Re: [RBW] NBD: Clem L

2021-11-16 Thread Andrew Huston
Curious, what’s the clearance with the Ehlines? Those big tires make it 
look great!

On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:20:52 PM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:

> I didn't order it so it was a freebie. Maybe since it took almost three 
> weeks to ship the bicycle but either way I'm happy to get it as it has been 
> on my radar to read.
> Doug
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:12:31 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>> So did they just toss in a book or did you order it? It’s a FANTASTIC 
>> read. Enjoy!
>> Ben
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
>> It's so cool!!!
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:33:36 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>>> Johnny,
>>> Here is a peak at the Clem in my basement sans a saddle which is in 
>>> transit from Rivendell.
>>> Clem L 
>>> Doug
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:13:12 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
 I'm very excited for you but at the same time disappointed in you for 
 providing no photos with this post.

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 3:49:23 PM UTC-5 

> i am. Thoroughly. Thanks again for it. 
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:45 PM Doug H.  wrote:
>> Thank you Oli. I hope you are enjoying your SimpleOne.
>> Doug
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:09:22 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> Looking forward to this, Doug! Enjoy it 
>>> Oli 
>>> On 15 Nov 2021, at 18:42, Doug H.  wrote:
>>> I received my Clem L complete today and spent my lunch hour 
>>> unpacking it and getting it ready to ride. I must say that the packing 
>>> was 
>>> the most thorough I have seen! Thank you Rivendell! Also included was 
>>> The 
>>> Ultimate Bicycle Owner's Manual by Eben Weiss (aka Bike Snob) and that 
>>> too 
>>> is much appreciated. I enjoy books about riding bicycles the way I 
>>> ride, 
>>> the Just Ride way. I hope to get a nice ride in this weekend and take 
>>> some 
>>> photos of it.
>>> Doug
>>> Athens, GA
>>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: Rivendell "Keven's Bike" build

2021-11-16 Thread lconley
Top of saddle is 34" above top of pedal. Frame is 61cm C of BB to top of 
seat lug. I am 6', but have short legs (83 pbh) and a long torso-> think 
5'8" legs / 6'4" torso. That is why the seat is so low, but it works for me 
because of the mixte / omafiets style frame - I hate pullback bars with 
basically parallel grips (Bosco, Losco, Tosco, etc), so Wavies, Jitensha, 
Bullmoose, etc. that keep the bars more forward help. I also rode a 60cm 
Betty Foy.
It was evidently supposed to be a "cargo" style bike with the front frame 
rack, but the high center of gravity (CG) kind of quashed that idea for me 
- with a mega-size Wald 157 basket, it wouldn't stay upright with a side 
kickstand, even empty. The Wald 157 basket was also uncomfortable close to 
the handlebars and didn't turn with the handlebars. The Wald huge racing 
basket works to keep the CG lower and it has become my commuter. The Wald 
157 is going on my Clydesdale forked Clementine for a cargo bike.
The bike one of my Rivendell keepers. I currently have 12 Rivendells and 
need to thin the herd, so I have decided to keep, at a minimum, the 
American made Rivendell frames - 3 Mark Nobilette built: Custom, Keven's 
bike, and Mystery Bike - Protoveloosa;  Waterford built Bombadil with 
Nobilette added tentacles, Waterford built Rosco Bubbe V1. That is 5 plus 
the wife's Betty Foy makes 6.


On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 5:33:54 PM UTC-5 frank_a wrote:

> Hi Laing,
>  Would you mind telling me the saddle height in the photo? I remember 
> Keven was a tall guy and I’m curious what size that frame is.
> Thanks,
>  -Frank
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:28:37 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> Awesome Bike! Really dig the Cargo rack
>> On Saturday, November 13, 2021 at 10:43:01 AM UTC-6 lconley wrote:
>>> Changed the handlebars and stem to Nitto fillet brazed Bullmoose from 
>>> the parts stash. Original Wavie bars and Technomic stem were a little too 
>>> flexy in some situations. Much better now.
>>> Very, very tempted to get that IRD setback seatpost that Rivendell has 
>>> in stock right now.
>>> Just rode in to work. It was Iguana day on the bike path today. Hundreds 
>>> of them but I was too lazy to try and get a picture of them. 
>>> [image: WorkS.jpg]
>>> Laing
>>> Resting at the desk in Boca Raton FL

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Re: [RBW] NBD: Clem L

2021-11-16 Thread John G.
Build details, please!

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 6:31:39 AM UTC-5 Andrew Huston wrote:

> Curious, what’s the clearance with the Ehlines? Those big tires make it 
> look great!
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:20:52 PM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:
>> I didn't order it so it was a freebie. Maybe since it took almost three 
>> weeks to ship the bicycle but either way I'm happy to get it as it has been 
>> on my radar to read.
>> Doug
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:12:31 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> So did they just toss in a book or did you order it? It’s a FANTASTIC 
>>> read. Enjoy!
>>> Ben
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
>>> It's so cool!!!
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:33:36 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
 Here is a peak at the Clem in my basement sans a saddle which is in 
 transit from Rivendell.
 Clem L 


 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:13:12 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:

> I'm very excited for you but at the same time disappointed in you for 
> providing no photos with this post.
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 3:49:23 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> i am. Thoroughly. Thanks again for it. 
>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:45 PM Doug H.  wrote:
>>> Thank you Oli. I hope you are enjoying your SimpleOne.
>>> Doug
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:09:22 PM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 Looking forward to this, Doug! Enjoy it 


 On 15 Nov 2021, at 18:42, Doug H.  wrote:

 I received my Clem L complete today and spent my lunch hour 
 unpacking it and getting it ready to ride. I must say that the packing 
 the most thorough I have seen! Thank you Rivendell! Also included was 
 Ultimate Bicycle Owner's Manual by Eben Weiss (aka Bike Snob) and that 
 is much appreciated. I enjoy books about riding bicycles the way I 
 the Just Ride way. I hope to get a nice ride in this weekend and take 
 photos of it.
 Athens, GA

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[RBW] Re: S24o I & M Canal for 60ish Miles w/pics

2021-11-16 Thread Joseph
The first time we rode past the spot was on a Thursday in August. 

When we camped at the fireplace it was a Saturday>Sunday in October.  

On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 4:48:30 PM UTC-6 Matt Beecher wrote:

> Neat.  I am in the area, but have not ridden that trail yet.  I'll have to 
> put it on my "to do" list.  Thanks for sharing?
> What day did you do this?  Saturday/Sunday?
> Best regards,
> Matt in Oswego
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 1:23:34 PM UTC-6 
> wrote:
>> Living in Chicago can make it hard to find secluded camping, but it does 
>> exist.  During a ride from Chicago, IL to Davenport, IA via the I&M 
>> canal>Hennepin Canal State Trail my friend Tim and I rode past an awesome 
>> camp spot completed with fireplace.  We made a pack to come back to said 
>> spot for an overnighter with a larger group.  The spot is 60ish miles from 
>> Joliet, IL almost entirely on gravel and tucked between the Canal and the 
>> Illinois river.  
>> To start the trip I met up with my comrades Tim and Frangk aka Ben and 
>> rode to the Metra to take the train to Joliet.  Once in Joliet we met our 
>> friend Arb who had rode 60ish miles from the city to meet us.  Arb was 
>> planning on 120ish mile ride.  Tim was riding his Susie, Frangk was riding 
>> a brakeless single speed Surly steamroller, Arb was on a pink colored bike 
>> that I currently can not remember and I was on my Gus.  
>> We started heading west and realized quickly that we would be dealing 
>> with headwind for the day.  Despite the west wind the weather was pretty 
>> perfect for riding.  Everyone had enough snacks to ride awhile before 
>> picking up food for lunch, dinner and breakfast (for the following morning) 
>> at the Jewel in Morris.  We stopped a few times before and after Morris to 
>> try pot and eat.   
>> As we got about 12 miles away from the site a stick got sucked up into 
>> Tim's front tire.  Tim was leading the pack and the stick somehow caused 4 
>> of Tim's spokes to snap, seize up the front wheel and sent him over the 
>> handle bars.  I was about 5 feet behind Tim and had time to squeeze my Paul 
>> motolites but made the quick decision to ride straight into his bike on the 
>> ground because Frangk was about 2 feet behind me on a brakeless fixed 
>> gear.  This gave Frangk the option to bail to my left or right. Thankfully 
>> Tim was pretty much fine and his bike was rideable.  We talked later in 
>> front of the fire and laughed at how much worse it could have been. 
>> [image: IMG_0039.jpg]
>> [image: IMG_0040.jpg]
>> Coordinates are highlighted Orange if anyone is interested.
>> Make sure to duck for the first couple underpasses 
>> [image: IMG_8001.jpg]
>> Due to Kid Duties our dear friend Dave had to bail so we sent him this 
>> pic of Arb.  
>> [image: IMG_0036.jpg]
>> As previously stated Frangk Rode the entire trip brakeless on a fixed.  
>> [image: IMG_8006 (1).jpg]
>> Four spokes broken but that didn't stop Tim.  Arb Sticks an arm through
>>  He even rode home like this the following day
>> [image: IMG_8007.jpg]
>> The Spot 

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Re: [RBW] NBD: Clem L

2021-11-16 Thread Doug H.
Andrew, I'll take a couple photos showing the clearance but I think you 
could fit wider. John, the build is 1x with 38 tooth front chainring and 
trouser guard. 10 speed 11-46 cassette and Deore derailleur. Tosco bars 
with a Nitto Tallux stem. Shimano indexed shifter. Wheels are Velocity 
built Cliffhanger 32 front 36 rear and Deore hubs. Deore V-brakes and 
levers front and rear. ESI Chunky grips. Ehline Teravail 2.5 mm tires. MKS 
Monarch Pedals. Black Clipper cranks 170 mm. 

