Re: Open Office changing my document from word

2016-01-19 Thread Bruce Pierson
Obviously never heard of "Save As".


*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*

On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 11:11 AM, James Plante  wrote:

> Cathy,
> I don’t suppose it has occurred to you that you’re yelling and screeching
> at other users who have no more authority over the operation of the program
> Now calm down and tell us which operating system you’re using: Windows or
> Mac. Then tell us, step by step, how your documents came to be “changed.”
> Then one of us may be able to tell you how to solve your problem.
> But we won’t do that if you keep screeching like a spoiled child of
> privilege who seems to regard all of us other users as your personal
> servants. I don’t really care about how inconvenienced you may be; AOO
> works well for the rest of us. Insult us again at your peril. We are not
> your paid consultants (or servants.)
> Jim
> > On Jan 18, 2016, at 6:37 PM, cathy colorado  wrote:
> >
> > I am so annoyed with you right now, that I feel a strong hatred for you.
> I can't believe your software is so invasive that you would change my Word
> Documents to ODT without asking permission, and without making it easily
> user friendly to undo. You are automatically changing my Word documents and
> they are disappearing. Stop I want to keep your software, but you DO
> >
> > Please tell me exactly how to undo this mess and stop your software from
> changing my Word Documents WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!  If I could scream
> in your ear personally right this minute I would. You are annoying!
> >
> > Cathy
> -
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Re: grid printing

2017-05-03 Thread Bruce Pierson
In the FILE menu select PRINT PREVIEW
Then select FORMAT PAGE   Check the box for GRID

That should do it.

*"I would rather be lost in the woods, than found in the city. "*

On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 3:17 PM, Jerold Lazarus 

> How can I get the grid lines of a spreadsheet to print. The contents of
> the cells print OK but not the grid lines that outlines the contents.
> Jerry Lazarus

Re: Problem with Open Office before and after installing new update

2017-05-22 Thread Bruce Pierson
​I myself have had the spell check problem under OSX and the solution given
by the users group resolved it.  That is the only problem I have had with
AOO other than a few odd quirks that, to no surprise, others also
experienced.  In my past I have worked with at least 5 different pieces of
writing and publishing software and found that they are all similar and
each has it's own set of quirks. As stated, there is no perfect software. ​

*"I would rather be lost in the woods, than found in the city. "*

On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 1:22 AM, Martin Groenescheij <> wrote:

> On 22/05/17 3:36 AM, Hugo Costa wrote:
>> I begin the campaign  :  DO NOT UPGRADE  the OPEN OFFICE  UNLESS the
> Good begin, but what does it solve?
> .. I don know who decides when to upgrade it,
> Well, each one decide for them self when and what to download or upgrade
> nobody is forcing you.
>but how many of us have a problem  with the spell check after it.
> At least I didn't had this problem, but I know many others had it.
>> The  solution given, solution at end, made with respect,  is Neanderthal
>> Time  !!!
> There is no and never will be perfect software, but if the solution works
> then at least you have a working application
> upgraded to the latest version where many other issues are solved.
>> I saw it the same answer before in this  "chat"Spell check is an aptitude
>> old as word editors.  Do not touch it.
>> Letś stand on it :  I vote DO NOT UPGRADE  the OPEN OFFICE  UNLESS the
> I vote DO UPGRADE and get the benefit of running the latest and greatest
> version.
>>  On Thursday, May 18, 2017 3:52 AM, Rory O'Farrell 
>> wrote:
>>   On Thu, 18 May 2017 01:58:06 + (UTC)
>> Matt Wiser  wrote:
>>Hi. Matt Wiser here, and I have been a longtime user of OpenOffice
>>> since the Win98 days on a desktop, and now on my laptop. Today, I
>>> encountered a problem, and a forum search didn't help. I opened a document
>>> that I had created and saved two years ago, and it had wavy lines beneath
>>> all of the text, something that has never happened before. I downloaded and
>>> installed the update to the new version just released, and the same thing
>>> happens! Only by disabling the automatic spell check does the wavy line
>>> disappear. Language has been set to English (USA) as the default setting.
>>> What's going on here?
>>> Thanks in advance for your assistance, and can someone tell me what's
>>> going on here? I am a casual user of my computer-probably with a Capital C,
>>> so, any help is appreciated.
>> Start by renaming your OpenOffice user profile.
>> As you are using Windows close OpenOffice and the Quickstarter. Open File
>> Explorer. Copy and paste %appdata%\OpenOffice\4 in the File Explorer
>> (sometimes called Windows Explorer)
>> Address Bar and press Enter. Rename the "user" folder - "user.old" is a
>> good choice. Start OpenOffice.
>> This cures most spellcheck problems.
> -
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2017-06-30 Thread Bruce Pierson
On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 12:43 PM, James Knott 

