Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Doug H.
Same conversation I have with my wife annually, sometimes semi-annually. 

On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 9:36:01 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> My husband just now: Are you getting ANOTHER bike? 
> Me: Well…not necessarily. I have to weigh out all the pros and cons, you 
> see.
> Him: I know how this ends. It ends with the Annual Bike Purchase of the 
> Last Bike I’ll Ever Need.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 22, 2024, at 9:26 PM, Leah Peterson  wrote:
> Tony, I swooned. Actually swooned. Gorgeous, gorgeous.
> I rode the Mon Night Ride on my Racing Platy tonight. I was so 
> apprehensive at the start because the winds were 13 mph with 21 mph gusts 
> and it was open road. I should not be doing this, I thought. Where is my 
> road bike?
> But it was the best ride. Did we have wind? Yes. But somehow it was great 
> and energizing and we just killed it. I had done an intense upper body 
> lifting session this morning and still it was great and not draining!
> Can I prove that to you?
> No. 
> My Apple Watch died on the ride.  🤬 
> There were men I don’t know on the ride tonight, so of course I got 
> comments. One of them said, “I hope you never get a road bike.”
> But I just might.
> Leah
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 22, 2024, at 8:41 PM, Tony Lockhart  wrote:
> @Leah--Get one of these3x8 drivetrain, Nitto and Silver everywhere. 
> Add a few bags and spend your weekends putting down mileageguaranteed 
> to give you a million smiles and zero worries.
> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 5:17:47 PM UTC-7 wrote:
>> Leah,
>> Don't overthink this. It's hard to build an actual "bad" bike, and the 
>> big names don't do it.
>> There are bike that are too "special" in some way -- too slow- or 
>> fast-handling, or whatever, but these are nuances. I can switch from a 
>> crit-geometry racer to a tourer and by the end of the block, I stop 
>> noticing it.
>> Check out this ad:
>> and go buy the ~51-52 cm red Centurion in the first picture.
>> For $40, you'll have something to play with and see how the setup might 
>> work for you.
>> If it's rideable, it's hard to see how this is not a good idea, and if 
>> Centurion built lousy bikes, I haven't heard of it.
>> cheers -mathias
>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:35:58 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>>> When you "cut to the chase" many of us old farts on this blog started 
>>> riding bikes in a serious way back in the early 70's.  And the go-to manual 
>>> for bikers back then was Eugene Sloane's "The Complete Book of Bicycling."  
>>> In that excellent instruction manual, as it were, he went to a great extent 
>>> to appeal to the use of "drop bars" (or simply road bars by most folks back 
>>> then) for road riders.  Of course, many different developments in cycling 
>>> have taken place since then, especially the introduction of the so-called 
>>> "hybrid bikes" with flat bars and the "mountain bikes," both of which 
>>> introduced different types of handlebars, tire types, and saddles.  It's a 
>>> bit of a lament that the regular "road bike" of the previous decades where 
>>> "drop bars," saddle types, gearing, tires, etc. of the previous period more 
>>> or less disappeared in the advent of those unique biking configurations.  
>>> Almost every time I venture out on a bike path around these parts I mostly 
>>> see people riding bikes configured with a "hybrid" set up...unless, of 
>>> course they're riding  e-bikes, which are becoming way too commonplace 
>>> nowadays.  I would encourage anyone who has an inclination to pick up and 
>>> begin riding regular road bikes to do so.
>>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 1:16:35 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>> wrote:
 All of these replies are interesting. And when I read one I think, 
 “Yes, that’s right” and then read another which conflicts and change my 
 mind. This is going to be a journey. I can’t even believe how much there 
 to know.

 I’m later getting here than the rest of you, I think. It was 2012 when 
 I first realized there were better bikes than the Walmart Schwinn I was 
 pulling my preschoolers around with. I got a Betty Foy with the biggest 
 racks and baskets money could buy and away we went. So happy! Still 

 Now those boys are in high school, and I live in a vibrant bike 
 community and suddenly it’s a whole new world for me. Every riding season 
 end up learning and being stretched. I’m doing new kinds of rides, meeting 
 lots of people, volunteering on bike committees, and venturing a lot 
 further from home. 5 years ago I would never have believed I’d ride a 
 metric century or enjoy club riding. This is all wonderful, but I’m 
 hamstrung by my lack of experience. I always thought dr

[RBW] Re: Rivendells in South Korea

2024-04-23 Thread Ezri Rose
Hi Marcus,
I've been eating up all your videos ever since your channel was linked here 
before! How did you discover Rivendell?  Was it back home in England or 
there in South Korea? Is there a Riv dealer in Seoul? A bike shop visit 
would be an interesting video, especially if they have Riv or similar stuff.

On Sunday, April 21, 2024 at 1:10:28 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> Hello fellow Rivendell enthusiasts,
> I'm Marcus, I live in Seoul, South Korea and am probably riding one of my 
> Rivs around. I recently started a Youtube channel and thought some people 
> on here might be interested in seeing it. I have some bike checks of my 
> Clem, Romulus, Atlantis and Velo Orange Polyvalent but it's mostly 
> showcasing what cycling in Korea is like. 
> I hope it's ok to post here and hope you enjoy!  Probably Riding - YouTube 
> Thanks for all of your discussions on this group!
> Marcus

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Garth
I don't know if this has been brought up but there's nothing stopping Leah 
from simply using a drop bar with an appropriate stem and saddle to go with 
the position. I can't speak to what bar heights/lengths are attainable, but 
I suspect with the smaller versions she has now, it would easy. Weight of 
the frame isn't nearly as important as it's portrayed to be, especially for 
low grades and short hills where you ride.The drag from the wind increases 
exponentially above about 12mph and there's always wind. Weight is easy to 
sell/concentrate on because it's a game of numbers, regardless of the 
efficacy of such. I'm not saying to ride a 50 pound bike, I'm saying given 
the type of parts we all ride here, there is sharp dropoff of very 
diminishing returns in spending lots of money so save weight. 

The point is if you want to familiarize with drop bars you don't need 
another bike to start. Plus they come in a huge range of how much reach and 
drop the bars may have. So don't get dismayed if one doesn't feel right off 
the bat. This way you can feel what it's like in your group rides with the 
same bike, just a different bar/position. 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 8:10:11 AM UTC-4 Doug H. wrote:

> Same conversation I have with my wife annually, sometimes semi-annually. 
> Haha
> Doug
> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 9:36:01 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
>> My husband just now: Are you getting ANOTHER bike? 
>> Me: Well…not necessarily. I have to weigh out all the pros and cons, you 
>> see.
>> Him: I know how this ends. It ends with the Annual Bike Purchase of the 
>> Last Bike I’ll Ever Need.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 22, 2024, at 9:26 PM, Leah Peterson  wrote:
>> Tony, I swooned. Actually swooned. Gorgeous, gorgeous.
>> I rode the Mon Night Ride on my Racing Platy tonight. I was so 
>> apprehensive at the start because the winds were 13 mph with 21 mph gusts 
>> and it was open road. I should not be doing this, I thought. Where is my 
>> road bike?
>> But it was the best ride. Did we have wind? Yes. But somehow it was great 
>> and energizing and we just killed it. I had done an intense upper body 
>> lifting session this morning and still it was great and not draining!
>> Can I prove that to you?
>> No. 
>> My Apple Watch died on the ride.  🤬 
>> There were men I don’t know on the ride tonight, so of course I got 
>> comments. One of them said, “I hope you never get a road bike.”
>> But I just might.
>> Leah
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 22, 2024, at 8:41 PM, Tony Lockhart  wrote:
>> @Leah--Get one of these3x8 drivetrain, Nitto and Silver everywhere. 
>> Add a few bags and spend your weekends putting down mileageguaranteed 
>> to give you a million smiles and zero worries.
>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 5:17:47 PM UTC-7 
>> wrote:
>>> Leah,
>>> Don't overthink this. It's hard to build an actual "bad" bike, and the 
>>> big names don't do it.
>>> There are bike that are too "special" in some way -- too slow- or 
>>> fast-handling, or whatever, but these are nuances. I can switch from a 
>>> crit-geometry racer to a tourer and by the end of the block, I stop 
>>> noticing it.
>>> Check out this ad:
>>> and go buy the ~51-52 cm red Centurion in the first picture.
>>> For $40, you'll have something to play with and see how the setup might 
>>> work for you.
>>> If it's rideable, it's hard to see how this is not a good idea, and if 
>>> Centurion built lousy bikes, I haven't heard of it.
>>> cheers -mathias
>>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:35:58 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
 When you "cut to the chase" many of us old farts on this blog started 
 riding bikes in a serious way back in the early 70's.  And the go-to 
 for bikers back then was Eugene Sloane's "The Complete Book of Bicycling." 
 In that excellent instruction manual, as it were, he went to a great 
 to appeal to the use of "drop bars" (or simply road bars by most folks 
 then) for road riders.  Of course, many different developments in cycling 
 have taken place since then, especially the introduction of the so-called 
 "hybrid bikes" with flat bars and the "mountain bikes," both of which 
 introduced different types of handlebars, tire types, and saddles.  It's a 
 bit of a lament that the regular "road bike" of the previous decades where 
 "drop bars," saddle types, gearing, tires, etc. of the previous period 
 or less disappeared in the advent of those unique biking configurations.  
 Almost every time I venture out on a bike path around these parts I mostly 
 see people riding bikes configured with a "hybrid" set up...unless, of 
 course they're riding  e-bikes, which are becoming way too c

Re: [RBW] Re: Evening Spring Ride on the Clem

2024-04-23 Thread Richard Rose
Gordon, can you post a close up pic of your shifter setup? Thanks!Sent from my iPhoneOn Apr 21, 2024, at 6:50 PM, Patrick Moore  wrote:Welcome back, congratulations on the Clem, and thanks for the binocular suggestion. I lean toward the Carson since its price is more in line with my very occasional and casual use, and because it's so compact.On Sun, Apr 21, 2024 at 11:09 AM Gordon Stam  wrote:Hello all,Gordon Stam here. I used to post on this forum, or one like it (I recognize a few names) back in the mid 00s after I bought my Romulus. In the intervening years I drifted away from cycling (I developed a motorcycle habit) but I'm back with the purchase of a 59cm Clem Smith Jr frame which I've built into a parts bin special. I've been lurking for a month or so but this thread has three touchstones for me: the Clem, the Central Coast, and binoculars. Nice shots of your Clem in the trees Chris. I went to school at Cal Poly many years ago,... Regarding binoculars check out the Maven C2 7x28. Maven makes good binos but a wee bit more expensive than those Carson. A better bino though. As far as taking them on a ride I just loop mine over my shoulder bandolier style (see below). With these upright bikes they ride against your chest, or side, pretty unobtrusively and are ready for viewing at a moments notice. I use paracord for a strap with a couple of slip knots for length adustment. This is the Maven B3 6x30. A step up from the C series but a right dandy unit. Costs less than a high end wheelset though!

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[RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread aeroperf
I would think it would be all about the tires.

If you have more than one bike, what are the wheel sizes of the others? 
 You might want to standardize so you can swap tires.  Or if you have 
specific tires in mind, what size do they come in?
While there are now a lot of options for 650b tires, there are still a lot 
more for 700c.  If you shred a tire out on a tour, it might be easier to 
find a 700c to press on with.

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Joe Bernard
Since I haven't chimed in on this yet - which is unlike me - I shall do so 
now. Don't buy bikes you don't want, don't put drops on a frame you've 
already designed around another purpose. Do pick up a Ram or Roadini if you 
stumble on one you love now, you can sell it later. Do grab that Gallup 
when it becomes a reality, I think you'll adore it. 

These are my big thoughts couched as commands but they are just my opinions 
based on what I know about my friend Leah. 

Joe Bernard 

On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 6:36:01 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> My husband just now: Are you getting ANOTHER bike? 
> Me: Well…not necessarily. I have to weigh out all the pros and cons, you 
> see.
> Him: I know how this ends. It ends with the Annual Bike Purchase of the 
> Last Bike I’ll Ever Need.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 22, 2024, at 9:26 PM, Leah Peterson  wrote:
> Tony, I swooned. Actually swooned. Gorgeous, gorgeous.
> I rode the Mon Night Ride on my Racing Platy tonight. I was so 
> apprehensive at the start because the winds were 13 mph with 21 mph gusts 
> and it was open road. I should not be doing this, I thought. Where is my 
> road bike?
> But it was the best ride. Did we have wind? Yes. But somehow it was great 
> and energizing and we just killed it. I had done an intense upper body 
> lifting session this morning and still it was great and not draining!
> Can I prove that to you?
> No. 
> My Apple Watch died on the ride.  🤬 
> There were men I don’t know on the ride tonight, so of course I got 
> comments. One of them said, “I hope you never get a road bike.”
> But I just might.
> Leah
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 22, 2024, at 8:41 PM, Tony Lockhart  wrote:
> @Leah--Get one of these3x8 drivetrain, Nitto and Silver everywhere. 
> Add a few bags and spend your weekends putting down mileageguaranteed 
> to give you a million smiles and zero worries.
> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 5:17:47 PM UTC-7 wrote:
>> Leah,
>> Don't overthink this. It's hard to build an actual "bad" bike, and the 
>> big names don't do it.
>> There are bike that are too "special" in some way -- too slow- or 
>> fast-handling, or whatever, but these are nuances. I can switch from a 
>> crit-geometry racer to a tourer and by the end of the block, I stop 
>> noticing it.
>> Check out this ad:
>> and go buy the ~51-52 cm red Centurion in the first picture.
>> For $40, you'll have something to play with and see how the setup might 
>> work for you.
>> If it's rideable, it's hard to see how this is not a good idea, and if 
>> Centurion built lousy bikes, I haven't heard of it.
>> cheers -mathias
>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:35:58 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>>> When you "cut to the chase" many of us old farts on this blog started 
>>> riding bikes in a serious way back in the early 70's.  And the go-to manual 
>>> for bikers back then was Eugene Sloane's "The Complete Book of Bicycling."  
>>> In that excellent instruction manual, as it were, he went to a great extent 
>>> to appeal to the use of "drop bars" (or simply road bars by most folks back 
>>> then) for road riders.  Of course, many different developments in cycling 
>>> have taken place since then, especially the introduction of the so-called 
>>> "hybrid bikes" with flat bars and the "mountain bikes," both of which 
>>> introduced different types of handlebars, tire types, and saddles.  It's a 
>>> bit of a lament that the regular "road bike" of the previous decades where 
>>> "drop bars," saddle types, gearing, tires, etc. of the previous period more 
>>> or less disappeared in the advent of those unique biking configurations.  
>>> Almost every time I venture out on a bike path around these parts I mostly 
>>> see people riding bikes configured with a "hybrid" set up...unless, of 
>>> course they're riding  e-bikes, which are becoming way too commonplace 
>>> nowadays.  I would encourage anyone who has an inclination to pick up and 
>>> begin riding regular road bikes to do so.
>>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 1:16:35 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>> wrote:
 All of these replies are interesting. And when I read one I think, 
 “Yes, that’s right” and then read another which conflicts and change my 
 mind. This is going to be a journey. I can’t even believe how much there 
 to know.

