[RBW] Re: New Roadeo frame. Now what?

2011-03-28 Thread sjauch
Ultegra 6700 50/34 & 11-28
Shimano R650
Ritchey Classic Stem, post & bars (if the bend works for you)
Velocity A23/Ultegra wheels w/ Conti Grand Prix 4 Season 28c
What ever saddle fits your butt and your favorite pedal system
(Shimano road).

On Mar 28, 2:20 pm, Bike Hermit 
> How would you build it?

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[RBW] Re: Fwd: RR43 Link Update

2011-05-04 Thread sjauch
I only get a one page blank document when I open the link :-(

On May 4, 8:39 pm, MichaelH  wrote:
> I could live without downloading but even magnified the print is too
> small to read.  Has anyone tried printing it?  It looks like a great
> issue.
> michael
> On May 4, 8:12 pm, "Bill Gibson (III)"  wrote:
> > My inability to download it, etc. will motivate me to pay for a print copy!
> > They deserve it, anyway.
> > -- Forwarded message --
> > From: Rivendell Bicycle Works 
> > Date: Wed, May 4, 2011 at 4:43 PM
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> > Bill Gibson
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[RBW] Re: FS: Dromarti Sportivo Classic shoes size 41

2011-05-11 Thread sjauch
Unfortunately these are too small for me. Can I ask what about them
you didn't like? I've been thinking about ordering a pair.

On May 10, 9:14 pm, johnb  wrote:
> I have tried to love these shoes but they have not loved me back... So
> $75/OBO + $10 to ship to CONUS and they are yours. I used them last
> season for about 15 rides total.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/jbusteed/sets/72157626694012760/

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[RBW] Re: East Coast frame painting

2011-06-06 Thread sjauch
Why not talk to some of the local builders? I'm sure they'd be happy
to help you out.



On Jun 3, 9:46 pm, jandrews_nyc  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to have my green Hillborne frame painted or powder coated
> and I live in New York City.
> Does anyone have any suggestions on frame painters who can do a good
> job and professionally apply decals around NYC?
> I know Bilenky in Philly does great work ,and that's very close, but
> just putting the feelers out there to see if there is another shop
> that comes recommended.
> The Hillborne is my daily city commuter and it gets locked up outside
> in Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan regularly so a powder coat may make
> more sense.  The green that came on the bike is very much scratched
> off both sides of the top tube from city abuse.  I want to protect and
> beautify it.

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[RBW] Re: FS: Rawland Sogn, Bike Friday FT: Tikit, Nitto stem

2010-12-16 Thread sjauch
Too bad the Sogn is a Large.

On Dec 16, 1:04 am, Esteban  wrote:
> Ah, unfortunately I teach in June and PBP is at the end of August.
> I'd be broke if I paid for food in Euros for two extra months while I
> panhandled in front of Notre Dame.
> I *am* planning a SR series this year, so you never know.  I want to
> do the Paris-Roubaix route, though.
> The Tikit should find a home - its really darn useful.  The market for
> the original Rawlands was kind of week even before the rSogn was
> announced.  I'm not sure why except that it was orphaned rather
> rapidly. I've never heard a complaint about that bike and i certainly
> don't have any.  That's one I wouldn't mind keeping, with Kirk Pacenti
> being involved in the design. I'd certainly take it over any Surly.
> Its a nice pathway to a Bombadil.  But it *is* for sale!  For now...
> Esteban
> On Dec 15, 9:00 pm, Roy Yates  wrote:
> > Is it a planned  coincidence that you're teaching in France in a PBP
> > year?
> > On Dec 15, 9:25 pm, Esteban  wrote:
> > > haha -- I teach in France this summer, and when the coupled Riv Road
> > > custom came up with couplers, I couldn't pass up the idea of running
> > > around the French countryside this summer on a Riv.  I also may be
> > > teaching in London in 2013, in time for the London-Edinburgh-London
> > > 1400K.  The Tikit is awesome -- really, awesome. But I'd rather be on
> > > a big boy bike for brevets!
> > > On Dec 15, 6:18 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> > > > On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Esteban  wrote:
> > > > > So... I'm putting my Rawland Sogn and BF Tikit for sale to help pay
> > > > > for a Rivendell.
> > > > Wait - what riv are you buying now? Has your ebisu even come in, yet?
> > > > -sv- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Rivendell Roadeo or Other

2010-01-04 Thread sjauch
I currently have a 2005 Specialized Allez Comp. It was my first road
bike and it is about a size too big and only recently got comfortable
riding it once I put an 80mm stem on it.

Anyway I have been looking for a new road bike and want to go with a
steel frame, preferably lugged. I have been eyeing the Rivendell
Roadeo, as well as the De Rosa Corum (not lugged) and custom builders,
Jeff Lyon and Circle A Cycles. I am very close to sending in a deposit
to Jeff Lyon because of his experience with building the type of
frames I'm interested in. However, I have resisted because I am drawn
to the Rivendell Roadeo since it is similar to what I would like Jeff
Lyon to build me. Also I am out in CA two or three times a year and
stay pretty close to where Rivendell is located. So, I can visit them
and test ride a similar frame to what I would be buying. They have 2
55cm's built up and I'm a 52 or 53, so even though It's not my size I
can hopefully still get an idea of how it rides.

I also really like the De Rosa, but none of the shops I called keep
them in stock and if I am going to buy it locally I'd like to be able
to take it out for a spin to see how things feel. If I'm dropping over
2k for that frame I might as well send my $ off to Lyon and let him
build me something since I couldn't test ride that either and is
probably more what I want.

