[RBW] Re: Thanks for Gus Grant. What's Next?

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
Redwood is a big Romulus. 

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[RBW] Re: Thanks for Gus Grant. What's Next?

2018-09-19 Thread Marty Gierke, Stewartstown PA
If it has a unique name and head-badge, I consider it a unique model. While I 
understand that some bikes are similar to others, even identical other than 
size or color, they all involve development, marketing, inventory, logistics 
and risk. Some bikes certainly involved more development than others, but 
there’s a spirit living in each model that cannot be transferred to any other. 
Call them fraternal twins if you like, maybe even clones - each has an 
individual soul. If anyone wants to come up with another type of list, go for 

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[RBW] Re: Thanks for Gus Grant. What's Next?

2018-09-19 Thread 'Mark in Beacon' via RBW Owners Bunch
It's a *head-badge* poster that Marty makes. Maybe  you could design and 
create a "Same Exact or similar Rivendell Bicycles" poster and offer it to 
the list. It might be a hit with folks who really want to be picky!;^)

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 1:02:52 AM UTC-4, Benz, Sunnyvale, CA 

*If you want to be picky, the Wilbury and Glorius are the same exact bike 
except for paint and decal/headbadge. Same with the Betty Foy and Yves 
Gomez. If you really want to be picky, the A Homer Hilsen is just a bigger 
Saluki. In fact, if I remember correctly, Rivendell was selling the smaller 
sizes as Salukis and the larger sizes (of the same design) as the Homer, 
before “standardizing” on the name of A Homer Hilsen for all sizes.*

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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread 'Mark in Beacon' via RBW Owners Bunch
I'm the opposite extreme--I rarely if ever pay much attention to specs. I 
bought my Clementine based on what the designer told me about what it was 
designed for; same with buying my Jones. I like both bikes a lot. I've 
ridden both on rocky, rooty uphills. Both did as well as could be expected 
considering the pilot--I am no Jeff Jones! I think it fair to say both 
bikes perform more or less as the designers had promised, give or take a 
bit of hyperbole (Rivs tend to be relatively modest in regards to claims). 
My experience with bicycles over the years has been:

1. Guys that have been thinking about and designing bikes for a long time 
usually create an eminently rideable bicycle. 
2. Most human bodies can handle quite a bit of variation and still get good 
results--ie, have fun!
3. There is no magic bicycle, just the magic of riding bicycles!

On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 9:32:32 PM UTC-4, tc wrote:
> Ian, your post was a good reminder for me to re-view this Jones plus video 
> , the first 4 min of which 
> includes the explanation of exactly what you referenced ... how long 
> wheelbase doesn't have to mean long chainstays, and how Jeff designed the 
> bike to work well for both descending and climbing, but always balanced 
> over the legs, sitting and standing.  Some stat's of the plus, which begins 
> around 1:47 in the video:
> HT angle: 67.5 deg
> ST angle: 71 deg
> Offset: 7.6cm
> Chainstay: 19"/48.26cm
> I couldn't find wheelbase stat's on the Jones site, but Dirt Rag's review 
> states the LWB's wb is 47.4" / 120.4cm.
> I'm looking fwd to learning Gus's spec's.
> Tom
> On Monday, September 17, 2018 at 11:48:25 AM UTC-4, ian m wrote:
>> I had imagined the possibility of a Riv off-roader replacing my current 
>> Clem, as riding off road is 95% of my riding now, but this bike repeats the 
>> same design flaw as the Clem. Jones Bikes prove that you can have a huge 
>> wheelbase for an awesomely stable ride on a Mtn bike, but it shouldn't come 
>> from long chainstays. Putting the back wheel so far behind the rider's mass 
>> increases the difficulty in raising the front end, especially while riding 
>> uphill. While that may seem superfluous for perfectly manicured California 
>> trails, it's a necessity for riding off road in other places. Unless that 
>> seat tube is far slacker than the Clem's I think it would be a bear to 
>> handle on a rocky, rooty uphill. I am jealous of that pump peg tho

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[RBW] Re: Thanks for Gus Grant. What's Next?

2018-09-19 Thread John A. Bennett
I would say 2000 for the Atlantis, at least in terms of delivery. 

I ordered mine in the summer of that year, and I was working at Rivendell 
by the time the first batch of 100 was delivered. Grant helped me build 
mine up after work on December 26, 2000. I still have it.

I am down with (and for) the new Hill Bike.

Viva le Evolution! 

John at Rivelo, PDX

On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 11:07:30 AM UTC-7, Marty Gierke, 
Stewartstown PA wrote:
> Corrections anyone? Got these dates from one of the links above and a 
> quick review of BLUG archives going back to 2010.  Some dates could be 
> argued as to when announced vs when sold/delivered. 
> 1.   Road  1994
> 2.   All Rounder 1994
> 3.   Long Low1994
> 4.   Mountain Expedition1994
> 5.   Heron 1998
> 6.   Atlantis   1999
> 7.   Rambouillet 2001
> 8.   Romulus 2002
> 9.   Redwood 2002
> 10.   Quickbeam  2004
> 11.   Saluki  2004
> 12.   Glorius2004
> 13.   Wilbury2004
> 14.   A Homer Hilsen2006
> 15.   Bleriot 2006
> 16.   Legolas   2007
> 17.   Bombadil 2009
> 18.   Samuel Hillborne  2009
> 19.   Hunqapillar  2011
> 20.   Betty Foy2010
> 21.   Yves Gomez2010
> 22.   Roadeo   2011
> 23.   Appaloosa   2012
> 24.   Simpleone   2013
> 25.   Cheviot2014
> 26.   Clem Smith (Clementine)  2014
> 27.   Roscoe Bubbe 2016
> 28.   Hubbuhubbuh   2017
> 29.   L. Roadini2017
> 30.   Frank Jones Sr.2018
> 31.   Gus Boots-Willsen   2018

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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread tc
Agree, mark. Specs help me place a bike amongst those similar to it (or to its 
purpose) if I don’t yet have the luxury of riding it.

I generally like to play with numbers anyway...


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[RBW] Re: Best baby bike seat?

2018-09-19 Thread Peter H
Hi Eric,

I had a great experience with my son on the rear mount "Co-Pilot" on my 

It worked great for the first 1-2 years of riding with him, but as he got 
older and heavier around 2.5-3 yrs (he's 4..5 now) the disproportion of 
weight became a bit of a bother on hills heading back home, so I eventually 
went with a hodgepodge of used parts for a kit Xtracycle MB-2 build that 
I'm quite happy with for city riding. My son loves being on the back of it, 
and scoots up towards me and we chat along the way home from school through 
the park, and being a cargo bike it allows us to strap his push bike to it 
and we will ride together for certain stretches on the way. 

My other son now a little over 1 year old has been using the Co-Pilot on my 
wife's bike, and I think we may end up eventually going for a Yepp mount on 
the Xtracycle so the boys can be together. 

I agree with Lynne, bike trailers are a great option too. We use a trailer 
on weekends when exploring and not in the city which is great, reason being 
(for me) I found after a short trip to the grocery store not feeling all 
that comfortable having them being be so far behind the bike with the busy 
traffic, and distracted driving, especially at intersections as the bike 
lanes here in Boston are as inconsistent as the good drivers are.

I do however love the idea of a front mount seat, seems like in that set up 
they are more part of the experience and less of an observer! If we didn't 
already have the rear mount Co-Pilot seat, we probably would have gone that 
route for our youngest.

However you go about it, riding with kids is a real hoot!!!

-Peter in Boston

On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 1:01:17 PM UTC-4, Eric Schoenfeld wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm just starting to research baby bike seats for my soon-to-be one year 
> old.  Any recommendations?
> I have a Sam with choco-moose bars and a Nitto rear rack.
> I read that rear seats are somewhat safer and have higher weight limits, 
> so have some preference for a rear seat.
> Thanks,
> --eric 

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[RBW] Hillbiking the Highlands

2018-09-19 Thread Bill Schairer
Always enjoy your pictures!


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[RBW] Re: FS: bars, shorts, pedals

2018-09-19 Thread 'Jennings' via RBW Owners Bunch
I’ll take the large shorts. 

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[RBW] Re: Northeast Riv Unmeeting 2018, Interest/Headcount, Columbus Day Weekend

2018-09-19 Thread Marc Irwin
I just reserved my cabin.  There's room to share if anybody is interested.  
What will be our meeting place and a safe place to park my car for a couple of 


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[RBW] Re: Thanks for Gus Grant. What's Next?

2018-09-19 Thread jandrews
I believe I purchased my Simpleone in 2011.

On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 2:07:30 PM UTC-4, Marty Gierke, 
Stewartstown PA wrote:
> Corrections anyone? Got these dates from one of the links above and a 
> quick review of BLUG archives going back to 2010.  Some dates could be 
> argued as to when announced vs when sold/delivered. 
> 1.   Road  1994
> 2.   All Rounder 1994
> 3.   Long Low1994
> 4.   Mountain Expedition1994
> 5.   Heron 1998
> 6.   Atlantis   1999
> 7.   Rambouillet 2001
> 8.   Romulus 2002
> 9.   Redwood 2002
> 10.   Quickbeam  2004
> 11.   Saluki  2004
> 12.   Glorius2004
> 13.   Wilbury2004
> 14.   A Homer Hilsen2006
> 15.   Bleriot 2006
> 16.   Legolas   2007
> 17.   Bombadil 2009
> 18.   Samuel Hillborne  2009
> 19.   Hunqapillar  2011
> 20.   Betty Foy2010
> 21.   Yves Gomez2010
> 22.   Roadeo   2011
> 23.   Appaloosa   2012
> 24.   Simpleone   2013
> 25.   Cheviot2014
> 26.   Clem Smith (Clementine)  2014
> 27.   Roscoe Bubbe 2016
> 28.   Hubbuhubbuh   2017
> 29.   L. Roadini2017
> 30.   Frank Jones Sr.2018
> 31.   Gus Boots-Willsen   2018

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[RBW] Re: Best baby bike seat?

2018-09-19 Thread Coal Bee Rye Anne
I had flip-flopped multiple times on the front vs rear debate before 
ultimately buying the front Yepp.  We knew we wanted a bike mounted seat 
and a trailer was ruled out almost immediately for us mostly due to storage 
space constraints, as well the fact that most of our riding would be on 
local multiuse paths that get really dry and dusty (although turned out 
to not much of an issue during this rather wet NJ summer) so I also wanted 
to keep our son up off the ground as much as possible.

After considering all the different options I eventually concluded the Yepp 
Mini was for us... only to then be generously offered a free rear seat from 
our friends that they could not use on their particular bikes.  Part of 
what helped push the front seat selection was that I also already had a 
rear luggage rack to install on the Clem and use for carrying stuff with 
our son up front.  Then the rear seat was given and we were all set to 
stick with it for practical reasons, but I began to rethink front rack 
options as the Thule Ride Along rear does not install to a rear rack but 
instead clamps around the seat tube and suspends itself over the rear 
tire from there.  The irony is that I already traded away my Surly front 
rack before all of this occurred so I was back to evaluating front racks 
again with the rear baby seat now in possession.  As it turns out, the 
Thule Ride Along did not fit around the widely spaced seatstays of the 65cm 
Clem H but fits well on one of my Wife's bikes (and will fit a couple other 
frames of mine for future use as he outgrows the front seat.)

