[RBW] Re: Bombadil and Hunqapillar origins: The definitive thread

2023-02-20 Thread Gino Zahnd
In 2008 I rode the Bomba prototype for a few weeks. Here are my photos from 

And my review of it in 2008:

On Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 8:16:08 AM UTC-7 eric...@gmail.com wrote:

> It seems the Bombadil and Hunqapillar frames are beloved. They're stout, 
> beautiful, and sometimes have intricate additional tubes and lugs. While 
> I've done a lot of reading about Rivendell I was a bit unclear on the 
> origins and intended uses of these frames. 
> I wanted to start a thread where we could share and dump info about these 
> bikes along with pictures of builds. 
> Joe and Jim were helpful in laying out a bit of background in another 
> thread 
> , 
> there's 
> some great info there. 
> The original Hunqapillar catalog is up here: 
> http://notfine.com/rivendell/Brochures/Rivendell%20Frames%20Hunqapillar.pdf
> The first mention I can find of the Bombadil is in RR 41, sometime in 
> 2009. Excerpted pages attached. As a few members might recall I am very 
> into raw frames with brass spilling out of the lugs! I know that many 
> Bombadil owners have had their frames repainted like Jason Fuller, whose 
> absolute stunner shows up here from time to time. By the way, the picture 
> below is one of my very favorite Rivendell images. 
> [image: Jason Bombadil green.jpg]
> There's also the butter-banana Bombadil that recently sold on eBay. I 
> believe that one was purchased by John Watson of the Radavist (and he's got 
> a Hunq) so we might see some nice pics of that bike sometime soon. 
> [image: s-l1600-2.jpg]
> And speaking of, here's John's Hunqapillar, more images and write-up here 
> .
> [image: Johns-Rivendell-Hunqapillar-29er-Klunker-76.jpg] 
> Are both of these frame names borrowing from Tolkien? I understand RBW had 
> to stop using Tolkien names. 

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[RBW] FS: 58cm Rivendell Rambouillet

2011-03-03 Thread Gino Zahnd
I'm selling my light-and-fast Rambouillet in the SF area. It's a
complete bike with go-fast parts, plus an extra wheelset and tires,
and the original brakes. I'm the original owner.


58cm Rivendell Rambouillet, frenchy blue
Ultegra headset
42cm Nitto Noodle bar
Fizik nice-to-the-touch bar wrap
10cm Nitto Technomic Deluxe stem
PAUL Racer-M brakes (the first centerbolt pair ever mounted to a bike.
Dura-Ace 9spd STI shifters
Ultegra rear derailer
Ultegra compact crank 172.5mm, 50x34
Ultegra cassette 12x27
Ultegra chain
Ultegra 6700 hubs laced to Mavic Open Pro rims with DT Swiss spokes
Ultegra skewers
105 front derailer
Conti Gator 4-Season 28c tires
Honjo smooth fenders
Nitto Crystal Fellow seatpost
Always willing, ever able.

It also comes with the original Araya/105 wheelset with cassette, a
pair of Panaracer Paselas, and the original Shimano medium reach

No pedals, no saddle.

Nearly the entire bike has been upgraded, and all the upgraded stuff
has less than a year of use in it. As with all my bikes, everything is
well maintained. There are a few paint scuffs on the seatstays from
the RBW Silver Hupe (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gzahnd/249888452/),
and on eyelets from using a rack here and there, but it's an 8.5 or 9
out of 10 overall.

Here's a history of its life:

And the current incarnation:
Embiggened: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gzahnd/5030599553/lightbox/


Cash only. Local pickup in San Francisco only. No shipping.

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[RBW] Austin bike borrowing or rental

2011-03-10 Thread Gino Zahnd

Myself and my business partner will be in Austin for SXSW starting
tomorrow, and we're thinking that getting away from downtown a bit
each evening will be a good thing.

So the question is: does anyone have a bike or two that we could
borrow? Beaters are perfectly fine. They'll be locked in our hotel
room, unless we're heading out to one of the central neighborhoods to
explore and eat.

If no loaners make their way to us, do you have recommendations for
bike rental shops?


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Re: [RBW] Re: Austin bike borrowing or rental

2011-03-10 Thread Gino Zahnd
I'm a 58 riv-wise, and he's a 54-56. 

Thanks for the info!

On Mar 10, 2011, at 7:50 PM, Cycletex  wrote:

> What size do ya'll ride? I'm guessing my 68cm bikes are too tall but I
> could ask around. There's also rentals from Bicycle Sport Shop and I
> talked to a couple of guys at NAHBS that picked up bikes on Craigslist
> for the week for around $100. Kind of a pain to hook up to buy though.
> Come to think of it, you might try calling Ozone Bike Dept. and seeing
> if they'd rent out one of their used bikes.
> On Mar 10, 7:30 pm, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
>> Folks,
>> Myself and my business partner will be in Austin for SXSW starting
>> tomorrow, and we're thinking that getting away from downtown a bit
>> each evening will be a good thing.
>> So the question is: does anyone have a bike or two that we could
>> borrow? Beaters are perfectly fine. They'll be locked in our hotel
>> room, unless we're heading out to one of the central neighborhoods to
>> explore and eat.
>> If no loaners make their way to us, do you have recommendations for
>> bike rental shops?
>> Thanks,
>> Gino
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.

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[RBW] FS: Musa pants (Beige/Olive, small)

2011-05-10 Thread Gino Zahnd
They're in 9 of 10 condition, maybe worn three times ever. It turns
out I prefer to ride in tight, stretchy shorts.

How about $30 shipped to the US of A?

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[RBW] Re: bummer

2009-09-18 Thread Gino Zahnd

That bike is probably in the basement at Pullins...

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 7:50 PM, Steve Kesling  wrote:
> I remember way back in 1970, my first night at Chico State, Dad dropped me
> off we said our goodbyes, I locked my beloved Dawes Galaxy with two bike
> locks at the bike racks and got up the next morning and what was left were
> two locks.  I wanted to go home quit college.  Well I got another Galaxy and
> the next 40 years is just history.  I'll never be without a bike again!
> Steve

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[RBW] Re: Levi's Granfondo

2009-09-20 Thread Gino Zahnd


On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 10:03 AM, reynoldslugs  wrote:
> Will there be any Rivendells on the Granfondo?

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[RBW] Re: S&S Recommendations

2009-09-27 Thread Gino Zahnd
I picked up my S&S-ified Saluki from Steve Rex last week. Steve is right up
there with Bilenky in terms of quality and craftsmanship. I had Russ PIckett
retouch the frame, and it looks brand new again. That Rex is just down the
road from Chico was a bonus.

Now I get to take it to the PNW soon, and to New Zealand for a month of
inn-to-inn touring in November/December.

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 10:09 PM, Lynne Fitz  wrote:

> I had my Bleriot frame retrofitted by Bilenky before I built it up.  I
> sprung for the wheeled hardcase, frame protectors, TSA net, and the
> PVC compression prevention bits.
> The bike has been to Europe twice, and flown domestically several
> times.  I have never been charged for it being a bike.  Once a
> curbside NWA guy tried...  "what's really in that case?"  Husband:
> "bike parts".  Ok then.
> Actually, I've never been charged to fly with it at all, but one of
> these days I'll have to pay to check luggage.
> To date, the TSA has not opened the case.  I do have a picture of the
> proper packing technique in the case, but that's probably dreaming.
> When I travel, I have so far left the racks at home, and manage with
> the Carradice Barley.  I also use Planet Bike Speedeze fenders, rather
> than the Honjos :-)
> Cheers,
> Lynne F
> On Sep 25, 9:39 am, Steve Palincsar  wrote:
> > On Fri, 2009-09-25 at 09:31 -0700, R Gonet wrote:
> > > Here's my two cents.  I would recommend Bilenky.  They do a lot of
> > > these and, while I have not had them do it for me, I have looked at a
> > > lot of their handiwork and they are masters.  They say they can do it
> > > without disturbing the paint job too much, which may be good enough
> > > for your bike.  Otherwise, for an additional charge, they can match
> > > the paint.  Now I'm not sure about this, but I think the company that
> > > markets the couplers doesn't recommend that every builder install
> > > them, but Bilenky is on their approved list.  Don't quote me on that,
> > > but if there is such a list, they're on it.  They are nice guys and
> > > trustworthy.
> >
> > Not just "on it," at the very top of it.  I think they're about the most
> > experienced builder when it comes to S&S retrofits.
> >

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[RBW] Bike rentals/demos in Seattle

2009-10-01 Thread Gino Zahnd

I'll be in Seattle next Monday for about a week, and I'm hoping to
have my recently coupled Saluki built back up by then to bring along.
But, if I can't get it finished, are there any shops in Seattle that
demo or rent decent bicycles? I'd like to get some decent day rides in
while I'm in town.


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[RBW] Re: Bike rentals/demos in Seattle

2009-10-01 Thread Gino Zahnd

Thanks for the info folks.

Davidson doesn't rent bikes, and Recycled rents some plastic and
aluminum bikes.  I'll try the others as well.  But hopefully I'll be
able to get my Saluki together...



On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 6:10 PM, RoadieRyan  wrote:
> Gino hope you enjoy your time in our emerald city
> This Ryan agrees with Ryan #1 above on the shop suggestions.
> All 3 of those shops are great.  Recycled Cycles happens to be right
> by the Gillman trail which is a decent place to get a ride in and goes
> 40 miles from Ballard (on the shore of Puget sound) to Marymoor Park
> in Redmond (where that little software maker is)  East of Seattle.
> A couple bike route resources as well:
> http://www.cityofseattle.net/transportation/bikemaps.htm
> http://www.cascade.org/community/maps_routes.cfm
> http://www.kingcounty.gov/transportation/kcdot/Roads/Bicycling.aspx
> RoadieRyan
> On Oct 1, 2:58 pm, rcnute  wrote:
>> Willkommen in Seattle.
>> Recycled Cycles in the University District rents 
>> bikes.http://www.recycledcycles.com/
>> Elliott Bay Bicycles (downtown) might--it's a fun place to stop anyway
>> and look.  http://www.elliottbaybicycles.com/
>> Free Range Cycles (Fremont) might--very Bob-ish kind of 
>> place.http://www.freerangecycles.com/
>> Ryan
>> On Oct 1, 2:23 pm, wrharper  wrote:
>> > You might try these guys.  http://montlakebike.com/rentals/prices.html
>> > I was in there a year or so ago, and recall that the selection was
>> > pretty decent.
>> > On Oct 1, 2:02 pm, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
>> > > I'll be in Seattle next Monday for about a week, and I'm hoping to
>> > > have my recently coupled Saluki built back up by then to bring along.
>> > > But, if I can't get it finished, are there any shops in Seattle that
>> > > demo or rent decent bicycles? I'd like to get some decent day rides in
>> > > while I'm in town.
>> > > Cheers,
>> > > Gino- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> >

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[RBW] Re: "NorCal" Riv ride: Sunday October 18th

2009-10-12 Thread Gino Zahnd

As far as I'm aware, it's still on. We in the north aren't chatty.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 3:05 PM, rinjin  wrote:
> Haven't heard much chatter about the NorCal Riv Ride lately. Looks
> like the weather should be ok once the rain rolls through. Can't wait
> to see the Bay Area again and meet some Riv'ers.
> Brian + Ram
> Park City, UT
> On Sep 9, 9:21 pm, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
>> I'm taking a stab on the date here, but Jim said nearly any Sunday,
>> and this is his idea. :-)
>> Event:NorCal™ Rivendell Ride
>> Date: Sunday, October 18
>> Start: Golden Gate bridge, south toll plaza lot
>> Time: 9:00am
>> Distance: 75 miles or so
>> Route:
>> (just the part to Pt. Reyes Station and back on these documents)
>> map:http://sfrandonneurs.org/assets/downloads/200kmap.pdf
>> cue sheet:http://sfrandonneurs.org/assets/downloads/200kcuesheet.pdf
>> Description:
>> See the cue sheet and map, which contains an elevation profile. It's
>> an out-and-back, so if you don't want to do the whole thing, it's easy
>> to turn back at any point.  Nicely maintained gravel is an option for
>> a small bit of this ride.
>> There is a brewery and coffee roaster in Fairfax, which is about half
>> way to Pt. Reyes Station. There's a great bakery in Pt. Reyes Station
>> that serves sweet and/or savory stuff (including pizza), and vegan
>> stuff; it's a great lunch stop. There are other food options on the
>> street in Pt. Reyes Station if you for some reason are anti-baker.
>> Bring your pals, especially if they ride a carbonium bike.
>> See you there!
>> Side Note:
>> For those interested, October 17 is the Lion of Fairfax cyclocross
>> race in Fairfax. I'm racing it, and I'm going to do my best to
>> convince Jim Edgar, and some of my Team Paul teammates to race as
>> well. More info here:http://www.bigswingincycles.com/
> >

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[RBW] Re: Roadeo art

2009-10-14 Thread Gino Zahnd

Nice. Russ Pickett in Chico (a.k.a. Joe Bell North) is an equal to Joe
Bell, for those interested in the best.