That brings me back to the Rivendell and Lyon dilemma. I want a lugged
frame that is as light as practical and can fit fenders if I want to
use them. I like the Lyon option because for about the same as the
Rivendell I am getting something made just for me. However he is
relying on the measurements and info I provide to make the correct
frame. With the Riv bike I can visit them and let them take my
measurements to determine which size Roadeo is the best fit.

So I am really confused and am asking here to see which way some of
you would go.



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[RBW] Re: Rivendell Roadeo or Other

2010-01-05 Thread sjauch
Thanks all for the for the input, keep it coming. I am leaning towards
the Roadeo (digging the white & blue) and will see what the Riv crew
says when I pay them a visit. I've visited them before and appreciate
their honesty.

Jim: Grant's knowledge and experience is another comforting factor as
well as buying from an established business.

On Jan 5, 12:26 pm, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery 
> There is always some risk in a custom bike because every custom is one-
> of-a-kind, and there are no prototypes, etc to work out the bugs
> before the customer pays the bill and takes the frame/bike. And if you
> don't like it, a custom can be tough to sell. Rivendell has the
> advantage of having designed/sold thousands of bikes, not including
> the even larger number of GP-designed Bridgestones. Unless you have
> some really strange bodily dimension to accommodate, or want some non-
> standard features on the frame, I'd suggest the stock Roadeo.
> (I have a custom bike and it's wonderful, but not every custom owner
> has the same positive experience...)
> On Jan 4, 3:54 pm, sjauch  wrote:
> > I currently have a 2005 Specialized Allez Comp. It was my first road
> > bike and it is about a size too big and only recently got comfortable
> > riding it once I put an 80mm stem on it.
> > Anyway I have been looking for a new road bike and want to go with a
> > steel frame, preferably lugged. I have been eyeing the Rivendell
> > Roadeo, as well as the De Rosa Corum (not lugged) and custom builders,
> > Jeff Lyon and Circle A Cycles. I am very close to sending in a deposit
> > to Jeff Lyon because of his experience with building the type of
> > frames I'm interested in. However, I have resisted because I am drawn
> > to the Rivendell Roadeo since it is similar to what I would like Jeff
> > Lyon to build me. Also I am out in CA two or three times a year and
> > stay pretty close to where Rivendell is located. So, I can visit them
> > and test ride a similar frame to what I would be buying. They have 2
> > 55cm's built up and I'm a 52 or 53, so even though It's not my size I
> > can hopefully still get an idea of how it rides.
> > I also really like the De Rosa, but none of the shops I called keep
> > them in stock and if I am going to buy it locally I'd like to be able
> > to take it out for a spin to see how things feel. If I'm dropping over
> > 2k for that frame I might as well send my $ off to Lyon and let him
> > build me something since I couldn't test ride that either and is
> > probably more what I want.
> > That brings me back to the Rivendell and Lyon dilemma. I want a lugged
> > frame that is as light as practical and can fit fenders if I want to
> > use them. I like the Lyon option because for about the same as the
> > Rivendell I am getting something made just for me. However he is
> > relying on the measurements and info I provide to make the correct
> > frame. With the Riv bike I can visit them and let them take my
> > measurements to determine which size Roadeo is the best fit.
> > So I am really confused and am asking here to see which way some of
> > you would go.
> > Thanks!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[RBW] Re: Soma Riv

2010-01-08 Thread sjauch
Crazy!! Hopefully they'll use a nice steel, maybe Reynolds 525/531.

I'm heading out to Riv the end of this month. I'll try to get some

On Jan 8, 7:45 am, richard hargrove  wrote:
> Eric Norris wrote:
> > A Riv made with 4140 tubing? Let's hope Soma uses
> > some decent tubing for the frame ... and a flat fork crown.
> While Surly frames are made with 4140 cromo, currently all Soma frames
> are made with Tange Prestige tubing. I'd always assumed Tange Prestige
> was not plain cromo.
> As to what the actual specs for the Soma/Riv frame will be, we can
> only await word from either.
> richard
> --
> Really, the biggest challenge we face is figuring out how to ride our
> bikes while maintaining the illusion that we're special. For some of
> us, the truth that we're not is even scarier than all that motor
> vehicle traffic.
> -- BikeSnobNYC
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[RBW] Re: hmm new frames in the frame specials

2010-08-12 Thread sjauch
I love the crown on that frame. Makes me want a custom just to have a
bike with that.

On Aug 11, 9:26 pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
> drool...
> /drool
> That is the most awesome-ness bike in the world.
> I really wish they kept it a Rivendell and sold it as is.
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Jim M.  wrote:
> > Yes, it's that one. They've added some braze-ons: rear canti mounts,
> > rack mounts, rear brake cable guides. I see it as a very cool fixed-
> > gear or SS monstercross machine.
> > jim
> > On Aug 11, 9:38 am, jlvota  wrote:
> > > This one?
> > >http://tinyurl.com/25wtlp8
> > > On Aug 11, 11:17 am, Esteban  wrote:
> > > > I wonder if that Renovelo is the much-discussed, confounding custom
> > > > seen in the Joe Bell booth at SDCBS.
> > > > Esteban
> > > > San Diego, Calif.
> > > > On Aug 11, 8:32 am, "Jim M."  wrote:
> > > > > I stopped by RBW yesterday and Keven said the Hunq's will be in next
> > > > > week. They have one Renovelo hanging on the wall. Track ends, canti
> > > > > mounts, and fits wide 650b. Very pretty green. I don't know why they
> > > > > haven't advertised it yet.
> > > > > jim m
> > > > > wc ca
> > > > > On Aug 10, 8:35 pm, Mike  wrote:
> > > > > > Yeah, that's pretty cool, but when are we gonna see some Renovelos
> > and
> > > > > > more importantly Hunqapillars.
> > > > > > --mike- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -
> > --
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> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> "One man's religion is another man's belly laugh."
> --Robert A. Heinlein- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Renovelo Frames

2010-08-20 Thread sjauch
Hmm, "That One" is just my size. Would make a sweet trail bike. So
tempting at that price!