> it was OK to just kill the power to the computer when she left
> for the day, but couldn't understand why her computer stopped working.
> The disk was filled with all sorts of improperly saved files.

​I had a user on a UNIX system that would do that and he would wonder why
he could not boot up as if nothing happened.


*"I would rather be lost in the woods, than found in the city. "*

Re: Your Program

2017-12-08 Thread Bruce Pierson
Gee no one ever charged me for the software, no one ever demanded I use it,
and when I had questions there was always someone that could help me.  I
had to think a bit whilst learning to use AOO but it was never as bad as
some of the negative posters here maintain.

*"I would rather be lost in the woods, than found in the city. "*

On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 6:15 PM, Alan Pearce 

> Here, here!
>  Original message 
> From: Tony Clifford 
> Date: 08/12/2017  21:27  (GMT+00:00)
> To:
> Subject: Re: Your Program
> I am here happily using OpenOffice because MS Office does not recognize
> its own license.  My thanks to those who write  this software .
> voluntarily.!
> Tony Clifford
> Sent from my iPad
> > On 8 Dec 2017, at 21:12, Howard Blum  wrote:
> >
> > This jerk deserves MS Office.
> >
> >> On Dec 8, 2017 12:54 PM, "Paul"  wrote:
> >>
> >> Wow, when Open Office first came out I thought it would be a great
> >> substitute for Microsoft Office.  However, I just spent about an hour
> >> trying to do one simple thing: turn off autoinput as you erroneously
> call
> >> it, in the spreadsheet component.  Incredibly, that option is deeply
> hidden
> >> in the Tools>Cell Contents option. That's just ridiculous.  Ridiculous.
> >> Your program is also ridiculous.
> >>
> >> When I uninstall this piece of trash you call Open Office, how can I be
> >> sure there will be NO remains of it on my computer.  I won't no evidence
> >> that I EVER used such a poorly written piece of junk. EVER.
> >>
> >> Seriously, if you're going to write a program, you ought to try it out
> >> before releasing it.  This is worthless junk.
> >>
> >> Paul Jacobus
> >> 
> >> After Weeks Of Rumors, Joanna Gaines Comes Clean
> >>
> >>
> 5a2afa533205e7a52591fst04vuc
> >>
> >> -
> >> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> >> For additional commands, e-mail:
> >>
> >>
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Youtube: Douglas Ducote - The Caravan Is Coming To America

2018-10-24 Thread Bruce Pierson
What does this have to do with Open Office?  Save this for a forum on
politics.  This, like religion, has no place here.

*"I would rather be lost in the woods, than found in the city. "*

On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 5:36 PM Maurice Howe  wrote:

> Whatever your views about legal, illegal, or quasi-legal immigration, these
> poor blighters deserve a voice.  They are desperate -- no home, no food,
> nowhere to go, no hope.
>Should the USA (and Canada & other countries) welcome them?  We all have
> long-standing provisions for LEGAL immigration.  Is it enough?
>Put yourself in their awful circumstance -- wouldn't you move heaven &
> earth to better your blight?  For yourself; for your family?
>And it's only gonna get worse...
> Wish we could do MORE.
> Maurice
> The Caravan Is Coming To America

Help with spell check

2019-02-13 Thread Bruce Pierson
I have used AOO for a while and only had this problem once before.  I am
using Win 10 as an OS.  The spell check stopped working and I forget the
solution to this problem.  If you could point me in the right direction I'd

Bruce Pierson

*"I would rather be lost in the woods, than found in the city. "*


Re: Installation Problems.

2020-02-24 Thread Bruce Pierson
I would be wary of getting it on a CD these days.  There are more than a
few vendors that will sell you a CD with Open Office on it.  However, the
CD may have other little nasties on it as well most of which you do not
want.  If you have to pay for the software beware.

“ *Avoid pronouncing the phrases everyone else does. Think up your own way
of speaking, even if only to convey that thing you think everyone else is
saying. Make an effort to separate yourself from the Internet. Read books.”*

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 8:58 PM Drew Jensen 

> There is a long history of being offered on CD and DVD.
> This was at times with the blessings of the old owners of the Intellectual
> Property rights to the URL, Sun Microsystems, and numerous individual
> boosters, and some commercial operations.
> The practice went on after the IP was sold to Oracle and then granted to
> Apache Software Foundation with regards to boosters and commercial
> operations right down to today.
> You may want to nudge folks to only using the download from the
> URL, that Apache OpenOffice continues to use,  but no one
> should act surprised that some folks will have acquired it via CD or DVD.
> Best wishes,
> Drew
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 8:49 PM David Belina  wrote:
> > is download only.
> >
> >
> > On February 24, 2020 at 1:19:26 PM, Geoffrey Hartwell (
> > wrote:
> >
> > Am I right that OO 4.1.7 can be installed from the URL
> > There's a British/US option to
> > choose among many languages. No Discs.
> >
> > Yours aye,
> > Geoffrey
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Peter Kovacs []
> > Sent: 24 February 2020 20:01
> > To:; Gilbert Gabrielsen <
> >>
> > Subject: Re: Installation Problems.
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > do you have the CD with OpenOffice Version 3.2?
> >
> >
> > All the Best
> >
> > Peter
> >
> > Am 24.02.20 um 20:30 schrieb Gilbert Gabrielsen:
> > > I am a long time user of Open Office. I recently tried to install ver.
> > > 4.1.7. I had some problems so I decided to remove the old version and
> > > install the newer one. Every time I try I get this message 'The
> > > feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable disk
> > that is not
> > > available. Insert the 'Open' 3.2 disk and click ok'. Any
> > > help you can give me with this problem would be appreciated. This is
> > > my second request. Gilbert Gabrielsen at
> > >
> >
> > -
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> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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> >
> >

OS X Mavericks

2014-03-10 Thread Bruce Pierson
Will Open Office run with OS X Mavericks.  I am a planning to purchase a
new Mac Mini and it will have Mavericks as the OS.  Are there any issues
with running Open Office with this OS?

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, one finds it attached to the
rest of the world.

~ John Muir

Re: other site using your name

2014-03-20 Thread Bruce Pierson
You have to watch even with CNET !  Due to my own inattention I once downloaded 
a set of utilities for which I had no use. Whilst they were not malware, 
getting rid of them proved challenging.

Bruce  P 

On Mar 20, 2014, at 12:21, Tubular  wrote:

> May I suggest taking a more proactive approach when considering downloading a 
> product such as Open Office from other than their home site . . .
> Watch for wordage such as "This product is totally free *and offers the user 
> additional bundle products that may include advertisement* " on sites with 
> free downloads.  
> Check the home page for the product before downloading from this type of 
> site.  In the past I have used cnet and found it to be trustworthy.
> An Elderly person
>> *I made a mistake and went to the address below and downloded a small
>> installer file and even tho I told it not to add free stuff it messed up my
>> firefoxbrowser. You ought to tell these people to cease and desist.
>> *

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Re: Warning: [Was Re: How Do I Get Rid of Searchconduit?