On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Eric Norris  wrote:
> I realize the Roadeo on the Riv site is just a prototype, but FWIW Joe Bell
> would never let a messy masking job like that leave his shop.  Here's a
> sample of his lug masking--the dividing line between the colors runs exactly
> down the middle of the lip of the lug.  Simply amazing.
> http://campyonly.com/images/richardsachs/mysachs3/Dscn1689_800.jpg
> He also hand-painted the head badge on my Cinelli:
> http://campyonly.com/images/mystuff/2006/cinelli-red/IMG_0174_800.jpg
> Needless to say, I wholeheartedly recommend his work.
> --Eric
> campyonly...@me.com
> www.campyonly.com
> www.wheelsnorth.org
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 8:09 PM, cyclotourist wrote:
> More pics of the headbadge on the painted frame (scroll down to bottom):
> http://www.rivbike.com/products/list/bicycle_models#product=50-618
> Looking good!
> On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 9:54 AM, RoadieRyan  wrote:
>> Agreed love the head badge, looking forward to seeing it with color.
>> I also like the job that Riv does with headbadges and decals but I
>> have to admit
>> Betty Foy kind of scares me.
>> On Sep 11, 8:02 am, Bill Connell  wrote:
>> > On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 8:45 PM, Mike  wrote:
>> >
>> > > I just noticed this posted on the Riv website:
>> >
>> > >http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/knothole_post/155
>> >
>> > > I really like the headbadge and lettering for the tubes. The Roadeo is
>> > > shaping up to be a winner.
>> >
>> > I agree, i love the decal work on the recent batch of new frames; the
>> > center line art and the asymmetry. They were good before, but even
>> > better lately. Kudos indeed to Grant and the graphic artist on these.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Bill Connell
>> > St. Paul, MN
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> "Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There is something
> wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym."  ~Bill Nye,
> scientist guy
> >

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[RBW] Re: "NorCal" Riv ride: Sunday October 18th

2009-10-15 Thread Gino Zahnd
Yep and yep.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 3:04 PM, jim g  wrote:

> Is this still happening?
> Wondering whether I should dust off the R(650)B-1...
> -Jim G
> On Oct 12, 4:41 pm, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
> > As far as I'm aware, it's still on. We in the north aren't chatty.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 3:05 PM, rinjin  wrote:
> >
> > > Haven't heard much chatter about the NorCal Riv Ride lately. Looks
> > > like the weather should be ok once the rain rolls through. Can't wait
> > > to see the Bay Area again and meet some Riv'ers.
> >
> > > Brian + Ram
> > > Park City, UT
> >
> > > On Sep 9, 9:21 pm, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
> > >> I'm taking a stab on the date here, but Jim said nearly any Sunday,
> > >> and this is his idea. :-)
> >
> > >> Event:NorCal™ Rivendell Ride
> > >> Date: Sunday, October 18
> > >> Start: Golden Gate bridge, south toll plaza lot
> > >> Time: 9:00am
> > >> Distance: 75 miles or so
> >
> > >> Route:
> > >> (just the part to Pt. Reyes Station and back on these documents)
> > >> map:http://sfrandonneurs.org/assets/downloads/200kmap.pdf
> > >> cue sheet:http://sfrandonneurs.org/assets/downloads/200kcuesheet.pdf
> >
> > >> Description:
> > >> See the cue sheet and map, which contains an elevation profile. It's
> > >> an out-and-back, so if you don't want to do the whole thing, it's easy
> > >> to turn back at any point.  Nicely maintained gravel is an option for
> > >> a small bit of this ride.
> >
> > >> There is a brewery and coffee roaster in Fairfax, which is about half
> > >> way to Pt. Reyes Station. There's a great bakery in Pt. Reyes Station
> > >> that serves sweet and/or savory stuff (including pizza), and vegan
> > >> stuff; it's a great lunch stop. There are other food options on the
> > >> street in Pt. Reyes Station if you for some reason are anti-baker.
> >
> > >> Bring your pals, especially if they ride a carbonium bike.
> >
> > >> See you there!
> >
> > >> Side Note:
> > >> For those interested, October 17 is the Lion of Fairfax cyclocross
> > >> race in Fairfax. I'm racing it, and I'm going to do my best to
> > >> convince Jim Edgar, and some of my Team Paul teammates to race as
> > >> well. More info here:http://www.bigswingincycles.com/
> >

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[RBW] Re: "NorCal" Riv ride: Sunday October 18th

2009-10-18 Thread Gino Zahnd

Likewise. Thanks for coming out today everyone. It's good to put some
names and faces together! Good folks, food, scenery and weather made
for a great day out.


On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Ray Shine  wrote:
> To all you guys and gals on the NorCal ride today, thank you for the 
> excellent company (even though I kept forgetting all of your names), and 
> thnks for waiting up and putting up with me all day!.  Good ride.  My front 
> door back to front door read 80.02 miles.  It felt like it, and felt good.  
> See you all at the next ride…
> Ray Shine ( On the green Quickbeam)
> --- On Sat, 10/17/09, Esteban  wrote:
> From: Esteban 
> Subject: [RBW] Re: "NorCal" Riv ride: Sunday October 18th
> To: "RBW Owners Bunch" 
> Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 4:51 PM
> David - I used my "sarcasm" font, which doesn't come through on the
> list.
> But really - I wanted to do this.  I will try to see if we can get a
> ride together in January when it approaches.
> Someone take some photos!
> On Oct 17, 1:27 pm, CycloFiend  wrote:
> > on 10/17/09 1:11 PM, Phil Bickford at phi...@sonic.net wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Weather looks to be unsettled for tomorrow.  It's on again, off again
> > > sunshine in Santa Rosa right now.
> >
> > > Could someone fill me in on the start local and time?  Are some folks
> > > still meeting at Gate 6?  If there is ample parking there I might do
> > > that and save myself a gallon or so of gas going up Waldo Grade.
> >
> > There is parking on gate 6 1/2 road, where it parrallels the MV Bike Path.
> > Take an immediate left off of Gate 6 road (from Bridgeway) as if going to
> > the bike shop, then continue straight another 40-50 yards at the stop sign,
> > rather than turning into the shopping center parking.  Normally, you'll see
> > plenty of other folks parked on the dirt strip facing the freeway/bike path.
> >
> > I would also tend to favor parking as high on the land as possible.  There's
> > a +6.3 tide tomorrow which will peak around noon.  You should be fine, but
> > I've seen folks leave their cars closer to the "ditch" and they had to be a
> > little careful when they returned.  It isn't going to float away, just
> > something to be mindful of.
> >
> > - J
> >
> > --
> > Jim Edgar
> > cyclofi...@earthlink.net
> >
> > Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -http://www.cyclofiend.com
> > Current Classics - Cross Bikes
> > Singlespeed - Working Bikes
> >
> > Your Photos are needed! -http://www.cyclofiend.com/guidelines
> >
> > "I thought the idea was to waste the rest of our lives together.."
> > -- Cyril, "Breaking Away"
> >

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[RBW] Re: "NorCal" Riv ride: Sunday October 18th

2009-10-18 Thread Gino Zahnd

By the way, the bike inventory today was interesting (and I took no pictures).

I'm sure I'll leave some out, but other folks can fill in where I miss:

1 Rambouillet
2 Saluki
1 Legolas
1 Quickbeam
1 Dave Moulton
1 Bridgestone R(650)B-1
1 Trek 520
1 Raleigh (I think)
1 blank pea green thing that was nice

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
> Likewise. Thanks for coming out today everyone. It's good to put some
> names and faces together! Good folks, food, scenery and weather made
> for a great day out.
> Gino
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Ray Shine  wrote:
>> To all you guys and gals on the NorCal ride today, thank you for the 
>> excellent company (even though I kept forgetting all of your names), and 
>> thnks for waiting up and putting up with me all day!.  Good ride.  My front 
>> door back to front door read 80.02 miles.  It felt like it, and felt good.  
>> See you all at the next ride…
>> Ray Shine ( On the green Quickbeam)
>> --- On Sat, 10/17/09, Esteban  wrote:
>> From: Esteban 
>> Subject: [RBW] Re: "NorCal" Riv ride: Sunday October 18th
>> To: "RBW Owners Bunch" 
>> Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 4:51 PM
>> David - I used my "sarcasm" font, which doesn't come through on the
>> list.
>> But really - I wanted to do this.  I will try to see if we can get a
>> ride together in January when it approaches.
>> Someone take some photos!
>> On Oct 17, 1:27 pm, CycloFiend  wrote:
>> > on 10/17/09 1:11 PM, Phil Bickford at phi...@sonic.net wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > Weather looks to be unsettled for tomorrow.  It's on again, off again
>> > > sunshine in Santa Rosa right now.
>> >
>> > > Could someone fill me in on the start local and time?  Are some folks
>> > > still meeting at Gate 6?  If there is ample parking there I might do
>> > > that and save myself a gallon or so of gas going up Waldo Grade.
>> >
>> > There is parking on gate 6 1/2 road, where it parrallels the MV Bike Path.
>> > Take an immediate left off of Gate 6 road (from Bridgeway) as if going to
>> > the bike shop, then continue straight another 40-50 yards at the stop sign,
>> > rather than turning into the shopping center parking.  Normally, you'll see
>> > plenty of other folks parked on the dirt strip facing the freeway/bike 
>> > path.
>> >
>> > I would also tend to favor parking as high on the land as possible.  
>> > There's
>> > a +6.3 tide tomorrow which will peak around noon.  You should be fine, but
>> > I've seen folks leave their cars closer to the "ditch" and they had to be a
>> > little careful when they returned.  It isn't going to float away, just
>> > something to be mindful of.
>> >
>> > - J
>> >
>> > --
>> > Jim Edgar
>> > cyclofi...@earthlink.net
>> >
>> > Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -http://www.cyclofiend.com
>> > Current Classics - Cross Bikes
>> > Singlespeed - Working Bikes
>> >
>> > Your Photos are needed! -http://www.cyclofiend.com/guidelines
>> >
>> > "I thought the idea was to waste the rest of our lives together.."
>> > -- Cyril, "Breaking Away"
>> >>

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[RBW] Re: "NorCal" Riv ride: Sunday October 18th

2009-10-19 Thread Gino Zahnd

Dude, you were totally hawt!

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 5:46 PM, Jeremy Till  wrote:

> p.s. i swear i had no idea i was striking such asuggestivepose
> when we were stopped in olema and jim g was snapping those pictures!!

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[RBW] Re: "NorCal" Riv ride: Sunday October 18th

2009-10-19 Thread Gino Zahnd

If you organize the ride, you can suggest whatever you like.  :-)

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Anne Paulson  wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Ray Shine  wrote:
>> To all you guys and gals on the NorCal ride today, thank you for the 
>> excellent company (even though I kept forgetting all of your names), and 
>> thnks for waiting up and putting up with me all day!.  Good ride.  My front 
>> door back to front door read 80.02 miles.  It felt like it, and felt good.  
>> See you all at the next ride…
> Speaking of the next ride, might I suggest a different route? I love
> riding in Marin, but the section across the busy, narrow bridge,
> through the main streets of approximately a million suburban Marin
> towns and over busy Sir Francis Drake is not, in my view, the best way
> to experience it. (I do agree that the bakery in Pt. Reyes Station is
> a worthy stop.)  Next time maybe *over* Mt. Tam instead of around it?
> Or starting in Pt Reyes Station and going north, with a stop at the
> wonderful bakery in Tomales? Or perhaps one of the many delightful
> routes in the Santa Cruz Mountains?
> --
> -- Anne Paulson
> He who wills the ends wills the means
> >

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[RBW] Re: NorCal Riv Ride: Sunday November 22, Mount Hamilton

2009-10-21 Thread Gino Zahnd

Sounds great! I'll be riding somewhere between Christchurch and
Auckland in the New Zealand Alps this day though.

Have fun!