I plan to do a nice long ride this weekend and will post a ride report and 
more photos.
Athens, GA

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 10:21:50 AM UTC-5 John G. wrote:

> Build details, please!
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 6:31:39 AM UTC-5 Andrew Huston wrote:
>> Curious, what’s the clearance with the Ehlines? Those big tires make it 
>> look great!
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:20:52 PM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:
>>> I didn't order it so it was a freebie. Maybe since it took almost three 
>>> weeks to ship the bicycle but either way I'm happy to get it as it has been 
>>> on my radar to read.
>>> Doug
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:12:31 PM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 So did they just toss in a book or did you order it? It’s a FANTASTIC 
 read. Enjoy!


 Sent from my iPhone

 On Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:

 It's so cool!!!

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:33:36 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:

> Johnny,
> Here is a peak at the Clem in my basement sans a saddle which is in 
> transit from Rivendell.
> Clem L 
> Doug
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:13:12 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
>> I'm very excited for you but at the same time disappointed in you for 
>> providing no photos with this post.
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 3:49:23 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> i am. Thoroughly. Thanks again for it. 
>>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:45 PM Doug H.  wrote:
 Thank you Oli. I hope you are enjoying your SimpleOne.

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:09:22 PM UTC-5 

> Looking forward to this, Doug! Enjoy it 
> Oli 
> On 15 Nov 2021, at 18:42, Doug H.  wrote:
> I received my Clem L complete today and spent my lunch hour 
> unpacking it and getting it ready to ride. I must say that the 
> packing was 
> the most thorough I have seen! Thank you Rivendell! Also included was 
> The 
> Ultimate Bicycle Owner's Manual by Eben Weiss (aka Bike Snob) and 
> that too 
> is much appreciated. I enjoy books about riding bicycles the way I 
> ride, 
> the Just Ride way. I hope to get a nice ride in this weekend and take 
> some 
> photos of it.
> Doug
> Athens, GA
> -- 
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> -- 
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>>> To view this discussion on the web visit

>>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] NBD: Clem L

2021-11-16 Thread Doug H.
Tires 2.5 inch not mm!

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 10:59:48 AM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:

> Andrew, I'll take a couple photos showing the clearance but I think you 
> could fit wider. John, the build is 1x with 38 tooth front chainring and 
> trouser guard. 10 speed 11-46 cassette and Deore derailleur. Tosco bars 
> with a Nitto Tallux stem. Shimano indexed shifter. Wheels are Velocity 
> built Cliffhanger 32 front 36 rear and Deore hubs. Deore V-brakes and 
> levers front and rear. ESI Chunky grips. Ehline Teravail 2.5 mm tires. MKS 
> Monarch Pedals. Black Clipper cranks 170 mm. 
> I plan to do a nice long ride this weekend and will post a ride report and 
> more photos.
> Doug
> Athens, GA
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 10:21:50 AM UTC-5 John G. wrote:
>> Build details, please!
>> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 6:31:39 AM UTC-5 Andrew Huston wrote:
>>> Curious, what’s the clearance with the Ehlines? Those big tires make it 
>>> look great!
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:20:52 PM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:
 I didn't order it so it was a freebie. Maybe since it took almost three 
 weeks to ship the bicycle but either way I'm happy to get it as it has 
 on my radar to read.

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:12:31 PM UTC-5 

> So did they just toss in a book or did you order it? It’s a FANTASTIC 
> read. Enjoy!
> Ben
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
> It's so cool!!!
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:33:36 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>> Johnny,
>> Here is a peak at the Clem in my basement sans a saddle which is in 
>> transit from Rivendell.
>> Clem L 
>> Doug
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:13:12 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
>>> I'm very excited for you but at the same time disappointed in you 
>>> for providing no photos with this post.
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 3:49:23 PM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 i am. Thoroughly. Thanks again for it. 

 On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:45 PM Doug H.  

> Thank you Oli. I hope you are enjoying your SimpleOne.
> Doug
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:09:22 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> Looking forward to this, Doug! Enjoy it 
>> Oli 
>> On 15 Nov 2021, at 18:42, Doug H.  wrote:
>> I received my Clem L complete today and spent my lunch hour 
>> unpacking it and getting it ready to ride. I must say that the 
>> packing was 
>> the most thorough I have seen! Thank you Rivendell! Also included 
>> was The 
>> Ultimate Bicycle Owner's Manual by Eben Weiss (aka Bike Snob) and 
>> that too 
>> is much appreciated. I enjoy books about riding bicycles the way I 
>> ride, 
>> the Just Ride way. I hope to get a nice ride in this weekend and 
>> take some 
>> photos of it.
>> Doug
>> Athens, GA
>> -- 
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>> -- 
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 To view this discussion on the web visit 
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> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
> an email to
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> https://groups.g

Re: [RBW] NBD: Clem L

2021-11-16 Thread John G.
That's a great build! The Toscos look nicer than I predicted. Color is 
brilliant, too--glad I picked that one for my 59 complete.

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 11:04:31 AM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:

> Tires 2.5 inch not mm!
> Doug
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 10:59:48 AM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:
>> Andrew, I'll take a couple photos showing the clearance but I think you 
>> could fit wider. John, the build is 1x with 38 tooth front chainring and 
>> trouser guard. 10 speed 11-46 cassette and Deore derailleur. Tosco bars 
>> with a Nitto Tallux stem. Shimano indexed shifter. Wheels are Velocity 
>> built Cliffhanger 32 front 36 rear and Deore hubs. Deore V-brakes and 
>> levers front and rear. ESI Chunky grips. Ehline Teravail 2.5 mm tires. MKS 
>> Monarch Pedals. Black Clipper cranks 170 mm. 
>> I plan to do a nice long ride this weekend and will post a ride report 
>> and more photos.
>> Doug
>> Athens, GA
>> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 10:21:50 AM UTC-5 John G. wrote:
>>> Build details, please!
>>> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 6:31:39 AM UTC-5 Andrew Huston wrote:
 Curious, what’s the clearance with the Ehlines? Those big tires make it 
 look great!

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:20:52 PM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:

> I didn't order it so it was a freebie. Maybe since it took almost 
> three weeks to ship the bicycle but either way I'm happy to get it as it 
> has been on my radar to read.
> Doug
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:12:31 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> So did they just toss in a book or did you order it? It’s a FANTASTIC 
>> read. Enjoy!
>> Ben
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
>> It's so cool!!!
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:33:36 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>>> Johnny,
>>> Here is a peak at the Clem in my basement sans a saddle which is in 
>>> transit from Rivendell.
>>> Clem L 
>>> Doug
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:13:12 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
 I'm very excited for you but at the same time disappointed in you 
 for providing no photos with this post.

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 3:49:23 PM UTC-5 

> i am. Thoroughly. Thanks again for it. 
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:45 PM Doug H.  
> wrote:
>> Thank you Oli. I hope you are enjoying your SimpleOne.
>> Doug
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:09:22 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> Looking forward to this, Doug! Enjoy it 
>>> Oli 
>>> On 15 Nov 2021, at 18:42, Doug H.  wrote:
>>> I received my Clem L complete today and spent my lunch hour 
>>> unpacking it and getting it ready to ride. I must say that the 
>>> packing was 
>>> the most thorough I have seen! Thank you Rivendell! Also included 
>>> was The 
>>> Ultimate Bicycle Owner's Manual by Eben Weiss (aka Bike Snob) and 
>>> that too 
>>> is much appreciated. I enjoy books about riding bicycles the way I 
>>> ride, 
>>> the Just Ride way. I hope to get a nice ride in this weekend and 
>>> take some 
>>> photos of it.
>>> Doug
>>> Athens, GA
>>> -- 
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>>> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>>> it, send an email to
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>> .
>>> -- 
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>> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> send an email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .
> -- 

Re: [RBW] NBD: Clem L

2021-11-16 Thread Mathieu Brown
Thank you for tossing in the book info, Doug. I had the same thing happen
with my Platypus shipment last month and, since I'd ordered and read Eben's
book a few months back, I wasn't sure whether it was a freebee or a

Yes, The Platypus is as great as everyone has mentioned 🙄


On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 9:20 PM Doug H.  wrote:

> I didn't order it so it was a freebie. Maybe since it took almost three
> weeks to ship the bicycle but either way I'm happy to get it as it has been
> on my radar to read.
> Doug
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:12:31 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>> So did they just toss in a book or did you order it? It’s a FANTASTIC
>> read. Enjoy!
>> Ben
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
>> It's so cool!!!
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:33:36 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>>> Johnny,
>>> Here is a peak at the Clem in my basement sans a saddle which is in
>>> transit from Rivendell.
>>> Clem L
>>> Doug
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:13:12 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
 I'm very excited for you but at the same time disappointed in you for
 providing no photos with this post.

