Re: secondary indexes - no multi_backend?

2011-09-30 Thread Artem Kozarezov

Oh, thanks, Kresten,
I'm going to try this out!

30.09.2011 2:33, Kresten Krab Thorup пишет:


Felt enticed, and so I just posted a pull request for this 
( but it looks like they're tagging 
everything '1.0' as we speak.   ... but there will always be another dot 
release :-)


On Sep 29, 2011, at 11:04 PM, Artem wrote:

We are pleased to announce the availability of the second release

candidate for Riak 1.0.

The RC2 doesn't seem to work with secondary indexes in the multi_backend
Will secondary indexes be supported in 1.0 multi_backend?

--- /etc/riak/app.config ---

 {storage_backend, riak_kv_multi_backend},
 {multi_backend, [
{<<"leveldb">>, riak_kv_eleveldb_backend, [
  {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/leveldb"}
{<<"bitcask">>, riak_kv_bitcask_backend, [
  {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/bitcask"}

--- command-line ---

curl -v -X PUT -d 'payload' -H 'X-Riak-Index-num_int: 2'
curl -v

--- /var/log/riak/console.log ---

2011-09-29 22:56:11.556 [error]<0.514.0>  gen_fsm<0.514.0>  in state
waiting_results terminated with reason:
2011-09-29 22:56:11.843 [error]<0.514.0>  CRASH REPORT Process<0.514.0>
with 0 neighbours crashed with reason:
2011-09-29 22:56:12.096 [error]<0.323.0>  Supervisor
riak_kv_index_fsm_sup had child undefined started with
{riak_core_coverage_fsm,start_link,undefined} at<0.514.0>  exit with
reason {error,{indexes_not_supported,riak_kv_multi_backend}} in context
2011-09-29 22:56:12.412 [error]<0.506.0>  webmachine error:

riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: secondary indexes - no multi_backend?

2011-09-30 Thread Artem Kozarezov

Thanks for the info, David!

30.09.2011 2:36, David Smith wrote:


This is a known issue that didn't make the cutoff for 1.0. We'll be
working to address this in the point releases following.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 3:04 PM, Artem  wrote:

We are pleased to announce the availability of the second release
candidate for Riak 1.0.

The RC2 doesn't seem to work with secondary indexes in the multi_backend
Will secondary indexes be supported in 1.0 multi_backend?

--- /etc/riak/app.config ---

{storage_backend, riak_kv_multi_backend},
{multi_backend, [
   {<<"leveldb">>, riak_kv_eleveldb_backend, [
 {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/leveldb"}
   {<<"bitcask">>, riak_kv_bitcask_backend, [
 {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/bitcask"}

--- command-line ---

curl -v -X PUT -d 'payload' -H 'X-Riak-Index-num_int: 2'
curl -v

--- /var/log/riak/console.log ---

2011-09-29 22:56:11.556 [error]<0.514.0>  gen_fsm<0.514.0>  in state
waiting_results terminated with reason:
2011-09-29 22:56:11.843 [error]<0.514.0>  CRASH REPORT Process<0.514.0>
with 0 neighbours crashed with reason:
2011-09-29 22:56:12.096 [error]<0.323.0>  Supervisor riak_kv_index_fsm_sup
had child undefined started with
{riak_core_coverage_fsm,start_link,undefined} at<0.514.0>  exit with reason
{error,{indexes_not_supported,riak_kv_multi_backend}} in context
2011-09-29 22:56:12.412 [error]<0.506.0>  webmachine error:

riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Timeout when storing

2011-09-30 Thread David Smith
IIRC, {error, emfile} indicates that the max # of ports (in the erlang
VM) is being exceeded. Try bumping up ERL_MAX_PORTS in vm.args.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:52 PM, Jim Adler  wrote:
> Thanks Sean.  I added the ulimit -n 10240 to /etc/default/riak, restarted
> riak, but that didn't work.
> Fyodor Yarochkin suggested that the bitcask files could be corrupted, but I
> wasn't sure which bitcask *.data or *.hint file to delete.  Any pointers?
> Here's the /var/log/riak/erlang.log:
> =ERROR REPORT 29-Sep-2011::20:27:42 ===
> ** State machine <0.369.0> terminating
> ** Last event in was {riak_vnode_req_v1,
>   94198347718593352149846873983790012612771840,
>   {fsm,undefined,<0.27704.1>},
>   {riak_kv_put_req_v1,
>    {<<"nodes">>,<<"screen_name-psych_ic-info">>},
> {r_object,<<"nodes">>,<<"screen_name-psych_ic-info">>,
>     [{r_content,
>   {dict,3,16,16,8,80,48,
> {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]},
>    {{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],
>  [[<<"content-type">>,97,112,112,108,105,99,97,
>    116,105,111,110,47,106,115,111,110],
> [<<"X-Riak-VTag">>,49,90,120,65,84,100,56,99,48,
>    80,86,99,111,122,71,79,108,90,70,97,53,87]],
>  [],[],
>  [[<<"X-Riak-Last-Modified">>|
>    {1317,353201,695471}]],
>  [],[]}}},
>   <<"{DELETED DATA}">>}],
>     [{<<2,65,205,48>>,{1,63484572401}}],
>     {dict,1,16,16,8,80,48,
>  {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]},
>  {{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],
>    [[clean|true]],
>    []}}},
>     undefined},
>    1174401,63484572401,
>    [{returnbody,true}]}}
> ** When State == active
> **  Data  == {state,94198347718593352149846873983790012612771840,
>     riak_kv_vnode,
> {state,94198347718593352149846873983790012612771840,
>    riak_kv_bitcask_backend,
>    {#Ref<>,
> "/var/lib/riak/bitcask/94198347718593352149846873983790012612771840"},
>    {dict,0,16,16,8,80,48,
> {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],
>   [],[],[]},
> {{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],
>    [],[],[]}}},
>    false},
>     undefined,none,6}
> ** Reason for termination =
> ** {{badmatch,{error,emfile}},
>     [{bitcask_fileops,create_file_loop,3},
>  {bitcask,put,3},
>  {riak_kv_bitcask_backend,put,3},
>  {riak_kv_vnode,perform_put,3},
>  {riak_kv_vnode,do_put,7},
>  {riak_kv_vnode,handle_command,3},
>  {riak_core_vnode,vnode_command,3},
>  {gen_fsm,handle_msg,7}]}
> -Original Message-
> From: Sean Cribbs []
> Sent: Thu 9/29/2011 3:02 PM
> To: Jim Adler
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Timeout when storing
> Your environment has too few file handles.  Retry starting riak after
> setting `ulimit -n 1024` in the shell.  Also see our wiki page about this
> issue:  You may need to set this
> limit specifically for the 'riak' user.
> Cheers,
> --
> Sean Cribbs 
> Developer Advocate
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

Dave Smith
Director, Engineering
Basho Technologies, Inc.
riak-users mailing list

Re: CorrugatedIron v0.1.3 Released

2011-09-30 Thread Kyle Quest
Jeremiah, really nice job on CorrugatedIron! Some of it is a bit too
over-engineered and more complicated than it has to be. For example,
you can't just create a RiakClient object and interact with Riak (like
you can do with the official Riak client libraries)... To create a
RiakClient (in CorrugatedIron) you need to have a RiakCluster object
to pass to the RiakClient object constructor. And you can't easily
create a RiakCluster object either. You can only create it from a
config section (there's no way to explicitly provide the config values
directly in the API). Not every app uses .NET app config files and
it's also not uncommon for the app config code to cause exceptions
because it can be brittle...

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Jeremiah Peschka
> I just finished up v0.1.3 of CorrugatedIron, everyone's favorite .NET 4.0 
> Riak client. There is no new functionality in this release, just a fix from 
> Matthew Whitfield: 
> Thanks Matt for helping us make CorrugatedIron better!
> Binaries have been pushed to NuGet 
> ( and source is available on 
> github 
> (
> Enjoy!
> ---
> Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
> Microsoft SQL Server MVP
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: CorrugatedIron v0.1.3 Released

2011-09-30 Thread Jeremiah Peschka
Thanks. I can't take all the credit/blame - OJ Reeves has written massive 
amounts of code, too.

We're aware that many people like to complain about our use of config files. 
When you write a piece of software, you make the choice between shipping 
software or adding more features. We chose to ship CorrugatedIron and see then 
what people liked and what they didn't like.

People didn't like our use of .NET's crusty old config system that they even 
created a github issue about it:

We hear you and will be moving to get this out as soon as we can after we get 
the Riak 1.0 feature compatibility ironed out.

Is our use of .NET configuration files blocking adoption of CorrugatedIron in 
your organization?
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Sep 30, 2011, at 1:40 PM, Kyle Quest wrote:

> Jeremiah, really nice job on CorrugatedIron! Some of it is a bit too
> over-engineered and more complicated than it has to be. For example,
> you can't just create a RiakClient object and interact with Riak (like
> you can do with the official Riak client libraries)... To create a
> RiakClient (in CorrugatedIron) you need to have a RiakCluster object
> to pass to the RiakClient object constructor. And you can't easily
> create a RiakCluster object either. You can only create it from a
> config section (there's no way to explicitly provide the config values
> directly in the API). Not every app uses .NET app config files and
> it's also not uncommon for the app config code to cause exceptions
> because it can be brittle...
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Jeremiah Peschka
>  wrote:
>> I just finished up v0.1.3 of CorrugatedIron, everyone's favorite .NET 4.0 
>> Riak client. There is no new functionality in this release, just a fix from 
>> Matthew Whitfield: 
>> Thanks Matt for helping us make CorrugatedIron better!
>> Binaries have been pushed to NuGet 
>> ( and source is available on 
>> github 
>> (
>> Enjoy!
>> ---
>> Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
>> Microsoft SQL Server MVP
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak security

2011-09-30 Thread Kyle Quest
This is a pretty common situation with the NoSQL databases. They have
no security and the standard answer is that it's your job to do with
firewalls and proxies. This is a good indication that the NoSQL world
is still in its infancy. Security features will get there eventually
and Accumulo is an example of progress in terms of security
capabilities, but it's going to take a while... a long while :-)

Now in this case you can do something :-) One option is to use a web
proxy that would expose two different ports for GET and PUT requests
and then have the appropriate HTTP method filters for each of those
ports. However, this doesn't really do much for security because these
GET and PUT requests will still be sent to the same Riak node. A
better solution is to have separate Riak nodes for reads and writes.
You would still need a web proxy to do the HTTP method filtering... to
allow only GET HTTP methods for the first node requests and allow only
PUT HTTP methods for the second node requests. A much easier solution
would involve configuring MochiWeb to do the HTTP method filtering, so
you wouldn 't need any proxies; however, I'm not a MochiWeb expert and
I don't know if you can define the allowed HTTP methods for MochiWeb
in Riak configs.

