Does Cash DNS give some advantages in safety?
On 2022-04-08 08:06, Thoughts wrote:
> Note that any dns caching software would help, unbound is just one
> popular one.  dnsmasq is another.  In fact, if you wanted to, you
> could use the full bind package and configure it for caching and
> forwarding, although that would be a bit of overkill.  Once you
> install caching software, make sure your /etc/resolv.conf or
> equivalent is pointing to as its first reference.
> On 4/8/2022 2:04 AM, abuse--- via tor-relays wrote:
>> From my point of view, it's mostly about reliability. You can use
>> the hoster's DNS resolver, but be aware that a high-bandwidth exit
>> asks a lot of DNS requests. Not every hoster's DNS resolver might be
>> able to cope with it and as a result your exit might give users a
>> poor experience.
>> Best Regards,
>> Kristian
>> Apr 8, 2022, 07:20 by
>>> I was setting up exit nodes and I had a question. Why is it
>>> recommended
>>> to use DNS caching software Unbound? What benefits does it provide
>>> compared to using hoster's DNS resolver?
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