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 3:49:23 PM UTC-5

> i am. Thoroughly. Thanks again for it.
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:45 PM Doug H.  wrote:
>> Thank you Oli. I hope you are enjoying your SimpleOne.
>> Doug
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:09:22 PM UTC-5
>> wrote:
>>> Looking forward to this, Doug! Enjoy it
>>> Oli
>>> On 15 Nov 2021, at 18:42, Doug H.  wrote:
>>> I received my Clem L complete today and spent my lunch hour
>>> unpacking it and getting it ready to ride. I must say that the packing 
>>> was
>>> the most thorough I have seen! Thank you Rivendell! Also included was 
>>> The
>>> Ultimate Bicycle Owner's Manual by Eben Weiss (aka Bike Snob) and that 
>>> too
>>> is much appreciated. I enjoy books about riding bicycles the way I ride,
>>> the Just Ride way. I hope to get a nice ride in this weekend and take 
>>> some
>>> photos of it.
>>> Doug
>>> Athens, GA
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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>>> send an email to
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>> .
>>> --
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>> send an email to
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>> .
> --
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>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> .
>> --
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Re: [RBW] NBD: Clem L

2021-11-16 Thread Doug H.
I'd like to put a rear rack on my Clem and am thinking the Pletscher Clem 
rack that Riv no longer sells would work well. If anyone has one to sell 
please let me know.

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 12:28:50 PM UTC-5 

> Thank you for tossing in the book info, Doug. I had the same thing happen 
> with my Platypus shipment last month and, since I'd ordered and read Eben's 
> book a few months back, I wasn't sure whether it was a freebee or a 
> mistake. 
> Yes, The Platypus is as great as everyone has mentioned 🙄
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 9:20 PM Doug H.  wrote:
>> I didn't order it so it was a freebie. Maybe since it took almost three 
>> weeks to ship the bicycle but either way I'm happy to get it as it has been 
>> on my radar to read.
>> Doug
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:12:31 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> So did they just toss in a book or did you order it? It’s a FANTASTIC 
>>> read. Enjoy!
>>> Ben
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
>>> It's so cool!!!
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:33:36 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
 Here is a peak at the Clem in my basement sans a saddle which is in 
 transit from Rivendell.
 Clem L 


 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:13:12 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:

> I'm very excited for you but at the same time disappointed in you for 
> providing no photos with this post.
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 3:49:23 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> i am. Thoroughly. Thanks again for it. 
>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:45 PM Doug H.  wrote:
>>> Thank you Oli. I hope you are enjoying your SimpleOne.
>>> Doug
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:09:22 PM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 Looking forward to this, Doug! Enjoy it 


 On 15 Nov 2021, at 18:42, Doug H.  wrote:

 I received my Clem L complete today and spent my lunch hour 
 unpacking it and getting it ready to ride. I must say that the packing 
 the most thorough I have seen! Thank you Rivendell! Also included was 
 Ultimate Bicycle Owner's Manual by Eben Weiss (aka Bike Snob) and that 
 is much appreciated. I enjoy books about riding bicycles the way I 
 the Just Ride way. I hope to get a nice ride in this weekend and take 
 photos of it.
 Athens, GA

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>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
>>> send an email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>> .
>> -- 
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>>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>>> an email to
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>> .
>>> -- 
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>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> email to
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Re: [RBW] NBD: Clem L

2021-11-16 Thread Joe Bernard
You might not be able to fit a Pletecher over those big tires, my 
recollection from mounting one on my first Clem is the clearance gets tight 
at the rear struts. Leah should be a good info source for this, you can see 
in pics of her blue Clem L how the rack fits over her GravelKings and 
fender. I don't know what size that tire is, but it looks way narrower than 
your 2.5 knobbies.  

Joe Bernard

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 11:23:39 AM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:

> I'd like to put a rear rack on my Clem and am thinking the Pletscher Clem 
> rack that Riv no longer sells would work well. If anyone has one to sell 
> please let me know.
> Doug
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 12:28:50 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> Thank you for tossing in the book info, Doug. I had the same thing happen 
>> with my Platypus shipment last month and, since I'd ordered and read Eben's 
>> book a few months back, I wasn't sure whether it was a freebee or a 
>> mistake. 
>> Yes, The Platypus is as great as everyone has mentioned 🙄
>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 9:20 PM Doug H.  wrote:
>>> I didn't order it so it was a freebie. Maybe since it took almost three 
>>> weeks to ship the bicycle but either way I'm happy to get it as it has been 
>>> on my radar to read.
>>> Doug
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:12:31 PM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 So did they just toss in a book or did you order it? It’s a FANTASTIC 
 read. Enjoy!


 Sent from my iPhone

 On Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:

 It's so cool!!!

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:33:36 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:

> Johnny,
> Here is a peak at the Clem in my basement sans a saddle which is in 
> transit from Rivendell.
> Clem L 
> Doug
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:13:12 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
>> I'm very excited for you but at the same time disappointed in you for 
>> providing no photos with this post.
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 3:49:23 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> i am. Thoroughly. Thanks again for it. 
>>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:45 PM Doug H.  wrote:
 Thank you Oli. I hope you are enjoying your SimpleOne.

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:09:22 PM UTC-5 

> Looking forward to this, Doug! Enjoy it 
> Oli 
> On 15 Nov 2021, at 18:42, Doug H.  wrote:
> I received my Clem L complete today and spent my lunch hour 
> unpacking it and getting it ready to ride. I must say that the 
> packing was 
> the most thorough I have seen! Thank you Rivendell! Also included was 
> The 
> Ultimate Bicycle Owner's Manual by Eben Weiss (aka Bike Snob) and 
> that too 
> is much appreciated. I enjoy books about riding bicycles the way I 
> ride, 
> the Just Ride way. I hope to get a nice ride in this weekend and take 
> some 
> photos of it.
> Doug
> Athens, GA
> -- 
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> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> send an email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> .
> -- 
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 Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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 send an email to

>>> To view this discussion on the web visit

>>> -- 
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 Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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 an email to

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Re: [RBW] NBD: Clem L

2021-11-16 Thread Doug H.
Good point Joe. I'll look at other options, maybe even a front rack as the 
front end of the Clem is already light compared to the rear.

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 2:43:21 PM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:

> You might not be able to fit a Pletecher over those big tires, my 
> recollection from mounting one on my first Clem is the clearance gets tight 
> at the rear struts. Leah should be a good info source for this, you can see 
> in pics of her blue Clem L how the rack fits over her GravelKings and 
> fender. I don't know what size that tire is, but it looks way narrower than 
> your 2.5 knobbies.  
> Joe Bernard
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 11:23:39 AM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>> I'd like to put a rear rack on my Clem and am thinking the Pletscher Clem 
>> rack that Riv no longer sells would work well. If anyone has one to sell 
>> please let me know.
>> Doug
>> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 12:28:50 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you for tossing in the book info, Doug. I had the same thing 
>>> happen with my Platypus shipment last month and, since I'd ordered and read 
>>> Eben's book a few months back, I wasn't sure whether it was a freebee or a 
>>> mistake. 
>>> Yes, The Platypus is as great as everyone has mentioned 🙄
>>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 9:20 PM Doug H.  wrote:
 I didn't order it so it was a freebie. Maybe since it took almost three 
 weeks to ship the bicycle but either way I'm happy to get it as it has 
 on my radar to read.

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:12:31 PM UTC-5 

> So did they just toss in a book or did you order it? It’s a FANTASTIC 
> read. Enjoy!
> Ben
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
> It's so cool!!!
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:33:36 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>> Johnny,
>> Here is a peak at the Clem in my basement sans a saddle which is in 
>> transit from Rivendell.
>> Clem L 
>> Doug
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:13:12 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
>>> I'm very excited for you but at the same time disappointed in you 
>>> for providing no photos with this post.
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 3:49:23 PM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 i am. Thoroughly. Thanks again for it. 

 On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:45 PM Doug H.  

> Thank you Oli. I hope you are enjoying your SimpleOne.
> Doug
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:09:22 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> Looking forward to this, Doug! Enjoy it 
>> Oli 
>> On 15 Nov 2021, at 18:42, Doug H.  wrote:
>> I received my Clem L complete today and spent my lunch hour 
>> unpacking it and getting it ready to ride. I must say that the 
>> packing was 
>> the most thorough I have seen! Thank you Rivendell! Also included 
>> was The 
>> Ultimate Bicycle Owner's Manual by Eben Weiss (aka Bike Snob) and 
>> that too 
>> is much appreciated. I enjoy books about riding bicycles the way I 
>> ride, 
>> the Just Ride way. I hope to get a nice ride in this weekend and 
>> take some 
>> photos of it.
>> Doug
>> Athens, GA
>> -- 
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>> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
>> send an email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .
>> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
> send an email to
 To view this discussion on the web visit 
> .