On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 12:06 AM, Mark Turner  wrote:
> On Friday, September 9, 2011 at 11:09 PM, raghwani sohil wrote:
> Hi ,
> currently we are using port 8098 for both GET and PUT request for riak . So
> I want to achieve security in riak .
> 1>  Is there any way to use seperate  port  for GET and  PUT  request for
> riak ??
> 2>  If there is no way to use seperate port for GET and PUT  request then
> please can any one explain me how should I achieve security in riak .??
> I don't know about changing the ports.
> As far as the security goes, that responsibility falls to you at the
> network/firewall/proxy/router level.
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: CorrugatedIron v0.1.3 Released

2011-09-30 Thread Jeremiah Peschka
Looks like OJ has mostly finished up the work on that, anyway. We'll just need 
to integrate that back in to develop for the imminent 0.2.0 release.

In closing: I suspect that our use of .NET config files is not blocking the use 
of CorrugatedIron within Microsoft.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Sep 30, 2011, at 1:45 PM, Jeremiah Peschka wrote:

> Thanks. I can't take all the credit/blame - OJ Reeves has written massive 
> amounts of code, too.
> We're aware that many people like to complain about our use of config files. 
> When you write a piece of software, you make the choice between shipping 
> software or adding more features. We chose to ship CorrugatedIron and see 
> then what people liked and what they didn't like.
> People didn't like our use of .NET's crusty old config system that they even 
> created a github issue about it: 
> We hear you and will be moving to get this out as soon as we can after we get 
> the Riak 1.0 feature compatibility ironed out.
> Is our use of .NET configuration files blocking adoption of CorrugatedIron in 
> your organization?
> ---
> Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
> Microsoft SQL Server MVP
> On Sep 30, 2011, at 1:40 PM, Kyle Quest wrote:
>> Jeremiah, really nice job on CorrugatedIron! Some of it is a bit too
>> over-engineered and more complicated than it has to be. For example,
>> you can't just create a RiakClient object and interact with Riak (like
>> you can do with the official Riak client libraries)... To create a
>> RiakClient (in CorrugatedIron) you need to have a RiakCluster object
>> to pass to the RiakClient object constructor. And you can't easily
>> create a RiakCluster object either. You can only create it from a
>> config section (there's no way to explicitly provide the config values
>> directly in the API). Not every app uses .NET app config files and
>> it's also not uncommon for the app config code to cause exceptions
>> because it can be brittle...
>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Jeremiah Peschka
>>  wrote:
>>> I just finished up v0.1.3 of CorrugatedIron, everyone's favorite .NET 4.0 
>>> Riak client. There is no new functionality in this release, just a fix from 
>>> Matthew Whitfield: 
>>> Thanks Matt for helping us make CorrugatedIron better!
>>> Binaries have been pushed to NuGet 
>>> ( and source is available on 
>>> github 
>>> (
>>> Enjoy!
>>> ---
>>> Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
>>> Microsoft SQL Server MVP
>>> ___
>>> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: CorrugatedIron v0.1.3 Released

2011-09-30 Thread Kyle Quest
I looked at a lot of different Riak libraries in different languages
for my work with Riak and CorrugatedIron was one of them. This gave me
an opportunity to compare how each of them worked. CorrugatedIron was
one of the more complicated ones :-) It was also one of the hardest to
make it work because of the app config design (the library generated
exception when it tried to load the config data). My suggestion for
anybody trying to design a new client library is to mimic the API of
the existing official libraries first and then add fancy features :-)
This will help the adoption. If it's too complicated (to understand
and to setup) then people will simply give up and go somewhere else.

