Theres an answer in Peter Marcu's blog at

which says the ID has to be above the last sequence number of the
*baseline* you are targetting, so it sounds like you are doing it right.

-----Original Message-----
From: Yan Sklyarenko [] 
Sent: 16 December 2009 14:26
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Patch/Media/@Id question

Hello WiX community,

I have a simple question, just to make sure.
When creating a patch, should I always change Patch/Media/@Id attribute
between patches?

For instance, I have Patch1.wxs, which is to be applied to RTM
(baseline), and Patch2.wxs, which is to be applied to RTM+Patch1. In
Patch1.wxs I have <Media Id="5000" ... />, and in Patch2.wxs I also have
<Media Id="5000" ... />. It seems to work fine, but is it absolutely

The tutorial says this Id should be "larger than any Media/@Id found in
the installation packages". By installation packages the base MSI is
meant here, right? 

I made a conclusion that if Media/@Id in all my MSI packages of this
product never reach 5000, than it is safe to put Patch/Media/@Id="5000"
in every single patch of this product.

Is it correct?

Thank you,

-- Yan

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