MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Dan at News Media Services
Still trying to get the OO icon off of desktop when OO is running. Did not have 
an icon on desktop when I used Word.
Again, followed every detail of installing on Mac per  instructions of :
(Q03/AQ03)Tutorial] Mac FAQ Apache OO Community Forum  by MrProgrammer 6/27/17)

 •Waited for  Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_MacOS_x86-64_install_en-US.dmg to finish 
•OO icon appeared on desktop.
•Dragged OO icon on desktop into Applications folder as per instructions: "Drag 
the icon on that screen into the Applications folder icon on 
that screen. Macs don't need an "install" program for this application."
(Please see screen shots of OO in Finder's Application Folder and in desktop 
Applications Folder). 

•Clicked on OO icon to start OO. Program started running and could use. 
                                        BUT ...
•Followed additional instructions: " Use File → Eject "OpenOffice" (the dmg 
file). Either delete the file with the dmg extension or put it in a safe place 
in the rare case that you want to reinstall it later without re-downloading. 
Sure about this?  If I deleted this .dmg file, then OO operating system no 
longer available.
•End result: OO gray icon remain on desktop, when program running. (Even though 
I initially dragged it into Applications Folder). 
Thanks for any clarification from the Macintosh tech side. I can only hope that 
the posted instructions are correct and I somehow keep misunderstanding some 
salient point.

Good health to all.

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2020-05-26 Thread Edward Eckhard

I use an HP, OO version 4.1.5.  If you need more, I'll dig it out.
Thanks for responding !

- Original Message -
From: "Wade Smart" 
To: "users" 
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 12:26:33 PM

What system are you using and what version
of OO are you using?
Registered Linux User: #480675
Registered Linux Machine: #408606
Linux since June 2005

On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 2:19 PM Edward Eckhard
> I can no longer Export simple updated PDF files to a flash drive. Have always 
> used the
> "Export" Option from "File", but it's not working now. Then tried the "Export 
> as PDF" Option
> and it does not work either. Don't see any real difference with either option 
> and the
> HELP routine is not helpful. The simple "Export" Option has exported just 
> fine for two years,
> until recently. I must have inadvertently done something to prevent 
> exporting. BUT WHAT ?
> Your input will be helpful. Thank you.
> Edward

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Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Dave Fisher
Quit OpenOffice.
Open the Application Folder.
Open the OpenOffice that’s in the Application folder.

You should now be able to eject the DMG.


Sent from my iPhone

> On May 26, 2020, at 9:57 AM, Dan at News Media Services 
>  wrote:
> Greetings,
> Still trying to get the OO icon off of desktop when OO is running. 
> Did not have an icon on desktop when I used Word.
> Again, followed every detail of installing on Mac per  instructions of :
> (Q03/AQ03)Tutorial] Mac FAQ Apache OO Community Forum  by MrProgrammer 
> 6/27/17)
> •Waited for  Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_MacOS_x86-64_install_en-US.dmg to finish 
> loading.
> •OO icon appeared on desktop.
> •Dragged OO icon on desktop into Applications folder as per instructions: 
> "Drag the icon on that screen into the Applications folder 
> icon on that screen. Macs don't need an "install" program for this 
> application."
> (Please see screen shots of OO in Finder's Application Folder and in desktop 
> Applications Folder). 
> •Clicked on OO icon to start OO. Program started running and could use. 
> BUT ...
> •Followed additional instructions: " Use File → Eject "OpenOffice" (the dmg 
> file). Either delete the file with the dmg extension or put it in a safe 
> place in the rare case that you want to reinstall it later without 
> re-downloading. 
> Sure about this?  If I deleted this .dmg file, then OO operating system no 
> longer available.
> •End result: OO gray icon remain on desktop, when program running. (Even 
> though I initially dragged it into Applications Folder). 
> Thanks for any clarification from the Macintosh tech side. I can only hope 
> that the posted instructions are correct and I somehow keep misunderstanding 
> some salient point.
> Good health to all.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Chuck Spalding

It appears that that you are opening the OpenOffice program from within the
downloaded dmg file (i.e., from the window described below). That file
contains a virtual disk that contains the program and other files. You are
supposed to copy the OpenOffice program from that virtual disk to the
Applications folder on your computer.

The steps for installing OpenOffice on a Mac are as follows:

1. Download the OpenOffice distribution file

2. Double click on the icon for the dmg file (i.e., wherever it got
downloaded to), which will (a) mount the virtual disk contained in the dmg
file, which creates an "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and (b) display
the virtual disk's contents in a window named "OpenOffice" (which is the
"screen" referenced in the instructions that you quoted).

3. *In that "OpenOffice" window*, drag the "" icon to the
"Applications" icon (also in that window—it is an alias for the actual
Applications folder). (You appear to have dragged the "OpenOffice" icon
from the desktop to the Applications folder, which is not the same
thing—different name and different source location.)

