Re: Using Open office

2020-02-22 Thread Moderator
You are subscribed to the mailing list so
you receive a copy of all posts, just like all other subscribers.

According to the mailing list records the reply to David Hunt's post
came from your email address

On 22/02/2020 13:28, Lucetta wrote:
> This has been just been sent to me and I don’t understand it
> Does anyone have any thoughts?
>> On Feb 22, 2020, at 12:29 AM, Lucetta  wrote:
>> Can’t speak for you situation. However something has changed  with the base 
>> code in some operating systems. It technical & outside of my computer 
>> understanding. I don’t understand it, something to do with base code and 
>> macros or executables, but far outside of my depth of knowledge. 
>> My Open Office spreadsheets created on my 2009 MacBookPros can no longer can 
>> be opened with Excel. If they open it is text only & can’t be manipulated.
>> I am redoing all my OpenOffice spreadsheets from scratch for our accountant 
>> in an old Excel which I’m hoping will work. Just don’t have time to get & 
>> learn new equipment & software. 
>> Also my Norton went very buggy & replacement security was even worse. Not 
>> sure how or if that fits in but happened at the same time. 
>> I’m having to replace all my computers and software. Something happened with 
>> a recent update to my Mac OS but apparently it was only a matter of time. 
>> If anyone has any suggestion they would be much appreciated. But I’ve run 
>> out of time to play around & am just heads down redoing everything. 
>> Lucetta
>>> On Feb 20, 2020, at 7:05 AM, David Hunt  wrote:
>>> I have started using Open Office on my HP PC, with Windows 10.
>>> Sadly any document I send out can be read by other windows users, but I 
>>> phone and some I pads complain that all documents are scrambled or Zipped.?
>>> Any suggestions please.
>>> I do not have Microsoft Office any more, corrupted and Microsoft support 
>>> totally unhelpful.
>>> Dave  Thanks in hope.
>>> Sent from Mail for Windows 
>>> 10

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Fwd: Update

2020-05-15 Thread Moderator
The following post has been going round in moderation for a couple of
days, so I am redirecting it to the user support list, along with a
possible solution.

> From: Beverly Jackson 
> Subject: Update
> My MacBook Pro came supplied with OpenOffice which I have using for a
> number of years and on which all my files and correspondence are
> stored.  My MacBook was recently updated with macOS Catalina and I
> have been advised that OpenOffice must be updated to run now.  I would
> appreciate your assistance in taking care of this update as soon as
> possible because I cannot access reports that I need and cannot do the
> work I need to do.
> Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
> Beverly Jackson


Hundreds, maybe thousands, of people are running Apache OpenOffice on
macOS Catalina without any problems.

You have not said exactly what the problem is, but it maybe the macOS
Gatekeeper issue described and solution given in Q&A #5 of the
OpenOffice forum tutorial:
Also on the Apple website:

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Re: Openoffice Apache App on Table Support Question

2020-06-10 Thread Moderator

Might this be the software Crystal is referring to
If so Crystal needs to contact AndreOpenoffice support:

 Original Message 
From: David Belina []
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 17:10 UTC
To: David Robley;,
Cc: Crystal Howard
Subject: Openoffice Apache App on Table Support Question

> If you paid for Open Office you got ripped off (unless you got a CD with OO 
> on it).  OO is free to download:  
> On June 10, 2020 at 1:26:35 AM, David Robley ( wrote:
> Apache OpenOffice is free to download from  
> and should only be downloaded from  
> there to ensure you don't get some additional and possibly unwanted extras.  
> You don't say how your spell check isn't working: if it is flagging all  
> words as mis-spelled, see  
> If it is not showing errors on mis-spelled words, see  
> Since you are not subscribed to this list you may not see all the  
> replies to your query. To subscribe to Apache OpenOffice mailing lists  
> go to  
> As a courtesy I have sent a copy of this reply to you as well as to the  
> mailing list. Do Not reply to me personally but just to the list at  
>  - replies to my personal email address  
> will be ignored.  
> On 10/6/20 10:13 am, Crystal Howard wrote:  
>> Good evening Support,  
>> The "spelling correction" function in the Openoffice Apache app on my tablet 
>> is not working.  
>> Should I delete the app and reload it? Would that correct the bug, or is 
>> there something else I can do in the app to fix?  
>> If I do need to delete app and reload, will the subscription I paid, still 
>> apply?  
>> Thanks  
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android  
> Cheers  
> --  
> David Robley  
> There are no atheists in the foxholes.  