[RBW] Seeking craftsman to make QR, tt-mounted shifter and cable roller-guide for SA 2-speed hubs

2021-11-16 Thread Patrick Moore
I hope, God willing, to get before too long backup multispeed
non-derailleur fixed gear wheels for my beloved 1999 Joe Starck Riv Road
custom fixed gear (usual sense) gofast, fav bike of all time, to augment
the Phil fixed/fixed wheel for longer rides in my rapidly advancing age.
The hubs are respectively a NOS () TF hub (direct and 75%; one of the
lightest and simplest of SA hubs, with, I hear and hope, little lash) and a
TC hub (direct and 86.54%, out for refurbishment and shell re-chroming,
about 50% heavier than the TF, and, so they say, with more lash -- but,
please God, less than that which diminishes the forlorn S3X hub.

Since these will be, for now at least, occasional wheels, I'd like a QR
system for wheel exchanges. Thus, I'd like -- imagining here -- a hinged
clamp holding a top-tube-mounted indexed shift lever, and a hinged clamp
holding a SA roller wheel to guide the cable between top tube and right

Problem solvers has various hinged clamps. I have the (original! NOS!
Rare!) TF tt-mount 2-speed quadrant shifter, and of course the rollers are
easy to find. I would mail out the quadrant as a model.

Excessively long leadout for this question: is there anyone "out there" in
ListLand able and willing to craft me -- competently!!! -- hinged-clamp, QR
(a few quick turns of an allen wrench) shifter and roller-guide? I'm
willing to pay craftsman's prices for craftsman's work. (I am more than
eager to let out the work to a competent craftswoman, too; we have to live
with the deficiencies of our language, which has no separate term for the
species and must use the word for the sex. But I have no qualms about women


Patrick Moore


Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Joe Bernard
"So, Leah, what is the question? Are people complaining that Clems are 
being built in unorthodox colors and kit? Is there a purist group who 
demands that Clems be restricted to authorized versions?"

Patrick, I perceived the question as not a literal question but a 
jumping-off point to discuss the glories of Clem. A bicycle I don't 
currently own so don't feel I have much to say about, but the L model led 
to this: that droptube convinced me that high/level toptubes aren't my 
thing and I had my custom built with a lower one. Thanks, Clem L! 🙌

Joe Bernard

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 2:53:21 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:

> When I read this post I did not look to see who posted it, and while 
> reading through it I very quickly thought to advise the reader, "You are 
> not alone! Leah has Rivendells tricked out in all the colors of Joseph's 
> coat!" And then I scrolled up and saw the list ID. No need to preach to the 
> choir director!
> So, Leah, what is the question? Are people complaining that Clems are 
> being built in unorthodox colors and kit? Is there a purist group who 
> demands that Clems be restricted to authorized versions?
> Me, I wholeheartedly encourage individual choice of builds and colors, 
> subject of course to the universal rules of good taste which belong to no 
> particular culture or group, and which within that general guideline permit 
> a huge variety of tastes. For the record, there are objective aesthetic 
> criteria, as rigorous as mathematical criteria; only, not susceptible to 
> formulas. *De gustibus non est disputandem* means that these criteria 
> have to intuitively recognized, and that they are not susceptible to 
> quasi-mathematical analysis, though they can be articulated. It's no 
> accident that *sapere*, "to taste," is the root of *sapientia,* "wisdom." 
> Example in proof: 
> [image: image.png])
> Patrick Moore, whose dog in this fight is that the Clem is currently at 
> the top of his would-buy Rivendell list. How would I build it? First, it 
> would be a true all-rounder, for running the dog and riding our sandy 
> bosque, but also fleet enough to enjoy on pavement. Upright, but not 
> omafiets: sufficient bend at hips to make pedaling comfortable. Fattest and 
> softest tires possible. Fenders? Lights? Dunno, but certainly sufficient 
> luggage for a 12-pack and chips. Perhaps my Med Saddlesack or V Large 
> Ortlieb bikepacking saddle bag (extends rearward in an almost-unending 
> tube). No rack.* And no g-d front basket!!! *2-speed kickback? Fixed? Ss? 
> S3X with freewheel? No derailleur, that's for sure. Perhaps bolt on the 
> ugly mast to hold the QR dog leash. No attempt to lighten it up; heavy be 
> damned as long as it's fun to ride.
> Seriously, if the Clem could accommodate 700C X 76 mm tires (fully 3" WTB 
> Rangers) with sufficient clearance even without fenders, this bike would be 
> at the absolute top and pinnacle of my list; as it is, the Monocog 
> replacement currently resides there.
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 10:14 AM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>> wrote:
>> [image: 84256557-932F-4AD7-99B6-8BE9DC178396.jpeg]Can we talk about the 
>> Rivendell Clems for a minute? I hesitate as I write this, because opinions 
>> on here tend to be strong, but I see this as a fun topic and worth 
>> exploring. We can be nice, even if we disagree. I have been seeing Clems in 
>> several colors, in a variety of configurations, all over Instagram. Blue 
>> Lug and Helmet Kids are two of my favorite bike Instagram accounts, and 
>> they frequently feature Clems on their group rides. Calling In Sick, a bike 
>> magazine you’ve likely heard of, did an entire issue on the magic of the 
>> Clem, which is also all over Instagram. I suppose it could be that Clem 
>> popularity is imagined by me; I personally love Clems and therefore notice 
>> them, so I’ll add that caveat here. But I really do think the Clems are 
>> having their moment.
>> When I first discovered Rivendell in 2012 the only social media I knew 
>> about was the List.  The bikes were all lugged, and built with silver 
>> parts. There was a definite prescribed look. The demographics of the group 
>> were not exactly varied. There were few women, and even fewer in my age 
>> bracket (early 30s).  But then Grant made the bike he said he’d never 
>> make, and the TIG’d Clem was among us. With the coronation of the Clem, 
>> those unable to afford a Rivendell suddenly could. I began seeing 
>> younger people riding them. Baby seats began popping up on these bikes. (I 
>> felt like I was the only one in the Rivendell world pulling my kid on my 
>> Betty Foy in 2012.) And in several generations of Clems, the owners have 
>> now taken that bike in new directions. Clems are for everyone! 
>> The Clems are pure Rivendell in manners and ride, but they are divergent. 
>> Black parts abound. 1x gearing. Trigger shifting. Young dudes shredding all 
>> over the ‘Gram wit

Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Patrick Moore
I see; thanks. Then thanks, Leah, for raising this very interesting topic
for discussion.

I applaud and encourage the question: how would *you* build *your* Clem?

Aside: I don't ponder the Rivendell list of frame/bike offerings. Are there
other models that do much the same as the Clem? How are they different, how
are they better?

And: Is there any Rivendell "cruiser" model that takes true 3"/76mm tires
with sufficient clearance at stays and fork to avoid rub when the tire
collects mud?

On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 4:05 PM Joe Bernard  wrote:

> "So, Leah, what is the question? Are people complaining that Clems are
> being built in unorthodox colors and kit? Is there a purist group who
> demands that Clems be restricted to authorized versions?"
> Patrick, I perceived the question as not a literal question but a
> jumping-off point to discuss the glories of Clem. A bicycle I don't
> currently own so don't feel I have much to say about, but the L model led
> to this: that droptube convinced me that high/level toptubes aren't my
> thing and I had my custom built with a lower one. Thanks, Clem L! 🙌
> Joe Bernard
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 2:53:21 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> When I read this post I did not look to see who posted it, and while
>> reading through it I very quickly thought to advise the reader, "You are
>> not alone! Leah has Rivendells tricked out in all the colors of Joseph's
>> coat!" And then I scrolled up and saw the list ID. No need to preach to the
>> choir director!
>> So, Leah, what is the question? Are people complaining that Clems are
>> being built in unorthodox colors and kit? Is there a purist group who
>> demands that Clems be restricted to authorized versions?
>> Me, I wholeheartedly encourage individual choice of builds and colors,
>> subject of course to the universal rules of good taste which belong to no
>> particular culture or group, and which within that general guideline permit
>> a huge variety of tastes. For the record, there are objective aesthetic
>> criteria, as rigorous as mathematical criteria; only, not susceptible to
>> formulas. *De gustibus non est disputandem* means that these criteria
>> have to intuitively recognized, and that they are not susceptible to
>> quasi-mathematical analysis, though they can be articulated. It's no
>> accident that *sapere*, "to taste," is the root of *sapientia,* "wisdom."
>> Example in proof:
>> [image: image.png])
>> Patrick Moore, whose dog in this fight is that the Clem is currently at
>> the top of his would-buy Rivendell list. How would I build it? First, it
>> would be a true all-rounder, for running the dog and riding our sandy
>> bosque, but also fleet enough to enjoy on pavement. Upright, but not
>> omafiets: sufficient bend at hips to make pedaling comfortable. Fattest and
>> softest tires possible. Fenders? Lights? Dunno, but certainly sufficient
>> luggage for a 12-pack and chips. Perhaps my Med Saddlesack or V Large
>> Ortlieb bikepacking saddle bag (extends rearward in an almost-unending
>> tube). No rack.* And no g-d front basket!!! *2-speed kickback? Fixed?
>> Ss? S3X with freewheel? No derailleur, that's for sure. Perhaps bolt on the
>> ugly mast to hold the QR dog leash. No attempt to lighten it up; heavy be
>> damned as long as it's fun to ride.
>> Seriously, if the Clem could accommodate 700C X 76 mm tires (fully 3" WTB
>> Rangers) with sufficient clearance even without fenders, this bike would be
>> at the absolute top and pinnacle of my list; as it is, the Monocog
>> replacement currently resides there.
>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 10:14 AM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>> wrote:
>>> [image: 84256557-932F-4AD7-99B6-8BE9DC178396.jpeg]Can we talk about the
>>> Rivendell Clems for a minute? I hesitate as I write this, because opinions
>>> on here tend to be strong, but I see this as a fun topic and worth
>>> exploring. We can be nice, even if we disagree. I have been seeing Clems in
>>> several colors, in a variety of configurations, all over Instagram.
>>> Blue Lug and Helmet Kids are two of my favorite bike Instagram accounts,
>>> and they frequently feature Clems on their group rides. Calling In Sick, a
>>> bike magazine you’ve likely heard of, did an entire issue on the magic of
>>> the Clem, which is also all over Instagram. I suppose it could be that
>>> Clem popularity is imagined by me; I personally love Clems and therefore
>>> notice them, so I’ll add that caveat here. But I really do think the Clems
>>> are having their moment.
>>> When I first discovered Rivendell in 2012 the only social media I knew
>>> about was the List.  The bikes were all lugged, and built with silver
>>> parts. There was a definite prescribed look. The demographics of the group
>>> were not exactly varied. There were few women, and even fewer in my age
>>> bracket (early 30s).  But then Grant made the bike he said he’d never
>>> make, and the TIG’d Clem was among us. Wit

[RBW] Re: S24o I & M Canal for 60ish Miles w/pics

2021-11-16 Thread Paul Richardson

this is a great post.  i love love love those maps.  thanks for the 
write-up!  sounds like a real adventure.

takoma park, md.

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Re: [RBW] Weird (Silver bar end/friction/Shimano 9sp) shifting issue

2021-11-16 Thread Mike Godwin
We need photo documentation Joe. 

Mike all friction here in SLO CA

On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 11:52:52 AM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:

> This is the part where I annoy everybody..I dislike those shifters. 
> 9-speed Shimano uses clicks in the back that work great (plus friction 
> option), and the front friction shifter doesn't loosen up. Easy! 
> Joe Bernard
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 11:38:51 AM UTC-8 Garth wrote:
>>   My shifters only tend to loosen with large shifts in climates, usually 
>> from humid to dry and hot to cold. Rather than trying to tighten it where 
>> it is, I simply don't pedal, then I loosen/release the tension of the 
>> D-ring totally and gently snug it up from fresh from there. 
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:08:24 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>>> Back in the day when everything was friction shifting, you could tell if 
>>> your frame had more than normal flex in it because the D-rings would need 
>>> to be snugged down more frequently as the frame tugged at the cables.
>>> As others have said, most friction systems are set-and-forget. You’ll 
>>> know if the D-rings need to be tightened, and then it takes about two 
>>> seconds to do that. 
>>> Eric Norris
>>> On Nov 15, 2021, at 10:47 AM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
>>> My experience is they need to be snugged up every now and then. After a 
>>> while you'll be able to tell as soon as you nudge the D-ring before a ride 
>>> that it's time. 
>>> Joe Bernard
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 9:52:44 AM UTC-8 
>>> wrote:
 D-ring, yes. I'll give it a shot, thanks for the tip. This is my first 
 time using friction shifting on a bicycle so it's all new to me!

 Does that d-ring / tension tend to need regular attention or does it 
 just need to be dialed initially and then get on with it and forget about 

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 11:22:33 AM UTC-5 Garth wrote:

> From what you wrote Adam it's a matter of adjusting the tension bolt, 
> which I'm assuming is a d-ring, yes ? These are adjustable on the fly, 
> you 
> want just enough tension to hold the gear. It's just something you get a 
> feel for, not too tight, not too loose. 
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 9:19:52 AM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am enjoying my brand spanking new Joe Appaloosa built up by 
>> Rivendell. Had it for about 6 weeks or so, I have put maybe 75 miles or 
>> so 
>> on it, most of them from the Nutmeg Nor'easter ride a couple of weekends 
>> ago, which was a wonderful 40 mile ride, Joe's maiden voyage I'd say.
>> Yesterday I was going for a short 6 mile ride and noticed that rear 
>> shifting was weird. I was able to shift from largest to next largest cog 
>> of 
>> the cassette, no problem, but as soon as I'd try to shift to the next 
>> largest cog (3rd from largest), it's as though the shifter took over and 
>> would shift all the way to the smallest cog. I'd then try to shift up 
>> one 
>> cog, but the shifter was resistant to light force, the amount of force 
>> that 
>> would typically shift up a gear.. If I tried to shift all the way back 
>> to 
>> the largest cog this would work. I have a triple up front, I tested out 
>> rear shifting in each of the front positions with the same results each 
>> time.
>> I searched this group and the internet a bit, and it doesn't seem 
>> like ghost shifting exactly, it's not skipping or shifting a single gear 
>> on 
>> its own. It is ghost-like though in that it is shifting from 3rd largest 
>> all the way to the smallest cog on its own. I'm unsure if this is a 
>> Silver 
>> shifter issue (tighten the bolt?) or a derailleur issue (adjust some 
>> things).
>> I plan to call Rivendell this week, but figured I'd tap the 
>> collective knowledge and experience of this group in the meantime.
>> Any thoughts or tips?
>> Thanks!
>> Adam
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Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Doug H.
Heck yeah! Great post Leah. Yes, the downtube was a barrier to me (thanks 
Joe for the term). But now that I've come to own a Clem and ridden a few 
miles I am amazed at the comfort and ability to climb hills on this 'heavy' 
bicycle. It can handle wide tires, racks, fenders, stickers, bags, mirrors, 
bells, and it suits me just fine. The lime green color was also way out of 
my bicycle comfort zone as I'm a black and gray color scheme person, or at 
least I was! 

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 7:04:31 PM UTC-5 Patrick Moore wrote:

> Understood. The question about Clems is all the more interesting, then.
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 4:09 PM Leah Peterson  wrote:
>> Hi Patrick,
>> I don’t have a question per se, and no one is complaining that the Clems 
>> are too unorthodox. Rather, I am musing (celebrating?) what the Clems have 
>> become. As far as I can tell, they have livened things up for the company 
>> and made a great number of customers very happy. Again, it is only my 
>> observation and not necessarily FACT, which is why I wondered if anyone 
>> else had observed the same…
>> Leah, whose Clem is really rather eccentric
>> On Nov 16, 2021, at 2:53 PM, Patrick Moore  wrote:
>> When I read this post I did not look to see who posted it, and while 
>> reading through it I very quickly thought to advise the reader, "You are 
>> not alone! Leah has Rivendells tricked out in all the colors of Joseph's 
>> coat!" And then I scrolled up and saw the list ID. No need to preach to the 
>> choir director!
>> So, Leah, what is the question? Are people complaining that Clems are 
>> being built in unorthodox colors and kit? Is there a purist group who 
>> demands that Clems be restricted to authorized versions?
>> Me, I wholeheartedly encourage individual choice of builds and colors, 
>> subject of course to the universal rules of good taste which belong to no 
>> particular culture or group, and which within that general guideline permit 
>> a huge variety of tastes. For the record, there are objective aesthetic 
>> criteria, as rigorous as mathematical criteria; only, not susceptible to 
>> formulas. *De gustibus non est disputandem* means that these criteria 
>> have to intuitively recognized, and that they are not susceptible to 
>> quasi-mathematical analysis, though they can be articulated. It's no 
>> accident that *sapere*, "to taste," is the root of *sapientia,* "wisdom." 
>> Example in proof: 
>> [image: image.png])
>> Patrick Moore, whose dog in this fight is that the Clem is currently at 
>> the top of his would-buy Rivendell list. How would I build it? First, it 
>> would be a true all-rounder, for running the dog and riding our sandy 
>> bosque, but also fleet enough to enjoy on pavement. Upright, but not 
>> omafiets: sufficient bend at hips to make pedaling comfortable. Fattest and 
>> softest tires possible. Fenders? Lights? Dunno, but certainly sufficient 
>> luggage for a 12-pack and chips. Perhaps my Med Saddlesack or V Large 
>> Ortlieb bikepacking saddle bag (extends rearward in an almost-unending 
>> tube). No rack.* And no g-d front basket!!! *2-speed kickback? Fixed? 
>> Ss? S3X with freewheel? No derailleur, that's for sure. Perhaps bolt on the 
>> ugly mast to hold the QR dog leash. No attempt to lighten it up; heavy be 
>> damned as long as it's fun to ride.
>> Seriously, if the Clem could accommodate 700C X 76 mm tires (fully 3" WTB 
>> Rangers) with sufficient clearance even without fenders, this bike would be 
>> at the absolute top and pinnacle of my list; as it is, the Monocog 
>> replacement currently resides there.
>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 10:14 AM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>> wrote:
>>> [image: 84256557-932F-4AD7-99B6-8BE9DC178396.jpeg]Can we talk about the 
>>> Rivendell Clems for a minute? I hesitate as I write this, because opinions 
>>> on here tend to be strong, but I see this as a fun topic and worth 
>>> exploring. We can be nice, even if we disagree. I have been seeing Clems in 
>>> several colors, in a variety of configurations, all over Instagram. 
>>> Blue Lug and Helmet Kids are two of my favorite bike Instagram accounts, 
>>> and they frequently feature Clems on their group rides. Calling In Sick, a 
>>> bike magazine you’ve likely heard of, did an entire issue on the magic of 
>>> the Clem, which is also all over Instagram. I suppose it could be that 
>>> Clem popularity is imagined by me; I personally love Clems and therefore 
>>> notice them, so I’ll add that caveat here. But I really do think the Clems 
>>> are having their moment.
>>> When I first discovered Rivendell in 2012 the only social media I knew 
>>> about was the List.  The bikes were all lugged, and built with silver 
>>> parts. There was a definite prescribed look. The demographics of the group 
>>> were not exactly varied. There were few women, and even fewer in my age 
>>> bracket (early 30s).  But then Grant made the bike

Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Patrick Moore
Perhaps more helpful: my perfect level tt road bike frame size is 60 X 56
c-c. My built road bikes have 57 and 58 cm c-c tts with Riv-type slightly
upsloping tts. Please help me translate this into Clems.

And again, how fat a tire will a 700C 59 cm Clem take?

On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 5:39 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:

> ..Aside: "59cm - 86 to 96cm; 700c rim size, but with room for "29er"
> tires." I've never measured my pbh because I've known forever what st size
> and tt size make a bike fit me. But I'm 5'10" tall with Asian build (I wear
> 34 w 32 length jeans instead of v-versa; if I had an Anglo build I'd be
> 6'1" ), so would I fit a 59?
> And, if so, how fat a 700C tire will a 59 cm Clem take?

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Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Leah Peterson

Well I hope you’re not asking ME.  I think it’s well-known around here that I 
just ride the bikes. Let me reply with a nonsensical answer then!

I can tell you that my sister with her Swedish/German Anglo build is 5’8” and 
can ride the 59 Clem L that belongs to her husband  who is 6’2” with a Nigerian 
build. But, he bought her the 52 Clem L for their anniversary, so that she 
would stop riding his 59 Clem L. 

There. Solved.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 16, 2021, at 5:03 PM, Patrick Moore  wrote:
> Perhaps more helpful: my perfect level tt road bike frame size is 60 X 56 
> c-c. My built road bikes have 57 and 58 cm c-c tts with Riv-type slightly 
> upsloping tts. Please help me translate this into Clems.
> And again, how fat a tire will a 700C 59 cm Clem take?
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 5:39 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:
>> ..Aside: "59cm - 86 to 96cm; 700c rim size, but with room for "29er" tires." 
>> I've never measured my pbh because I've known forever what st size and tt 
>> size make a bike fit me. But I'm 5'10" tall with Asian build (I wear 34 w 32 
>> length jeans instead of v-versa; if I had an Anglo build I'd be 6'1" ), so 
>> would I fit a 59?
>> And, if so, how fat a 700C tire will a 59 cm Clem take?
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Leah Peterson

Well I hope you’re not asking ME.  I think it’s well-known around here that I 
just ride the bikes. Let me reply with a nonsensical answer then!

I can tell you that my sister with her Swedish/German Anglo build is 5’8” and 
can ride the 59 Clem L that belongs to her husband  who is 6’2” with a Nigerian 
build. But, he bought her the 52 Clem L for their anniversary, so that she 
would stop riding his 59 Clem L. 

There. Solved.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 16, 2021, at 5:03 PM, Patrick Moore  wrote:
> Perhaps more helpful: my perfect level tt road bike frame size is 60 X 56 
> c-c. My built road bikes have 57 and 58 cm c-c tts with Riv-type slightly 
> upsloping tts. Please help me translate this into Clems.
> And again, how fat a tire will a 700C 59 cm Clem take?
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 5:39 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:
>> ..Aside: "59cm - 86 to 96cm; 700c rim size, but with room for "29er" tires." 
>> I've never measured my pbh because I've known forever what st size and tt 
>> size make a bike fit me. But I'm 5'10" tall with Asian build (I wear 34 w 32 
>> length jeans instead of v-versa; if I had an Anglo build I'd be 6'1" ), so 
>> would I fit a 59?
>> And, if so, how fat a 700C tire will a 59 cm Clem take?
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Doug H.
I would say a 2.8 inch tire would fit. Maybe 3 inch but it would be 
tight...this is on my 52.

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 8:12:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> Well I hope you’re not asking ME.  I think it’s well-known around here 
> that I just ride the bikes. Let me reply with a nonsensical answer then!
> I can tell you that my sister with her Swedish/German Anglo build is 5’8” 
> and can ride the 59 Clem L that belongs to her husband  who is 6’2” with a 
> Nigerian build. But, he bought her the 52 Clem L for their anniversary, so 
> that she would stop riding his 59 Clem L. 
> There. Solved.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 16, 2021, at 5:03 PM, Patrick Moore  wrote:
> Perhaps more helpful: my perfect level tt road bike frame size is 60 X 56 
> c-c. My built road bikes have 57 and 58 cm c-c tts with Riv-type slightly 
> upsloping tts. Please help me translate this into Clems.
> And again, how fat a tire will a 700C 59 cm Clem take?
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 5:39 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:
>> ..Aside: "59cm - 86 to 96cm; 700c rim size, but with room for "29er" 
>> tires." I've never measured my pbh because I've known forever what st size 
>> and tt size make a bike fit me. But I'm 5'10" tall with Asian build (I wear 
>> 34 w 32 length jeans instead of v-versa; if I had an Anglo build I'd be 
>> 6'1" ), so would I fit a 59?
>> And, if so, how fat a 700C tire will a 59 cm Clem take?
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> .

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Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Joe Bernard
Ok buckle up kids, your old pal Joe's got numbers. This is effective 
toptube, which Grant will tell you isn't enough information to size a bike 
so don't listen to me! 

New/current/late-2021 Clem L:
52  65.5
59  68.5
64   70

These are the numbers for the last H model, which I believe match the 
previous few years of L, too. My 2018-ish 45cm L matched this:

45cm 57.5
59   65.5

None of this (as far as I know) applies to the first gen Clem/Clementine, I 
believe they're all a smidge shorter in reach. One super-bad thing about 
the Riv site is you can still find PBH recs for these frames based on the 
first's way off now. Also I know nothing of stack/reach, which I'm 
sure affects all this stuff. 

For another chip in the cookie jar (I never remember idioms correctly so 
I'm just making up my own now), my custom was designed for me at 79-ish PBH 
with a tall headtube and intended to run Boscos. It's 54.2x63. 

Joe "numbers guy" Bernard 

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 5:03:18 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:

> Perhaps more helpful: my perfect level tt road bike frame size is 60 X 56 
> c-c. My built road bikes have 57 and 58 cm c-c tts with Riv-type slightly 
> upsloping tts. Please help me translate this into Clems.
> And again, how fat a tire will a 700C 59 cm Clem take?
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 5:39 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:
>> ..Aside: "59cm - 86 to 96cm; 700c rim size, but with room for "29er" 
>> tires." I've never measured my pbh because I've known forever what st size 
>> and tt size make a bike fit me. But I'm 5'10" tall with Asian build (I wear 
>> 34 w 32 length jeans instead of v-versa; if I had an Anglo build I'd be 
>> 6'1" ), so would I fit a 59?
>> And, if so, how fat a 700C tire will a 59 cm Clem take?

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Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Ron Frazelle
I hope I'm not stepping on any toes. Bit Grant's "maxed out" Clem L is
running 2.5's. and had to modify the rear cassette so the chain didn't run
the rear tire in the granny.