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:45 AM, Jeremiah Peschka
> Thanks. I can't take all the credit/blame - OJ Reeves has written massive 
> amounts of code, too.
> We're aware that many people like to complain about our use of config files. 
> When you write a piece of software, you make the choice between shipping 
> software or adding more features. We chose to ship CorrugatedIron and see 
> then what people liked and what they didn't like.
> People didn't like our use of .NET's crusty old config system that they even 
> created a github issue about it: 
> We hear you and will be moving to get this out as soon as we can after we get 
> the Riak 1.0 feature compatibility ironed out.
> Is our use of .NET configuration files blocking adoption of CorrugatedIron in 
> your organization?
> ---
> Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
> Microsoft SQL Server MVP
> On Sep 30, 2011, at 1:40 PM, Kyle Quest wrote:
>> Jeremiah, really nice job on CorrugatedIron! Some of it is a bit too
>> over-engineered and more complicated than it has to be. For example,
>> you can't just create a RiakClient object and interact with Riak (like
>> you can do with the official Riak client libraries)... To create a
>> RiakClient (in CorrugatedIron) you need to have a RiakCluster object
>> to pass to the RiakClient object constructor. And you can't easily
>> create a RiakCluster object either. You can only create it from a
>> config section (there's no way to explicitly provide the config values
>> directly in the API). Not every app uses .NET app config files and
>> it's also not uncommon for the app config code to cause exceptions
>> because it can be brittle...
>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Jeremiah Peschka
>>  wrote:
>>> I just finished up v0.1.3 of CorrugatedIron, everyone's favorite .NET 4.0 
>>> Riak client. There is no new functionality in this release, just a fix from 
>>> Matthew Whitfield: 
>>> Thanks Matt for helping us make CorrugatedIron better!
>>> Binaries have been pushed to NuGet 
>>> ( and source is available on 
>>> github 
>>> (
>>> Enjoy!
>>> ---
>>> Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
>>> Microsoft SQL Server MVP
>>> ___
>>> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak security

2011-09-30 Thread Jeff Kirkell

This is something I have been trying to figure the best approach for as
well. One possibility, and the one I am trying to build a solution for is to
have a proxy in the front that accepts and API key or some other form of
credential, validates, then passes through to Riak on whatever port is
specified. The goal is that in addition to your IP filtering and access
rules, you also have a layer of authorization at what ever level you want
through the proxy.

Hope that helps,

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 2:00 PM, Kyle Quest  wrote:

> This is a pretty common situation with the NoSQL databases. They have
> no security and the standard answer is that it's your job to do with
> firewalls and proxies. This is a good indication that the NoSQL world
> is still in its infancy. Security features will get there eventually
> and Accumulo is an example of progress in terms of security
> capabilities, but it's going to take a while... a long while :-)
> Now in this case you can do something :-) One option is to use a web
> proxy that would expose two different ports for GET and PUT requests
> and then have the appropriate HTTP method filters for each of those
> ports. However, this doesn't really do much for security because these
> GET and PUT requests will still be sent to the same Riak node. A
> better solution is to have separate Riak nodes for reads and writes.
> You would still need a web proxy to do the HTTP method filtering... to
> allow only GET HTTP methods for the first node requests and allow only
> PUT HTTP methods for the second node requests. A much easier solution
> would involve configuring MochiWeb to do the HTTP method filtering, so
> you wouldn 't need any proxies; however, I'm not a MochiWeb expert and
> I don't know if you can define the allowed HTTP methods for MochiWeb
> in Riak configs.
> On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 12:06 AM, Mark Turner  wrote:
> > On Friday, September 9, 2011 at 11:09 PM, raghwani sohil wrote:
> >
> > Hi ,
> >
> > currently we are using port 8098 for both GET and PUT request for riak .
> So
> > I want to achieve security in riak .
> >
> > 1>  Is there any way to use seperate  port  for GET and  PUT  request for
> > riak ??
> >
> > 2>  If there is no way to use seperate port for GET and PUT  request then
> > please can any one explain me how should I achieve security in riak .??
> >
> > I don't know about changing the ports.
> > As far as the security goes, that responsibility falls to you at the
> > network/firewall/proxy/router level.
> >
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak security

2011-09-30 Thread Aphyr
We've been over this several times on riak-users, which suggests to me a 
blog post might help. I'll try to draft something.

On 09/30/2011 11:00 AM, Kyle Quest wrote:

This is a pretty common situation with the NoSQL databases. They have
no security and the standard answer is that it's your job to do with
firewalls and proxies. This is a good indication that the NoSQL world
is still in its infancy. Security features will get there eventually
and Accumulo is an example of progress in terms of security
capabilities, but it's going to take a while... a long while :-)

If you have a sensible, flexible, comprehensive proposal for access 
control in an eventually consistent distributed key-value store, I would 
love to hear about it. Thus far, every attempt I've encountered rapidly 
approaches the proverbial "blatant layering violation", or is a subset 
of {inconsistent, inadequate, overly specific, complex, slow}.

Accumulo (IIUC, docs are scarce) tags data with authorizations; 
restricting access is up to the client. You can do that in Riak. You can 
front Riak with a layer which allows puts/gets (globally, to buckets, to 
keys, at various times, etc.) on the basis of HTTP auth, sessions, IP, 
certificate, etc. You can also implement access control by writing valid 
state transitions on an object to a statebox and invalidating concurrent 
modifications that introduce policy conflicts. Authentication provided 
by cryptographic hashes on transitions, or by a layer above. You could 
introduce a lock service and use it to enforce certain classes of 
sequential access, simplifying consistency.

Hopefully this suggests why it's not as simple as "adding security to 
the database". There are a wide variety of security semantics, and many 
can be layered on top of Riak (or any other datastore) without changing 
the database itself.

Now in this case you can do something :-) One option is to use a web
proxy that would expose two different ports for GET and PUT requests
and then have the appropriate HTTP method filters for each of those

Writes require reads beforehand, but this will do the trick.

