Re: Riak 2.0.0 RC1

2014-07-21 Thread Shailesh Mangal
New to RIAK, Does Riak 2.0 support Play 2.0. Is there a java/scala driver?

- Shailesh

From: Alex De la rosa>>
Date: Monday, July 21, 2014 at 2:38 PM
To: Jared Morrow>>
Cc: Riak Users Mailing List>>
Subject: Re: Riak 2.0.0 RC1

Awesome! Can't wait to try it! What about the python client for Riak 2.0? I 
remember testing the actual version and still have many issues and non-workable 
new features (like counters, sets, maps, etc.)


On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 11:34 PM, Jared Morrow>> wrote:


Everyone at Basho is extremely happy to announce the public availability of 
Riak 2.0.0 RC. As a release candidate, we do not recommend using it in 
production, but it should be considered feature and API complete for Riak 2.0 
final. We reserve the right to make changes for any data-loss or severe 
performance issues found post-RC, but these will not affect the API.

This is our most ambitious release, with major new features throughout the 
product. With that in mind, please take plenty of time to read through the 
Release Notes. There are some important considerations regarding upgrades, 
known issues, and packaging. The Release Notes are still a work-in-progress and 
will be continually updated as we march towards 2.0 final. We have made a lot 
of progress on our docs site for 2.0, but still have 
work to do before final release. We appreciate your patience.

  *   Release Notes:

  *   Downloads:
Note: There will be minor tweaks to the download site to show the labels for 
SuSE Enterprise Linux and Ubuntu 14.04 packages

  *   APT/YUM Repos (see release-notes re: this change): Note: If you are downloading the 
files directly, use our docs site. For apt/yum repo install, use packagecloud.

Thanks to everyone in our community,
-Team Basho


riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

ID generation techniques

2014-08-20 Thread Shailesh Mangal

I wanted to ask what are popular, scalable ID generation techniques for storing 
data in RIAK. Some ideas that we are toying with:

  1.  ID Generation server (like Flikr ticket server) - Numeric
  2.  Twitter's Snowflake like implementation- Alphanumeric
  3.  Riak's auto ID generation- Alphanumeric

So far, we are thinking of going with option 2 as it doesn't require node 
coordination, k-sorted. But we would prefer a uncoordinated numeric Unique Ids.

- Shailesh
riak-users mailing list

Re: ID generation techniques

2014-08-20 Thread Shailesh Mangal
Thanks Sargun,

1. Keys do get exposed to client. We recently learnt about this limitation
of javascript and we will convert the keys to String when they get to
2. Considering Bitcask as storage choice due to its performance, but we
are open for levelDB as well. BTW, We already have tenantId (UUID) in the
bucket name.
3. Coming from RDBMS background, we are used to seeing incremental Ids.
K-sort is not a hard requirement but nice to have.

On 8/20/14, 11:03 AM, "Sargun Dhillon"  wrote:

>I have questions for your question.
>1. What are you using your keys for? Do they get passed around in to
>clients in Javascript? This is important because Javascript only
>reliably implements IEEE 754 floating point, which is limited to 53
>bits of precision.
>2. What backend are you using? In Bitcask, your keyspace is "costly"
>whereas in LevelDB, keys on disk are "cheap." Additionally, having
>k-sorted writes helps your story around levelDB compactions?
>3. Is there any reason you want them K-sorted, other than to make
>LevelDB compactions a bit nicer?
>On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 10:23 AM, Shailesh Mangal
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wanted to ask what are popular, scalable ID generation techniques for
>> storing data in RIAK. Some ideas that we are toying with:
>> ID Generation server (like Flikr ticket server) - Numeric
>> Twitter's Snowflake like implementation- Alphanumeric
>> Riak¹s auto ID generation- Alphanumeric
>> So far, we are thinking of going with option 2 as it doesn¹t require
>> coordination, k-sorted. But we would prefer a uncoordinated numeric
>> Ids.
>> - Shailesh
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Recap March 18, 2016

2016-03-21 Thread Shailesh Mangal
Thanks for the update Alex, Is there a plan to build 
JugglingDB<> adapter for RIAK?

- Shailesh Mangal

On 18-Mar-2016, at 10:29 AM, Alexander Sicular>> wrote:

Hello All!

Here’s the latest summary of the Riak users mailing list, latest client 
releases and job openings at Basho.

## Latest Releases

NodeJS Client 2.1.2 - includes improvements to closed connections handling such 
as with AWS ELB. Release notes [1] and code [2].
Java Client 2.0.5 - brings a number of fixes including a fix to a DNS refresh 
issue and enhanced testing. Release notes [3] and maven repo [4].

## Recently Answered

Magnus and Russell help Oleksiy clear up some confusion about the hidden 
$bucket index [5] - but only when using leveldb. Nevertheless, perhaps a 
$bucket query should not be accepted against a bitcask backend [6].
Robert notes that when joining nodes to clusters they must have the same ring 
sizes [7].
Agung is interested in working with riak_ensemble [8][9] and has a few 
questions about it. Carlos recommends taking a look at nkbase [10], which uses 
riak_ensemble, and Sargun goes into more detail [11].