4. Close the "OpenOffice" window.

5. Select (single-click) the "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and select
File > Eject "OpenOffice". (You could also right click [or hold down
Control and left click] on that icon and select Eject "OpenOffice" from the
menu that is displayed.)

6. Drag the downloaded dmg file to the Trash (or save it somewhere for
[unlikely] future use).

Then, to use OpenOffice, double click on its icon in the Applications

If you want to avoid having to go to the Applications folder (or the
Launcher?) each time you want to use OpenOffice, you can keep its icon in
the Dock permanently.

I hope this helps,


P.S. For the record, I have not looked at the instructions posted on the
OpenOffice website.


2020-05-26 Thread Steven Ahlers
I generally generate PDFs from the print dialogue: from File menu choose Print, 
in bottom left corner there’s a button to start the PDF dialogue which allows 
you to name the file and where you want to save it.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 26, 2020, at 11:58 AM, Edward Eckhard  
> wrote:
> I use an HP, OO version 4.1.5.  If you need more, I'll dig it out.
> Thanks for responding !
> - Original Message -
> From: "Wade Smart" 
> To: "users" 
> Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 12:26:33 PM
> What system are you using and what version
> of OO are you using?
> -- 
> Registered Linux User: #480675
> Registered Linux Machine: #408606
> Linux since June 2005
>> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 2:19 PM Edward Eckhard
>>  wrote:
>> I can no longer Export simple updated PDF files to a flash drive. Have 
>> always used the
>> "Export" Option from "File", but it's not working now. Then tried the 
>> "Export as PDF" Option
>> and it does not work either. Don't see any real difference with either 
>> option and the
>> HELP routine is not helpful. The simple "Export" Option has exported just 
>> fine for two years,
>> until recently. I must have inadvertently done something to prevent 
>> exporting. BUT WHAT ?
>> Your input will be helpful. Thank you.
>> Edward
> -
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> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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2020-05-26 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:06 26/05/2020 -0500, Steven Ahlers wrote:
I generally generate PDFs from the print dialogue: from File menu 
choose Print, in bottom left corner there's a button to start the 
PDF dialogue which allows you to name the file and where you want to save it.

Really? Then you cannot be using OpenOffice! There is no such button.

The only way to can use the Print dialogue to create a PDF version of 
a document is if you happen to have a PDF virtual printer installed 
on your system. That is quite a useful thing to have and you might 
want to recommend it to others, but it is not a part of OpenOffice 
and you cannot assume others will have it.

Brian Barker  

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2020-05-26 Thread Chuck Spalding
Perhaps he's using a Mac, on which the print dialog for all(?) applications
(definitely including OpenOffice) provides the ability to "print to PDF".


On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 2:26 PM Brian Barker

> At 15:06 26/05/2020 -0500, Steven Ahlers wrote:
> >I generally generate PDFs from the print dialogue: from File menu
> >choose Print, in bottom left corner there's a button to start the
> >PDF dialogue which allows you to name the file and where you want to save
> it.
> Really? Then you cannot be using OpenOffice! There is no such button.
> The only way to can use the Print dialogue to create a PDF version of
> a document is if you happen to have a PDF virtual printer installed
> on your system. That is quite a useful thing to have and you might
> want to recommend it to others, but it is not a part of OpenOffice
> and you cannot assume others will have it.
> Brian Barker


2020-05-26 Thread Drew Jensen
Same for AOO on Linux, print to pdf works for me. (AOO 4.2 dev build)

On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 5:34 PM Chuck Spalding  wrote:
> Perhaps he's using a Mac, on which the print dialog for all(?) applications
> (definitely including OpenOffice) provides the ability to "print to PDF".
> Chuck
> On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 2:26 PM Brian Barker
>  wrote:
> > At 15:06 26/05/2020 -0500, Steven Ahlers wrote:
> > >I generally generate PDFs from the print dialogue: from File menu
> > >choose Print, in bottom left corner there's a button to start the
> > >PDF dialogue which allows you to name the file and where you want to save
> > it.
> >
> > Really? Then you cannot be using OpenOffice! There is no such button.
> >
> > The only way to can use the Print dialogue to create a PDF version of
> > a document is if you happen to have a PDF virtual printer installed
> > on your system. That is quite a useful thing to have and you might
> > want to recommend it to others, but it is not a part of OpenOffice
> > and you cannot assume others will have it.
> >
> > Brian Barker

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2020-05-26 Thread Brian Barker

At 14:33 26/05/2020 -0700, Chuck Spalding wrote:
Perhaps he's using a Mac, on which the print dialog for all(?) 
applications (definitely including OpenOffice) provides the ability 
to "print to PDF".