On Tue, Nov 16, 2021, 5:24 PM Doug H.  wrote:

> Patrick,
> I would say a 2.8 inch tire would fit. Maybe 3 inch but it would be
> tight...this is on my 52.
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 8:12:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> wrote:
>> Well I hope you’re not asking ME.  I think it’s well-known around here
>> that I just ride the bikes. Let me reply with a nonsensical answer then!
>> I can tell you that my sister with her Swedish/German Anglo build is 5’8”
>> and can ride the 59 Clem L that belongs to her husband  who is 6’2” with a
>> Nigerian build. But, he bought her the 52 Clem L for their anniversary, so
>> that she would stop riding his 59 Clem L.
>> There. Solved.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 16, 2021, at 5:03 PM, Patrick Moore  wrote:
>> Perhaps more helpful: my perfect level tt road bike frame size is 60 X 56
>> c-c. My built road bikes have 57 and 58 cm c-c tts with Riv-type slightly
>> upsloping tts. Please help me translate this into Clems.
>> And again, how fat a tire will a 700C 59 cm Clem take?
>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 5:39 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:
>>> ..Aside: "59cm - 86 to 96cm; 700c rim size, but with room for "29er"
>>> tires." I've never measured my pbh because I've known forever what st size
>>> and tt size make a bike fit me. But I'm 5'10" tall with Asian build (I wear
>>> 34 w 32 length jeans instead of v-versa; if I had an Anglo build I'd be
>>> 6'1" ), so would I fit a 59?
>>> And, if so, how fat a 700C tire will a 59 cm Clem take?
>> --
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>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> .
>> --
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> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Doug H.
Not at all. I really don't know  how wide a tire will fit. Mine has 2.3 
inch tires with some room to spare.

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 8:54:01 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> I hope I'm not stepping on any toes. Bit Grant's "maxed out" Clem L is 
> running 2.5's. and had to modify the rear cassette so the chain didn't run 
> the rear tire in the granny. 
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021, 5:24 PM Doug H.  wrote:
>> Patrick,
>> I would say a 2.8 inch tire would fit. Maybe 3 inch but it would be 
>> tight...this is on my 52.
>> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 8:12:00 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>> Ding! wrote:
>>> Well I hope you’re not asking ME.  I think it’s well-known around here 
>>> that I just ride the bikes. Let me reply with a nonsensical answer then!
>>> I can tell you that my sister with her Swedish/German Anglo build is 
>>> 5’8” and can ride the 59 Clem L that belongs to her husband  who is 6’2” 
>>> with a Nigerian build. But, he bought her the 52 Clem L for their 
>>> anniversary, so that she would stop riding his 59 Clem L. 
>>> There. Solved.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 16, 2021, at 5:03 PM, Patrick Moore  wrote:
>>> Perhaps more helpful: my perfect level tt road bike frame size is 60 X 
>>> 56 c-c. My built road bikes have 57 and 58 cm c-c tts with Riv-type 
>>> slightly upsloping tts. Please help me translate this into Clems.
>>> And again, how fat a tire will a 700C 59 cm Clem take?
>>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 5:39 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:
 ..Aside: "59cm - 86 to 96cm; 700c rim size, but with room for "29er" 
 tires." I've never measured my pbh because I've known forever what st size 
 and tt size make a bike fit me. But I'm 5'10" tall with Asian build (I 
 34 w 32 length jeans instead of v-versa; if I had an Anglo build I'd be 
 6'1" ), so would I fit a 59?

 And, if so, how fat a 700C tire will a 59 cm Clem take?

>>> -- 
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>>> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>>> .
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>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>> .
>>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] NBD: Clem L

2021-11-16 Thread Doug H.
Here is a link to a few more photos of my Clem L 52 ready to roll.  Clem 


On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 3:58:24 PM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:

> Good point Joe. I'll look at other options, maybe even a front rack as the 
> front end of the Clem is already light compared to the rear.
> Doug
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 2:43:21 PM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> You might not be able to fit a Pletecher over those big tires, my 
>> recollection from mounting one on my first Clem is the clearance gets tight 
>> at the rear struts. Leah should be a good info source for this, you can see 
>> in pics of her blue Clem L how the rack fits over her GravelKings and 
>> fender. I don't know what size that tire is, but it looks way narrower than 
>> your 2.5 knobbies.  
>> Joe Bernard
>> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 11:23:39 AM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>>> I'd like to put a rear rack on my Clem and am thinking the Pletscher 
>>> Clem rack that Riv no longer sells would work well. If anyone has one to 
>>> sell please let me know.
>>> Doug
>>> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 12:28:50 PM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 Thank you for tossing in the book info, Doug. I had the same thing 
 happen with my Platypus shipment last month and, since I'd ordered and 
 Eben's book a few months back, I wasn't sure whether it was a freebee or a 

 Yes, The Platypus is as great as everyone has mentioned 🙄


 On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 9:20 PM Doug H.  wrote:

> I didn't order it so it was a freebie. Maybe since it took almost 
> three weeks to ship the bicycle but either way I'm happy to get it as it 
> has been on my radar to read.
> Doug
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:12:31 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> So did they just toss in a book or did you order it? It’s a FANTASTIC 
>> read. Enjoy!
>> Ben
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
>> It's so cool!!!
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:33:36 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>>> Johnny,
>>> Here is a peak at the Clem in my basement sans a saddle which is in 
>>> transit from Rivendell.
>>> Clem L 
>>> Doug
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:13:12 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
 I'm very excited for you but at the same time disappointed in you 
 for providing no photos with this post.

 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 3:49:23 PM UTC-5 

> i am. Thoroughly. Thanks again for it. 
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:45 PM Doug H.  
> wrote:
>> Thank you Oli. I hope you are enjoying your SimpleOne.
>> Doug
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:09:22 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> Looking forward to this, Doug! Enjoy it 
>>> Oli 
>>> On 15 Nov 2021, at 18:42, Doug H.  wrote:
>>> I received my Clem L complete today and spent my lunch hour 
>>> unpacking it and getting it ready to ride. I must say that the 
>>> packing was 
>>> the most thorough I have seen! Thank you Rivendell! Also included 
>>> was The 
>>> Ultimate Bicycle Owner's Manual by Eben Weiss (aka Bike Snob) and 
>>> that too 
>>> is much appreciated. I enjoy books about riding bicycles the way I 
>>> ride, 
>>> the Just Ride way. I hope to get a nice ride in this weekend and 
>>> take some 
>>> photos of it.
>>> Doug
>>> Athens, GA
>>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Joe Bernard
Btw can we discuss the first Clem pictured in this thread? I think Leah's 
"eccentric" build is the coolest. One thing I can't really do with my 
custom cuz of the gray/red scheme is toss other colors at it, which is ever 
so slightly first-world-problems frustrating. I love the splotches of red 
and orange on her blue frame, that bike POPS! 💙❤️🧡

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 5:52:26 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:

> Ok buckle up kids, your old pal Joe's got numbers. This is effective 
> toptube, which Grant will tell you isn't enough information to size a bike 
> so don't listen to me! 
> New/current/late-2021 Clem L:
> 45cm62.5
> 52  65.5
> 59  68.5
> 64   70
> These are the numbers for the last H model, which I believe match the 
> previous few years of L, too. My 2018-ish 45cm L matched this:
> 45cm 57.5
> 5261
> 59   65.5
> 6467
> None of this (as far as I know) applies to the first gen Clem/Clementine, 
> I believe they're all a smidge shorter in reach. One super-bad thing about 
> the Riv site is you can still find PBH recs for these frames based on the 
> first's way off now. Also I know nothing of stack/reach, which I'm 
> sure affects all this stuff. 
> For another chip in the cookie jar (I never remember idioms correctly so 
> I'm just making up my own now), my custom was designed for me at 79-ish PBH 
> with a tall headtube and intended to run Boscos. It's 54.2x63. 
> Joe "numbers guy" Bernard 
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 5:03:18 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Perhaps more helpful: my perfect level tt road bike frame size is 60 X 56 
>> c-c. My built road bikes have 57 and 58 cm c-c tts with Riv-type slightly 
>> upsloping tts. Please help me translate this into Clems.
>> And again, how fat a tire will a 700C 59 cm Clem take?
>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 5:39 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:
>>> ..Aside: "59cm - 86 to 96cm; 700c rim size, but with room for "29er" 
>>> tires." I've never measured my pbh because I've known forever what st size 
>>> and tt size make a bike fit me. But I'm 5'10" tall with Asian build (I wear 
>>> 34 w 32 length jeans instead of v-versa; if I had an Anglo build I'd be 
>>> 6'1" ), so would I fit a 59?
>>> And, if so, how fat a 700C tire will a 59 cm Clem take?

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Re: [RBW] Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-16 Thread Joe Bernard
Here's a bit of history which I think will be interesting for this thread 
in light of how beautiful and colorful and modernized these bicycles have 

In the Blahg or Peeking Through The Knothole or whatever it was called 
then, the original murmurings about the new, lower cost TIG-ed Riv was that 
it would be painted flat black. The idea was you could use it as a beater 
townie and touch it up with a spray can. I think - not sure about this - 
the decals were going to be offered as a stick-on kit. The decal idea later 
- this part I remember well - was retained for the glossy-paint bikes and 
you were supposed to be able to have them do it for you with the regular 
name, plus you would get extra letters to mess about with as you wanted. 
But then the first frames came pre-decaled with a clearcoat and that was 
the end of that. Interesting, no??