On Aug 20, 3:19 pm, Philip Williamson 
> Such a good thing that it's too small for me.
> The Renovelos are a lot cheaper than I expected them to be...
> especially That One.
>  Philip
> On Aug 20, 10:17 am, "Jim M."  wrote:
> > And the sweet green single speed has now been 
> > posted:http://www.rivbike.com/products/show/renovelo-frames/40-029
> > Not my size -- a good thing for my wallet.
> > jim m
> > On Aug 19, 3:01 pm, cm  wrote:
> > > First of'em posted on riv.com.
> > > Cant wait to see them.
> > > Cheers!
> > > cm- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Help me choose a Rivendell

2010-09-08 Thread sjauch
Roadeo and you can get it painted any color you want for no extra
charge. So you can get that orange you like.

On Sep 8, 9:40 am, James Warren  wrote:
> The Rambouillet also has the best name ever given to a bike.
> -Original Message-
> >From: "Frederick, Steve" 
> >Sent: Sep 8, 2010 9:36 AM
> >To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> >Subject: RE: [RBW] Re: Help me choose a Rivendell
> >The Rambly might be 1/2 degree slacker, the Roadeo fits bigger tires and 
> >uses a slightly lighter tubeset I believe...if I didn't have a Rambly 
> >already (and too many other bikes as well) the Roadeo would be on my (very) 
> >short list!  I do slightly prefer the Rambouillet headbadge and graphics but 
> >not enough to be a single deciding factor.
> >Steve
> >-Original Message-
> >From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> >[mailto:rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com]on Behalf Of Johnny Alien
> >Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 7:49 PM
> >To: RBW Owners Bunch
> >Subject: [RBW] Re: Help me choose a Rivendell
> >Rambouillets show up from time to time in my size in good shape. They
> >have similar geometry to Roadeo's?
> >On Sep 7, 7:46 pm, William  wrote:
> >> It sounds like I'd +1 the Roadeo or Rambu course, then.
> >> On Sep 7, 4:40 pm, Johnny Alien  wrote:
> >> > > Are you going to use drop bars on this next Riv?  Do you have a drop
> >> > > bar bike now?
> >> > My Bleriot has drops, my MB-2 has Bullmoose.   Drops are my favorite
> >> > bars so at least for now I don't think I would choose anything else.
> >> > $2k is not a deal breaker.  It sounds like you guys confirm my initial
> >> > feelings.
> >--
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> >athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> >--
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[RBW] Re: New Thoughts on Saddle Height?

2010-09-27 Thread sjauch
Saddle height is very person specific. I went with Riv method of PBH
minus 10 for a saddle height of 72cm. Earlier this year I developed
knee pain that prevented me from riding for 2 months. I went to a
fitter who raised my saddle by 1.5cm and it has made a world of
difference. This was in addition to adjusting the cleats on my shoes.

It can't hurt to play around. The fitter had my bike hooked up to some
fancy trainer that measured watt output and noticed an increase with
the changed made. It was a pretty interesting experience.

On Sep 27, 5:55 am, Ken Freeman  wrote:
> Another thing is that triathletes usually have their saddles placed farther
> forward and higher up than do road riders - different strokes for different
> sports!  His advice might not be right for you.
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 5:53 AM, Ken Freeman wrote:
> > I start with my PBH measurement, then multiply by 1.09.  I set the saddle
> > to this height measuring along the seat tube from the axis of the pedal to
> > the top of the saddle with the lower crank arm in line with the seat tube.
> > I do this with the saddle level and centered on the saddle clamp.  Then I
> > ride-test it.
> > Usually the bars are already in the correct position for me, which is about
> > 2 cm below the saddle.  If not, I change them.
> > After this I have some rules for troubleshooting.  I don't know if I should
> > go into detail.
> > The best shop fitting I had was when the coach used a goniometer to measure
> > and set my knee angle at pedal bottom - between 25 and 30 degrees is the
> > usual convention.  This fitter used KOPS to set the saddle fore/aft
> > position.
> > The most critical thing is to get as much leg extension as you can without
> > causing your hips to rock painfully.
> > Will the simple knee extension rule do it for you?  Only you can find out,
> > but if another good rider says, "you look a little low," it's reasonable to
> > see if going up, maybe 1/8 inch at a time, does you any good without adding
> > negatives - there are a lot of ways to look at it these days.
> > Sometimes it takes a few hours or days to tell if a change brings negative
> > effects with it.  Try to mark or record your old position to be able to go
> > back to the old position if it doesn't work.  There is such a thing as going
> > too far too fast with a change, having some pain, and needing to go back to
> > where you were.  Sometimes you need to do this while out on a ride.  Think
> > of that classic professional rider (forgot who) who carried wrenches to
> > set his saddle in the middle of TdF stages!
> > On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:16 AM, travis.ha...@gmail.com <
> > travis.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> 2 centimeters, 4/5 of an inch? That's quite a bit. Did anyone ever
> >> offer observation to you that your hips were rocking when you
> >> pedaled?
> >> The other rule of foot-length is that heels just touching the pedals
> >> when the leg is fully extended implies the "right" bend at the knee
> >> when the distance from heel to place-of-foot over pedal is added. That
> >> said, common advice is that for many riders,  moving cleats a bit
> >> behind the ball of the foot instead of under them is a better, if not
> >> most powerful position. That would imply a lower saddle, but just
> >> several mm. lower.
> >> On Sep 27, 10:28 am, Jeremy Till  wrote:
> >> > If you want to double check, you could measure your pubic bone height
> >> > (PBH) using the method on the rivendell site and then apply their
> >> > formula for seat height, which is PBH minus 10-10.5cm.  I did this
> >> > recently and ended up lowering my saddles about 2 cm.  So far, my
> >> > hamstrings are thanking me.  It also has the added advantage of
> >> > raising my bars by 2cm relative to my seat, making everything just
> >> > slightly more comfy cockpit-wise.
> >> > On Sep 26, 6:29 pm, GeorgeS  wrote:
> >> > > I rode my club's century today and as I was toiling up a hill, a young
> >> > > triathlete sort on a plastic thing (the tubes were not even round!)
> >> > > came by me and he said "Sir, you might want to raise your seat a bit
> >> > > so you'll get more leverage."  Unsolicited advice is so cool.  My
> >> > > immediate thought was to tell him that I had been riding bikes since
> >> > > before he was born, but I've been trying to keep my mouth out of gear
> >> > > so I didn't say anything.  But then I started thinking that back in
> >> > > the day, the rule of thumb, at least as it was passed down to me, was
> >> > > that when the pedal is in the 6 o'clock position, the knee should be
> >> > > very slightly bent.  I've been doing that with every bike I've set up
> >> > > for lo these many years.  Was that wrong?  Has there been any progress
> >> > > in thinking on this subject?
> >> > > GeorgeS
> >> --
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[RBW] Re: Speaking of the garage sale,