So we went back to Plan A and bought a Yepp Mini for my Clem to complement 
the Ride Along rear that we plan to transition into.  The greatest, if not 
only, downside is the high cost for a 2nd seat that will only get used 
maybe 2yrs max (front rated up to 33lbs/3yrs and you lose most of the 1st 
year anyway) but I'm finding it's been well worth it so far.  Of course, 
that is considering I have not experienced any other fit issues.  The long 
top tube and high backswept bars seem to be key!  I do not hit my 
knees/chest/chin on the seat whatsoever but the front seat does not work 
with my 5'1" wife and her small framed bicycles.

Either route you choose, have fun and enjoy!

Brian Cole
Lawrenceville, NJ

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 7:58:13 AM UTC-4, Peter H wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> I had a great experience with my son on the rear mount "Co-Pilot" on my 
> Clem. 
> It worked great for the first 1-2 years of riding with him, but as he got 
> older and heavier around 2.5-3 yrs (he's 4..5 now) the disproportion of 
> weight became a bit of a bother on hills heading back home, so I eventually 
> went with a hodgepodge of used parts for a kit Xtracycle MB-2 build that 
> I'm quite happy with for city riding. My son loves being on the back of it, 
> and scoots up towards me and we chat along the way home from school through 
> the park, and being a cargo bike it allows us to strap his push bike to it 
> and we will ride together for certain stretches on the way. 
> My other son now a little over 1 year old has been using the Co-Pilot on 
> my wife's bike, and I think we may end up eventually going for a Yepp mount 
> on the Xtracycle so the boys can be together. 
> I agree with Lynne, bike trailers are a great option too. We use a trailer 
> on weekends when exploring and not in the city which is great, reason being 
> (for me) I found after a short trip to the grocery store not feeling all 
> that comfortable having them being be so far behind the bike with the busy 
> traffic, and distracted driving, especially at intersections as the bike 
> lanes here in Boston are as inconsistent as the good drivers are.
> I do however love the idea of a front mount seat, seems like in that set 
> up they are more part of the experience and less of an observer! If we 
> didn't already have the rear mount Co-Pilot seat, we probably would have 
> gone that route for our youngest.
> However you go about it, riding with kids is a real hoot!!!
> -Peter in Boston
> On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 1:01:17 PM UTC-4, Eric Schoenfeld wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm just starting to research baby bike seats for my soon-to-be one year 
>> old.  Any recommendations?
>> I have a Sam with choco-moose bars and a Nitto rear rack.
>> I read that rear seats are somewhat safer and have higher weight limits, 
>> so have some preference for a rear seat.
>> Thanks,
>> --eric 

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[RBW] Re: WTB singlespeed.

2018-09-19 Thread Andrew Huston
Having a hard time finding that post. Would you send some more photos of the 
built bike?  

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[RBW] Re: Best baby bike seat?

2018-09-19 Thread Coal Bee Rye Anne
I also have my Chocomoose bars installed on another partially built bike in 
storage and might test the Yepp Mini with it later this autumn and will 
post an update and pics if I get around to it.

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 10:25:30 AM UTC-4, Coal Bee Rye Anne 
> I had flip-flopped multiple times on the front vs rear debate before 
> ultimately buying the front Yepp.  We knew we wanted a bike mounted seat 
> and a trailer was ruled out almost immediately for us mostly due to storage 
> space constraints, as well the fact that most of our riding would be on 
> local multiuse paths that get really dry and dusty (although turned out 
> to not much of an issue during this rather wet NJ summer) so I also wanted 
> to keep our son up off the ground as much as possible.
> After considering all the different options I eventually concluded the 
> Yepp Mini was for us... only to then be generously offered a free rear seat 
> from our friends that they could not use on their particular bikes.  Part 
> of what helped push the front seat selection was that I also already had a 
> rear luggage rack to install on the Clem and use for carrying stuff with 
> our son up front.  Then the rear seat was given and we were all set to 
> stick with it for practical reasons, but I began to rethink front rack 
> options as the Thule Ride Along rear does not install to a rear rack but 
> instead clamps around the seat tube and suspends itself over the rear 
> tire from there.  The irony is that I already traded away my Surly front 
> rack before all of this occurred so I was back to evaluating front racks 
> again with the rear baby seat now in possession.  As it turns out, the 
> Thule Ride Along did not fit around the widely spaced seatstays of the 65cm 
> Clem H but fits well on one of my Wife's bikes (and will fit a couple other 
> frames of mine for future use as he outgrows the front seat.)
> So we went back to Plan A and bought a Yepp Mini for my Clem to complement 
> the Ride Along rear that we plan to transition into.  The greatest, if not 
> only, downside is the high cost for a 2nd seat that will only get used 
> maybe 2yrs max (front rated up to 33lbs/3yrs and you lose most of the 1st 
> year anyway) but I'm finding it's been well worth it so far.  Of course, 
> that is considering I have not experienced any other fit issues.  The long 
> top tube and high backswept bars seem to be key!  I do not hit my 
> knees/chest/chin on the seat whatsoever but the front seat does not work 
> with my 5'1" wife and her small framed bicycles.
> Either route you choose, have fun and enjoy!
> Best,
> Brian Cole
> Lawrenceville, NJ
> On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 7:58:13 AM UTC-4, Peter H wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> I had a great experience with my son on the rear mount "Co-Pilot" on my 
>> Clem. 
>> It worked great for the first 1-2 years of riding with him, but as he got 
>> older and heavier around 2.5-3 yrs (he's 4..5 now) the disproportion of 
>> weight became a bit of a bother on hills heading back home, so I eventually 
>> went with a hodgepodge of used parts for a kit Xtracycle MB-2 build that 
>> I'm quite happy with for city riding. My son loves being on the back of it, 
>> and scoots up towards me and we chat along the way home from school through 
>> the park, and being a cargo bike it allows us to strap his push bike to it 
>> and we will ride together for certain stretches on the way. 
>> My other son now a little over 1 year old has been using the Co-Pilot on 
>> my wife's bike, and I think we may end up eventually going for a Yepp mount 
>> on the Xtracycle so the boys can be together. 
>> I agree with Lynne, bike trailers are a great option too. We use a 
>> trailer on weekends when exploring and not in the city which is great, 
>> reason being (for me) I found after a short trip to the grocery store not 
>> feeling all that comfortable having them being be so far behind the bike 
>> with the busy traffic, and distracted driving, especially at intersections 
>> as the bike lanes here in Boston are as inconsistent as the good drivers 
>> are.
>> I do however love the idea of a front mount seat, seems like in that set 
>> up they are more part of the experience and less of an observer! If we 
>> didn't already have the rear mount Co-Pilot seat, we probably would have 
>> gone that route for our youngest.
>> However you go about it, riding with kids is a real hoot!!!
>> -Peter in Boston
>> On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 1:01:17 PM UTC-4, Eric Schoenfeld wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I'm just starting to research baby bike seats for my soon-to-be one year 
>>> old.  Any recommendations?
>>> I have a Sam with choco-moose bars and a Nitto rear rack.
>>> I read that rear seats are somewhat safer and have higher weight limits, 
>>> so have some preference for a rear seat.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --eric 

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[RBW] Re: Feel-good Vintage Bikes

2018-09-19 Thread Lum Gim Fong
Vintage is fun but not good for me. Three reasons:
1. I always feel the need to replace parts which would turn into big bucks.
2. RBW says modern steel bikes are better than anything made in the vintage 
past and even better than anything Eddie Merkxs ever rode back in the day, 
iirc. This is a bold statement, and, if verifiably true, means one is better 
off buying modern steel.
3. I don’t trust olde parts . Fear of failure.

I would trust bikes made by really reputable makers and reputable owners I knew 
personally. Like if my friend had a Ritchey or Herse or Singer.

Of course I would definitely trust vintage Rivbikes.

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[RBW] Re: FS: Swift basket bag, fillet bullmoose

2018-09-19 Thread Bob B
What width on the bullmoose bars?

Bob B. 
Brooklyn, NY

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Re: [RBW] Re: Feel-good Vintage Bikes

2018-09-19 Thread Kiley Demond
Ah, if you look at the Aspen bikes, you will see that the vintage steel frames 
are dressed in modern components, Sugino, Velo Orange, Nitto, etc. The frames 
have been QA’d by the shop prior to its rebirth.

For those that believe ‘Vintage’ must include same-era components, ‘NOS’ pops 
up regularly, and frequently at reasonable prices.

Restoration and tinkering feeds the soul which is why I believe a hands-on, 
build-a-bike program would be a hit, and places like the Armory are uber-cool
On Sep 19, 2018, 8:16 AM -0700, Lum Gim Fong , wrote:
> Vintage is fun but not good for me. Three reasons:
> 1. I always feel the need to replace parts which would turn into big bucks.
> 2. RBW says modern steel bikes are better than anything made in the vintage 
> past and even better than anything Eddie Merkxs ever rode back in the day, 
> iirc. This is a bold statement, and, if verifiably true, means one is better 
> off buying modern steel.
> 3. I don’t trust olde parts . Fear of failure.
> I would trust bikes made by really reputable makers and reputable owners I 
> knew personally. Like if my friend had a Ritchey or Herse or Singer.
> Of course I would definitely trust vintage Rivbikes.
> --
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[RBW] Re: Aspen Aurora

2018-09-19 Thread Bob B

You're so fortunate that you have such jaw-droppingly beautiful places to 
ride. Thanks for sharing.

Bob B.
Brooklyn, NY

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[RBW] FS: Swift basket bag, fillet bullmoose

2018-09-19 Thread Ryan M.
I’ll take the bull moose bars!

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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread masmojo
I personally wouldn't worry much about the rims if they potentially were 
something that could be more popular in the future. Examples: moustache 
handlebars, normal width 650B rims, etc., but I am guessing 2.8" tires will 
require a wider rim be made. Plenty of them in all diameters, until you add rim 
braking capability and then it drops to none, one, two(?).
Of course who knows, rim brakes might make a comeback!?
Even when it comes to regular 650b rim brake rims pickings are slim; I presume 
they are prolific enough between retro bikes & modern recent offerings to 
always be available, but who knows?

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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
I think Grant went into this knowing he was bucking the trend of disc brakes 
for wide tires. I wouldn't worry too much about the rim situation now, and I 
never worry about bike parts 10 years from now. There's always somebody on the 
internet selling what you need somewhere, and this assumes you'll actually keep 
the bike 10 years. 

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[RBW] Re: Thanks for Gus Grant. What's Next?