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Anne Paulson  wrote:
> The late fall is the perfect time to ride up Mount Hamilton. Let's do
> it the Sunday before Thanksgiving. If it's been dry, those interested
> can do an off-road detour.
> Any suggestions about where to meet? Parking is limited at the
> intersection of Alum Rock Road and Mt. Hamilton Road, so I think we'd
> be better off meeting elsewhere.
> --
> -- Anne Paulson (putting up, not shutting up)
> He who wills the ends wills the means
> >

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[RBW] Re: FS: Rivendell Protovelo

2009-10-26 Thread Gino Zahnd
I like how this entire conversation was public.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Mike Irwin

> Hi John,
> I'm in Des Moines, IA. I'm pretty flexible. Give me a shout at some
> point this evening and we can discuss. I emailed you my phone number.
> Best regards,
> Mike
> On Oct 26, 5:34 pm, John Blish  wrote:
> > Hi Mike,
> >
> > I've just got a minute between errands here and I wanted to check in.
> >
> > First, Thanks!
> >
> > I am really sorry you have to part with this bike.  I promise I will care
> > for it well and ride it a lot.
> >
> > Please tell me how to get the money to you.  I can send it tomorrow by
> > whatever way you like including pay pal, check, postal money order, even
> > Western Union I suppose or whatever is the best way for you.
> >
> > Second, thanks again.
> >
> > Don't start packing it yet.  We might be able to work something out where
> I
> > meet you halfway or maybe I can even get closer than that and save the
> > shipping charge for you and any possibility of damage to the bike from
> rough
> > handling.  Where are you?  No matter what we decide on about picking it
> up
> > or shipping I will be happy to send money tomorrow.
> >
> > Back out to do errands.  I will be home in 3 - 4 hours and I will check
> in
> > again then.  Thanks
> >
> > John
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Mike Irwin
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Wow.
> >
> > > You're officially the first to give me a definite offer, so I'm
> > > considering you first in line. To be fair, I've had a number of
> > > questions come in with interest at the same time, so I've got to go
> > > with you since you offered the complete price. No one else has
> > > mentioned price. I'll cover shipping ground to you. You're just about
> > > 253 miles north of me, so that shouldn't be bad at all.
> >
> > > If you're still offering, I'd say this bicycle is sold pending
> > > payment?
> >
> > > Thanks for everyone who has contacted me with questions.
> >
> > > Best regards to all and even though things have challenged me a bit
> > > lately, I'm going to keep following this group. I've made some nice
> > > acquaintances here and I have appreciated everyone's input throughout
> > > my tenure in this group and with the Riv family.
> >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Mike
> >
> > > On Oct 26, 3:37 pm, John Blish  wrote:
> > > > Please let me know where I stand as far as being first in line for
> this
> > > bike
> > > > or close to it.  I will gladly pay $1,000.  I have to go tend to some
> > > things
> > > > I promised my wife I would to so I will be away from the computer for
> a
> > > few
> > > > hours.  Don't worry about the firmness of my commitment.   I will be
> > > happy
> > > > to give your bike a loving home.  I have 2 other Rivendells in size
> 59
> > > and a
> > > > QuickBeam in 58.  It will be welcome in my stable.
> >
> > > > John
> >
> > > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 3:26 PM, John Blish 
> wrote:
> > > > > And I would prefer honey brown B-17 with copper rails if that is OK
> > > with
> > > > > you.
> >
> > > > > John
> >
> > > > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 3:25 PM, John Blish 
> wrote:
> >
> > > > >> Hi Mike,
> >
> > > > >> I am definitely interested in your Protovelo and sorry abut what
> every
> > > > >> unforeseen circumstances might have come along to cause you to
> have to
> > > part
> > > > >> with it.  I will definitely give you $1000 shipped to me in MN.
> >
> > > > >> John Blish
> >
> > > > >> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Mike Irwin <
> > > > >> rivendellbrownbom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > > >>> Up for sale is my Rivendell Protovelo 650b. Its a fantastic ride.
> > > > >>> Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen circumstances, I've got to
> let
> > > > >>> it go. Here's a basic run down of the bicycle. If you'd prefer a
> > > honey
> > > > >>> brown B17 w/ copper rails, rather than the aged Flyer, no problem
> and
> > > > >>> I'll switch it out from my other bike. Neither have even remotely
> > > been
> > > > >>> worn in. I've put fewer than 200 miles on the Proto since I put
> it
> > > > >>> together last spring.
> >
> > > > >>> Looking for $1,000 (shipped within the Continental US)
> >
> > > > >>> Rivendell Protovelo 650b
> > > > >>> 59 cm frame
> > > > >>> 650b Synergy rims
> > > > >>> Shimano Deore hubs
> > > > >>> Shimano 105 group + Flight Deck
> > > > >>> SRAM 9-speed cassette
> > > > >>> Nitto Grand Randoneur drop bars
> > > > >>> Nitto Dirt Drop stem
> > > > >>> Brooks aged Flyer saddle
> > > > >>> Silver side pull brakes
> > > > >>> Col de la Vie 37mm tires
> > > > >>> Tange headset
> > > > >>> Cork handlebar tape (ready for shellac)
> >
> > > > >>> If you're interested or have questions, please give me a shout at
> > > > >>> rivendellbrownbom...@gmail.com.
> >
> > > > >>> Thanks!
> > > > >>> Mike
> >
> > > > >> --
> > > > >> John Blish
> > > > >> Minneapolis MN USA
> >
> > > > > --
> > > > > John Blish
> > > > > Minneapolis MN USA
> >
> > > > --
> > > > John Blish
> > > > Minneapolis MN 

[RBW] Re: Carbon forks

2009-10-28 Thread Gino Zahnd

That video misses the point on so many levels, I can't bring myself to
respond to it.  Wow.

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 6:59 PM,   wrote:
> OK, I'm convinced, carbon forks are better.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_O9PLorYPA
> Bill
> Louisville, Ky
> >

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[RBW] Re: Question regarding Paul Center Pull brakes

2009-11-10 Thread Gino Zahnd

Disclosure: Paul is a friend, I use many of his products, and I race
on his cyclocross team.

> Question 1: Will the Paul center pulls give me a much better braking
> experience? Mark at Rivendell seems to think so, he said that several of
> them use them.

There is simply no comparison between the Tektro sidepulls and Paul
centerpulls. The Paul centerpull modulation and stopping power is
much, much better. I have the Tektros on my Bleriot, and have two sets
of Paul centerpulls on other bikes,

> Question 2: Cost aside, is it worth getting them in the polished finish?
> About $100 more than the regular finish... I kind of like the idea of how
> the polished brakes look on the AHH, but don't know if the polished finish
> improves, detracts or just does nothing for the performance and durability
> of the brake long term...

It's just for looks. Me, I like shiny stuff on classic bikes. But my
cyclocross racer has black centerpulls.

The difference in price is $10 per wheel for polished vs. anodized.

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[RBW] Re: Question regarding Paul Center Pull brakes

2009-11-10 Thread Gino Zahnd

Unless your bike was specifically designed around Paul brazeon
centerpulls, they won't work.  The bombadil isn't designed around that
brake. But it'll take the MotoLite or any of the cantis.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Rene Sterental  wrote:
> I'll be getting the center mount version for the AHH, but I wonder if these
> in the braze-on version would make better brakes for the Bombadil, or should
> I just go with the regular Paul cantilevers?
> René

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[RBW] Re: Question regarding Paul Center Pull brakes

2009-11-11 Thread Gino Zahnd

Yep. What Jim said.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 9:48 PM, CycloFiend  wrote:
> on 11/10/09 8:10 PM, Rene Sterental at orthie...@gmail.com wrote:
> Just out of curiosity... why would Paul design the braze-on version for
> posts that only a custom made bike would have? Why not make them work with
> normally placed posts for cantis of V-brakes?
> I think it's more a function that they used traditional centerpull mount
> dimensions.  The pivot points are different than canti posts.  U-Brakes also
> used a different mounting arrangement for the same reason.
> They are both "standard" mounts, just for different types of brakes.
> - Jim
> --
> Jim Edgar
> cyclofi...@earthlink.net
> ³Velvet pillows, safari parks, sunglasses: people have become woolly mice.
> They still have bodies that can walk for five days and four nights through a
> desert of snow, without food, but they accept praise for having taken a
> one-hour bicycle ride.²  - Tim Krabbe, "The Rider"
> Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
> Current Classics - Cross Bikes
> Singlespeed - Working Bikes
> Send In Your Photos! - Here's how: http://www.cyclofiend.com/guidelines
> >

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[RBW] Re: Question regarding Paul Center Pull brakes

2009-11-11 Thread Gino Zahnd

Don't bother getting posts on your Ram.

Paul will soon be releasing a new medium reach centerpull that, in my
opinion, is even better than the regular centerpull. Why do I say
that? Because it has the same qualities as the Racer, but the arms are
shorter. Less flex, more stopping power, better modulation.  Here is a
bad photo of my prototypes:


The new brake easily fits 35mm tires, or 40mm Honjos with 28mm tire.


On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 5:32 PM, dpco  wrote:
> after looking at this thread, i was wondering if it is possible to
> install paul's brazeon brakes on a rambouilet?
> don c.

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[RBW] Aucklanders with S&S coupler tool?

2009-11-14 Thread Gino Zahnd
This is a long shot, but if you're in Auckland, and have a bike with S&S
couplers, please get in touch.

Qantas lost my bike and my tools on the flight from San Francisco.
Theoretically, the bike will arrive tonight, but who knows about the torque
wrench for the couplers.

Gino, currently in the Mt. Eden area

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[RBW] Re: Aucklanders with S&S coupler tool?

2009-11-15 Thread Gino Zahnd
Update: bike was found, and is now in Auckland. They searched it in
quarantine, and are delivering it to my buddy's house here.

Tools are theoretically located, and still in Sydney. They said they'll be
in Auckland tomorrow... we'll see.

Thanks everyone for your help. This is truly a global group. Bloody amazing!


On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 11:25 PM, RonLau  wrote:

> Gino,
> Go to a bike shop and ask them to use their lock ring tool, it works.
> If you can wait for a day, I can fedex one to you.
> Ron
> On Nov 14, 11:07 pm, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
> > This is a long shot, but if you're in Auckland, and have a bike with S&S
> > couplers, please get in touch.
> >
> > Qantas lost my bike and my tools on the flight from San Francisco.
> > Theoretically, the bike will arrive tonight, but who knows about the
> torque
> > wrench for the couplers.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Gino, currently in the Mt. Eden area
> >

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[RBW] New Zealand trip photos

2009-12-07 Thread Gino Zahnd
(I'm cross posting to RBW and SF Rando. Sorry if you get this twice.)

I'm still wading through hundreds of photos, but here are a few that
made the cut so far:

In the top right, click 'Show info' to see the descriptions, etc.
There'll be more at that URL in the coming week, as I have time.

Trip report, short version:
New Zealand is an incredibly, in the truest sense of the word,
beautiful country. We only rode in the south island (and hung out in
Auckland), and drivers were courteous everywhere. I'm not sure what
was with all the Kiwis warning us about Kiwi drivers; they were all
great! NZ road quality makes California look like a third world
country.  Food is high quality and high priced everywhere.  The
hostels were fantastically clean and cheap, even with our private
rooms the entire time.  We didn't get a drop of rain, so fenders were
useless weight. Everyone was kind, brimming with hospitality and
generosity. Kiwis apparently have no idea what a switchback is, and
that made for some of the hardest riding I've ever done. And I like
hills! I rode Grand Bois Hetres, Roy rode Jack Browns. No flats in
1400k and somewhere between 60,000 and 70,000 feet of mixed terrain
climbing, city glass-strewn riding and everything in between.  The
Saluki was flawless, as was Roy's Ritchey Breakaway CX bike.

I'll keep going back until I've seen the entire country.  It's a great place.

Oh, and on the last leg of my flight, American Airlines managed to
destroy a good bit of my Saluki, including the wheels, decaleur, S&S

I'm taking the frame to Steve Rex tomorrow to make sure it's still in
alignment. The chainstays are a little too narrow right now...

They say they're going to pay for replacing everything. We'll see.
I've taken all the precautionary threatening measures, so I feel
reasonably confident they'll stick to their word.



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Re: [RBW] Great rides I should know about?

2009-12-07 Thread Gino Zahnd
Yeah, talk to the guys at RBW. They know them thar hills better 'n anybody.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Stephen  wrote:
> Hi all, I've made it from Crescent City to Orinda, CA on my AHH, and
> so far it's been a blast.  I'm staying with my great aunt a few exits
> from the RBWHQ, in the "Womb of Your Bicycle's Creation" as she calls
> it.  I've got nothing but time and a bike for the next few weeks.  Are
> there resources for great rides and riders in the area?
> Stephen
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.


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Re: [RBW] Re: Our New Bike Catalog Is On The Site

2009-12-11 Thread Gino Zahnd
Yeah, this'n is a homerun!

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 10:47 AM, manueljohnacosta
> awesome.
> On Dec 11, 10:40 am, Mike  wrote:
>> That looks great! Thanks for posting.
>> On Dec 11, 10:22 am, John Bennett  wrote:
>> > a sneak preview can be found by following this to a PDF
>> >http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/knothole_post/174
>> > Cheers,
>> > John
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.


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Re: [RBW] If you haven't done so already, check out our new and improved web catalog

2009-12-14 Thread Gino Zahnd
John, thanks for the announcement.

RBW Group Folks, the largest change you'll see is on any given product
page. Here's an example:

You can now:

• see several images, and read the big description, and see related
products in one screen when you land on a product page
• get the descriptive caption text (if there is any) from the
thumbnails simply by hovering over it
• slide through the thumbnails by clicking the arrow icons
• click a thumbnail to open the large size image
• still see the caption description with the large size images open
• use the arrows to continue through the slideshow in the Embiggened™ mode

Do let us know OFF LIST if you happen upon any bugs. We won't respond
to bugs or other website feeback posted to this list. Send email to

We're always listening to feature requests, and this is the first of
several big changes to the site you'll see in the coming months.

Thanks, and enjoy.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 9:35 AM, John Bennett  wrote:
> It's got some cool new features, and we like it a lot.
> Cheers,
> John
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
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> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.


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Re: [RBW] Anyone running Hetres + 50mm Berthouds on a Saluki or other 650B Riv?

2009-12-15 Thread Gino Zahnd
I don't have experience with the Berthouds, but Hetre + Honjo works
just fine on the Saluki.  I had 45mm Honjos on the Saluki, but
recently upped them to the 50mm.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Esteban  wrote:
> I was reading over on the Rene Herse site that they like the Berthoud
> stainless fenders with Hetres because they open wider than the
> Honjos.
> Anyone have any experience?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
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> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.


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Re: [RBW] Re: Anyone running Hetres + 50mm Berthouds on a Saluki or other 650B Riv?

2009-12-16 Thread Gino Zahnd
My Bleriot has the 45mm Honjos + CDLV tires. Plenty of room with that setup,
but I haven't bothered to try sticking Hetres in there.