2010-09-28 Thread sjauch
Ahh, want to buy a plane ticket for the weekend.

Anyone want to buy me something cool??

On Sep 27, 5:26 pm, John Bennett  wrote:
> Jay, who is in charge, took a few pictures, just to give us all a hint
> of what we can expect on Saturday.
> http://www.rivbike.com/products/show/garage-sale-october-2-2010/01-009
> Hope to see you at 8:30 sharp, (but no sooner, so we can get it all
> set up and be fair to everyone, especially the punctual).
> Cheers,
> John at RBW HQ

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Bicycle Quarterly Summer 2010 issue

2010-10-16 Thread sjauch
I might have one I can send you. Let me check.

On Oct 16, 11:06 am, cyclotourist  wrote:
> I procrastinated too long, and only renewed after the Autumn issue came
> out.  The Summer one came out in the meantime.  It sounded like a good one,
> so wanted to get hold of it.
> Working on a trade, so everything works out well in the end.  :-)
> On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 7:23 AM, Jan Heine  wrote:
> >    -   I let my subscription lapse and missed the Summer issue. Anyone
> >    have one
> >    - they don't need?
> > It's very easy to keep your collection complete: If you select "Renew" when
> > you buy another year or two or three, we'll automatically re-start your
> > subscription with the issue you missed.
> > Jan Heine
> > Editor
> > Bicycle Quarterly
> > 2116 Western Ave.
> > Seattle WA 98121
> >http://www.vintagebicyclepress.com
> >  Follow our blog athttp://janheine.wordpress.com/
> > --
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> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> *...in terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
> probably benefit more from
> improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS

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[RBW] Re: NY/PA/NJ Rivendell Rally - Spring 2011

2010-11-15 Thread sjauch
Count me in and maybe my girlfriend if I can talk her into it. I'm in
NYC so something close would be nice, PA or southern NY.

On Nov 14, 8:59 am, Montclair BobbyB 
> I've come to realize that the average Rivendell rider is a bit more
> passionate about riding (and about life in general) than the average
> bike rider.  That alone makes me want to meet and ride with you all
> (even though I know that's not so practical).  Here on the east coast
> I haven't found too many Riv owners (yet)... but I hope to change
> that.  So I've got an idea in my head about arranging for a Rivendell
> Rally/Ride in the Spring.  I'm putting the word out now, in hopes that
> a few more folks in the East/Northeast will share an interest in an
> event like this.
> I'm looking to plan a weekend gathering/ride to take place somewhere
> perhaps in the Southern NY State / Northern PA area.  It could be
> point-to-point (with light gear) or 2 days of out-and-back, depending
> on the location.  The emphasis will be on finding scenic routes with a
> good combination of dirt roads, trails, and back roads... with few or
> no cars.  Oh, and there must be a nice inn/B&B at the end of the day
> that serves a good selection of beer and food... (I mean, no sense in
> roughing it, right???)
> If you're interested in joining (and/or have some good ideas for
> locations), please let me know.  Post here, or email me...
> montclairbob...@gmail.com
> Let the Rivendell Rally begin!!!
> Peace,
> BB

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[RBW] Discussion on a-homer-hilsen-geometry

2010-01-29 Thread sjauch
Does anyone know if there is a geo chart for sizes smaller than 57?


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[RBW] Re: Brooks has some new awesomeness

2010-02-12 Thread sjauch
And for that price you'd expect them to be made in the UK. Pretty sure
there from China.