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 6:13:50 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:

> Btw can we discuss the first Clem pictured in this thread? I think Leah's 
> "eccentric" build is the coolest. One thing I can't really do with my 
> custom cuz of the gray/red scheme is toss other colors at it, which is ever 
> so slightly first-world-problems frustrating. I love the splotches of red 
> and orange on her blue frame, that bike POPS! 💙❤️🧡
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 5:52:26 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> Ok buckle up kids, your old pal Joe's got numbers. This is effective 
>> toptube, which Grant will tell you isn't enough information to size a bike 
>> so don't listen to me! 
>> New/current/late-2021 Clem L:
>> 45cm62.5
>> 52  65.5
>> 59  68.5
>> 64   70
>> These are the numbers for the last H model, which I believe match the 
>> previous few years of L, too. My 2018-ish 45cm L matched this:
>> 45cm 57.5
>> 5261
>> 59   65.5
>> 6467
>> None of this (as far as I know) applies to the first gen Clem/Clementine, 
>> I believe they're all a smidge shorter in reach. One super-bad thing about 
>> the Riv site is you can still find PBH recs for these frames based on the 
>> first's way off now. Also I know nothing of stack/reach, which I'm 
>> sure affects all this stuff. 
>> For another chip in the cookie jar (I never remember idioms correctly so 
>> I'm just making up my own now), my custom was designed for me at 79-ish PBH 
>> with a tall headtube and intended to run Boscos. It's 54.2x63. 
>> Joe "numbers guy" Bernard 
>> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 5:03:18 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:
>>> Perhaps more helpful: my perfect level tt road bike frame size is 60 X 
>>> 56 c-c. My built road bikes have 57 and 58 cm c-c tts with Riv-type 
>>> slightly upsloping tts. Please help me translate this into Clems.
>>> And again, how fat a tire will a 700C 59 cm Clem take?
>>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 5:39 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:
 ..Aside: "59cm - 86 to 96cm; 700c rim size, but with room for "29er" 
 tires." I've never measured my pbh because I've known forever what st size 
 and tt size make a bike fit me. But I'm 5'10" tall with Asian build (I 
 34 w 32 length jeans instead of v-versa; if I had an Anglo build I'd be 
 6'1" ), so would I fit a 59?

 And, if so, how fat a 700C tire will a 59 cm Clem take?


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Re: [RBW] NBD: Clem L

2021-11-16 Thread Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
You have to put it in the sunlight tomorrow and share more photos with us, 
Doug. I think that new lime is my favorite color so far. You’ll love that 
bike. It give so much and asks for so little. A gentle giant.

Up next: a Platypus!

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 6:07:52 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:

> Here is a link to a few more photos of my Clem L 52 ready to roll.  Clem 
> Doug
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 3:58:24 PM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:
>> Good point Joe. I'll look at other options, maybe even a front rack as 
>> the front end of the Clem is already light compared to the rear.
>> Doug
>> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 2:43:21 PM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:
>>> You might not be able to fit a Pletecher over those big tires, my 
>>> recollection from mounting one on my first Clem is the clearance gets tight 
>>> at the rear struts. Leah should be a good info source for this, you can see 
>>> in pics of her blue Clem L how the rack fits over her GravelKings and 
>>> fender. I don't know what size that tire is, but it looks way narrower than 
>>> your 2.5 knobbies.  
>>> Joe Bernard
>>> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 11:23:39 AM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
 I'd like to put a rear rack on my Clem and am thinking the Pletscher 
 Clem rack that Riv no longer sells would work well. If anyone has one to 
 sell please let me know.

 On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 12:28:50 PM UTC-5 

> Thank you for tossing in the book info, Doug. I had the same thing 
> happen with my Platypus shipment last month and, since I'd ordered and 
> read 
> Eben's book a few months back, I wasn't sure whether it was a freebee or 
> a 
> mistake. 
> Yes, The Platypus is as great as everyone has mentioned 🙄
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 9:20 PM Doug H.  wrote:
>> I didn't order it so it was a freebie. Maybe since it took almost 
>> three weeks to ship the bicycle but either way I'm happy to get it as it 
>> has been on my radar to read.
>> Doug
>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:12:31 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> So did they just toss in a book or did you order it? It’s a 
>>> FANTASTIC read. Enjoy!
>>> Ben
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
>>> It's so cool!!!
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:33:36 PM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
 Here is a peak at the Clem in my basement sans a saddle which is in 
 transit from Rivendell.
 Clem L 


 On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:13:12 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:

> I'm very excited for you but at the same time disappointed in you 
> for providing no photos with this post.
> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 3:49:23 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> i am. Thoroughly. Thanks again for it. 
>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:45 PM Doug H.  
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you Oli. I hope you are enjoying your SimpleOne.
>>> Doug
>>> On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 2:09:22 PM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 Looking forward to this, Doug! Enjoy it 


 On 15 Nov 2021, at 18:42, Doug H.  wrote:

 I received my Clem L complete today and spent my lunch hour 
 unpacking it and getting it ready to ride. I must say that the 
 packing was 
 the most thorough I have seen! Thank you Rivendell! Also included 
 was The 
 Ultimate Bicycle Owner's Manual by Eben Weiss (aka Bike Snob) and 
 that too 
 is much appreciated. I enjoy books about riding bicycles the way I 
 the Just Ride way. I hope to get a nice ride in this weekend and 
 take some 
 photos of it.
 Athens, GA

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[RBW] Roadini 650b conversion

2021-11-16 Thread Kushan
Hi all -

I currently own a 2020 Roadini (61 cm) with 38 mm slick tires. I have tried 
32 mm and 35 mm in past but find 38 mm perfect in terms of comfort vs. 
speed trade off. I am planning to move to the land of daily rain 
(Seattle!!) in a near future and have been told that permanent fenders are 
a must have for getting any real use out of the bike. 

The problem is that I don't want to use 32 mm tires (which is the 
advertised max clearance with fenders) for this frame. I am contemplating 
if conversion to 650b wheels will give me sufficient clearance for 38 mm 
tires with fender (smaller frame 650b Roadinis are known to clear upto 42 

My questions to the group are:
- Is this even an option or would the chain/seat stays and fork will simply 
not cover this much tire + fenders?
- Based on Rivendell 650b conversion guide, the conversion should be 
straightforward by switching to long reach caliper brakes and bottom 
bracket will have sufficient clearance for 170 mm cranks. However, I wanted 
to see if anyone has attempted this conversion before and what their 
experience was. 


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[RBW] Re: Roadini 650b conversion

2021-11-16 Thread Joe Bernard
The first problem you'll run into involves a bit of history: 

When Grant started messing about with trying to put fatter tires on 700c 
road bikes all he had available in caliper brakes was short-reach, 
approximately 40-50mm depending on manufacturer (I think some were a smidge 
longer, maybe 52). This wasn't helpful so he talked Shimano into making a 
47-57 reach brake, which is the size that works on Rambouillet, Romulus and 

Later he reintroduced 650b to the US and got Tektro to make a 55-73 caliper 
to make lots of room on his new 650b Saluki frame. This also created a 
market for replacing those old short-reach brakes and 700c wheels on 
'80s-'90s road bikes with the Tektro R559 brake and 650b wheels. 

SO. Your frame already has 47-57 mid-reach brakes and clearance for fattish 
700c tires, adding R559 isn't going to reach far enough to hit a 650b rim. 

BUT. My understanding is center-pull brakes like Paul and Dia-Compe have 
enough reach to work, so your project is (probably) doable if you're ok 
with adding brake hangers. The easy sidepull caliper swap won't work. 

Joe "this all makes sense in my head somehow" Bernard

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 10:39:57 PM UTC-8 Kushan wrote:

> Hi all -
> I currently own a 2020 Roadini (61 cm) with 38 mm slick tires. I have 
> tried 32 mm and 35 mm in past but find 38 mm perfect in terms of comfort 
> vs. speed trade off. I am planning to move to the land of daily rain 
> (Seattle!!) in a near future and have been told that permanent fenders are 
> a must have for getting any real use out of the bike. 
> The problem is that I don't want to use 32 mm tires (which is the 
> advertised max clearance with fenders) for this frame. I am contemplating 
> if conversion to 650b wheels will give me sufficient clearance for 38 mm 
> tires with fender (smaller frame 650b Roadinis are known to clear upto 42 
> mm). 
> My questions to the group are:
> - Is this even an option or would the chain/seat stays and fork will 
> simply not cover this much tire + fenders?
> - Based on Rivendell 650b conversion guide, the conversion should be 
> straightforward by switching to long reach caliper brakes and bottom 
> bracket will have sufficient clearance for 170 mm cranks. However, I wanted 
> to see if anyone has attempted this conversion before and what their 
> experience was. 
> Best
> Kushan

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