 I’m later getting here than the rest of you, I think. It was 2012 when 
 I first realized there were better bikes than the Walmart Schwinn I was 
 pulling my preschoolers around with. I got a Betty Foy with the biggest 
 racks and baskets money could buy and away we went. So happy! Still 

 Now those boys are in high school, and I live in a vibrant bike 
 community and suddenly it’s a whole new world 

[RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
If it were me the decision is close enough that I'd probably leave it to 
the surrounding details of each transaction.  I'm a particularly snobby and 
self-absorbed curator of "builds" so that would be a huge vote in favor of 
the 700 because it's a frame, unless the curator of the 650b build did a 
lot of the things I would have done.  The effective "labor cost" of doing a 
build is essentially zero for me.  Is one a shop and the other a person? 
 That would have some weight for me.  If the shop was one that I could 
frequent, putting money in the register of a shop reaps benefits down the 
road.  If the person was one that I had particular respect for, that could 
tilt me a different way.  

Then there's color!  

but...if we took it to a purely hypothetical situation, and asserted they 
were both frames, both in identical condition, at the same price, and from 
the same seller, so the real and only difference was 650B vs 700, then I'd 
probably lean 700 because the 700 wheel on the 54.5 is "the latest", and 
probably has a tiny bit better future proof resale value.  If that wasn't 
the case and it really was completely wheel size then I'd personally 
probably lean 650B for a Hilsen, but it would be like a vote of 52 to 48, 
and my leaning may change on another day.

Both are great bikes.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:20:48 PM UTC-7 Robert Calton wrote:

> It's looking like I'll have the opportunity to purchase either bicycle 
> within the next week or so, a 54.5 Homer in 700c or 650b. I'm 5'11" with a 
> 83.8PBH, so spot on for both of those sizes. 
> I'm curious what the wisdom of the community is in regards to making this 
> decision, which should I consider more strongly? The price difference is 
> negligible. They both have similar components on it (the 650 is a complete 
> bike, the 700c I'd have to build up from a frameset and the cost is about 
> equal for both). 
> I mainly ride pavement and rail trails with the occasional wooded paths. 
> Thoughts? :) 

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[RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread Hoch in ut
I agree with aeroperf. Both will work just fine for your usage. I’d just 
base it on the other bikes in your possession. It’s nice to swap tires and 
dynamo wheels between bikes. 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:58:10 AM UTC-6 aeroperf wrote:

> I would think it would be all about the tires.
> If you have more than one bike, what are the wheel sizes of the others? 
>  You might want to standardize so you can swap tires.  Or if you have 
> specific tires in mind, what size do they come in?
> While there are now a lot of options for 650b tires, there are still a lot 
> more for 700c.  If you shred a tire out on a tour, it might be easier to 
> find a 700c to press on with.

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Owners Bunch" group.
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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread John S
If that used Centurion is in your general size range, it would be a 
fantastic starting point for your road bike exploration. Refreshing an old 
frameset (whether to replace worn out parts with new ones or to improve 
fit) can be such a fun and satisfying process.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 9:12:57 AM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:

> Since I haven't chimed in on this yet - which is unlike me - I shall do so 
> now. Don't buy bikes you don't want, don't put drops on a frame you've 
> already designed around another purpose. Do pick up a Ram or Roadini if you 
> stumble on one you love now, you can sell it later. Do grab that Gallup 
> when it becomes a reality, I think you'll adore it. 
> These are my big thoughts couched as commands but they are just my 
> opinions based on what I know about my friend Leah. 
> Joe Bernard 
> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 6:36:01 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
>> My husband just now: Are you getting ANOTHER bike? 
>> Me: Well…not necessarily. I have to weigh out all the pros and cons, you 
>> see.
>> Him: I know how this ends. It ends with the Annual Bike Purchase of the 
>> Last Bike I’ll Ever Need.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 22, 2024, at 9:26 PM, Leah Peterson  wrote:
>> Tony, I swooned. Actually swooned. Gorgeous, gorgeous.
>> I rode the Mon Night Ride on my Racing Platy tonight. I was so 
>> apprehensive at the start because the winds were 13 mph with 21 mph gusts 
>> and it was open road. I should not be doing this, I thought. Where is my 
>> road bike?
>> But it was the best ride. Did we have wind? Yes. But somehow it was great 
>> and energizing and we just killed it. I had done an intense upper body 
>> lifting session this morning and still it was great and not draining!
>> Can I prove that to you?
>> No. 
>> My Apple Watch died on the ride.  🤬 
>> There were men I don’t know on the ride tonight, so of course I got 
>> comments. One of them said, “I hope you never get a road bike.”
>> But I just might.
>> Leah
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 22, 2024, at 8:41 PM, Tony Lockhart  wrote:
>> @Leah--Get one of these3x8 drivetrain, Nitto and Silver everywhere. 
>> Add a few bags and spend your weekends putting down mileageguaranteed 
>> to give you a million smiles and zero worries.
>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 5:17:47 PM UTC-7 
>> wrote:
>>> Leah,
>>> Don't overthink this. It's hard to build an actual "bad" bike, and the 
>>> big names don't do it.
>>> There are bike that are too "special" in some way -- too slow- or 
>>> fast-handling, or whatever, but these are nuances. I can switch from a 
>>> crit-geometry racer to a tourer and by the end of the block, I stop 
>>> noticing it.
>>> Check out this ad:
>>> and go buy the ~51-52 cm red Centurion in the first picture.
>>> For $40, you'll have something to play with and see how the setup might 
>>> work for you.
>>> If it's rideable, it's hard to see how this is not a good idea, and if 
>>> Centurion built lousy bikes, I haven't heard of it.
>>> cheers -mathias
>>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:35:58 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
 When you "cut to the chase" many of us old farts on this blog started 
 riding bikes in a serious way back in the early 70's.  And the go-to 
 for bikers back then was Eugene Sloane's "The Complete Book of Bicycling." 
 In that excellent instruction manual, as it were, he went to a great 
 to appeal to the use of "drop bars" (or simply road bars by most folks 
 then) for road riders.  Of course, many different developments in cycling 
 have taken place since then, especially the introduction of the so-called 
 "hybrid bikes" with flat bars and the "mountain bikes," both of which 
 introduced different types of handlebars, tire types, and saddles.  It's a 
 bit of a lament that the regular "road bike" of the previous decades where 
 "drop bars," saddle types, gearing, tires, etc. of the previous period 
 or less disappeared in the advent of those unique biking configurations.  
 Almost every time I venture out on a bike path around these parts I mostly 
 see people riding bikes configured with a "hybrid" set up...unless, of 
 course they're riding  e-bikes, which are becoming way too commonplace 
 nowadays.  I would encourage anyone who has an inclination to pick up and 
 begin riding regular road bikes to do so.
 On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 1:16:35 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> All of these replies are interesting. And when I read one I think, 
> “Yes, that’s right” and then read another which conflicts and change my 
> mind. This is going to be a journey. I can’t even believe how much there 
> i

[RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread DavidP
Robert - the geometry comparison highlights the point I was going to make 
that given your PBH, the 650b will likely have better standover clearance 
if you want to run tires at the larger end of the Homer's range.

My rough stuff road bike has disc brakes so could take either 650b or 700c 
wheels. Since I was wanting to run wider tires I went with 650x48 to get 
the extra 16mm standover in a frame size that is near the cusp of what I 
can clear.

That comparison shows a much larger difference in standover, as well as 
other differences that make it look to me like the 650b will be a better 
fit for your proportions.


On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:36:56 AM UTC-4 Robert Calton wrote:

> Thanks Bill! That's helpful. The colors are the same on both offerings and 
> the 650B's build is essentially what I would do to the 700c (with the help 
> of my lovely LBS, of course). I'm not really too concerned with resale 
> value, but rather the general riding experience. I suppose I could simply 
> research the litany of 650b vs 700c threads out there to learn more about 
> this. The geometry between the two are slightly different, however. 
> The BikeInsights chart attached below shows the 700c to be quite a bit 
> taller than the 650b, which I wonder if that translates into overall 
> comfort with regards to standover and handling.  
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:22:15 AM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> If it were me the decision is close enough that I'd probably leave it to 
>> the surrounding details of each transaction.  I'm a particularly snobby and 
>> self-absorbed curator of "builds" so that would be a huge vote in favor of 
>> the 700 because it's a frame, unless the curator of the 650b build did a 
>> lot of the things I would have done.  The effective "labor cost" of doing a 
>> build is essentially zero for me.  Is one a shop and the other a person? 
>>  That would have some weight for me.  If the shop was one that I could 
>> frequent, putting money in the register of a shop reaps benefits down the 
>> road.  If the person was one that I had particular respect for, that could 
>> tilt me a different way.  
>> Then there's color!  
>> but...if we took it to a purely hypothetical situation, and asserted they 
>> were both frames, both in identical condition, at the same price, and from 
>> the same seller, so the real and only difference was 650B vs 700, then I'd 
>> probably lean 700 because the 700 wheel on the 54.5 is "the latest", and 
>> probably has a tiny bit better future proof resale value.  If that wasn't 
>> the case and it really was completely wheel size then I'd personally 
>> probably lean 650B for a Hilsen, but it would be like a vote of 52 to 48, 
>> and my leaning may change on another day.
>> Both are great bikes.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:20:48 PM UTC-7 Robert Calton wrote:
>>> It's looking like I'll have the opportunity to purchase either bicycle 
>>> within the next week or so, a 54.5 Homer in 700c or 650b. I'm 5'11" with a 
>>> 83.8PBH, so spot on for both of those sizes. 
>>> I'm curious what the wisdom of the community is in regards to making 
>>> this decision, which should I consider more strongly? The price difference 
>>> is negligible. They both have similar components on it (the 650 is a 
>>> complete bike, the 700c I'd have to build up from a frameset and the cost 
>>> is about equal for both). 
>>> I mainly ride pavement and rail trails with the occasional wooded paths. 
>>> Thoughts? :) 

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[RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread Robert Calton
@aero and @hoch: I am selling my customized Salsa Vaya 55cm (700c) to fund 
this purchase, and the Homer would be my only bicycle (I say that now). I 
don't have any specific tires in mind and I wouldn't have any other wheels 
to swap out. There seems to be several 42-44 tires that would fit my riding 
needs for 650b, and clearly a *lot* more for 700c. I wouldn't be doing any 
long touring on this where tire availability is a factor. 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:45:04 AM UTC-4 DavidP wrote:

> Robert - the geometry comparison highlights the point I was going to make 
> that given your PBH, the 650b will likely have better standover clearance 
> if you want to run tires at the larger end of the Homer's range.
> My rough stuff road bike has disc brakes so could take either 650b or 700c 
> wheels. Since I was wanting to run wider tires I went with 650x48 to get 
> the extra 16mm standover in a frame size that is near the cusp of what I 
> can clear.
> That comparison shows a much larger difference in standover, as well as 
> other differences that make it look to me like the 650b will be a better 
> fit for your proportions.
> -Dave
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:36:56 AM UTC-4 Robert Calton wrote:
>> Thanks Bill! That's helpful. The colors are the same on both offerings 
>> and the 650B's build is essentially what I would do to the 700c (with the 
>> help of my lovely LBS, of course). I'm not really too concerned with resale 
>> value, but rather the general riding experience. I suppose I could simply 
>> research the litany of 650b vs 700c threads out there to learn more about 
>> this. The geometry between the two are slightly different, however. 
>> The BikeInsights chart attached below shows the 700c to be quite a bit 
>> taller than the 650b, which I wonder if that translates into overall 
>> comfort with regards to standover and handling.  
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:22:15 AM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> If it were me the decision is close enough that I'd probably leave it to 
>>> the surrounding details of each transaction.  I'm a particularly snobby and 
>>> self-absorbed curator of "builds" so that would be a huge vote in favor of 
>>> the 700 because it's a frame, unless the curator of the 650b build did a 
>>> lot of the things I would have done.  The effective "labor cost" of doing a 
>>> build is essentially zero for me.  Is one a shop and the other a person? 
>>>  That would have some weight for me.  If the shop was one that I could 
>>> frequent, putting money in the register of a shop reaps benefits down the 
>>> road.  If the person was one that I had particular respect for, that could 
>>> tilt me a different way.  
>>> Then there's color!  
>>> but...if we took it to a purely hypothetical situation, and asserted 
>>> they were both frames, both in identical condition, at the same price, and 
>>> from the same seller, so the real and only difference was 650B vs 700, then 
>>> I'd probably lean 700 because the 700 wheel on the 54.5 is "the latest", 
>>> and probably has a tiny bit better future proof resale value.  If that 
>>> wasn't the case and it really was completely wheel size then I'd personally 
>>> probably lean 650B for a Hilsen, but it would be like a vote of 52 to 48, 
>>> and my leaning may change on another day.
>>> Both are great bikes.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:20:48 PM UTC-7 Robert Calton wrote:
 It's looking like I'll have the opportunity to purchase either bicycle 
 within the next week or so, a 54.5 Homer in 700c or 650b. I'm 5'11" with a 
 83.8PBH, so spot on for both of those sizes. 