On Feb 12, 12:15 pm, EricP  wrote:
> Panniers look nice.  But prices - wowser!  What's strange - I have
> some nice Ortlieb, but did two of my three S24O last year with Arkel
> Sackaroos.
> For handlebar bags, really starting to appreciate the hobo model more
> and more.  Can just cram it full of stuff and not worry.
> Eric Platt
> St. Paul, MN
> On Feb 12, 7:30 am, scott  wrote:
> > I was reading the new issue of Adventure Cycling this morning and
> > there is a nice article about touring the Brooks factory. At the end
> > of the article is a small mention of two new bags geared toward
> > touring cyclists, so I looked em up.
> > WOW! a handlebar bag and set of touring panniers. Super classy waxed
> > canvas and leather. Super spendy, but whatever.
> > The handlebar bag has a map holder that is secured by six replacement
> > spokes for your wheels. How amazing is that! And a D-shaped tool bag
> > fits into a slot on the front. I likes it.
> >http://www.brookssaddles.com/en/News_Page.aspx?id=090916.231040.40&fr...- 
> >Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Beautiful Roadeo

2010-02-25 Thread sjauch
Why are these specials always so big. That looks amazing!!

On Feb 24, 7:45 pm, James Warren  wrote:
> !!
> http://www.rivbike.com/products/show/roadeo-specials/40-010

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[RBW] Re: I Wanna Hunquapillar

2010-02-25 Thread sjauch
Are there any prototype photos of this frame around?

On Feb 24, 11:08 am, JimD  wrote:
> ...for the headbadge itself!
> Nifty-est head badge ever for my money. When it comes to that money  
> thing, can't get another bike right now.
> Bring on the marketing collateral.
> Belt buckles?
> Posters?
> Cycling Caps?
> A Hunquapillar Jersey?
> Ok, I'll settle for the t-shirt.
> -JimD

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[RBW] Re: Schwalbe Kojak vs Jack Brown

2010-03-03 Thread sjauch
I asked Mark about which tire he prefers when I ordered my Roadeo,
here is his reply:

"I like both tires but if I had to pick just one, I would go with the
Kojaks.  They cost more, but will last longer and are a bit tougher
than the JB Greens at about the same weight."

On Mar 2, 6:48 pm, rperks  wrote:
> Who among us has ridden both and can compare?  I really enjoy my Jack
> Brown greens, but the pictures of the Kojaks on various bikes ar
> RBWWHQ have got me wondering.  Deep Google searches turn up mostly
> recumbant love.
> Rob

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[RBW] Re: roadeo, first ride

2010-03-05 Thread sjauch
Ahh, killing me. My frame is on the brown truck today to be delivered.
Can't wait to start building tomorrow!!!

On Mar 4, 7:32 pm, dpco  wrote:
> i rode my new roadeo on its maiden voyage. just a super bike. 40mi.,
> rolling hills around plymouth, ca.
> build as follows: 59cm roadeo, mary's blue
>                         campy chorus aluminum 10spd brifters, centaur
> derailleurs
>                         nitto pearl stem, 44 noodles, nitto stainless
> bottle cages
>                         shimano ultegra headset and r600 brakeset
>                         thomson seatpost with brooks b-17ti saddle
>                         ta zephyr crankset, 50-34, philwood bb
>                         record hubs, velocity aero and aero oc silver
> rims, 12-25 chorus cassette
>                         700x28 grand bois cerf tires(75lbs front,
> 85lbs rear)
> sincerely, don

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[RBW] Re: Best Riv for Centuries, Charity Rides, Supported Touring

2010-03-11 Thread sjauch
Roadeo does sound like it would fit the bill. A larger saddle bag like
the Kevins Bag stated above or maybe even the Mark's Rack with the
Small Trunksack. You can fit a lot in there.


On Mar 11, 2:27 pm, Bill Connell  wrote:
> I'll pile on with the Rodeo, or the new Amos frame. I've done a few
> centuries on my Redwood (simpler version of the Rambouillet) with just
> a saddlebag and sometimes a bar bag. It sounds like you're a light
> traveler, and a medium saddlebag easily holds enough tools, spare
> tubes, snacks, etc. for a ride like that.
> --
> Bill Connell
> St. Paul, MN
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:33 AM, D. Goff  wrote:
> > Are you set up with bar ends or STI?
> > Also, can't tell from the website but I would want to put a light rack
> > on it.  I'm never buying a bike again that can't carry a sandwich and
> > an apple.  Seems like the AMOS, if it happens, will have the rack
> > attachments.
> > The people I ride with tend to grind these rides out at 16-18 mph so I
> > need to be able to keep up with them.  Not planning on fendering this
> > bike as I live in Utah, this will be a summer bike, and the only
> > reason to ride in the rain here is if it was sunny when I left.  Plus,
> > I will have the loaded touring bike for grimy weather.
> > Thanks for your post.
> > On Mar 10, 9:36 pm, dpco  wrote:
> >> sorry for the reply to the reply.
> >> in addition, my roadeo is not setup to be light. i have a nitto pearl
> >> stem, noodle bars, brooks saddle, etc. the bike is , obviously,
> >> heavier than the current crop of "mcrb's". but, i still keep up with
> >> my club buddies on all the different roads.
> >> bottom line, the roadeo is a great bike, very responsive to
> >> accelerating up short hills, and incredibly stable on fast,winding
> >> downhills. in addition, the rider can have tires up to 33's. where can
> >> you go wrong? i run 700x28 grand gois 75lbs fr, 85lbs r. anyway, you
> >> just can't go wrong with a "roadeo".
> >> very sincerely, don c.
> >> On Mar 10, 8:22 pm, dpco  wrote:
> >> > i ride club rides and a few centuries. i, regrettably, sold my ram and
> >> > thought that i had sold my savior for centuries. well, i fixed the
> >> > problem. i bought a "roadeo". i live in california and have never used
> >> > fenders. but, i love the handling benefit of the longer chain stays of
> >> > the rivs. the bikes are just very stable and it is on fast downhills,
> >> > that i really appreciate this. the supported century rides offer food,
> >> > so, i just need a few tubes and the small set of tools.
> >> > sincerely, don c.
> >> > On Mar 10, 4:58 pm, "D. Goff"  wrote:
> >> > > Looking at the current fleet, which Rivendell would be preferred for
> >> > > Centuries, Charity Rides and Supported Touring to replace a
> >> > > Specialized Carbon/Aluminum Roubaix?  I am already considering a
> >> > > Hunqa, Soma Saga, Thorn or similar to replace a mountain bike for
> >> > > commuting, loaded touring.
> > --
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[RBW] Speaking of Roadeo's, I'm loving mine.

