Some questions about failures during a PUT

2011-12-30 Thread Jakob Sievers
I've started to look through the Riak sources, and I've been wondering how
the system behaves in certain failure scenarios.
In particular, it seems to me that it's quite easy to get into a state where the
client thinks a PUT request failed, but the object was in fact written to 
and will be replicated to n_val nodes eventually.

For example, assume I have a cluster with three nodes, A, B, C.
I use r=pr=w=pw=dw=quorum=2 and an n_val of 3.
All nodes have a copy of object O with key K and vector clock V.

A client reads O, modifies it locally, then attempts to write its modified copy 
Let's say the client talks to node A. riak_client:put/2 will cause a 
to be started. In execute_local/1, we tell the local vnode to coordinate this 
which will cause it to eventually call riak_kv_vnode:prepare_put/2, which 
the object's vector clock to V', and perform_put/3, which writes O' to disk 
with vector clock
V'. The vnode replies {dw, ...} to the FSM which has been idling in 
If A now crashes, the client will get an {error, timeout}.
If A then recovers and the client does a new GET for key K it may see either O 
or O'
(if the vnode on A is one of the first two vnodes to return a repsonse, its 
version of the object
will be used as the result since V descends from V').

Is this actually possible? Also, how would read-repair work in this scenario? 
If all three
nodes are up, I guess Riak could detect the incosistency, but if e.g. C was 
down at the
time, would K' be replicated to B and then later to C as well?


riak-users mailing list

Re: http new endpoints

2011-12-30 Thread Mark Phillips
Hi Jordan,

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Jordan Schatz  wrote:
> I am working on bindings for the HTTP API for lisp, the docs list new and
> old URLs for requests, but it appears that not all of the new URLs are
> implemented yet? I am using 1.0.2 is there a planned release number for
> supporting all of the new URL formats?

Looks like you've caught an error in the wiki. The new URL formats are
supported, but we neglected to provide the full URL in the docs. You
are missing a "/keys" from the end of those URLs.  The URLs in line
below should work for you.

I'll push a fix to the wiki today if I have a few minutes. Sorry for
the confusion. Also, quite excited to see lisp bindings. :)


> These don't seem to be working with the new URL format:
> Get bucket:
> curl -v

curl -v

> Set bucket:
> curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
> '{"props":{"n_val":5}}'

curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \

> Store object:
> curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \

curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \

riak-users mailing list

Best practices for using the PB client

2011-12-30 Thread Marc Campbell
Hey all,

I'm looking for some best practices in handling connections when using the 
protocol buffer client.  Specifically, I have 3 nodes in my cluster, and need 
to figure out how to handle the situation when one of the nodes is down.

I'm currently using a pooler app ( and this 
helps me distribute the load to all of the nodes, but when one goes down, the 
app doesn't recover nicely.

I'm about to write some code in my app to handle this, but before I do, I 
thought I'd check for existing solutions and best practices:

- Is there an existing connection pooling mechanism that someone has created 
which handles node failures automatically?

If not, then I'm looking forward to writing it!

Thank in advance,
riak-users mailing list

Re: http new endpoints

2011-12-30 Thread Jordan Schatz
Thank you Mark : )

> > Set bucket:
> > curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
> > '{"props":{"n_val":5}}'
> >
> curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \

This is needed instead:
curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \

> Also, quite excited to see lisp bindings. :)
I noticed yesterday that you guys already list the bindings I made (and
am updating):
Mine are the Racket (which is a lisp dialect) ones. 


On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 12:41:50PM -0500, Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hi Jordan,
> On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Jordan Schatz  wrote:
> >
> > I am working on bindings for the HTTP API for lisp, the docs list new and
> > old URLs for requests, but it appears that not all of the new URLs are
> > implemented yet? I am using 1.0.2 is there a planned release number for
> > supporting all of the new URL formats?
> >
> Looks like you've caught an error in the wiki. The new URL formats are
> supported, but we neglected to provide the full URL in the docs. You
> are missing a "/keys" from the end of those URLs.  The URLs in line
> below should work for you.
> I'll push a fix to the wiki today if I have a few minutes. Sorry for
> the confusion. Also, quite excited to see lisp bindings. :)
> Mark
> > These don't seem to be working with the new URL format:
> >
> > Get bucket:
> > curl -v
> >
> curl -v
> > Set bucket:
> > curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
> > '{"props":{"n_val":5}}'
> >
> curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
> > Store object:
> > curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
> >
> >
> curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \

riak-users mailing list

Re: http new endpoints

2011-12-30 Thread Mark Phillips
On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Jordan Schatz  wrote:
> Thank you Mark : )
>> > Set bucket:
>> > curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
>> > '{"props":{"n_val":5}}'
>> >
>> curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
> This is needed instead:
> curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
> '{"props":{"n_val":5}}'

Of course. Just augmented the wiki PR accordingly. Thanks.

>> Also, quite excited to see lisp bindings. :)
> I noticed yesterday that you guys already list the bindings I made (and
> am updating):
> Mine are the Racket (which is a lisp dialect) ones.

Excellent. Still excited regardless.


> Thanks,
> Jordan
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 12:41:50PM -0500, Mark Phillips wrote:
>> Hi Jordan,
>> On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Jordan Schatz  wrote:
>> >
>> > I am working on bindings for the HTTP API for lisp, the docs list new and
>> > old URLs for requests, but it appears that not all of the new URLs are
>> > implemented yet? I am using 1.0.2 is there a planned release number for
>> > supporting all of the new URL formats?
>> >
>> Looks like you've caught an error in the wiki. The new URL formats are
>> supported, but we neglected to provide the full URL in the docs. You
>> are missing a "/keys" from the end of those URLs.  The URLs in line
>> below should work for you.
>> I'll push a fix to the wiki today if I have a few minutes. Sorry for
>> the confusion. Also, quite excited to see lisp bindings. :)
>> Mark
>> > These don't seem to be working with the new URL format:
>> >
>> > Get bucket:
>> > curl -v
>> >
>> curl -v
>> > Set bucket:
>> > curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
>> > '{"props":{"n_val":5}}'
>> >
>> curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
>> > Store object:
>> > curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
>> >
>> >
>> curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \

riak-users mailing list

Re: Best practices for using the PB client

2011-12-30 Thread Andrew Berman
You should look into using HAProxy in front of your nodes.  Let HAProxy
load balance between all your nodes and then if one goes down, HAProxy just
pulls it out of the load balancing cluster automatically until it is
restored.  Then your pooler can just pool connections from HAProxy instead
so it doesn't have to worry at all about failed nodes.

Also, shameless plug, I have a pooler as well which has a few more options
than pooler.  You can check it out here:


On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Marc Campbell  wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'm looking for some best practices in handling connections when using the
> protocol buffer client.  Specifically, I have 3 nodes in my cluster, and
> need to figure out how to handle the situation when one of the nodes is
> down.
> I'm currently using a pooler app ( and
> this helps me distribute the load to all of the nodes, but when one goes
> down, the app doesn't recover nicely.
> I'm about to write some code in my app to handle this, but before I do, I
> thought I'd check for existing solutions and best practices:
> - Is there an existing connection pooling mechanism that someone has
> created which handles node failures automatically?
> If not, then I'm looking forward to writing it!
> Thank in advance,
> Marc
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: Best practices for using the PB client

2011-12-30 Thread Marc Campbell
Great, thanks for the feedback.  I'll check out pooly, for sure.  

I was thinking about using HAProxy/Zeus (I'm currently using Riak Smartmachines 
@ Joyent).  I really like this idea, the logic for node failures shouldn't be 
in my code.  I'll give this a try!


On Dec 30, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Andrew Berman wrote:

> You should look into using HAProxy in front of your nodes.  Let HAProxy load 
> balance between all your nodes and then if one goes down, HAProxy just pulls 
> it out of the load balancing cluster automatically until it is restored.  
> Then your pooler can just pool connections from HAProxy instead so it doesn't 
> have to worry at all about failed nodes.
> Also, shameless plug, I have a pooler as well which has a few more options 
> than pooler.  You can check it out here:
> --Andrew
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Marc Campbell  wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm looking for some best practices in handling connections when using the 
> protocol buffer client.  Specifically, I have 3 nodes in my cluster, and need 
> to figure out how to handle the situation when one of the nodes is down.
> I'm currently using a pooler app ( and this 
> helps me distribute the load to all of the nodes, but when one goes down, the 
> app doesn't recover nicely.
> I'm about to write some code in my app to handle this, but before I do, I 
> thought I'd check for existing solutions and best practices:
> - Is there an existing connection pooling mechanism that someone has created 
> which handles node failures automatically?
> If not, then I'm looking forward to writing it!
> Thank in advance,
> Marc
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

LevelDB and open files count

2011-12-30 Thread jeffrey k eliasen
I'm confused by LevelDB's file handle usage. I had a cluster of one machine 
running happily with two keys (both in the same bucket). I attached a second 
node and the first node halted with "too many open files". If I try to restart 
the service, it runs for a few seconds and then exits again with the same error.

The only config settings I've changed from the defaults are the binding ports 
(to attach to more than just the loopback interface) and the ring creation size 
(I upped it to 256).

In reading the LevelDB page on the wiki, it indicates as max ring size goes up, 
the number of open files should go down. However, later (in the "Tips and 
tricks" section) it says that there will be (by default) 20 open files per 
partition… does this mean I'll have 20*256 = 5120 open files, potentially? Or 
am I reading this wrong?


jeffrey k eliasen

Find and follow me on:

riak-users mailing list

Re: Best practices for using the PB client

2011-12-30 Thread Bip Thelin
On 30 dec 2011, at 20:31, Andrew Berman wrote:

> Also, shameless plug, I have a pooler as well which has a few more options 
> than pooler.  You can check it out here:

Nice, I'll look in to that.

> --Andrew
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Marc Campbell  wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm looking for some best practices in handling connections when using the 
> protocol buffer client.  Specifically, I have 3 nodes in my cluster, and need 
> to figure out how to handle the situation when one of the nodes is down.
> I'm currently using a pooler app ( and this 
> helps me distribute the load to all of the nodes, but when one goes down, the 
> app doesn't recover nicely.

Hi, I ran in to that exakt problem so I've forked and patched that pooler here: I also added OJ's patch which let's you do 
oneliners like: pooler:use_member(fun(RiakPid) -> riakc_pb_socket:get(RiakPid, 
Bucket, Key) end).

Also, there's this pooler:

Bip Thelin
Evolope AB | Lugnets Allé 1 | 120 33 Stockholm
Tel 08-533 335 37 | Mob 0735-18 18 90

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