Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 8:44 PM Chuck Spalding <cspaldi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dan,
> It appears that that you are opening the OpenOffice program from within the
> downloaded dmg file (i.e., from the window described below). That file
> contains a virtual disk that contains the program and other files. You are
> supposed to copy the OpenOffice program from that virtual disk to the
> Applications folder on your computer.
> The steps for installing OpenOffice on a Mac are as follows:
> 1. Download the OpenOffice distribution file
> Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_MacOS_x86-64_install_en-US.dmg.
> 2. Double click on the icon for the dmg file (i.e., wherever it got
> downloaded to), which will (a) mount the virtual disk contained in the dmg
> file, which creates an "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and (b) display
> the virtual disk's contents in a window named "OpenOffice" (which is the
> "screen" referenced in the instructions that you quoted).
> 3. *In that "OpenOffice" window*, drag the "OpenOffice.app" icon to the
> "Applications" icon (also in that window—it is an alias for the actual
> Applications folder). (You appear to have dragged the "OpenOffice" icon
> from the desktop to the Applications folder, which is not the same
> thing—different name and different source location.)
> 4. Close the "OpenOffice" window.
> 5. Select (single-click) the "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and select
> File > Eject "OpenOffice". (You could also right click [or hold down
> Control and left click] on that icon and select Eject "OpenOffice" from the
> menu that is displayed.)
> 6. Drag the downloaded dmg file to the Trash (or save it somewhere for
> [unlikely] future use).
> Then, to use OpenOffice, double click on its icon in the Applications
> folder.
> If you want to avoid having to go to the Applications folder (or the
> Launcher?) each time you want to use OpenOffice, you can keep its icon in
> the Dock permanently.
> I hope this helps,
> Chuck
> P.S. For the record, I have not looked at the instructions posted on the
> OpenOffice website.

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