Re: [tor-relays] DNS server

2022-04-11 Thread Thoughts
DNS Caching (not Cash) simple does a normal lookup for an DNS domain 
requested and remembers it for some period of time so that it can answer 
from its cache of known addresses in microseconds (instead of the 
hundreds of milliseconds it might take to inquire over the internet) the 
next time that address resolution is requested.

All caching software will eventually "forget" and re-inquire, since 
addresses do change occasionally.  But think of that happening once 
every hour or four.

For example, think of a bitcoin miner setup to mine against a pool, say  The first time the miner asks for work a request is 
sent to the caching DNS server to resolve  The server, 
doesn't know who that is so goes upstream to the internet to its 
forwarding server, lets say, to get the answer.  That server 
responds in a, say 150 milliseconds with the answer:  
The caching server remembers that answer and responds with it to the 
bitcoin miner who then initiates a connection to 
( is the port number on the server that responds to work request). 
About 2 minutes later, the miner will have completed its work and will 
request more work from - but this time the caching server 
knows the answer and can respond in a millisecond or less with the 
answer.  So its more efficient...

Not a bit idea of your site has 1 bitcoin miner, but if it a farm, it 
might have anywhere from 100 to 100,000 bitcoin miners - that difference 
of 149 milliseconds really adds up.

With regards to "safety", I suppose... maybe.  If the google public dns 
server got hacked and instead of answering with instead 
answered with (a competitors pool that also runs on port 
), you would have the hours before the cache expired for google to 
figure it out and correct things. The "maybe" comes from the timing 
required.  If you caching dns server happened to hit googles dns server 
when it was corrupted, and google fixed things seconds later, your 
caching server would continue to respond with the wrong address until 
the entry expired.

So I'd say "Not really".  Hope the above explains why...

On 4/9/2022 7:05 PM, wrote:

Does Cash DNS give some advantages in safety?
On 2022-04-08 08:06, Thoughts wrote:

Note that any dns caching software would help, unbound is just one
popular one.  dnsmasq is another.  In fact, if you wanted to, you
could use the full bind package and configure it for caching and
forwarding, although that would be a bit of overkill.  Once you
install caching software, make sure your /etc/resolv.conf or
equivalent is pointing to as its first reference.
On 4/8/2022 2:04 AM, abuse--- via tor-relays wrote:

 From my point of view, it's mostly about reliability. You can use
the hoster's DNS resolver, but be aware that a high-bandwidth exit
asks a lot of DNS requests. Not every hoster's DNS resolver might be
able to cope with it and as a result your exit might give users a
poor experience.

Best Regards,


Apr 8, 2022, 07:20 by

I was setting up exit nodes and I had a question. Why is it

to use DNS caching software Unbound? What benefits does it provide

compared to using hoster's DNS resolver?


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Re: [tor-relays] Relay question

2022-04-11 Thread onionize
> 30 new exits at Frantec. Did you follow the AUP and send Francisco a ticket 
> _beforehand_? Reverse DNS! Exit policy Port: 465, 587! 
No, we did not pay attention to their AUP. We have long been using their
services for proxy and there were no problems. Thank you for reminding.

> You only set up IPv4. At Frantek you also have IPv6 on every VM. If you need 
> help setting it up, you can ask here and specify your OS.
We think that IPv6 is rarely used and therefore did not put it up. Site shows that our nodes offline because not configured IPv6, right?
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Does Tor work with Intel QAT acceleration

2022-04-11 Thread Andreas Bollhalder

Hi all

I have my first Tor relay up und running. It's currently installed on a little 
desktop computer with an Intel i5 9500T CPU. My Internet connection is 10Gb/s 
symetric. From this bandwidth, I would be able to spend a good part for 
supporting the Tor network.

With that little machine, it seems that it would max out at somewhere at ~30 
MBytes/s. For my definitive Tor relay hardware, I'm currently researching some 
options, which would be capable of handling Tor traffic at the rate of 200 to 
300MBytes. Even it would be used nowadays, but who knows whats coming in the 
future and I hope this relay would last 5 years ore so.