However, this doesn't really do much for security because these
GET and PUT requests will still be sent to the same Riak node.


A better solution is to have separate Riak nodes for reads and writes.

Riak forwards requests to the appropriate vnode for a key. Doing this 
would have no effect on operational semantics.


riak-users mailing list

Problem with Reduce Phase Sorting (Javascript)

2011-09-30 Thread Barron Logan
hello all,

we are having issues sorting in Reduce.  this is from within a java app.

we are passing in an anonymous js function, but the values are not being sorted.

here is the data structure:


so it is an array of maps, with two keys ('score' & 'key').. the 'score' key is 
an integer that we would like to sort on.  the 'key' key is a json object that 
we have removed from this example.

here is the java code, that executes, but does not sort:

builder = builder.reduce(JavascriptFunction.anon("" +

"function(values){" +
"var flattened = values.reduce(function(a,b){" +
"return a.concat(b);" +
"},[]);" +
"return flattened.sort(function(a,b){ " +

"return b[\"score\"] -a[\"score\"]" +
"});" +

MapReduceResponse response = builder.submit();


riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak security

2011-09-30 Thread Kyle Quest
Having separate nodes for reads and writes provides an opportunity for
better isolation and control even when the requests are forwarded to
different vnodes...

Just like with anything else you can always build something on top...
The difference in maturity is determined by what you have to build
yourself vs what's already available and integrated into a unified
solution. Yes, there are different and unique aspects to how NoSQL
databases operate, but it's no excuse for not having any integrated
security. It's going to take time for integrated solutions to emerge,
but this is exactly what I was saying about the maturity stage the
NoSQL databases are in.

There won't be a perfect security solution right away. And it's not
just one thing... there are many aspects to security and it'll take
time to develop and go through various stages of evolution. And by
definition, it will make things slower :-) I did not give Accumulo as
an example of a NoSQL database that figured out this whole "security"
thing. Either way saying, "you customer go take care of our database
product security" is not the answer :-)

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Aphyr  wrote:
> We've been over this several times on riak-users, which suggests to me a
> blog post might help. I'll try to draft something.
> On 09/30/2011 11:00 AM, Kyle Quest wrote:
>> This is a pretty common situation with the NoSQL databases. They have
>> no security and the standard answer is that it's your job to do with
>> firewalls and proxies. This is a good indication that the NoSQL world
>> is still in its infancy. Security features will get there eventually
>> and Accumulo is an example of progress in terms of security
>> capabilities, but it's going to take a while... a long while :-)
> If you have a sensible, flexible, comprehensive proposal for access control
> in an eventually consistent distributed key-value store, I would love to
> hear about it. Thus far, every attempt I've encountered rapidly approaches
> the proverbial "blatant layering violation", or is a subset of
> {inconsistent, inadequate, overly specific, complex, slow}.
> Accumulo (IIUC, docs are scarce) tags data with authorizations; restricting
> access is up to the client. You can do that in Riak. You can front Riak with
> a layer which allows puts/gets (globally, to buckets, to keys, at various
> times, etc.) on the basis of HTTP auth, sessions, IP, certificate, etc. You
> can also implement access control by writing valid state transitions on an
> object to a statebox and invalidating concurrent modifications that
> introduce policy conflicts. Authentication provided by cryptographic hashes
> on transitions, or by a layer above. You could introduce a lock service and
> use it to enforce certain classes of sequential access, simplifying
> consistency.
> Hopefully this suggests why it's not as simple as "adding security to the
> database". There are a wide variety of security semantics, and many can be
> layered on top of Riak (or any other datastore) without changing the
> database itself.
>> Now in this case you can do something :-) One option is to use a web
>> proxy that would expose two different ports for GET and PUT requests
>> and then have the appropriate HTTP method filters for each of those
>> ports.
> Writes require reads beforehand, but this will do the trick.
>> However, this doesn't really do much for security because these
>> GET and PUT requests will still be sent to the same Riak node.
> ...
>> A better solution is to have separate Riak nodes for reads and writes.
> Riak forwards requests to the appropriate vnode for a key. Doing this would
> have no effect on operational semantics.
> --Kyle

riak-users mailing list

Riak 1.0

2011-09-30 Thread David Smith
Hi All,

I am very pleased to announce that Riak 1.0 is tagged and officially
ready for downloading.

Pre-built installations and source tarballs are available at:

Release notes are here:

There is also a blog post about the release here:

1.0 has been two years and 15 releases in the making. Thank you all
for being a part of this project and wonderful community. We couldn't
have done it without you.



Dave Smith
Director, Engineering
Basho Technologies, Inc.

riak-users mailing list

Re: Timeout when storing

2011-09-30 Thread Jim Adler
Thanks David. I bumped ERL_MAX_PORTS to 16384 in vm.args, restarted riak, but 
still get the timeout.


Sent from my phone. Please forgive the typos. 