Bleriot (old setup, but with fender/tire combo described above):

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Rick  wrote:

> I've been thinking of this for the Bleriot, can I add a factor to the
> equation?  Anyone w/ 50mm Berthouds or Honjos, Hetres, and sidepulls?
> Gino, your Saluki has/had (very nice looking) Bruce Gordon brakes on
> the flicker page.
> Rick.
> On Dec 16, 1:13 am, Esteban  wrote:
> > Well... Hetres just fit on my Protovelo.  Its very tight under 50mm
> > Honjos.  I'll post photos tomorrow -
> >
> > I have more height than I thought I did - but the Honjos do come down
> > to give the tire a hug.  I can see how 50mm Berthounds would work
> > better in that regard.  I'd like to keep it to 50mm so I don't have to
> > do surgery at the chainstays.  Because there isn't much clearance
> > (less than Gino's Saluki, for sure) on the seatstay bridge, I don't
> > think big honking fenders would work as well.
> >
> > More tomorrow...
> >
> > On Dec 15, 2:09 pm, nathan spindel  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > You guys are lucky the Rivs have such generous clearance. Last weekend
> > > I had to shelve the Hetres on a 650B conversion ('84 58cm Sequoia) in
> > > order to add fenders. The VO Zeppelins didn't fit (too wide for the
> > > fork), but 45mm Honjos + Col de la Vies did. Fortunately it's still
> > > pretty:http://www.flickr.com/photos/natan/4183280562/
> >
> > > But I do miss those ultra cushy 42s! :)
> >
> > > -nathan
> >
> > > On Dec 15, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
> >
> > > > I don't have experience with the Berthouds, but Hetre + Honjo works
> > > > just fine on the Saluki.  I had 45mm Honjos on the Saluki, but
> > > > recently upped them to the 50mm.
> >
> > > > -gino
> >
> > > > On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Esteban 
> wrote:
> > > >> I was reading over on the Rene Herse site that they like the
> Berthoud
> > > >> stainless fenders with Hetres because they open wider than the
> > > >> Honjos.
> >
> > > >> Anyone have any experience?
> >
> > > >> --
> >
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> > > > .- Hide quoted text -
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Re: [RBW] Pickups for SF Folks?

2010-01-07 Thread Gino Zahnd
Another proposed solution:

Bart across the bay, and ride the rest.

SF to Walnut Creek is $4.75 (one way).  SF to West Oakland is $2.90.
Riding from West Oakland to Riv is no more than 17 miles. While you're
out there, ride up the mountain and make a day of it!


On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 5:12 PM, William Henderson
> I like to go to Riv now and then, but it's an expensive BART ticket
> from SF and quite a bit of time if I'm just getting an odd part or
> two. On the other hand, I don't want to pay shipping for a cheap part
> nor do I like the idea of packaging and trucking a part that I can
> carry in my pocket home.
> Propposed solution: I order my parts, they wait at Riv for a couple
> days, and then on the weekend we take turns doing a mass pick up for
> SF folks. Informally, one pickup gets you one free "shipment". The
> courier can meet the rest of us back in the city at a central location
> (coffee shop), where there will be much rejoicing, perhaps a quick
> ride, etc.
> Anyone interested?
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Riv Valve Stems Group on Flickr?!

2010-01-10 Thread Gino Zahnd
You do have what it takes.

I rejected a photo once due to lack of a valve stem.  Heh.

On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 7:30 PM, cyclotourist  wrote:
> You have what it takes to be an administrator of that group!!!
> On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 5:55 AM, EricP  wrote:
>> What scares me is somehow I'm the administrator of that group.  Huh?
>> Must have been out of the room getting a malt beverage when you
>> voted.
>> Sort of silly, but don't think I've ever added the Atlantis or
>> Hillborne to any of the Flickr groups.  Probably should change that.
>> Soon.
>> Eric Platt
>> St. Paul, MN
>> On Jan 8, 9:51�pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
>> > On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 7:45 PM, CycloFiend 
>> > wrote:
>> > > on 1/8/10 2:22 PM, cyclotourist at cyclotour...@gmail.com wrote:
>> >
>> > > > Funny ha-ha?
>> >
>> > > "Funny" as in might-make-someone-edge-carefully-out-of-the-room
>> >
>> > > ;^)
>> >
>> > > - �Jim "I'm also a member."
>> > > --
>> >
>> > I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me??? -
>> > Groucho
>> > M.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Cheers,
>> > David
>> > Redlands, CA
>> >
>> > "Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There is something
>> > wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym." �~Bill Nye,
>> > scientist guy
>> --
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>> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> "Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There is something
> wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym."  ~Bill Nye,
> scientist guy
> --
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[RBW] FS: Sugino XD2 crankset , 170mm, old (better) logo

2010-09-15 Thread Gino Zahnd
Sugino XD2 , 170mm, old (better) logo
rings: 46x36x24

They're in good , lightly used shape, and the rings have many
thousands of miles left in them. They came off my Rambouillet a few
years ago when I went to a double.

How about $80 including shipping, US only.

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[RBW] Re: FS: Sugino XD2 crankset , 170mm, old (better) logo

2010-09-15 Thread Gino Zahnd
These are spoken for. Thanks for playing!

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 6:38 PM, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
> Sugino XD2 , 170mm, old (better) logo
> rings: 46x36x24
> They're in good , lightly used shape, and the rings have many
> thousands of miles left in them. They came off my Rambouillet a few
> years ago when I went to a double.
> How about $80 including shipping, US only.

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[RBW] FS: Sugino XD2 crankset, 170mm

2010-09-17 Thread Gino Zahnd
I found another crankset in my boxes as I'm packing to move. Same thing as
last time, but new logo.

Sugino XD2 , 170mm, new logo
rings: 46x36x24

They're in good used shape, and the rings have many thousands of miles left
in them. These were on my Rawland MTB, so have some scrapes at the pedal end
of the crank. Otherwise, great. They might have 5-600 miles on them.

$80 including shipping, US only.

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[RBW] FS: 57cm Bleriot complete bike

2010-11-05 Thread Gino Zahnd
This bike is set up for hilly bay area riding, on or off road. It's
mechanically perfect and very well maintained. Cosmetically it is ridden,
which means it has paint scuffs. It's no garage queen, but it has zero dings
or dents. Summary: it's a well-maintained, well-ridden bike. Oh, and it has
a few Chico-centric cycling and farmers market stickers on it, which
undoubtedly add value, authenticity, and definitely street cred.

SF Bay area only; I just don't have time to find materials, and pack and
ship a bike.

The build, which has several fancy components:

57cm Bleriot frame
Nitto Technomic deluxe 10cm stem
Nitto Jitensha bars (my favorite flat bars!)
new cork grips
PAUL thumbies
Dia-Compe levers
Silver™ brand brakes
Shimano Durace shifters
FSA headset
Integrated Japanese brass bell/headset spacer
Velo Orange 122mm bottom bracket
TA Pro 5 Viz cranks, 165mm, 42x26 (all are in excellent shape)
9 speed cassette suitable for climbing anything in SF
Velo Orange leather chain slap guard
Shimano 105 hubs laced to Velocity rims, built by Rivendell Rich™
One CDLV tire (front), one brand new never ridden Grand Bois Ourson (rear)
Honjo hammered fenders
MKS touring pedals
Nitto Crystal Fellow seatpost

No saddle.

Repeat: No shipping. Bay area only, and you'll need to pick it up in
northwest San Francisco.


You can see it with various setups here:

It's a versatile/awesome/lovely bike, but I have a Saluki, on which the
Bleriot is based.


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[RBW] FS: Dahon Smooth Hound touring/folding bike

2010-11-05 Thread Gino Zahnd
Rivendellish content: the Smooth Hound has mustache bars, fenders, bar
end shifters, and a B-17 Champion Special saddle, all of which would
have never made it onto a Dahon if Grant were not a trail blazer who
sticks to his guns. Whoever designed this bike is obviously a RBW fan.


I bought this Dahon Smooth Hound in June 2010 to have in Chicago while
I was traveling there regularly over the course of this year. It's in
essentially new condition. It comes with the Airporter Mini travel
case, which allows you to check the bike just like any other suitcase,
and no airline bike fees. It's a great bike, but I already own six
other bikes (and am now going through a personal downsizing).

It's a size L. I'm 5'9", and it fits me fine. I imagine it will fit
anyone up to about 6'1" or so. Maybe taller?

http://www.dahon.com/bikes/2010/smooth-hound shows Dahon's info on the bike.

I paid $1250+tax for the bike and case. ($950 for bike, $300 for case.)


Bay area only, no shipping.


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[RBW] Re: FS: 57cm Bleriot complete bike

2010-11-06 Thread Gino Zahnd
The Bleriot is sold. Thanks for all the interest!

To spread a bit of weekend goodness, the woman that bought it had a
smile that stretched for miles when she came back from the test ride.
She was truly stoked, and full of joy. Her emotion from the simple
activity of riding a bicycle absolutely made my weekend! And, the
Bleriot is headed to a great home.


On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
> This bike is set up for hilly bay area riding, on or off road. It's
> mechanically perfect and very well maintained. Cosmetically it is ridden,
> which means it has paint scuffs. It's no garage queen, but it has zero dings
> or dents. Summary: it's a well-maintained, well-ridden bike. Oh, and it has
> a few Chico-centric cycling and farmers market stickers on it, which
> undoubtedly add value, authenticity, and definitely street cred.
> SF Bay area only; I just don't have time to find materials, and pack and
> ship a bike.
> The build, which has several fancy components:
> 57cm Bleriot frame
> Nitto Technomic deluxe 10cm stem
> Nitto Jitensha bars (my favorite flat bars!)
> new cork grips
> PAUL thumbies
> Dia-Compe levers
> Silver™ brand brakes
> Shimano Durace shifters
> FSA headset
> Integrated Japanese brass bell/headset spacer
> Velo Orange 122mm bottom bracket
> TA Pro 5 Viz cranks, 165mm, 42x26 (all are in excellent shape)
> 9 speed cassette suitable for climbing anything in SF
> Velo Orange leather chain slap guard
> Shimano 105 hubs laced to Velocity rims, built by Rivendell Rich™
> One CDLV tire (front), one brand new never ridden Grand Bois Ourson (rear)
> Honjo hammered fenders
> MKS touring pedals
> Nitto Crystal Fellow seatpost
> No saddle.
> Repeat: No shipping. Bay area only, and you'll need to pick it up in
> northwest San Francisco.
> $1000
> You can see it with various setups here:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/gzahnd/sets/7215763542699/
> It's a versatile/awesome/lovely bike, but I have a Saluki, on which the
> Bleriot is based.
> Thanks,
> Gino

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Re: [RBW] What's your winter project?

2010-11-08 Thread Gino Zahnd
I ride all winter.

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 10:10 AM, William  wrote:
> As the weather turns cooler, I am starting to dwell on winter
> projects.  A lot of them are home and family related, but some of them
> are Riv-ish, so I thought I would share.  In 2010 I pretty much
> overhauled my stable of bikes, and now am almost 100% dialed.  So I'm
> not due for any complete overhauls.  I am building a second
> configuration for my Bombadil.  It's set up for dedicated dirt riding
> now, but I'll be putting together a Campeur kit for it this winter
> (drop bars, fenders, racks, bags).  So next time a week-plus touring
> opportunity presents itself, the Bombadil will be the bike for it.
> What do you do in the winter?  Overhaul your favorite bike?  Go
> through the parts stash and clean house?  Start up a new bike
> project?  Take on a restoration?
> --
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[RBW] BB width for a White Industries double on a quickbeam

2010-11-12 Thread Gino Zahnd
Hello list,

Have you put a White Industries road double on your Quickbeam? If so,
what BB spindle width did you use?

I'm aiming to significantly reduce the Q, but keep the same gearing.


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[RBW] 700x35c tires

2010-02-13 Thread Gino Zahnd
What else besides the Jack Brown and Schwalbe Kojak exist for
light-ish fast tires that are good for mixed terrain riding? Those are
two great choices, but I'm curious what else might be out there. I
know there's the Pasela, but that tire is too squirmy for my taste.


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[RBW] Who lives in Petaluma?

2010-03-18 Thread Gino Zahnd
I'm considering moving from Chico to Petaluma, and would love to hear
any input/feedback from folks who live there about the cycling
culture/community. And heck, whatever else you might want to tell me
about the area would be nice. I've ridden in and around Petaluma quite
a lot, I seem to love the town, and it's close enough, but far enough
away from SF...

For the sake of the list, please write me off-list.



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Re: [RBW] Racer M Alive!

2010-03-26 Thread Gino Zahnd
Yes, it will.

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Dustin Sharp  wrote:
> "Between the arms there is enough clearance to fit a 45mm fender and a 32mm
> tire"
> Hm. Says 32, but I wonder if a tire measuring 33.333 might just fit?

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Re: [RBW] Re: Racer M Alive!