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Re: Password reset problem

2020-06-10 Thread Moderator
On 10/06/2020 22:35, hamouda chokri wrote:
> Dear
> I'm unable to reset my password 
> My email is 
> image.png
> -- 
> *Meilleurs salutations / **Best Regards*
> *Chokri Hamouda*

The missing image shows the password referred to is for the Templates

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Re: Apache open office writer

2020-06-22 Thread Moderator

 Original Message 
From: David Jacobs []
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 04:58 UTC
Subject: Apache open office writer

> Dear editorial team,
> Suddenly I have no access to my documents (they won't open) I've tried all
> the websites but no help.  Also I can't access a new office page. If you
> can help I would appreciate it.
> Thank you,
> David Jacobs

Hi David,

If you provide a bit more information we may be able to help you.
How are you trying to access your documents?
Are you double clicking on a file name expecting something to happen?
Are you opening Writer and using the main menu "File -> Open" Option?
When you try and access your documents, do any messages appear on your
scree and if so what do they say?


Please address any reply to only.
Messages sent to my personal email address will not be answered.

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Re: Apache open office writer [Addition]

2020-06-23 Thread Moderator
Fine. How about answers to the other questions.

*From:* David Jacobs []
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 17:04 UTC
*Subject:* Apache open office writer [Addition]

> Windows 10
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 10:36 PM Moderator  wrote:
>> It would also be helpful to know which OS (Operating System - eg. Linux,
>> Mac, Solaris, Windows, etc.) you are using.
>>  Original Message 
>> From: David Jacobs [ ]
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 04:58 UTC
>> To:
>> Subject: Apache open office writer
>> Dear editorial team,
>> Suddenly I have no access to my documents (they won't open) I've tried all
>> the websites but no help.  Also I can't access a new office page. If you
>> can help I would appreciate it.
>> Thank you,
>> David Jacobs
>> Hi David,
>> If you provide a bit more information we may be able to help you.
>> How are you trying to access your documents?
>> Are you double clicking on a file name expecting something to happen?
>> Are you opening Writer and using the main menu "File -> Open" Option?
>> When you try and access your documents, do any messages appear on your
>> scree and if so what do they say?
>> Regards
>> Dave
>> --
>> Please address any reply to only.
>> Messages sent to my personal email address will not be answered.

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Re: Account activation request

2020-08-03 Thread Moderator
On 03/08/2020 09:42, hamouda chokri wrote:
> Dear
> I need your help to activate my account.
> image.png
> -- 
> *Meilleurs salutations / **Best Regards*
> *Chokri Hamouda*
> *+216.52.940.613
> *mail:: 

The missing image is capture of the Templates login page, showing an
"Unable to send e-mail. Contact the site administrator if the problem
persists." error message.

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Re: Help ASAP

2020-09-13 Thread Moderator

 Original Message 
From: Lauren Gilbert []
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2020, 02:11 UTC
Subject: Help ASAP

> Hello
> I have a very important document that I now get asked this when I open it 
> No matter what language I choose the text comes up as little squares!!!
> Please help!!!
> Lauren Gilbert
Attachments to posts addressed to this list are removed by the list
server, so normal subscribers will be unable to see the photos you took
of your screen.

List subscribers:
Lauren's 2 photos show the ASCII filter dialog and the typical
continuous string of hash (#) characters, found in a corrupted document.
Lauren is not subscribed, please cc her in any reply.


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Re: Unsuccessfull login

2020-09-17 Thread Moderator
@David, I believe Xesús González Rato is one of the extension authors.

@ Xesús, As David correctly states the AOO Extensions are managed by
SourceForge, so your best option is to contact them:


On 17/09/2020 23:24, David Belina wrote:
> You don’t need a login to download any Open Office extension.
> I just downloaded what you say is what you want:
> Download Apache OpenOffice Extensions from
> On September 17, 2020 at 4:19:50 PM, Xesús González Rato 
> ( wrote:
> Hello, I've been trying to login for an update of the extension "Asturian  
> spellchecker dictionary for" and fails all the time.  
> Thinking that perhaps I've forgotten the password, I've claimed a "forgot  
> my password" and displays an error message saying to contact with the  
> webmaster.  
> That's the reason of this message.  
> Thanks in advance!  
> Xesús  

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Re: Hi

2020-12-04 Thread Moderator

 Original Message 
From: Pius Klein []
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020, 05:38 UTC
To: openoffice
Subject: Hi

> My computer will not run the program,
> it wants a Java runtime to be used by Open office.
> Thanks, hopefully with help, I can get it to work.
> P Klein

Read the Java notes on the download page:

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Re: Can't Export JPG

2020-12-06 Thread Moderator
Attachments are removed from this list, so normal subscribers cannot see
your capture.

