Re: Where to report dependency problems.

2018-02-16 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On 02/15/2018 10:34 AM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> Dirk Gottschalk wrote:
>> I have a FAS Account, but AFAIK I'm not in the packagers group. That
>> could be the Problem. But, that to be said, my Cardreader is not even
>> accessed.
> Hmm.  I don't know for certain, but if you've gotten a fork,
> I would think you'd be able to clone from that via ssh.

Nope. You have to currently be a packager to have any ssh access to pkgs.

We are working to fix this, but it's not easy.

Longer story: The way pkgs access works now is that fasClient makes an
account for everyone in the packager group, then gitolite uses this
username to grant acls. If you aren't in the packager group you cannot
ssh in at all because you have no account.


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Re: The Fedora Wiki page, "Mailing list guidelines" needs to update!

2018-03-02 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On 03/02/2018 08:21 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Fri, 2018-03-02 at 10:49 -0500, Matthew Miller wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 02, 2018 at 12:00:14PM +, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>>> Is there any other justification for it? And why do messages to this
>>> list no longer include a URL pointing at the archives (probably not
>>> specifically a HK problem but still).
>> They do -- it's just in the header. For example:
>> Archived-At: 
>> This is one of the nice things about the new setup, for what it's
>> worth. The old archiver did not have persistent links to individual
>> messages. (If we had to remove one from the archive for privacy law or
>> other legal reasons, _all newer messages that month_ shifted in number,
>> making any links to them wrong.) This link is persistent and generated
>> when the mail is sent.
> So a hidden link which is not clickable. However I wasn't in fact
> talking about a link to the individual message, which IIRC we never had
> in the old version either. I mean a static pointer to the Archives page
> or more usefully to the general list information page, which is what
> one would expect to see labelled as "users mailing list" rather than
> the mailto: link which is actually there.

They are all in the headers:

List-Id: Community support for Fedora users 



Depending on your mail client it may or may not show them somehow
outside that.


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Re: HYPERKITTY does not show messages parts being addressed in replies.

2018-03-27 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On 03/27/2018 12:03 PM, home user wrote:
>> On 03/27/18 07:09, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> I did not get it either and my domain's email is handled by gmail.  I'm
>> pretty sure I
>> saw where "Home User" (a.k.a. Bill) is a yahoo user.
> Yes, I am a yahoo user.  If it makes a difference, I used HYPERKITTY, not an 
> e-mail client and not yahoo's e-mail browser interface, to post the starting 
> message to this thread, and this reply.

It doesn't matter either way.

If you have a address and send from your email client via
yahoo's email servers, it still goes to fedoraprojects lists server and
sends out from there. If you sent from hyperkitty it sends directly out
from there. The problem is telling everyone that all email
with a addres must come from a email server. In the
case of email lists, this doesn't not happen.
>> Anyway, Hyperkitty does a horrible job of quoting replies.  I've added my 
>> comment,
>> even though I don't use HK, to the ticket.
> Thank-you Ed.  Your comments were definitely better, clearer, than my issue 
> description.  Question: it was your list posting that alerted me that someone 
> commented on the issue.  I received no e-mail that someone commented on the 
> issue.  I would like to be notified by e-mail when someone adds a comment to 
> any of my fedora-infrastructure issues.  I saw no setting related to that.  
> How do I arrange to be notified when someone adds a comment to any of my 
> issues?

Odd... you should get an email anytime the ticket updates automatically,
not sure what is going on. Did you check your spam folder in case it
ended up in there?


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Re: H.264 video broken after updating to Fedora 28

2018-05-06 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On 04/28/2018 08:13 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:

> Okay.  So you're skipping the step of installing the
> packages from the fedora-cisco-openh264 repo.  Doing that
> prevents the need for firefox to attempt to download the
> plugin (which it clearly doesn't or can't do).
> It's not important enough to poke at this further, as it's
> only a mild curiosity to know whether the OpenH264 plugin
> provided by Cisco in the fedora-cisco-openh264 repo works
> for general H.264 decoding (as I was told it should).
> I'll leave it to the folks who provide that to test it and
> see that it works as intended.  At this point, I think the
> lack of general H.264 playback is correctly documented on
> the wiki page and the information I received to the contrary
> was incorrect.

So, just to follow up here, the f28 and rawhide fedora-cisco-openh264
repos are now populated, and have been for a bit.


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Re: repo checksum errors for fedora 28 i686 arch?

2018-05-06 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On 05/02/2018 11:32 AM, Tom Horsley wrote:
> I saw there was an i686 fedora 28 workstation this time
> (didn't fedora 27 drop i686?) and I just installed the
> workstation iso as a virtual machine, but if I try to
> run DNF, I get this:
> [root@fed28i ~]# dnf -v install ksh
> Loaded plugins: builddep, config-manager, copr, debug, debuginfo-install, 
> download, generate_completion_cache, needs-restarting, playground, 
> repoclosure, repograph, repomanage, reposync
> DNF version: 2.7.5
> cachedir: /var/cache/dnf
> error: Downloading successful, but checksum doesn't match. Calculated: 
> 5ceb390f551f178386ba55d4bd3bb52a8516481cd44792a92dd7bc7e37b6f78cecf20947589085b79242684d55b50ffa6d9f43cc4a46d7dd7e65c2d58b40638f(sha512)
>   Expected: 
> 48453fec8d1480f8d8dd68453ebc95beb8dc543a72763b7bf47784c387403ccc2bffe22cb885099157b7e0812781836325567b648e474f8462f4e50b50bcae54(sha512)
> (
> ... (similar errors for all mirrors) ...
> Cannot download 
> '': Cannot 
> download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were 
> tried.
> Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'fedora'

Due to several unfortunate events, the repodata was messed up on the
2nd/3rd. Everything should be back to normal now.


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Re: why no kernel src rpm in repository?

2018-05-12 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On 05/11/2018 01:20 PM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> On 05/11/2018 01:00 PM, Chris Caudle wrote:
>> ]$ dnf --enablerepo=updates-source download --source kernel
>> ...
>> No package kernel-4.16.7-300.fc28.src available.
>> Exiting due to strict setting.
>> Error: No package kernel-4.16.7-300.fc28.src available.
>> Anyone know why there is no kernel source available?  Has been the case
>> for the last few kernels.
>> I do not see any packages in:
>> .../fedora/linux/updates/28/Everything/source/tree/Packages
> It looks like the repo structure has changed due to the new modules
> feature and for some reason the source packages aren't getting pushed to
> the right place.  You can still get the src.rpm from koji though.

The above dnf command works ok here. Have you modified your .repo files?


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Re: System hung over night

2018-07-16 Thread Kevin Fenzi
This seems to be

There should be a fix in the next update/rawhide kernels.


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Re: file permissions

2018-07-16 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On 07/16/2018 12:05 PM, Max Pyziur wrote:
> Greetings,
> Twenty minutes of googling and still no answers.
> When I do a directory listing using 'ls -l'
> and I see
> -rw-rw-r--
> -rw-r--r--.
> What's the final period indicate.
> I realize that this is a newbie question, but I'm stumped at finding an
> answer.

From 'info ls' (yeah, I know, info pages are horrible...):

 Following the file mode bits is a single character that specifies

 whether an alternate access method such as an access control list

 applies to the file.  When the character following the file mode
 bits is a space, there is no alternate access method.  When it is a

 printing character, then there is such a method.

 GNU ‘ls’ uses a ‘.’ character to indicate a file with a security

 context, but no other alternate access method.

 A file with any other combination of alternate access methods is

 marked with a ‘+’ character.

So, it indicates the file has a selinux context on it. (See which one
with ls -Z)


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Re: libreoffice 6.1 ??

2018-08-15 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On 08/15/2018 11:22 AM, Rex Dieter wrote:
> stan wrote:
>> On Tue, 14 Aug 2018 22:00:04 -0700
>> ToddAndMargo  wrote:
>>> Anyone know when we will see Libre Office 6.1 in the repos?
>> It's not in koji.  The maintainer is active as the last build was just
>> a few days ago, but it had problems with 6.0 in rawhide.  I think
>> rawhide is frozen for f29 release as well now, so it won't be till
>> after f29 is out.
> f29 branched, there is no freeze (yet).

In addition, rawhide (now marching on toward f30) is never frozen. :)

Beta Freeze for f29 is 2018-08-29, so hopefully they can land it before


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Re: XFCE panel Bluetooth applet

2024-03-27 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 01:50:17AM -0500, Javier Perez wrote:
> Hi
> I think there used to be an applet on the tray of the XFCE desktop for
> managing bluetooth.
> Did I dream it?

Fedora Xfce uses blueman for bluetooth. So, yes, there should be a
blueman applet in your tray. Do you have blueman installed? 
It should, by default launch when you login...


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Re: If X11 login goes, what happens with x2go?

2024-03-27 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 09:59:04AM -0400, Neal Becker wrote:
> I totally depend on x2go for connection to my remote server.  With f40,
> what happens?  Is login to X11 desktop supported?  I assume this is
> required for x2go to work.

In f40, the kde desktop is no longer shipping a X11 session option.
So, if you are using kde, you may not be able to login to a x session
(unless you install the not maintained by the KDE sig session packages

If you aren't using kde, everything should be the same for you.

In F41, workstation is considering dropping their x session, so again
there you may be affected in f41 if you use gnome/workstation.

Eventually, you may need to look at moving from x2go to something else,
but you probibly have more time until you must do so.


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Re: The best way to still use Fedora + Xorg + Gnome ... even after version 40

2024-04-17 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 11:56:44AM GMT, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 04/17/2024 11:08 AM, wrote:
> > I'm on fedora since years.
> > If they'll completely drop X11, I need to change distro.
> > Any suggestion on which distro is good for continuing to
> > use the "VERY OLD" X11/Mwm ?
> > Thanks
> And so will I along with everybody using Xfce as I don't know if there are
> even any plans yet to make it Wayland compatible.

There are:

basically, the plan is to have prelim support in the next release (4.20)
and refine/improve it after that.


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Re: The best way to still use Fedora + Xorg + Gnome ... even after version 40

2024-04-17 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 07:27:21AM GMT, Tim via users wrote:
> On Wed, 2024-04-17 at 13:47 -0400, John Mellor wrote:
> > However, given that absolutely everyone today has compute power 
> > on their desk and everyone has a gpu for things like compositing instead 
> > of what was available back when X was designed
> Bullshit!

Feel free to disagree, but do try and be respectful and constructive.


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Re: The best way to still use Fedora + Xorg + Gnome ... even after version 40

2024-04-17 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 03:30:32PM GMT, Go Canes wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 1:48 PM John Mellor  wrote:
> >
> > With X being a completely unmaintainable mess, all new and bugfix
> > development stopped about 2 years ago.  Most disturbing is that for the
> > last 2 years there have been essentially no security fixes as a result.
> I have heard that there have been no security fixes, and also that
> there have.  I understand that there is little to no "development" in
> the X11 space, but as a mature product it doesn't need development so
> much as a proper "X12".

There have been some security updates... but no releases.

Wayland is pretty much what all the X developers wanted to make.
They didn't want to call it X12 as it would mistakenly give people the
impression it worked the same way/was like X11.


> 2) Given the limitations of 1, what I have read regarding remote app
> support seemed to boil down to "we don't want to bother, use
> VNC/RDP/etc."

Well, depends on what you need. waypipe works quite well if you just
want to run a wayland app on machine A and display it on wayland display


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Re: Fedora 40 is available

2024-04-25 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 05:00:09PM GMT, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Thu, 2024-04-25 at 23:09 +0930, Tim via users wrote:
> > On Thu, 2024-04-25 at 11:51 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > > I've updated to F40. Everything works as expected, (I don't have an
> > > Nvidia card at present so YMMV). I do have some comments on the new
> > > KDE/Plasma but I'll post on the Fedora KDE list after a bit more
> > > testing.
> > 
> > Did that xv security issue get sorted out before the release?
> AFAIK that was fixed almost immediately after it was announced.

You mean xz? xv was a pretty cool (but not open source) image viewer
back in the day. :) 

as far as xz, for F40, the affected version was only in updates-testing
for a short time, it never reached stable. The downgrade to the
older version was pushed later in the day that the announcement came out
about it. 


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Re: This OS version ... dracut (Init ramfs) is past its end-of-support date

2024-05-20 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 09:42:46PM GMT, Barry Scott wrote:
> > On 19 May 2024, at 15:58, Frédéric  wrote:
> > 
> > Is it because F38 is past end of support or is it just related to dracut?
> You can query the EOL date like this:
> $ hostnamectl
>Static hostname: armf38.chelsea.private
>  Icon name: computer-vm
>Chassis: vm 🖴
> Machine ID: ce79604f5b5945f28b6a37ac66f4ffc4
>Boot ID: b24f38816cef4716b447768076169c44
> Virtualization: parallels
>   Operating System: Fedora Linux 38 (KDE Plasma)
>CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:38
> OS Support End: Tue 2024-05-14
> OS Support Expired: 5d
> Kernel: Linux 6.8.6-100.fc38.aarch64
>   Architecture: arm64
>Hardware Vendor: Parallels International GmbH.
> Hardware Model: Parallels ARM Virtual Machine
>   Firmware Version: 19.3.1 (54941)

Sadly thats a week out of date due to a snafu pushing an update of
fedora-release out. ;( 

The EOL date is tomorrow ( 2024-05-21 ).


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Re: Please stop hijacking /etc/resolv.conf

2024-05-30 Thread Kevin Fenzi
For whatever it's worth, the logic to replace or not replace
/etc/resolv.conf has gone through a bunch of adjustments, but currently,
as far as I can see it's:

if systemctl -q is-enabled systemd-resolved.service &>/dev/null &&
   ! systemd-analyze cat-config systemd/resolved.conf 2>/dev/null |
grep -iqE '^DNSStubListener\s*=\s*(no?|false|0|off)\s*$'; then

  if ! test -e /etc/resolv.conf && ! test -L /etc/resolv.conf; then
ln -sv ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf || :
  elif test -d /run/systemd/system/ &&
 ! mountpoint /etc/resolv.conf &>/dev/null; then
ln -fsv ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf || :

So, it's: 

* Is systemd-resolved enabled? and is there a resolved.conf file that
does not have DNSStubListener option set to off/false/no.

* If thats the case, then is there not already a /etc/resolv.conf file and
it's not a link? ie, it doesn't exist, or it's a regular file.
Then make the link.

* Else if thats not true, then see if systemd is running at all mounting
/etc/resolv.conf from somewhere else.

So, I think if you:

disable systemd-resolved 
make /etc/resolv.conf a real file, not a link. 
set 'DNSStubListener=no' in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

It will not be replaced anymore. 


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Re: Can Fedora REPLACE Android on Smart Phones?

2024-05-31 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 04:13:03PM GMT, Philip Rhoades via users wrote:
> People,
> I have messed around with Android ROMs in the past - mostly for fun - now I
> would like Fedora running on my old Pixel2XL, which is currently running the
> last available Lineage ROM available for it.
> I have been experimenting with proot and chroot - but these things just
> create Fedora containers - has anyone installed Fedora as the host OS on
> phones other than Pine64|Pinephone|Pine64 PinePhone Pro|Pine64 Pinetab (1
> and 2)|Purism Librem 5|Oneplus 6 ?

Short answer: official fedora probibly not, but the mobility sig has a
remix that should work for many of the pine* devices:

See the somewhat out of date wiki page: 


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Re: Please stop hijacking /etc/resolv.conf

2024-05-31 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 04:25:44PM GMT, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Kevin Fenzi writes:
> > So, I think if you:
> > 
> > disable systemd-resolved
> > or
> > make /etc/resolv.conf a real file, not a link.
> > or
> > set 'DNSStubListener=no' in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
> > 
> > It will not be replaced anymore.
> I did not even /have/ systemd-resolved installed.
> dnf system-upgrade installed it on its own, enabled it, and /etc/resolv.conf
> was replaced as a result.

Interesting. So, the only thing I see that requires systemd-resolved is
anaconda-core. However, systemd itself has a 'recommends' for it, so
perhaps thats what pulled it back in?

So, possibly keeping it installed, but masked is a better way to make
sure it never gets enabled?


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Re: Please stop hijacking /etc/resolv.conf

2024-06-02 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, Jun 01, 2024 at 06:07:24AM GMT, Tim via users wrote:
> On Fri, 2024-05-31 at 08:53 -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> > Interesting. So, the only thing I see that requires systemd-resolved
> > is anaconda-core. However, systemd itself has a 'recommends' for it,
> > so perhaps thats what pulled it back in?
> > 
> > So, possibly keeping it installed, but masked is a better way to make
> > sure it never gets enabled?
> Is Anaconda more than just the OS installer, now?  Is it needed post-
> install?

No, it's not needed. It's somewhat of a historical artifact of the way
some installs work that it's there. There was some talk about it
removing itself at the end, but I am not sure where that ended up.


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Re: security update fails

2010-05-10 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 10 May 2010 08:36:55 -0700
Len J  wrote:

> File not found:
> Error Type: 
> Error Value: Error getting repository data for installed, repository
> not found File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/,
> line 3125, in  main()
>   File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/, line 3122,
> in main backend.dispatcher(sys.argv[1:])
>   File : /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/packagekit/, line
> 699, in dispatcher self.dispatch_command(args[0], args[1:])
>   File : /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/packagekit/, line
> 657, in dispatch_command self.update_packages(only_trusted,
> package_ids) File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/,
> line 1948, in update_packages signed =
> self._is_package_repo_signed(pkg)
> File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/, line 1437, in
> _is_package_repo_signed repo = self.yumbase.repos.getRepo(pkg.repoid)
> File : /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/yum/, line 121, in
> getRepo 'Error getting repository data for $s, repository not found'
> $ (repoid)

Is this a new fresh install?


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Re: KVM Virtualization - Please Help

2010-05-10 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 10 May 2010 13:54:35 -0400
Jim  wrote:

> Could some one please direct me to the Instructions for installing
> KVM on FC12 .
> I have googled my self crazy, everything I do a Search for it has the 
> wrong version of
> Virtual Manager and the instructions do not apply completely with the 
> latest update.
> I can't get a  Window7 image to install in /var/lib/libvirt/images,
> the path is there but no image.


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Re: security update fails

2010-05-10 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 10 May 2010 13:07:22 -0700
Len J  wrote:

> It has been running for about 2 months.

And this error has been happening all that time?

open a terminal and: 

su -c 'yum clean all' 
su -c 'yum update' 

and see if that works. 


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Re: X11 forward in F12

2010-05-10 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 10 May 2010 20:34:18 -0400
"Marcus D. Leech"  wrote:

> What in the name of all that's holy do I need to
> install/enable/disable to get X11 forwarding to work
>   in F12?
> I had a vague recollection that the default SELinux policy blocked it
> in F12, but I disabled SELinux, and
>   I still can't get X11 forwarding to work.
> The shell that I get on the system I ssh into when I use ssh -x
> doesn't have the DISPLAY variable set, and
>   I presume other bits aren't setup either.
> This used to "just work(tm)" it's now broken.  X11 forwarding isn't
> exactly an "obscure feature" either--
>   sysadmins planetwide use it every day, and anyone with more than 1
> Linux box likely uses it every
>   day as well.  Why is it broken in a "stock" F12 install?

You want to: 

- make sure the 'xauth' package is installed on the machine you are
  connecting to. 

- Use 'ssh -X' (NOTE: cap X, not x). lower case x disables ssh
  forwarding. ;) 


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Re: X11 forward in F12

2010-05-11 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Tue, 11 May 2010 14:43:22 -0700
Suvayu Ali  wrote:

> May I suggest using -Y instead of -X. Its supposed to be more secure.

This is not a good idea. ;) 

If you use -X it uses all the regular xauth checks for access/security. 

If you use -Y it makes a 'trusted' forward. This could leave you
exposed to remote access from a machine you have ssh'ed into. 
You should only use -Y in the very rare event that you have a app that
doesn't work with -X. 


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Re: "Be excellent to each other" / Call people out for doin a good job

2010-05-11 Thread Kevin Fenzi
Here Here! 

Some great work from folks trying to get this release out the door and
meeting all our release criteria!

I'd like to note all the work of Adam Williamson, James Laska, and
Kamil Páral in the QA group for all their long hours of testing and 
managing bugs and blocker issues. 


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Re: X11 forward in F12

2010-05-12 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Tue, 11 May 2010 21:42:35 -0700
Suvayu Ali  wrote:

> I think the man page for ssh is a little misleading (mis-worded
> maybe?). I posted the relevant section from `man 5 ssh_config' in
> another message to this thread. That seems to imply otherwise.
> I'm not at all well versed in anything X, given the above mentioned
> doc would you still think its better to use -X over -Y?


Only use -Y if -X doesn't work, or you are in a isolated/trusted env
where you know no one else will ever have access to the machine you are
connecting to. ;) 

At least that would be my advice. 


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Re: May 17-19 update borked my system

2010-05-19 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Wed, 19 May 2010 01:52:05 -0400
Dennis Mattingly  wrote:

> The most recent round of updates did two things:
> : It changed my resolution (fonts are smaller, desktop icons moved,
> toolbar icons moved)
> : I can no longer play Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
> ERROR: The current video card / driver combination does not support
> the necessary features: GL_ARB_texture_rectangle or
> GL_EXT_texture_rectangle 
> So I have two questions:
> 1) How can I list the packages that were updated in my last update?
> 2) How much blame shall I assign to NVIDIA / Fedora?

Very likely you installed the new kernel from fedora updates, but
rpmfusion had not yet pushed out the new nvidia kmod, leaving you with
a non working binary only non free nvidia driver. ;( 

So, your options are: 

- Boot to the previous kernel, everything will work, just wait a few
  days, then boot back to the new kernel and 'yum install kmod-nvidia'
  to get the new kmod from rpmfusion. 

- yum install akmod-nvidia to switch to the akmod, which builds on boot
  of any new kernel. 

I'm assuming you are using the rpmfusion one. If you are using the
nasty .run file from nvidia, you will need to download and re-run it
each time your kernel updates. 


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Re: using sudo

2010-05-24 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 24 May 2010 16:11:27 -0400
terry  wrote:

> I've looked  through the systems > administation but cannot figure
> how to put myself in the file where I can use  say sudo yum something 
> without having to use su ,  passwd each time I need to be root
> thank you.

Might be of help. 


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Re: Why are the _nightly_ builds build once in a ... week???

2010-05-30 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sun, 30 May 2010 10:54:37 +0200
"Joshua C."  wrote:

> Under are
> supposed to be the nightly-builds of the "latest" code. However, a
> quick look at the logs shows that those are build once in a week or
> even not that "often".
> Can someone explain why? It's just a signle script to be run. I really
> cannot understand where the problem is to build every night the isos?

I have been building them, but I haven't synced out the new images yet,
for the following reasons: 

- With the release of F13, we have switched the nightly composes to use
  rawhide. Most of the spins currently don't compose due to various
  rawhide issues. 

- I wanted to announce that we have switched them to rawhide, but
  haven't had the chance yet. 

- I wanted to give maintainers of spins some time to fix issues so
  there are images that compose again. 

I'll probibly send out an announcement to devel-announce later today
and see what state they are in after todays compose. 

Out of curiosity, what do you use them for, and which spins? :) 


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Re: Why are the _nightly_ builds build once in a ... week???

2010-05-31 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sun, 30 May 2010 22:01:12 +0200
"Joshua C."  wrote:

> I expected this but without seeing the failed logs one can only guess.

Sorry, perhaps a 'state' file or something would be good to have. 

> > Out of curiosity, what do you use them for, and which spins? :)
> I'm interested in the kde spin. I know that the "latest" kde code
> reaches this spin not that fast but the main reason for using the
> nightly composes is the ati/xserver stack. The maintainers have done a
> great job in improving this video driver but it's still away from its
> win counter part. The only way to test this and/or apply the
> latest mesa patches is to have the latest rawhide code. The versions
> that go with the serial distributions are outdated.

I am syncing over the new images now. Most everything composed
yesterday. ;) 

> Here's a suggestion:
> I know that those builds are based on the build tags e.g. dist-f14
> etc. Sometimes some builds are made without being tagged and therefore
> cannot be caught by the build script. (the kernel package in
> particular). Is it possible to have a "rawhide" spin e.g. a spin that
> has the "very latest" packages build in rawhide _not_ based on tags?
> This will mean that if a package is in koji the script will take it
> without looking if it is tagged as update-testing or dist-XX. This is
> what I mean with the "very latest" packages. That will be a reall
> rawhide spin.

You are welcome to do so... there is a koji static repo that has the
contents of everything built currently in the tag. I don't think I want
to switch the nightlys to that, because one of the reasons for them is
for maintainers to see what packages are currently composed and would
be in a final spin if it happend then, and also with rawhide, all the
packages built push out the next day, so a 1 day change isn't that

Anyhow, enjoy the composes. I hope they are helpfull. 


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Re: What is "nomodeset" SUPPOSED to do?

2010-05-31 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 31 May 2010 20:04:53 -0500
"Steven P. Ulrick"  wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> What is "nomodeset" SUPPOSED to do?  I really do want to know,
> because I wonder if "nomodeset" is ineffectual on my system, and
> that's why I can't get the rpmfusion nVidia driver to work (it used
> to work on this same system under Fedora 12.)

Is your current system Fedora 13? 

If so, then yes, 'nomodeset' doesn't do anything, as the nouveau driver
in f13 has no userspace modesetting ability. :) 

> I want to go with the nVidia driver because:
> 1. nouveau (in KDE) leaves me with a hideous multicolored (grey &
> black) taskbar at the bottom of my display.


Have you reported a bug on it? 
See also

> 2. Whatever driver is defaulted to when nouveau won't run (vesa?)
> will boot perfectly on my system, BUT it only displays at a maximum
> resolution of 1280x1024.  1920x1080 is the resolution I was running
> it at with this same system, same monitor, same video card on Fedora
> 12.

Yes, that would be vesa. 

> So, I'd really like to know if my problem is because "nomodeset" is
> doing nothing on my system...

well, sure, but I would rather say it's a bug in nouveau that it
doesn't work correctly for your card. 

Do you have mesa-dri-drivers-experimental installed?


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Re: Why are the _nightly_ builds build once in a ... week???

2010-06-01 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Tue, 1 Jun 2010 01:17:09 +0200
"Joshua C."  wrote:

> Great!
> Well after booting - no KDE, 2 kernel oops. This is fine when we
> consider the switch to the beta-kde and the very early stage of the
> 2.6.34 kernel.

Yep. It's early days for rawhide. ;) 

> The idea is good but I don't think that it's worthy. If I compose my
> own isos then I won't depend on the nightly composes. And the fedora
> infrastructure is a way better than my pc :-)

Sure, but you probibly only want the kde one in one arch. ;) 
You can do that faster than I can make all the isos. 

> Why is this syncing done manually. If the isos are automatically build
> (which I think is the case here), why cannot they be automatically
> synced to the server?

I have been meaning to set that up, just haven't gotten to it. The
composes are hosted on another machine, so I have to rsync them with my
credentials. I'm sure something can be worked out to script it, I will
try and do so this cycle. 


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Re: Another funny update?

2010-06-22 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Tue, 22 Jun 2010 23:39:16 -0400
Marcel Rieux  wrote:

> How do you, for instance, reverse:
> su -
> mv /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname
> -r)-nouveau.img dracut /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)
> YOU probably know. I don't. Many Fedora users don't, I'm sure.
> The day you provide instructions on a page belonging to Fedora/Nouveau
> on how to install Nouveau the same way RPMFusion does for the NVIDIA
> module, I'll give some thought to Nouveau. For now, I must say that
> I'm quite discouraged by your attitude. I feel as if I was discussing
> nonsense on a Debian group.

Wow. A long winded thread. 

Did you look at fedorasolved at all (likely the place you got
information on how to install the nvidia non free binary only blob
kmods) ?


Not answer your question?


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Re: libedataserver dependency problem

2010-06-25 Thread Kevin Fenzi
Use '--skip-broken' for now to apply other updates and skip this one,
and just wait for it to be fixed. ;( 

It's unfortunate that this update went out in this state. :( 

Efforts like autoqa and critical path testing would have caught this,
but they are not yet live. 


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Re: evolution-data-server

2010-06-29 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Tue, 29 Jun 2010 06:43:00 -0400
Chris Kloiber  wrote:

> Why is evolution-data-server still broken after this much time, and
> is anything being done to correct it? I'm guessing all the
> dependencies must be rebuilt against the new package.

Yes. I think all of them have now been rebuilt and pushed out this
morning. As soon as mirrors sync we should be back on track. 

Hopefully autoqa and critical path setups will be in place before
something like this happens again. 

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Re: Trying to find startup script that loads appliecations in the gnome-sessons app ?!?

2010-07-08 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 15:53:54 -0400
William Case  wrote:

> Hi;
> I want to add a line to the script that starts the programs listed in
> gnome-session-manager.  There must be (??) an rc.d script or something
> like it that starts a list of startup programs kept somewhere.  I
> can't find it.
> I have had the following script line suggested to me.
> xev | grep -m 1 ReparentNotify; firefox & xchat-gnome &

Lets step back a bit. What is your high level goal here?

gnome should remember and restart your firefox and xchat-gnome on
login. Does it not do so?

Or can you elaborate on what you are trying to do further?


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Re: Fedora 13 - Shutdown works, but Restart Freezes??

2010-07-08 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 14:02:51 -0700
"Michael D. Setzer II"  wrote:

> I installed Fedora 13 on a Gateway E2000 and have found that
> restart/reboot freezes, but a shutdown does a full power down
> correctly.
> By default goes to the graphical screen, the same for both, but with 
> shutdown, it says shutting down and then powers off. The restart
> shows the restarting message, but then stops responding. No keyboard
> lights change, no CTRL-ALT-DEL, nothing. Only a forced power off gets
> the machine going.
> Tried it from a terminal window same results.
> Tried reboot -f same results.
> Even loaded busybox and used busybox reboot -f
> Don't see anything in the log files...
> It doesn't come up with an error on the reboot, so it seems to be
> shutting down correctly, but just not doing the final reboot process.

Try the suggestions at:


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Re: Trying to find startup script that loads appliecations in the gnome-sessons app ?!?

2010-07-08 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 17:32:25 -0400
William Case  wrote:


> > Or can you elaborate on what you are trying to do further?
> I am using compiz to place and position certain applications'windows.
> Firefox and xchat-gnome start before compiz, and so aren't placed or
> positioned properly at startup.
> All other decorating takes place as soon as compiz is loaded; other
> programs are placed and positioned properly but are initiated later in
> the start process.  Firefox and xchat-gnome are placed and positioned
> properly if closed and reopened.
> I received the above suggested line from members of my local Lug after
> about an hour conferring on xchat-gnome.

How about taking a look at devilspie? 

% yum info devilspie

Name   : devilspie
Arch   : x86_64
Version: 0.22
Release: 5.fc13
Size   : 106 k
Repo   : installed
From repo  : fedora
Summary: A window-matching utility
License: GPLv2+
Description: A window-matching utility, inspired by Sawfish's "Matched Windows" 
option and
   : the lack such functionality in Metacity. Devil's Pie can be 
configured to
   : detect windows as they are created, and match the window to a set 
of rules.
   : If the window matches the rules, it can perform a series of 
actions on that
   : window.

You may be able to get it to move or setup the windows the way you want?


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Re: Fedora 13 - Shutdown works, but Restart Freezes??

2010-07-08 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 15:09:38 -0700
"Michael D. Setzer II"  wrote:

> On 8 Jul 2010 at 15:18, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> > Try the suggestions at: 
> > 
> >
> The reboot=b seems to fix the problem, but the reboot option seems to
> work just fine with all the kernels I've built for my g4l project
> from on the same machine, so why does the Fedora kernel do
> this?

I would guess either: 

a) a patch in the Fedora kernel is behaving oddly with your hardware. 


b) a config option is different. You can look at the fedora config
in /boot/config*

PS: No need to reply direct to me on mailing list posts, I'm subscribed
to the list too. ;) 


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Re: Problem with tarring out a tar file

2010-07-08 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 15:35:48 -0700
JD  wrote:

>   Hi,
> I had downloaded a zip file under windows and unzipped it.
> No problems.
> The file names in the zipped archive are long german names, so
> they are displayed with special chars embedded in the file names
> and directory names, like
> Barrè
> Mächter
> among others.
> So I tarred out the whole directory into a tar file.
> Later I moved that tar file to another mounted partition.
> I cd'ed to the mounted partition and tried to untar it:
> tar xpvf my-tar-ball.tar
> For every file in the tarball, tar outputs the message
> <.long...filename>:  No such file or directory.
> Any clues why this is happening?

What filesystem type is the directory you are untarring it on? 

Is it by change a fat/vfat or the like? It may well not be able to
handle utf8 encoded filenames. 


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Re: Lost my 3D and don't no where to find it !?!

2010-07-09 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Fri, 09 Jul 2010 08:39:17 -0400
William Case  wrote:

> Hi;
> Installed Fedora 13 with nouveau driver and added
> mesa-dri-drivers-experimental. Played around with compiz then removed
> nouveau and replaced it with nvidia to see how that would look.
> Preferred the look I got with nouveau, removed nvidia and reinstalled
> nouveau and mesa-dri-drivers-experimental. My 3D is no longer
> recognized by compiz.
> rpm -qi says both drivers are installed.
> lsmod | grep  mesa-dri-drivers-experimental returns nothing
> lsmod | grep nouveau shows driver
> Does anybody know what is happening and how to fix it?



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Re: Install Fedora 13 Hangs

2010-07-09 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Fri, 09 Jul 2010 08:26:49 -0700
"Gary W Johnson"  wrote:

> I am trying to upgrade to Fedora 13 from a Fedora 11 system. I made a
> DVD and when I do the upgrade it displays the message "Probing EDD
> (edd=off to disable)... ok) and then it hangs. The upgrade stops with
> the message and makes no ferther progress. I did a online upgrade and
> when it rebooted with the upgrade the upgrade hung the same way.

What kind of video card do you have? 

lspci in f11 should show you. 

Have you tried passing 'edid=off' to the boot line of the installer? 

Does your video card have DVI and VGA? If so, can you switch it to the
other one? 

Finally, try booting with 'xdriver=vesa' and see if that gets any

Good luck!


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Re: Error messages from BIND.

2010-07-10 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Fri, 09 Jul 2010 09:48:41 -0600 wrote:

> I have recently started getting the following pair of error messages
> from bind:
> bg DNSKEY: please check the 'trusted-keys' for 'bg' in
> named.conf.: 6 Time(s)
> bg DNSKEY: unable to find a DNSKEY which verifies the DNSKEY
> RRset and also matches one of specified trusted-keys for 'bg': 6
> Time(s)
> Anyone know what these mean, and what I am suposed to do?

Can you attach your /etc/named.conf file for us? 


rpm -q bind dnssec-conf unbound 

output would be helpfull. 



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Re: cannot boot from USB stick using boot.iso

2010-07-10 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, 10 Jul 2010 22:15:04 -0400
"H.S."  wrote:


> I burned boot.iso to my 256 MB USB stick using dd command:
> sudo dd if=Downloads/boot.iso  of=/dev/sdd
> and got the image contents in /dev/sdd1. However, the computer does
> not detect that USB stick as bootable (my motherboard can and does
> boot from a USB stick) and booted from hard disk.


> In both the above cases, the boot flag for sdd1 or ON.
> I also copied the Fedora netinst.iso image to the USB stick and tried
> with that, no luck there either.
> What I am I doing wrong here?

I would expect the dd to work fine. Does your bios have a choice of
booting from usb-cdrom and usb-hd? Have you tried both settings?

Failing that, how about a medialess install?

Or a install?


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Re: F12 -> F13. Preupgrade Error

2010-07-11 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 17:03:42 +0100
Dave Cross  wrote:

> I'm trying to use preupgrade to upgrade my Dell Studio XPS from Fedora
> 12 to Fedora 13.
> It got through the bit where it downloads all of the required data
> from the internet and prompts me to reboot the PC.
> I reboot the PC and select "upgrade to Goddard" from the grub menu.
> After a while, I then get the message:
> "Unable to find any device of the type needed for this installation
> type. Would you like to manually select your driver or use a driver
> disk."
> There's an option to choose a driver from a list. But the list as huge
> and seems to contain entries for all sorts of drivers - network cards,
> storage devices, probably others - I don't know what I should be
> choosing.
> Can anyone suggest what might be going wrong here? And what I can do
> to fix it.

Odd. What kind of free space is on /boot on your system? has some tips for if you are low on 
Some older versions of preupgrade didn't notify you that there was not
quite enough space, and you needed to have a wired connection after
booting into the upgrader to finish things. 


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Re: Compile HTTPD so it's SELinux Aware

2010-07-11 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 11:21:28 +1000
Jafaruddin Lie  wrote:

> Hi guys
> We're thinking of compiling our own version of jailed Apache's httpd
> on CENTOS 5.

You likely want the centos list:


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Re: Where is cairo-xcb ?

2010-07-12 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:46:30 +0200
Mogens Kjaer  wrote:

> On 07/12/2010 02:36 PM, dalsoo wrote:
> > I am compiling 'awesome windows manager'. Awesome requires
> > 'cairo-xcb'. What package contains 'cairo-xcb' ?
> A little googling:
> Maybe this is a help.

Also, you may want to try the test packages at:


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Re: Compile HTTPD so it's SELinux Aware

2010-07-12 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 13:17:11 +1000
Jafaruddin Lie  wrote:

> :)
> I figured I tried asking here first since my test box is a Fedora 13
> box, I doubt it'll be any different when I move it to CentOS.

Well, the versions and toolchains would be pretty different. 

What "selinux awareness" are you trying to add? 

httpd in fedora is already covered in the default selinux policy. 
Is this some additional patch? If so, do you have a link to it?


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Re: Install Fedora 13 from Hard Drive

2010-07-12 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 21:45:10 +0100
Timothy Murphy  wrote:


> To me that is bizarre.
> The whole process can be explained fully in a single page -
> someone gave what I thought were pretty good instructions
> in this thread -
> so why take the reader on this roundabout journey?
> Actually, I have always found the Fedora Installation Guide
> more or less useless.
> I would have thought it would be much better just to list
> the various ways in which one can install Fedora,
> and describe for each one exactly what one has to do.

Care to file a bug against fedora-docs with your ideas, or better yet a
write up of what you think should be there?

Have you looked at the install quick start guide?


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Re: evolution 2.30.2-1

2010-07-13 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Tue, 13 Jul 2010 12:43:41 -0500
"Gregory P. Ennis"  wrote:

> Dear List,
> When I scanned the fedora archives. it appeared that some have been
> able to update to evolution 2.30.2-1.  When I run 'yum -y update'
> after a 'yum clean all' I am still not seeing 30.2-1 in the
> repositories for
> Have any of you been able to make this update?

It looks like you are not getting updates. ;( 

Can you show us the output of: 

'yum repolist'



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Re: sshd Authentication refused

2010-07-13 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Tue, 13 Jul 2010 11:16:46 -0700 (PDT)
David Highley  wrote:

> New install of Fedora 13 we get the following /var/log/secure entry
> when we ssh from a Fedora 12 system to the Fedora 13 system:
> Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for
> file /home/dhighley/.ssh/authorized_keys
> We have checked and tried different modes until we are blue in the
> face. Have read the upates notes for openssh and Fedora 13 release.
> Googled the net for know issues and We did check
> for selinux blocks and found none.
> User home directory is auto NFS mounted and we use NIS. This works
> Fedora 12 to Fedora 12.

You may want to use 'ssh-copy-id' to copy the key over to the f13
system. That will setup the right permissions and such automatically
for you. 

Also, you will want to see if there are any selinux alerts on the f13
machine. 'ausearch -m avc -ts today' can list the ones from today. 


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Re: Bind downloads

2010-07-15 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 17:44:02 -0400
Marcel Rieux  wrote:

> Once in a while, a pop-up shines saying "Download complete" when I
> downloaded nothing. 

From what application? Can you tell by it's window? Web browser perhaps?

> So, I checked the Downloads directory where,
> since 04:12 till 04:57 today I have 7 bind 0 byte files. I don't know
> what time this is since I received that last download notice about an
> hour ago and it is 17:43 local time.

bind? what are they called exactly? 

ls -lZ output of the directory for us?

> Anybody knows what's this, why the system automatically downloads 0
> byte bind files?

No idea. I would suspect a web page doing something funky. 


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Re: Bind downloads

2010-07-15 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 19:00:49 -0400
Marcel Rieux  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Kevin Fenzi  wrote:
> > On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 17:44:02 -0400
> > Marcel Rieux  wrote:
> >
> > > Once in a while, a pop-up shines saying "Download complete" when I
> > > downloaded nothing.
> >
> > From what application? Can you tell by it's window? Web browser
> > perhaps?
> >
> Firefox. When I open Downloads, I see,
> bind(some number to rename the file)
> 0 bytes --
> > > So, I checked the Downloads directory where,
> > > since 04:12 till 04:57 today I have 7 bind 0 byte files. I don't
> > > know what time this is since I received that last download notice
> > > about an hour ago and it is 17:43 local time.
> >
> > bind? what are they called exactly
> >
> Just bind, not .bind. See below.
> > ls -lZ output of the directory for us?
> >
> -rw-r--r--. marcel marcel unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 bind
> -rw-r--r--. marcel marcel unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 bind(1)
> -rw-r--r--. marcel marcel unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 bind(2)
> -rw-r--r--. marcel marcel unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 bind(3)
> -rw-r--r--. marcel marcel unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 bind(4)
> -rw-r--r--. marcel marcel unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 bind(5)
> -rw-r--r--. marcel marcel unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 bind(6)

This looks like you were at some site that had a 0 length file called
'bind' and when you clicked on it it downloaded... it uses the numbers
each time you download it as a unique identifier, so you must have
clicked on that thing 7 times. 

I would just remove them and watch for any links that say 'bind' but
only download a file. 


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Re: Who's moderating this forum?

2010-07-15 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 17:30:56 -0400
Marcel Rieux  wrote:

> Since I'm in rant mode, I might as well continue. There's a lot to be
> said about how Fedora doesn't work!

If you have questions or issues, please write them up as complete,
concrete questions?

> On *Thu Jun 24 01:36:32 UTC 2010, **Joel Rees* wrote about there
> being no instructions to revert from Nvidia to Nouveau drivers:

I answered him with a link that answered his question, but he didn't
reply if that solved his issue. Perhaps because there was too much
noise in the thread that was not answering the question. 

... snip ... 

Please come up with a concrete question here. You are just rambling
IMHO. ;) 


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Re: Who's moderating this forum?

2010-07-15 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 22:48:08 -0400
Marcel Rieux  wrote:



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Re: Xen / KVM Fedora-12 How To Document

2010-07-16 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Fri, 16 Jul 2010 14:18:16 -0400 wrote:

> Does anyone have any idea where I can locate a 'GOOD' how-to document
> on implementing Xen and/or KVM on a Fedora-12 system?  I'm currently
> running VMware Server 2.0, but I would like to make the move to the
> open source virtualization - if possible.  What I found is somewhat
> short on the networking piece.  It doesn't matter if it's TUI or GUI.


If there are problems you run into there, let us know and we can
improve the document. ;) 


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Re: Slow graphics after last kernel update (I think)

2010-07-16 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Fri, 16 Jul 2010 22:45:39 +0200

> Sorry but I don't remember if there were, but I don't think so.
> Maybe someone else can answer if there were such a update recently
> puched out?

Check the /var/log/yum.log file or use 'yum history list' and 'yum
history info N' where N is a number from the history list. That will
show you exactly what packages were added/removed/updated/etc. 


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Re: Touchpad tap to click in F13?

2010-07-17 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, 17 Jul 2010 20:07:55 +0100
mike cloaked  wrote:

> I have a question on making touchpad tap to click work before login.
> Certainly once logged in to Gnome you can easily switch on tap to
> click for synaptics touchpads by going into the preferences menus.
> I usually like to have tap to click working at the login greeter stage
> and I read that the way to do it was to paste into
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf
> the lines:
> Section "InputClass"
> Identifier "touchpad catchall"
> MatchIsTouchpad "on"
> Option "TapButton1" "1"
> EndSection
> Does anyone know if this is the best way to achieve this, or is there
> a better way in F13?

I'd suggest taking a look at:

So, yes, thats the way in F13+


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Re: Moblin is dead, Fedora on netbooks?

2010-02-15 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 18:39:25 -0800
jack craig  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I regret to report that Moblin, my hope for a mobile linux, is dead.

oh? Not that I have heard. 

> My hw is Asus, EeePC 1000, 1GB ram, 40GB disk.
> Anyone running FC (11 maybe?) on hw like this?

I have a Eeepc 900a with 512mb ram and 4GB disk. 

It's happily running Xfce here. I have recently just tried lxde, moblin
and gnome-shell on it. They all ran ok, but I just prefer Xfce. 


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Re: XFCE configs location

2010-02-21 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 22:47:24 +0530
Sawrub  wrote:

> I installed xfce desktop long back and uninstalled it. Yesterday when
> i retried after doing a new "yum groupinstall XFCE" all the settings
> that i had in my previous installations were picked back. I guess the
> configs were not removed from the system at that time, finding the
> same i uninstalled the environemnt and now when i query the hidden
> files under my home directory for xfce there is no results. I guess
> that they are some where else.
> Please guide how can i make a fresh new install of xfce.

Xfce stores it's config in ~/.config/xfce4/ for the most part. Some of
it's apps store config in ~/.config// 

So, you should be able to move aside the ~/config dir and get a fresh


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Re: Fedora 12: Cannot boot with kernel-

2010-03-08 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 12:19:52 -0600
Rick Sewill  wrote:

> Questions please:
> 1) Are there 3 drivers, nvidia, nv, nouveau?


> 2) If there are 3 drivers, how did people decide which driver to use?

The Fedora default is 'nouveau'. 

>My questions on this subject, are as follows:
>a) Is the nouveau driver now considered better than the nv driver?
>   If the nouveau driver is considered better, I am curious why?

Yes. It's maintained actively and is making rapid improvements. 
The nv driver is hardly maintained anymore. 

>b) Is it true the nvidia driver is faster than the nouveau driver?

In Fedora 12 the nouveau driver has no 3d. The binary only non free
nvidia one does. 

>   I wanted to use the "free" driver, if possible, so I was using
> nv. I switched to nouveau because that seemed to be the new default.
>   I am wondering what I am giving up not using the nvidia driver.


However, Fedora 13 should have 3d support in nouveau for lots of cards. 


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Re: How to Install Nvidia Driver in Fedora12?

2010-03-13 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 14:20:20 +0800
严晶涛  wrote:

> My classmate has bought a computer with GT220.
> When I download Nvidia Driver,use init 3 to run it.
> but it prompt that cannot find nvidia.ko..
> I have searched Google,and changed menu.lst,added *nouveau.modeset=0
> *This time,I have install Nvidia Driver success,but when I reboot,I
> can't login it,it's blank screen.
> I have try many times,I found,when I use *init 3*,and run *rmmod
> nouveau*,then I can use *startx* login to Gnome.
> But it's too troublesome,I want to know how to do,then I can turn on
> the computer and direct into Gnome...


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Re: NVIDIA downgrade with new kernel

2010-03-13 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 11:03:26 -0800
Amiga5  wrote:

> Nvidia release 195.36 has been removed from repo
> You will have to settle with 190.53 for new kernel 2.6.32 9-70
> One problem I have noticed DO NOT UPDATE WITH YUM
> Use system update
> The proper kernel mods will be installed properly

The 195.x version was pushed out, problems were found and they reverted
to the 190.x version. Unfortunately, this older version wasn't pushed
out with a Epoch so the downgrade worked. It has since been corrected
and yum should update you to the 190.x version which should work fine. 

So, yum update should do the right thing. 


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Re: How to Install Nvidia Driver in Fedora12?

2010-03-14 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 01:27:00 +1030
Tim  wrote:

> On Sat, 2010-03-13 at 23:22 -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> >
> I seem to recall that you may also have to re-install (repair) the
> xorg installation, as the NVidia installer stuffs up some of the files
> (that's NVidia's own installer, not the RPM Fusion Fedora packaged
> files).

Yeah, if you unfortunately installed the driver from the nvidia script,
you should take a look at:



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Re: Dependencies of a Package (in form of rpm/package names)

2010-03-14 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 14:06:15 -0600
FHDATA  wrote:

> Greetings,
> I use FC12. I understated, for an installed
> package,  the 'rpm -qR '
> gives me all the dependencies. But these
> dependencies are not in form  of package-names
> themselves. They're just file dependencies.
> How would one get a listing of installed packages that
> a given installed package depends on?

yum deplist packagename

Should show it in a expanded form... might be what you are looking for. 


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Re: How to Install Nvidia Driver in Fedora12?

2010-03-14 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 13:57:20 -0700
Amiga5  wrote:

> With these do you not have to recompile kernel everytime you install
> new nvidia driver?

No. There is sometimes a short delay when a fedora kernel comes out
before the rpmfusion kmod is available, but it's usually less than a

> Amiga5


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Re: Rolling Release Model(s), Fedora Discussion

2010-03-15 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 13:51:59 -0700
Konstantin Svist  wrote:

> On 03/15/2010 01:33 PM, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> > Would Fedora users accept a rolling release model?  IT would be
> > nice to setup an internet poll to see what many Fedora users have
> > to say? 
> I would love a "rolling release" versionless system! The full-system
> upgrades are never fun.

We already have a rolling release: rawhide. ;) 


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Re: midori in LXDE/F-12 spin

2010-03-20 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, 20 Mar 2010 17:08:49 -0500
Ranjan Maitra  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been using LXDE since the F-12 spin and it has been working
> great. I have also been using midori which seems to also work fine,
> but I got concerned recently when I got a message from some site
> saying that my browser did not support 128- (or was it 256-)bit
> strong encryption. Reading about it some more, it appears that midori
> suffers from IMO a fatal flaw, namely that it does not tell the user
> when security works and when it does not. See this bug report here:

I don't think the error you saw and this bug are the same thing. 

Can you locate the site again? 

The bug is just saying that midori doesn't verify the cert, it just
uses the encryption there and figures all is well. The error you got
sounds like some broken site thats trying to tell you something about
"strong encryption", and possibly broken user-agent handling WRT


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Re: Need help with clamav-0.96

2010-04-12 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 22:55:56 -0400
"Steven W. Orr"  wrote:

> I'm running F10 so I can't expect much help, but the 0.94 version of
> clamav is about to go defunct. I successfully built 0.96 but now when
> I start it up I get this message:
> [r...@saturn test]# clamscan --debug clam-v*.rar sendme
> LibClamAV debug: searching for unrar, user-searchpath: /usr/lib
> LibClamAV debug: searching for unrar: not
> found LibClamAV debug: searching for unrar:
> not found LibClamAV debug: searching for unrar:
> not found LibClamAV debug: searching for unrar: libclamunrar_iface.a
> not found LibClamAV Warning: Cannot dlopen libclamunrar_iface: file
> not found - unrar support unavailable

Fedora clamav packages strip out the non free rar checker. 

You can remove this from your local copy with: 

zcat clamav*tar.gz | tar --delete -f - '*/libclamunrar/*' | gzip -c 

Try building from that?


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Re: Nagios-plugins packaging change broke my Nagios (plugins moved out of "nagios-plugins" to "nagios-plugins-all")

2010-04-14 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 17:17:16 -0700
Aleksey Tsalolikhin  wrote:

> Wow.  When I ran "yum update" recently on my Nagios server, it broke
> our Nagios, as nagios plugins used to be in "nagios-plugins" package
> but now it's just a stub, and the nagios plugins are packaged
> individually.
> I fixed it with installing "nagios-plugins-all".
> I am sure there was a reason for the packaging change but it was not
> implemented gracefully...  Wouldn't it have been better to deprecate
> the nagios-plugins package and stop updating it rather than replacing
> it with a stub that effectively broke a working Nagios installation?

It's been packaged that way in Fedora for as long as I can recall. 

What version of Fedora? What version of nagios were you running before? 
(You can check /var/log/rpmpkgs from the previous day). 

Perhaps it was a 3rd party nagios version?


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Re: Nagios-plugins packaging change broke my Nagios (plugins moved out of "nagios-plugins" to "nagios-plugins-all")

2010-04-15 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:01:32 -0700
Aleksey Tsalolikhin  wrote:

> Hi, Kevin.
>   The source of my nagios-plugins package is the EPEL repository from
> the Fedora Project.   I installed Nagios about a year and a half ago.

You probibly want the 'epel-devel' list then. 

EPEL is in general much more conservative than Fedora when it comes to
changes. nagios in EPEL has been packaged the same way for many years. 

I suspect you had a version from another repository (dag? atrpms?
rpmforge?) installed that used a different setup, and only recently the
epel version passed that version so it updated. 

> Thanks,
> Aleksey


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Re: root

2010-04-17 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 18:01:57 -0400
terry  wrote:

> I seem to have lost access to root. The password I thought it to be 
> doesn't work. I am one computer in my home. How do I locate my root 
> password file to find out what it is?
> I do not use the root password much thus my forgetfullness.

There isn't any easy way to find out what it is, but you can reset it:


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Re: Nagios-plugins packaging change broke my Nagios (plugins moved out of "nagios-plugins" to "nagios-plugins-all")

2010-04-17 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:38:44 -0700
Aleksey Tsalolikhin  wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Kevin Fenzi  wrote:
> > I suspect you had a version from another repository (dag? atrpms?
> > rpmforge?) installed that used a different setup, and only recently
> > the epel version passed that version so it updated.
> That is quite possible.
> When you say the epel version "passed" that version, are you referring
> to relative
> version numbers on the "nagios-plugins" package?

Yes. Version 1.4.14 just came out, so if the other repo still had
1.4.13, the epel version would have been newer and 'upgraded' it. 


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Re: EPEL clamav packages

2010-04-20 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 11:46:33 +1000
Dan Irwin  wrote:

> Hello,
> I couldn't find a EPEL users list, so I'm posting here.

Yeah, there isn't one, but the epel-devel list is open for anyone. ;) 

> The clamav packages in EPEL are quite broken, and don't work out of
> the box. I think this has been the case for many months.

Have you filed any bugs? Whats broken?

> Is there a current maintainer for clamav in EPEL? If not, what is
> required to take this role over. I have the necessary skills, and I
> have a working clamav install based on the broken EPEL packages. I
> would like to contribute this work so next time I install a server
> with clamav, it just works.

There is a maintainer. He may be busy/want help. 
File a bug and offer to help out... patches would be welcome I'm sure. 


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Re: EPEL clamav packages

2010-04-21 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 08:59:39 +0200
Felix Schwarz  wrote:

> Am 21.04.2010 06:33, schrieb Kevin Fenzi:
> > On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 11:46:33 +1000
> > Dan Irwin  wrote:
> >
> >> The clamav packages in EPEL are quite broken, and don't work out of
> >> the box. I think this has been the case for many months.
> >
> > Have you filed any bugs? Whats broken?
> There are a couple of bugs:

Sure, there are bugs. 

> Some also have security impact. Basically the problem is that it is
> extremly hard to provide the ABI/config stability for clamav.
> Combined with a few questionable decisions when it came to packaging
> + a not-so-active maintainer and we have a basically orphaned package
> in EPEL.

Yeah. ;( I'll see what I can do. 

> I've spoken to a few Fedora packagers who where interested in
> maintaining the package. However the premise for them was that they
> can also decide how the Fedora package should look like - and at that
> time the current maintainer had strong feelings about this topic...

And still does I am sure. 

> If you could initiate a discussion on epel-devel, I can ping a few of
> the previously interested people...

Feel free to start discussion on that list. 


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Re: yum install mesa-dri-drivers-experimental

2010-04-24 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, 24 Apr 2010 17:28:23 -0400
Jim  wrote:

> FC12 / KDE
> trying to install "radeonhd" driver

why? It's not the supported or default radeon/ati driver in Fedora.
You're better off with the xorg-x11-drv-ati package and reporting any
bugs you find. 

> yum install mesa-dri-drivers-experimental  , it installed the driver,
> I double check that to be sure. But !! when I do a modprobe radeonhd
> it says it can't be found.
> What have I not done ?

Just use the 'radeon' driver thats the default. 


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Upcoming Fedora IRC Classroom Sessions - 2010-04-26

2010-04-26 Thread Kevin Fenzi
The Fedora IRC Classroom has been quiet of late, but thats about to
change! We have a number of great classes coming up:  

Date and Time (UTC) Class topic and Instructor

27 April, 2010 at 19:00 UTC  How to make life awesome for journalists - Joe 
29 April, 2010 at 01:00 UTC  How to test Fedora Updates - Kevin Fenzi
30 April, 2010 at 12:30 UTC (6:00 PM IST)A Short Tutorial On i18n 
Through gettext - Naveen Kumar
03 May, 2010 at 13:30 UTC (7:00 PM IST)  Introductory workshop on GNU Autotools 
- Siddhesh Poyarekar
10 May, 2010 at 01:00 UTCLearn about exciting Fedora 13 Features - 
Kevin Fenzi

See the classroom page ( ) for
more details and information on how to attend classes on IRC, or sign
up to teach one!

Hope to see everyone there. 


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Re: What's with systemd?

2011-06-05 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sun, 5 Jun 2011 10:05:34 -0400
"Garry T. Williams"  wrote:

> On Sunday, June 05, 2011 06:35:37 Arthur Dent wrote:
> > The real problem I have is that after a reboot, several key services
> > fail to start. The crucial ones (for me) are sendmail and dovecot.
> > There are no messages in any logs (that I can find), but my
> > mailchain just isn't working.
> I have encountered the same problem (sendmail not starting).  For now,
> I am just doing this after boot:
> sudo systemctl start sendmail.service
> You will want to do the same with dovecot.service .
> I'm probably missing something having to do with systemd(?).


sudo systemctl enable sendmail.service

fix it to start on boot? 


sudo chkconfig sendmail on 



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Re: SSL connections to sites failing over IPv6

2011-06-08 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 08:54:17 -0500
Michael Cronenworth  wrote:

> Frank Murphy wrote:
> > Is not today ip6 test day?
> Yes, and fp.o is working again, but it wasn't yesterday.

There was a short issue with httpd last night. Perhaps this was in that
window? (It was 10min or so at around ~03:00-03:10UTC). 

It looks like you folks might have been trying around that time... 

Sorry for the issues... 


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Re: Why is xfconfd running?

2011-06-08 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sun, 5 Jun 2011 13:59:39 -0400
Tom Horsley  wrote:

> I just switched my system to use fedora 15 by default
> with my custom X session that runs fvwm and (mostly) saves
> me from the incessant changes of gnome and kde.
> Almost as soon as I'd started my first login session
> I got a popup identifying itself as some xfce program
> and telling me updates were available.
> Running ps, I find I'm running /usr/lib64/xfce4/xfconf/xfconfd,
> which I certainly didn't start with any kind of deliberate
> action. I find a org.xfce.Xfconf.service file defined
> among the /usr/share/dbus-1/services/, but I thought that
> stuff only started on request (there are about 90 services
> defined in there, and xfconfd is the only one I find running).
> Who the devil would have requested that this service start?

Likely it was launched when you ran some Xfce related app/applet that
wanted to save or check settings stored in xfconf. 

It should exit when idle or not queried in a while... 


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Re: SSL connections to sites failing over IPv6

2011-06-08 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 09:08:44 -0500
Chris Adams  wrote:

> Once upon a time, Kevin Fenzi  said:
> > There was a short issue with httpd last night. Perhaps this was in
> > that window? (It was 10min or so at around ~03:00-03:10UTC). 
> I saw issues for more than just 10 minutes; I had errors for about an
> hour about 01:20-02:20 UTC.  SSL connections would fail with an SSL
> error, and non-SSL connections just got nothing (an empty directory
> root).

Strange. ;( Our monitoring wasn't showing issues then that I can see. 

If you spot this happening again, can you file a ticket on

and/or drop in #fedora-admin on and report it? 

We can figure out whats going on... very odd. 


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Re: weird behaviour of gnome-terminal in xfce or LXDE sessions

2011-06-14 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Tue, 14 Jun 2011 07:53:54 +0200
Joachim Backes  wrote:

> On 06/14/2011 07:48 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> > On 06/14/2011 01:38 PM, Joachim Backes wrote:
> >> After choosing xfce or LXDE as my favorite desktop and logging in
> >> and then starting gnome-terminal, I see a weird effect:
> >> gnome-terminal is popped up in a normal size, but then the width
> >> shrinks automatically and slowly to about the half width. How to
> >> get rid of this behaviour? This happens even width freshly created
> >> users.
> >>
> >> All comments are welcome.
> >>
> > 
> > Same thing happens here.  But, quickly...not slowly.  I don't know
> > how to "fix" it...but sounds like candidate for a bugzilla.
> > 
> I will open a BZ.

Already filed. This was noted in the run up to f15 release, but never

Since most Xfce folks use Terminal (Xfce's terminal program) this
doesn't affect them. 

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Re: Fedora 13 End of Life - STILL can't update to F15

2011-06-25 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, 25 Jun 2011 14:19:58 +1100
Philip Rhoades  wrote:


> - "init 5" - Fails with "/dev/fb0" does not exist errors (it does 
> exist) - the same problem as the previous versions.

Thats actually a cosmetic thing and not the real error. ;) 

> I want to try F15 on this machine (it currently runs F13) because F14 
> had a problem with a slow, sluggish mouse but I am not having much 
> success with F15 either so far . .
> Xorg.0.log attached and any suggestions about fixes or debugging 
> appreciated . .

Do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? whats in it? 
If you move it away does it start working? 

Also, yeah, knowing the card would be helpful: 

lspci | grep -i vga 


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Re: weird firefox5 behaviour in each firefox's window title bar (F15)

2011-06-25 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, 25 Jun 2011 14:46:03 +0200
Joachim Backes  wrote:

> Somebody has already seen this? In each firefox-5 window's titlebar,
> the title text ends with the character for not representable
> characters. This independent from the desktop variant used (appears
> in gnome3, xfce,...).

Yep. Already fixed in an update thats pending for stable updates

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Re: gnome 3 doesn't start any more

2011-06-25 Thread Kevin Fenzi
Please test and provide feedback:

This seems to have affected nvidia binary only video driver users. 


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Re: Fedora 13 End of Life - STILL can't update to F15

2011-06-27 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 07:33:46 +1100
Philip Rhoades  wrote:

> Kevin,
> On Sat, 25 Jun 2011 07:09:42 -0600, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> > On Sat, 25 Jun 2011 14:19:58 +1100
> > Philip Rhoades  wrote:
> >
> > ...snip...
> >
> >> - "init 5" - Fails with "/dev/fb0" does not exist errors (it does
> >> exist) - the same problem as the previous versions.
> >
> > Thats actually a cosmetic thing and not the real error. ;)
> Cosmetic?

Everyone gets this message. it's a minor bug that doesn't affect it
working or not. ;) 

> > Do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?
> No.


> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation System
> Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev 07)
> (It is working fine with F13).

I'm very sorry. ;( 

So, this is the video adapter that intel subcontraced out the writing
of the driver for, and never open sourced it. ;( 

You have 2 choices: 

1) You can run in 'vesa' mode. It won't be great, but it should work at
least. Boot the installed with 'linux xdriver=vesa' or choose 'basic
video mode' at the boot up prompts from the media. 

2) There's a repackaging of the binary only driver in rpmfusion.
( However, it doesn't exist for f15, so you would be
stuck on an older release. ;( 



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Re: howto download i686 kernel on x86_64 box

2011-07-01 Thread Kevin Fenzi
Additionally, if you just want the latest one and don't want to look up

setarch i686 yumdownloader kernel


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Re: What tool shows /proc/net/nf_conntrack

2011-08-27 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, 27 Aug 2011 19:46:12 -0400
Sam Varshavchik  wrote:

> I forwarded a port, using system-config-firewall.
> The destination machine, not surprisingly, shows the IP address of
> the firewall as the source of the connection. The goal is obtaining
> the connection's real source IP. However, on the firewall the
> forwarded connection isn't reported anywhere by netstat or ss.

This is a DNAT forward? it should show the IP of whatever machine is
sending the request, not the firewall box in the middle. 

> After poking around, I found what I was looking for in  
> /proc/net/nf_conntrack. The forwarded connection was listed there,
> showing the connection's real source IP.
> But grepping through /proc/net/nf_conntrack seems to be rather
> quaint. Neither netstat's nor ss's man page hint at any option that
> would report on /proc/net/nf_conntrack in some user-friendly fashion.
> Is there some other admin utility that does?

conntrack-tools has a 'conntrack' command line tool. 


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Re: Vote to extend F14 security updates

2011-09-05 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 5 Sep 2011 11:55:56 -0700
Robert Arkiletian  wrote:

> Well let's be realistic. An extra 6 months of *only* security updates
> would be super. Time enough for F17


> Simply put it's just too much change for my use case and my comfort
> level at work.
> But don't misunderstand me. I am appreciative with the pioneering work
> that Fedora and Red Hat do. It's great to see things advance. It will
> be interesting to see X replaced by Wayland and having a display
> server that does not run with root privileges. My own personal desires
> and my workplace requirements are not always the same though.

I'm curious... how would an extra 6 months help your case?

F17 will still have gnome3 and systemd. I suppose it gives you more
time to train up your users, but it's going to be a training/switchover
sometime, no?


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Re: F-EOL versions of Firefox: How to remove co-opted Diginotar CA?

2011-09-06 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Tue, 06 Sep 2011 07:19:22 -0700
"Daniel B. Thurman"  wrote:

> For EOL FF versions, how can I remove the co-opted
> Diginotar CA certificate? Instructions given by Mozilla
> does not remove this certificate.
> If the root CA's cannot be manually removed, Is there
> a FF rpm that has the fix?

Well, of course the first suggestion: upgrade to a supported release?

Failing that, you could look at the changes to the ca-certificates
package and see if you could duplicate them on your release:

Good luck. 


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2011-09-12 Thread Kevin Fenzi
If you feel the output is incorrect or could be improved, please file a
bug on cronie?


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Re: LXDE is an acceptable substitute for Gnome 2

2011-09-16 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Fri, 16 Sep 2011 19:11:12 +0100
Noah Hall  wrote:

> Fuduntu[1] will be staying with Gnome 2 for the foreseeable future,
> while being on a F14 base with several upgrades to what we deem stable
> versions of certain software (latest stable Kernel, web browsers, etc)
> so that users who dislike Gnome 3 but love Fedora have a distro which
> provides both Gnome 2 and new updates. Check it out if that sounds
> like you.
> [1] -

Out of curiosity: 

* Are you applying fixes and security updates to gnome2 packages? 

* do you have a bug tracker/source repo for your gnome2 packages?

* What do you plan on doing when F14 goes end of life? Are you going to
  provide security and bugfix updates for your distro after that? 


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Proventester meetup today at 19:00 UTC

2011-09-21 Thread Kevin Fenzi

Just a reminder that I am going to try and run a meetup of
proventesters in #fedora-meeting at 19:00 UTC today on 

If you are a proventester I hope you can drop by. If you are not, but
are interested in whats involved in becoming one and helping test, also
please drop by. 

Rough agenda: 

* What's required of proventesters?

* How do you become one?

* Resources
- fedora-easy-karma
- bodhi rss feeds
- bodhi command line
- updates reports/lists. 

* Focus on fedora 14 security and critpath updates. How can we move
  them along. 

* Is there enough interest to keep meeting?


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Re: Anything for home user and not the technical one??

2010-07-21 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 02:52:33 +0530
Parshwa Murdia  wrote:

> I have installed fedora 11 with windows xp, though the PC is for home
> use only. Like i have to use the documents editing, and the related
> works. So i have two questions, but first of all, i am going to ask
> only the first one in this thread:
> For only home users, who want to use fedora (and have version 11, that
> is, fedora 11) apart from the deep technological concepts which are
> very well revealed here, what a user who has no programming base, can
> start to go in fedora? like windows if GUI, so home persons can use it
> widely because everything is GUI. Thoguh fedora also may be GUI
> nowadays, but if someone want to start learning (for home purposes
> only), where should he start from knowing that there is only one PC,
> on which both - fedora as well as xp is installed. The main thing PC
> is used is for watching movies, listening music, documents editing and
> kids play.
> but a home user can himself (with no more hardware) and with a single
> pc (with net connection) can learn in this scenario as far as fedora
> usage is concerned?

First, I would suggest installing the latest Fedora (13), as Fedora 11
is end of life and no longer gets updates. 

Next, how about the fine docs at

The user guide is a good introduction:

Next, I would look at what specific tasks you wanted to do, and if you
can't figure out how to do them, just ask on lists list this one and
folks can point you the right way. 

Welcome to Fedora! :) 


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Re: Anything for home user and not the technical one??

2010-07-24 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 07:07:34 +0530
Parshwa Murdia  wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 5:32 AM, Roger  wrote:
> > Not long ago someone wrote to me:
> > " If you have a working system and are happy with it then why
> > change it" For this reason I will stay with Fedora 11 until I have
> > unavoidable reason to upgrade.
> That's what I did and am doing.

You're of course free to do so. Just realize the tradeoffs in no
updates (especially security updates). ;) 


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Re: F13 - Nvidia graphic driver - 3D acceleration problems

2010-07-26 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 18:40:43 +0200 wrote:

> Hi all!
> I installed Fedora 13 x86_64 (Kernel and
> the nvidia driver 265.35 with the .run file described in this guide:
> After the installation the driver and the 3D acceleration worked
> fine. But after 1-2 hours and the installation of Skype and Wine the
> 3D acceleration doesn't work correctly anymore. I started World of
> Warcraft but the game was just a freeze frame and every few seconds a
> new frame. 
> I checked glxgears, but the output is very bad:
> 68 frames in 6.9 seconds =  9.862 FPS
> 64 frames in 5.0 seconds = 12.747 FPS
> Unfortunately I have no idea why. I checked the bug report file from
> nvidia, but I can't see any error messages. Enclosed you can find the
> bug report. 
> Can someone help me to find the error?

I would suggest removing the '.run' installed driver:

Then, see if the free nouveau driver included with fedora meets your

If it doesn't, then finally install the kmod from rpmfusion for the non
free binary only nvidia driver:


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Re: F13 - Nvidia graphic driver - 3D acceleration problems

2010-07-26 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 26 Jul 2010 19:27:39 +0200 wrote:

> Hi!
> Thanks for your answers!
> Unfortunately the noveau driver doesn´t fit my needs, because I need
> the proprietary nvidia driver to start games with wine. 

Have you tried installing the mesa-dri-drivers-experimental package as
mentioned in the second link there? That should provide 3d for many
(but not all) chipsets. 

> I also tried the kmod and akmod nvidia driver with the rpm packages.
> But this driver doesn´t work too. 

Can you expand on that? Any errors? Did you follow the procedure in the
link exactly?

> I posted a thread in nvnews forum. A member informed me, that I have
> some error messages in my bug report file. But only nvidia can decode
> this "cryptic stuff". But this errors mean, that something is wrong
> with my gpu, because of a bug in the driver or a hardware problem. 
> So I think in my case, the problem is the graphic card and not Fedora
> or adjustments in the system. 

That could be the case... 

> Thanks a lot for your answers and suggestions.

No problem. 

> Best regards,
> Melanie


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Re: Changing Forgotten Root Password

2010-07-30 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 16:18:27 -0400 wrote:

>   Fedora 11, 12
> Changing Forgotten Root Password.
> Starting computer and going into Single User Mode and deleting the
> "x" in /etc/passwd and restarting computer and login as "root" and
> add new root password, does that still hold true for FC10, 11, 12
> /etc/passwd
> root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash

This is a bad idea. That sets the password to nothing at all. You would
have a window there where anyone could login. ;( 

Instead see:


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Re: chromium repo

2010-08-02 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 02 Aug 2010 19:31:19 -0400 wrote:

>   fedora 13 / x86_64
> The latest chromium.repo Cannot retrieve repository metadata 
> (respond.xml) for repository: chromium . Please verify it's path and
> try again.
> .
> Is there a new location ?



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