Aha! So MacOS comes bundled with a virtual PDF printer? Thanks. But 
the majority of users (such as the original questioner, who uses 
Windows 10) won't necessarily see this.

Brian Barker 

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2020-05-26 Thread Steven Ahlers
Yes, I primarily use my Mac. I guess I assumed that Windoz was the same. Just 
tried on my Windoz machine and the choice came up as a printer at the top of 
the print dialogue. Thanks for alerting me to the difference.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 26, 2020, at 4:42 PM, Brian Barker  
> wrote:
> At 14:33 26/05/2020 -0700, Chuck Spalding wrote:
>> Perhaps he's using a Mac, on which the print dialog for all(?) applications 
>> (definitely including OpenOffice) provides the ability to "print to PDF".
> Aha! So MacOS comes bundled with a virtual PDF printer? Thanks. But the 
> majority of users (such as the original questioner, who uses Windows 10) 
> won't necessarily see this.
> Brian Barker 
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread David Belina
Send your instructions to the UU site.  Their present instructions suggest all 
you have to do is drag the .dmg file to the App directory, not open and 
eventually extract the .app to the App directory.

On May 26, 2020 at 11:44:57 AM, Chuck Spalding ( wrote:


It appears that that you are opening the OpenOffice program from within the  
downloaded dmg file (i.e., from the window described below). That file  
contains a virtual disk that contains the program and other files. You are  
supposed to copy the OpenOffice program from that virtual disk to the  
Applications folder on your computer.  

The steps for installing OpenOffice on a Mac are as follows:  

1. Download the OpenOffice distribution file  

2. Double click on the icon for the dmg file (i.e., wherever it got  
downloaded to), which will (a) mount the virtual disk contained in the dmg  
file, which creates an "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and (b) display  
the virtual disk's contents in a window named "OpenOffice" (which is the  
"screen" referenced in the instructions that you quoted).  

3. *In that "OpenOffice" window*, drag the "" icon to the  
"Applications" icon (also in that window—it is an alias for the actual  
Applications folder). (You appear to have dragged the "OpenOffice" icon  
from the desktop to the Applications folder, which is not the same  
thing—different name and different source location.)  

4. Close the "OpenOffice" window.  

5. Select (single-click) the "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and select  
File > Eject "OpenOffice". (You could also right click [or hold down  
Control and left click] on that icon and select Eject "OpenOffice" from the  
menu that is displayed.)  

6. Drag the downloaded dmg file to the Trash (or save it somewhere for  
[unlikely] future use).  

Then, to use OpenOffice, double click on its icon in the Applications  

If you want to avoid having to go to the Applications folder (or the  
Launcher?) each time you want to use OpenOffice, you can keep its icon in  
the Dock permanently.  

I hope this helps,  


P.S. For the record, I have not looked at the instructions posted on the  
OpenOffice website.  

Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Larry Gusaas

On 2020-05-26 4:44 p.m., David Belina wrote:

Send your instructions to the UU site.  Their present instructions suggest all 
you have to do is drag the .dmg file to the App directory, not open and 
eventually extract the .app to the App directory.

What is the UU site??

Any installation instructions I've seen stated to open the OpenOffice.dmg file, then drag to the Application folder.

The site the OP referred to stated that in their instruction.


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada

"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

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Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Dan at News Media Services
 Hi Dave,Thank you for your response.Here is what I did, after reading your 
Quit Open Office by selecting"Quit" in OO menu bar.Ejected OO disk icon that 
remained on desktop.Opened the Application Folder located in the Dock on 
desktop.Selected and clicked on OO icon in application folder.OO disk icon 
again appeared on desktop.Clicked on OO disk icon to start program.OO start bar 
appeared and loaded on desktop.OO files opened, as usual.
Everything above is what I go through each time I quit OO.
The disk icon never goes away while OO is open.If I try to eject the OO disk on 
the desktop, a message says because OO files are opened, I have to Force Eject. 
This would terminate the OO program, until I relaunch it.

On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 10:46:17 AM PDT, Dave Fisher 
 Quit OpenOffice.
Open the Application Folder.
Open the OpenOffice that’s in the Application folder.

You should now be able to eject the DMG.


Sent from my iPhone

> On May 26, 2020, at 9:57 AM, Dan at News Media Services 
>  wrote:
> Greetings,
> Still trying to get the OO icon off of desktop when OO is running. 
> Did not have an icon on desktop when I used Word.
> Again, followed every detail of installing on Mac per  instructions of :
> (Q03/AQ03)Tutorial] Mac FAQ Apache OO Community Forum  by MrProgrammer 
> 6/27/17)
> •Waited for  Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_MacOS_x86-64_install_en-US.dmg to finish 
> loading.
> •OO icon appeared on desktop.
> •Dragged OO icon on desktop into Applications folder as per instructions: 
> "Drag the icon on that screen into the Applications folder 
> icon on that screen. Macs don't need an "install" program for this 
> application."
> (Please see screen shots of OO in Finder's Application Folder and in desktop 
> Applications Folder). 
> •Clicked on OO icon to start OO. Program started running and could use. 
>                                        BUT ...
> •Followed additional instructions: " Use File → Eject "OpenOffice" (the dmg 
> file). Either delete the file with the dmg extension or put it in a safe 
> place in the rare case that you want to reinstall it later without 
> re-downloading. 
> Sure about this?  If I deleted this .dmg file, then OO operating system no 
> longer available.
> •End result: OO gray icon remain on desktop, when program running. (Even 
> though I initially dragged it into Applications Folder). 
> Thanks for any clarification from the Macintosh tech side. I can only hope 
> that the posted instructions are correct and I somehow keep misunderstanding 
> some salient point.
> Good health to all.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:  

Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Chuck Spalding

I don't know how you did it, but you do not have the OpenOffice
*application* in your Applications folder. (You could [single] click on
that icon and type Cmd-I [File > Get Info]. If I were a betting person, I
would bet the Kind is "Volume", not "Application".) Furthermore, I can't
imagine how clicking on the disk icon would go directly to the application.

You need to remove whatever "OpenOffice" icon you have in the Applications
folder, and start over. After double-clicking on the downloaded dmg file, a
window named "OpenOffice" will open. *Staying totally in that* *window*,
drag the icon "" and drop it on top of the "Applications"
icon *in that window*. Then, when you open the Applications folder, you
should see "" (with a size of about 400MB), and Get Info will
show it as an Application.

I just thought of another possible source of confusion. You have two
Applications folders that can come into play. One is the "system"
Applications folder (e.g., at the path /Macintosh HD/Applications), and one
is in your "personal" Applications folder (e.g., at the path /Macintosh
HD/Users//Applications). You want the OpenOffice app to be in
the "system" folder. However, regardless of which Applications folder
contains the "mystery" file, I don't understand the behavior you describe.

Good luck,


On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 7:51 PM Dan at News Media Services

>  Hi Dave,Thank you for your response.Here is what I did, after reading
> your notes:
> Quit Open Office by selecting"Quit" in OO menu bar.Ejected OO disk icon
> that remained on desktop.Opened the Application Folder located in the Dock
> on desktop.Selected and clicked on OO icon in application folder.OO disk
> icon again appeared on desktop.Clicked on OO disk icon to start program.OO
> start bar appeared and loaded on desktop.OO files opened, as usual.
> Everything above is what I go through each time I quit OO.
> The disk icon never goes away while OO is open.If I try to eject the OO
> disk on the desktop, a message says because OO files are opened, I have to
> Force Eject. This would terminate the OO program, until I relaunch it.


Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Larry Gusaas

You neglected a step in the installation process:

   "Double-click the .dmg file. After verifying the file, the Mac will display 
a screen which
   shows, then an arrow, then an Applications folder. Drag the
   icon on that screen into the Applications folder icon on that screen."

You moved OpenOffice.dmg into your application folder instead of

Open OpenOffice.dmg. I the window that opens drag the icon onto the Application 
icon. You can them close the window and eject

If you cannot see the file extension names (.org & .app), open Finder. On your menu bar click 
Finder. Then in the drop down menu click Preferences. Then click on Advanced. Then select "Show 
all filename extensions".

On 2020-05-26 3:53 p.m., Dan at News Media Services wrote:

  Hi Dave,Thank you for your response.Here is what I did, after reading your 
Quit Open Office by selecting"Quit" in OO menu bar.Ejected OO disk icon that 
remained on desktop.Opened the Application Folder located in the Dock on desktop.Selected 
and clicked on OO icon in application folder.OO disk icon again appeared on 
desktop.Clicked on OO disk icon to start program.OO start bar appeared and loaded on 
desktop.OO files opened, as usual.
Everything above is what I go through each time I quit OO.
The disk icon never goes away while OO is open.If I try to eject the OO disk on 
the desktop, a message says because OO files are opened, I have to Force Eject. 
This would terminate the OO program, until I relaunch it.

 On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 10:46:17 AM PDT, Dave Fisher 
  Quit OpenOffice.

Open the Application Folder.
Open the OpenOffice that’s in the Application folder.

You should now be able to eject the DMG.


Sent from my iPhone

On May 26, 2020, at 9:57 AM, Dan at News Media Services 


Still trying to get the OO icon off of desktop when OO is running.
Did not have an icon on desktop when I used Word.

Again, followed every detail of installing on Mac per  instructions of :
(Q03/AQ03)Tutorial] Mac FAQ Apache OO Community Forum  by MrProgrammer 6/27/17)

•Waited for  Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_MacOS_x86-64_install_en-US.dmg to finish 

•OO icon appeared on desktop.

•Dragged OO icon on desktop into Applications folder as per instructions: "Drag the icon on that screen into the Applications folder icon on that screen. Macs don't 
need an "install" program for this application."

(Please see screen shots of OO in Finder's Application Folder and in desktop 
Applications Folder).

•Clicked on OO icon to start OO. Program started running and could use.

                                         BUT ...

•Followed additional instructions: " Use File → Eject "OpenOffice" (the dmg 
file). Either delete the file with the dmg extension or put it in a safe place in the rare 
case that you want to reinstall it later without re-downloading.
Sure about this?  If I deleted this .dmg file, then OO operating system no 
longer available.

•End result: OO gray icon remain on desktop, when program running. (Even though 
I initially dragged it into Applications Folder).

Thanks for any clarification from the Macintosh tech side. I can only hope that 
the posted instructions are correct and I somehow keep misunderstanding some 
salient point.

Good health to all.

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Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada

"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

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2020-05-26 Thread Brian Barker

At 17:11 26/05/2020 -0500, Steven Ahlers wrote:
Yes, I primarily use my Mac. I guess I assumed that Windoz was the 
same. Just tried on my Windoz machine and the choice came up as a 
printer at the top of the print dialogue. Thanks for alerting me to 
the difference.

So - like me -  you have a PDF virtual printer installed on your 
Windows system. That's wise, since creating a PDF version of your 
document via the Print dialogue and a virtual printer provides 
facilities not available via the built-in Export as PDF..., such as 
OpenOffice's "Brochure" option.

Brian Barker  

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2020-05-26 Thread Brian Barker

At 17:35 26/05/2020 -0400, Drew Jensen wrote:

Same for AOO on Linux, print to pdf works for me. (AOO 4.2 dev build)

So you are saying that your Linux installation also comes with a PDF 
virtual printer? Good. But - again - we cannot assume that this is so 
for all users, as it is not part of OpenOffice.

Brian Barker 

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2020-05-26 Thread Drew Jensen
Yes, I was apparently mistaken and the built in support is only via
export, while print to pdf has to be supplied by an OS resource.

On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 11:42 PM Brian Barker
> At 17:35 26/05/2020 -0400, Drew Jensen wrote:
> >Same for AOO on Linux, print to pdf works for me. (AOO 4.2 dev build)
> So you are saying that your Linux installation also comes with a PDF
> virtual printer? Good. But - again - we cannot assume that this is so
> for all users, as it is not part of OpenOffice.
> Brian Barker
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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2020-05-26 Thread Haim Giloh
  Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 6:42 AM Brian Barker

> At 17:11 26/05/2020 -0500, Steven Ahlers wrote:
> >Yes, I primarily use my Mac. I guess I assumed that Windoz was the
> >same. Just tried on my Windoz machine and the choice came up as a
> >printer at the top of the print dialogue. Thanks for alerting me to
> >the difference.
> So - like me -  you have a PDF virtual printer installed on your
> Windows system. That's wise, since creating a PDF version of your
> document via the Print dialogue and a virtual printer provides
> facilities not available via the built-in Export as PDF..., such as
> OpenOffice's "Brochure" option.
> Brian Barker
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


2020-05-26 Thread Haim Giloh
Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 7:25 AM Drew Jensen 

> Yes, I was apparently mistaken and the built in support is only via
> export, while print to pdf has to be supplied by an OS resource.
> On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 11:42 PM Brian Barker
>  wrote:
> >
> > At 17:35 26/05/2020 -0400, Drew Jensen wrote:
> > >Same for AOO on Linux, print to pdf works for me. (AOO 4.2 dev build)
> >
> > So you are saying that your Linux installation also comes with a PDF
> > virtual printer? Good. But - again - we cannot assume that this is so
> > for all users, as it is not part of OpenOffice.
> >
> > Brian Barker
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


2020-05-26 Thread Haim Giloh
  Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 6:42 AM Brian Barker

> At 17:35 26/05/2020 -0400, Drew Jensen wrote:
> >Same for AOO on Linux, print to pdf works for me. (AOO 4.2 dev build)
> So you are saying that your Linux installation also comes with a PDF
> virtual printer? Good. But - again - we cannot assume that this is so
> for all users, as it is not part of OpenOffice.
> Brian Barker
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Haim Giloh
  Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 6:38 AM Larry Gusaas  wrote:

> You neglected a step in the installation process:
> "Double-click the .dmg file. After verifying the file, the Mac will
> display a screen which
> shows, then an arrow, then an Applications folder. Drag
> the
> icon on that screen into the Applications folder icon on that screen."
> You moved OpenOffice.dmg into your application folder instead of
> Open OpenOffice.dmg. I the window that opens drag the icon
> onto the Application
> icon. You can them close the window and eject
> If you cannot see the file extension names (.org & .app), open Finder. On
> your menu bar click
> Finder. Then in the drop down menu click Preferences. Then click on
> Advanced. Then select "Show
> all filename extensions".
> On 2020-05-26 3:53 p.m., Dan at News Media Services wrote:
> >   Hi Dave,Thank you for your response.Here is what I did, after reading
> your notes:
> > Quit Open Office by selecting"Quit" in OO menu bar.Ejected OO disk icon
> that remained on desktop.Opened the Application Folder located in the Dock
> on desktop.Selected and clicked on OO icon in application folder.OO disk
> icon again appeared on desktop.Clicked on OO disk icon to start program.OO
> start bar appeared and loaded on desktop.OO files opened, as usual.
> > Everything above is what I go through each time I quit OO.
> > The disk icon never goes away while OO is open.If I try to eject the OO
> disk on the desktop, a message says because OO files are opened, I have to
> Force Eject. This would terminate the OO program, until I relaunch it.
> >
> >
> >  On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 10:46:17 AM PDT, Dave Fisher <
>> wrote:
> >
> >   Quit OpenOffice.
> > Open the Application Folder.
> > Open the OpenOffice that’s in the Application folder.
> >
> > You should now be able to eject the DMG.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Dave
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> >> On May 26, 2020, at 9:57 AM, Dan at News Media Services
>  wrote:
> >>
> >> 
> >> Greetings,
> >>
> >> Still trying to get the OO icon off of desktop when OO is running.
> >> Did not have an icon on desktop when I used Word.
> >>
> >> Again, followed every detail of installing on Mac per  instructions of :
> >> (Q03/AQ03)Tutorial] Mac FAQ Apache OO Community Forum  by MrProgrammer
> 6/27/17)
> >>
> >> •Waited for  Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_MacOS_x86-64_install_en-US.dmg to
> finish loading.
> >>
> >> •OO icon appeared on desktop.
> >>
> >> •Dragged OO icon on desktop into Applications folder as per
> instructions: "Drag the icon on that screen into the
> Applications folder icon on that screen. Macs don't need an "install"
> program for this application."
> >>
> >> (Please see screen shots of OO in Finder's Application Folder and in
> desktop Applications Folder).
> >>
> >> •Clicked on OO icon to start OO. Program started running and could use.
> >>
> >>  BUT ...
> >>
> >> •Followed additional instructions: " Use File → Eject "OpenOffice" (the
> dmg file). Either delete the file with the dmg extension or put it in a
> safe place in the rare case that you want to reinstall it later without
> re-downloading.
> >> Sure about this?  If I deleted this .dmg file, then OO operating system
> no longer available.
> >>
> >> •End result: OO gray icon remain on desktop, when program running.
> (Even though I initially dragged it into Applications Folder).
> >>
> >> Thanks for any clarification from the Macintosh tech side. I can only
> hope that the posted instructions are correct and I somehow keep
> misunderstanding some salient point.
> >>
> >> Good health to all.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> -
> >> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> >> For additional commands, e-mail:
> --
> _
> Larry I. Gusaas
> Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
> Website:
> "An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind
> theirs." - Edgard Varese
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Haim Giloh
  Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 6:21 AM Chuck Spalding  wrote:

> Dan,
> I don't know how you did it, but you do not have the OpenOffice
> *application* in your Applications folder. (You could [single] click on
> that icon and type Cmd-I [File > Get Info]. If I were a betting person, I
> would bet the Kind is "Volume", not "Application".) Furthermore, I can't
> imagine how clicking on the disk icon would go directly to the application.
> You need to remove whatever "OpenOffice" icon you have in the Applications
> folder, and start over. After double-clicking on the downloaded dmg file, a
> window named "OpenOffice" will open. *Staying totally in that* *window*,
> drag the icon "" and drop it on top of the "Applications"
> icon *in that window*. Then, when you open the Applications folder, you
> should see "" (with a size of about 400MB), and Get Info will
> show it as an Application.
> I just thought of another possible source of confusion. You have two
> Applications folders that can come into play. One is the "system"
> Applications folder (e.g., at the path /Macintosh HD/Applications), and one
> is in your "personal" Applications folder (e.g., at the path /Macintosh
> HD/Users//Applications). You want the OpenOffice app to be in
> the "system" folder. However, regardless of which Applications folder
> contains the "mystery" file, I don't understand the behavior you describe.
> Good luck,
> Chuck
> On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 7:51 PM Dan at News Media Services
>  wrote:
> >  Hi Dave,Thank you for your response.Here is what I did, after reading
> > your notes:
> > Quit Open Office by selecting"Quit" in OO menu bar.Ejected OO disk icon
> > that remained on desktop.Opened the Application Folder located in the
> Dock
> > on desktop.Selected and clicked on OO icon in application folder.OO disk
> > icon again appeared on desktop.Clicked on OO disk icon to start
> program.OO
> > start bar appeared and loaded on desktop.OO files opened, as usual.
> > Everything above is what I go through each time I quit OO.
> > The disk icon never goes away while OO is open.If I try to eject the OO
> > disk on the desktop, a message says because OO files are opened, I have
> to
> > Force Eject. This would terminate the OO program, until I relaunch it.
> >
> [snip]

Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Larry Gusaas

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On 2020-05-26 11:36 p.m., Haim Giloh wrote:

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instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada

"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

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Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Haim Giloh
  Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 1:44 AM David Belina  wrote:

> Send your instructions to the UU site.  Their present instructions suggest
> all you have to do is drag the .dmg file to the App directory, not open and
> eventually extract the .app to the App directory.
> On May 26, 2020 at 11:44:57 AM, Chuck Spalding (
> wrote:
> Dan,
> It appears that that you are opening the OpenOffice program from within
> the
> downloaded dmg file (i.e., from the window described below). That file
> contains a virtual disk that contains the program and other files. You
> are
> supposed to copy the OpenOffice program from that virtual disk to the
> Applications folder on your computer.
> The steps for installing OpenOffice on a Mac are as follows:
> 1. Download the OpenOffice distribution file
> Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_MacOS_x86-64_install_en-US.dmg.
> 2. Double click on the icon for the dmg file (i.e., wherever it got
> downloaded to), which will (a) mount the virtual disk contained in the
> dmg
> file, which creates an "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and (b) display
> the virtual disk's contents in a window named "OpenOffice" (which is the
> "screen" referenced in the instructions that you quoted).
> 3. *In that "OpenOffice" window*, drag the "" icon to the
> "Applications" icon (also in that window—it is an alias for the actual
> Applications folder). (You appear to have dragged the "OpenOffice" icon
> from the desktop to the Applications folder, which is not the same
> thing—different name and different source location.)
> 4. Close the "OpenOffice" window.
> 5. Select (single-click) the "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and select
> File > Eject "OpenOffice". (You could also right click [or hold down
> Control and left click] on that icon and select Eject "OpenOffice" from
> the
> menu that is displayed.)
> 6. Drag the downloaded dmg file to the Trash (or save it somewhere for
> [unlikely] future use).
> Then, to use OpenOffice, double click on its icon in the Applications
> folder.
> If you want to avoid having to go to the Applications folder (or the
> Launcher?) each time you want to use OpenOffice, you can keep its icon in
> the Dock permanently.
> I hope this helps,
> Chuck
> P.S. For the record, I have not looked at the instructions posted on the
> OpenOffice website.


2020-05-26 Thread Peter Kovacs
The users mailing list send to all who are subscribed. So you receive all mails 
send to the list. 

Am 27. Mai 2020 07:34:12 MESZ schrieb Haim Giloh :
>  Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
>instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
>To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
>Haim Giloh
>On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 6:42 AM Brian Barker
> wrote:
>> At 17:35 26/05/2020 -0400, Drew Jensen wrote:
>> >Same for AOO on Linux, print to pdf works for me. (AOO 4.2 dev
>> So you are saying that your Linux installation also comes with a PDF
>> virtual printer? Good. But - again - we cannot assume that this is so
>> for all users, as it is not part of OpenOffice.
>> Brian Barker
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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2020-05-26 Thread Haim Giloh
On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 12:42 AM Brian Barker

> At 14:33 26/05/2020 -0700, Chuck Spalding wrote:
> >Perhaps he's using a Mac, on which the print dialog for all(?)
> >applications (definitely including OpenOffice) provides the ability
> >to "print to PDF".
> Aha! So MacOS comes bundled with a virtual PDF printer? Thanks. But
> the majority of users (such as the original questioner, who uses
> Windows 10) won't necessarily see this.
> Brian Barker
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


2020-05-26 Thread Haim Giloh
  Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 1:11 AM Steven Ahlers 

> Yes, I primarily use my Mac. I guess I assumed that Windoz was the same.
> Just tried on my Windoz machine and the choice came up as a printer at the
> top of the print dialogue. Thanks for alerting me to the difference.
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On May 26, 2020, at 4:42 PM, Brian Barker 
> > 
> wrote:
> >
> > At 14:33 26/05/2020 -0700, Chuck Spalding wrote:
> >> Perhaps he's using a Mac, on which the print dialog for all(?)
> applications (definitely including OpenOffice) provides the ability to
> "print to PDF".
> >
> > Aha! So MacOS comes bundled with a virtual PDF printer? Thanks. But the
> majority of users (such as the original questioner, who uses Windows 10)
> won't necessarily see this.
> >
> > Brian Barker
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


2020-05-26 Thread Haim Giloh
  Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 11:06 PM Steven Ahlers 