It looks to me, that with a normal CPU, it's impossible to reach my goal. But 
then I encountered, that Intel has the Quick Assist Technoloy (QAT) integrated 
in some of their products (ie. Atom C3xx8). This QAT can be used with OpenSSL 
as a hardware accelerator for encryption. There also exist dedicated PCIe cards 
with QAT (ie. Netgate CPIC-8955).

Searching the Internet, I couldn't find any information if QAT would be helpful 
with Tor. But Tor uses the OpenSSL library and this can use the QAT 
acceleration. Is there anyone who has tried this und can share his expirience?

Thanks in advance
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] DNS server

2022-04-11 Thread onionize
Does Cash DNS give some advantages in safety?
On 2022-04-08 08:06, Thoughts wrote:
> Note that any dns caching software would help, unbound is just one
> popular one.  dnsmasq is another.  In fact, if you wanted to, you
> could use the full bind package and configure it for caching and
> forwarding, although that would be a bit of overkill.  Once you
> install caching software, make sure your /etc/resolv.conf or
> equivalent is pointing to as its first reference.
> On 4/8/2022 2:04 AM, abuse--- via tor-relays wrote:
>> From my point of view, it's mostly about reliability. You can use
>> the hoster's DNS resolver, but be aware that a high-bandwidth exit
>> asks a lot of DNS requests. Not every hoster's DNS resolver might be
>> able to cope with it and as a result your exit might give users a
>> poor experience.
>> Best Regards,
>> Kristian
>> Apr 8, 2022, 07:20 by
>>> I was setting up exit nodes and I had a question. Why is it
>>> recommended
>>> to use DNS caching software Unbound? What benefits does it provide
>>> compared to using hoster's DNS resolver?
>>> ___
>>> tor-relays mailing list
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Relay question

2022-04-11 Thread lists
On Sunday, April 10, 2022 2:04:02 AM CEST wrote:
> > 30 new exits at Frantec. Did you follow the AUP and send Francisco a
> > ticket
> > _beforehand_? Reverse DNS! Exit policy Port: 465, 587!
> >
> No, we did not pay attention to their AUP. We have long been using their
> services for proxy and there were no problems. Thank you for reminding.
> > You only set up IPv4. At Frantek you also have IPv6 on every VM. If you
> > need help setting it up, you can ask here and specify your OS.
> We think that IPv6 is rarely used and therefore did not put it up.

The Tor project has invested a lot of time and effort into improving IPv6 over 
the last few years. The aim is to also enable IPv6 only relays. We want to 
achieve more diversity, Tor-exit relays under different ASNs and multiple 
ISPs. With IPv4 this is difficult. IP's are empty and to get a /24 you have to 
pay around 5000,- EUR in the first year with RIPE. One /24 is the least you 
can announce as an ASN. You can't split that between different data centers. 
IPv6 is easier and cheaper to get. In addition, there are more and more ISPs 
that only offer IPv6.

IPv6 only relays are only possible when almost all Tor relays support it. 
Currently about 75% Tor exits¹ and 50% entry/middle relays.
Therefore, anyone who can should configure IPv6 or dual stack.

> Site
> shows that our nodes offline because not configured IPv6, right?

No, has nothing to do with it. This is a private status page using 
data from onionoo and Tor-metrics.
First look at what's in the syslog. If you need help then post the errors and 
your torrc.
When the Tor daemon is running without errors than as already mentioned, I 
think Francisco took you offline because your relays were blacklisted for open 
SMTP ports. Check if you have tickets in stallion. Or ask in the Frantech 
community chat on Discord, Matrix and IRC.

¹Heck, we've lost some IPv6 % since relayon is down. :-(

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

Debian GNU/Linux

It's free software and it gives you freedom!