2018-09-19 Thread Marty Gierke, Stewartstown PA
Latest (not last) bunch-sourced version here. Including BLUG entries as far 
as I've dug so far. The type spacing may be wonky but once we lock this in 
maybe it can become a file of some kind that we attach to Reed's Reader 
Archive. Many bike models were discussed across several Readers, so I'm 
listing first-mentions where the names were used. As before, check my (our) 
work and fill in the blanks - please and thanks. 

Year   RR Issue   BLUG*


Road  1994  


All Rounder 1994


Mountain Expedition 1994   


Long Low 1996   



Cyclo-cross  1996   



Heron   1998


Atlantis 2000   



Rambouillet   2001  









Saluki 2004 




Wilbury   2006  


Bleriot 2006


A Homer Hilsen2006  




Bombadil  2009  


Samuel Hillborne   2009 


Roadeo 2010 


Simpleone 2011  
December 2010


Betty Foy  2011 
43   March 2011


Yves Gomez  2011


Hunqapillar 2011


Appaloosa  2012 

January 2012


Cheviot   2014


Clem Smith (Clementine) 2015
44   March 2015


Roscoe Bubbe2016


Hubbuhubbuh  2017


L. Roadini   2017


Frank Jones Sr.   2018


Gus Boots-Willsen   2018

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[RBW] Re: Thanks for Gus Grant. What's Next?

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
Oh I see where Appaloosa gets a little wonky. IIRC that name was originally 
attached to the Mystery Bike which never became a production model, then 
transferred to the one we can buy today. I bought a first-gen light blue joe in 
June 2016, and I believe the bike had been around since mid-to-late 2015. 

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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Ryan M.
My prediction...rim brakes are not going to make a comeback...not in 
mountain biking (or "hillbiking"). There just isn't any real good reason to 
use a rim brake over a modern disc brake today given that there is a 
definite performance advantage and a huge supply of products available at 
all price points and most work very well. I mean, I'll buy a bike with 
canti posts and ride it happily, but it is not my preference. It's not a 
deal breaker but I don't see canti posts and think "so awesome!"

I have always thought mechanical disc brakes worked about the same as a 
v-brake (hydros being a different conversation) with regards to 
power, modulation and setup until I used a Paul Klamper. That brake is so 
freaking easy to set up; it's powerful; it feels really good in use and I 
just don't know why I haven't been using it on every bike I can. Anyway, I 
don't want to turn this thread into a canti-vs-disc argument. I got my 
preferences, for sure. 

I'm sure someone will make a rim compatible with this bike and it's need 
for a rim braking surface for a long time; I wouldn't worry about that. 
Choices will be less, of course.

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 11:13:31 AM UTC-5, masmojo wrote:

> I personally wouldn't worry much about the rims if they potentially were 
> something that could be more popular in the future. Examples: moustache 
> handlebars, normal width 650B rims, etc., but I am guessing 2.8" tires will 
> require a wider rim be made. Plenty of them in all diameters, until you add 
> rim braking capability and then it drops to none, one, two(?).
> Of course who knows, rim brakes might make a comeback!?
> Even when it comes to regular 650b rim brake rims pickings are slim; I 
> presume they are prolific enough between retro bikes & modern recent 
> offerings to always be available, but who knows?

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[RBW] Re: Thanks for Gus Grant. What's Next?

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
Here's an arcane note from 15 years ago: Beth H. hated the Romulus name. 
Apparently - I've never looked it up even though I owned one - he wasn't a very 
nice guy 😬

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[RBW] Re: Blahg Post Ethiopian Shoes

2018-09-19 Thread Ash
Has anyone received their shoes?

I placed the order on July 30th.  Still no shipment, no emails from this 

On Thursday, 2 August 2018 21:38:09 UTC-7, Ash wrote:
> The last week I had an errand close by and went into Valley Fair to see 
> Sole Rebels.  They are not there anymore.
> Came back home and ordered a pair of runAROUND FREEDOM 4 Mustard Yellow :)
> On Thursday, 2 August 2018 13:51:23 UTC-7, masmojo wrote:
>> Not sure if anybody noticed,  but they have a store in the Valley Fair 
>> Mall in Santa Clara.

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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread lconley
The fastest bicycle in the world (184 mph) has a rim brake. No disc. 

Cocoa FL

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 1:08:52 PM UTC-4, Ryan M. wrote:

> My prediction...rim brakes are not going to make a comeback...not in 
> mountain biking (or "hillbiking"). There just isn't any real good reason to 
> use a rim brake over a modern disc brake today given that there is a 
> definite performance advantage and a huge supply of products available at 
> all price points and most work very well. I mean, I'll buy a bike with 
> canti posts and ride it happily, but it is not my preference. It's not a 
> deal breaker but I don't see canti posts and think "so awesome!"
> I have always thought mechanical disc brakes worked about the same as a 
> v-brake (hydros being a different conversation) with regards to 
> power, modulation and setup until I used a Paul Klamper. That brake is so 
> freaking easy to set up; it's powerful; it feels really good in use and I 
> just don't know why I haven't been using it on every bike I can. Anyway, I 
> don't want to turn this thread into a canti-vs-disc argument. I got my 
> preferences, for sure. 
> I'm sure someone will make a rim compatible with this bike and it's need 
> for a rim braking surface for a long time; I wouldn't worry about that. 
> Choices will be less, of course.
> On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 11:13:31 AM UTC-5, masmojo wrote:
>> I personally wouldn't worry much about the rims if they potentially were 
>> something that could be more popular in the future. Examples: moustache 
>> handlebars, normal width 650B rims, etc., but I am guessing 2.8" tires will 
>> require a wider rim be made. Plenty of them in all diameters, until you add 
>> rim braking capability and then it drops to none, one, two(?).
>> Of course who knows, rim brakes might make a comeback!?
>> Even when it comes to regular 650b rim brake rims pickings are slim; I 
>> presume they are prolific enough between retro bikes & modern recent 
>> offerings to always be available, but who knows?

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Re: [RBW] FS: Swift basket bag, fillet bullmoose

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bunik
On 9/19/18, Ryan M.  wrote:
> I’ll take the bull moose bars!
> --
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[RBW] Re: Northeast Riv Unmeeting 2018, Interest/Headcount, Columbus Day Weekend

2018-09-19 Thread Alex Wirth- Owner, Yellow Haus Bicycles
let's meet at the Village of Pittsford Community Library front entrance at 
1pm.  It'll be open and there will be bathrooms and a water fountain for 
last minute stuff. Here's a google maps link:


Towpath Bike Shop was nice enough to offer their **rear** parking lot for 
us (Don't park in front).  They said we didn't need to check in with them 
but I would anyways (Manager approved).  It's a stone's throw from the 
library, here's another google maps link:


(you have to pass their building and then backtrack around to the rear)

In keeping with the "unmeeting" theme, there haven't been a lot of details 
postedthat's half on purpose to have fun with the unmeeting aspect and 
half because I'm a busy boy.

Feel free to call the shop if you have any dire questions   

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 9:58:50 AM UTC-4, Marc Irwin wrote:
> I just reserved my cabin.  There's room to share if anybody is interested. 
>  What will be our meeting place and a safe place to park my car for a 
> couple of days?
> Marc

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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
Well to be fair, the fastest bicycle in the world was built to go, not stop. 

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[RBW] Re: Thanks for Gus Grant. What's Next?

2018-09-19 Thread Jeremy Till
Yes and no.  As Marty's timeline says, the Saluki predated the A. Homer 
Hilsen by a couple of years.  It was introduced specifically as a 650b 
production bike (one of the first in the 650b rebirth) and came in a full 
size run up to 62cm, IIRC, all with 650b wheels, and some with cantilever 
posts.  When the Homer came out it was designed to have 650b wheels in the 
smaller sizes and 700c in the larger, and no cantilever posts.  That's when 
you started having the overlap between the small 650b Salukis and Homers, 
and eventually everything just standardized on the Homer model name.  

On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 10:02:52 PM UTC-7, Benz, Sunnyvale, CA 
> If you want to be picky, the Wilbury and Glorius are the same exact bike 
> except for paint and decal/headbadge. Same with the Betty Foy and Yves 
> Gomez. 
> If you really want to be picky, the A Homer Hilsen is just a bigger 
> Saluki. In fact, if I remember correctly, Rivendell was selling the smaller 
> sizes as Salukis and the larger sizes (of the same design) as the Homer, 
> before “standardizing” on the name of A Homer Hilsen for all sizes.

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Re: [RBW] Jobst on 650b?

2018-09-19 Thread Ash
Thank you!!

On Tuesday, 18 September 2018 13:17:44 UTC-7, sameness wrote:
> Page 29! 
> Jeff Hagedorn
> Los Angeles, CA USA
> On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 12:50:52 PM UTC-7, Ash wrote:
>> On Friday, 14 September 2018 11:11:00 UTC-7, Ginz wrote:
>>> I recall an interview by Grant Petersen where Brandt agued against the 
>>> value of the longer flap on the Carradice longflap bags. Now *that’s* an 
>>> opinion.
>> I didn't know anything about Jobst before this thread started.  Now I'd 
>> pay money to listen to this interview.  Can't find it anywhere on the inter 
>> webs  :(

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[RBW] Re: FS: Soma San Marcos - Size 54

2018-09-19 Thread Ash

Are you based in Bay Area or around?  Not fully decided on the frame yet, 
but if you are local, I could have just picked it up.  If not, any ideas 
what could the shipping cost be?



On Tuesday, 18 September 2018 15:49:59 UTC-7, RDS wrote:
> $400 + Shipping to continental US.
> On Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 7:52:56 PM UTC-4, RDS wrote:
>> Soma San Marcos size 54 - Frame, Fork, Headset (FSA).  I am the 2nd owner 
>> (I think) and the first owner did not ride the bike.  I probably rode it 
>> less than 20 miles.  Frame is in good shape.  A couple of paint nicks that 
>> you can see in the pics. $500 + shipping by BikeFlights or ShipBikes.
>> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nimNFoZwJVF861Y2TctQC3xLj08cgzPu?usp=sharing
>> Contact me off list.  Paypal friends and family for payment.

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Re: [RBW] Jobst on 650b?

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
Jobst would have told you that if you didn't like a little water, ride faster 
to get away from it 😬

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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread 'Mark in Beacon' via RBW Owners Bunch
Joe wrote: "the fastest bike in the world was built to go not stop."

So were all the ones that I have!

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Re: [RBW] Re: Blahg Post Ethiopian Shoes

2018-09-19 Thread Jon Dukeman
Nope!!! I ordered on July 27 mid August I contacted Bethlehem and she said
they were finishing up and would email me when they we shipped. I haven't
heard from her since.