2010-03-26 Thread Gino Zahnd
There's a post-mount version, so you don't need special braze-ons.
Though, to maximize function/purpose, the brazeons are the way to go.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Michael_S  wrote:
> Boy those polished ones are the cats pajama's!
> will Riv add the braze on's to the Roadeo?  I can't tell from your
> "conversation"?
> ~Mike~
> On Mar 26, 11:00 am, JoelMatthews  wrote:
>> > "Hello, Keven?  It's me Bill, can you sell me a bike to fit these
>> > brakes?  A Roadeo?  Sounds perfecto!
>> "How much to add braze on mounting posts?  $25.00 per post?  I am in
>> heaven!
>> On Mar 26, 12:05 pm, William  wrote:
>> > Those are swank!  I can't afford not to have a set.
>> > "Hello, Keven?  It's me Bill, can you sell me a bike to fit these
>> > brakes?  A Roadeo?  Sounds perfecto!
>> > On Mar 26, 7:52 am, Marty  wrote:
>> > > Very nice option for many builds. Fits 45mm fenders with no brake arm
>> > > interference!
>> > >http://www.paulcomp.com/racerm.html-Hide quoted text -
>> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: New Bleriot Owner; Mushing thru turns

2010-04-23 Thread Gino Zahnd
I agree with Patrick. There's no comparison between Hetres and CDLV's.
The CDLV tire, for me, has never been willing to mount on the rim
properly. There's always a hump no matter how many times I've tried to
get them to sit properly.

Aside from that annoyance, the Hetres are faster, smoother, quieter,
and make handling better. So far, I've never had a flat on a Hetre
either, and I ride in volcanic, goathead-laden Chico. They are pricey,
but so far I'm getting surprisingly little wear for as many miles as
I've put on my Hetres. Off road in all but ridiculous mud or rock
faces, they're great, too. Dirt in Chico means anything from nicely
maintained fine gravel trails to this kind of junk:

When the CDLVs wear out on my townie Bleriot, that'll be the last of
that tire for me.

And yes, for $60 vs $20 per tire, the Hetre had better be that much nicer!

> On Apr 23, 4:32 pm, James Dinneen  wrote:
> to be frank, there is no comparison.  The hetres roll faster, corner
> better, and are even more plush than the CdlV.  The Hetre is also very
> durable.  i probably have over 5,000 miles on Hetres without a flat.
> It's a freakish tire.  I still think it's overkill if you spend a lot
> of time on pavement.  but if you spend a lot time in the dirt or mixed
> surfaces, the hetres are heavenly.  especially if you like to descend
> fast on dirt and mixed surfaces - they inspire confidence, for sure.
> are they worth it?  that's another question and entirely up to you.
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: New Bleriot Owner; Mushing thru turns

2010-04-26 Thread Gino Zahnd
You guys are totally abusing and misusing the 'em' prefix. Your words
must be cromulent*, or they don't count.

Gino "adder of embiggen to rivbike.com, among other user interfaces" Z.

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_the_Iconoclast

On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 9:13 AM, William  wrote:
> Patrick
> I'm not sure I'm convinced that road is more em-dirt-ened, but it
> certainly is both less em-pavened and more em-squishened
> On Apr 24, 6:53 am, PATRICK MOORE  wrote:
> > That looks as good as some of the pavement I've ridden on (though ABQ's
> > roads are actually pretty good).
> >
> > *This* is a dirt 
> > road:http://picasaweb.google.com/BERTIN753/SAND061909#5349162579787366098
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 7:01 AM, Steve Palincsar  wrote:
> > > On Fri, 2010-04-23 at 19:26 -0700, JoelMatthews wrote:
> > > > Link is to West Virginia, but is it similar to what you describe?
> >
> > >http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/page/pic/?o=RrzKj&pic_id=502534&v=...
> >
> > > Yes, some are a lot like this except for the color.  Some have more
> > > loose gravel than is visible here, and many aren't in as good condition
> > > as this is.  Of course, the condition of a gravel road varies
> > > dramatically with time.   I'd say this one had been graded fairly
> > > recently.  With time, weather and traffic, the surface deteriorates.
> > > Sometimes maintenance makes things hugely worse for a month or two, just
> > > after they put down fresh gravel.
> >
> > --
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> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> --
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Re: [RBW] Speed Up My Sam

2010-04-28 Thread Gino Zahnd
If I were to give advice, which I don't claim to be qualified to give,
I'd say do the following if you're looking to be faster:

1) train to ride fast. Shorter rides at higher intensity. Ride a lot. Hard.
2) light wheels and tires
3) ditch the big touring rack, and use it for camping/touring
4) use a lighter wide-range compact double
5) if you live where it doesn't rain in the summer (like we do in
California), ditch the fenders for the summer.
6) save a quarter pound(er) on a Ti B17

But really, ride. And sportier wheels. And no huge touring rack.


On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 9:10 AM, Darin G.  wrote:
> Alright, this will probably sound un-Rivish,...please don't pick my
> bones over.  I'm new to this type of bicycle.
> I need my commuter/tourer Sam to go faster, if possible.  I have a
> slate of century rides and a 200 km brevet lined up for the summer and
> I'm being dropped by my riding companions who are significantly less
> fit and heavier than I am, but are riding zippy road bikes (including
> my old Roubaix).  I'm about 1.5 to 3 mph slower over the same course
> than I was on "road bike."  I've never been a racer but I really don't
> want my centuries to take 7 hours and I don't think I can make up the
> difference with pure horsepower.  I'm planning on a second bike to
> take on this duty, but that will be at least a year away.
> So, where would this group look to speed up my Sam?  Wheels?  Tires?
> I'm riding 36 spoke wheels with Jack Brown Blues.  And if it just
> can't be done, tell me so and I'll practice smelling the flowers until
> I can come up with the appropriate tool for the described job.
> D.G.
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Re: [RBW] Saluki History + Provenance

2010-05-03 Thread Gino Zahnd
What Jim said. And http://is.gd/bSxAZ

There was also the pewter color in addition to what Steve listed.

They aren't coming back as a Saluki. Production never stopped though -
they're now the AHH in smaller sizes.

I don't think there was ever a brochure, and yep, late 2004 or early
2005 is when the Saluki dropped.

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Rob Harrison  wrote:
> If all goes well it appears I may soon become an official member of the RBW
> Owners Bunch. (!!!) I'm curious about the origins and history of the Saluki.
> Can anyone fill me in?
> For example...
> • When did the model debut? Was it the first Riv bike designed for 650b?
> • Where were they made? By whom?
> • How many were made?
> • Did colors vary by model year, or was there a stock range? What were the
> colors? (I've seen mainly orange and butterscotch in the larger sizes, but
> there is quite a range of colors of smaller sizes still on the riv site.)
> •  It's not currently in the catalog. When did production stop? Will they be
> back? (I heard a rumor of a possible rotation with the A.H.H.?)
> • Anyone have a pdf of the original "brochure" or design brief?
> Thank you!
> Rob in Seattle
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[RBW] I'll be in Chicago for the next eight days

2010-05-03 Thread Gino Zahnd
Hi folks -

What should I not miss in Chicago? Interests: art, architecture,
museums, bike shops/builders, local beer/food, bookstores, interesting
neighborhoods, dive bars, good places to run. I have all next weekend
to do whatever, so I'm looking to fill up those days.

And, if you want to hang/get a beer, let me know OFF LIST.

Thanks for any tips!


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Re: [RBW] Re: I'll be in Chicago for the next eight days

2010-05-03 Thread Gino Zahnd
All -

Thanks for the input. I should be able to burn up several evenings and
a weekend with these recommendations!


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Erik C  wrote:
> Head to Logan Square and grab some brunch at Lula's and visit
> Boulevard Bikes next door. They had a nice Heron hanging from the
> ceiling last time I was in there.
> http://www.boulevardbikeshop.com/
> Wicker Park/Bucktown is always an interesting neighborhood to check
> out. Rapid Transit bike shop is in that neighborhood.
> Both of these places are off the Blue line on the CTA. Logan Square
> stop and the Damon stop. Each neighborhood also has its share of bars
> and Wicker Park has plenty of small art galleries.
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Re: [RBW] Saluki/Atlantis summer tour advice

2010-05-09 Thread Gino Zahnd
Jason -

Current road conditions would be useless right now given that it's
May, and you're going in July.  :-)

Use Krebs maps, and AC maps. They're both good for different reasons.
Krebs are the best, though. The Pacific Coast book is ok.

Here are pics of my tour on that route, on my Saluki:

North of Arcata, use the Hammond Trail. Ask if you can't find it:

Regarding Anne's advice, the Lost Coast detour is amazingly beautiful,
and it's also some of the hardest/hilliest riding you'll ever do. It
is epic. It adds an entire day to the route; it's that hilly. And with
loaded bikes, it goes by beautifully, painfully, and slowly.

When you're near Benbow, camp there. In July it'll be hot, and the Eel
River will provide heaven at the end of that day.

Eat as many berries as you can. They're amazing, and everywhere! There
are tons of breweries along the route. For what that's worth. Our tour
was actually a tour of the coastal breweries...

Good luck, and have fun on that tour. It's some of the prettiest
riding anywhere on the planet!

Franklyn - don't ride south to north. You'll be miserable from the
howling wind, and you'll be on the wrong side of the road for the good
views. :-)


On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 3:18 PM, J L  wrote:
> Hey all,
> My friend and I are going to do a short camping/hostel tour from Portland
> Oregon to Santa Cruz CA this July.  He will be on his Atlantis, and me on my
> Saluki.
> We plan to ride the well traveled pacific coast route.  Does anyone have any
> tips about places to stop, current road conditions, or the like, that could
> be passed our way?
> Thanks-
> Jason
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[RBW] Rough Riders Rally

2010-05-14 Thread Gino Zahnd
Any RBWers attending the RRR™ in Mill Valley in July?

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Re: [RBW] Re: paul's racer brakes vs cantis questions

2010-05-14 Thread Gino Zahnd
Ken -

Toe yer brake pads properly, and make sure they're aligned on the rim
properly. That should kill the squeal.
See also: http://www.parktool.com/repair/readhowto.asp?id=19


On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Ken  wrote:
> I have the same set up on my Atlantis. Last year the front squealed,
> this year its the back. I tilt the pad out, I tilt them in, and still
> they squeal. Maybe Paul's still listening?
> On May 14, 8:45 am, Buck  wrote:
>> I have Paul Touring Cantis on my Atlantis. They replaced some Avid V-
>> brakes. I l-o-v-e the Cantis. I really do. But... I honestly can't say
>> that they stop me any faster than the way-cheaper Avids or feel $150
>> better. Maybe it depends on the kind of riding you do. For me, to a
>> large extent, (good) brakes is brakes. And you can get good brakes for
>> $50. The Cantis are definitely terrific and trouble-free. Very
>> adjustable (though mine still squeal a little and might need a tweak).
>> For me, the best part is that I have complete confidence in them and
>> they just look so col. That's important to me on this
>> bike. Other bikes I've had it didn't matter. Here's my two cents. If
>> everything else on your bike is the way you want it and you have the $$
>> $ burning a hole in your pocket (I did), no better way to spend it
>> than on Pauls. But I'd put several things on my gotta-have list before
>> $200 brakes:
>> A Brooks seat (or equivalent)
>> The perfect bag (I have an Acorn handlebar bag)
>> Put the $200 towards great wheels
>> Honjos plus maybe some tires
>> New derailers/shifters
>> But that's just me.
>> On May 13, 2:41 pm, J C  wrote:
>> > Hello hip listers,
>> > Do any of you use the Paul's racer or the racer m(edium) brakes? How would
>> > you compare them to the neo retros?  Do you know if the racer m brake works
>> > if the centerpull is a bit skewed to one side or another- eg is the spring
>> > tension on the brakes adjustable on both sides?  They look like it in the
>> > photos.
>> > Do you have any brake squeal issues using the racers?  Have you seen any
>> > chain stay mounted versions- are they just glorified u brakes?  Would you
>> > buy them again?  Are you using them on 700c wheels?
>> > Thanks for the help
>> > Studies show that fish live longer when you don't eat them.
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Re: [RBW] Silver Shifters on Paul Thumbies

2010-05-15 Thread Gino Zahnd
Silvers won't work with Paul thumbies. Not sure about the knock off.


On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Garth  wrote:
> Can the Silver shifters be used on Paul Thumbies, or IRD's copy of
> Paul's ?
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Re: [RBW] Re: WTB: Michelin 650b tires

2010-05-17 Thread Gino Zahnd

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Aaron Thomas  wrote:
> Why is your bike called "pencil"?
> On May 17, 11:00 am, Lesli  wrote:
>> Looking to buy some new old stock 650b Michelin Megamium or Axial Raid
>> tires.  I'm looking for a 650b x 28c tire for randonneuring.  I've had
>> great luck with the Michelins but my supply is dwindling and I'd like
>> to swap out tires before my June 1000k.
>> Here's my 650b riv on my most recent brevet, the SIR 400k
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/archivalclothing/4614189660/
>> Let me know if you have any you'd like to sell.
>> Thanks,
>> Lesli Larson
>> Eugene, OR
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Re: [RBW] Re: paul's racer brakes vs cantis questions

2010-05-17 Thread Gino Zahnd
They were called cantilever bosses.

(I think this thread is now officially not RBW in nature.)

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Horace  wrote:
> What where they called when they were sitting around the bike builder's
> shop? What was the label on the box that they came in Sorry, too amusing
> not to ask.
> Horace.
> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Patrick in VT  wrote:
>> On May 17, 3:35 pm, "S.Cutshall"  wrote:
>> > True, dat... but they attach via cantilever posts [which were
>> > originally conceived for attaching cantilever brakes and not
>> > centerpulls].
>> hmm, but if you tried to run cantilever brakes on "these" cantilever
>> posts, it wouldn't work out so well.
>> and in that sense, it is perhaps a misnomer to call them "cantilever"
>> posts.
>> are there any epistemologists on this list?  can a cantilever post
>> *be* a cantilever post if a cantilever brake can't be used on it?
>> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: paul's racer brakes vs cantis questions

2010-05-19 Thread Gino Zahnd
Disclosure: Paul is a good friend of mine.

Regarding the straddle wire, that sounds like a setup problem to me. I
run Paul brakes on a few of my bikes, and that's not a problem with
any of them. In fact, just squeezing the centerpulls by the pads
should release the cable, or close to it. Without seeing your setup
though, it's hard to say where the problem may have been.

Regarding spring tension, did you try a set of replacement springs? I
had an issue with a brake not centering, picked up a new spring, and
it fixed the problem.

-Gino in Chico, CA

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 3:37 AM, Blindrobert  wrote:
> Wow - I guess I am the only person who had these brakes and didn't
> care for them.  I ordered my AHH built with the polished center mount
> version of the Racer and found them to be rather problematic.  Neither
> the folks at Rivendell nor my LBS were able to help with the problems
> I was having:
> Problem number one: to remove the wheel, I had to really fight to get
> the straddle wire free.  When the brakes were adjusted with the pads
> running close to the rim, I couldn't close them enough to get the
> straddle wire out easily - even after hitting the QR button on the
> brake levers.
> Problem number two: the brakes wouldn't center up consistently after
> braking.  They would be fine 75% of the time, but every now and then
> (and at least once a ride) the front or rear would spring back
> unevenly, leaving one pad rubbing the rim.  The folks at Rivendell
> weren't able to make this happen with a pair in their shop no matter
> how much they tried.  I tried adjusting the spring tensions, and
> finally took it in to my LBS who adjusted the brakes, but I kept
> having the same problem.
> I am a pretty good mechanic and routinely build up and break down my
> own bikes - there aren't a lot of complicated things to adjust on a
> brake so this problem was really frustrating.  It went on for months
> before I finally swapped them out for a pair of Silvers and sold them
> at a hefty loss.
> I want to close saying that I continue to be a fan of Paul Components,
> I am having a touring bike built and will use their cantis on that
> bike, I use their e-lever on two of my fixed gear bikes, and would
> love to own one of their road cranks some day.
> Roberto
> On May 17, 4:39 pm, Patrick in VT  wrote:
>> On May 17, 4:10 pm, PATRICK MOORE  wrote:
>> > It's only a cantilever post if it is actually, at this moment, supporting a
>> > cantilever brake arm. Otherwise it's only a potential cantilever post.
>> > Patrick "if a tree falls in the forest, etc etc etc" Moore
>> Thank you, Patrick.  I have a hard time with such questions.  And, so
>> it follows that since the "racer" mount is not supporting - indeed, it
>> has not event the potential to support - a cantilever brake, we can
>> not rightly refer to this mount as a cantilever post, lest we violate
>> certain laws of truth and knowledge.
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Re: [RBW] Re: paul's racer brakes vs cantis questions

2010-05-19 Thread Gino Zahnd
Buy new brake pads, and you get new nuts. Those aren't a PAUL part,
just part of the brake pad.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Rob Harrison  wrote:
> Speaking of Paul's centerpulls, my new-to-me Saluki has the polished
> versions. Haven't ridden it yet, still setting it up, but I noticed this
> morning the chrome on all of the brake pad fixing post nuts--the 5mm hex
> domed ones--is flaking off and rusting. Anyone know if those available in
> stainless, or as separate replacement parts?
> Rob in Seattle
> On May 19, 2010, at 8:24 AM, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
>> Disclosure: Paul is a good friend of mine.
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Re: [RBW] Bullmoose, Thumbies and Rapid Rise

2010-05-24 Thread Gino Zahnd
I use Paul thumbies and flat bars on my Bleriot with a reg'lar
derailer, and it's fine. I take it off road all the time. In fact, I'm
about to take delivery of a custom Sycip 650B XC hardtail, and it will
have Thumbies and a regular derailer as well.

Also, you don't take your hand off the grip to shift to a different
gear. If you're taking your hands off to shift, your setup isn't

Just go with what you're familiar with. With any iota of finesse, you
can shift with either type of derailer.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 11:57 AM, Ginz  wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am thinking about the setup of my Hunqapillar which will wear
> Bullmoose bars and Paul thumbies with shimano bar-end shifters.  Is a
> rapid-rise rear der the best choice in this situation?
> Assuming the thumbies will be indexed and positioned on top of the
> bar, will I be able to flick the right lever forward?  If so, wouldn't
> I want that motion to be a shift to a larger cog?  If I can only shift
> the lever in one direction without taking my hand off the bar,
> wouldn't I want that to be a downshift?  When I am looking for an
> easier gear (ie. riding up hill in the wrong gear), I'm thinking I
> won't want to take my hand off the bar.  For this reason, is a top-
> normal der more appropriate?
> I haven't used thumb shifters in YEARS so if hands must come off the
> bar for all shifts, then I guess rapid rise is the way to go.
> Thanks for any advice,
> Eric
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Re: [RBW] Betty Foy Video!

2010-05-28 Thread Gino Zahnd
I like this gal on an Atlantis, clipless pedals, cutoffs, collared shirt, no
helmet, and an iPod.

Makes me want to hit the road!

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 4:51 PM, erik jensen  wrote:

> cemetery chic
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 4:42 PM, manueljohnacosta <
> manueljohnaco...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGtjIOH1TOY
>> Once again Rivendell does an awesome job!  Also some new How-To-Videos
>> including installing of bar-end shifters! The videos work! Now I have
>> this sudden urge to head out to the shop tomorrow to buy a number of
>> random things. Might go on a ride there then take a buddy of mine to
>> ride three bears hill..
>> -Manny
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> --
> oakland, ca
> bikenoir.blogspot.com
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[RBW] Roadeo review

2010-06-03 Thread Gino Zahnd


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Re: [RBW] Re: silver shiters and paul thumbies

2010-06-03 Thread Gino Zahnd
Just learn how to index 'em yourself. It's easy!

One of the most liberating feelings ever was when I internalized how
to fix/install my derailers.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 5:25 PM, Daniel M  wrote:
> I inquired about getting Silver shifters with Paul Thumbies less than
> two months ago and was told it was a less-than-desirable combination,
> so I had my Hillborne set up with Shimanos instead.  Not clear on
> exactly what changed, but really no complaints about the Shimanos,
> either.  I rode them for the first few weeks in friction mode and
> really enjoyed the feel.  After having the derailers adjusted I tried
> out index mode again and it turns out I really like having both
> options.  Indexing is great when perfectly adjusted; when it gets out
> of whack I can just go back to friction until I or a shop take the
> time to adjust it again.
> Daniel
> On Jun 2, 5:18 pm, Richard  wrote:
>> I seem to recall a post that Silver Silvers could not be used with
>> Paul Thumbies.  Well, it looks like Rivendell has come up with a way
>> to make them work with each other.
>> http://www.rivbike.com/assets/payloads/307/original_brokebike.pdf
>> Should be a great combination.
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: silver shiters and paul thumbies

2010-06-03 Thread Gino Zahnd
If you follow the Park directions step by step, it's hard to go wrong.

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 10:27 AM, MichaelH  wrote:
> I don't have any problems setting up derailleurs and friction systems,
> just the indexing. Steve's remark about turning into the direction
> that is not working is helpful. I can probably even remember that.
> Michael
> On Jun 3, 10:54 am, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
>> Just learn how to index 'em yourself. It's 
>> easy!http://parktool.com/repair/readhowto.asp?id=64
>> One of the most liberating feelings ever was when I internalized how
>> to fix/install my derailers.
>> -Gino
>> On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 5:25 PM, Daniel M  wrote:
>> > I inquired about getting Silver shifters with Paul Thumbies less than
>> > two months ago and was told it was a less-than-desirable combination,
>> > so I had my Hillborne set up with Shimanos instead.  Not clear on
>> > exactly what changed, but really no complaints about the Shimanos,
>> > either.  I rode them for the first few weeks in friction mode and
>> > really enjoyed the feel.  After having the derailers adjusted I tried
>> > out index mode again and it turns out I really like having both
>> > options.  Indexing is great when perfectly adjusted; when it gets out
>> > of whack I can just go back to friction until I or a shop take the
>> > time to adjust it again.
>> > Daniel
>> > On Jun 2, 5:18 pm, Richard  wrote:
>> >> I seem to recall a post that Silver Silvers could not be used with
>> >> Paul Thumbies.  Well, it looks like Rivendell has come up with a way
>> >> to make them work with each other.
>> >>http://www.rivbike.com/assets/payloads/307/original_brokebike.pdf
>> >> Should be a great combination.
>> > --
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>> > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> > For more options, visit this group 
>> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
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[RBW] Status: issue with Rivbike.com

2010-06-03 Thread Gino Zahnd
Hi Folks,

We made some changes today to increase speed on the rivbike.com, and
we're currently experiencing some issues in the shopping cart where
products appear to be randomly added or deleted.

I'll update the list again when it is resolved.

Sorry for any issues this is causing for shoppers. We'll have it resolved soon.


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[RBW] Re: Status: issue with Rivbike.com

2010-06-03 Thread Gino Zahnd
Ok folks, things are back to A-OK status.

For the nerds among us, we were running into some caching issues in
the cart, but it's fixed now.

Gino (on behalf of RBW)

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> We made some changes today to increase speed on the rivbike.com, and
> we're currently experiencing some issues in the shopping cart where
> products appear to be randomly added or deleted.
> I'll update the list again when it is resolved.
> Sorry for any issues this is causing for shoppers. We'll have it resolved 
> soon.
> Thanks,
> Gino

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Re: [RBW] Re: Your Favorite Handlebar Bag

2010-06-10 Thread Gino Zahnd
The Inujirushi bag has been good to me over the course of 10,000+ miles.
Still looks great.

I personally have found the Berthoud bags harder to use en route, but eh,
you'll probably be happy with any of the
RBW/Berthoud/Acorn/Inujirushi/Watanabe options.


On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Brian Hanson  wrote:

> I have an Acorn Boxy - just got it to match my Large Saddlebag for my
> Hilsen.  Initial comments before riding:
> 1. I like the fact that it mounts low and is easy on/off
> 2. It is well made and seems very stable
> 3. It's on the small side, so make sure it's big enough for what you will
> use it for
> 4. I'm still looking with lust at the Riv BarSack - quality looks awesome -
> just don't like the high mount when I have a perfectly good rack to put it
> on.
> Brian
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Steve Palincsar  wrote:
>> On Thu, 2010-06-10 at 15:33 -0700, GeorgeS wrote:
>> > I'm in total agreement about the Berthoud bag with a decaleur.  I've
>> > tried a number of different handlebar bags and this is the best by
>> > far.  Be sure to measure the room you have for mounting and get the
>> > right size.  I also agree that the elastic bands are much easier to
>> > use than the leather strap "luxe" model.
>> The pockets inside the top flap on the deluxe bags are nice.  There's a
>> place that's perfect for a brevet card, and there's a zippered pocket
>> that makes a nice place to stash a $20 and forget it until you need it.
>> The model with the elastics lacks those features.  But it's true, it is
>> definitely easier to get into the elastic-closed pockets than the
>> straps.
>> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Your Favorite Handlebar Bag

2010-06-10 Thread Gino Zahnd
I found the inner opening more difficult - having to fish it through the
decaleur to open and/or close took more attention that reaching over the
Inujirushi, for me. They're both super nice bags though, and both beautiful.

> What did you find harder to use about the Berthouds?
> I replaced my Inujirushi with a Berthoud for the easier access! My
> Inujirushi opened the wrong way (away from me when riding).
> Ryan

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Re: [RBW] Re: Your Favorite Handlebar Bag

2010-06-11 Thread Gino Zahnd
I have to fasten bags and lids - riding off road in northern CA is
rough going. So if it ain't strapped, it goes airborne.  :-)


On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 7:26 AM,   wrote:
> I'm not sure I know what you're saying, Gino, but I never bother fastening 
> the main lid. Wind and gravity hold it down. I've only fastened it when 
> carrying the bike on a car or bus rack.
> I agree they are both excellent bags!
> Ryan
> On Jun 10, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
>> I found the inner opening more difficult - having to fish it through the 
>> decaleur to open and/or close took more attention that reaching over the 
>> Inujirushi, for me. They're both super nice bags though, and both beautiful.
>> What did you find harder to use about the Berthouds?
>> I replaced my Inujirushi with a Berthoud for the easier access! My 
>> Inujirushi opened the wrong way (away from me when riding).
>> Ryan
>> --
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[RBW] Hub shiners are the new tire wipers

2010-06-11 Thread Gino Zahnd

Gino 'tire wipers were the new low trail' Z

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Re: [RBW] Re: The Bleriot Build...

2010-06-12 Thread Gino Zahnd
I'm 5' 9" and bought the 57cm B-lo, and have regretted it every time I
get on it.

I like the bike well enough, but it's too small.