2010-03-18 Thread sjauch
I'm digging my new ride, a 55cm Roadeo, so I just wanted to show off a
little. I've uploaded some photos to the Flickr groups, but incase
some of you haven't checked there lately, here it is:


In January I visited the Riv. shop and test rode Mark's 55. At the
time I was thinking the 53cm would be the right size but after talking
to Jay and Mark I went with the 55cm and am happy I did. This is the
largest bike I own so was nervous that it was going to be too big. Now
that I'm riding it though the sizing makes sense and am glad I didn't
go smaller. I'm 5'7 with 81cm PBH, 71cm seat height. Currently using
30mm of spacers and stem is zero degree. I originally had it flipped
for a positive angle, but am a bit more comfortable with some drop.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to get out and do a real ride and
have only commuted on it. Have about 100mi on it now.

I decided to go with the standard white/blue color. I was really
excited by the option to choose a paint color for no additional cost,
but in the end couldn't decide on any one color and really liked the
clean look of the white with blue. The only thing I wish I did get was
d/t shifter bosses.

I had been looking for a new road bike for about a year. I wanted
something more comfortable than what I currently have, a '05
Specialized Allez Comp. I had considered the custom route for a frame
but couldn't make up my mind. When I saw the Roadeo released it really
interested me as it was the exact kind of frame I was considering
having made. Being able to go to Riv and check out the bike and take
it for a spin is what sealed the deal for me instead of going the
custom route. I intend to use this bike for regular weekend road
riding and am going to try the Randonneur thing this year, first 200k
is coming up April 10th.

Group: Ultegra 6600SL; 34/50 Chain rings, 170mm arms
Brakes: Shimano R-650
Cassette: Sram 1070, 12-26
Chain: Ultegra 6600
Bars: Easton EC90 Equipe (Gasp, carbon. Plan on replacing with alum.,
just need to find something with the same shape. Love these bars.)
Stem: Easton EA70 - 90mm
Headset: Cane Creek Classic 100
Seatpost: Ultegra
Saddle: Selle Italia C2 Flow (White one on the way, but might be over
the top.)
Wheels: Shimano Dura-Ace hubs 7800/7850, Mavic Open Pro, DT Swiss
Comp, Schwalbe Kojak's (Never road tires this wide, can't believe what
I was missing. Running these at 80psi, s comfortable.)
Pedals: Ultegra

Weight as pictured, without tool roll and pump but with pedals and
saddle, about 20lbs.

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[RBW] Re: What's the right saddle for a Roadeo?

2010-03-18 Thread sjauch
The only right one is the one your butt agrees with.

On Mar 18, 3:37 pm, usuk2007  wrote:
> I've seen the Roadeo with B17's and maybe Fizik saddles, but not one
> with a Brooks Swift or Swallow which would seem to be the ideal way to
> go. Classic, but made to ride fast and they still have bag loops.

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[RBW] Re: Amos?

2010-04-20 Thread sjauch
It's going to be pink.

On Apr 20, 12:22 pm, "D. Goff"  wrote:
> Any new rumors on the Amos?
> --
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[RBW] Re: Guess I don't get down to the basement much

2010-04-21 Thread sjauch
If only I had a basement to hide things in. Lucky you!

On Apr 21, 3:13 am, Me  wrote:
> ...just walked down into our basement to get a tool, looked over to my
> right and was curious what was in one of our many boxes from our
> various relocations in the past 3 years [first, from the NYC area to
> Minnesota, and then, now, to Portland, OR].
> Ha, completely forgot I have a brand new, totally un-built Rivendell
> 'Bleriot' frameset with all the parts sitting in a box.  Some nice
> parts too: lugged stem, Noodles, Paul 'Racer' brakes, TA rings and a
> beautiful daVinci crankset... all sitting in there, all new and
> unopened.
> Box next to it, a brand new wheelset of Velocity 650B 'Synergy' rims,
> laced to a SON hub for the front and for the rear, a Chris King
> cassette hub.
> Me thinks I am going to finally build this thing up and try out the
> whole 650B thang.
> **no wonder my wife continually reminds me I am an idiot**
> -Scott
> --
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[RBW] Re: 5 boro bike ride in New York City?

2010-04-21 Thread sjauch
I'm not doing the 5Boro ride, I heard it's kind of a frustrating. I do
live in NYC though and wouldn't mind meeting up for some food and a
short spin.

On Apr 21, 2:59 pm, rb  wrote:
> Anyone on this list (or the Kog or Ibob) going? I will be taking the
> train down from the Berkshires, would be nice to organize a meetup
> (maybe a little side trip through some of the more esoteric dining
> spots in the outer boros as well?) .  Ron
> --
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[RBW] Re: FS: Trek 330 or if no interest, parts as listed below

2010-04-28 Thread sjauch
Sweet, if only it were my size. That's a nice price too.

