hello all,

we are having issues sorting in Reduce.  this is from within a java app.

we are passing in an anonymous js function, but the values are not being sorted.

here is the data structure:


so it is an array of maps, with two keys ('score' & 'key').. the 'score' key is 
an integer that we would like to sort on.  the 'key' key is a json object that 
we have removed from this example.

here is the java code, that executes, but does not sort:

builder = builder.reduce(JavascriptFunction.anon("" +

            "function(values){" +
            "var flattened = values.reduce(function(a,b){" +
            "return a.concat(b);" +
            "},[]);" +
            "return flattened.sort(function(a,b){ " +

            "return b[\"score\"] -a[\"score\"]" +
            "});" +

MapReduceResponse response = builder.submit();



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