On Sep 30, 2011, at 9:56 AM, "David Smith"  wrote:

> IIRC, {error, emfile} indicates that the max # of ports (in the erlang
> VM) is being exceeded. Try bumping up ERL_MAX_PORTS in vm.args.
> D.
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:52 PM, Jim Adler  wrote:
>> Thanks Sean.  I added the ulimit -n 10240 to /etc/default/riak, restarted
>> riak, but that didn't work.
>> Fyodor Yarochkin suggested that the bitcask files could be corrupted, but I
>> wasn't sure which bitcask *.data or *.hint file to delete.  Any pointers?
>> Here's the /var/log/riak/erlang.log:
>> =ERROR REPORT 29-Sep-2011::20:27:42 ===
>> ** State machine <0.369.0> terminating
>> ** Last event in was {riak_vnode_req_v1,
>>   94198347718593352149846873983790012612771840,
>>   {fsm,undefined,<0.27704.1>},
>>   {riak_kv_put_req_v1,
>> {r_object,<<"nodes">>,<<"screen_name-psych_ic-info">>,
>> [{r_content,
>>   {dict,3,16,16,8,80,48,
>> {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]},
>>  [[<<"content-type">>,97,112,112,108,105,99,97,
>> [<<"X-Riak-VTag">>,49,90,120,65,84,100,56,99,48,
>>  [],[],
>>  [[<<"X-Riak-Last-Modified">>|
>>  [],[]}}},
>>   <<"{DELETED DATA}">>}],
>> [{<<2,65,205,48>>,{1,63484572401}}],
>> {dict,1,16,16,8,80,48,
>>  {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]},
>>  {{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],
>> undefined},
>> ** When State == active
>> **  Data  == {state,94198347718593352149846873983790012612771840,
>> riak_kv_vnode,
>> {state,94198347718593352149846873983790012612771840,
>> "/var/lib/riak/bitcask/94198347718593352149846873983790012612771840"},
>> {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],
>>   [],[],[]},
>> {{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],
>> undefined,none,6}
>> ** Reason for termination =
>> ** {{badmatch,{error,emfile}},
>> [{bitcask_fileops,create_file_loop,3},
>>  {bitcask,put,3},
>>  {riak_kv_bitcask_backend,put,3},
>>  {riak_kv_vnode,perform_put,3},
>>  {riak_kv_vnode,do_put,7},
>>  {riak_kv_vnode,handle_command,3},
>>  {riak_core_vnode,vnode_command,3},
>>  {gen_fsm,handle_msg,7}]}
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Sean Cribbs []
>> Sent: Thu 9/29/2011 3:02 PM
>> To: Jim Adler
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: Timeout when storing
>> Your environment has too few file handles.  Retry starting riak after
>> setting `ulimit -n 1024` in the shell.  Also see our wiki page about this
>> issue:  You may need to set this
>> limit specifically for the 'riak' user.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Sean Cribbs 
>> Developer Advocate
>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
> -- 
> Dave Smith
> Director, Engineering
> Basho Technologies, Inc.

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak 1.0

2011-09-30 Thread Seth Johnson

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 4:31 PM, David Smith  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am very pleased to announce that Riak 1.0 is tagged and officially
> ready for downloading.
> Pre-built installations and source tarballs are available at:
> Release notes are here:
> There is also a blog post about the release here:
> 1.0 has been two years and 15 releases in the making. Thank you all
> for being a part of this project and wonderful community. We couldn't
> have done it without you.
> Sincerely,
> D.
> --
> Dave Smith
> Director, Engineering
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak 1.0

2011-09-30 Thread Alexander Sicular

Already got it in place on my mac and ubuntu dev boxes. Smooth.

-Alexander Sicular


On Sep 30, 2011, at 4:31 PM, David Smith wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am very pleased to announce that Riak 1.0 is tagged and officially
> ready for downloading.
> Pre-built installations and source tarballs are available at:
> Release notes are here:
> There is also a blog post about the release here:
> 1.0 has been two years and 15 releases in the making. Thank you all
> for being a part of this project and wonderful community. We couldn't
> have done it without you.
> Sincerely,
> D.
> -- 
> Dave Smith
> Director, Engineering
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Riak Java Client 1.0rc1

2011-09-30 Thread Russell Brown
In case you want to try all the juicy new Riak 1.0 features from Java, I pushed 
a release candidate of the RJC to sonatype[1]. It will find its way to Maven 
Central as and when they sync. Just update your pom to use 1.0rc1.

Not _all_ features are fully supported (head_only/return_head on PB fetch/store 
are not available yet) and some of the ORM code needs to catch-up to. But the 
bulk of stuff is there. I'll be pushing a 1.0 next week and a point release 
with the ORM stuff soon after.



riak-users mailing list

Re: CorrugatedIron v0.1.3 Released

2011-09-30 Thread OJ Reeves
Hi Kyle,

Thanks for the feedback on our .NET client. I'm sorry to hear that you've
had issues with it. I'm very keen on hearing more about the issues and
details of the level of complexity you're struggling with so that Jeremiah
and I can work on making it better.

Configuration is one of those things that annoys everyone :) It's incredibly
hard to provide power, flexibility and simplicity all at the same time when
dealing with configuration. One thing that I think is important to bear in
mind is the target of the library is .NET. For many years this kind of
configuration has be done using app.config or web.config settings when
building .NET applications and that it something that we didn't want to fly
in the face of. While I do feel it's important to be able to configure the
library through code (in case you're using a REPL like FSI), I felt it was
more important to support the idiomatic .NET approach to configuration. Yes
that does come with a bit of XML configuration (which I also hate) but is in
many ways a necessary evil.