On Apr 28, 1:38 am, cyclotourist  wrote:
> Third time's the charm...
> 1988 Trek 330 with Reynolds 531 tubing.  61cm frame.  Built up with Nitto
> Noodles & Tech Dlx, Brooks Champion special.  Flip flop rear hub.  Box o'
> parts.
> $275 for local pick up, $300 + actual if 
> shipped.http://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclotourist/sets/72157623677638509/
> OR... if still no interest, then I'll part it out as follows:
> Frame/Fork/Headset - $75 local, $90 + actual if shipped (cranks included for
> $20 more)
> Nitto Noodles - 46cm heat treated - nearly new $60 shipping included (might
> be sold already)
> Nitto Technomic Deluxe - 8cm - nearly new - $45 shipping included
> Brooks B17 Champion Special - honey - well used - $75 shipping included
> Wheelset $100 + actual if shipped
>                 Rear: flip flop hub with 18T & 16T Shimano freewheels.
> Mavic Open Sport 36 spoke. nearly new
>                 Front:  original SR Sakae hub with Weinman rim.  Original,
> but is fine.
> Crankset & BB:  Sakae SX - 170mm with low 148mm Q factor. 40X38 rings, extra
> new 46 ring.  Real nice. $35 shipping included
> Tektro R200 brake levers - nearly new - $25 shipping included
> Redline BMX pedals (very similar to MKS pedals) - nearly new $25 shipping
> included
> Dia Compe AX5000 calipers 45-57mm reach.  MUCH nicer than current side
> pulls.  Real light, good feel.  $20 shipping included.
> Frame pump, lights, lock, tubes, Jandd bags - all nearly new - make me an
> offer.
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> "Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There is something
> wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym."  ~Bill Nye,
> scientist guy
> --
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[RBW] Re: OT: Going to Bespoke Bicycle Show - Need Camera Tech Device

2010-05-14 Thread sjauch
Just a heads up, photography is not permitted at the show. Sorry to
bring the bad news.

On May 14, 8:39 am, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> Thank you Phillip.
> I did find the brochure on line.  Curiously, it does not go into the
> detail on the settings provided by some of the others here.  The focus
> seems to be more on the gee whiz tech stuff that allows you to save
> multiple copies and the like.
> Certainly nothing along the lines of remembering to shoot the builder
> name or getting candid shots of fellow visitors.
> I hope the lighting in the Museum will be pretty good.  For those of
> you not familiar, the Museum of Arts and Design is in the remodeled
> Durell Building on the Columbus Circle.  While the remodel was
> somewhat controversial, I have read good things about the final
> product.
> Should be fun to see the building and the bike exhibit.
> On May 14, 1:31 am, Philip Williamson 
> wrote:
> > I use the P "program" option on my Sony 828 ("vintage!") to force a
> > higher ISO. Lighting at bike shows generally blows, but museum
> > lighting is much better.
> > OT on your OT - I've learned to try to shoot the builder's name first
> > (headbadge, downtube or booth banner), then a full bike picture, then
> > the details. The full-bike picture usually has a blown-out highlight
> > right across the builder's name ("Biloxi? Bildung? Bilenky?")  I'm
> > always surprised by the cool stuff I completely missed when I was
> > actually standing in front of the bike.
> > I also like to take pictures (bandito portraiture) of people at
> > museums and parades, but I've never done it at bike shows.
> >  Philip
> > On May 13, 6:39 pm, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> > > Heading out to NYC for the weekend and first part of next week.
> > > Definitely plan to visit the Bespoke Bicycle Exhibit at the Museum of
> > > Arts and Design.
> > > Last year someone gave me an Olympus digital camera.  In one of my mad
> > > recycling binges, I must have recycled the brochure, as it is no where
> > > to be found.
> > > There is a knob on top with picture settings.  On the knob is the word
> > > Auto (which is how I have always used it)  But there are also a P, A,
> > > S M, M in some sort of a box, and Scene.
> > > A lot of you here seem to be quite camera handy.  It seems to me
> > > perhaps one of these settings may be better than the other for taking
> > > photos in a modern museum setting.   But which?
> > > --
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[RBW] Re: camping around nyc

2010-05-14 Thread sjauch
Bear Mountain also has camping.

On May 14, 4:08 pm, Curtis Schmitt  wrote:
> Floyd Bennett Field is probably the closest
> --
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[RBW] Re: Bike Snob in Rivendell!

2010-06-07 Thread sjauch
Great book. Should be required reading for drivers and cyclists.

On Jun 7, 4:06 pm, manueljohnacosta 
> Eben Weiss book is on sale at Rivendell! Not bad of a book, I do say
> so myself. Good quick read, glad that Grant wrote a review of that
> book. Interesting to say the least. Curious on anyone opinions on this
> book?

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[RBW] Re: bombadil and overloaded ahh

2010-07-21 Thread sjauch
Very nice! I'll be on the lookout for these two bikes.

On Jul 21, 9:55 am, jamison brosseau 
> this is my first time sharing online photos so im a novice. hey just a
> quick link to a few photos of my new bombadil, build will be finished
> today, more photos later, and and overloaded AHH.  The bombadil is a
> very typical riv build.
> thanks jamison
> http://tinyurl.com/284uzvl

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[RBW] Re: East Coast Rivendells / BOBs

2012-02-15 Thread sjauch
Another NYC (Queens) Riv owner. It's a Roadeo.

Perhaps we need a NYC meetup/ride.