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 4:46 AM, Johnny Alien  wrote:
> Man...I am 5'9 and 59 would be WAY too big for me.
> Maybe I have stubby legs. :)
> On Jun 12, 6:36 am, JoelMatthews  wrote:
>> > All that said, Bob is building me another bike.  So that one [a full-
>> > on/purpose-built Rando bike w/S&S couplers]
>> BB does this style of bike real well.  It should be a very worthy
>> replacement.
>> > Plus the Bleriot [Big Dummy and Pugsley], and I am covered in my estimate.
>> Adequately covered I guess ;)
>> On Jun 12, 4:58 am, "S.Cutshall"  wrote:
>> > Sadly on one hand [so many fantastic memories, plus... how can I even
>> > begin to process personally what that bike has done for & with me?],
>> > and excitedly on the other [because it kind of means "Success, look
>> > what you've accomplished... "] the answer is, Yes I am.
>> > The Bob Brown custom [what I call "BBC#1" to differentiate from my
>> > wife's Bob Brown "BBC#2"], while it's gone through about 20 different
>> > incarnations as my body has changed in the last 4.5 years and is still
>> > sprite and nimble in its current setup, has a geometry that no longer
>> > can really be altered through components and adjustments to suit my
>> > body.  It's what I call, "Comfortably uncomfortable".
>> > I am stripping it down to just frame & fork and packing it away.  I'll
>> > never sell it [how could I?] but I am of the mind that it is time to
>> > look forward.  Some of the parts will go onto the Bleriot, some to the
>> > Parts Bin.
>> > All that said, Bob is building me another bike.  So that one [a full-
>> > on/purpose-built Rando bike w/S&S couplers], plus the Bleriot [Big
>> > Dummy and Pugsley], and I am covered in my estimate.
>> > After quite a bit of thinking, and then talking with my wife, it's
>> > time to pack it away... but I am excited about what's next.  And
>> > what's next for me is personally very big... and I'll be needing a
>> > bike that can take me into this new chapter.
>> > Made myself two basic promises at the start of all this: No.1 is
>> > intact and held close to heart, and accomplished & maintained daily;
>> > No.2, well that one... it's time to start paying up on that one
>> > because I have to know what I am capable of.
>> > Heavy heart, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada [but it is kind of heavy
>> > honestly said: BBC#1 saved my life]...
>> > -Scott
>> > On Jun 11, 2:52 pm, Jansenh  wrote:
>> > > Scott,
>> > > Used to follow your blog (but didn't post much).
>> > > Are you retiring your Bob Brown, or is the Bleriot meant to compliment
>> > > (i.e. different purpose build).
>> > > On Jun 11, 12:52 pm, "S.Cutshall"  wrote:
>> > > > Thanks folks...
>> > > > Yes, it's a 59.  I am 5ft 9in when standing without my wife nearby,
>> > > > 5ft 10.5in when she's around [I have a tendency to give-in to the
>> > > > 'life-long-drummers'/5-years-on-a-bike-cyclist/years-of-being-
>> > > > overweight slump' my spine enjoys, that is until my wife is nearby...
>> > > > and she makes me stand up straight by jabbing me in my ribcage].
>> > > > I am curious about the Hetres, and plan to try them sometime soon.
>> > > > Hopefully today I'll get some additional parts installed and post more
>> > > > photos...
>> > > > -Scott
>> > > > On Jun 11, 5:46 am, JoelMatthews  wrote:
>> > > > > I guess I did not realize you were so tall (of course I have only 
>> > > > > seen
>> > > > > you in flickr photos on my computer screen.  That looks to be a 59,
>> > > > > correct?
>> > > > > Anyway, it is shaping up fine. Nice SON up front, King in the back,
>> > > > > Velocitys. You will really be able to put some miles on that bike.
>> > > > > Give Hetres a try some time.
>> > > > > On Jun 11, 12:48 am, "S.Cutshall"  wrote:
>> > > > > > ...has -finally- begun.
>> > > > > >http://www.flickr.com/photos/30264...@n00/sets/72157624125215767/
>> > > > > > Very excited to get this bike up & running on the road.
>> > > > > > -Scott
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[RBW] FS: Lil loafer, tires, bars

2010-06-16 Thread Gino Zahnd
Shipping for these things will be from Chico, CA 95926.  Prices do not
include shipping.



Green tweed Little Loafer, basically new condition

Panaracer Pasela TourGuard - 2 tires, New in packaging, 700 x 28c
$50 for both tires

Grand Bois Ourson, 1 tire, New never mounted, 650 x 35b

Salsa Moto Ace bar (great for CX and drop bar MTBs), 44cm, exc. condition

Salsa Moto Ace S.U.L. stem, 26mm clamp, 90º x 90mm, exc. condition

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[RBW] Re: FS: Lil loafer, tires, bars

2010-06-17 Thread Gino Zahnd
What's left:

Panaracer Pasela TourGuard - 2 tires, New in packaging, 700 x 28c
> $50 for both tires
> Grand Bois Ourson, 1 tire, New never mounted, 650 x 35b
> $58
> Salsa Moto Ace bar (great for CX and drop bar MTBs), 44cm, exc. condition
> $20
> Salsa Moto Ace S.U.L. stem, 26mm clamp, 90º x 90mm, exc. condition
> $20

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Re: [RBW] Re: do you ever get tired of....

2010-06-17 Thread Gino Zahnd
I thought this one was pronounced

Ca nahn' duh lay

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 1:45 PM, cm  wrote:
> I blame Cannondale..seriously. I think people know or sorta know it is
> a bike name and then see rivendell and in their mind things misfire,
> streams cross, words mash, and out comes Rivendale.
> do i ever get tired of it? nope.
> Cheers!
> cm

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Re: [RBW] Shifting issues with TA Pro 5 Vis cranks/rings

2010-06-18 Thread Gino Zahnd
I have TA cranks on both my Saluki and Bleriot, and I use the FSA
Gossamer derailer on both. It works smoothly. I highly recommend it.

Bleriot setup is 42x26 for town and the local dirt.  Saluki is a
wide-range double: 46x28 for loaded touring. I've also used the FSA/TA
setup with a 48x36, and they all work dandily.

On the Bleriot, I have a Velo Orange 122mm bottom bracket. On the
Saluki, I have a fancy Phil 125 +2 offset.

The derailer cage is pancake flat, which is why it works so well with
the cantankerous TA cranks, and the derailer is specifically designed
for compact cranks, which is perfect for my setups. Here's what it
looks like:

P.S. If anyone has a 172.5mm pair, or maybe 170mm, of the "new" TA Pro
5 Vis that they'd like to sell, let me know.

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 9:12 PM, XO-1.org Rough Riders
> Hi:
> I've never gotten suitable shifting with a TA Pro 5 Vis crankset with
> 32/46 rings. This is mated with Shimano 9-speed on the rear (11x34)
> and bar-end shifters (Shimano 9 also). First I had it set up with a
> Suntour Superbe Pro front derailleur and it wanted to overshift once
> every 25 to 50 shifts, no matter how I adjusted the derailleur.
> The local bike guru, who knows stuff old and new, suggested a modern
> front derailleur, as they are designed to shifter narrower 9/10-speed
> chains, whereas the old Suntour derailleur was meant for 6/7-speed
> chains. The thought being: Maybe the "old" derailleur's cage is wider
> because the chains for which it was intended were wider; now that
> wider cage made it throw a narrow chain too far. That make some
> sense.
> Well, I've installed a brand new Ultegra 10-spd front derailleur and
> it seems to keep the chain on either one ring or the other, and it
> downshifts fine, but it takes a major tug on the shifter to get it to
> move the chain to the big ring. In fact, when I upshift, what it's
> trying to do is shove the chain between the rings, into the hole
> between the five arms of the right crank, in the sizable vertical gap,
> or hole, created by the 14 tooth difference in ring size. Of course,
> modern rings, with their ramps and pins, would probably toss that
> chain right up onto the big ring instantaneously. But I like the low Q-
> factor of these TA arms (this is actually my GF's bike I am talking
> about; she's 5'4" and prefer the narrower tread even more than I do),
> plus the ring sizes available are preferable to a "compact" design.
> Yes, the derailleur is mounted as low as possible abov the top rights.
> In fact, the front derailleur cage is so long, it almost hits the
> right chainstay down at the bottom. I find that odd since a 46 tooth
> big ring is not small, at all. I don't see how this could work on a
> crank with a smaller big ring.
> Any thoughts or suggestions?
> BTW, sorry I don't seem to have a good shot of the bike, or especially
> its drivetrain online, though you can see her with the bike (gold 1974
> Williams converted to 650B wheels) in front of the Nate Harrison Grade
> sign near the bottom of this post:
> http://www.xo-1.org/2008/12/rough-riding-northern-san-diego-county.html
> We're headed out to Ramona / Black Canyon tomorrow and I'll get some
> shots of the parts in question then, in case that might help any of
> you help me assay the situation. Here's the blog report of a semi-
> similar version of the riding we're doing tomorrow:
> http://www.xo-1.org/2009/01/rough-riding-north-eastern-san-diego.html
> Thanks.
> - Chris Kostman
> La Jolla, CA
> http://www.adventurecorps.com
> http://www.XO-1.org
> http://www.the508.com
> --
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2010-06-21 Thread Gino Zahnd
Steve Rex did my Saluki, and Russ Pickett repainted the areas that
needed it. Mine is a custom one-off metallic, and he matched it

You won't find a better team to do it, and they're 90 minutes from SF.


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 3:49 PM, J L  wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am at the point with my Saluki that I would like to travel with the bike.
> I have decided that pros and cons weighted the best option for me is to use
> S&S couplers.  I am in San Francisco, what are peoples recommendations about
> getting the frame S&S converted?  After it is done I would like the re-paint
> to be done well - if that changes anything.  I would gladly ship but if
> there is someplace in-state that would be better.
> -Jason
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Re: [RBW] Rivendell in Santa Clarita!

2010-07-08 Thread Gino Zahnd
Santa Clarita valley. Now with 100% more sensibility.

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Michael_S  wrote:
> I was out walking yesterday evening and saw a nice Hilsen with fenders
> riding the opposite direction across the street. That is the 1st
> Rivendell I've seen in the LA 'burbs where I live.  He had fenders and
> bags too!
> Normally this is the place people make fun of ( Weed's TV show opening
> clip-thanks Gino) and everyone is on Carbon race bikes and wearing
> full lycra advertisement uni's or riding fixies with skinny jeans and
> bandana's stylishly attached.
> So now that makes two Riv's in town!
> ~Mike~
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Removing Cork Grips

2010-07-23 Thread Gino Zahnd
I did this yeterday with a box cutter, and then a little superfine
sand paper to make the surface clean. It took about 10 minutes total.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 3:48 PM, All Rounder 2000
> Will be interested to read much more on this. I have the "traditional"
> Riv Cork Grips, with Elmer's Ultimate, and I would like to remove the
> grips sometime, to swap out the stem. :)
> --
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[RBW] WTT: TA 165mm for TA 170-175mm

2009-04-03 Thread Gino Zahnd


It's a slim chance, but here it is:

I'll trade a nearly new (less than 50 miles) set of TA Pro 5 Vis crank
arms for a similar condition set of the same in 170-175mm length.
Nope, I won't sell them, just trade.

Chico, CA

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[RBW] Re: xo-1 - in box on ebay

2009-04-07 Thread Gino Zahnd

Yeah. The best/funniest thing would be to see that bike end up looking
like this:

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 7:35 PM, CycloFiend  wrote:
> There's always hope.  Maybe someone will buy that, build it up and take it
> out and ride it within an inch of its life.

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[RBW] Re: RBW Website Down?

2009-04-09 Thread Gino Zahnd

Folks, we checked the logs and there have been no site outages in April.

R Gonet, what browser and operating system are you using? And, are you
experiencing the problem with any other web sites?


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 5:52 PM, R Gonet  wrote:
> Is anybody else having trouble getting onto the RBW website?  I
> haven't been able to bring up the site for a couple of days.

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[RBW] Re: Staff Bikes

2009-04-10 Thread Gino Zahnd

(prototype, no pump peg)

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:00 PM, rcnute  wrote:
> I like the pump on Grant's bike.

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[RBW] Re: Things you love about RBW and things that make you groan

2009-04-12 Thread Gino Zahnd
Heh. I took my (22.5lb) Rambouillet for a hilly 50 miler this morning. It
continues to be my favorite Rivendell for "spirited" long rides.

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 1:29 PM,  wrote:

>  Love: The Rambouillet
> Moan: The lack of the Rambouillet

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[RBW] Rambouillet story

2009-04-12 Thread Gino Zahnd
I was contacted by a writer for a European magazine who'd found a photo of
my Rambouillet on a trail in Chico on Flickr.  In his email, he asked
permission to use the photo in a piece about the Rambouillet region of
France...  When I visited the URL he sent me, he had already used my
Creative Commons-licensed photo (remember, taken in Chico), and here is the
description of the photo in his article, roughly translated:

"Isla of France, the region around Paris, much more rustic as you can think.
In the image, a bicycle on the outskirts of Rambouillet"

Roughly translated article:
http://xrl.us/beoq8a (Link to translate.google.com)

Or the original for those of you fluent in Spanish:

Apparently, Chico can pass for the outskirts of Paris. I guess I can check
that one off my list of places to ride...