 I'm curious what the wisdom of the community is in regards to making 
 this decision, which should I consider more strongly? The price difference 
 is negligible. They both have similar components on it (the 650 is a 
 complete bike, the 700c I'd have to build up from a frameset and the cost 
 is about equal for both). 

 I mainly ride pavement and rail trails with the occasional wooded 

 Thoughts? :) 


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[RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread aeroperf
All that considered, I’d say get the taller bike.
The folks at Riv do tend to put you on the tallest bike they think will 
clear your stand-over height.
The tiny bit extra chainstay length and wheelbase will add to the “Riv 
ride” feel.
And you won’t have so much seat post showing that you’ll think you've moved 
from a Salsa to a Brompton.

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[RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Caliper vs Canti

2024-04-23 Thread Drew Fitchette
@brenton were the RH slicks or knobby?

On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 9:37:12 PM UTC-4 Brenton Eastman wrote:

> Definitely would need to know your frame/wheel size. My 57cm Sam with 
> tektro side pulls and 700c Velocity Dyad hoops clears a 47 teravail, 48 
> Rene herse, and 50 gravel king. Not sure how much bigger you’d need. 
> On Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 11:36:44 PM UTC-7 
> wrote:
>> Would also love to know this exact question! Did you ever find out? 
>> On Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:08:59 AM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> How much more tire and fender clearance does the Canti version have 
>>> compared to say a Paul Racer side pull ? 

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Re: [RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread Ahmed Elgasseir
Hi all,
I’m curious about when the 54.5 650b is from? I thought all Rivs 54.5
Homers were 700c now.


*Ahmed Elgasseir*

Department Chair, Visual and Performing Arts

*Castilleja School*

1310 Bryant Street

Palo Alto, CA 94301

P (415) 654-7977


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 | LinkedIn

*Women Learning. Women Leading. *

On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 8:18 AM aeroperf  wrote:

> All that considered, I’d say get the taller bike.
> The folks at Riv do tend to put you on the tallest bike they think will
> clear your stand-over height.
> The tiny bit extra chainstay length and wheelbase will add to the “Riv
> ride” feel.
> And you won’t have so much seat post showing that you’ll think you've
> moved from a Salsa to a Brompton.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> email to
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> .

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[RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread Piaw Na
On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:56:30 AM UTC-7 wrote:

@aero and @hoch: I am selling my customized Salsa Vaya 55cm (700c) to fund 
this purchase, and the Homer would be my only bicycle (I say that now). I 
don't have any specific tires in mind and I wouldn't have any other wheels 
to swap out. There seems to be several 42-44 tires that would fit my riding 
needs for 650b, and clearly a *lot* more for 700c. 

For me this is the big deal about 650b. There are basically no tires 
narrower than 38mm for the 650b, whereas if you want to run 28->32mm tires 
700c has a huge offering.  For my wife and son commuting in suburban 
pavement 28->32mm is the sweet spot and 650b isn't a good option by 

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Re: [RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread Robert Calton
@Ahmed: The 650b Homers look to be from 2019 MIT run and before. 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 11:27:08 AM UTC-4 

> Hi all,
> I’m curious about when the 54.5 650b is from? I thought all Rivs 54.5 
> Homers were 700c now. 
> A
> *Ahmed Elgasseir*
> Department Chair, Visual and Performing Arts
> *Castilleja School* 
> 1310 Bryant Street 
> Palo Alto, CA 94301 
> P (415) 654-7977
> E
> Follow us on Instagram  | 
> Facebook  | Twitter 
>  | LinkedIn 
> *Women Learning. Women Leading. *
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 8:18 AM aeroperf  wrote:
>> All that considered, I’d say get the taller bike.
>> The folks at Riv do tend to put you on the tallest bike they think will 
>> clear your stand-over height.
>> The tiny bit extra chainstay length and wheelbase will add to the “Riv 
>> ride” feel.
>> And you won’t have so much seat post showing that you’ll think you've 
>> moved from a Salsa to a Brompton.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .

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[RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Caliper vs Canti

2024-04-23 Thread Brenton Eastman
I’ve had the 48 file tread without issue. I’ve seen people run the 48 
knobbies on side pull Sams as well. 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 8:23:48 AM UTC-7 Drew Fitchette wrote:

> @brenton were the RH slicks or knobby?
> On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 9:37:12 PM UTC-4 Brenton Eastman wrote:
>> Definitely would need to know your frame/wheel size. My 57cm Sam with 
>> tektro side pulls and 700c Velocity Dyad hoops clears a 47 teravail, 48 
>> Rene herse, and 50 gravel king. Not sure how much bigger you’d need. 
>> On Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 11:36:44 PM UTC-7 
>> wrote:
>>> Would also love to know this exact question! Did you ever find out? 
>>> On Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:08:59 AM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 How much more tire and fender clearance does the Canti version have 
 compared to say a Paul Racer side pull ? 

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Re: [RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread Mathias Steiner
One consideration that hasn't come up explicitly is the rest of your 
stable. Do you already have other wheels in 650b? If you don't, think hard 
about adding a new size.

I donated the sewup wheels of my first road bike a few years back, and it 
was a wrench. But I had resolved to stick to one kind of tires, and that 
was a good decision.

I have since strayed and added one bike with 27" wheels -- easily fixed by 
switching to 700... and am setting up a Trek sport tourer with 650b. 
If I like it, I'll get a road bike that I can ride with 700x38-42 wheels.

There's a lot to be said for keeping things simple.

cheers -m

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 12:04:52 PM UTC-4 Robert Calton wrote:

> @Ahmed: The 650b Homers look to be from 2019 MIT run and before. 
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 11:27:08 AM UTC-4 
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’m curious about when the 54.5 650b is from? I thought all Rivs 54.5 
>> Homers were 700c now. 
>> A
>> *Ahmed Elgasseir*
>> Department Chair, Visual and Performing Arts
>> *Castilleja School* 
>> 1310 Bryant Street 
>> Palo Alto, CA 94301 
>> P (415) 654-7977
>> E
>> Follow us on Instagram  | 
>> Facebook  | Twitter 
>>  | LinkedIn 
>> *Women Learning. Women Leading. *
>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 8:18 AM aeroperf  wrote:
>>> All that considered, I’d say get the taller bike.
>>> The folks at Riv do tend to put you on the tallest bike they think will 
>>> clear your stand-over height.
>>> The tiny bit extra chainstay length and wheelbase will add to the “Riv 
>>> ride” feel.
>>> And you won’t have so much seat post showing that you’ll think you've 
>>> moved from a Salsa to a Brompton.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>> an email to
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>> .

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Re: [RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread Cody Marvin
I have a few bikes, including a Sam Hillborne 650b (51cm) and a Bridgestone
RB-T 700c (53cm). For the kind of riding you describe I mostly ride the
RB-T. I realize this isn't an exact comparison, but I've found 700x35c to
be pretty ideal for pavement and rail trails, and I feel like I would
probably ride the Sam more often if it was 700c. To me the Sam can feel a
little sluggish at times, and I attribute that at least in part to the
wheel size (this isn't universal, I have a couple other "fast" 650b bikes).
I'm sure opinions are all over the place about this, and I'm not exactly
trying to present an argument, but if I were in your shoes I'd go 700c.


On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 10:52 AM Piaw Na  wrote:

> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:56:30 AM UTC-7 wrote:
> @aero and @hoch: I am selling my customized Salsa Vaya 55cm (700c) to fund
> this purchase, and the Homer would be my only bicycle (I say that now). I
> don't have any specific tires in mind and I wouldn't have any other wheels
> to swap out. There seems to be several 42-44 tires that would fit my riding
> needs for 650b, and clearly a *lot* more for 700c.
> For me this is the big deal about 650b. There are basically no tires
> narrower than 38mm for the 650b, whereas if you want to run 28->32mm tires
> 700c has a huge offering.  For my wife and son commuting in suburban
> pavement 28->32mm is the sweet spot and 650b isn't a good option by
> comparison.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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Re: [RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread Toshi Takeuchi

There is a Grand Bois Cypres in 650b size 32 mm.  The same tire in 700c
runs great on my Roadeo.  I run the extra light version (EL).

I consider them the cheaper precursor to the Rene Herse tires and they ride

Scott Davis in the 650b group purchases and distributes them in the US:
francopedia (you know the symbol)
gmail (you know the end)
He might have those in stock.  I also ride Hetre 650bx42 mm both EL and
regular casing, so I sometimes order direct from Grand Bois.  The yen is
still weak, and shipping is reasonable, so you can consider that route if
you order multiple tires etc.


On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 8:52 AM Piaw Na  wrote:

> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:56:30 AM UTC-7 wrote:
> @aero and @hoch: I am selling my customized Salsa Vaya 55cm (700c) to fund
> this purchase, and the Homer would be my only bicycle (I say that now). I
> don't have any specific tires in mind and I wouldn't have any other wheels
> to swap out. There seems to be several 42-44 tires that would fit my riding
> needs for 650b, and clearly a *lot* more for 700c.
> For me this is the big deal about 650b. There are basically no tires
> narrower than 38mm for the 650b, whereas if you want to run 28->32mm tires
> 700c has a huge offering.  For my wife and son commuting in suburban
> pavement 28->32mm is the sweet spot and 650b isn't a good option by
> comparison.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> .

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Re: [RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread 藍俊彪
Toshi that's good to know. We have only 2 650b bikes in the garage: my
8-year-old's Salsa Journeyman (shod with Pacenti Pari-Moto 38mm tires) and
my wife's Santa Cruz 5010, which is a mountain bike with no need for skinny
tires. The 8 year old won't take too many years to outgrow the Journeyman
and will graduate to his brother's Roadini, and I'll be surprised if he
puts in enough miles to wear out the Pari-Moto tires.

On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 9:25 AM Toshi Takeuchi  wrote:

> Piaw,
> There is a Grand Bois Cypres in 650b size 32 mm.  The same tire in 700c
> runs great on my Roadeo.  I run the extra light version (EL).
> I consider them the cheaper precursor to the Rene Herse tires and they
> ride great.
> Scott Davis in the 650b group purchases and distributes them in the US:
> francopedia (you know the symbol)
> gmail (you know the end)
> He might have those in stock.  I also ride Hetre 650bx42 mm both EL and
> regular casing, so I sometimes order direct from Grand Bois.  The yen is
> still weak, and shipping is reasonable, so you can consider that route if
> you order multiple tires etc.
> Toshi
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 8:52 AM Piaw Na  wrote:
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:56:30 AM UTC-7 wrote:
>> @aero and @hoch: I am selling my customized Salsa Vaya 55cm (700c) to
>> fund this purchase, and the Homer would be my only bicycle (I say that
>> now). I don't have any specific tires in mind and I wouldn't have any other
>> wheels to swap out. There seems to be several 42-44 tires that would fit my
>> riding needs for 650b, and clearly a *lot* more for 700c.
>> For me this is the big deal about 650b. There are basically no tires
>> narrower than 38mm for the 650b, whereas if you want to run 28->32mm tires
>> 700c has a huge offering.  For my wife and son commuting in suburban
>> pavement 28->32mm is the sweet spot and 650b isn't a good option by
>> comparison.
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> .
> --
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> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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[RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Pictures Thread

2024-04-23 Thread John Bokman
Black and green are very, very nice. However, I'm excited to see a 
Periwinkle up on the Riv site! Might have to get Sam #2.


On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 9:18:12 PM UTC-7 wrote:

> Love this Sam. Is this the same green the new batch of Sam's are coming in?
> On Monday, March 18, 2024 at 8:21:13 a.m. UTC-6 Davey Two Shoes wrote:
>> [image: Image (002).jpeg]T
>> This bike brings me tremendous joy
>> On Monday, February 26, 2024 at 11:26:18 PM UTC-5 John Bokman wrote:
>>>  I already own one  - a pumpkin orange from 2017. If they offer the new 
>>> one in the black they once sold, I'm in for another! I'll set it up as my 
>>> "fast" Sam - no racks, light wheels and tires, etc. That is far and away my 
>>> favorite of all the Riv colors I've seen, across the fleet.
>>> John
>>> Portland OR
>>> On Monday, February 26, 2024 at 4:41:21 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
 Who plans to buy a Sam Hillborne in May when they are due to arrive? 
 And, I wonder what colors they will offer. This photo thread is fun to 

 On Monday, February 26, 2024 at 6:24:11 PM UTC-5 John Rinker wrote:

> Great to see all these beautiful and functional Hillbornes. Although I 
> don't have one myself, I do think the Hillborne blue/grey is my favorite 
> of 
> the Rivendell colors. 
> Cheers, John
> On Monday, February 26, 2024 at 1:17:36 PM UTC-8 Paul in Dallas wrote:
>> It is fun to see the variety of builds on the Sam's.
>> It looks like the majority have some type of upright / swept back 
>> style handlebars
>> although of course the Sam is so versatile to accommodate a road bar 
>> if preferred .
>> If recalling correctly I saw orange, silver, light blue , green, 
>> black and a yellow perhaps mustard like color Sam. (Not sure what Riv 
>> called it)
>> Cool stuff.
>> I'm enjoying the thread.
>> Paul in Dallas 

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[RBW] Re: Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
"@Bill could chime in on this"

I already have chimed in, and realize that she's getting prescriptive 
guidance in a lot of different directions.  She knows how to reach me if 
she wants more advice from me.  I trust her instincts and will eagerly 
anticipate the path she chooses.  She's a grown-up and will make a good 
decision which will lead her to the next decision and so on  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:53:42 AM UTC-7 Mathias Steiner wrote:

> >> Have Bill help pick a good used bike for the wait. 
> What @Jim said.
> @Bill could chime in on this
> Look again at my post from 20:17 last night -- there's a bike co-op in 
> Grand Rapids that went belly-up and the successor is brooming out the 
> inventory.
> That there Centurion is a 1986 Ironman Expert, probably in 52 cm size, 
> built with Tange #1 tubing. The bike market is worse now than before the 
> pandemic, 
> and deals abound, so it's not too surprising. 
> These are Triathlon bikes, IOW time trialing, and have no need for 
> criterium quickness. They're built to be fast, and comfortable enough for a 
> full Ironman. Very much a period piece.
> It's a Nitto Technomic stem away from a Rivish riding position.
> The picture is lousy but the three details marked below make it likely I 
> got the ID right, incl. the goofy seat post.
> Compare to this valuation from 2014, and if you snoop around on bikeforums:
> At a minimum, it's worth a look. 
> Learn something from a bike like this, THEN spend $3,500 on another Riv 
> build.
> cheers -mathias 
> [image: ironman86.jpg]
> [image: ironmanbf.jpg]
> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 11:21:11 PM UTC-4 Jim M. wrote:
>> Raspberry Roadeo is definitely the last bike  you'll ever need. Have Bill 
>> help pick a good used bike for the wait.
>> jim m
>> walnut creek
>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:34:20 PM UTC-7 Nick A. wrote:
>>> "Me: Well…not necessarily. I have to weigh out all the pros and cons, 
>>> you see."
>>> Lol yep. To quote The Dude, "the ins, the outs, the what-have-yous..."
>>> Also one enjoying this conversation.
>>> Nick "definitely totally haven't had to talk about bikes in this way 
>>> with my partner who shares a life with an eccentric" in Falls Church VA
>>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 9:48:46 PM UTC-4 Jay wrote:
 I haven’t read all the posts (so many, wow!) but I suggest trying a 
 bike with drop bars to see if it’s a possibility for you.  A friend, or an 
 lbs perhaps.  If the bike fits you well the bars might feel great, or 
 something you think can grown on you with time.  Bad fit and likely the 
 bars wouldn’t feel good, so that wouldn’t be a fair assessment.