On Feb 15, 11:43 am, Peter Morgano  wrote:
> I am a proud Brooklyn Rivster, you can see me on the Bay Ridge bike path on
> my Hilsen on nights and weekends since I have a full time job and a kid at
> home.  I am occasionally at prospect park but too many "Lance types" there
> just annoy the hell out of me.  I must admit I am jealous of the year round
> riding of many members on the west coast though but riding in NYC is a
> beast all its own. In my neighborhood all I usually get are old guys on old
> bikes, delivery guys on electric bikes and homeless people on girls x-mart
> bikes. I do get stares on my Hilsen which is probably more due to the bags
> and fenders which you just dont see around here that often. If any fellow
> NYC rivsters want to do a Prospect Park or Central Park ride one day when
> it gets nice hit me up, I have a buddy who I ride with alot who has a
> Peugot XO who always gets more compliments than me, such is brooklyn, haha.
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Steve Palincsar  wrote:
> > On Wed, 2012-02-15 at 06:28 -0800, Peter Pesce wrote:
> > > Joe-
> > > I know there's at least one other NYC Riv guy on here, and a few in
> > > CT, MA, DC and you can't miss BobbyB from NJ.
> > > I live in CT and work in Manhattan. I ride my QB or LHT to the station
> > > every day and take the train in.
> > For several years, there's been a NYC area off-road ride in the vicinity
> > of one of the Westchester Cty reservoirs.  Can't remember for sure if
> > it's been announced here, or on the iBOB list, but I'm about 70%
> > confident it was here.
> > --
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[RBW] Re: Any New York Rivendellish shops?

2012-04-11 Thread sjauch
NYC Velo in the East Village is a great shop. They have lots of cool
frames hanging up.

On Apr 11, 1:33 pm, Chris  wrote:
> I bought a toddler helmet for my son at Adeline.  It's set up more like a
> fashion/clothing store (which is the owner's background) than a bike shop.
>  Super comfortable to browse in there.  It lacks the technical inclination
> of a Rivish shop, though.  Accessories offerings include quite a few baby
> seats, Brooks accessories and baskets.  Bikes are mostly Linus and Pashley.
> It's somewhat out of the way for out-of-town visitors though.  You can make
> a stop there after touring Wall St and 9/11 Memorial, I suppose.
> On Wednesday, April 11, 2012 12:23:45 PM UTC-4, grant wrote:
> > Adeline Adeline?
> > Seen it from the outside...it was closed.
> > Might bet Rivish.  Worth look, tho.
> > On Apr 10, 3:32 pm, Manuel Acosta 
> > wrote:
> > > Planning on heading to New York with the lady friend for spring break.
> > Like
> > > any good couple we already picked a day "to ourselves" where we get to
> > see
> > > the beauty of New York without each other. (It's a interesting
> > relationship
> > > I know but hey it works for us.) My general belief is that the best way
> > to
> > > see a traffic ridden city is via bike. Not so sure if I want to bring my
> > > own bike to New York or if I want to rent one there. Anyone recommend
> > any
> > > good bike shops to rent/see/visit/gawk at in the Big Apple? Better yet
> > > anyone free to take a spin while I'm there?
> > > -Manny- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] FS: 55cm Roadeo, F/F/HS

2012-09-06 Thread sjauch
Selling my Roadeo which is about 2 years old. Some paint chips around the 
rear dropouts and a small chip in the top tube that's been touched up but 
still visible.
I'd like to get $1350 shipped. This is for the Frameset, Cane Creek Classic 
100 headset and if you need the 9cm stem & steerer shim. 
There are photos here: 
If you have any questions or would like any more photos please let me know.



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[RBW] Re: FS: 55cm Roadeo, F/F/HS

2012-09-12 Thread sjauch
Still for sale, how about $1250 shipped?

On Thursday, September 6, 2012 9:43:24 AM UTC-4, sjauch wrote:

> Hi,
> Selling my Roadeo which is about 2 years old. Some paint chips around the 
> rear dropouts and a small chip in the top tube that's been touched up but 
> still visible.
> I'd like to get $1350 shipped. This is for the Frameset, Cane Creek 
> Classic 100 headset and if you need the 9cm stem & steerer shim. 
> There are photos here: 
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/ironsightimages/sets/72157623465484739/
> If you have any questions or would like any more photos please let me know.
> Thanks.
> <https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-vOpKyf0EEQQ/UEiocx_y3VI/AYU/oRuGuK1_az0/s1600/Roadeo+HT.jpg>

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[RBW] Re: Was gonna buy a Riv but didnt...

2011-07-22 Thread sjauch
I currently own a Roadeo. I was considering a AHH but then decided to
go custom and got a Capricorn. For pretty much the same price as the
AHH I got custom geo and braze-on Racers. Can't comment on how it
rides yet as I haven't built it up. http://flic.kr/p/9KevBD

On Jul 21, 10:42 pm, cm  wrote:
> I read/heard/ imagined recently that lots of people who buy Rivendells then
> go on to buy a custom/semi-custom bike from another company-- in most cases
> something that is comparable to an existing Rivendell model. For instance
> buying a Kirk instead of a Rodeo or Custom. I was curious if there is any
> truth to this, if anyone out there will admit to it, and what the reasons
> are. Something to the tune of "I got a ___ instead of a Rivendell
> __ because ___".
> I got a Terraferma single speed instead of a Rivendell SimpleOne because I
> got tired of waiting.
> Cheers!
> cm

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[RBW] Re: NYC S24O

2011-09-01 Thread sjauch
Heck yeah, count me in. Haven't been bike camping in over a year.

On Aug 31, 9:27 pm, mizrachi  wrote:
> Any fellow New Yorkers up for a sub 24 overnighter at some point in
> the near future?

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