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[RBW] Re: things I like about Rivendell (ride report hijack)

2009-04-12 Thread Gino Zahnd
It's called Peeking Through the Knothole, available at www.rivbike.com


On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 6:35 PM, David Estes  wrote:

> they should have a blog

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[RBW] Re: Things you love about RBW and things that make you groan

2009-04-12 Thread Gino Zahnd
Mine's a hair over 22, and set up without much thought to weight weenie-ing.

58cm Ram
Ultegra: headset, 6600 hubs, front/rear deralleur, cassette, 172.5 crankset
Durace barend shifters
Mavic open pro rims, DT spokes
Brooks Swift Ti
Nitto: noodle, stem, seatpost
King cages
Shimano levers, sidepull brakes
Conti 25mm tires

I'd like to change:
the handlebar to the new Nitto M179, with STI shifters
brakes that I can't yet talk about. :-)

It'd be easy to get a Rambouillet under 20lbs with a little bit of thought
and money. But, it is what it is: not a racing bike.

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 4:21 PM, usuk2007 wrote:

> I'd love to see a build list on that 21lb Ram. Mine's at 25lbs but
> it's set up for touring.
> Loosing the B17 and getting a lighter wheel set might help...

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[RBW] Re: things I like about Rivendell (ride report hijack)

2009-04-13 Thread Gino Zahnd
A) There are tons of blogs on the web with comments turned off.
B) Can you fathom the vitriol and time waste that would occur if Rivendell
allowed comments there? They'd have to hire someone just to manage the blog.

News section != blog, but comments do not a blog make.

It's that way by design. But it's definitely a blog.


On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 2:54 PM, William Henderson <
william.c.hender...@gmail.com> wrote:

> also, a news section != a blog.
> no comments.

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[RBW] Re: Things you love about RBW and things that make you groan

2009-04-13 Thread Gino Zahnd
Speaking of Cyclofiend, hopefully this is where he steps in and stops this
wildly off-track thread.


On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Esteban  wrote:

> What I love II: I think Grant's response is pitch-perfect.  I'm a
> college professor, and I spill my guts into teaching - probably too
> much, if I am to take seriously my research agenda glaring back at me
> in the corner.  But nevertheless, a student or two will pick something
> apart about my teaching.  Maybe its accurate, usually its unfair.  And
> despite overwhelming positive feedback, I'll remember those two
> comments for a long time.  They make me bitter.  Make me think the
> whole endeavor isn't worth it and that I should just work exclusively
> on research.  But I keep coming back and try to improve.  I've never
> seen a more transparent and earnest operation, despite the flack they
> (and we) get for trying to do the Right Thing.  Rivendell is counter-
> cultural - not just in cycling, but in a globalized economy.  Its
> something I'm proud to be part of - in the little ways I suppose I'm
> part of it.
> Riv runs contrary to the "race to the bottom" logic of contemporary
> capitalism.  Lots of people I know - maybe its my age (35) - are
> turning to craft and supporting craft producers.  In these cases,
> stuff costs more because its worth it - down the line from the
> materials, labor, and livelihood supported by craft.  I'm all for
> that.
> In terms of flow of information, I'm kind of a luddite in these
> matters.  There's fun in the wait for news about something - and fruit
> born dwelling with things without the constant flow of information.  I
> can't tell you how often I check out the Riv site, this one, and
> Cyclofiend and look at the same stuff over and over and enjoy it.  Its
> like going to the library as a kid and looking longingly at the
> interesting pictures of places far away over and over again.
> Anyway, as with anything one might find interest in, there's always
> going to be some things that might improve.
> Esteban
> On Apr 13, 3:29 pm, William Henderson 
> wrote:
> > None of these are really groaners - just things I wish Riv would do/do
> > more of:
> > - Internally geared bikes.  Until they build a full chainguard for a
> > front derailler, anyway.  'Bout the only thing that bugs me about my
> > Atlantis is rolling up my pants before I jump on.
> > - Lighting.  It's a complicated and confusing world, and Riv's current
> > offerings don't seem sufficient.  I wish they had more so I could buy
> > from them and life would be simple and good again.
> > - Plastic fenders.  Really, I just can't love the SKS fenders.
> > - Panniers.  Love my ortliebs, but I'd much rather see Riv carrying
> > some nice looking, waterproofish, easy to mount MUSA ones.  I've heard
> > something is in the works..
> > - s'more books/articles helping people who are trying to get into
> > touring.
> >
> > Oh, and despite all the convincing arguments and silliness of special
> > shoes, I think I'll always love my clipless petals.  That's probably
> > just me, though.
> >
> > As for the loves - I think most of them have been covered by y'all.  I
> > love my Atlantis more every time I ride it, sometimes even when its
> > just sitting in the house waiting to be take out.  Cornering on JB's
> > is a wonderful thing.
> >
> > wc.
> >
> > On Apr 13, 6:40 am, Bill Connell  wrote:
> >
> > > Love: Grant's cycling philosophy and writing style, his willingness to
> > > put new ideas into the stream, and the general wackiness like the
> > > ongoing 'e'-less Raven contest. The value of beausage (whether you
> > > like his word for it or not). I also support the idea of the new
> > > Taiwanese-built frames, in the hope that it means i can eventually
> > > afford a Quickbeam-like frame.
> >
> > > Meh: Lack of continuity in things like the bike bags. I'm sure this is
> > > as much as supplier issue as anything, but it would be good to have a
> > > core lineup of things like the Atlantis. I liked the Speedblends too,
> > > i thought they were pretty cool, but probably too expensive for the
> > > younger crowd that might take to them better.
> >
> > > --
> > > Bill Connell
> > > St. Paul, MN
> >

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[RBW] Re: looking for a fast bike, where should I go.

2009-04-19 Thread Gino Zahnd
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 7:45 PM, Bill M.  wrote:

> Calfee's about the only carbon bike I'd consider.

Me too.

This was my last carbonium bike (likely ever):

It was a very nice bike, and I don't have anything bad to say about it,
except that it didn't quite fit (too small), and these days I've seen enough
carbon failure (though not Calfee) to steer clear of it.

Speaking of which, there's a broken Calfee here about 10 images down,
snapped at the typical spots on the frame:

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[RBW] Re: my new Bomb

2009-04-22 Thread Gino Zahnd
And here I thought it was a mountain bike.  ;-)

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 5:16 AM, ed k  wrote:

> Grant seems to have gone overboard with the fender clearance on the
> Bombadil

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[RBW] FS: 54cm Saluki complete

2009-04-22 Thread Gino Zahnd
Hi Folks,

My wife is selling her nearly perfect condition garage queen Saluki. Why is
she selling? She likes (and rides) her ancient go-fast bike and wants to get
a modern (still steel) go-fast bike.

If you have any questions, please email me off list. Thanks.

• essentially pristine 54cm Rivendell Saluki assembled by Mark at Rivendell
• custom paint, identical to the original orange Rambouillet
• wheels built by Rich Lesnik, LX hubs on Synergy rims
• hammered Honjo fenders, fitted for 30-33mm tires
• Nitto Mark's rack, mounted to front fender for rigidity
• Maxy Fasty tires, Schwalbe tubes
• Silver brand brakes
• Shimano brake levers
• Silver downtube shifters
• LX rear deralleur, FSA front derailleur
• 41cm Nitto Noodle bar, white cork tape, wine cork bar-end caps
• Nitto 8cm lugged stem
• Ultegra headset
• Sugino XD600 triple crankset
• 8spd LX cassette
• Nitto Crystal Fellow seatpost
• Silver sidepull brakes

To ride away on it, you'll need: saddle, pedals, and bottle cages.



Preference will be given to those in northern/central coast California and
southern Oregon, because I don't want to deal with shipping.  I will ship
the bike if necessary, but the buyer will pay shipping. I'll have it boxed
at a local shop for that.


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[RBW] Re: my new Bomb

2009-04-22 Thread Gino Zahnd
I reckon the pictures here of Cyclofiend's A. Homer Hilsen will make you
ill, then.  :-)


In particular:

(man, that pic is getting a lot of mileage...)

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:00 AM, ed k  wrote:

> I believe a Rivendell mountain bike should be used on *civilized*
> mountains.  I don't want to soil my tweed riding ensemble.
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
>> And here I thought it was a mountain bike.  ;-)
>> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 5:16 AM, ed k  wrote:
>>> Grant seems to have gone overboard with the fender clearance on the
>>> Bombadil
> >

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[RBW] Re: Weird CL post

2009-04-24 Thread Gino Zahnd

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Thomas Haggerty wrote:

> THEM ... )
> --
> Reply to: 
> sale-sjg2n-1137714...@craigslist.org
> [Errors when replying to 
> ads?<http://www.craigslist.org/about/help/replying_to_posts>
> ]
> Date: 2009-04-24, 6:30AM PDT
>- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial
>  [image: image 1137714051-0]
>   PostingID: 1137714051
> On 4/24/09, Gino Zahnd  wrote:
>> What was the posting? Sounds fun!
>> And yes, given my location in Chico, it's pretty easy to meet folks from
>> Portland half way for pickups, so I put the Saluki post there as well.
>> Cheers,
>> Gino
>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 7:18 AM, Mike  wrote:
>>> I actually found it kind of amusing. I guess it's lame. I noticed a
>>> certain RBW posters wife's Saluki is also posted... And there is a
>>> great Rommulus posted which I was just admiring on the street the
>>> other day.
>>> On Apr 24, 7:16 am, "David Faller"  wrote:
>>> > Everyone flag this as Spam ASAP!
>>> >
>>> >   - Original Message -
>>> >   From: Mike
>>> >   To: RBW Owners Bunch
>>> >   Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 7:13 AM
>>> >   Subject: [RBW] Weird CL post
>>> >
>>> >   I don't check CL often but this morning was just looking around to
>>> see
>>> >   what's listed and noticed this. Weird.
>>> >
>>> >  http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/bik/1137714051.html
> >

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[RBW] Re: Weird CL post

2009-04-24 Thread Gino Zahnd
What was the posting? Sounds fun!

And yes, given my location in Chico, it's pretty easy to meet folks from
Portland half way for pickups, so I put the Saluki post there as well.


On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 7:18 AM, Mike  wrote:

> I actually found it kind of amusing. I guess it's lame. I noticed a
> certain RBW posters wife's Saluki is also posted... And there is a
> great Rommulus posted which I was just admiring on the street the
> other day.
> On Apr 24, 7:16 am, "David Faller"  wrote:
> > Everyone flag this as Spam ASAP!
> >
> >   - Original Message -
> >   From: Mike
> >   To: RBW Owners Bunch
> >   Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 7:13 AM
> >   Subject: [RBW] Weird CL post
> >
> >   I don't check CL often but this morning was just looking around to see
> >   what's listed and noticed this. Weird.
> >
> >  http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/bik/1137714051.html
> >

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[RBW] Re: Weird CL post

2009-04-24 Thread Gino Zahnd
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Mike  wrote:

> It's so weird how Rivendell inspires such strong reactions in people.

You haven't made it until people hate you. :-)

> Hey Gino, why is the Saluki for sale? Is the fit just not right for
> Claire?

See my previous post.  Thanks.

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[RBW] P-clamps may become difficult to obtain?

2009-04-27 Thread Gino Zahnd
File under: California News of the Asinine

Perhaps now is a good time to reconsider actual brazeons in all the right

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[RBW] Re: Do Pacenti Quasi-Motos fit on a Bleriot?

2009-04-30 Thread Gino Zahnd

I highly doubt it. The mystical and not-yet-made Pacenti 43mm knobby
would, though.

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:08 PM, David Estes  wrote:
> yea or nea
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> >

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[RBW] Romulus sighting near Mountain View, CA

2009-05-06 Thread Gino Zahnd
I'd just gotten off the early flight from Seattle, headed to my office in
Mountain View, getting off 101 onto Moffett Blvd. and saw a fella on a
fenderless Rom. Can I put a name with a face?

Also, Seattle is filled with Rivendells and other nice steel bikes (as


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[RBW] FS: Saluki frame/fork and lots of nice parts

2009-05-07 Thread Gino Zahnd
Sorry to post again, folks. I had three different people agree to buy, then
bail at the last second. So, I'm going to part out the bike.

Everything is is tip-top shape, no dings, no dents. If you want a photo of a
particular bit, let me know and I'll take it. Otherwise, you can see most of
it here:

• 54cm Saluki frame/fork, custom Rambouillet-orange paint. Comes w/Ultegra
headset & hammered Honjo fenders, fitted for 30-33mm tires. Nearly new
condition.  $1350

• Nitto Mark's rack  $70

• wheels: LX hubs on Synergy rims (built by Rich@ RBW)  $240

• Shimano Tiagra brake levers $30

• LX rear deralleur $30

• FSA front derailleur $25

• 44cm Nitto Noodle bar $40

• Nitto 8cm lugged stem $160

• Sugino XD600 triple crankset $70

• 8spd LX cassette $25

• Silver sidepull brakes $55

• Shimano 113mm bottom bracket, installed, never ridden $30

• Maxy Fasty tires, used, at least 1,000 miles left, $30

• Nigel Smythe blue tweed seat pouch (banana bag) $80

For all items, buyer pays shipping, and PayPal eCheck is the preferred
method (due to lack of fees).  If you're semi-local, we can probably work
out pickup/meeting.


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