 I love my newish Roadini.

 Good luck!

 On Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 3:33:50 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding 
 Ding! wrote:

> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
> ideal. 
> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know 
> what 
> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have 
> before. 
> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does 
> take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach 
> stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out 
> of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart 
> rate 
> was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed 
> it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and 
> I’m 
> the youngest and probably the most fit. 
> Leah

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Re: [RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread Ahmed Elgasseir
Thank you!!! FWIW, I used to have a 650b homer and I sold it to fund
another bike and I’ve regretted it ever since.

*Ahmed Elgasseir*

Department Chair, Visual and Performing Arts

*Castilleja School*

1310 Bryant Street

Palo Alto, CA 94301

P (415) 654-7977


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Facebook  | Twitter
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*Women Learning. Women Leading. *

On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 9:05 AM Robert Calton  wrote:

> @Ahmed: The 650b Homers look to be from 2019 MIT run and before.
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 11:27:08 AM UTC-4
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’m curious about when the 54.5 650b is from? I thought all Rivs 54.5
>> Homers were 700c now.
>> A
>> *Ahmed Elgasseir*
>> Department Chair, Visual and Performing Arts
>> *Castilleja School*
>> 1310 Bryant Street
>> Palo Alto, CA 94301
>> P (415) 654-7977
>> E
>> Follow us on Instagram  |
>> Facebook  | Twitter
>>  | LinkedIn
>> *Women Learning. Women Leading. *
>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 8:18 AM aeroperf  wrote:
>>> All that considered, I’d say get the taller bike.
>>> The folks at Riv do tend to put you on the tallest bike they think will
>>> clear your stand-over height.
>>> The tiny bit extra chainstay length and wheelbase will add to the “Riv
>>> ride” feel.
>>> And you won’t have so much seat post showing that you’ll think you've
>>> moved from a Salsa to a Brompton.
>>> --
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>>> an email to
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>> .
>> --
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> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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[RBW] Back in the saddle - literally

2024-04-23 Thread Art

I was heavily into road biking 2006-2012, doing ~ 100 mi/yr, annual 
centuries (slowly), etc. I bought a Rambouillet and rode it for a while but 
had pedal strike against front wheel. Grant let me exchange for an Atlantis 
which was supposed to correct the pedal strike (it didn’t) so it has sat 
barely used in the garage (I plan to sell it but that’s another story).

So I retreated to my 1987 Panasonic DX-3000 steel bike. I outfitted it with 
a triple up front, 11-34 rear, Noodle bars, 9-speed barcons, clips/straps – 
full old school. I rode that bike hard. And since I liked Riv bikes and 
predecessors, I obtained a Bridgestone RB-1. This was my “fast bike”, at 
least for me. I put a double on it and  of course, the old school build.

Due to a knee replacement, foot surgery and just plain laziness, I’ve been 
off the bikes for several years. I’ve lost a lot of weight and am healthier 
than I have been (the gym has become my second home) and yoga, strength 
training and cardio have greatly helped. Last weekend I took the Pan out 
for a short ride, just to see if I could do it. Well, as they say, it was 
“just like riding a bike”. Later in the week, I took out the RB-1 for a 
slightly longer ride. *It felt so good to be back in the saddle again*.

I now plan to include road riding as part of my continued health/fitness 
regimen. Also, I’m rediscovering my liking for all things Riv. Rivendell 
got me back into riding some 18 years ago and I still enjoy reading about 
their current line up of bikes and other products.



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[RBW] Re: Back in the saddle - literally

2024-04-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
Great story and congrats on your journey.  Your Atlantis should have 
excellent re-sale value.  There are lots of Riv-fans who dislike the 
extended wheel base of the current models and who don't mind the TCO of the 
older ones.  Surely they'll buy up your older Atlantis.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:31:13 AM UTC-7 Art wrote:

> I was heavily into road biking 2006-2012, doing ~ 100 mi/yr, annual 
> centuries (slowly), etc. I bought a Rambouillet and rode it for a while but 
> had pedal strike against front wheel. Grant let me exchange for an Atlantis 
> which was supposed to correct the pedal strike (it didn’t) so it has sat 
> barely used in the garage (I plan to sell it but that’s another story).
> So I retreated to my 1987 Panasonic DX-3000 steel bike. I outfitted it 
> with a triple up front, 11-34 rear, Noodle bars, 9-speed barcons, 
> clips/straps – full old school. I rode that bike hard. And since I liked 
> Riv bikes and predecessors, I obtained a Bridgestone RB-1. This was my 
> “fast bike”, at least for me. I put a double on it and  of course, the old 
> school build.
> Due to a knee replacement, foot surgery and just plain laziness, I’ve been 
> off the bikes for several years. I’ve lost a lot of weight and am healthier 
> than I have been (the gym has become my second home) and yoga, strength 
> training and cardio have greatly helped. Last weekend I took the Pan out 
> for a short ride, just to see if I could do it. Well, as they say, it was 
> “just like riding a bike”. Later in the week, I took out the RB-1 for a 
> slightly longer ride. *It felt so good to be back in the saddle again*.
> I now plan to include road riding as part of my continued health/fitness 
> regimen. Also, I’m rediscovering my liking for all things Riv. Rivendell 
> got me back into riding some 18 years ago and I still enjoy reading about 
> their current line up of bikes and other products.
> …..Art

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[RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Caliper vs Canti

2024-04-23 Thread Nathan Mattia
My 51 cm 650b w the Tektro side-pulls runs the 41-ish Fatty Rumpkins right 

I am curious if the Paul Racers would allow me to go bigger as well. 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 11:14:36 AM UTC-5 wrote:

> I’ve had the 48 file tread without issue. I’ve seen people run the 48 
> knobbies on side pull Sams as well. 
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 8:23:48 AM UTC-7 Drew Fitchette wrote:
>> @brenton were the RH slicks or knobby?
>> On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 9:37:12 PM UTC-4 Brenton Eastman wrote:
>>> Definitely would need to know your frame/wheel size. My 57cm Sam with 
>>> tektro side pulls and 700c Velocity Dyad hoops clears a 47 teravail, 48 
>>> Rene herse, and 50 gravel king. Not sure how much bigger you’d need. 
>>> On Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 11:36:44 PM UTC-7 
>>> wrote:
 Would also love to know this exact question! Did you ever find out? 

 On Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:08:59 AM UTC-5 

> How much more tire and fender clearance does the Canti version have 
> compared to say a Paul Racer side pull ? 

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[RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Caliper vs Canti

2024-04-23 Thread Chris Halasz
Are all keeping in mind whether a caliper brake that accommodates wider 
tires may may introduce the inconvenience of having to deflate a tire for 
wheel removal, which may not be the case for cantilevers? 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:43:36 AM UTC-7 Nathan Mattia wrote:

> My 51 cm 650b w the Tektro side-pulls runs the 41-ish Fatty Rumpkins right 
> now. 
> I am curious if the Paul Racers would allow me to go bigger as well. 
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 11:14:36 AM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> I’ve had the 48 file tread without issue. I’ve seen people run the 48 
>> knobbies on side pull Sams as well. 
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 8:23:48 AM UTC-7 Drew Fitchette wrote:
>>> @brenton were the RH slicks or knobby?
>>> On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 9:37:12 PM UTC-4 Brenton Eastman wrote:
 Definitely would need to know your frame/wheel size. My 57cm Sam with 
 tektro side pulls and 700c Velocity Dyad hoops clears a 47 teravail, 48 
 Rene herse, and 50 gravel king. Not sure how much bigger you’d need. 

 On Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 11:36:44 PM UTC-7 wrote:

> Would also love to know this exact question! Did you ever find out? 
> On Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:08:59 AM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> How much more tire and fender clearance does the Canti version have 
>> compared to say a Paul Racer side pull ? 

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 52cm Sam Hillborne Complete Albatross-build Bike (Waterford frame, Taiwan fork) $1800

2024-04-23 Thread Rich Lesnik
Price bump: Obviously posted too-high asking price. If anyone's interested, 
make an offer!

On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 4:59:49 PM UTC-7 wrote:

> Try posting one pic at a time.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 16, 2024, at 7:55 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
> This is for a phone, I take screenshots of the photos and it works. 
> On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 2:00:30 PM UTC-7 Rich Lesnik wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me how to post photos on the forum? I have 7 photos of 
>> the previously listed 52cm Sam, but keep getting a "message too large" 
>> notification when I try to post them.
>> On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 1:40:04 PM UTC-7 Rich Lesnik wrote:
>>> This is my old Sam, returned to me by my brother who doesn't ride it 
>>> anymore. Color is sage green. Suntour XCPro front/rear detailers, wheels 
>>> built by me, Deore hubs, Atlas (rear) Synergy (front) rims. Sugino XD2 
>>> triple crank. Includes B67 honey saddle, Gripking pedals. Local Bay Area 
>>> pickup. Photos available on request (unless someone can tell me how to post 
>>> photos on the forum!)
>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: Back in the saddle - literally

2024-04-23 Thread Art
Haha, I just re-read my post and I saw a typo. Back when I was riding 
heavily, *I was doing 1000 miles/year plus, not 100. *
On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:31:13 PM UTC-4 Art wrote:

> I was heavily into road biking 2006-2012, doing ~ 100 mi/yr, annual 
> centuries (slowly), etc. I bought a Rambouillet and rode it for a while but 
> had pedal strike against front wheel. Grant let me exchange for an Atlantis 
> which was supposed to correct the pedal strike (it didn’t) so it has sat 
> barely used in the garage (I plan to sell it but that’s another story).
> So I retreated to my 1987 Panasonic DX-3000 steel bike. I outfitted it 
> with a triple up front, 11-34 rear, Noodle bars, 9-speed barcons, 
> clips/straps – full old school. I rode that bike hard. And since I liked 
> Riv bikes and predecessors, I obtained a Bridgestone RB-1. This was my 
> “fast bike”, at least for me. I put a double on it and  of course, the old 
> school build.
> Due to a knee replacement, foot surgery and just plain laziness, I’ve been 
> off the bikes for several years. I’ve lost a lot of weight and am healthier 
> than I have been (the gym has become my second home) and yoga, strength 
> training and cardio have greatly helped. Last weekend I took the Pan out 
> for a short ride, just to see if I could do it. Well, as they say, it was 
> “just like riding a bike”. Later in the week, I took out the RB-1 for a 
> slightly longer ride. *It felt so good to be back in the saddle again*.
> I now plan to include road riding as part of my continued health/fitness 
> regimen. Also, I’m rediscovering my liking for all things Riv. Rivendell 
> got me back into riding some 18 years ago and I still enjoy reading about 
> their current line up of bikes and other products.
> …..Art

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[RBW] Re: Back in the saddle - literally

2024-04-23 Thread Art
Hi Bill-
I understand the rules here, so I can't post a FS until I am more active in 
the group. No problem.
 I think my Atlantis which was ridden only a few times and is in excellent 
condition, will be quite popular.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:36:23 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Great story and congrats on your journey.  Your Atlantis should have 
> excellent re-sale value.  There are lots of Riv-fans who dislike the 
> extended wheel base of the current models and who don't mind the TCO of the 
> older ones.  Surely they'll buy up your older Atlantis.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:31:13 AM UTC-7 Art wrote:
>> I was heavily into road biking 2006-2012, doing ~ 100 mi/yr, annual 
>> centuries (slowly), etc. I bought a Rambouillet and rode it for a while but 
>> had pedal strike against front wheel. Grant let me exchange for an Atlantis 
>> which was supposed to correct the pedal strike (it didn’t) so it has sat 
>> barely used in the garage (I plan to sell it but that’s another story).
>> So I retreated to my 1987 Panasonic DX-3000 steel bike. I outfitted it 
>> with a triple up front, 11-34 rear, Noodle bars, 9-speed barcons, 
>> clips/straps – full old school. I rode that bike hard. And since I liked 
>> Riv bikes and predecessors, I obtained a Bridgestone RB-1. This was my 
>> “fast bike”, at least for me. I put a double on it and  of course, the old 
>> school build.
>> Due to a knee replacement, foot surgery and just plain laziness, I’ve 
>> been off the bikes for several years. I’ve lost a lot of weight and am 
>> healthier than I have been (the gym has become my second home) and yoga, 
>> strength training and cardio have greatly helped. Last weekend I took the 
>> Pan out for a short ride, just to see if I could do it. Well, as they say, 
>> it was “just like riding a bike”. Later in the week, I took out the RB-1 
>> for a slightly longer ride. *It felt so good to be back in the saddle 
>> again*.
>> I now plan to include road riding as part of my continued health/fitness 
>> regimen. Also, I’m rediscovering my liking for all things Riv. Rivendell 
>> got me back into riding some 18 years ago and I still enjoy reading about 
>> their current line up of bikes and other products.
>> …..Art

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[RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Caliper vs Canti

2024-04-23 Thread Drew Fitchette
The listed clearance for Racers is 54mm. Though I assume anything north or 
40mm might need deflation if you're using the Salmon Kool-Stops for removal.

