I hope, God willing, to get before too long backup multispeed non-derailleur fixed gear wheels for my beloved 1999 Joe Starck Riv Road custom fixed gear (usual sense) gofast, fav bike of all time, to augment the Phil fixed/fixed wheel for longer rides in my rapidly advancing age. The hubs are respectively a NOS (!!!!) TF hub (direct and 75%; one of the lightest and simplest of SA hubs, with, I hear and hope, little lash) and a TC hub (direct and 86.54%, out for refurbishment and shell re-chroming, about 50% heavier than the TF, and, so they say, with more lash -- but, please God, less than that which diminishes the forlorn S3X hub.
Since these will be, for now at least, occasional wheels, I'd like a QR system for wheel exchanges. Thus, I'd like -- imagining here -- a hinged clamp holding a top-tube-mounted indexed shift lever, and a hinged clamp holding a SA roller wheel to guide the cable between top tube and right chainstay. Problem solvers has various hinged clamps. I have the (original! NOS! Rare!) TF tt-mount 2-speed quadrant shifter, and of course the rollers are easy to find. I would mail out the quadrant as a model. Excessively long leadout for this question: is there anyone "out there" in ListLand able and willing to craft me -- competently!!! -- hinged-clamp, QR (a few quick turns of an allen wrench) shifter and roller-guide? I'm willing to pay craftsman's prices for craftsman's work. (I am more than eager to let out the work to a competent craftswoman, too; we have to live with the deficiencies of our language, which has no separate term for the species and must use the word for the sex. But I have no qualms about women craftsmen.) Thanks. Patrick Moore bertin...@gmail.com -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Patrick Moore Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/CALuTfgvAUZJ-TeKC%3D9eSkmYJruQhhWY3EXtUqcfMvOZhB%2BXLRg%40mail.gmail.com.