Dear all,

Is it true that the Agps will not be supported anymore on the Nexus 4?

I completely understand from a business point of view that there must be a 
licence agreement between Here maps and Canonical, regarding the Agps 
As an ordinary user, with a supported phone ( Nexus 4) it would be nice to be 
able to purchase a licence, for a reasonnable price, to re-enable the Agps. 
This would still enable me to have a phone with decent gps capabilities. 

As an example, the raspberry pi foundation, enables the purchase of licenced 
video codec.

It would be sad to see some hacks appearing to re-enable this feature while a 
paid and supported solution would be benificial for both the project as well as 
the vendor.

It  would be nice if canonical was leading the way in encouraging different 
vendors to put on the Ubuntu store there modifications for others to enjoy.
I would be happy to pay for having the aggregator scopes available on the BQ 
phone on my nexus 4 without having to purchase the BQ phone or hack my phone

It would be even better if the money raised by buying all those extras would 
sponsor community developpers.



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