2014-03-21 Thread Bruce Pierson
I got this little gem in something called “Sweetpacks” and yes, it cropped up 
after a download from CNET.  I managed to get rid of it but it was not easy.  I 
did it by working my way backwards deleting and then reloading (without using 
CNET).  I am normally careful about downloading but somehow this slipped in.  
After this I am very cautious about getting anything through CNET.

Bruce Pierson
On Mar 21, 2014, at 13:03, Kay Schenk  wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Rory O'Farrell  wrote:
>> On Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:19:42 +
>> Rory O'Farrell  wrote:
>>> On Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:27:14 -0700
>>> Bernie H  wrote:
>>>> It seems Apache OpenOffice has "deposited" this search engine on my
>>>> computer, along with Mysearchdial. I don't want or need either one of
>> these
>>>> annoyances. Please advise how I can kill them both, as I've tried to
>> delete
>>>> Mysearchdial from Internet Options (where it highjacked my home
>> page!), but
>>>> can't find either program listed so I can uninstall them. Thanks.
>>> Details on removal are given at
>>> and at
>>> --
>>> Rory O'Farrell 
>> The two sites I pointed to in an attempt to help this user clear
>> mysearchdial are unfortunately bogus. They resolve to commercial links and
>> may be part of an extended mysearchdial scam. Do bot access them in any
>> attempt to remove mysearchdial.
>> I suggest using Malwarebytes and Adaware to remove the malware, then a
>> remote virus scan using housecall from trendmicro.
>> I leave the location of these sites to the users. Google is your friend.
>> --
>> Rory O'Farrell 
> This is at least the second incident we've had reported regarding
> "mysearchdial". I tried to assist someone with getting rid of this also a
> while back.
> It would be nice to know how this "malware" is originated -- from what
> download, etc.
>> ---
>> List Conduct Guidelines:
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> -- 
> -
> MzK
> "Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
> for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect."
>   -- James Mason

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Re: Any thoughts on's policy of "MS Word only"?

2014-04-17 Thread Bruce Pierson

On Apr 17, 2014, at 11:14, Jeffrey Deutsch  wrote:

> Hello,
> -- they specifically
> say that OpenOffice is not acceptable. is a "Microsoft Gold Certified Partner”, the likelihood that they 
would even admit that an open source suite such as Open Office can do 
everything that Microsoft Office can do would be slim to none. 

- Bruce
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Re: Shame on you.

2014-04-28 Thread Bruce Pierson
I never had a problem downloading from   I just loaded it to a 
brand new Mac and other than the known issues with  OSX 10.9, I’ve encountered 
nothing suspicious or malevolent.   I can’t make the same claim regarding 3rd 
party distributors.  I regard them as similar to reaching for a gold coin at 
the bottom of a basket of snakes; if you’re careful you get the coin, if not 
you get bitten.

On Apr 27, 2014, at 23:54, James Knott  wrote:

> Terry Lugviel wrote:
>> It was from
> I have downloaded from many times and never, not once
> had the problems you did.  That stuff must have come from somewhere else.
> BTW, we are not a company.  This is a mail list for users of
> OpenOffice.  Beyond using it, I have absolutely no connection with them.
> ---
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Re: Does this functionality exist in Open Office for the Mac?

2014-06-14 Thread Bruce Pierson
If you are using OS X, you can slow the tracking speed of the mouse by:
 SYSTEM PREFERENCES -> MOUSE   You then have the option of slowing the
tracking speed. Hope this helps..I did this when I had carpel tunnel
surgery and could not move my hand easily.

Bruce Pierson

*" I need the darkness and the peace, not the lights"*

On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 1:01 PM, Maggie Butler 

> I need a keyboard shortcut that will set up the keyboard cursor to
> mark text to copy beginning in the far left cell so that I can use the
> keyboard cursor to define which cells to the right are to be copied.
> Because I have arthritis in my hands I don’t use the trackpad, and if
> I move the mouse to the right selecting cells it leaps too fast to
> control. The only solution I have found so far is to cursor to the far
> right cell I want and then mark the text (going left) with the mouse
> because the left edge of the spreadsheet stops the cursor.  This is
> awkward and time-consuming.
> The OSX (and OO) keyboard shortcut “Command C” only marks one cell (or
> pre-selected text) to copy.  The functionality I need was available in
> Lotus 123.  The lack of it in Open Office is the only reason I have
> not moved my larger spreadsheets to OO.
> I would like the same kind of command for the keyboard cursor to mark
> cells for "Command Delete" but that is less critical.
> Thanks for any help, Maggie
> -
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Open Office

2014-06-25 Thread Bruce Pierson
I have been using Open Office for about 5 years now.  Yes, it has it's
quirks, but it is still *free *and is an  open source system, try finding
that from one of the big software houses. The trend there is moving to
cloud based applications that you rent.  When one works for a non-profit
entity, one does not find a large IT budget, rather one finds IT at the
bottom of the budget hierarchy; a far different world than the large
corporate  environment. In this case, the free aspect is very important.  I
have used it both in Windows (XP and 7) and on the Mac. It does tend to be
quirky under OSX Mavericks but I have, in most cases, found the solutions
in this group.


*" I need the darkness and the peace, not the lights"*

Re: Sneak in Scam

2014-08-18 Thread Bruce Pierson
My mother received one of these calls.  My mother is 82 and has never owned
a computer, nor has any intention of ever doing so.  They still continued
following the same script about how she needed to call them and get her
computer repaired.  They finally hung up when she told them it was
"pathetically obvious" that they were scammers.


*"But still darkness is no reason, we are made of sterner stuff, and our
swords though old and rusty, still were blunted sharp enough."*

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 2:27 PM, jd1008  wrote:

> On 08/18/2014 10:10 AM, Doug wrote:
>> On 08/18/2014 11:52 AM, James Plante wrote:
>>> It's a *telephone* scam, Doug. They call you, and tell you that there
>>> are problems with your Windows computer, and that they can repair them. I
>>> don't know what happens when you agree; maybe they have you log into their
>>> site and install malware, maybe they just charge you for the login. I just
>>> don't know. You see, when the caller completed his opening sentence, I said
>>> something very rude which may damage international relations--and hung up.
>>> I use a Mac, and I won't touch Windows with a vaccinated crowbar. (Personal
>>> choice.)
>>> Jim Plante
>>>  Thanx for the info, Jim. They can expect the same response from me, if
>> they call. I have Windows, but I seldom log in to it--I do almost all
>> computing using PCLinuxOS.
>> --doug
> Exactly what was done to a good friend of mine, even as far as telling
> her they are the national authority for all windows installations and
> that she needs
> to follow their instructions  yara yara ...
> Well, she was lucking she called me first.
> She took the number they called her from and reported them to the local
> FBI office.
> She never heard from them again. So apparently some other similar outfit
> has replaced them.
> -
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Re: How to open

2014-09-07 Thread Bruce Pierson
If you are using a Mac, look for a disk image file (.DMG) from Apache also
in downloads.  Clicking this should load it and put Open Office icon in the


*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Don Daugherty 

> On 9/6/2014 10:29 AM, wrote:
>> I have downloaded "openoffice" on my computer, but can't find it.  It
>> does
>> not show up under "programs"
>>   How can I open it?
>>   Many thanks,
>>   Al Kersbergen
> If you actually only downloaded, then it presumably is sitting in the
> Downloads folder (rashly assuming you are using Windows .)  Look for it
> there, and double-click on the installation file (setup.exe possibly.)
> ---
> This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
> protection is active.
> -
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Re: Percentage slide bar

2015-01-13 Thread Bruce Pierson
View/Zoom/  opens a window, Click on 100%This has always worked for me

*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Rory O'Farrell  wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 12:11:44 -0500
> Janet Daniels  wrote:
> > Is there any way to lock that bar in the bottom right hand corner of my
> spreadsheet to 100 percent?  Mine keeps changing on its own while I am
> working on it on my laptop.
> >
> Perhaps uncheck /View /Status bar
> --
> Rory O'Farrell 
> -
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Re: Spreadsheet

2015-02-28 Thread Bruce Pierson
If you go to
<> you
will find a fairly decent guide.