James from Riv said this re: the racers on his Homer:

"I've set up my homer with 50mm shikoros that actually measured closer to 
45mm. That set up was a little tight and rubbed when I pedaled out of the 
saddle due to frame flex. 


I think 45's would be ideal if they were knobby and 48 if they're slick."

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:54:20 PM UTC-4 Chris Halasz wrote:

> Are all keeping in mind whether a caliper brake that accommodates wider 
> tires may may introduce the inconvenience of having to deflate a tire for 
> wheel removal, which may not be the case for cantilevers? 
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:43:36 AM UTC-7 Nathan Mattia wrote:
>> My 51 cm 650b w the Tektro side-pulls runs the 41-ish Fatty Rumpkins 
>> right now. 
>> I am curious if the Paul Racers would allow me to go bigger as well. 
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 11:14:36 AM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> I’ve had the 48 file tread without issue. I’ve seen people run the 48 
>>> knobbies on side pull Sams as well. 
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 8:23:48 AM UTC-7 Drew Fitchette wrote:
 @brenton were the RH slicks or knobby?

 On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 9:37:12 PM UTC-4 Brenton Eastman wrote:

> Definitely would need to know your frame/wheel size. My 57cm Sam with 
> tektro side pulls and 700c Velocity Dyad hoops clears a 47 teravail, 48 
> Rene herse, and 50 gravel king. Not sure how much bigger you’d need. 
> On Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 11:36:44 PM UTC-7 
> wrote:
>> Would also love to know this exact question! Did you ever find out? 
>> On Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:08:59 AM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> How much more tire and fender clearance does the Canti version have 
>>> compared to say a Paul Racer side pull ? 

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[RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread Hoch in ut
If this is your one bike, I’d say go for the 700c. You’re already used to 
that wheel size from the Vaya. Maybe you have some tubes and 700c parts as 
Additionally, I am the same height as you with a 83.3cm PBH and much prefer 
700c. I like the handling and rollover when on rough roads. 
I had a Romanceur (650b) and a Hunqapillar (700c). Hunq was my favorite. 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 8:56:30 AM UTC-6 wrote:

> @aero and @hoch: I am selling my customized Salsa Vaya 55cm (700c) to fund 
> this purchase, and the Homer would be my only bicycle (I say that now). I 
> don't have any specific tires in mind and I wouldn't have any other wheels 
> to swap out. There seems to be several 42-44 tires that would fit my riding 
> needs for 650b, and clearly a *lot* more for 700c. I wouldn't be doing 
> any long touring on this where tire availability is a factor. 
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:45:04 AM UTC-4 DavidP wrote:
>> Robert - the geometry comparison highlights the point I was going to make 
>> that given your PBH, the 650b will likely have better standover clearance 
>> if you want to run tires at the larger end of the Homer's range.
>> My rough stuff road bike has disc brakes so could take either 650b or 
>> 700c wheels. Since I was wanting to run wider tires I went with 650x48 to 
>> get the extra 16mm standover in a frame size that is near the cusp of what 
>> I can clear.
>> That comparison shows a much larger difference in standover, as well as 
>> other differences that make it look to me like the 650b will be a better 
>> fit for your proportions.
>> -Dave
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:36:56 AM UTC-4 Robert Calton wrote:
>>> Thanks Bill! That's helpful. The colors are the same on both offerings 
>>> and the 650B's build is essentially what I would do to the 700c (with the 
>>> help of my lovely LBS, of course). I'm not really too concerned with resale 
>>> value, but rather the general riding experience. I suppose I could simply 
>>> research the litany of 650b vs 700c threads out there to learn more about 
>>> this. The geometry between the two are slightly different, however. 
>>> The BikeInsights chart attached below shows the 700c to be quite a bit 
>>> taller than the 650b, which I wonder if that translates into overall 
>>> comfort with regards to standover and handling.  
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:22:15 AM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 If it were me the decision is close enough that I'd probably leave it 
 to the surrounding details of each transaction.  I'm a particularly snobby 
 and self-absorbed curator of "builds" so that would be a huge vote in 
 of the 700 because it's a frame, unless the curator of the 650b build did 
 lot of the things I would have done.  The effective "labor cost" of doing 
 build is essentially zero for me.  Is one a shop and the other a person? 
  That would have some weight for me.  If the shop was one that I could 
 frequent, putting money in the register of a shop reaps benefits down the 
 road.  If the person was one that I had particular respect for, that could 
 tilt me a different way.  

 Then there's color!  

 but...if we took it to a purely hypothetical situation, and asserted 
 they were both frames, both in identical condition, at the same price, and 
 from the same seller, so the real and only difference was 650B vs 700, 
 I'd probably lean 700 because the 700 wheel on the 54.5 is "the latest", 
 and probably has a tiny bit better future proof resale value.  If that 
 wasn't the case and it really was completely wheel size then I'd 
 probably lean 650B for a Hilsen, but it would be like a vote of 52 to 48, 
 and my leaning may change on another day.

 Both are great bikes.  

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA

 On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:20:48 PM UTC-7 Robert Calton wrote:

> It's looking like I'll have the opportunity to purchase either bicycle 
> within the next week or so, a 54.5 Homer in 700c or 650b. I'm 5'11" with 
> a 
> 83.8PBH, so spot on for both of those sizes. 
> I'm curious what the wisdom of the community is in regards to making 
> this decision, which should I consider more strongly? The price 
> difference 
> is negligible. They both have similar components on it (the 650 is a 
> complete bike, the 700c I'd have to build up from a frameset and the cost 
> is about equal for both). 
> I mainly ride pavement and rail trails with the occasional wooded 
> paths. 
> Thoughts? :) 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Caliper vs Canti

2024-04-23 Thread Brenton Eastman
Oh yeah, I have to deflate anything over 42 to clear my tektro 559s. On Apr 23, 2024, at 11:00 AM, Chris Halasz  wrote:Are all keeping in mind whether a caliper brake that accommodates wider tires may may introduce the inconvenience of having to deflate a tire for wheel removal, which may not be the case for cantilevers? On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:43:36 AM UTC-7 Nathan Mattia wrote:My 51 cm 650b w the Tektro side-pulls runs the 41-ish Fatty Rumpkins right now. I am curious if the Paul Racers would allow me to go bigger as well. On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 11:14:36 AM UTC-5 wrote:I’ve had the 48 file tread without issue. I’ve seen people run the 48 knobbies on side pull Sams as well. On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 8:23:48 AM UTC-7 Drew Fitchette wrote:@brenton were the RH slicks or knobby?On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 9:37:12 PM UTC-4 Brenton Eastman wrote:Definitely would need to know your frame/wheel size. My 57cm Sam with tektro side pulls and 700c Velocity Dyad hoops clears a 47 teravail, 48 Rene herse, and 50 gravel king. Not sure how much bigger you’d need. On Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 11:36:44 PM UTC-7 wrote:Would also love to know this exact question! Did you ever find out? On Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:08:59 AM UTC-5 wrote:How much more tire and fender clearance does the Canti version have compared to say a Paul Racer side pull ?

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Jim Bronson
Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early
Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being
versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road
Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B
converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73
reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done
this way as well.

Austin, TX burbs

On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> wrote:

> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell
> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the
> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is
> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great
> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be
> ideal.
> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a
> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what
> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before.
> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does take
> a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach stem
> which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out of me.
> I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate was in
> the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed it was a
> hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m the
> youngest and probably the most fit.
> Leah
> --
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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Leah Peterson
So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done this way as well.JimAustin, TX burbsOn Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!  wrote:I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be ideal. Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m the youngest and probably the most fit. Leah

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
I think that falls into Joe Bernard's recommendation of taking a flyer on a 
used Rivendell at decent price.  Love it if you can and sell it if you find 
you can't love it.  Go for it if you can stand over it. 

I bought a used 59cm Romulus this year, and built it but haven't ridden it, 
because of my weird self-imposed mileage quota system.  But I will be 
Rom-riding this summer!

BL in EC

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 12:33:00 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:
> Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
> Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being 
> versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road 
> Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
> converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
> reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
> this way as well.
> Jim
> Austin, TX burbs
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>> wrote:
>> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
>> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
>> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
>> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
>> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
>> ideal. 
>> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
>> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what 
>> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. 
>> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
>> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does take 
>> a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach stem 
>> which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out of me. 
>> I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate was in 
>> the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed it was a 
>> hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m the 
>> youngest and probably the most fit. 
>> Leah
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RE: [RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Caliper vs Canti

2024-04-23 Thread Bernard Duhon
The brake pad on my racers hit the seatstay & front fork which restricts the 
I have to deflate a 38mm tire.

From:  On 
Behalf Of Nathan Mattia
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 12:44 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch 
Subject: [RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Caliper vs Canti

My 51 cm 650b w the Tektro side-pulls runs the 41-ish Fatty Rumpkins right now.

I am curious if the Paul Racers would allow me to go bigger as well.
On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 11:14:36 AM UTC-5 wrote:
I’ve had the 48 file tread without issue. I’ve seen people run the 48 knobbies 
on side pull Sams as well.
On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 8:23:48 AM UTC-7 Drew Fitchette wrote:
@brenton were the RH slicks or knobby?

On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 9:37:12 PM UTC-4 Brenton Eastman wrote:
Definitely would need to know your frame/wheel size. My 57cm Sam with tektro 
side pulls and 700c Velocity Dyad hoops clears a 47 teravail, 48 Rene herse, 
and 50 gravel king. Not sure how much bigger you’d need.
On Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 11:36:44 PM UTC-7 wrote:
Would also love to know this exact question! Did you ever find out?
On Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:08:59 AM UTC-5 wrote:
How much more tire and fender clearance does the Canti version have compared to 
say a Paul Racer side pull ?
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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread George Schick
Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all 
depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from (shipped 
or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - 
there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost 
collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give 
it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?

Best winds!
On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:
> Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
> Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being 
> versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road 
> Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
> converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
> reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
> this way as well.
> Jim
> Austin, TX burbs
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>> wrote:
>> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
>> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
>> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
>> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
>> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
>> ideal. 
>> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
>> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what 
>> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. 
>> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
>> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does take 
>> a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach stem 
>> which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out of me. 
>> I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate was in 
>> the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed it was a 
>> hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m the 
>> youngest and probably the most fit. 
>> Leah
>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Leah Peterson
It’s only got under 1k miles. Was someone’s wife’s and is in “excellent” condition. Sent from my iPhoneOn Apr 23, 2024, at 3:46 PM, George Schick  wrote:Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from (shipped or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?Best winds!On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done this way as well.JimAustin, TX burbsOn Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!  wrote:I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be ideal. Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m the youngest and probably the most fit. Leah

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Mathias Steiner
>> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 

We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.

The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover clearance, 
respectively, for the 55 cm size.
That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.

cheers -mathias

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:

> Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all 
> depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from (shipped 
> or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - 
> there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost 
> collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give 
> it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?
> Best winds!
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
>> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:
>> Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
>> Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being 
>> versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road 
>> Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
>> converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
>> reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
>> this way as well.
>> Jim
>> Austin, TX burbs
>> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>> wrote:
>>> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
>>> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
>>> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
>>> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
>>> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
>>> ideal. 
>>> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
>>> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what 
>>> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. 
>>> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
>>> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does 
>>> take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach 
>>> stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out 
>>> of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate 
>>> was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed 
>>> it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m 
>>> the youngest and probably the most fit. 
>>> Leah
>>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread 藍俊彪
The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame sizing.
Here's the geometry:

Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. Unusual
compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a lower BB. I
would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd consider it for
my wife who still wants a Roadini.

On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner 

> >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
> We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.
> The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover clearance,
> respectively, for the 55 cm size.
> That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.
> cheers -mathias
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>> Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all
>> depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from (shipped
>> or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot -
>> there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost
>> collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give
>> it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?
>> Best winds!
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
>> wrote:
>>> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
>>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:
>>> Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early
>>> Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being
>>> versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road
>>> Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B
>>> converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73
>>> reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done
>>> this way as well.
>>> Jim
>>> Austin, TX burbs
>>> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>>> wrote:
 I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell
 roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the
 Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is
 going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great
 but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be

 Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a
 Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what
 size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before.
 I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.

 Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does
 take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach
 stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out
 of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate
 was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed
 it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m
 the youngest and probably the most fit.


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 Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Leah Peterson
Let’s both Rom-ride this summer! We could even do it in Michigan! Sent from my iPhoneOn Apr 23, 2024, at 3:46 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:I think that falls into Joe Bernard's recommendation of taking a flyer on a used Rivendell at decent price.  Love it if you can and sell it if you find you can't love it.  Go for it if you can stand over it. I bought a used 59cm Romulus this year, and built it but haven't ridden it, because of my weird self-imposed mileage quota system.  But I will be Rom-riding this summer!BL in ECOn Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 12:33:00 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done this way as well.JimAustin, TX burbsOn Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!  wrote:I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be ideal. Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m the youngest and probably the most fit. Leah

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Leah Peterson
I will let you know, Piaw. If it doesn’t work for me I hope it can work for your wife.Sent from my iPhoneOn Apr 23, 2024, at 3:55 PM, Piaw Na  wrote:The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame sizing. Here's the geometry: like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner  wrote:>> 
So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?