@List: The capture shows Export to PDF, saving to  to "MS OneDrive".
I have sent an off-list reply to the OP with captures of the normal
export as images looks like.


 Original Message 
From: BK Home Photos []
Sent: Sunday, December 6, 2020, 18:04 UTC
Subject: Can't Export JPG

> Hi, if you check the video sent, I clicked the drop down, and there are no 
> other options other than pdf.---BK Home Photosp. 646.481.9662Our Work // 
>  On Sun, 06 Dec 2020 12:55:03 -0500  
> wrote On Sun, 06 Dec 2020 10:44:14 -0500
> BK Home Photos  wrote:
>> I did click "export." I did not click "export as pdf."---BK Home Photosp. 
>> 646.481.9662Our Work //  On Sun, 06 Dec 2020 10:38:54 
>> -0500  wrote Click "Export" not "Export As"
> I've just checked.  /File /Export, then change the file type to JPG/JPEG from 
> the file type dropdown.

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Fwd: Windows 10 mit OpenOffice 4.1.8

2020-12-13 Thread Moderator
This message from an elderly German speaking gentleman posted to the
developer list and was rejected by another moderator.
Knowing that we have German speaking subscribers here, I would ask if
someone on this list would try and assist him.

Thank you.

> seit Jahren benutze ich, inzwischen 89 jahre alt, OpenPffice, zuletzt
> 4.17. Von meinen diversen Reisen habe ich mit dem Write-Programm, jede
> Menge Alben produziert,
> die allgemeine Anerkennung finden.
> Seit ca einem halben Jahr habe ich Windows 10 auf meinem LapTop und
> damit ist das Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 nicht einverstanden. Ich war
> nicht einmal in der
> Lage, Weihnachtskarten aus den Zeichnungen meiner Frau, zu produzieren !
> Sicher sehen Sie eine Möglichkeit, wie ich das beliebte Programm
> weiter nutzen kann. Aber bedenken Sie mein Alter und das ich
> Autodidact bin. Ich bin gerne bereit,
> Ihnen den Fernzugang zu ermöglichen. Oder soll ich das unbrauchbare
> Programm jetzt löschen und Sie schicken mir zu einem angemessenen
> Preis eine  CD, mit der ich dann
> das nutzbare Programm herunterladen kann.
> Ich hoffe sehr, dass Sie mit weiterhelfen können und verbleibe
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Karl-Günther Baumgarth

Very rough Google translation:

For years, I have been using 89 years old, OpenOffice, last 4.17. From
my various trips I have produced with the Write program, lots of albums,
find general recognition.

For about half a year I have Windows 10 on my laptop and therefore the
Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 does not agree. I was not even in the location
to produce Christmas cards from the drawings of my wife!

Sure you see a way I can continue to use the popular program. But
remember my age and that I am Autodidact. I like to be ready

To enable remote access. Or should I delete the unusable program now and
send me a CD for a reasonable price, with which I then

The usable program can download.

I hope so that you can help with help and remain

Yours sincerely
Karl-Günther Baumgarth

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Re: Fwd: Windows 10 mit OpenOffice 4.1.8

2020-12-13 Thread Moderator
Thanks Peter. I have only been a moderator for AOO since 2010, so my
first move was to forward the non-subscribed user to:
 which returned the error:

"Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=: Host not found"

I only understand a couple of hundred words in German and have almost
zero comprehension of German grammar. So, in an attempt to assist
someone who appeared to be a long term user of our software I appealed
to German speaking subscribers to this list for assistance.