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018, 11:10 AM Ash  wrote:

> Has anyone received their shoes?
> I placed the order on July 30th.  Still no shipment, no emails from this
> company...
> On Thursday, 2 August 2018 21:38:09 UTC-7, Ash wrote:
>> The last week I had an errand close by and went into Valley Fair to see
>> Sole Rebels.  They are not there anymore.
>> Came back home and ordered a pair of runAROUND FREEDOM 4 Mustard Yellow :)
>> On Thursday, 2 August 2018 13:51:23 UTC-7, masmojo wrote:
>>> Not sure if anybody noticed,  but they have a store in the Valley Fair
>>> Mall in Santa Clara.
>> --
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[RBW] FS: 2016 Sam Hillborne 55 cm - $1300

2018-09-19 Thread Babs

Hello Riv-ers!

I'm selling a lovely blue 2016 55cm Sam Hillborne because of...grad school. 
The number 1 reason I’m selling is that I need the money, and second, it’s 
probably slightly too big. Since I bought it I’ve built up my own 
randonneuring bike, which fits me much better, so I don't realy need 
the Sam...sigh. 

Photos here! 

I bought it in June 2017 from the original owner who had barely ridden it - 
it looked brand new. Everything functions perfectly, there are just some 
scratches/paint chips (which I’ve sealed with clear nail polish). There’s 
also a purely cosmetic manufacturing defect on the cable guide near the 
back of the top tube (pictured). I have taken it on dirt singletrack and 
used it for hauling around town, as my philosophy was to ride & enjoy it. 
The paint chips could easily be fixed with paint from Rivendell. I’m asking 
$1300 - much less than I paid, because of this. Please let me know if this 
is unreasonable :))

The spec is the exact same as the choco bar sam 
 on the 
rivendell website except for the grips. I found the cork grips too slippery 
for off-road riding, so I put on some black locking Odi grips. As a 
mountain biker, I like the look, but if you want the cork ones, they're $26 
from Rivendell's site 

(one of them cracked when I removed them).

Comes with one water bottle cage, and another if I find it :) Also includes 
saddle & pedals!

Happy riding,


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[RBW] Re: FS: 2016 Sam Hillborne 55 cm - $1300

2018-09-19 Thread Babs
Forgot to mention that I'm living in Palo Alto, California, so if you want 
me to ship it, you'll have to pay the cost of packing and bike flights. 

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 11:42:41 AM UTC-7, Babs wrote:
> Hello Riv-ers!
> I'm selling a lovely blue 2016 55cm Sam Hillborne because of...grad 
> school. The number 1 reason I’m selling is that I need the money, and 
> second, it’s probably slightly too big. Since I bought it I’ve built up my 
> own randonneuring bike, which fits me much better, so I don't realy 
> need the Sam...sigh. 
> Photos here! 
> I bought it in June 2017 from the original owner who had barely ridden it 
> - it looked brand new. Everything functions perfectly, there are just some 
> scratches/paint chips (which I’ve sealed with clear nail polish). There’s 
> also a purely cosmetic manufacturing defect on the cable guide near the 
> back of the top tube (pictured). I have taken it on dirt singletrack and 
> used it for hauling around town, as my philosophy was to ride & enjoy it. 
> The paint chips could easily be fixed with paint from Rivendell. I’m asking 
> $1300 - much less than I paid, because of this. Please let me know if this 
> is unreasonable :))
> The spec is the exact same as the choco bar sam 
>  on 
> the rivendell website except for the grips. I found the cork grips too 
> slippery for off-road riding, so I put on some black locking Odi grips. As 
> a mountain biker, I like the look, but if you want the cork ones, they're 
> $26 from Rivendell's site 
> (one of them cracked when I removed them).
> Comes with one water bottle cage, and another if I find it :) Also 
> includes saddle & pedals!
> Happy riding,
> Barbara

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[RBW] Rivendell Timeline

2018-09-19 Thread Marty Gierke, Stewartstown PA
A continuing conversation about models, variations, names and resources of 
interest related to Rivbike models from 1994 to present day. This 
information is subject to change at any time as new information is 
discovered and new models introduced. Resources used to develop this 
timeline have come from several sources: the Rivendell Reader Archive, 
(available on the main page of this group) the BLUG archive, (available on 
the Rivendell website) Grant's BLAHG, (available on the Rivendell website) 
periodic emails from Rivendell and member/owner recollection. Dates listed 
for each model reflect first mention or introduction of the model using 
it's production name, not necessarily when it was delivered to owners. Some 
bikes took longer to develop and reach owners than others. Variations and 
overlaps are endless, so this list only captures each model that was 
uniquely named and produced in some quantity. No customs, one-offs, 
prototypes or collaborations with other companies are included. (The one 
exception being HERON, which set the stage for many of the named Rivbikes 
to come.) There is no information about the quantity of each model 
produced. Some were very short lived or limited production, others have 
remained in production for many years. Likewise, variations in where in the 
world and by whom each model was built complicates the timeline. This is a 
group-sourced database. Corrections or missing detail fill-ins are welcome. 

*Model   YearRR 


All Rounder   19940 

Mountain Expedition   1994   0 

Long Low   1996   8 

Cyclo-cross1996   8 

Heron 1998  11 

Atlantis   2000  18 

Rambouillet 2001   24 

Quickbeam 2002   27 

Romulus 2002   28 


Saluki 2004   


Wilbury   2006   37 

Bleriot 2006   

A Homer Hilsen2006  38 

Legolas   2007   39 

Bombadil 2009   41 

Samuel Hillborne  2009   41 

Roadeo2010   42 
2011 December 2010 

Betty Foy 2011   
43 March 2011 

Yves Gomez 2011   43 

Hunqapillar   2011   43 

2012   January 2012 

Cheviot 2014 

Clem Smith (Clementine)   2015
44March 2015 

Roscoe Bubbe  2016 


L. Roadini 2017 

Frank Jones Sr. 2018 

Gus Boots-Willsen 2018  
September 14, 2018 

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[RBW] Re: Thanks for Gus Grant. What's Next?

2018-09-19 Thread Marty Gierke, Stewartstown PA
Thread moved over here for clarity:



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Re: [RBW] Jobst on 650b?

2018-09-19 Thread Lum Gim Fong

 I wonder how his components held up under all that snowy road riding since 
the roads were probably salted.

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[RBW] Re: FS - '86 Schwinn Le Tour Frame & Fork - $200

2018-09-19 Thread J Imler
Final FS posting.

Now $100.00. If you were considering a step-through here's an opportunity 
to give it a go on the cheap, but the ride is not. I don't think you would 
regret owning this bike in the least.

Someone asked about 650b. I've got the Tektro 559 brakes on there now and *I 
think* it would work out, but I don't have any size 650b rims to try it on.

Contact off list if interested.

On Sunday, September 9, 2018 at 11:43:05 AM UTC-7, J Imler wrote:
> Price drop, now $150.00

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[RBW] What do Rivendell Riders use for a floor bike stand?

2018-09-19 Thread Lum Gim Fong
Just a simple floor bike stand to park the bike in. Holds back wheel type 
thing. Roll in, roll out.

I have one of those 2-tier leaning-on-wall bike racks but lifting a 27.5 
lb.  bike overhead every day up to the rack top hangers is a back or neck 
injury waiting to happen.
So I want to park the second bike on the floor. No other space in garage. 
Either on top teir or on floor next to other bike in a floor stand.
Just a simple floor stand like one of those that you park in by the back 
wheel on the floor.
Thanks for the info.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Blahg Post Ethiopian Shoes

2018-09-19 Thread masmojo
No word on mine either! I find it hard to conceive that RBW readers could or 
would overwhelm their production capabilities?

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[RBW] Re: What do Rivendell Riders use for a floor bike stand?

2018-09-19 Thread 'Eric Myers' via RBW Owners Bunch
I have kickstands on most of my bikes, but I've been really happy with the 
Bikehand for my bike that doesn't have one.  Easy to move around and quite 
stable.  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BW4TP7C/

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Re: [RBW] Re: Blahg Post Ethiopian Shoes

2018-09-19 Thread masmojo
Their confirmation did state 8 weeks to produce, so getting close to that now 
for me. Then a week or so? To ship.

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Re: [RBW] FS: Swift basket bag, fillet bullmoose

2018-09-19 Thread Drw
Both items sold pending payment

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[RBW] Re: What do Rivendell Riders use for a floor bike stand?

2018-09-19 Thread George Schick
I use a Feedback Sports Rakk (used to be called Ultimate Rakk).  I like it 
because the arm that supports the wheel can fold down so the whole unit 
stores flat.

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 2:45:22 PM UTC-5, Lum Gim Fong wrote:
> Just a simple floor bike stand to park the bike in. Holds back wheel type 
> thing. Roll in, roll out.
> I have one of those 2-tier leaning-on-wall bike racks but lifting a 27.5 
> lb.  bike overhead every day up to the rack top hangers is a back or neck 
> injury waiting to happen.
> So I want to park the second bike on the floor. No other space in garage. 
> Either on top teir or on floor next to other bike in a floor stand.
> Just a simple floor stand like one of those that you park in by the back 
> wheel on the floor.
> Thanks for the info.

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[RBW] Re: The ups and downs of my Clem Smith Jr

2018-09-19 Thread Coal Bee Rye Anne
So I had a moment of clarity and it occurred to me while riding 
earlier today that with Riv's inboard shifter placement they've actually 
reversed the location of the left/right shifters to the opposite side so 
they may be oriented on the inside of the bar like that.  I now recall 
there being mention of that back when Clem was first released (maybe in the 
brochure?) but now I realize why the importance of friction on both 
sides... otherwise that puts indexed rear shifting on the left side of the 
bar if keeping the pods placed/oriented the same way.  Probably doable 
after an adjustment period even though I'd prefer the rear indexing on the 
right side but more importantly I definitely want to keep the pods where 
they are as it frees up the bar to slide my grip fore/aft more easily.  
Thanks again, Joe, but don't think it would work out as intended so I'll 
stick with the stock shifters for now.

On Monday, September 17, 2018 at 1:28:47 PM UTC-4, Joe Bernard wrote:

> I'm going to guess yes because I mounted a Shimano downtuber on one to 
> replace the original 8-speed SunRace thumbshifter. Or I can just send you 
> that shifter for shipping cost..let me know if you want it. 
> Joe Bernard 
> On Monday, September 17, 2018 at 10:01:45 AM UTC-7, Coal Bee Rye Anne 
> wrote: 
> > I just recently stumbled upon these.. anyone know if these SunXCD 
> downtube shifters with 7/8sp indexed rear would install directly into the 
> stock Clem shifter pods? 
> > https://store.somafab.com/su78spdosh.html 
> > 
> > 
> > Brian Cole 
> > Lawrenceville, NJ 
> > 
> > On Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 4:51:21 PM UTC-4, Jim Bronson wrote: 
> > 
> > The good news about my Clem is that I've been riding it a lot more since 
> I moved.  I now live on a busy 4 lane highway with no shoulders, so I was 
> having to either brave the traffic to get to a side street or trail, or put 
> the bike on the car, which I hate to do if I'm just going out for a fun 
> ride.  I found a gravel path behind my condo complex that goes about a 
> quarter mile to the next cross street to the highway.  From there I can 
> cross the highway and access the regional mixed terrain trail system.   
> > 
> > 
> > The shortcut I found has got pretty rough big-ish rocks so I am loath to 
> ride my more roadish Rivendells with their relatively fragile Compass 
> tires.  The Clem though tackles this section with aplumb so I find myself 
> wheeling it out for rides more than my other bikes.  I also find the 
> traction just a little bit better on the pea gravel sections of the 
> regional trails, where the slick Compass tires might kick out a bit going 
> around a corner, the Clem and it's big Kendas track straight and true where 
> I point my wheels.  It just feels a little less squirrely, so to say. 
> > 
> > Which is a good segue into what I don't like.  I bought my 65 ClemH 
> complete and one of the things that it came with that I am not super 
> enamored of is the Bosco bars.  This may sound odd since they are 58cm wide 
> (I think) but they feel too narrow and too far back for me.  I feel like I 
> might hit them with my knees when I'm out riding.  I feel I would prefer a 
> bar with less intrusion into my midsection.  I'd also prefer something a 
> little less upright, which I think having a bar that's not so far into my 
> midsection will take care of itself.  It just doesn't feel dialed in the 
> way it is now. 
> > 
> > 
> > Looking around on Rivendell's website, I like the look of the Billie 
> bars.  I'm just not sure if 58 will be wide enough for my preference.  I'm 
> thinking maybe because they flare out a lot more and much less back than 
> the Boscos, that the 58 might be fine in this form factor.  Truth is my 
> drop bar bikes are only 48cm so having a bar not so far back like the 
> Billie would work I think 
> > 
> > 
> > Or there is the Aherne+MAP handlebar which is 61.5 cm wide in the wider 
> version. 
> > https://www.ahearnecycles.com/shop/ahearnemap-handlebar if you're not 
> familar.  I still have some store credit at Rivendell though so this route 
> would cost me more out of pocket. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Anyone tried either of these bars on their Clem? 
> > 
> > 
> > The other thing I don't like is friction shifting.  Does Microshift or 
> SunRace make an indexed 8 speed thumbie?  I was hoping to re-use the thumb 
> pod and just get the shifter part of it, but I can only find 8 speed in 
> friction.  I could switch to Shimano 8 which would require a different 
> thumb pod or go 9 speed indexed T09 Microshift thumbies which would require 
> a 9 speed cassette and potentially a different derailer. 
> > 
> > 
> > Any thoughts? 
> > 
> > 
> > -Jim 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > signature goes here 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Blahg Post Ethiopian Shoes

2018-09-19 Thread Ash
Here's what my confirmation said:

Every shoe we make is *made to order from scratch*. This includes all 
> fabrics which we spin and weave ourselves, leathers and trims! That takes a 
> bit of time so please allow us 10-12 days to make your shoes and up to 
> another 3-5 days to deliver them. *And please know that we always strive 
> to beat these timelines and often do*!

 I'm starting to get anxious because the expectation was that it will take 
17 days or less.  It is past 50 days :(

On Wednesday, 19 September 2018 12:53:16 UTC-7, masmojo wrote:
> Their confirmation did state 8 weeks to produce, so getting close to that 
> now for me. Then a week or so? To ship.

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[RBW] Bike Shop Radio: A Podcase by 718 Cyclery

2018-09-19 Thread Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
Hi All,
718 Cyclery is a Rivendell dealer based out of Brooklyn, NY. They really have 
quite a presence in their city and nowa podcast! I don't know if I'm 
speaking to any fellow podcast junkies out there, but if you love bikes and you 
love stories about bikes and bike culture, I bet you'll love 718's podcast. 
Podcasts are free and easy to access. If you have an iPhone or iPad, just 
search for Bike Shop Radio on your purple podcast app, hit "subscribe" (again, 
this is FREE) and get listening. 

Oh, and if you subscribe and fall headlong in love with podcasts, message me 
and I'll tell you all the best podcasts in existence and we'll both be junkies. 
But back to business; here's the website:



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[RBW] Bike Shop Radio: A podcast by 718 Cyclery

2018-09-19 Thread Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
Hi All,
718 Cyclery is a Rivendell dealer based out of Brooklyn, NY. They really have 
quite a presence in their city and nowa podcast! I don't know if I'm 
speaking to any fellow podcast junkies out there, but if you love bikes and you 
love stories about bikes and bike culture, I bet you'll love 718's podcast. 
Podcasts are free and easy to access. If you have an iPhone or iPad, just 
search for Bike Shop Radio on your purple podcast app, hit "subscribe" (again, 
this is FREE) and get listening.
Oh, and if you subscribe and fall headlong in love with podcasts, message me 
and I'll tell you all the best podcasts in existence and we'll both be junkies. 
But back to business; here's the website:



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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread ctifusion
I agree that the bike looks much cooler from that angle.

On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 6:03:45 PM UTC-4, tc wrote:
> The rear quarter Instagram pic of Gus at interbike, with his big ol’ fat 
> tars, presents him so much better than the blahg pics. I think.  Something 
> about seeing him from that angle helps me imagine the his true structure. 
> Gus is definitely growing on me! 
> Tom

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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread iamkeith
On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 12:26:30 PM UTC-6, Mark in Beacon wrote:
> Joe wrote: "the fastest bike in the world was built to go not stop."
> So were all the ones that I have!

We need one of those little "thumbs up" voting buttons on this forum.

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 2016 Sam Hillborne 55 cm - $1300

2018-09-19 Thread Reed Kennedy
I’ve seen Babs’ bike in person and it really is a lovely Sam.

And what a deal! That’s less than a complete Clem. Heck, it’s less than a
Sam or Homer frame alone!


On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:45 AM Babs  wrote:

> Forgot to mention that I'm living in Palo Alto, California, so if you want
> me to ship it, you'll have to pay the cost of packing and bike flights.
> On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 11:42:41 AM UTC-7, Babs wrote:
>> Hello Riv-ers!
>> I'm selling a lovely blue 2016 55cm Sam Hillborne because of...grad
>> school. The number 1 reason I’m selling is that I need the money, and
>> second, it’s probably slightly too big. Since I bought it I’ve built up my
>> own randonneuring bike, which fits me much better, so I don't realy
>> need the Sam...sigh.
>> Photos here!
>> I bought it in June 2017 from the original owner who had barely ridden it
>> - it looked brand new. Everything functions perfectly, there are just some
>> scratches/paint chips (which I’ve sealed with clear nail polish). There’s
>> also a purely cosmetic manufacturing defect on the cable guide near the
>> back of the top tube (pictured). I have taken it on dirt singletrack and
>> used it for hauling around town, as my philosophy was to ride & enjoy it.
>> The paint chips could easily be fixed with paint from Rivendell. I’m asking
>> $1300 - much less than I paid, because of this. Please let me know if this
>> is unreasonable :))
>> The spec is the exact same as the choco bar sam
>>  on
>> the rivendell website except for the grips. I found the cork grips too
>> slippery for off-road riding, so I put on some black locking Odi grips. As
>> a mountain biker, I like the look, but if you want the cork ones, they're
>> $26 from Rivendell's site
>> (one of them cracked when I removed them).
>> Comes with one water bottle cage, and another if I find it :) Also
>> includes saddle & pedals!
>> Happy riding,
>> Barbara
>> --
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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Belopsky
There was a great photo of it on instagram somewhere but I can't find it. 
That is all.

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[RBW] Re: The ups and downs of my Clem Smith Jr

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
Yes, you gotta stay with friction with that shifter placement. The problem with 
those is they aren't really friction, it's kind of a "soft ratchety index" 
designed for IGH and front derailers. Riv doesn't spec them on Clems anymore, 
presumeably because people didn't like them much. Whatcha need is those nifty 
Silver Thumbies if Grant ever gets them made. 

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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Belopsky
Nevermind, here it is.

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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
It really has a "Dutch Bike" vibe, doesn't it?

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Re: [RBW] Re: Blahg Post Ethiopian Shoes

2018-09-19 Thread Jay LePree
Hi all,
Mine did not arrive, but I am thinking maybe there was a typo, instead of 10 to 
12 days, they meant weeks. 10 to 12 days seemed fast if they made the shoes 
from scratch.
Demarest, NJ 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Blahg Post Ethiopian Shoes

2018-09-19 Thread Jon Dukeman
It would be nice if they contacted us.
21 August was told they were finishing up my shoes and would email with
ship date.

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018, 4:22 PM Jay LePree  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Mine did not arrive, but I am thinking maybe there was a typo, instead of
> 10 to 12 days, they meant weeks. 10 to 12 days seemed fast if they made the
> shoes from scratch.
> Jay
> Demarest, NJ
> --
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[RBW] Re: What do Rivendell Riders use for a floor bike stand?

2018-09-19 Thread Brian Reeves
I use the same Feedback Sports Rakk and its great; it fits up to 2.4" tires 
and has a small footprint.  Here's the link to the rack on 

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 3:27:00 PM UTC-5, George Schick wrote:
> I use a Feedback Sports Rakk (used to be called Ultimate Rakk).  I like it 
> because the arm that supports the wheel can fold down so the whole unit 
> stores flat.
> On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 2:45:22 PM UTC-5, Lum Gim Fong wrote:
>> Just a simple floor bike stand to park the bike in. Holds back wheel type 
>> thing. Roll in, roll out.
>> I have one of those 2-tier leaning-on-wall bike racks but lifting a 27.5 
>> lb.  bike overhead every day up to the rack top hangers is a back or neck 
>> injury waiting to happen.
>> So I want to park the second bike on the floor. No other space in garage. 
>> Either on top teir or on floor next to other bike in a floor stand.
>> Just a simple floor stand like one of those that you park in by the back 
>> wheel on the floor.
>> Thanks for the info.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Two Orange Rams in the Wild

2018-09-19 Thread Luke Vermeulen
Yes! They are tolerably rattle resistant and cheap :)

On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 11:57 AM Kieran J  wrote:

> Hey Luke - what fenders are those? I'm guessing the P45 Longboards?
> KJ
> On Monday, September 17, 2018 at 7:52:52 AM UTC-7, Luke wrote:
>> [image: Ram2.jpeg]
>> From the Assenmacher 100 last month in Flint, MI - a ride is always
>> better with another Riv!
>> (this is not my photo - but my Ram is on the left)
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Patrick Moore
I say that you're prediction is wrong.

Distinction: Rim brake market, and rim brake advantages. The market may or
may not survive -- I think there remains enough demand that manufacturing
will survive healthily, at least among small makers for the aficionado
crowd; I'll bet Rivendell and Compass, to name just 2, will continue to
make rim brakes of one sort or another.

Advantages: Rim brakes have this advantage, that they work *unimprovably*
for many, if not most uses, and they are cheaper (well, count Compass out
on this one) (heck, count Riv out too), but they are simpler, lighter,
modulate better than many if not most or all mechanical discs (I can't
speak to hydraulic ones), allow flexible forks, and in the eyes of some, me
included, look better. Point: They have no disadvantages for many uses, and
some real advantages.

I like discs; hell, I like the ancient BB7, at least the Road model that
came out circa 2015 -- there are better ones on the market, but these BB7
Roads work so well that I personally haven't sufficient motive to change. I
know Jan pooh poohs mechanical discs, but he's just plain wrong on this
matter. But calipers and V brakes and even cantis if someone else beside me
sets them up just work so well that I can't see the entire global
population giving them over for discs.

I like discs for riding where conditions accelerate rim wear -- dirt
riding, rain riding (last hypothetical); and I like discs because they let
you use strong rims that are yet very light (case in point, Velocity Blount

Now, if you were to assert that, say, rod or stirrup brakes would
disappear, I'd agree, but the Bowden cable freed us from that particular

Patrick Moore, who spent much time and sweat and physical and mental energy
as a boy trying to get rod brakes to work *well.*

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:08 AM, Ryan M. 

> My prediction...rim brakes are not going to make a comeback...not in
> mountain biking (or "hillbiking"). There just isn't any real good reason to
> use a rim brake over a modern disc brake today given that there is a
> definite performance advantage and a huge supply of products available at
> all price points and most work very well. I mean, I'll buy a bike with
> canti posts and ride it happily, but it is not my preference. It's not a
> deal breaker but I don't see canti posts and think "so awesome!"
> I have always thought mechanical disc brakes worked about the same as a
> v-brake (hydros being a different conversation) with regards to
> power, modulation and setup until I used a Paul Klamper. That brake is so
> freaking easy to set up; it's powerful; it feels really good in use and I
> just don't know why I haven't been using it on every bike I can. Anyway, I
> don't want to turn this thread into a canti-vs-disc argument. I got my
> preferences, for sure.
> I'm sure someone will make a rim compatible with this bike and it's need
> for a rim braking surface for a long time; I wouldn't worry about that.
> Choices will be less, of course.
> On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 11:13:31 AM UTC-5, masmojo wrote:
>> I personally wouldn't worry much about the rims if they potentially were
>> something that could be more popular in the future. Examples: moustache
>> handlebars, normal width 650B rims, etc., but I am guessing 2.8" tires will
>> require a wider rim be made. Plenty of them in all diameters, until you add
>> rim braking capability and then it drops to none, one, two(?).
>> Of course who knows, rim brakes might make a comeback!?
>> Even when it comes to regular 650b rim brake rims pickings are slim; I
>> presume they are prolific enough between retro bikes & modern recent
>> offerings to always be available, but who knows?
> --
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Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews.
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
Other professional writing services.
Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, New Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique
*Auditis an me ludit amabilis insania?*

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Re: [RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Patrick Moore
Shit!* "Your" *prediction is wrong.

Patrick "Yes, I do know the difference" Moore

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 5:21 PM, Patrick Moore  wrote:

> I say that you're prediction is wrong.
> Distinction: Rim brake market, and rim brake advantages. The market may or
> may not survive -- I think there remains enough demand that manufacturing
> will survive healthily, at least among small makers for the aficionado
> crowd; I'll bet Rivendell and Compass, to name just 2, will continue to
> make rim brakes of one sort or another.
> Advantages: Rim brakes have this advantage, that they work *unimprovably*
> for many, if not most uses, and they are cheaper (well, count Compass out
> on this one) (heck, count Riv out too), but they are simpler, lighter,
> modulate better than many if not most or all mechanical discs (I can't
> speak to hydraulic ones), allow flexible forks, and in the eyes of some, me
> included, look better. Point: They have no disadvantages for many uses, and
> some real advantages.
> I like discs; hell, I like the ancient BB7, at least the Road model that
> came out circa 2015 -- there are better ones on the market, but these BB7
> Roads work so well that I personally haven't sufficient motive to change. I
> know Jan pooh poohs mechanical discs, but he's just plain wrong on this
> matter. But calipers and V brakes and even cantis if someone else beside me
> sets them up just work so well that I can't see the entire global
> population giving them over for discs.
> I like discs for riding where conditions accelerate rim wear -- dirt
> riding, rain riding (last hypothetical); and I like discs because they let
> you use strong rims that are yet very light (case in point, Velocity Blount
> SS).
> Now, if you were to assert that, say, rod or stirrup brakes would
> disappear, I'd agree, but the Bowden cable freed us from that particular
> tyranny.
> Patrick Moore, who spent much time and sweat and physical and mental
> energy as a boy trying to get rod brakes to work *well.*
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:08 AM, Ryan M. 
> wrote:
>> My prediction...rim brakes are not going to make a comeback...not in
>> mountain biking (or "hillbiking"). There just isn't any real good reason to
>> use a rim brake over a modern disc brake today given that there is a
>> definite performance advantage and a huge supply of products available at
>> all price points and most work very well. I mean, I'll buy a bike with
>> canti posts and ride it happily, but it is not my preference. It's not a
>> deal breaker but I don't see canti posts and think "so awesome!"
>> I have always thought mechanical disc brakes worked about the same as a
>> v-brake (hydros being a different conversation) with regards to
>> power, modulation and setup until I used a Paul Klamper. That brake is so
>> freaking easy to set up; it's powerful; it feels really good in use and I
>> just don't know why I haven't been using it on every bike I can. Anyway, I
>> don't want to turn this thread into a canti-vs-disc argument. I got my
>> preferences, for sure.
>> I'm sure someone will make a rim compatible with this bike and it's need
>> for a rim braking surface for a long time; I wouldn't worry about that.
>> Choices will be less, of course.
>> On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 11:13:31 AM UTC-5, masmojo wrote:
>>> I personally wouldn't worry much about the rims if they potentially were
>>> something that could be more popular in the future. Examples: moustache
>>> handlebars, normal width 650B rims, etc., but I am guessing 2.8" tires will
>>> require a wider rim be made. Plenty of them in all diameters, until you add
>>> rim braking capability and then it drops to none, one, two(?).
>>> Of course who knows, rim brakes might make a comeback!?
>>> Even when it comes to regular 650b rim brake rims pickings are slim; I
>>> presume they are prolific enough between retro bikes & modern recent
>>> offerings to always be available, but who knows?
>> --
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>> Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch.
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> --
> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews.
> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
> Other professional writing services.
> http://www.resumespecialties.com/
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, New Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique
> **
> **
> *Auditis an me ludit amabilis insania?*

Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews.
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
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[RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Ash
I think this bike looks great!  The design appears to be very practical too.

In general I'm into 'sporty' things (I'm into naked sport/enduro 
motorcycles, hate cruisers.. WRX any day over a Lexus etc).  However when 
it comes to bikes I can't stand those flashy MTBs and road bikes I see in 
stores.  They look ugly to me.  Full of company logos, distasteful colors 
and weird shapes. For most people who buy them they are not functionally 
well suited either.

The hill bike is a much need new take on MTBs (I think Jones is good one 
too).  Very much looking forward to driving up to world HQ and giving it a 


On Wednesday, 19 September 2018 15:18:32 UTC-7, Belopsky wrote:
> Nevermind, here it is.
> https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn4ndL-Bqrq/?tagged=rivbike

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Re: [RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Patrick Moore
And The Mainstream seems to agree, at least, if you can take the sometimes
(not always) breathless drivel from Bike Radar as Mainstream:


Question: Are "direct mount" (ie, arms bolt to pivots on fork legs or
stays, instead of whole schmear bolting via center bolt to a hole in crown
or bridge) calipers really better, or is the praise in this little article
just more breathless fluff? I know that Jan likes "direct mount"
centerpulls, so perhaps "direct mount" calipers have some of the same

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 5:21 PM, Patrick Moore  wrote:

> I say that you're prediction is wrong.
> ...
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:08 AM, Ryan M. 
> wrote:
>> My prediction...rim brakes are not going to make a comeback...

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[RBW] comparison: Marathon vs Compass

2018-09-19 Thread dougP
Those of you who know me know how much I hate flats & like chubby tires.  
For many years now, I've been a big proponent of the Schwalbe Marathon 
Supreme as a nice balance between heft & performance.  The development of 
wider, supple tires seemed an interesting option.  When Compass began 
offering larger sizes, and Jan wrote about numerous off pavement 
adventures, it seemed like something worth considering. But the $160 for a 
bikesworth put me off a bit.  A while back, I got a pair of used Snoqualmie 
Pass Extralights from a list member.  This allowed me to do a back to back 
comparison to see what all the excitement was about.  

Well, the results are in & I'm impressed by the real difference in ride and 
performance.  For ages, I've run 700 x 40 Marathon Supremes on Mavic A-719 
rims.  They measure an actual 40 mm @ 50 psi, and the advertised weight is 
490 grams, at a retail price (non-tubeless) of $76.

I've been running Marathon Mondials for the last few months.  They are 
noticeably harsher riding and slower to roll up to speed than the Supremes, 
as you might guess from their advertised weight of 650 grams.  They measure 
40 mm, same as the Supremes.  Current retail on Schwalbe's site is $84.  

Switching from the Mondials to the Snoqualmie Pass Extralight was a 
revelation.  Smoother, softer ride and much quicker pickup from a stop.  
Compass claims 329 grams, and they measure 43 mm @ 50 psi on the A719 
rims.  I will need to do some serious thinking when these wear out.

The big unknown is flat resistance.  I don't mind the odd flat from time to 
time, but I recall the days of light tires that seemed to constantly flat 
that lead to my aversion of the chore of fixing.  These days, my riding is 
mostly on paved roads that are in good condition so it's a pretty easy on 
tires, and it's unlikely I'll do any more major tours.  As long as the flat 
issue is under control, I'll be looking at Compass for my next pair.


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Re: [RBW] comparison: Marathon vs Compass

2018-09-19 Thread Patrick Moore
Compass ELs + Orange Seal in tubes = best of both worlds.

Patrick Moore, who just rode 175-gram Elk Pass ELs in goathead-infested
ABQ, NM with no untoward consequences, and many toward consequences.

