.forest
Thanks Phil.

For #1, in the old version of our software, the license key was kept in a 
common place. In this new version, it's changed. I agree with you for this 
point. I'll talk to our team to put license key in a common place. It'll make 
sense to put it in a common place as we support per-machine install.

For #2, we could do that. But our QA also argued that "all settings" were saved 
in admin folder instead of user's local folder. Anyways, I think what our QA 
wanted is, "run as admin" but launch application "as standard user". I'm not 
sure if this is possible. Can you tell me if it's possible?

Also, what does "GPO" mean?


From: "Wilson, Phil" 
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 

Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 3:29:57 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the 
installer ran as Admin

..and a couple of things that don't make sense to me:

1. There are always likely to be cases (admin install, over the shoulder, group 
policy) where somebody else is doing the install on behalf of a user. So what 
seems odd to me is Brian's comment that the key is in the wrong place because 
it's in the installing user's profile folder. Why not just install it in some 
common area in the first place? It's not as if you can't sub-directory the keys 
for each user in that location if necessary.

2. This sounds like standard data collection, so why not just have the user 
enter the key in a user sequence dialog, and have MSI put it somewhere on the 
system for you? Then you're not running programs with the wrong account. Also, 
if it's an installer property then it also enables silent installs, GPO 
installs. Have you looked at the PIDKEY property, for example?

Phil Wilson

-Original Message-
From: Sascha Beaumont [mailto:sascha.beaum...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 1:34 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the 
installer ran as Admin

Check out http://blogs.msdn.com/rflaming/archive/2006/09/21/765665.aspx

You can probably use MSIREALADMINDETECTION to make the AdminUser
property behave as you require.


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:08 AM, little.forest  wrote:
> Our installer needs Admin right to run. So a "Standard user" has to run the 
> installer "run as Admin". On the final page of the installer, we have a 
> "Launch application" option. So the user can check that option and launch the 
> application. Our application will ask a license key. The user inputs the 
> license key. But the key will be saved in "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\Administrator\Application Data" folder. Then the user exits the 
> application. And run the application again by using the normal "Standard 
> user" privilege. Then the application will ask the license key again, because 
> the license key wasn't saved in the right folder such as "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data".
> How to resolve this problem?
> I'm thinking two options:
> 1. The user can "run as admin". But the application will be launched by using 
> "Standard user". This way, the license key input by the user will be saved in 
> the correct spot, namely, the users setting folder like "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data". But how to do it?
> 2. If there is a way that the installer can detect this installation was from 
> "run as admin", then set a property. Then in the final page's launch 
> application option, we'll check this property. If it's set then we disable 
> the "launch application" option. This will stop the user "running the 
> application as admin" - they don't need to input license key two times. Is 
> there a way to detect if the installation "run as admin"?
> By the way, we're using the code example from Wix.chm "How To: Run the 
> Installed Application After Setup" section.
> Thanks in advance.
> /Brian
>  __
> Make your browsing faster, safer, and easier with the new Internet 
> Explorer(r) 8. Optimized for Yahoo! Get it Now for Free! at 
> http://downloads.yahoo.com/ca/internetexplorer/
> --
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> Take advantage of Verizon's best-in-class app development support
> A streamlined, 14 day to market process makes app distribution fast and easy
> Join now and get one step closer to millions of Verizon customers
> http://p.sf.net/sfu/verizon-dev2dev
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This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Verizon Developer Community
Take advantage of Ver

Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the installer ran as Admin

2009-12-16 Thread Wilson, Phil
GPO is Group Policy Object. I think that's the right acronym, but anyway larger 
enterprises don't (for example) install Office on every system by going to each 
one and installing it. They assign it via group policy and have it install in 
admin mode even if users are not administrators. This kind of thing:


and this where they talk about config files and the ability to specify license 
using PIDKEY. 


If your customers include enterprises that do that kind of deployment your 
product will be seen as much better than one that requires visiting each 
workstation for installation or license key configuration. 

Phil Wilson 

-Original Message-
From: little.forest [mailto:little.for...@ymail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:57 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the 
installer ran as Admin

Thanks Phil.

For #1, in the old version of our software, the license key was kept in a 
common place. In this new version, it's changed. I agree with you for this 
point. I'll talk to our team to put license key in a common place. It'll make 
sense to put it in a common place as we support per-machine install.

For #2, we could do that. But our QA also argued that "all settings" were saved 
in admin folder instead of user's local folder. Anyways, I think what our QA 
wanted is, "run as admin" but launch application "as standard user". I'm not 
sure if this is possible. Can you tell me if it's possible?

Also, what does "GPO" mean?


From: "Wilson, Phil" 
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 

Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 3:29:57 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the 
installer ran as Admin

..and a couple of things that don't make sense to me:

1. There are always likely to be cases (admin install, over the shoulder, group 
policy) where somebody else is doing the install on behalf of a user. So what 
seems odd to me is Brian's comment that the key is in the wrong place because 
it's in the installing user's profile folder. Why not just install it in some 
common area in the first place? It's not as if you can't sub-directory the keys 
for each user in that location if necessary.

2. This sounds like standard data collection, so why not just have the user 
enter the key in a user sequence dialog, and have MSI put it somewhere on the 
system for you? Then you're not running programs with the wrong account. Also, 
if it's an installer property then it also enables silent installs, GPO 
installs. Have you looked at the PIDKEY property, for example?