We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.cheers -mathiasOn Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from (shipped or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?Best winds!On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done this way as well.JimAustin, TX burbsOn Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!  wrote:I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be ideal. Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m the youngest and probably the most fit. Leah

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread P W
My only contribution to this very engaging, and very long thread:BUY IT!P. W.~(917) 514-2207~On Apr 23, 2024, at 1:02 PM, Leah Peterson  wrote:Let’s both Rom-ride this summer! We could even do it in Michigan! Sent from my iPhoneOn Apr 23, 2024, at 3:46 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:I think that falls into Joe Bernard's recommendation of taking a flyer on a used Rivendell at decent price.  Love it if you can and sell it if you find you can't love it.  Go for it if you can stand over it. I bought a used 59cm Romulus this year, and built it but haven't ridden it, because of my weird self-imposed mileage quota system.  But I will be Rom-riding this summer!BL in ECOn Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 12:33:00 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done this way as well.JimAustin, TX burbsOn Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!  wrote:I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be ideal. Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m the youngest and probably the most fit. Leah

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Johnny Alien
That still falls into that "rivendell likes to size up" thing. I had a 54 
Rambouillet and while I am 5'9" I have a lower PBH (around 80). The 54 was 
the max I would be comfortable with. A 55 Romulus would likely work. Leah's 
PBH is slightly larger so I think the 55 would be a great fit. Going to a 
59 sounds crazy to me.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:55:13 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame sizing. 
> Here's the geometry: 
> Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
> Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
> lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
> consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner  
> wrote:
>> >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 
>> We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.
>> The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover 
>> clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.
>> That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.
>> cheers -mathias
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>>> Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all 
>>> depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from (shipped 
>>> or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - 
>>> there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost 
>>> collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give 
>>> it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?
>>> Best winds!
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>> wrote:
 So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?

 On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:


 Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
 Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being 
 versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road 
 Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
 converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
 reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
 this way as well.

 Austin, TX burbs

 On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> wrote:

> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
> ideal. 
> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know 
> what 
> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have 
> before. 
> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does 
> take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach 
> stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out 
> of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart 
> rate 
> was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed 
> it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and 
> I’m 
> the youngest and probably the most fit. 
> Leah
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Johnny Alien
And congrats if you get it. That is a very solid road focused Riv at a 
really fair price.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:05:36 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> That still falls into that "rivendell likes to size up" thing. I had a 54 
> Rambouillet and while I am 5'9" I have a lower PBH (around 80). The 54 was 
> the max I would be comfortable with. A 55 Romulus would likely work. Leah's 
> PBH is slightly larger so I think the 55 would be a great fit. Going to a 
> 59 sounds crazy to me.
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:55:13 PM UTC-4 wrote:
>> The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame sizing. 
>> Here's the geometry: 
>> Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
>> Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
>> lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
>> consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.
>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner  
>> wrote:
>>> >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 
>>> We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.
>>> The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover 
>>> clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.
>>> That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.
>>> cheers -mathias
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
 Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all 
 depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from 
 or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - 
 there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost 
 collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give 
 it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?

 Best winds!
 On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:
> Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
> Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being 
> versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road 
> Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
> converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
> reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
> this way as well.
> Jim
> Austin, TX burbs
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>> wrote:
>> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
>> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
>> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
>> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
>> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
>> ideal. 
>> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
>> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know 
>> what 
>> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have 
>> before. 
>> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
>> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does 
>> take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach 
>> stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it 
>> out 
>> of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart 
>> rate 
>> was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else 
>> agreed 
>> it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and 
>> I’m 
>> the youngest and probably the most fit. 
>> Leah
>> -- 
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>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> send an email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .
> -- 
> --
> signature goes here
> -- 
> You received this me

Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Mathias Steiner
The stated standover for the size 55 Romulus is 80 cm.

"The standover heights here are with a 700x27 (686 mm [diameter]) road 
tire. It will be lower with a typical 700x23, and of course, higher with a 

It's probably fine. I'd mock up an 80 cm top tube and see how comfortable 
you think you'd be straddling it. Add 5 mm for 32 mm tires. 

cheers -mathias
On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:55:13 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame sizing. 
> Here's the geometry: 
> Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
> Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
> lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
> consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner  
> wrote:
>> >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 
>> We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.
>> The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover 
>> clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.
>> That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.
>> cheers -mathias
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>>> Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all 
>>> depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from (shipped 
>>> or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - 
>>> there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost 
>>> collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give 
>>> it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?
>>> Best winds!
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>> wrote:
 So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?

 On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:


 Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
 Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being 
 versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road 
 Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
 converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
 reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
 this way as well.

 Austin, TX burbs

 On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> wrote:

> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
> ideal. 
> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know 
> what 
> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have 
> before. 
> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does 
> take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach 
> stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out 
> of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart 
> rate 
> was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed 
> it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and 
> I’m 
> the youngest and probably the most fit. 
> Leah
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
> an email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> .

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread George Schick
Hmm... according to a geometry chart for the 
Romulus a 55cm Rom 
should have a "typical  PBH" of between 79-80 and a 57cm for those with 
PBH's of 81-83.  So...disagreeing as I do with Grant about "going larger is 
better" on frame size, I'd say that this bike would be perfect.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:55:13 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame sizing. 
> Here's the geometry: 
> Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
> Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
> lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
> consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner  
> wrote:
>> >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 
>> We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.
>> The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover 
>> clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.
>> That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.
>> cheers -mathias
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>>> Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all 
>>> depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from (shipped 
>>> or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - 
>>> there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost 
>>> collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give 
>>> it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?
>>> Best winds!
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>> wrote:
 So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?

 On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:


 Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
 Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being 
 versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road 
 Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
 converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
 reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
 this way as well.

 Austin, TX burbs

 On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> wrote:

> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
> ideal. 
> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know 
> what 
> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have 
> before. 
> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does 
> take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach 
> stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out 
> of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart 
> rate 
> was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed 
> it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and 
> I’m 
> the youngest and probably the most fit. 
> Leah
> -- 
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> To view this discussion on the web visit 
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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Leah Peterson
…which would give me room for that larger tire!Sent from my iPhoneOn Apr 23, 2024, at 4:09 PM, George Schick  wrote:Hmm... according to a geometry chart for the Romulus a 55cm Rom should have a "typical  PBH" of between 79-80 and a 57cm for those with PBH's of 81-83.  So...disagreeing as I do with Grant about "going larger is better" on frame size, I'd say that this bike would be perfect.On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:55:13 PM UTC-5 wrote:The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame sizing. Here's the geometry: like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner  wrote:>> 
So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?

We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.cheers -mathiasOn Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from (shipped or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?Best winds!On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done this way as well.JimAustin, TX burbsOn Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!  wrote:I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be ideal. Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m the youngest and probably the most fit. Leah

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Ryan
Worth a shot Leah! Do let us know how it works out

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:13:08 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> …which would give me room for that larger tire!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:09 PM, George Schick  wrote:
> Hmm... according to a geometry chart for the Romulus 
> a 55cm Rom should have 
> a "typical  PBH" of between 79-80 and a 57cm for those with PBH's of 
> 81-83.  So...disagreeing as I do with Grant about "going larger is better" 
> on frame size, I'd say that this bike would be perfect.
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:55:13 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>> The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame sizing. 
>> Here's the geometry: 
>> Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
>> Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
>> lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
>> consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.
>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner  
>> wrote:
>>> >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 
>>> We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.
>>> The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover 
>>> clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.
>>> That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.
>>> cheers -mathias
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
 Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all 
 depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from 
 or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - 
 there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost 
 collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give 
 it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?

 Best winds!
 On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:
> Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
> Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being 
> versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road 
> Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
> converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
> reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
> this way as well.
> Jim
> Austin, TX burbs
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>> wrote:
>> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
>> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
>> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
>> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
>> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
>> ideal. 
>> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
>> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know 
>> what 
>> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have 
>> before. 
>> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
>> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does 
>> take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach 
>> stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it 
>> out 
>> of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart 
>> rate 
>> was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else 
>> agreed 
>> it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and 
>> I’m 
>> the youngest and probably the most fit. 
>> Leah
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
>> send an email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .
> -- 
> -

Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread George Schick
Yep, according to that Riv chart, up to 38mm.  But I don't recommend going 
there because they will increase your SOH.  And you don't really need any 
tires of that size anyway if you have a road bike that you're going to be 
riding on paved roads - 32mm or so would be good enough.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:13:08 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> …which would give me room for that larger tire!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:09 PM, George Schick  wrote:
> Hmm... according to a geometry chart for the Romulus 
> a 55cm Rom should have 
> a "typical  PBH" of between 79-80 and a 57cm for those with PBH's of 
> 81-83.  So...disagreeing as I do with Grant about "going larger is better" 
> on frame size, I'd say that this bike would be perfect.
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:55:13 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>> The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame sizing. 
>> Here's the geometry: 
>> Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
>> Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
>> lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
>> consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.
>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner  
>> wrote:
>>> >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 
>>> We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.
>>> The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover 
>>> clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.
>>> That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.
>>> cheers -mathias
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
 Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all 
 depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from 
 or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - 
 there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost 
 collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give 
 it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?

 Best winds!
 On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:
> Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
> Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being 
> versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road 
> Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
> converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
> reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
> this way as well.
> Jim
> Austin, TX burbs
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>> wrote:
>> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
>> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
>> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
>> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
>> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
>> ideal. 
>> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
>> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know 
>> what 
>> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have 
>> before. 
>> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
>> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does 
>> take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach 
>> stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it 
>> out 
>> of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart 
>> rate 
>> was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else 
>> agreed 
>> it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and 
>> I’m 
>> the youngest and probably the most fit. 
>> Leah
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
>> send an email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 

Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Johnny Alien
The Romulus was essentially just the Rambouillet and I fit Kojaks on it. 
Those are stated to be 35 but I think they were actually more like 36. With 
that in mind it worked but I am not sure I would have been able to or 
wanted to go to 38's. It was probably possible though.

Interesting that in reviewing some of those pages Grant said that the AHH 
and Rambouillet are the same with the only exception being that the AHH 
takes larger tires. I'm not sure I ever knew that before. I thought the AHH 
was the same as the Saluki with only the 650B vs 700C tires being the 
difference at the beginning.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:26:17 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:

> Yep, according to that Riv chart, up to 38mm.  But I don't recommend going 
> there because they will increase your SOH.  And you don't really need any 
> tires of that size anyway if you have a road bike that you're going to be 
> riding on paved roads - 32mm or so would be good enough.
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:13:08 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
>> …which would give me room for that larger tire!
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:09 PM, George Schick  wrote:
>> Hmm... according to a geometry chart for the Romulus 
>> a 55cm Rom should 
>> have a "typical  PBH" of between 79-80 and a 57cm for those with PBH's of 
>> 81-83.  So...disagreeing as I do with Grant about "going larger is better" 
>> on frame size, I'd say that this bike would be perfect.
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:55:13 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>>> The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame 
>>> sizing. Here's the geometry: 
>>> Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
>>> Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
>>> lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
>>> consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.
>>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner  
>>> wrote:
 >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 

 We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.

 The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover 
 clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.
 That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.

 cheers -mathias

 On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:

> Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that all 
> depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from 
> (shipped 
> or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it a shot - 
> there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're almost 
> collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to give 
> it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?
> Best winds!
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
> Ding! wrote:
>> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:
>> Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
>> Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being 
>> versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road 
>> Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
>> converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
>> reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
>> this way as well.
>> Jim
>> Austin, TX burbs
>> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>> wrote:
>>> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a 
>>> Rivendell roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know 
>>> that the Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no 
>>> idea 
>>> what is going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one 
>>> looks 
>>> great but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which 
>>> would be 
>>> ideal. 
>>> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has 
>>> a Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know 
>>> what size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have 
>>> before. I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
>>> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does 
>>> take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, 
>>> longer-reach 
>>> stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are ta

Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Joe Bernard
Johnny, the progression of those models at that time connects. The AHH - a 
Country Bike - was a Ram with bigger clearances, then the Saluki was an AHH 
with 650B wheels. 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:33:25 PM UTC-7 Johnny Alien wrote:

> The Romulus was essentially just the Rambouillet and I fit Kojaks on it. 
> Those are stated to be 35 but I think they were actually more like 36. With 
> that in mind it worked but I am not sure I would have been able to or 
> wanted to go to 38's. It was probably possible though.
> Interesting that in reviewing some of those pages Grant said that the AHH 
> and Rambouillet are the same with the only exception being that the AHH 
> takes larger tires. I'm not sure I ever knew that before. I thought the AHH 
> was the same as the Saluki with only the 650B vs 700C tires being the 
> difference at the beginning.
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:26:17 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>> Yep, according to that Riv chart, up to 38mm.  But I don't recommend 
>> going there because they will increase your SOH.  And you don't really need 
>> any tires of that size anyway if you have a road bike that you're going to 
>> be riding on paved roads - 32mm or so would be good enough.
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:13:08 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>> wrote:
>>> …which would give me room for that larger tire!
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:09 PM, George Schick  wrote:
>>> Hmm... according to a geometry chart for the Romulus 
>>> a 55cm Rom should 
>>> have a "typical  PBH" of between 79-80 and a 57cm for those with PBH's of 
>>> 81-83.  So...disagreeing as I do with Grant about "going larger is better" 
>>> on frame size, I'd say that this bike would be perfect.
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:55:13 PM UTC-5 wrote:
 The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame 
 sizing. Here's the geometry:

 Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
 Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
 lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
 consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.