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 6:19 PM, dougP  wrote:

> Those of you who know me know how much I hate flats & like chubby tires.
> For many years now, I've been a big proponent of the Schwalbe Marathon
> Supreme as a nice balance between heft & performance.  The development of
> wider, supple tires seemed an interesting option.  When Compass began
> offering larger sizes, and Jan wrote about numerous off pavement
> adventures, it seemed like something worth considering. But the $160 for a
> bikesworth put me off a bit.  A while back, I got a pair of used Snoqualmie
> Pass Extralights from a list member.  This allowed me to do a back to back
> comparison to see what all the excitement was about.
> Well, the results are in & I'm impressed by the real difference in ride
> and performance.  For ages, I've run 700 x 40 Marathon Supremes on Mavic
> A-719 rims.  They measure an actual 40 mm @ 50 psi, and the advertised
> weight is 490 grams, at a retail price (non-tubeless) of $76.
> I've been running Marathon Mondials for the last few months.  They are
> noticeably harsher riding and slower to roll up to speed than the Supremes,
> as you might guess from their advertised weight of 650 grams.  They measure
> 40 mm, same as the Supremes.  Current retail on Schwalbe's site is $84.
> Switching from the Mondials to the Snoqualmie Pass Extralight was a
> revelation.  Smoother, softer ride and much quicker pickup from a stop.
> Compass claims 329 grams, and they measure 43 mm @ 50 psi on the A719
> rims.  I will need to do some serious thinking when these wear out.
> The big unknown is flat resistance.  I don't mind the odd flat from time
> to time, but I recall the days of light tires that seemed to constantly
> flat that lead to my aversion of the chore of fixing.  These days, my
> riding is mostly on paved roads that are in good condition so it's a pretty
> easy on tires, and it's unlikely I'll do any more major tours.  As long as
> the flat issue is under control, I'll be looking at Compass for my next
> pair.
> dougP
> --
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Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews.
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
Other professional writing services.
Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, New Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique
*Auditis an me ludit amabilis insania?*

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Re: [RBW] Re: Orange Roadini

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
New pics! 105 road rear derailleur, RX100 (remember those?) triple front, 
Shimano 8-speed DT shifter on a de-SunRaced thumbie, Suntour DT for front, 
Brooks ti B17. The Woody Chop Chorts don't really make sense on a bike with 
fender clearance, but I like the minimalist vibe. Fun bike!


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[RBW] Bike Shop Radio: A podcast by 718 Cyclery

2018-09-19 Thread lambbo
These guys (and gals) are super, great shop, put on great rides, carry great 

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[RBW] Re: FS: 58cm Quickbeam (complete)

2018-09-19 Thread Tully Lanter
I finally had a chance to take photos in decent, natural light and have 
posted the album here . Happy to take any 
others that you would find helpful, of course.

On Saturday, September 15, 2018 at 3:56:55 PM UTC-7, Tully Lanter wrote:
> To come down slightly/give a break on shipping, let's call it a flat $1300 
> *shipped* in the lower 48 (and packed by my local shop). 
> Quick clarifiations: the existing brakes (Suntour XC Pro) will remain on 
> the bike and the new Dia Compes will be in the package. Two-fer-one, or 
> one-point-five-fer-one anyhow. Additionally, I didn't plan to include the 
> rack or basket (since they're cheapies that may require a larger box) but 
> am happy to figure something out if desired.
> On Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 9:12:05 PM UTC-7, Tully Lanter wrote:
>> I've finally gotten some mileage in, and reluctantly and unfortunately 
>> concluded that this isn't the one for me now. Easily my favorite road-ish 
>> bike ever, but something about longer and slacker frames just feels more 
>> "right" for how/where I *most often *ride. Will probably regret selling 
>> this one some years from now, but until then...
>> More photos available here . 
>> I'm the third owner (purchased from a fellow member). There's a fair 
>> amount of "beausage" but most scratches have been protected with clear nail 
>> polish. Build includes:
>> - VO headset
>> - Nitto stem and post
>> - Albastache, Noodle, and/or VO Porteur bars 
>> - Aero or (my new favorite) inverse levers
>> - Sugino cranks
>> - Phil rear hub and White 17/19 on Grand Bois
>> - Original QB front wheel; worn braking surface (tried to photograph, 
>> tough angle) but certainly has some life
>> - Berthoud fenders, dented and drilled but rock solid, with nifty PDW 
>> safety mounts
>> - 35c Delta Cruisers, barely ridden
>> - Will include a pair of nearly new Dia Compe 980 canti's, since the left 
>> rear brake arm has a spring/washer issue that I haven't managed to fix (but 
>> the front one is great) 
>> - Some miscellaneous extras/freebies
>> - No saddle or pedals
>> Thinking of roughly $1250 net of shipping/fees, depending on a couple 
>> component and accessory options. I'm in the Seattle area (Eastside), if any 
>> locals care to take a look!

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[RBW] Re: The ups and downs of my Clem Smith Jr

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
Brian, here's the Roadini pics. I added them to the original thread, too. 


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Re: [RBW] Re: Orange Roadini

2018-09-19 Thread Tully Lanter
Looking fantastic. Great little detail with the copper rivets in the black 
saddle, color-wise. And didn't expect bullmoose bars on that frame; as 
mentioned above, that's neat to see!

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 5:35:35 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
> New pics! 105 road rear derailleur, RX100 (remember those?) triple front, 
> Shimano 8-speed DT shifter on a de-SunRaced thumbie, Suntour DT for front, 
> Brooks ti B17. The Woody Chop Chorts don't really make sense on a bike with 
> fender clearance, but I like the minimalist vibe. Fun bike!
>  https://photos.app.goo.gl/m5CBYUsrzVVfGrYWA

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[RBW] Re: comparison: Marathon vs Compass

2018-09-19 Thread Ryan M.
The compass tires are pretty great. I got a set of Antelope Hill tires on 
my Niner that is set up tubeless as a "gravel" bike and have been really 
enjoying them; the bike seems more lively and just more fun to ride. I 
haven't had a flat yet...tubeless seems to take care of a lot of the flats 
I used to get. 

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 7:19:41 PM UTC-5, dougP wrote:
> Those of you who know me know how much I hate flats & like chubby tires.  
> For many years now, I've been a big proponent of the Schwalbe Marathon 
> Supreme as a nice balance between heft & performance.  The development of 
> wider, supple tires seemed an interesting option.  When Compass began 
> offering larger sizes, and Jan wrote about numerous off pavement 
> adventures, it seemed like something worth considering. But the $160 for a 
> bikesworth put me off a bit.  A while back, I got a pair of used Snoqualmie 
> Pass Extralights from a list member.  This allowed me to do a back to back 
> comparison to see what all the excitement was about.  
> Well, the results are in & I'm impressed by the real difference in ride 
> and performance.  For ages, I've run 700 x 40 Marathon Supremes on Mavic 
> A-719 rims.  They measure an actual 40 mm @ 50 psi, and the advertised 
> weight is 490 grams, at a retail price (non-tubeless) of $76.
> I've been running Marathon Mondials for the last few months.  They are 
> noticeably harsher riding and slower to roll up to speed than the Supremes, 
> as you might guess from their advertised weight of 650 grams.  They measure 
> 40 mm, same as the Supremes.  Current retail on Schwalbe's site is $84.  
> Switching from the Mondials to the Snoqualmie Pass Extralight was a 
> revelation.  Smoother, softer ride and much quicker pickup from a stop.  
> Compass claims 329 grams, and they measure 43 mm @ 50 psi on the A719 
> rims.  I will need to do some serious thinking when these wear out.
> The big unknown is flat resistance.  I don't mind the odd flat from time 
> to time, but I recall the days of light tires that seemed to constantly 
> flat that lead to my aversion of the chore of fixing.  These days, my 
> riding is mostly on paved roads that are in good condition so it's a pretty 
> easy on tires, and it's unlikely I'll do any more major tours.  As long as 
> the flat issue is under control, I'll be looking at Compass for my next 
> pair.
> dougP  

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Re: [RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Ryan M.
My prediction is simply that rim brakes won't be making a come back, not 
that they will go away completely or disappear. I do not think rim braking 
will go away, especially with regards to road riding. I'm going to keep my 
argument centered around off road riding or gravel stuff because that is 
where I prefer to ride and where I see quite a few advantages for disc 
braking. I agree, I think small makers will cater to the market for those 
who prefer rim braking. I simply don't prefer rim braking after using both. 

Hey, I got Velocity Blunt SS on my Niner turned to gravel duty. Those rims 
are great; can't say anything negative about them. I have had 0 issues out 
of those rims (paul disc word/fhub hubs) and predict I'll be riding that 
setup for many years problem free.  

But, I'm probably going to be purchasing a Gus. I like the bike and think 
that setup with something like a Jones Bar or Wavie Bar, it will be a 
really good bike for the off road stuff I like to ride. The braking system 
on it are not a deal braker (pun intended). 

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 6:21:32 PM UTC-5, Patrick Moore wrote:
> I say that you're prediction is wrong.
> Distinction: Rim brake market, and rim brake advantages. The market may or 
> may not survive -- I think there remains enough demand that manufacturing 
> will survive healthily, at least among small makers for the aficionado 
> crowd; I'll bet Rivendell and Compass, to name just 2, will continue to 
> make rim brakes of one sort or another.
> Advantages: Rim brakes have this advantage, that they work *unimprovably* 
> for many, if not most uses, and they are cheaper (well, count Compass out 
> on this one) (heck, count Riv out too), but they are simpler, lighter, 
> modulate better than many if not most or all mechanical discs (I can't 
> speak to hydraulic ones), allow flexible forks, and in the eyes of some, me 
> included, look better. Point: They have no disadvantages for many uses, and 
> some real advantages.
> I like discs; hell, I like the ancient BB7, at least the Road model that 
> came out circa 2015 -- there are better ones on the market, but these BB7 
> Roads work so well that I personally haven't sufficient motive to change. I 
> know Jan pooh poohs mechanical discs, but he's just plain wrong on this 
> matter. But calipers and V brakes and even cantis if someone else beside me 
> sets them up just work so well that I can't see the entire global 
> population giving them over for discs.
> I like discs for riding where conditions accelerate rim wear -- dirt 
> riding, rain riding (last hypothetical); and I like discs because they let 
> you use strong rims that are yet very light (case in point, Velocity Blount 
> SS). 
> Now, if you were to assert that, say, rod or stirrup brakes would 
> disappear, I'd agree, but the Bowden cable freed us from that particular 
> tyranny.
> Patrick Moore, who spent much time and sweat and physical and mental 
> energy as a boy trying to get rod brakes to work *well.*
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:08 AM, Ryan M.  > wrote:
>> My prediction...rim brakes are not going to make a comeback...not in 
>> mountain biking (or "hillbiking"). There just isn't any real good reason to 
>> use a rim brake over a modern disc brake today given that there is a 
>> definite performance advantage and a huge supply of products available at 
>> all price points and most work very well. I mean, I'll buy a bike with 
>> canti posts and ride it happily, but it is not my preference. It's not a 
>> deal breaker but I don't see canti posts and think "so awesome!"
>> I have always thought mechanical disc brakes worked about the same as a 
>> v-brake (hydros being a different conversation) with regards to 
>> power, modulation and setup until I used a Paul Klamper. That brake is so 
>> freaking easy to set up; it's powerful; it feels really good in use and I 
>> just don't know why I haven't been using it on every bike I can. Anyway, I 
>> don't want to turn this thread into a canti-vs-disc argument. I got my 
>> preferences, for sure. 
>> I'm sure someone will make a rim compatible with this bike and it's need 
>> for a rim braking surface for a long time; I wouldn't worry about that. 
>> Choices will be less, of course.
>> On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 11:13:31 AM UTC-5, masmojo wrote:
>>> I personally wouldn't worry much about the rims if they potentially were 
>>> something that could be more popular in the future. Examples: moustache 
>>> handlebars, normal width 650B rims, etc., but I am guessing 2.8" tires will 
>>> require a wider rim be made. Plenty of them in all diameters, until you add 
>>> rim braking capability and then it drops to none, one, two(?).
>>> Of course who knows, rim brakes might make a comeback!?
>>> Even when it comes to regular 650b rim brake rims pickings are slim; I 
>>> presume they are prolific enough between retro bikes & modern recent 
>>> offerings to always be avai

Re: [RBW] Re: Orange Roadini

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
Yep yep. It's not entirely logical - I have zip standover in trade for a 
'slammed look' frame big enough to use not-drop-bars - but it fits better than 
just about any bike I've owned. I'm kind of amazed that my wild guess on what 
would work was so spot on. Nailed it!

