[Ubuntu-phone] SIM toolkit on UT product team decision

2015-09-29 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet

Dear all,

I just wanted to share with you my experience with the lack of Sim toolkit on 
I have reported Bug #1323837 in May 2014 concerning the lack of sim toolkit on 
UT. Few people have already acknowledge that this is a problem on the bug 
report but from my recent conversation with a UT developper, full SIM toolkit 
support is not even on the roadmap of UT. I am hoping by this email to convince 
the product team to reconsider the inclusion of sim toolkit support on UT and 
accelerate the development of the simtoolkit support. 

My network provider is a cheap MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) on the 
name of vectone mobile.  http://www.vectonemobile.co.uk/
When i am abroad, i cannot use my phone network ( no call, no data, and no 
location) if i do not have a basic sim toolkit support as i need to change my 
sim parameters via it to enable me a network connection. 
For a short while I used my girlfriend's phone in order to set my sim card 
correctly and was able to use it after on my UT phone.
Not having the sim toolkit on my UT had the effect on me missing some very 
important phone calls when i was abroad and i personally feel i should not have 
to carry a second phone to use my UT abroad. I was able to do this on all the 
previous phone i owned as all supported SIM toolkit while UT do not.

While i understand  that this is a very ancient technology and its not used in 
all country, Sim toolkit support should be considered as a priority as some 
network providers are still using this old technology.

Following the bug report this also used in Norway for banking and some users 
considers this has a must have in order to be able to use a UT. I quote 
"Sim-toolkit is also used by BankID in Norway. There is no way I can use the 
phone as a daily driver without this since it is used to access my bank and 
many other services.
I want to add that this is supported by all other smartphone OSs, Firefox OS 
even. This should be a requirement."

I am hopping that this email might be able to speed up on a decision on 
enabling a proper basic sim toolkit support on UT. While i wish i could help 
develop a solution for this, i do lack the skills to do so.

Kind Regards.



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Re: [Ubuntu-phone] Can't connect to foreign mobile network

2015-10-01 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet
On Thu, 1 Oct 2015 13:50:48 +0100
Frans Schreuder  wrote:

> Hello,
> I have had the Ubuntu phone (BQ E4.5) for some time, I lately travelled
> to New York and found out it didn't connect to the mobile network, not
> even GSM. At that time I thought it was a frequency issue, but right now
> I am in Portugal and the frequency is the same here as my home country
> (Netherlands).
> For some reason the phone doesn't see or recognize the other providers
> networks.
> My own provider is T-Mobile (NL), then when I just rebooted the Mobile
> settings => Provider shows 3 available networks, after a few seconds
> they disappear and there is only the choice for "Automatic".
> The spinning icon keeps spinning for ever and there is no way I can call
> or text outside my own country.
> Is there any way this can be solved? Or do I have to wait for an upgrade?
> Thanks,
> Frans
Could it be related to this bug?





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Re: [Ubuntu-phone] SIM toolkit on UT product team decision

2015-10-01 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet
On Thu, 1 Oct 2015 08:22:50 -0400
Pat McGowan  wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:36 AM, sturmflut  wrote:
> > Good morning dear list,
> >
> > I agree that SIM Tookit support is crucial for many countries. As far as
> > I know, ofono has a D-Bus API for it and the functionality is very
> > simple, so we might "just" have to build a simple, unconfined core app
> > that talks to ofono?
> >
> Yes one could do that. The app would only get notifications if it was
> active but many menu functions could be implemented which could satisfy
> most of the use cases.
> https://github.com/rilmodem/ofono/blob/master/doc/stk-api.txt
> Pat
> >
> > cheers,
> > Simon
> >
> >
> >
> > On 09/29/2015 10:29 PM, Thibaut Dedreuil_monet wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear all,
> > >
> > > I just wanted to share with you my experience with the lack of Sim
> > toolkit on UT.
> > > I have reported Bug #1323837 in May 2014 concerning the lack of sim
> > toolkit on UT. Few people have already acknowledge that this is a problem
> > on the bug report but from my recent conversation with a UT developper,
> > full SIM toolkit support is not even on the roadmap of UT. I am hoping by
> > this email to convince the product team to reconsider the inclusion of sim
> > toolkit support on UT and accelerate the development of the simtoolkit
> > support.
> > >
> > > My network provider is a cheap MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operators)
> > on the name of vectone mobile.  http://www.vectonemobile.co.uk/
> > > When i am abroad, i cannot use my phone network ( no call, no data, and
> > no location) if i do not have a basic sim toolkit support as i need to
> > change my sim parameters via it to enable me a network connection.
> > > For a short while I used my girlfriend's phone in order to set my sim
> > card correctly and was able to use it after on my UT phone.
> > > Not having the sim toolkit on my UT had the effect on me missing some
> > very important phone calls when i was abroad and i personally feel i should
> > not have to carry a second phone to use my UT abroad. I was able to do this
> > on all the previous phone i owned as all supported SIM toolkit while UT do
> > not.
> > >
> > > While i understand  that this is a very ancient technology and its not
> > used in all country, Sim toolkit support should be considered as a priority
> > as some network providers are still using this old technology.
> > >
> > > Following the bug report this also used in Norway for banking and some
> > users considers this has a must have in order to be able to use a UT. I
> > quote "Sim-toolkit is also used by BankID in Norway. There is no way I can
> > use the phone as a daily driver without this since it is used to access my
> > bank and many other services.
> > > I want to add that this is supported by all other smartphone OSs,
> > Firefox OS even. This should be a requirement."
> > >
> > > I am hopping that this email might be able to speed up on a decision on
> > enabling a proper basic sim toolkit support on UT. While i wish i could
> > help develop a solution for this, i do lack the skills to do so.
> > >
> > > Kind Regards.
> > >
> > > Thibaut
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone
> > Post to : ubuntu-phone@lists.launchpad.net
> > Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone
> > More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
> >

In the bug report you can find a link to the meego app which could be ported.



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Re: [Ubuntu-phone] Connect Ubuntu Phone to Windows as external disk

2015-11-15 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet

On Sun, 15 Nov 2015 18:14:49 +0200
Alexander Nilsen  wrote:

> Hello.
> When I connect my MX4 to my Windows laptop (Win10), the laptop shows it as
> "MX4 Ubuntu Edition" , and explorer says "this folder is empty". I don't
> see any files, and I can't copy any files to or do anything else. The icon
> looks like mp3 player.
> What can I do to gain normal access to file system with possibility to
> read-write files?
> /nlsn

Hi Alexander,

You will need to log in to your phone to be able to do things when connected to 
your computer.



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Re: [Ubuntu-phone] Meizu MX4 - Problem trying to install updates

2015-11-16 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet
On Sun, 15 Nov 2015 23:40:00 +0100
Marco Graziotti  wrote:

> Hi list,
> I have a problem with my Meizu MX4 (Arale r6). I tried to install Flyme 
> and I needed to enable the read and write mode, so via terminal I used 
> the command "phablet-config writable-image". After trying to install 
> Flyme without success,*I restored the Ubuntu image*, according to the 
> official guide: 
> https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/
> *Ubuntu touch now is restored and is working*, but I have problems with 
> some updates (not all of them). In fact, in settings > updates *I can 
> see the list of all the updates, but I can just install some of them*. 
> If I try to install a new update from the list, the OS seems to install 
> the update, but gets stuck. So if I look for new updates again I always 
> have the same ones available.
> I know that when the read-write mode is enabled it's not possible to 
> receive new updates via OTA, so I thought that maybe the file system was 
> still in the r/w mode even though I reinstalled Ubuntu Touch; so I used 
> these commands via terminal:
> paola@paola-XPS:$ *adb devices*
> List of devices attached
> 75H*device
> paola@paola-XPS:$ *adb shell rm /userdata/.writable_image*
> rm: cannot remove ‘/userdata/.writable_image’: No such file or directory
> *It seems that the r/w mode is not enabled*, so I can't understand why I 
> can't install the updates.
> Do you have any suggestions?
> Thank you,
> Marco

Have you added your ubuntu one account? you need an ubuntu one account to 
download apps and update them.



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Re: [Ubuntu-phone] NearBy bugs and Places + NearBy suggestions

2015-11-23 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet
On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 11:31:26 -0500
Pat McGowan  wrote:

> You can switch languages in settings and reboot when prompted
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 10:17 AM, knitzsche 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Thanks for the email.
> >
> > Can you please file a bug here:
> > https://bugs.launchpad.net/nearby-scope/+filebug
> >
> > And please attach your /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/scope-registry.log
> > file at the time you saw the issue.
> >
> > Also, include the output of:
> > system-image-cli -i
> >
> > And attach the generated myclicks, from:
> > click list --all > myclicks.
> >
> > It would also be helpful if you could set you phone to English and make
> > another video demonstrating the problem.
> >
> > Set your device to English by running this command from adb attached
> > laptop:
> > phablet-config welcome-wizard --enable
> >
> > You may need to reboot, then select English in the wizard and complete.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Kyle
> >
> >
> >
> > On 11/19/2015 05:04 PM, Krzysztof Tataradziński wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> since today OTA, NearBy sometimes doesn't load data as it should.
> >> Please see video for details:
> >> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eT0c4KVlZVJvDdmDKzOal6EhDAmBc66YIg/view
> >>
> >> in example (1:18) there is a text 'Bankomaty (ATM)...', but showing
> >> weather.
> >>
> >> 1:20 - "Gry pomagające się wyładować (Games to let off some steam)" -
> >> below that phase we can see hairdresser or beauty place.
> >>
> >> 2:09 - again "Bankomaty (ATM)...", but we see bars.
> >>
> >> Choosing "Nudzę się (bored)" don't do nothing - loads the same data as
> >> general "Jak się czujesz (how do you feel)".
> >>
> >> I installed also Places scope and added it to NearBy. My suggestion:
> >> there should be more results than 4 (if we choose 'see all', we see...
> >> one more), like in Yelp. And pictures should be smaller.
> >> Also in Places scope there should be option to rate place.
> >>
> >> Anyone also noticed that bugs?
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Krzysztof Tataradziński
> >> https://launchpad.net/~ktatar156
> >>
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone
> > Post to : ubuntu-phone@lists.launchpad.net
> > Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone
> > More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
> >

I confirm the bug i have attached some picture the closest ATM near me which 
looks like restaurants and ATMs near me which is the weather.

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[Ubuntu-phone] Ubuntu touch and QT quick controls re-engineered

2015-11-29 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet

Dear all,

While browsing the web this week end i read and watched the following blog 
post(1) discussing about the new QT quick controls developped as a techincal 
preview on QT5.6.

Following their benchmark they are experiencing a reduced memory footprint and 
a x10 speed  increase in terms of loading compared to the normal QTquick 
I was wondering if some of the ubuntu phone projects (unity8 or sdk) would make 
use of these new controls in the near future to leverage some of the speed 
boost that those new controls would bring.




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[Ubuntu-phone] Ubuntu touch and Simtoolkit

2014-12-14 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet
Dear all,

This is just an email to raise the awareness of one bug. 
I do feel this bug should not be let as a whislist as carriers are still using 
simtoolkit functions to enable things.
I left a link to a blog post which explains the importance of sim toolkit in 
Africa. http://blog.nyaruka.com/androids-achilles-heal-the-sim-toolkit

Kind Regards,


Thibaut Dedreuil_monet 

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Re: [Ubuntu-phone] Ubuntu touch and Simtoolkit

2015-01-08 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet
On Sun, 14 Dec 2014 22:50:54 +
Thibaut Dedreuil_monet  wrote:

> Dear all,
> This is just an email to raise the awareness of one bug. 
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/1323837 
> I do feel this bug should not be let as a whislist as carriers are still 
> using simtoolkit functions to enable things.
> I left a link to a blog post which explains the importance of sim toolkit in 
> Africa. http://blog.nyaruka.com/androids-achilles-heal-the-sim-toolkit
> Kind Regards,
> Thibaut
> -- 
> Thibaut Dedreuil_monet 
> -- 
> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone
> Post to : ubuntu-phone@lists.launchpad.net
> Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone
> More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp

I have found an app written in qml for meego which deal with the sim toolkit. 
Maybe it could be ported by someone to ubuntu touch.


Due to this bug i have had a non-working phone for almost two weeks during the 
holiday period as i was abroad.


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Re: [Ubuntu-phone] Broken connectivity and wakeup/suspend loop on krillin with RTM

2015-03-16 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet
On Mon, 16 Mar 2015 14:44:30 -0400
Tony Espy  wrote:

> On 03/15/2015 11:21 AM, Michael Zanetti wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > since a week or two I notice increased instability of connectivity on
> > my krillin device during daily usage.
> >
> > The symptoms are visible in that networking starts failing to connect.
> > Mostly when switching from WiFi to 3G or back. At some point it just
> > stops connecting to 3G or WiFi and it stops listing wireless networks
> > at all. Making phone calls doesn't work any more either although the
> > indicator suggests it would be registered to GSM.
> Based on the image # you provided below, you're running RTM, correct?
> I've actually been focused on networking isssues with vivid for the last 
> few weeks now, as a new network-manager ( 0.9.10 ) had landed a few 
> weeks back and has caused some regressions.
> That said, we really need to try and address the symptoms you've described:
> 1. Switching from WiFi to 3g and back can trigger network connection 
> failures.
> I'm currently working on a bug that involves the mobile data connection 
> dropping due to poor signal, or some sort of event that triggers 
> re-connection ( eg. setting the radio technology ).  I've verified that 
> there's a NM bug which prevents the connection from being re-established 
> for 5m in these cases:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1418077
> This *could* exist in RTM, but we haven't managed to reproduce it there 
> yet.  That said, it doesn't really involve WiFi at all, so this may not 
> be what you're experiencing.
> Jean-Baptiste reported a similar bug to yours which states that when he 
> goes out of range of his WiFi AP, the connection doesn't automatically 
> switch from WiFi to 3g:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1410113
> Is this your scenario, or are you toggling WiFi on/off repeatedly and 
> seeing failures?  If it's the former, perhaps you can add your details 
> to the the Jean-Baptiste's bug?  If it's the latter, does it happen in 
> both directions ( ie. only when enabling WiFi, only when disabling WiFi, 
> or both )?
> 2. When this happens, making phone calls fail as well.
> This means the modem's in a bad state.  Does this always happen when you 
> lose your connection?  When this happens again, please run:
> /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems
> We also have a great tool call network-test-session which is 
> super-useful for pin-poining networking issues:
> https://github.com/sergiusens/network-test-session
> Also when this happens can you grab a screenshot of the network 
> indicator?  Another good thing to check is the Cellular System 
> Settings... does it show your carrier?
> > I just started to examine the logs and found something suspicious in
> > syslog. It seems that the device was stuck in a wakeup-suspend loop
> > for the whole night, producing dozens of messages in syslog every
> > second. Interestingly the battery still survived throughout the night.
> I don't think this has anything to do with the networking issues you've 
> seen, but as it might be interesting to some of the folks on my team 
> looking at power consumption...
> > I'm not too familiar with the kernel/networkmanager/powerd/ofono
> > things so I'm having a bit troubles to identify what's actually wrong
> > and for what component to report the bug.
> network-manager is a good place to start for general networking issues:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+filebug
> If you have an issue with telephony ( ie. not being able to make voice 
> calls ), then ofono is a better choice:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+filebug
> Also, don't hestiate to ping me or Alfonso directly on IRC.
> > Here's the syslog from last
> > night:
> >
> > http://notyetthere.org/data/syslog.wakeuploop
> >
> > Some more things I tried:
> > * enabling/disabling flight mode doesn't seem to help. The indicator
> > claims to reregister to GSM after I enter the SIM PIN, but still
> > doesn't fix the fact that phone calls can't be done or any data
> > connection fails.
> The fact that you were prompted to enter your PIN means this isn't a 
> problem with FlightMode being cleared properly as ofono clearly 
> understood that your SIM was PIN-locked, and you were prompted.  That 
> said, there's a bug reported against unity8 where it appears that you've 
> unlocked your SIM, but in reality it's still locked.  You might want to 
> check the indicator again after unlocking and ensure that the SIM is 
> indeed unlocked:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1426876
> > * rfkill looks ok (nothing blocked) afaict
> Are you talking about the binary 'rfkill' command?  If so, please 
> realize that we use a daemon called urfkilld to monitor radio kill 
> switches.  This is because n

[Ubuntu-phone] Agps status on Nexus 4

2015-04-11 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet
Dear all,

Is it true that the Agps will not be supported anymore on the Nexus 4?

I completely understand from a business point of view that there must be a 
licence agreement between Here maps and Canonical, regarding the Agps 
As an ordinary user, with a supported phone ( Nexus 4) it would be nice to be 
able to purchase a licence, for a reasonnable price, to re-enable the Agps. 
This would still enable me to have a phone with decent gps capabilities. 

As an example, the raspberry pi foundation, enables the purchase of licenced 
video codec. http://www.raspberrypi.com/mpeg-2-license-key/

It would be sad to see some hacks appearing to re-enable this feature while a 
paid and supported solution would be benificial for both the project as well as 
the vendor.

It  would be nice if canonical was leading the way in encouraging different 
vendors to put on the Ubuntu store there modifications for others to enjoy.
I would be happy to pay for having the aggregator scopes available on the BQ 
phone on my nexus 4 without having to purchase the BQ phone or hack my phone

It would be even better if the money raised by buying all those extras would 
sponsor community developpers.



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Re: [Ubuntu-phone] Ubuntu touch and Simtoolkit

2015-05-06 Thread Thibaut Dedreuil_monet
Dear all

As the new cycle is starting is there any plans to see some progress on 
simtoolkit support?




On Thu, 8 Jan 2015 18:14:11 +
Thibaut Dedreuil_monet  wrote:

> On Sun, 14 Dec 2014 22:50:54 +
> Thibaut Dedreuil_monet  wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > 
> > This is just an email to raise the awareness of one bug. 
> > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/1323837 
> > I do feel this bug should not be let as a whislist as carriers are still 
> > using simtoolkit functions to enable things.
> > I left a link to a blog post which explains the importance of sim toolkit 
> > in Africa. http://blog.nyaruka.com/androids-achilles-heal-the-sim-toolkit
> > 
> > Kind Regards,
> > 
> > Thibaut
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Thibaut Dedreuil_monet 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone
> > Post to : ubuntu-phone@lists.launchpad.net
> > Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone
> > More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
> I have found an app written in qml for meego which deal with the sim toolkit. 
> Maybe it could be ported by someone to ubuntu touch.
> https://gitorious.org/meego-ux/meego-app-satk/source/6296ebb569697c5a80ee6b518ccf8c331d7cb840:doc/sim_toolkit_design_draft.txt#L61
> Due to this bug i have had a non-working phone for almost two weeks during 
> the holiday period as i was abroad.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Thibaut
> -- 
> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone
> Post to : ubuntu-phone@lists.launchpad.net
> Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone
> More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp


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