On 13/12/2020 18:11, Peter Kovacs wrote:
> I try to take care. A solution in future could be to forward these to
> the german user list? I think (sorry I am a bit lazy to look
> it up)?
> On 13.12.20 17:04, Moderator wrote:
>> This message from an elderly German speaking gentleman posted to the
>> developer list and was rejected by another moderator.
>> Knowing that we have German speaking subscribers here, I would ask if
>> someone on this list would try and assist him.
>> Thank you.
>>> seit Jahren benutze ich, inzwischen 89 jahre alt, OpenPffice, zuletzt
>>> 4.17. Von meinen diversen Reisen habe ich mit dem Write-Programm, jede
>>> Menge Alben produziert,
>>> die allgemeine Anerkennung finden.
>>> Seit ca einem halben Jahr habe ich Windows 10 auf meinem LapTop und
>>> damit ist das Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 nicht einverstanden. Ich war
>>> nicht einmal in der
>>> Lage, Weihnachtskarten aus den Zeichnungen meiner Frau, zu produzieren !
>>> Sicher sehen Sie eine Möglichkeit, wie ich das beliebte Programm
>>> weiter nutzen kann. Aber bedenken Sie mein Alter und das ich
>>> Autodidact bin. Ich bin gerne bereit,
>>> Ihnen den Fernzugang zu ermöglichen. Oder soll ich das unbrauchbare
>>> Programm jetzt löschen und Sie schicken mir zu einem angemessenen
>>> Preis eine  CD, mit der ich dann
>>> das nutzbare Programm herunterladen kann.
>>> Ich hoffe sehr, dass Sie mit weiterhelfen können und verbleibe
>>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>>> Karl-Günther Baumgarth
>> Very rough Google translation:
>> For years, I have been using 89 years old, OpenOffice, last 4.17. From
>> my various trips I have produced with the Write program, lots of albums,
>> find general recognition.
>> For about half a year I have Windows 10 on my laptop and therefore the
>> Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 does not agree. I was not even in the location
>> to produce Christmas cards from the drawings of my wife!
>> Sure you see a way I can continue to use the popular program. But
>> remember my age and that I am Autodidact. I like to be ready
>> To enable remote access. Or should I delete the unusable program now and
>> send me a CD for a reasonable price, with which I then
>> The usable program can download.
>> I hope so that you can help with help and remain
>> Yours sincerely
>> Karl-Günther Baumgarth

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Re: Fwd: Windows 10 mit OpenOffice 4.1.8

2020-12-13 Thread Moderator

*From:* Brian Barker []
*Sent:* Sunday, December 13, 2020, 18:53 UTC
*To:* Dave Noname
*Subject:* Fwd: Windows 10 mit OpenOffice 4.1.8

> At 18:29 13/12/2020 +, you wrote:
>> ... my first move was to forward the non-subscribed user to:
>>  which returned the error:
>> "Host or domain name not found. ..."
> Should be ?
> Brian Barker

Thanks for pointing out the error of my ways.

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Re: open office

2021-01-04 Thread Moderator

Please provide evidence of your claim that "LibreOffice folks are in
some way behind this."

Otherwise, please stop using ASF mailing lists to spread malicious
unsubstantiated rumours.

On 04/01/2021 17:49, JD wrote:
> Dear All,
> I want to let you know that LibreOffice folks are in some way behind
> this.
> I have never seen links in google search that are from individuals
> who are selling libreoffice, and asking the gullible users for their
> credit cards. If YOU have seen such links, then I stand informed
> (and corrected).
> Regards,
> JD
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 10:41 AM Dave Fisher  wrote:
>> We would like to review sites that may be abusing our users. Please
>> provide the URL where you were asked for a credit card number.
>> Thanks,
>> Dave
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 4, 2021, at 8:31 AM, Christine Neumayer
>>  wrote:
>>> I tried downloading open office and when I went to downloads the
>> program is not there.  There was another place that was there to  find the
>> download which required credit card.   The big question is why do you need
>> a credit card # if there will never be any charges
>>> Thank you for you time.
>>> Christine

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Re: Open Office for Sraco Co. SAUDI ARABIA

2021-03-24 Thread Moderator
List subscribers please do not reply to this *SPAM*.

Would the Moderator who allowed this garbage through to the list please
contact me.

Thank you.


On 24/03/2021 16:29, Mohammed Taha Mohammed Ahmed wrote:
> Dear Sir /madam,
> Please provide your distributor or service provider in Saudi Arabia, as we
> are in processing to replace MS.
> *Thanks & Best Regards*
> Mohamad Taha Mohamed
> *Sraco Co - Purchase Department *
> *Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, Dammam*
> *TEL: +966 13-8433441 EXT# 1515*
> *Mob no: 0599552016 *
> *WhatsApp: 0563262052*
> *E-mail: *** 

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Re: Open Office for Sraco Co. SAUDI ARABIA

2021-03-25 Thread Moderator
Hi Simon,

In the sense that the same day an attempts were made to post this exact
same "boiler plate" *SPAM* to at least four other open source mailing
lists that I know of.

