I have Apache OpenOffice, yet I can't download from your template page - "Access Denied"! Please help! Tad
Re: Dowload
On 30/09/16 4:51 PM, Tad Krysiak wrote: I have Apache OpenOffice, yet I can't download from your template page - "Access Denied"! Please give some more information ! URL and which template etc. Please help! Tad - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Problem with spreadsheet file!!!! URGENT!!!!!
On 30/09/16 4:30 AM, Robin wrote: I am having a problem opening a VERY important speadsheet file!!! PLEASE help me!!! It will be helpful if you tell us what your problem is. What happened when you tried to open the file, did you get an error message? What is your Operating System, what spreadsheet program you use and which version? best would be if you could call me 818-421-1834 Robin DesowitzNotary Publicplease feel free to like my daughter's professional page on Facebook This mailing list is a user list to get assistance / support with OpenOffice problems not to promote your daughter. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Invitation to collaborate in usability survey
Dear Users My name is Lucrecia Llerena Guevara. I am currently researching my PhD titled “Formalized Procedure for Adopting Usability Techniques in the Open Source Software Development Process” at the Autonomous University of Madrid, with the support of Dennis E. Hamilton, Vice President of Apache OpenOffice at The Apache Software Foundation. As users of open source software, you will probably have noticed that some applications are not easy, fast and accessible to use. This research aims to provide empirical evidence to resolve many usability issues with which the OpenOffice Writer community is unfamiliar. To be able to do this, we need your help. We would like you to respond to a survey in order to identify the characteristics of the possible OpenOffice Writer user profiles. If you would like to collaborate, please send me your e-mail address. At the end of the survey, the responses will be analysed. The results of this analysis will be shared with the OpenOffice developer community to improve the OpenOffice Writer user experience. The survey is anonymous and will take no longer than 12 minutes to complete. We would very much appreciate it if you would take the time to complete the survey. Thank you very much in advance. My email is: * * Regards Lucrecia Llerena Guevara
Re: Saving a file to a flash drive
On 9/27/2016 8:11 AM, Belton wrote: Could you please give me simple step by step instructions for saving (backing-up) an Open Office file to a flash drive? Thank you. Belton Method #1: 1. Open the file in the associated Open Office program. 2. Insert the Flash-Drive into a USB port on your computer. 3. Click File > SaveAs 4. In the SaveAs dialog box, click on the drive letter assigned to the Flashdrive. The original filename should appear by default; if not, type the filename. 5. Click Save Method #2: 1. Insert the Flash-Drive into a USB port on your computer. 2. Open a file manager (File Explorer, Windows Explorer, PowerDesk, etc.) 3. Locate the file to be copied. 4. Copy the file by clicking its name and pressing Ctrl+C, or by right-clicking and choosing Copy. 5. Paste the file by clicking the letter assigned to the flash-drive and pressing Ctrl+V, or by right-clicking and choosing Paste. Will these methods meet your need? - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: