erlang-http-client and riak::search

2012-05-10 Thread Gregory Haskins
Hi All,

I'm working on an erlang client of the riak::search functionality built into 
riak-1.1.2.  While I do see the support for querying data that is already 
indexed (rhc:search), I do not see how to index and/or remove data from the 
database.  I do see this functionality in other clients, such as ruby or the 
raw HTTP/SOLR interface, so I know its technically possible on the backend  Am 
I just missing something, or is the erlang client for riak::search not yet 
feature complete?  If its not, I would be willing to submit some patches to 
help bring it up to speed, but I figured I would ask in case I am just looking 
in the wrong places.

Kind Regards,

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Re: Security risk of clients having access to vector clocks

2013-01-17 Thread Gregory Haskins

On Jan 17, 2013, at 9:06 PM, Brian Picciano  wrote:

> Are there any ways we could combat this?

I can't comment on what might be at risk from a Riak perspective, but as a 
general comment you could combat client-side tampering using crypto (perhaps 
you have already considered this option, I am not sure). 

For instance, you could attach an HMAC to the vector clock before returning it 
client side as a token, and then validate the HMAC when the token is passed 
back to you in the future.  This will add overhead for both generating and 
validating the token, but it could alleviate exposure against db tampering.  
(Note that an HMAC alone will not protect you from replay of a previously 
issued vclock+HMAC, however.  For that you will need to be more clever).  
Generally, I prefer to handle this stuff server side attached to the session, 
which I know isn't "RESTful", but it is easier to solve the security problems 
this way.

Good luck!


riak-users mailing list

Riak 0.14.* and Erlang 14B03

2011-06-29 Thread Gregory Haskins
Hi All,

I have run into the build problems with Riak and the latest Erlang.  I
have also seen the github commits to understand that others have seen
this too and a fix is on the way (0.14.2 presumably?).

But that aside, I found this problem when I, of course, upgraded my
system to 14B03 which has both riak.git and riak-0.14.1.rpm installed.
What I was perhaps more surprised by was that my already compiled
riak.rpm now seems to have stopped working and I don't know why, but I
suspect it was coincident with the erlang upgrade (1).

So my question is: Would we expect run-time errors with riak-0.14.1
binaries against 14B03, or is something else going on here?  FWIW: I
tried blowing away my /var/lib/riak and /var/log/riak files in hopes
that I could get passed this problem (its just development data) but no
luck.  "service start riak" says "ok", but I do not get any logs (that I
can see) nor do I see the beam.smp running.  Any help appreciated.

[1] note that I also saw sasl high-water memory errors in the logs in
the days leading up to the upgrade and eventual death, so there is a
possibility it is related to this as well.


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riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak 0.14.* and Erlang 14B03

2011-06-29 Thread Gregory Haskins

On 6/29/11 12:44 PM, Gregory Haskins wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have run into the build problems with Riak and the latest Erlang.  I
> have also seen the github commits to understand that others have seen
> this too and a fix is on the way (0.14.2 presumably?).

Sorry, I meant s/0.14.2/0.14.3 and s/0.14.1/0.14.2 throughout.  Sorry
for the confusion.  I should have checked my facts instead of relying on
memory before posting ;)

> But that aside, I found this problem when I, of course, upgraded my
> system to 14B03 which has both riak.git and riak-0.14.1.rpm installed.
> What I was perhaps more surprised by was that my already compiled
> riak.rpm now seems to have stopped working and I don't know why, but I
> suspect it was coincident with the erlang upgrade (1).
> So my question is: Would we expect run-time errors with riak-0.14.1
> binaries against 14B03, or is something else going on here?  FWIW: I
> tried blowing away my /var/lib/riak and /var/log/riak files in hopes
> that I could get passed this problem (its just development data) but no
> luck.  "service start riak" says "ok", but I do not get any logs (that I
> can see) nor do I see the beam.smp running.  Any help appreciated.
> [1] note that I also saw sasl high-water memory errors in the logs in
> the days leading up to the upgrade and eventual death, so there is a
> possibility it is related to this as well.
> Thanks!
> -Greg

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riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak 0.14.* and Erlang 14B03

2011-06-29 Thread Gregory Haskins
On 6/29/11 1:03 PM, Jared Morrow wrote:
> Greg,
> You need Erlang 13B04 for Riak 0.14.2.

Ah, thx.

FWIW, note that I was successfully building/running 0.14.1 on 14B.  It
was 14B03 in particular that broke me.

>   If you want to use 14B03 for
> other projects, you can have them both 14 and 13 installed at the same
> time and simply set the path to say /usr/local/erlang-13b04/bin in your
> environment before running Riak.   
> Github master of Riak specifies R14B03 moving forward.

Cool.  Out of curiosity, is there a 0.14.3 expected on the near horizon?


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riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak 0.14.* and Erlang 14B03

2011-06-29 Thread Gregory Haskins
On 6/29/11 1:19 PM, Jared Morrow wrote:
> Greg,
> At this time there are no plans for a 0.14.3 release.  

Just to be clear: are there any plans to cut a release with the 14B03
fixes in it anytime soon (perhaps 0.15, etc..I don't care if it is
literally another 0.14 point release per se).  FWIW, I am dead in the
water w.r.t. Riak until this is fixed.

Kind Regards,

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riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak 0.14.* and Erlang 14B03

2011-06-30 Thread Gregory Haskins
Hi Andrew

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 5:52 PM, Andrew Thompson  wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 05:23:36PM -0400, Gregory Haskins wrote:
> > On 6/29/11 1:19 PM, Jared Morrow wrote:
> > > Greg,
> > >
> > > At this time there are no plans for a 0.14.3 release.
> >
> > Just to be clear: are there any plans to cut a release with the 14B03
> > fixes in it anytime soon (perhaps 0.15, etc..I don't care if it is
> > literally another 0.14 point release per se).  FWIW, I am dead in the
> > water w.r.t. Riak until this is fixed.
> >
> The prebuilt riak binaries shouldn't use the system erlang install, the
> binary includes its own copy of the erlang VM. The R14B03
> incompatability will manifest as a compile time issue too, not a runtime
> one. I suspect something else is wrong.
Any tips on how to debug?  I blew away the data/logs in the hope that either
the something in the data was causing the immediate shutdown, or that some
newly minted logs would reveal the problem.  Neither seemed to work, it just
silently dies.


> Andrew
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
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Re: Riak 0.14.* and Erlang 14B03

2011-06-30 Thread Gregory Haskins
On 6/30/11 12:12 PM, Dan Reverri wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Can you start the Riak console (riak console) and let us know what it
> outputs?

Not a whole heck of a lot ;)

linux-mp:~ # riak console
Attempting to restart script through sudo -u riak
linux-mp:~ #


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