## Open Discussions

Fred and Magnus are working with Oleksiy to determine the root cause of 
inconsistent Solr search results [12].
Bartek is looking for assistance on how to feed a mapreduce job with the 
results of a full text search [13]
Kinson is looking for guidance on implementing Basho Bench [14]
There is an open question regarding whether it’s possible to rebalance Riak KV 
without adding/removing nodes or making any hardware changes [15]
Luke thinks that Gerhard’s proposed architecture will ensure replicas are 
distributed to every node, but invites someone with more knowledge of the 
hashing method to chime in [16]
Robert is looking for guidance on choosing EC2 instance types for use with 
Riak/LevelDB [17]
Vitaly is helping troubleshoot timeouts in a deployment of Riak KV running on a 
cluster with 512 partitions [18]
There’s an open question about debugging a post commit hook for a bucket type 
in Riak 2.1.3 [19]
Christopher explained that when configuring multiple Riak clients in a cluster, 
you need to have each client use a different name. Chathuri has some follow-up 
questions about the configuration [20]
Vitaly and Chris are helping troubleshoot testing in a single node 
implementation of Riak KV [21]

## Jobs at Basho

Interested in working on distributed computing related problems? Perhaps these 
open positions at Basho may be of interest:

Developer Advocate (London and US) [22]
Client Services Engineer (USA) [23]
Consulting Engineer (USA) [24]

Enjoy your weekend!

Alexander Sicular
Solution Architect
Basho Technologies

riak-users mailing list<ma

Re: Riak Recap March 18, 2016

2016-03-30 Thread Shailesh Mangal
Hi Alex,

We are integrating with a framework that has its persistence built around 
jugglingDB. Having RIAK plugin for JugglingDB, would come out real handy for us 
to implement our RIAK with this framework.

- Shailesh Mangal

On 21-Mar-2016, at 10:18 PM, Alexander Sicular>> wrote:

H. Not that I know of and I hadn't heard of JugglingDB previously. What do 
you find interesting about it, Shailesh?

On Monday, March 21, 2016, Shailesh Mangal>> wrote:
Thanks for the update Alex, Is there a plan to build 
JugglingDB<> adapter for RIAK?

- Shailesh Mangal

On 18-Mar-2016, at 10:29 AM, Alexander Sicular  wrote:

Hello All!

Here’s the latest summary of the Riak users mailing list, latest client 
releases and job openings at Basho.

## Latest Releases

NodeJS Client 2.1.2 - includes improvements to closed connections handling such 
as with AWS ELB. Release notes [1] and code [2].
Java Client 2.0.5 - brings a number of fixes including a fix to a DNS refresh 
issue and enhanced testing. Release notes [3] and maven repo [4].

## Recently Answered

Magnus and Russell help Oleksiy clear up some confusion about the hidden 
$bucket index [5] - but only when using leveldb. Nevertheless, perhaps a 
$bucket query should not be accepted against a bitcask backend [6].
Robert notes that when joining nodes to clusters they must have the same ring 
sizes [7].
Agung is interested in working with riak_ensemble [8][9] and has a few 
questions about it. Carlos recommends taking a look at nkbase [10], which uses 
riak_ensemble, and Sargun goes into more detail [11].

## Open Discussions

Fred and Magnus are working with Oleksiy to determine the root cause of 
inconsistent Solr search results [12].
Bartek is looking for assistance on how to feed a mapreduce job with the 
results of a full text search [13]
Kinson is looking for guidance on implementing Basho Bench [14]
There is an open question regarding whether it’s possible to rebalance Riak KV 
without adding/removing nodes or making any hardware changes [15]
Luke thinks that Gerhard’s proposed architecture will ensure replicas are 
distributed to every node, but invites someone with more knowledge of the 
hashing method to chime in [16]
Robert is looking for guidance on choosing EC2 instance types for use with 
Riak/LevelDB [17]
Vitaly is helping troubleshoot timeouts in a deployment of Riak KV running on a 
cluster with 512 partitions [18]
There’s an open question about debugging a post commit hook for a bucket type 
in Riak 2.1.3 [19]
Christopher explained that when configuring multiple Riak clients in a cluster, 
you need to have each client use a different name. Chathuri has some follow-up 
questions about the configuration [20]
Vitaly and Chris are helping troubleshoot testing in a single node 
implementation of Riak KV [21]

## Jobs at Basho

Interested in working on distributed computing related problems? Perhaps these 
open positions at Basho may be of interest:

Developer Advocate (London and US) [22]
Client Services Engineer (USA) [23]
Consulting Engineer (USA) [24]

Enjoy your weekend!

Alexander Sicular
Solution Architect
Basho Technologies