Phil Wilson

-Original Message-
From: Sascha Beaumont [mailto:sascha.beaum...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 1:34 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the 
installer ran as Admin

Check out http://blogs.msdn.com/rflaming/archive/2006/09/21/765665.aspx

You can probably use MSIREALADMINDETECTION to make the AdminUser
property behave as you require.


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:08 AM, little.forest  wrote:
> Our installer needs Admin right to run. So a "Standard user" has to run the 
> installer "run as Admin". On the final page of the installer, we have a 
> "Launch application" option. So the user can check that option and launch the 
> application. Our application will ask a license key. The user inputs the 
> license key. But the key will be saved in "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\Administrator\Application Data" folder. Then the user exits the 
> application. And run the application again by using the normal "Standard 
> user" privilege. Then the application will ask the license key again, because 
> the license key wasn't saved in the right folder such as "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data".
> How to resolve this problem?
> I'm thinking two options:
> 1. The user can "run as admin". But the application will be launched by using 
> "Standard user". This way, the license key input by the user will be saved in 
> the correct spot, namely, the users setting folder like "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data". But how to do it?
> 2. If there is a way that the installer can detect this installation was from 
> "run as admin", then set a property. Then in the final page's launch 
> application option, we'll check this property. If it's set then we disable 
> the "launch application" option. This will stop the user "running the 
> application as admin" - they don't need to input license key two times. Is 
> there a way to detect if the installation "run as admin"?
> By the way, we're using the code example from Wix.chm "How To: Run the 
> Installed Application After Setup" sec

Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the installer ran as Admin

2009-12-16 Thread Sascha Beaumont
I agree with Phil here,

If your customer base is in the corporate world, having an "Enterprise
ready" installation is a must. One that can run with no user
interaction, be configured pre-install and pushed out via GPO/AD
(Group Policy Objects/Active Directory) so that the end user
(non-Admin) can run the software without additional configuration,
license keys, etc.

i.e. If you have 5,000 workstations, you're not going to manually have
an Administrator enter the license key on each one are you :)


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Wilson, Phil
> GPO is Group Policy Object. I think that's the right acronym, but anyway 
> larger enterprises don't (for example) install Office on every system by 
> going to each one and installing it. They assign it via group policy and have 
> it install in admin mode even if users are not administrators. This kind of 
> thing:
> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179214.aspx
> and this where they talk about config files and the ability to specify 
> license using PIDKEY.
> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179195.aspx
> If your customers include enterprises that do that kind of deployment your 
> product will be seen as much better than one that requires visiting each 
> workstation for installation or license key configuration.
> Phil Wilson
> -Original Message-
> From: little.forest [mailto:little.for...@ymail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:57 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the 
> installer ran as Admin
> Thanks Phil.
> For #1, in the old version of our software, the license key was kept in a 
> common place. In this new version, it's changed. I agree with you for this 
> point. I'll talk to our team to put license key in a common place. It'll make 
> sense to put it in a common place as we support per-machine install.
> For #2, we could do that. But our QA also argued that "all settings" were 
> saved in admin folder instead of user's local folder. Anyways, I think what 
> our QA wanted is, "run as admin" but launch application "as standard user". 
> I'm not sure if this is possible. Can you tell me if it's possible?
> Also, what does "GPO" mean?
> Thanks!
> From: "Wilson, Phil" 
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
> Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 3:29:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the 
> installer ran as Admin
> ..and a couple of things that don't make sense to me:
> 1. There are always likely to be cases (admin install, over the shoulder, 
> group policy) where somebody else is doing the install on behalf of a user. 
> So what seems odd to me is Brian's comment that the key is in the wrong place 
> because it's in the installing user's profile folder. Why not just install it 
> in some common area in the first place? It's not as if you can't 
> sub-directory the keys for each user in that location if necessary.
> 2. This sounds like standard data collection, so why not just have the user 
> enter the key in a user sequence dialog, and have MSI put it somewhere on the 
> system for you? Then you're not running programs with the wrong account. 
> Also, if it's an installer property then it also enables silent installs, GPO 
> installs. Have you looked at the PIDKEY property, for example?
> Phil Wilson
> -Original Message-
> From: Sascha Beaumont [mailto:sascha.beaum...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 1:34 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to launch application as Standard User while the 
> installer ran as Admin
> Check out http://blogs.msdn.com/rflaming/archive/2006/09/21/765665.aspx
> You can probably use MSIREALADMINDETECTION to make the AdminUser
> property behave as you require.
> Sascha
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:08 AM, little.forest  
> wrote:
>> Our installer needs Admin right to run. So a "Standard user" has to run the 
>> installer "run as Admin". On the final page of the installer, we have a 
>> "Launch application" option. So the user can check that option and launch 
>> the application. Our application will ask a license key. The user inputs the 
>> license key. But the key will be saved in "C:\Documents and 
>> Settings\Administrator\Application Data" folder. Then the user exits the 
>> application. And run the application again by using the normal "Standard 
>> user" privilege. Then the application will ask the license key again, 
>> because the license key wasn't saved in the right folder such as 
>> "C:\Documents and Settings\JoeSmith\Application Data".
>> How to resolve this problem?
>> I'm thinking two options:
>> 1. The user can "run as admin". But the application will be launched by 
>> using "Standard user". This way, the licens