We had feedback on github and on HN from people indicating that they had
different preferences for the configuration and we sat up and listened. We
have since made some changes to the way you can configure CI, which can
completely do away with using the XML configuration if you so wish. This
does, however, mean you have to configure the client in code. If that's what
you decide to do you may have issues as you deploy to different
environments. I would still recommend using the XML configuration if you can
as managing that configuration for multiple environments is much easier.

I'm not sure about the state of other clients, but CI supports talking to a
cluster both directly or via a proxy/loadbalancer and also has built-in
connection pooling. Having support for all of these things adds complexity.
This is the typical features vs simplicity tradeoff. Our feelings on the
topic were that we didn't want to limit .NET developers in their options. We
also felt that, at least in the short term, that .NET developers might not
want to deal with deploying a load balancer in front of their development
clusters, and hence built-in support for talking to a cluster was a must.
I'm fairly certain that there is at least one other client (for another
language) that doesn't have cluster/connection pooling support built-in and
the people in that community have asked for on a few occasions. A classic
case of damned if you do, damned if you don't :)

May I ask what issues in particular you have with getting the configuration
to work? Do you feel that the documentation on the topic is lacking? Are the
sample applications and code snippets not clear enough? Are the required
fields confusing in some way? Error handling is certainly something that we
can put a bit more work into.

As far as the API or object model is concerned, could you please elaborate
on what you found difficult or complicated? Is this another case of poor
documentation and bad examples? Do you feel that it doesn't do a good job of
being a .NET library and using the features of the languages where
appropriate? Jeremiah and I are obviously very keen to remove unnecessary
complexity and reduce the friction that people feel when using the lib, so
any detail here would be greatly appreciated.

Have you had a look at the Riak clients written in strongly-typed languages?
How do they compare for complexity? One of the "pains" when dealing with the
likes of .NET is dealing with types. The nature of the platform adds
constraints that languages like Ruby and dynamic languages like
Erlang/Python don't have. This is another thing that's hard to juggle while
building a Riak client. Any thoughts that you might have on this topic would
be well received.

> My suggestion for anybody trying to design a new client library is to
mimic the API of
> the existing official libraries first and then add fancy features :-)

While this sounds sensible and nice in theory, in practice it's actually not
that simple (or the right approach) for a few reasons. Languages vary a
great deal and not just in syntax. Attempting to "port" an existing client
to a language doesn't do the target language justice and can often fly in
the face of convention for that language. I would be rather disturbed if I
saw a direct port of the Erlang API in the .NET world. Why? Because they're
vastly different beasts and the .NET version of the API would be horrible
and nothing like any other .NET API. Also, it just wouldn't be possible
given the nature of Erlang's dynamic typing vs .NET strong typing. In short:
a library should fit the technical ecosystem of the language it's written
in. That, in my humble opinion, would be more of a negative influence on the
uptake of the library than anything else. I feel that a library should
respect the platform it's written for. Happy to hear your thoughts on this

> If it's too complicated (to understand and to setup) then
> people will s

Re: Riak security

2011-09-30 Thread Aphyr

On 09/30/2011 01:28 PM, Kyle Quest wrote:

Having separate nodes for reads and writes provides an opportunity for
better isolation and control even when the requests are forwarded to
different vnodes...

I humbly suggest this is a bad idea. Varying behavior between nodes

  a.) is a headache to configure and maintain
  b.) creates fault-tolerance problems
  c.) creates unbalanced loads

It's at odds with the symmetric layout of a dynamo system. Best case, 
you'll fail more often. In addition, splitting reads and writes will 
require you to work harder to handle client IDs. If you aren't careful, 
you'll lose data.

Just like with anything else you can always build something on top...
The difference in maturity is determined by what you have to build
yourself vs what's already available and integrated into a unified
solution. Yes, there are different and unique aspects to how NoSQL
databases operate, but it's no excuse for not having any integrated
security. It's going to take time for integrated solutions to emerge,
but this is exactly what I was saying about the maturity stage the
NoSQL databases are in.

What was the last datastore you *didn't* have to wrap in your own 
security layer? I've built... I dunno, twenty or thirty of them for 
various applications. Because trust is complicated, sufficiently general 
security systems require almost as much configuration and integration 
glue as the code you'd write to do it from existing primitives.

That said, if you have a proposal for a security model I'd like to see 
it. There is a dearth of pluggable access control layers for datastores. 
I suspect there's a good reason for that.

Either way saying, "you customer go take care of our database
product security" is not the answer :-)

It is an entirely reasonable answer; access control is almost totally 
orthogonal to robust data storage. You're asking Ikea to control who 
puts things in your cabinets.

