Hi Alex, We are integrating with a framework that has its persistence built around jugglingDB. Having RIAK plugin for JugglingDB, would come out real handy for us to implement our RIAK with this framework.
- Shailesh Mangal On 21-Mar-2016, at 10:18 PM, Alexander Sicular <sicul...@basho.com<mailto:sicul...@basho.com>> wrote: Hmmmm. Not that I know of and I hadn't heard of JugglingDB previously. What do you find interesting about it, Shailesh? On Monday, March 21, 2016, Shailesh Mangal <shailesh.man...@getzephyr.com<mailto:shailesh.man...@getzephyr.com>> wrote: Thanks for the update Alex, Is there a plan to build JugglingDB<https://www.npmjs.com/package/jugglingdb> adapter for RIAK? - Shailesh Mangal On 18-Mar-2016, at 10:29 AM, Alexander Sicular <sicul...@basho.com> wrote: Hello All! Here’s the latest summary of the Riak users mailing list, latest client releases and job openings at Basho. ## Latest Releases * NodeJS Client 2.1.2 - includes improvements to closed connections handling such as with AWS ELB. Release notes [1] and code [2]. * Java Client 2.0.5 - brings a number of fixes including a fix to a DNS refresh issue and enhanced testing. Release notes [3] and maven repo [4]. ## Recently Answered * Magnus and Russell help Oleksiy clear up some confusion about the hidden $bucket index [5] - but only when using leveldb. Nevertheless, perhaps a $bucket query should not be accepted against a bitcask backend [6]. * Robert notes that when joining nodes to clusters they must have the same ring sizes [7]. * Agung is interested in working with riak_ensemble [8][9] and has a few questions about it. Carlos recommends taking a look at nkbase [10], which uses riak_ensemble, and Sargun goes into more detail [11]. ## Open Discussions * Fred and Magnus are working with Oleksiy to determine the root cause of inconsistent Solr search results [12]. * Bartek is looking for assistance on how to feed a mapreduce job with the results of a full text search [13] * Kinson is looking for guidance on implementing Basho Bench [14] * There is an open question regarding whether it’s possible to rebalance Riak KV without adding/removing nodes or making any hardware changes [15] * Luke thinks that Gerhard’s proposed architecture will ensure replicas are distributed to every node, but invites someone with more knowledge of the hashing method to chime in [16] * Robert is looking for guidance on choosing EC2 instance types for use with Riak/LevelDB [17] * Vitaly is helping troubleshoot timeouts in a deployment of Riak KV running on a cluster with 512 partitions [18] * There’s an open question about debugging a post commit hook for a bucket type in Riak 2.1.3 [19] * Christopher explained that when configuring multiple Riak clients in a cluster, you need to have each client use a different name. Chathuri has some follow-up questions about the configuration [20] * Vitaly and Chris are helping troubleshoot testing in a single node implementation of Riak KV [21] ## Jobs at Basho Interested in working on distributed computing related problems? Perhaps these open positions at Basho may be of interest: * Developer Advocate (London and US) [22] * Client Services Engineer (USA) [23] * Consulting Engineer (USA) [24] Enjoy your weekend! Alexander Sicular Solution Architect Basho Technologies @siculars [1] https://github.com/basho/riak-nodejs-client/blob/master/RELNOTES.md [2] https://github.com/basho/riak-nodejs-client/releases/tag/v2.1.2 [3] https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/blob/develop/RELNOTES.md#205 [4] http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Ccom.basho.riak%7Criak-client%7C2.0.5%7Cjar [5] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-March/018175.html [6] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-March/018222.html [7] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-March/018189.html [8] https://github.com/basho/riak_ensemble [9] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-March/018191.html [10] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-March/018193.html [11] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-March/018194.html [12] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-March/018226.html [13] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-March/018227.html [14] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-January/018039.html [15] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-February/018074.html [16] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-February/018086.html [17] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-February/018079.html [18] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-February/018105.html [19] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-February/018110.html [20] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-February/018124.html [21] http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2016-February/018139.html [22] http://bashojobs.theresumator.com/apply/nVY7Ea/Developer-Advocate-EMEA [23] http://bashojobs.theresumator.com/apply/0CTNKU/Client-Services-Engineer-Remote [24] http://bashojobs.theresumator.com/apply/lKF2vz/Consulting-Engineer-Remote _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com -- Alexander Sicular Solutions Architect Basho Technologies 9175130679 @siculars
_______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com