> I generally generate PDFs from the print dialogue: from File menu choose
> Print, in bottom left corner there’s a button to start the PDF dialogue
> which allows you to name the file and where you want to save it.
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On May 26, 2020, at 11:58 AM, Edward Eckhard 
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > I use an HP, OO version 4.1.5.  If you need more, I'll dig it out.
> > Thanks for responding !
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Wade Smart" 
> > To: "users" 
> > Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 12:26:33 PM
> >
> > What system are you using and what version
> > of OO are you using?
> > --
> > Registered Linux User: #480675
> > Registered Linux Machine: #408606
> > Linux since June 2005
> >
> >> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 2:19 PM Edward Eckhard
> >>  wrote:
> >>
> >> I can no longer Export simple updated PDF files to a flash drive. Have
> always used the
> >> "Export" Option from "File", but it's not working now. Then tried the
> "Export as PDF" Option
> >> and it does not work either. Don't see any real difference with either
> option and the
> >> HELP routine is not helpful. The simple "Export" Option has exported
> just fine for two years,
> >> until recently. I must have inadvertently done something to prevent
> exporting. BUT WHAT ?
> >>
> >> Your input will be helpful. Thank you.
> >>
> >> Edward
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Haim Giloh
  Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 8:44 PM Chuck Spalding  wrote:

> Dan,
> It appears that that you are opening the OpenOffice program from within the
> downloaded dmg file (i.e., from the window described below). That file
> contains a virtual disk that contains the program and other files. You are
> supposed to copy the OpenOffice program from that virtual disk to the
> Applications folder on your computer.
> The steps for installing OpenOffice on a Mac are as follows:
> 1. Download the OpenOffice distribution file
> Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_MacOS_x86-64_install_en-US.dmg.
> 2. Double click on the icon for the dmg file (i.e., wherever it got
> downloaded to), which will (a) mount the virtual disk contained in the dmg
> file, which creates an "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and (b) display
> the virtual disk's contents in a window named "OpenOffice" (which is the
> "screen" referenced in the instructions that you quoted).
> 3. *In that "OpenOffice" window*, drag the "" icon to the
> "Applications" icon (also in that window—it is an alias for the actual
> Applications folder). (You appear to have dragged the "OpenOffice" icon
> from the desktop to the Applications folder, which is not the same
> thing—different name and different source location.)
> 4. Close the "OpenOffice" window.
> 5. Select (single-click) the "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and select
> File > Eject "OpenOffice". (You could also right click [or hold down
> Control and left click] on that icon and select Eject "OpenOffice" from the
> menu that is displayed.)
> 6. Drag the downloaded dmg file to the Trash (or save it somewhere for
> [unlikely] future use).
> Then, to use OpenOffice, double click on its icon in the Applications
> folder.
> If you want to avoid having to go to the Applications folder (or the
> Launcher?) each time you want to use OpenOffice, you can keep its icon in
> the Dock permanently.
> I hope this helps,
> Chuck
> P.S. For the record, I have not looked at the instructions posted on the
> OpenOffice website.

Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hello Haim Giloh,

Why do you think I have send the mail to you? The address is

Do you know what the technology "Mailing List" does?

All the best


Am 27.05.20 um 07:53 schrieb Haim Giloh:

   Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 8:44 PM Chuck Spalding  wrote:


It appears that that you are opening the OpenOffice program from within the
downloaded dmg file (i.e., from the window described below). That file
contains a virtual disk that contains the program and other files. You are
supposed to copy the OpenOffice program from that virtual disk to the
Applications folder on your computer.

The steps for installing OpenOffice on a Mac are as follows:

1. Download the OpenOffice distribution file

2. Double click on the icon for the dmg file (i.e., wherever it got
downloaded to), which will (a) mount the virtual disk contained in the dmg
file, which creates an "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and (b) display
the virtual disk's contents in a window named "OpenOffice" (which is the
"screen" referenced in the instructions that you quoted).

3. *In that "OpenOffice" window*, drag the "" icon to the
"Applications" icon (also in that window—it is an alias for the actual
Applications folder). (You appear to have dragged the "OpenOffice" icon
from the desktop to the Applications folder, which is not the same
thing—different name and different source location.)

4. Close the "OpenOffice" window.

5. Select (single-click) the "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and select
File > Eject "OpenOffice". (You could also right click [or hold down
Control and left click] on that icon and select Eject "OpenOffice" from the
menu that is displayed.)

6. Drag the downloaded dmg file to the Trash (or save it somewhere for
[unlikely] future use).

Then, to use OpenOffice, double click on its icon in the Applications

If you want to avoid having to go to the Applications folder (or the
Launcher?) each time you want to use OpenOffice, you can keep its icon in
the Dock permanently.

I hope this helps,


P.S. For the record, I have not looked at the instructions posted on the
OpenOffice website.

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