When this post arrived in moderation I checked and noted that it had a
*FORGED* header.

In light of your post, I have gone so far as trying to contact Mohamad
Taha Mohamed at Sraco Co - Purchase Department, only to find that this
character does *NOT* exist.

Now, is that "sense" clear enough for you?

I still do not have an answer to my request for the other moderator to
contact me. Based on information acquired over time I know that Marcus
appointed himself as a list moderator, but our PMC have always
considered it necessary for moderators remain anonymous.

I will repeat the same request for a clear cut, unequivocal answer I
asked the PMC for over 10 years ago: "Why should list moderators not be
able to identify each other". The last time this question was asked some
of our PMC spewed out a meaningless response about privacy, blah, blah,
blah and more BS.

I am about the  one and only moderator for the Apache OpenOffice project
has who actually provides clear, positive, *active* assistance to those
who post to

Simon, you and I are very much alike, in the respect that if we take on
a responsibility, be it a trivial list moderation, or establishing a
commercial entity for The Documentation Foundation, we both endeavour to
do the the best job we possibly can.


On 24/03/2021 17:21, Simon Phipps wrote:
> In what sense is a company asking for a support provider for
> ApacheOpenOffice on the User list "SPAM"?
> S.
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 5:15 PM Moderator  wrote:
>> List subscribers please do not reply to this *SPAM*.
>> Would the Moderator who allowed this garbage through to the list please
>> contact me.
>> Thank you.
>> Dave
>> On 24/03/2021 16:29, Mohammed Taha Mohammed Ahmed wrote:
>>> Dear Sir /madam,
>>> Please provide your distributor or service provider in Saudi Arabia, as
>> we
>>> are in processing to replace MS.
>>> *Thanks & Best Regards*
>>> Mohamad Taha Mohamed
>>> *Sraco Co - Purchase Department *
>>> *Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, Dammam*
>>> *TEL: +966 13-8433441 EXT# 1515*
>>> *Mob no: 0599552016 *
>>> *WhatsApp: 0563262052*
>>> *E-mail: *** 
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: Error message when opening up a document

2021-07-03 Thread Moderator

 Original Message 
From: Meggie Szczesny []
Sent: Saturday, July 3, 2021, 15:05 UTC
Subject: Error message when opening up a document

> Hello
> I wanted to email you with my problem, rather than use the forum site -
> as I   do not know how to use them properly, and I do not understand the
> answers.  
> When I open up a document, I often (but not always), get the message
> below.  Please help, as I don't know how to rectify this.
> Many thanks
> Meggie

Hi Meggie,

Your message was posted to a mailing list, with several hundred
subscribers. As a security precaution the mailing list server removes
attachments, which means that list subscribers will not see your screen

Subscribers. Meggie's capture shows an error message dialog which reads:
"The operation on C:\Users\User\Documents\TRAVEL\MASTER - Travel
documents\LODGERS - re long placementXList for lodgers - for a 2 week
holiday -Skiathos 2020.doc was started with an invalid parameter."

Meggie is not subscribed to the list so any reply should cc.


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Re: Installing Open Office

2021-09-04 Thread Moderator

 Original Message 
From: Stuart Pompian []
Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2021, 18:20 UTC
Subject: Installing Open Office

> I am running Mac Sierra 10.12.6.  I downloaded Open Office and dragged app 
> into my applications folder.  I  tried to open it several times and got the 
> following.
> ““OpenOffice” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.”
> What now?  Any suggestions?
> Regards,
> stuart

See Q05 and A05 about the macOS GateKeeper message here:
Also on the Apple website:

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Re: Document Recovery Problem

2021-11-13 Thread Moderator
On 13/11/2021 17:39, Jim Jurnak wrote:

Sorry folks. This should never have got through moderation. I didn't
realize the list server would attempt to translate this meaningless rubbish.

The non-subscribed OP Jim Jurnak   message was:

"For some reason,  Open Office (ver. 4.1.11) didn’t properly save a
document I created. When it automatically went to recovery, the result
was gibberish.
I usually create documents in .rtf format. After recovery, I had the
attached .rtf document. When I clicked the Text Encoded option, I had
the attached .txt document.
It seems the content is still there in a corrupted form. Is there a way
to recover this document?
Jim Jurnak"

The file was neither rtf or txt, just garbage.

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Re: File [not] deleted

2021-12-13 Thread Moderator
Hi Adrian,

Can we please keep this ON-LIST.

IF you are so so fully aware of these things, why do you still believe
that the software should be expected to continuously track EVERYTHING
across your entire OS file system and and continuously rebuild this
simplistic pointer/shortcut list.

You provide ZERO evidence that that some "unidentified" update "wiped"
the "recent documents" list. Even though that may be true, because
software, especially updates, can produce unpredictable results, anyone
who chooses relies entirely on some weak, simplistic archive record
outside of the OS, must accept the consequences of their choice.

For the benefit of others reading this and may be interested, can you
please describe your "work around"?


*From:* ACG []
*Sent:* Monday, December 13, 2021, 22:42 UTC
*To:* Dave
*Subject:* File [not] deleted

> Thanks, Dave, but I am fully aware of these things.
> The fact is that following an update the recent documents list was
> wiped. That includes pinned documents.
> It is also the case that there are circumstances where the way you
> open a file may or may not trigger it being registered on the "recent
> documents" list.
> Because I do understand these things I have been able to work around
> it - but it is a faff.
> Adrian
> On 13/12/2021 22:32, Dave wrote:
>>  Original Message 
>> From: ACG []
>> Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021, 21:48 UTC
>> To:
>> Subject: File [not] deleted
>>> On 13/12/2021 21:39, Brian Barker wrote:
 At 14:29 13/12/2021 +, Adrian Grant wrote:
> It's a bit of a faff - and you have to remember where they [sc. your
> document files] all are ...
 It's funny that: I find the same applies to many other things, too. I
 have to remember where my keys are, my spectacles, my phone, my car,
 those tomatoes I bought yesterday - oh, and my document files.

 Brian Barker
>>> Très drôle - but having to repopulate a "recent documents" list is a
>>> pain
>>> Adrian Grant
>> You appear to be unaware of what the "recent documents" list is.
>> It is nothing more than a very simplistic record of files that were
>> previously opened/used by the software at some point in time. If those
>> files have been relocated/deleted by anything outside of the software's
>> control, the "recent documents" pointers/shortcuts to those locations
>> will be invalidated.
>> If you, as a user, choose to reconstruct/repopulate that list of
>> pointers/shortcuts that is your choice, but it is not something the
>> software should be expected to continuously track across your entire OS
>> file system and continuously rebuild.
>> "In my NOT so humble opinion", for inexperienced computer/software users
>> the "recent documents" list is the worst, most misleading and confusing
>> thing ever added to the software. It is only useful if you genuinely
>> understand what it really is and how it functions.

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Re: Help! lost Open Office on my computer/laptop

2022-01-21 Thread Moderator
The image shows the Welcome registration wizard dialog for AOO 4.1.7
Which suggests Lisa obtained the AOO installer from somewhere other than
the recommended source.

Lisa. Does simply clicking through the two steps of the wizard, instead
of clicking "Cancel", resolve the issue?
Please reply to not to me directly.

On 21/01/2022 21:53, Alan B wrote:
> The image is not displayed. What is the text in the image?
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 4:51 PM Lisa Floyd  wrote:
>> It appears that an update must have run when I turned on my lap top this
>> morning.
>> Suddenly I am not able to open ANY Open Office document without getting
>> this messge:
>> Why and what to do?
>> lisafloyd

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Re: FW: open office not recognizing JRE

2022-02-06 Thread Moderator
On 07/02/2022 01:59, MICHAEL DENNIS wrote:
> Sent from Mail for Windows
> Sent: Thursday, February 3, 2022 4:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: open office not recognizing JRE
> I have installed the new version of Java Runtime(JRE), but my Open Office 
> program is not recognizing that it is on my computer. I have the latest 
> version of Open Office installed also.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks and…..hope you have a great day!

Your issue was answered almost immediately by Matthias Seidel, but since
you are not subscribed to this list you might have missed that reply.

Please see the list archive here:

Basically, you need to install the 32 bit edition of JRE

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Re: FW: open office not recognizing JRE

2022-02-06 Thread Moderator
CC: Original poster.