Bruce Pierson

*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*

On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 12:24 PM, Dale Erwin 

> Believe it or not, I have never felt the need to use a spreadsheet for
> anything, so I have never made one.  I now find that I have a need for one
> and don't have the slightest idea where to begin.  Is there a tutorial
> which covers the very basics of building a spreadsheet?
> Dale Erwin
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Mystery messages

2015-03-26 Thread Bruce Pierson

I get the message below from *ezmlm *list manager every so often.

*Messages to you from the users mailing list seem tohave been bouncing.
I've attached a copy of the first bouncemessage I received.If this message
bounces too, I will send you a probe. If the probe bounces,I will remove
your address from the users mailing list,without further notice.*

I would like to know if I am still on the mailing list (I assume I am,
since I get messages) and have not been removed.  I am not sure why this

 I signed up for the mailing list originally because I had the infamous MAC
problem with the Save Stated Error.  I have had other problems as well but
fortunately so have others in this list  and by reading the groups
responses, I have managed to solve them.


Bruce Pierson

*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*

Re: Mystery messages

2015-03-26 Thread Bruce Pierson
Thanks to all for the responses.  I have been using Open Office for about 5
years and prefer it as well as other Open Source applications. I was
concerned that one day I might get removed from the list without knowing

*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 10:57 AM, James Knott 

> On 03/26/2015 10:50 AM, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
> > I'd believe anything of Yahoo!  I'm sure they are sent again, but if
> many resends are necessary this may trigger the warning.
> A system as large as theirs uses multiple servers and load balancing,
> which tend to prevent single point failures.  It would take quite a lot
> to make them unavailable.  Someone else mentioned they use Google and
> also get those messages.  Again, multiple servers and load balancing
> would be used.
> -
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Re: Email association

2015-05-27 Thread Bruce Pierson
If you are using the email client that Comcast gives you (Zimbra), when you
click NEW a message composition bar opens at the top of the frame.
 "Attach" is one of the buttons that appears in the bar. It has the paper
clip icon.  You can attach any file AOO, Pdf, jpg, etc. from your
computer's directory.

*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*

On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 10:11 PM,  wrote:

> Not understanding why I can't attach something from OO to my email.  I
> really don't know what to do about this.  I have been reading and trying
> but nothing.  I have  I don’t have a lot of experience with
> computer functions but I have been trying to figure this out. Looking
> forward to being able to get this working.
> Thanks
> Jamie
> Sent from Surface

Re: Question re/ using Open Office

2015-06-26 Thread Bruce Pierson
And I thought I was ancient using an Osborne 1 (with Super Calc) and a DEC
PDP 8 recording data from a  No. 5 Cross Bar switch.  Back in the 80's

*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*

On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 7:59 AM, James Knott  wrote:

> On 06/26/2015 01:08 AM, Dale Erwin wrote:
> > Do they still make mainframes?
> Yes, but these days they're clusters of thousands of CPUs, usually
> running Linux.
> -
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Re: Phone Call

2015-07-07 Thread Bruce Pierson
My 84 year old mother received a call from someone claiming to be from
Microsoft.  She too, had fun playing with them. She is a good example of a
Luddite when it comes to computers. I never got her to use one,

*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*

On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 7:36 PM, James Knott  wrote:

> On 07/07/2015 06:13 PM, Mike B. Martisko wrote:
> > I just received a phone call from someone claiming to be from Apache,
> wanting to scan my computer, and install new drivers for the software I
> have.  Open Office, 4.01.  Is this a valid call?  Please respond.
> One thing you can be sure of is when anyone calls you claiming to be
> Apache, Microsoft, your ISP etc., it's a scam where they're trying to
> install malware on your computer.  I have had calls from "Microsoft"
> about problems on my computer.  Funny thing is, I run Linux.  I have let
> them run their line, where they tell me to click on the Start button
> etc.  I then play dumb and tell them I can't see a Start button...  I
> have a bit of fun that way, before they finally give up.  ;-)
> -
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