I'm guessing the reason your posts appear so confused is because you 
don't have a clear idea about what properties a "database security" 
system would have. It might be worth writing down your specific 
requirements, and asking "What percentage of use cases will this satisfy 

--Kyle Kingsbury

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak security

2011-09-30 Thread Kyle Quest
I'm not here to define a perfect infrastructure for securing NoSQL
databases and Riak and go into implementation details... It's not my
intention because I simply don't have time to dedicate to this big
project and it's impossible to come up with a perfect solution right
away. Either way asking customers to be security experts is asking for
trouble... And I base this statement on the actual real world
experience in security, which I have quite a bit. I'll leave it on
this note :-) And let's talk in 10 or 15 years :-)

A quick advice to the Riak team... If you want to go beyond startups
as your customers you'll need to have a good story around security and
an integrated solution people can use. Good luck!

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Aphyr  wrote:
> On 09/30/2011 01:28 PM, Kyle Quest wrote:
>> Having separate nodes for reads and writes provides an opportunity for
>> better isolation and control even when the requests are forwarded to
>> different vnodes...
> I humbly suggest this is a bad idea. Varying behavior between nodes
>  a.) is a headache to configure and maintain
>  b.) creates fault-tolerance problems
>  c.) creates unbalanced loads
> It's at odds with the symmetric layout of a dynamo system. Best case, you'll
> fail more often. In addition, splitting reads and writes will require you to
> work harder to handle client IDs. If you aren't careful, you'll lose data.
>> Just like with anything else you can always build something on top...
>> The difference in maturity is determined by what you have to build
>> yourself vs what's already available and integrated into a unified
>> solution. Yes, there are different and unique aspects to how NoSQL
>> databases operate, but it's no excuse for not having any integrated
>> security. It's going to take time for integrated solutions to emerge,
>> but this is exactly what I was saying about the maturity stage the
>> NoSQL databases are in.
> What was the last datastore you *didn't* have to wrap in your own security
> layer? I've built... I dunno, twenty or thirty of them for various
> applications. Because trust is complicated, sufficiently general security
> systems require almost as much configuration and integration glue as the
> code you'd write to do it from existing primitives.
> That said, if you have a proposal for a security model I'd like to see it.
> There is a dearth of pluggable access control layers for datastores. I
> suspect there's a good reason for that.
>> Either way saying, "you customer go take care of our database
>> product security" is not the answer :-)
> It is an entirely reasonable answer; access control is almost totally
> orthogonal to robust data storage. You're asking Ikea to control who puts
> things in your cabinets.
> I'm guessing the reason your posts appear so confused is because you don't
> have a clear idea about what properties a "database security" system would
> have. It might be worth writing down your specific requirements, and asking
> "What percentage of use cases will this satisfy efficiently?"
> --Kyle Kingsbury

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak security

2011-09-30 Thread Aphyr

On 09/30/2011 02:50 PM, Kyle Quest wrote:

I'm not here to define a perfect infrastructure for securing NoSQL
databases and Riak and go into implementation details... It's not my
intention because I simply don't have time to dedicate to this big
project and it's impossible to come up with a perfect solution right
away. Either way asking customers to be security experts is asking
for trouble... And I base this statement on the actual real world
experience in security, which I have quite a bit. I'll leave it on
this note :-) And let's talk in 10 or 15 years :-)

Let's skip the ad hominem. I'm gay. You are *not* going to win a
bitchiness contest.

I want to help people build robust, secure systems. What little you've
proposed is not only useless but dangerous. I can't risk someone
implementing it.

I'm volunteering my time to answer questions on building secure
applications in general: with Riak, with MySQL, with HTTP, with Active
Directory, whatever. Not an expert on everything, but I can provide
pointers to more comprehensive sources. Feel free to contact me off-list
if it doesn't pertain to Riak.

I'll also try to write an introductory blog post on application security
this weekend. If you'd like to contribute, or just want to see some
topic covered, let me know.

--Kyle Kingsbury

riak-users mailing list

Custom Extractor Syntax

2011-09-30 Thread Greg Pascale

Somewhere along the line, it looks like the mechanism for setting a custom 
extractor changed slightly. The documentation now says to set a property called 
search_extractor with the fields mod, fun and arg.

It used to be a property called rs_extractfun with the fields language, 
function and module.

The old rs_extractfun syntax still seems to work with 1.0, but I'm wondering if 
I should switch over the new style to stay compatible with future releases. 
This also brings up an interesting question - how do I unset a bucket property?

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak 1.0

2011-09-30 Thread 54chen

Can you give me an example of how the 0.14.2(bitcask) upgrade to

2011/10/1 Alexander Sicular 

> Awesome!
> Already got it in place on my mac and ubuntu dev boxes. Smooth.
> -Alexander Sicular
> @siculars
> On Sep 30, 2011, at 4:31 PM, David Smith wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I am very pleased to announce that Riak 1.0 is tagged and officially
> > ready for downloading.
> >
> > Pre-built installations and source tarballs are available at:
> >
> >
> >
> > Release notes are here:
> >
> >
> >
> > There is also a blog post about the release here:
> >
> >
> >
> > 1.0 has been two years and 15 releases in the making. Thank you all
> > for being a part of this project and wonderful community. We couldn't
> > have done it without you.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > D.
> >
> > --
> > Dave Smith
> > Director, Engineering
> > Basho Technologies, Inc.
> >
> >
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list