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tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Does Tor work with Intel QAT acceleration

2022-04-11 Thread Thoughts

Two suggestions:

1)  Run speedtest ( from behind your firewall 
and verify your actual bandwidth (or at least get a good approximation 

2)  Check the brand of NIC in your current machine.  Intel NICs are 
reportedly much more efficient than RealTek for handling large number of 
packets - which is why they are recommended for most firewall machines.  
Suspect that logic would apply for a Tor Relay as well.

Suspect you also want a CPU with AES-NI support.  Check the specs on the 
web, AES-NI should be called out.  "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep aes" will 
also tell you if your running some flavor of linux.


ps. Dig around on the web for firewall hardware recommendations. I know 
I've seen some tables on throughput for pfsense, shouldn't be too hard 
to find and might throw some light on the situation.

pps.  Very jealous of your connectivity!

On 4/10/2022 2:32 PM, Andreas Bollhalder wrote:

Hi all

I have my first Tor relay up und running. It's currently installed on 
a little desktop computer with an Intel i5 9500T CPU. My Internet 
connection is 10Gb/s symetric. From this bandwidth, I would be able to 
spend a good part for supporting the Tor network.

With that little machine, it seems that it would max out at somewhere 
at ~30 MBytes/s. For my definitive Tor relay hardware, I'm currently 
researching some options, which would be capable of handling Tor 
traffic at the rate of 200 to 300MBytes. Even it would be used 
nowadays, but who knows whats coming in the future and I hope this 
relay would last 5 years ore so.

It looks to me, that with a normal CPU, it's impossible to reach my 
goal. But then I encountered, that Intel has the Quick Assist 
Technoloy (QAT) integrated in some of their products (ie. Atom C3xx8). 
This QAT can be used with OpenSSL as a hardware accelerator for 
encryption. There also exist dedicated PCIe cards with QAT (ie. 
Netgate CPIC-8955).

Searching the Internet, I couldn't find any information if QAT would 
be helpful with Tor. But Tor uses the OpenSSL library and this can use 
the QAT acceleration. Is there anyone who has tried this und can share 
his expirience?

Thanks in advance

tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Does Tor work with Intel QAT acceleration

2022-04-11 Thread Andreas Bollhalder

Hello Kevin

Thanks a lot for your response.

1) Regarding the speedtest, my firewall is limiting the speed to around 
6.5Gbit/s. It's a fanless device and not capable to let me use the full 
10Gbit/s. I host my hardware in my living room and can't install more 
powerfull, beacuse it would be too noisy and too big... My wife and kids will 
kill me :-)

2) For the NIC currently in use: it's an Intel I219-LM (rev 10). Maybe the are 
better models around. But I don't believe, they would lower the CPU usage by 
magnitude(s). But I let me educate if I'm wrong.

3) The CPU in use has the AES-NI flag set in "/proc/cpuinfo". So a litte 
acceleration is already in use.

In the old days when using pfSense on a PC Engines Alix, I was using a mini PCI 
crypto accelerator card. And it could double or tripple the OpenVPN speed. So 
it seemed to me, that QAT could do the same for Tor.


On Monday, April 11, 2022 15:58 CEST, Thoughts  
 Two suggestions:

1)  Run speedtest ( from behind your firewall
and verify your actual bandwidth (or at least get a good approximation

2)  Check the brand of NIC in your current machine.  Intel NICs are
reportedly much more efficient than RealTek for handling large number of
packets - which is why they are recommended for most firewall machines. 
Suspect that logic would apply for a Tor Relay as well.

Suspect you also want a CPU with AES-NI support.  Check the specs on the
web, AES-NI should be called out.  "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep aes" will
also tell you if your running some flavor of linux.


ps. Dig around on the web for firewall hardware recommendations. I know
I've seen some tables on throughput for pfsense, shouldn't be too hard
to find and might throw some light on the situation.

pps.  Very jealous of your connectivity!