On 07/02/2022 06:17, Andrew Pitonyak wrote:
> I asked Google which versions of Java are supported by open office and if the 
> results are to be believed, you probably should also install open JDK 8.
> I assume you're running Windows given the tree using Windows email.
> And yes you can have multiple versions of Java installed at the same time. 
> Without knowing more about what you do on your computer and your setup, I 
> won't begin to try to tell you how to configure your computer to handle 
> multiple versions of Java. But you probably want the latest version in your 
> past and then you can probably configure open office and tell it specifically 
> where to find the JDK but again, I have no way to easily test this. But 
> hopefully that gets you started if you get no other answers.
> I do this regularly on other computers when software has different 
> requirements for which versions of Java, so it is common for me to have three 
> or more versions of Java installed at the same time.
> ⁣Get BlueMail for Android ​
> On Feb 6, 2022, 8:59 PM, at 8:59 PM, MICHAEL DENNIS 
>  wrote:
>> Sent from Mail for Windows
>> MWD
>> Sent: Thursday, February 3, 2022 4:10 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: open office not recognizing JRE
>> I have installed the new version of Java Runtime(JRE), but my Open
>> Office program is not recognizing that it is on my computer. I have the
>> latest version of Open Office installed also.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Thanks and…..hope you have a great day!

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Forwarded to Users Mailing List

2022-02-14 Thread Moderator
The following email was addressed directly to me, but should have been
addressed to this list. The sender is not subscribed to this list, so
please cc. Edouard Oberson  with any reply.


Original Message:

Good day

Now I have the following question:

I cannot transfer the data from my database (query) to the existing
template with data fields.

I made the document for label printing. The database is also available
with my query (see link)

How can I transfer this data from my database (query) to the mentioned

Thank you for your clear answer as soon as possible.



As a courtesy I have made a copy of Edouard's original screen shot
attachment available here:

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Re: Software Inquires {DO NOT OPEN}

2022-03-02 Thread Moderator


Do not open the attachment. It carries the Misleading:Win32/Lodi malware.

On 02/03/2022 12:55, SamGreen - M Moser Associates wrote:
> Dear OpenOffice,
> Please can someone from your sales team contact me with regards to your
> OpenOffice Software.
> I have attached a document below outlining what services we will require.
> Please let me know if this is within your capabilities
> Kind regards,
> * *
> *Sam Green
> Compliance Coordinator *
> M: (+44) 07542 937 396
> T: (+44) 20 7621 5400
> *M Moser Associates**
> *St Magnus House
> 3 Lower Thames Street
> London EC3R 6HD
> ** *__*
> *See our locations around the globe* 
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: Software Inquires {DO NOT OPEN}

2022-03-02 Thread Moderator

Ignoring the fact that the spam message itself should never have been
moderated through to the list. Attachment filtering of ASF mailing lists
seems to be a very hit & miss affair, with no identifiable logic.

On 02/03/2022 17:26, Simon Phipps wrote:
> I'm surprised the attachment wasn't stripped by the mailer - I thought it
> did that.
> On Wed, 2 Mar 2022, 17:04 Moderator,  wrote:
>> Do not open the attachment. It carries the Misleading:Win32/Lodi malware.
>> On 02/03/2022 12:55, SamGreen - M Moser Associates wrote:
>>> Dear OpenOffice,
>>> Please can someone from your sales team contact me with regards to your
>>> OpenOffice Software.
>>> I have attached a document below outlining what services we will require.
>>> Please let me know if this is within your capabilities
>>> Kind regards,
>>> * *
>>> *Sam Green
>>> Compliance Coordinator *
>>> M: (+44) 07542 937 396
>>> T: (+44) 20 7621 5400
>>> *M Moser Associates**
>>> *St Magnus House
>>> 3 Lower Thames Street
>>> London EC3R 6HD
>>> ** <>*__*
>>> *See our locations around the globe* <>

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Re: corrupt draw file

2022-06-07 Thread Moderator

 Original Message 
From: Matthieu V []
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 20:01 UTC
Subject: corrupt draw file

> Hi,
> by saving a OpenOffice drawing file crashed and since the file is
> corrupted, do you have a way to even view the content so that I can at
> least extract the information or repair it?
> The file is available here ...
> sp=sharing
> Thank you so much for your help

The list server breaks your file link. Try sending again with the link
on it's own line (ie. press Enter before and after inserting the link).

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Fwd: corrupt draw file

2022-06-07 Thread Moderator
Forwarded to the list.