 On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner  

> >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 
> We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.
> The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover 
> clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.
> That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.
> cheers -mathias
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>> Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that 
>> all depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from 
>> (shipped or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it 
>> a 
>> shot - there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're 
>> almost 
>> collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to 
>> give 
>> it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?
>> Best winds!
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>> Ding! wrote:
>>> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
>>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:
>>> Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
>>> Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for 
>>> being 
>>> versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv 
>>> Road 
>>> Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
>>> converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
>>> reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
>>> this way as well.
>>> Jim
>>> Austin, TX burbs
>>> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>>> wrote:
 I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a 
 Rivendell roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t 
 that the Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no 
 what is going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one 
 great but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which 
 would be 

 Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has 
 a Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t

Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread George Schick
Agreed.  I own a 54cm Ram and it's equipped with fenders.  The max tire 
that works in this set up is a 32mm.  But without fenders one might be able 
to get 35mm or more on the wheels, but I still don't recommend it for a 
"road bike".  While wider tires may be a good thing for general riding 
purposes they would not work out as well as smaller diameter tires for road 
riding and for what she'll probably soon be using it for like or not, club 
rides where she will be burning up the pavement with it.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:33:25 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:

> The Romulus was essentially just the Rambouillet and I fit Kojaks on it. 
> Those are stated to be 35 but I think they were actually more like 36. With 
> that in mind it worked but I am not sure I would have been able to or 
> wanted to go to 38's. It was probably possible though.
> Interesting that in reviewing some of those pages Grant said that the AHH 
> and Rambouillet are the same with the only exception being that the AHH 
> takes larger tires. I'm not sure I ever knew that before. I thought the AHH 
> was the same as the Saluki with only the 650B vs 700C tires being the 
> difference at the beginning.
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:26:17 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>> Yep, according to that Riv chart, up to 38mm.  But I don't recommend 
>> going there because they will increase your SOH.  And you don't really need 
>> any tires of that size anyway if you have a road bike that you're going to 
>> be riding on paved roads - 32mm or so would be good enough.
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:13:08 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>> wrote:
>>> …which would give me room for that larger tire!
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:09 PM, George Schick  wrote:
>>> Hmm... according to a geometry chart for the Romulus 
>>> a 55cm Rom should 
>>> have a "typical  PBH" of between 79-80 and a 57cm for those with PBH's of 
>>> 81-83.  So...disagreeing as I do with Grant about "going larger is better" 
>>> on frame size, I'd say that this bike would be perfect.
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:55:13 PM UTC-5 wrote:
 The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame 
 sizing. Here's the geometry:

 Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
 Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
 lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
 consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.

 On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner  

> >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 
> We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.
> The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover 
> clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.
> That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.
> cheers -mathias
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>> Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that 
>> all depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from 
>> (shipped or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it 
>> a 
>> shot - there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're 
>> almost 
>> collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to 
>> give 
>> it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?
>> Best winds!
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>> Ding! wrote:
>>> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
>>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:
>>> Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
>>> Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for 
>>> being 
>>> versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv 
>>> Road 
>>> Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
>>> converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
>>> reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
>>> this way as well.
>>> Jim
>>> Austin, TX burbs
>>> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>>> wrote:
 I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a 
 Rivendell roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t 
 that the Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no 
 what is going on with t

Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread James M
This is such great news.  Just read all the posts on her new blog!

On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 3:38:11 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:

> And Velouria has an April 2024 post!
> Leah might want to read back issues of Lovely Bicycle; Velouria/Constance 
> had a similar bike journey, including Rivendells and customs, from cycling 
> urban Boston to brevets, IIRC.
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 1:30 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:
>> "I have to look up what “on the ramps” means. "
>> Five hand-positions, defined and illustrated, by the lovely "Lovely 
>> Bicycle":
>> BL in EC
>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 11:16:35 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>> wrote:
>>> All of these replies are interesting. And when I read one I think, “Yes, 
>>> that’s right” and then read another which conflicts and change my mind. 
>>> This is going to be a journey. I can’t even believe how much there is to 
>>> know.
>>> I’m later getting here than the rest of you, I think. It was 2012 when I 
>>> first realized there were better bikes than the Walmart Schwinn I was 
>>> pulling my preschoolers around with. I got a Betty Foy with the biggest 
>>> racks and baskets money could buy and away we went. So happy! Still knowing 
>>> nothing! 
>>> Now those boys are in high school, and I live in a vibrant bike 
>>> community and suddenly it’s a whole new world for me. Every riding season I 
>>> end up learning and being stretched. I’m doing new kinds of rides, meeting 
>>> lots of people, volunteering on bike committees, and venturing a lot 
>>> further from home. 5 years ago I would never have believed I’d ride a 
>>> metric century or enjoy club riding. This is all wonderful, but I’m 
>>> hamstrung by my lack of experience. I always thought drop bars would have 
>>> to be uncomfortable. It wasn’t until this thread that I even considered 
>>> trying them. Are they a rite of passage? “Oh, you’ll never use them forever 
>>> but just scratch the itch now so you can say you have.” Or are they the 
>>> gold standard “They’ve been used for 100 years for good reason.” I worry 
>>> I’m too late to start using them after all this time on albatross and 
>>> Billies. I have to look up what “on the ramps” means. I don’t know what the 
>>> “right” geometry is for a road bike belonging to a devoted Rivendell rider 
>>> would be. I dread being uncomfortable. I fear screwing up with the new drop 
>>> bars and crashing in a peloton. I have no idea what shifters I’d put on 
>>> drop bars. I thought albastache might be a good compromise but heard they 
>>> aren’t wrist-neutral and then that they are. So.Much.To.Know. But 
>>> everything I do now scares me, so let’s go.
>>> Keep your replies coming! I read every one, even if I don’t respond, I 
>>> am definitely thinking about them and chatting with other RivSisters who 
>>> have similar questions.
>>> Thanks for taking the time!
>>> Leah
>>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 1:31:40 PM UTC-4 wrote:
 Hi Leah -

 I would generally agree with what Ted said. Riding position and fit are 
 very important. But I don't think that's the only criteria I would use. I 
 have ten bikes. Five are Rivs. I have a Custom, Quickbeam, Roadeo, Ram and 
 Hubbuhubbuh. I find that geometry is important in my riding. Some bikes 
 be more "twitchy" and/or less stable because of their geometry. Things 
 trail, head and seat tube angles and bottom bracket drop can affect the 
 handling and stability of a bike. I don't get hung up on numbers, and 
 the handling and stability based on how a bike rides.

 All of my Rivs are rock-solid stable and handle exceptionally well. I 
 know that the low center of gravity, trail and angles contribute to this. 
 Stability and handling are very important to me because I ride lots of 
 hills. Going uphill depends on gears, fitness and leg strength. The 
 stability and handling come into play going downhill. Rivs provide a level 
 of confidence I don't get on other bikes. You can be sure the bike will go 
 where you point it.

 About Albastache and Mustache bars - I have five bikes (some of them 
 Rivs) with Mustache and Albastache bars. I find I can get every bit as low 
 on Mustache and Albastache bars as on drop bars. The rest of my bikes have 
 drop bars. The main thing I like about drop bars is riding the hoods. On 
 drops, I find there are primarily three hand positions: 1) on the hoods, 
 on the ramps (slightly farther back than on the hoods) and 3) on the flats 
 on either side of the stem. I rarely get into the drops. With the 
 Albastache and Mustache, I find I have more riding positions.

 Have fun on your road bike, whatever you get.


 On Sunday, April 21, 2024 at

[RBW] FS 2017 58cm (CTT) Homer AHH Frame, Fork, Headset

2024-04-23 Thread Dan
Relisting since Spring has sprung.

Dropped the price to $1300 + ship for the frame, fork, headset.

This is a 2017 "short" chainstay, Waterford (I believe) A. Homer Hilsen

It measures 58cm CTT (which is, I think, how Riv measures) or 56 CTC on the 
seattube x ~56.5cm TT. The chainstayz are 47cm (center of drop out to 
center of BB shell).

Condition-wise, this is a handsome frame but there are paint chips and 
wear, but no dents, no rust.

I might have parts you need, but I think I will hang onto my spare 650B 
wheels which I had previously offered. 

Fresh photos (just shot earlier today):

Located in the greater LA area. I can get a box from the LBS and ship 
safely, with a label from PirateShip.


Yorba Linda, CA

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Corwin Zechar
My orange creamsicle (the fastest color) Ram is currently wearing 38mm 
Schwalbe Marathon Racers. The Racers are mounted on skinny Mavic Open Pro 
rims, but still measure 37.25mm. I would wager, I could mount a pair of 
Schwalbe 40mm tires on the Ram with adequate clearance.

I ride the Ram and my Custom Rivendell (wearing 40mm tires) on club rides, 
keep up with much younger riders, and highly recommend 38 and 40mm tires 
for road riding. As a matter of fact, my Hubbuhubbuh wears Schwalbe 
Hurricanes which measure 71mm mounted on Velocity Cliffhangers. My wife 
refuses to ride anything but roads and we regularly pass most other bikes 
we encounter.

Nothing wrong with riding wider tires.



On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:54:03 PM UTC-7 George Schick wrote:

> Agreed.  I own a 54cm Ram and it's equipped with fenders.  The max tire 
> that works in this set up is a 32mm.  But without fenders one might be able 
> to get 35mm or more on the wheels, but I still don't recommend it for a 
> "road bike".  While wider tires may be a good thing for general riding 
> purposes they would not work out as well as smaller diameter tires for road 
> riding and for what she'll probably soon be using it for like or not, club 
> rides where she will be burning up the pavement with it.
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:33:25 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
>> The Romulus was essentially just the Rambouillet and I fit Kojaks on it. 
>> Those are stated to be 35 but I think they were actually more like 36. With 
>> that in mind it worked but I am not sure I would have been able to or 
>> wanted to go to 38's. It was probably possible though.
>> Interesting that in reviewing some of those pages Grant said that the AHH 
>> and Rambouillet are the same with the only exception being that the AHH 
>> takes larger tires. I'm not sure I ever knew that before. I thought the AHH 
>> was the same as the Saluki with only the 650B vs 700C tires being the 
>> difference at the beginning.
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:26:17 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>>> Yep, according to that Riv chart, up to 38mm.  But I don't recommend 
>>> going there because they will increase your SOH.  And you don't really need 
>>> any tires of that size anyway if you have a road bike that you're going to 
>>> be riding on paved roads - 32mm or so would be good enough.
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:13:08 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>> wrote:
 …which would give me room for that larger tire!
 Sent from my iPhone

 On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:09 PM, George Schick  wrote:

 Hmm... according to a geometry chart for the Romulus a 55cm Rom should 
 have a "typical  PBH" of between 79-80 and a 57cm for those with PBH's of 
 81-83.  So...disagreeing as I do with Grant about "going larger is better" 
 on frame size, I'd say that this bike would be perfect.

 On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:55:13 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame 
> sizing. Here's the geometry: 
> Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
> Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
> lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
> consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner <
>> wrote:
>> >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 
>> We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.
>> The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover 
>> clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.
>> That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.
>> cheers -mathias
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>>> Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that 
>>> all depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from 
>>> (shipped or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd say give it 
>>> a 
>>> shot - there aren't many of those Romulus models around and they're 
>>> almost 
>>> collectables.  Got a trustworthy LBS now that you can depend upon to 
>>> give 
>>> it a good going over and therefore a professional evaluation?
>>> Best winds!
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>>> Ding! wrote:
 So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?

 On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  


 Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-abi

[RBW] Re: Best way to measure frame

2024-04-23 Thread
Center of crank to top of seat tube

On Tuesday 23 April 2024 at 16:33:55 UTC-5 Art wrote:

> [image: IMG_0052.jpeg]I’ve been away from bikes and Riv for a few years. 
> I have a 2006 Atlantis and am not sure of the frame size. 
> What’s the best way to measure the frame..
> TIA. 
> …..Art

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[RBW] Re: Best way to measure frame

2024-04-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
If the bike pictured really is from ~2006, and if it has 700c wheels then 
I'd bet a dollar that it is the size they called a 58cm.  This Cyclofiend 
page has the historic Atlantis Geometry info.

Measure from the center of the cranks, along the seat tube to where the top 
of the top tube intersects the seat tube.  That should be damn close to 
58cm.  If it's not close to 58cm then decide what size on the chart is 
closer.  To confirm it's a 58, match some of the other numbers from the 
geometry chart. 

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:33:55 PM UTC-7 Art wrote:

> [image: IMG_0052.jpeg]I’ve been away from bikes and Riv for a few years. 
> I have a 2006 Atlantis and am not sure of the frame size. 
> What’s the best way to measure the frame..
> TIA. 
> …..Art

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Ted Durant
> On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:22 PM, Corwin Zechar  wrote:
> Nothing wrong with riding wider tires.


32mm are the skinniest I have now, on my Riv Road, Heron Road, and Waterford 
ST-22. I wouldn’t think twice about those tires on a group road ride, other 
than to think how fast and comfy they are.

Ted Durant
Milwaukee, WI USA

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Jim M.
I think 38s are great for a 200 pounder like me, but if you weigh 110 like 
my daughter, they are overkill, and she does fine with 32s or even 28s. And 
I gotta admit, I've got 30s on my road bike and they feel good. My road 
bike is set up optimally for smooth road riding, I've got other bikes for 
rougher stuff. If you can have more than one bike, I don't see the sense in 
trying to make everyone of them an all rounder.

jim m
walnut creek riv iconoclast

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:22:20 PM UTC-7 Corwin Zechar wrote:

> My orange creamsicle (the fastest color) Ram is currently wearing 38mm 
> Schwalbe Marathon Racers. The Racers are mounted on skinny Mavic Open Pro 
> rims, but still measure 37.25mm. I would wager, I could mount a pair of 
> Schwalbe 40mm tires on the Ram with adequate clearance.
> I ride the Ram and my Custom Rivendell (wearing 40mm tires) on club rides, 
> keep up with much younger riders, and highly recommend 38 and 40mm tires 
> for road riding. As a matter of fact, my Hubbuhubbuh wears Schwalbe 
> Hurricanes which measure 71mm mounted on Velocity Cliffhangers. My wife 
> refuses to ride anything but roads and we regularly pass most other bikes 
> we encounter.
> Nothing wrong with riding wider tires.
> Regards,
> Corwin
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:54:03 PM UTC-7 George Schick wrote:
>> Agreed.  I own a 54cm Ram and it's equipped with fenders.  The max tire 
>> that works in this set up is a 32mm.  But without fenders one might be able 
>> to get 35mm or more on the wheels, but I still don't recommend it for a 
>> "road bike".  While wider tires may be a good thing for general riding 
>> purposes they would not work out as well as smaller diameter tires for road 
>> riding and for what she'll probably soon be using it for like or not, club 
>> rides where she will be burning up the pavement with it.
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:33:25 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
>>> The Romulus was essentially just the Rambouillet and I fit Kojaks on it. 
>>> Those are stated to be 35 but I think they were actually more like 36. With 
>>> that in mind it worked but I am not sure I would have been able to or 
>>> wanted to go to 38's. It was probably possible though.
>>> Interesting that in reviewing some of those pages Grant said that the 
>>> AHH and Rambouillet are the same with the only exception being that the AHH 
>>> takes larger tires. I'm not sure I ever knew that before. I thought the AHH 
>>> was the same as the Saluki with only the 650B vs 700C tires being the 
>>> difference at the beginning.
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:26:17 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
 Yep, according to that Riv chart, up to 38mm.  But I don't recommend 
 going there because they will increase your SOH.  And you don't really 
 any tires of that size anyway if you have a road bike that you're going to 
 be riding on paved roads - 32mm or so would be good enough.