On 4/10/2022 2:32 PM, Andreas Bollhalder wrote:
> Hi all
> I have my first Tor relay up und running. It's currently installed on
> a little desktop computer with an Intel i5 9500T CPU. My Internet
> connection is 10Gb/s symetric. From this bandwidth, I would be able to
> spend a good part for supporting the Tor network.
> With that little machine, it seems that it would max out at somewhere
> at ~30 MBytes/s. For my definitive Tor relay hardware, I'm currently
> researching some options, which would be capable of handling Tor
> traffic at the rate of 200 to 300MBytes. Even it would be used
> nowadays, but who knows whats coming in the future and I hope this
> relay would last 5 years ore so.
> It looks to me, that with a normal CPU, it's impossible to reach my
> goal. But then I encountered, that Intel has the Quick Assist
> Technoloy (QAT) integrated in some of their products (ie. Atom C3xx8).
> This QAT can be used with OpenSSL as a hardware accelerator for
> encryption. There also exist dedicated PCIe cards with QAT (ie.
> Netgate CPIC-8955).
> Searching the Internet, I couldn't find any information if QAT would
> be helpful with Tor. But Tor uses the OpenSSL library and this can use
> the QAT acceleration. Is there anyone who has tried this und can share
> his expirience?
> Thanks in advance
> Andreas
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Does Tor work with Intel QAT acceleration

2022-04-11 Thread Andreas Bollhalder

Hello Alex

Thank you for your nice hint ot QAT_Engine.

Yes, in theory it really seems to be possible. Looking at the Github repo of 
the QAT_Engine, it looks like there are still some issues with OpenSSL 3.0:
Support for QAT HW ECX, QAT SW ECX, QAT HW PRF and QAT HW HKDF is disabled when 
against OpenSSL 3.0 due to known issues instead it uses non-accelerated 
from OpenSSL.I'm on Ubuntu 20.04, so I should be still using OpenSSL 1.x. There 
are plans for switching to OpenSSL 3.0 in Ubuntu 22.04. We'll see...

So, one really has to test and I need to think about it. Wouldn't be a cheep 
test, but if this platform can give me a medium power system (~50W) and great 
speed, then it's definitively what I'm looking for. Otherwise I would prefer a 
Ryzen like the 5750GE.


On Tuesday, April 12, 2022 03:42 CEST, Alex Xu  wrote:
 Excerpts from Andreas Bollhalder's message of April 10, 2022 3:32 pm:
> Hi all
> I have my first Tor relay up und running. It's currently installed on a 
> little desktop computer with an Intel i5 9500T CPU. My Internet connection is 
> 10Gb/s symetric. From this bandwidth, I would be able to spend a good part 
> for supporting the Tor network.
> With that little machine, it seems that it would max out at somewhere at ~30 
> MBytes/s. For my definitive Tor relay hardware, I'm currently researching 
> some options, which would be capable of handling Tor traffic at the rate of 
> 200 to 300MBytes. Even it would be used nowadays, but who knows whats coming 
> in the future and I hope this relay would last 5 years ore so.
> It looks to me, that with a normal CPU, it's impossible to reach my goal. But 
> then I encountered, that Intel has the Quick Assist Technoloy (QAT) 
> integrated in some of their products (ie. Atom C3xx8). This QAT can be used 
> with OpenSSL as a hardware accelerator for encryption. There also exist 
> dedicated PCIe cards with QAT (ie. Netgate CPIC-8955).
> Searching the Internet, I couldn't find any information if QAT would be 
> helpful with Tor. But Tor uses the OpenSSL library and this can use the QAT 
> acceleration. Is there anyone who has tried this und can share his expirience?
> Thanks in advance
> Andreas
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list

In theory, you should be able to enable QAT with "HardwareAccel 1" on
OpenSSL 1.x after installing I'm
not sure about the process for OpenSSL 3.0; I believe it involves
editing OPENSSLDIR/openssl.cnf.

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