*From:* Matthieu V []
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 20:23 UTC
*To:* Moderator
*Subject:* corrupt draw file

The link :

Le mar. 7 juin 2022 à 22:22, Moderator  a écrit :
>  Original Message 
> From: Matthieu V []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 20:01 UTC
> To:
> Subject: corrupt draw file
>> Hi,
>> by saving a OpenOffice drawing file crashed and since the file is
>> corrupted, do you have a way to even view the content so that I can at
>> least extract the information or repair it?
>> The file is available here ...
>> sp=sharing
>> Thank you so much for your help
> The list server breaks your file link. Try sending again with the link
> on it's own line (ie. press Enter before and after inserting the link).

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Re: New email Address

2022-07-19 Thread Moderator
On 20/07/2022 00:37, Lance Fredericks wrote:
> Hi,
> My replacement email address is
> The old address you have still works but may be discontinued at any time.
> Regards,
> Lance Fredericks

You write as if you expect one of the other list subscribers to change
your subscription email address, but this is something you have to do
for yourself by subscribing for your address and
unsubscribing from your address.
See instructions:

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Re: Subscription

2022-10-17 Thread Moderator

 Original Message 
From: Nicholas Micalone []
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2022, 23:09 UTC
Subject: Subscription

> Hi,
> Is there another link to subscribe?
> The clicking on the subscribe link provided, brings up Gmail, which I don't 
> use.
> Thank you.
> Nick M.

What are you trying to subscribe to?

If it is this user support mailing list the email address is:
for basic subscription instructions.

If it is the user support form the registration link is:

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Re: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14

2023-06-26 Thread Moderator
FYI Aisha's moderated message contained an image of the standard "Close 
Quickstarter to install" message.

On 26/06/2023 19:29, Smittys Auto Inc wrote:
Greetings, I have Apache OpenOffice 4.1.13 and have not been able to 
upgrade to 4.1.14. I get the following message:

Inline image

Thank you,

Aisha Smith

4631 W. Cardinal St.
Homosassa, FL 34446

(352) 628-9118

/**Office/Salvage yard open Tue, Wed, Frid 8 AM - 4:30 PM.*/
/**Towing throughout the week by appointment. Call Greg @ 352-422-0227.*/

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Re: Spam Link Removal Request

2023-07-17 Thread Moderator

 Original Message 
From: Melih Ozcan []
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2023, 19:19 UTC
Subject: Spam Link Removal Request

Dear Team,

I am writing to bring to your attention a critical issue regarding spam
activities associated with your platform. It has come to my attention that
certain individuals are engaging in spam practices on,
tarnishing the reputation of your platform and compromising user
experience. I kindly request that you take immediate action to address this
matter and preserve the integrity and credibility of

The link is:

Spam activities not only undermine the trust of users but also pose a
significant threat to the overall quality of content and the reputation of
your platform. It is crucial to maintain a clean and reliable environment
that promotes genuine collaboration and discourages deceptive practices.

To combat this issue effectively, I strongly urge you to implement the
following measures:

Strengthen your content moderation processes to proactively identify and
remove spam-related content from
Conduct regular reviews of user accounts and take appropriate action
against those found engaged in spam activities.
Enhance your community guidelines and policies to explicitly prohibit spam
practices, including the creation and distribution of spam content.
By taking these actions, you can demonstrate your commitment to providing a
trustworthy platform for users, where they can access high-quality and
genuine resources.

As a user and supporter of, I believe it is essential for
platforms like yours to maintain a strong stance against spam practices. By
actively addressing spam activities and safeguarding the platform against
deceptive practices, you can create an environment that fosters
productivity, collaboration, and user satisfaction.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will address
this issue promptly and take the necessary steps to prevent the occurrence
of spam activities on


Can you please identify the specific pages where you claim to see spam?

I cannot see any spam at the link you provided to a May 2023 calendar 
template. The page does show a number of links to other websites 
offering a similar calendar in other formats, all of which appear to be 
genuine, with the exception of a couple of invalid/broken links. Plus 
the "Download Template" link is genuine.

Thank you for your advice regarding combating spam, but almost all of 
the measures you propose are already in place for

CC To non-subscribed poster
Please address any reply to only.
Messages sent the moderator email address may not be answered.

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Re: Unable to open product

2023-08-24 Thread Moderator

 Original Message 
From: lauren mitchell []
Sent: Thursday, 24 August 2023 at 06:43 UTC
Subject: Unable to open product

After downloading, I clicked on the download and got this popup:
What can I do?

Apple is being overly cautious.
It is safe to override this warning *IF* you downloaded from:
IF you downloaded from anywhere else then heed the Apple warning.

Also on the Apple website:

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