 On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:13:08 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> …which would give me room for that larger tire!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:09 PM, George Schick  wrote:
> Hmm... according to a geometry chart for the Romulus 
> a 55cm Rom should 
> have a "typical  PBH" of between 79-80 and a 57cm for those with PBH's of 
> 81-83.  So...disagreeing as I do with Grant about "going larger is 
> better" 
> on frame size, I'd say that this bike would be perfect.
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:55:13 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>> The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame 
>> sizing. Here's the geometry: 
>> Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
>> Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
>> lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
>> consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.
>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner <
>>> wrote:
>>> >> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT? 
>>> We think that you need to find a geometry chart for the Romulus.
>>> The older AHH and Roadeo charts show 80.9 and 80.6 cm standover 
>>> clearance, respectively, for the 55 cm size.
>>> That's awfully close to your stated PBH of 81 cm.
>>> cheers -mathias
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:46:47 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
 Sounds great, right in and around your PBH and SOH.  'Course, that 
 all depends upon what kind of shape it's in, where it has to come from 
 (shipped or local) therefore sight seen or unseen, etc. I'd

Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Leah Peterson
No worries, I just want a 32 or so. I am too scared of the 28s that are on there. This is a LOT of change for me. Drop bars, new shifting, diamond frame, true road bike…I can’t ride 28s.The guy has one other interested party who wanted to see the bike Friday. He made no promise to hold it, but he has not yet said he’ll sell the Romulus to me. So, we wait.On Apr 23, 2024, at 5:42 PM, Ted Durant  wrote:On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:22 PM, Corwin Zechar  wrote:Nothing wrong with riding wider tires.+1. 32mm are the skinniest I have now, on my Riv Road, Heron Road, and Waterford ST-22. I wouldn’t think twice about those tires on a group road ride, other than to think how fast and comfy they are.Ted DurantMilwaukee, WI USA

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
"Let’s both Rom-ride this summer! We could even do it in Michigan! "

I need to grab a bike right now to head over to the dentist.  I'm going to 
break my own self-imposed rule and ride my Romulus on its first ride.  Pics 
will prove it.

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:02:31 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> Let’s both Rom-ride this summer! We could even do it in Michigan! 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:46 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:
> I think that falls into Joe Bernard's recommendation of taking a flyer on 
> a used Rivendell at decent price.  Love it if you can and sell it if you 
> find you can't love it.  Go for it if you can stand over it. 
> I bought a used 59cm Romulus this year, and built it but haven't ridden 
> it, because of my weird self-imposed mileage quota system.  But I will be 
> Rom-riding this summer!
> BL in EC
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 12:33:00 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
>> So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?
>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:
>> Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early 
>> Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being 
>> versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road 
>> Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B 
>> converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 
>> reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done 
>> this way as well.
>> Jim
>> Austin, TX burbs
>> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>> wrote:
>>> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
>>> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
>>> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
>>> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
>>> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
>>> ideal. 
>>> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
>>> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what 
>>> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. 
>>> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
>>> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does 
>>> take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach 
>>> stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out 
>>> of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate 
>>> was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed 
>>> it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m 
>>> the youngest and probably the most fit. 
>>> Leah
>>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Leah Peterson
It’s an honor to have the Bill Lindsay Rules bent for our delight here. We await. Bated breath, and all that jazz!On Apr 23, 2024, at 5:51 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:"Let’s both Rom-ride this summer! We could even do it in Michigan! "I need to grab a bike right now to head over to the dentist.  I'm going to break my own self-imposed rule and ride my Romulus on its first ride.  Pics will prove it.Bill LindsayEl Cerrito, CAOn Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:02:31 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:Let’s both Rom-ride this summer! We could even do it in Michigan! Sent from my iPhoneOn Apr 23, 2024, at 3:46 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:I think that falls into Joe Bernard's recommendation of taking a flyer on a used Rivendell at decent price.  Love it if you can and sell it if you find you can't love it.  Go for it if you can stand over it. I bought a used 59cm Romulus this year, and built it but haven't ridden it, because of my weird self-imposed mileage quota system.  But I will be Rom-riding this summer!BL in ECOn Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 12:33:00 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:So I found a 55 cm Romulus for $1250. What do we think of THAT?On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:Get an old one like a Rambouillet for true road-ability.  The early Rivs are the best if you are into club riding.  I love my Clem for being versatile but I have ridden over 20,000 Km of brevets on my 90s Riv Road Standard or custom, not sure which. I bought it used.  I have mine 650B converted, run 650Bx38 with the Tektro long, long reach brakes, 55-73 reach, IIRC.  There's several others in the forum that have theirs done this way as well.JimAustin, TX burbsOn Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 2:33 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!  wrote:I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be ideal. Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m the youngest and probably the most fit. Leah

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread P W
Don’t sleep.Make the deal happen, tonight!P. W.~(917) 514-2207~On Apr 23, 2024, at 2:44 PM, Leah Peterson  wrote:No worries, I just want a 32 or so. I am too scared of the 28s that are on there. This is a LOT of change for me. Drop bars, new shifting, diamond frame, true road bike…I can’t ride 28s.The guy has one other interested party who wanted to see the bike Friday. He made no promise to hold it, but he has not yet said he’ll sell the Romulus to me. So, we wait.On Apr 23, 2024, at 5:42 PM, Ted Durant  wrote:On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:22 PM, Corwin Zechar  wrote:Nothing wrong with riding wider tires.+1. 32mm are the skinniest I have now, on my Riv Road, Heron Road, and Waterford ST-22. I wouldn’t think twice about those tires on a group road ride, other than to think how fast and comfy they are.Ted DurantMilwaukee, WI USA

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Ian A
Jim stated:  " If you can have more than one bike, I don't see the sense in 
trying to make everyone of them an all rounder".

I really wanted to come here to make that point, but Jim made it better 
than I can. I wonder if Leah could borrow a club member's bike for a ride 
or two? Modern road bikes have come a long way in terms of tire clearance 
with many being able to accept fenders. It might be eye-opening to try a 
bicycle optimized for purpose in this case.

IanA Alberta Canada

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:42:23 PM UTC-6 Jim M. wrote:

> I think 38s are great for a 200 pounder like me, but if you weigh 110 like 
> my daughter, they are overkill, and she does fine with 32s or even 28s. And 
> I gotta admit, I've got 30s on my road bike and they feel good. My road 
> bike is set up optimally for smooth road riding, I've got other bikes for 
> rougher stuff. If you can have more than one bike, I don't see the sense in 
> trying to make everyone of them an all rounder.
> jim m
> walnut creek riv iconoclast
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:22:20 PM UTC-7 Corwin Zechar wrote:
>> My orange creamsicle (the fastest color) Ram is currently wearing 38mm 
>> Schwalbe Marathon Racers. The Racers are mounted on skinny Mavic Open Pro 
>> rims, but still measure 37.25mm. I would wager, I could mount a pair of 
>> Schwalbe 40mm tires on the Ram with adequate clearance.
>> I ride the Ram and my Custom Rivendell (wearing 40mm tires) on club 
>> rides, keep up with much younger riders, and highly recommend 38 and 40mm 
>> tires for road riding. As a matter of fact, my Hubbuhubbuh wears Schwalbe 
>> Hurricanes which measure 71mm mounted on Velocity Cliffhangers. My wife 
>> refuses to ride anything but roads and we regularly pass most other bikes 
>> we encounter.
>> Nothing wrong with riding wider tires.
>> Regards,
>> Corwin
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:54:03 PM UTC-7 George Schick wrote:
>>> Agreed.  I own a 54cm Ram and it's equipped with fenders.  The max tire 
>>> that works in this set up is a 32mm.  But without fenders one might be able 
>>> to get 35mm or more on the wheels, but I still don't recommend it for a 
>>> "road bike".  While wider tires may be a good thing for general riding 
>>> purposes they would not work out as well as smaller diameter tires for road 
>>> riding and for what she'll probably soon be using it for like or not, club 
>>> rides where she will be burning up the pavement with it.
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:33:25 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
 The Romulus was essentially just the Rambouillet and I fit Kojaks on 
 it. Those are stated to be 35 but I think they were actually more like 36. 
 With that in mind it worked but I am not sure I would have been able to or 
 wanted to go to 38's. It was probably possible though.

 Interesting that in reviewing some of those pages Grant said that the 
 AHH and Rambouillet are the same with the only exception being that the 
 takes larger tires. I'm not sure I ever knew that before. I thought the 
 was the same as the Saluki with only the 650B vs 700C tires being the 
 difference at the beginning.

 On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:26:17 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:

> Yep, according to that Riv chart, up to 38mm.  But I don't recommend 
> going there because they will increase your SOH.  And you don't really 
> need 
> any tires of that size anyway if you have a road bike that you're going 
> to 
> be riding on paved roads - 32mm or so would be good enough.
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:13:08 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
> Ding! wrote:
>> …which would give me room for that larger tire!
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:09 PM, George Schick  wrote:
>> Hmm... according to a geometry chart for the Romulus 
>> a 55cm Rom should 
>> have a "typical  PBH" of between 79-80 and a 57cm for those with PBH's 
>> of 
>> 81-83.  So...disagreeing as I do with Grant about "going larger is 
>> better" 
>> on frame size, I'd say that this bike would be perfect.
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:55:13 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>>> The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame 
>>> sizing. Here's the geometry: 
>>> Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
>>> Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
>>> lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 
>>> consider it for my wife who still wants a Roadini.
>>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM Mathias Steiner <
>>>> wrote:
 >> So I f

[RBW] New Bike Day and other ride photos for the Road Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
I built this Romulus over the Winter and have held off taking it on its 
first ride until after I knocked out another few S.M.A.R.T. goals.  I was 
especially eager to ride it because I just pulled together a sweet ILE 
porteur bag setup on a Riv Basket Rack.  Leah's thread that may result in 
her getting a Romulus finally made me take it out, on a ride to the 
dentist, the bakery and the wine shop.  Pics prove it happened.  This is my 
new Ding Ding Album to collect photos that I think Leah may like.  Included 
is my Pink Roadeo in front of some great flowers that I took on my Sunday 

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

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[RBW] Re: New Bike Day and other ride photos for the Road Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
You are the absolute best. You made a Ding Ding album? You broke your own 
rules and rode your Romulus! You posed a pink road bike against a floral 
backdrop? Hearts are coming out of my eyes. 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 8:45:09 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> I built this Romulus over the Winter and have held off taking it on its 
> first ride until after I knocked out another few S.M.A.R.T. goals.  I was 
> especially eager to ride it because I just pulled together a sweet ILE 
> porteur bag setup on a Riv Basket Rack.  Leah's thread that may result in 
> her getting a Romulus finally made me take it out, on a ride to the 
> dentist, the bakery and the wine shop.  Pics prove it happened.  This is my 
> new Ding Ding Album to collect photos that I think Leah may like.  Included 
> is my Pink Roadeo in front of some great flowers that I took on my Sunday 
> 100k.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA

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[RBW] Re: New Bike Day and other ride photos for the Road Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Joe Bernard
Well that's just adorable. I mean this absolutely sincerely, you're a good 
man Bill Lindsay. 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 6:13:33 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> You are the absolute best. You made a Ding Ding album? You broke your own 
> rules and rode your Romulus! You posed a pink road bike against a floral 
> backdrop? Hearts are coming out of my eyes. 
> Leah
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 8:45:09 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> I built this Romulus over the Winter and have held off taking it on its 
>> first ride until after I knocked out another few S.M.A.R.T. goals.  I was 
>> especially eager to ride it because I just pulled together a sweet ILE 
>> porteur bag setup on a Riv Basket Rack.  Leah's thread that may result in 
>> her getting a Romulus finally made me take it out, on a ride to the 
>> dentist, the bakery and the wine shop.  Pics prove it happened.  This is my 
>> new Ding Ding Album to collect photos that I think Leah may like.  Included 
>> is my Pink Roadeo in front of some great flowers that I took on my Sunday 
>> 100k.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA

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[RBW] Re: FS: Nitto Noodle 46cm, Technomic 26.0 x80

2024-04-23 Thread Ethan K
stem is sold. Bars still available. 

On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 4:09:18 PM UTC-7 Ethan K wrote:

> Stem is pending. Bars still available. 
> On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 2:05:38 PM UTC-7 Ethan K wrote:
>> These were on my original Homer build, but didn't quite fit (bars too 
>> wide,  stem too long). They were mounted on the bike for maybe a month, 
>> probably 5 rides at most (since the bike wasn't very comfortable for me). 
>> Both are in excellent condition. Prices do not include shipping. Local 
>> pickup from 90292 is welcome. 
>> --Eitan
>> $80 for the handlebars
>> $50 for the stem
>> $120 if purchased together.
>> [image: IMG_3677.jpeg]
>> [image: IMG_3676.jpeg]

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