Thanks Peter. I have only been a moderator for AOO since 2010, so my
first move was to forward the non-subscribed user to:
<> which returned the error:

"Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=AAAA: Host not found"

I only understand a couple of hundred words in German and have almost
zero comprehension of German grammar. So, in an attempt to assist
someone who appeared to be a long term user of our software I appealed
to German speaking subscribers to this list for assistance.


On 13/12/2020 18:11, Peter Kovacs wrote:
> I try to take care. A solution in future could be to forward these to
> the german user list? I think (sorry I am a bit lazy to look
> it up)?
> On 13.12.20 17:04, Moderator wrote:
>> This message from an elderly German speaking gentleman posted to the
>> developer list and was rejected by another moderator.
>> Knowing that we have German speaking subscribers here, I would ask if
>> someone on this list would try and assist him.
>> Thank you.
>>> seit Jahren benutze ich, inzwischen 89 jahre alt, OpenPffice, zuletzt
>>> 4.17. Von meinen diversen Reisen habe ich mit dem Write-Programm, jede
>>> Menge Alben produziert,
>>> die allgemeine Anerkennung finden.
>>> Seit ca einem halben Jahr habe ich Windows 10 auf meinem LapTop und
>>> damit ist das Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 nicht einverstanden. Ich war
>>> nicht einmal in der
>>> Lage, Weihnachtskarten aus den Zeichnungen meiner Frau, zu produzieren !
>>> Sicher sehen Sie eine Möglichkeit, wie ich das beliebte Programm
>>> weiter nutzen kann. Aber bedenken Sie mein Alter und das ich
>>> Autodidact bin. Ich bin gerne bereit,
>>> Ihnen den Fernzugang zu ermöglichen. Oder soll ich das unbrauchbare
>>> Programm jetzt löschen und Sie schicken mir zu einem angemessenen
>>> Preis eine  CD, mit der ich dann
>>> das nutzbare Programm herunterladen kann.
>>> Ich hoffe sehr, dass Sie mit weiterhelfen können und verbleibe
>>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>>> Karl-Günther Baumgarth
>> Very rough Google translation:
>> For years, I have been using 89 years old, OpenOffice, last 4.17. From
>> my various trips I have produced with the Write program, lots of albums,
>> find general recognition.
>> For about half a year I have Windows 10 on my laptop and therefore the
>> Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 does not agree. I was not even in the location
>> to produce Christmas cards from the drawings of my wife!
>> Sure you see a way I can continue to use the popular program. But
>> remember my age and that I am Autodidact. I like to be ready
>> To enable remote access. Or should I delete the unusable program now and
>> send me a CD for a reasonable price, with which I then
>> The usable program can download.
>> I hope so that you can help with help and remain
>> Yours sincerely
>> Karl-Günther Baumgarth

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