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[RBW] Rivendell Timeline

2018-09-19 Thread Justin, Oakland
Could this be done in a publicly editable Google Spreadhseet?


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[RBW] Roadini - How do you like yours?

2018-09-19 Thread Jonathan K.
I'm trying to convince myself that I do/don't need a Roadini. I have a Sam 
that I bought to be my road bike, but it's been gradually taking on more of 
a beast of burden role. Originally quite minimalist, I am now running racks 
and bags fore and aft for commuting. So, I'd like to get a bike to fill the 
role of lightweight, long distance, weekend rider.

The Roadini has been out for a while now, and there seems to be a fair 
amount of them out in the world. So, for anyone who has been riding their 
Roadini for a while, how do you like it? I'm interested in thoughts, 
impressions, reviews, comparisons to other road bikes, etc. Would you 
recommend one over other bikes to someone who wants a simple road bike for 
(relatively) fast long distance riding? Pictures are encouraged, of course!

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Re: [RBW] Re: Blahg Post Ethiopian Shoes

2018-09-19 Thread Justin, Oakland
Have you emailed them and asked for an update?


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[RBW] WTB: 12cm Nitto Tallux AND 10cm dirt drop

2018-09-19 Thread David Wadstrup
Hi Jay,

I have a 13cm Tallux with a 25.4 stem clamp diameter I’m looking to pass along. 
It’s not 12, but close. Let me know if you’re interested. 

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Re: [RBW] comparison: Marathon vs Compass

2018-09-19 Thread Jim Bronson
I wouldn't think people would compare Marathon Supremes and Compass tires.
They really have completely different purposes.  I'd take the Marathons 10
times out of 10 if I was touring Central Asia.  On the other hand, for a
brevet I would take Compass tires 10 times out of 10.

For riding mainly paved roads with some mixed terrain or gravel, the
Compass are great.  They are more fragile, some people complain of sidewall
cuts on rough terrain.  They wouldn't my choice for riding on rough rocks
for sure.

But yeah that's just my opinion.


On Thu, Sep 20, 2018, 3:19 AM dougP  wrote:

> Those of you who know me know how much I hate flats & like chubby tires.
> For many years now, I've been a big proponent of the Schwalbe Marathon
> Supreme as a nice balance between heft & performance.  The development of
> wider, supple tires seemed an interesting option.  When Compass began
> offering larger sizes, and Jan wrote about numerous off pavement
> adventures, it seemed like something worth considering. But the $160 for a
> bikesworth put me off a bit.  A while back, I got a pair of used Snoqualmie
> Pass Extralights from a list member.  This allowed me to do a back to back
> comparison to see what all the excitement was about.
> Well, the results are in & I'm impressed by the real difference in ride
> and performance.  For ages, I've run 700 x 40 Marathon Supremes on Mavic
> A-719 rims.  They measure an actual 40 mm @ 50 psi, and the advertised
> weight is 490 grams, at a retail price (non-tubeless) of $76.
> I've been running Marathon Mondials for the last few months.  They are
> noticeably harsher riding and slower to roll up to speed than the Supremes,
> as you might guess from their advertised weight of 650 grams.  They measure
> 40 mm, same as the Supremes.  Current retail on Schwalbe's site is $84.
> Switching from the Mondials to the Snoqualmie Pass Extralight was a
> revelation.  Smoother, softer ride and much quicker pickup from a stop.
> Compass claims 329 grams, and they measure 43 mm @ 50 psi on the A719
> rims.  I will need to do some serious thinking when these wear out.
> The big unknown is flat resistance.  I don't mind the odd flat from time
> to time, but I recall the days of light tires that seemed to constantly
> flat that lead to my aversion of the chore of fixing.  These days, my
> riding is mostly on paved roads that are in good condition so it's a pretty
> easy on tires, and it's unlikely I'll do any more major tours.  As long as
> the flat issue is under control, I'll be looking at Compass for my next
> pair.
> dougP
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread 'Mark in Beacon' via RBW Owners Bunch
I can't recall if it was mentioned whether the Gus Boots would be offered 
as complete only or also as a frameset? And was a general pricepoint 

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Re: [RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Belopsky
$1500 frameset

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 10:15:45 PM UTC-4, Mark in Beacon wrote:
> I can't recall if it was mentioned whether the Gus Boots would be offered 
> as complete only or also as a frameset? And was a general pricepoint 
> mentioned?

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[RBW] PSA: 58cm Riv Custom Complete on LA Craigslist

2018-09-19 Thread sameness
Functional, sufficiently Riviosyncratic build. Borderline collector's price 
IMHO, but hey, the wallet wants what it wants:


Not mine, no affiliation, Cinelli Frog FTW, etc.

Jeff Hagedorn
Los Angeles, CA USA

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[RBW] Re: WTB: 12cm Nitto Tallux AND 10cm dirt drop

2018-09-19 Thread sameness
PM sent on the Dirt Drop, I'm holding.

Jeff Hagedorn
Los Angeles, CA USA

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[RBW] Roadini - How do you like yours?

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
Hi Jonathan,

You probably just saw this cuz I posted it today, but here they are again check 
em out oh yeah! 


I sized up to run sweepback bars, but as you see it's otherwise set up as a 
basic unladen road bike. I've had a few Rivs and, like you, they always end up 
racked and bagged because they just seem like they're meant to be. My goal with 
the Roadini was to definitely NOT do that this time, I just want small seat and 
bar bags and have that lovely Riv ride in a lighter/shorter "just hop and go" 

I can't give long distance reports because I don't ride that way, I just tootle 
over hill and dale around-and-near town, but so far I'm loving its slightly 
magical combination of sprightly feel with stable handling. I think you'll like 

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[RBW] Re: The ups and downs of my Clem Smith Jr

2018-09-19 Thread Coal Bee Rye Anne
Thanks Joe, and the Roadini looks great!!

It’s funny with those sunrace thumbies... the top 3 gears index for me at 
exactly two clicks each but after that it deteriorates and I’ve found for 
downshifts I’ll often just pull the lever and overshoot by a click or two or 
three so I could upshift in pure friction until I find the right spot.  Even 
then in a few of the mid-low gears I’ll still get some ghost shifts now and 
then but I’ve just developed the habit of staying completely seated during 
climbs and going into the lowest gears to avoid any sudden slips under load.  
I’m mostly riding with my 14mo. old these days and going slow and steady during 
climbs anyway but this also allows enough time to react and sense the ghost 
shift just as it begins and avoid any mishaps.

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[RBW] Re: The ups and downs of my Clem Smith Jr

2018-09-19 Thread Ash
This is a very nice Roadini build.

Now I see why you are looking for black wheels!  Would love to see the 
pictures when those wheels are on.

My Atlantis is almost ready with all black components, except the headset, 
for which I have to take it to a shop.  Have not had time.

Q: Curious when do you use to large chainring there?  Ever?

Those are cool fenders btw.

On Wednesday, 19 September 2018 18:04:14 UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
> Brian, here's the Roadini pics. I added them to the original thread, too. 
> https://photos.app.goo.gl/m5CBYUsrzVVfGrYWA

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[RBW] Re: PSA: 58cm Riv Custom Complete on LA Craigslist

2018-09-19 Thread Dave Grossman
Cool bike but I agree on the price.  A bit on the high side.

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 9:21:16 PM UTC-5, sameness wrote:
> Functional, sufficiently Riviosyncratic build. Borderline collector's 
> price IMHO, but hey, the wallet wants what it wants:
> https://losangeles.craigslist.org/lac/bik/d/rivendell-custom-26-touring/6699025370.html
> Not mine, no affiliation, Cinelli Frog FTW, etc.
> Jeff Hagedorn
> Los Angeles, CA USA

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Re: [RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Patrick Moore
Another listmember had his Atlantis modified after an accident to accept
discs f and r -- best of both worlds.

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 7:20 PM, Ryan M. 

> My prediction is simply that rim brakes won't be making a come back, not
> that they will go away completely or disappear. I do not think rim braking
> will go away, especially with regards to road riding. I'm going to keep my
> argument centered around off road riding or gravel stuff because that is
> where I prefer to ride and where I see quite a few advantages for disc
> braking. I agree, I think small makers will cater to the market for those
> who prefer rim braking. I simply don't prefer rim braking after using both.
> Hey, I got Velocity Blunt SS on my Niner turned to gravel duty. Those rims
> are great; can't say anything negative about them. I have had 0 issues out
> of those rims (paul disc word/fhub hubs) and predict I'll be riding that
> setup for many years problem free.
> But, I'm probably going to be purchasing a Gus. I like the bike and think
> that setup with something like a Jones Bar or Wavie Bar, it will be a
> really good bike for the off road stuff I like to ride. The braking system
> on it are not a deal braker (pun intended).
> On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 6:21:32 PM UTC-5, Patrick Moore wrote:
>> I say that you're prediction is wrong.
>> Distinction: Rim brake market, and rim brake advantages. The market may
>> or may not survive -- I think there remains enough demand that
>> manufacturing will survive healthily, at least among small makers for the
>> aficionado crowd; I'll bet Rivendell and Compass, to name just 2, will
>> continue to make rim brakes of one sort or another.
>> Advantages: Rim brakes have this advantage, that they work *unimprovably*
>> for many, if not most uses, and they are cheaper (well, count Compass out
>> on this one) (heck, count Riv out too), but they are simpler, lighter,
>> modulate better than many if not most or all mechanical discs (I can't
>> speak to hydraulic ones), allow flexible forks, and in the eyes of some, me
>> included, look better. Point: They have no disadvantages for many uses, and
>> some real advantages.
>> I like discs; hell, I like the ancient BB7, at least the Road model that
>> came out circa 2015 -- there are better ones on the market, but these BB7
>> Roads work so well that I personally haven't sufficient motive to change. I
>> know Jan pooh poohs mechanical discs, but he's just plain wrong on this
>> matter. But calipers and V brakes and even cantis if someone else beside me
>> sets them up just work so well that I can't see the entire global
>> population giving them over for discs.
>> I like discs for riding where conditions accelerate rim wear -- dirt
>> riding, rain riding (last hypothetical); and I like discs because they let
>> you use strong rims that are yet very light (case in point, Velocity Blount
>> SS).
>> Now, if you were to assert that, say, rod or stirrup brakes would
>> disappear, I'd agree, but the Bowden cable freed us from that particular
>> tyranny.
>> Patrick Moore, who spent much time and sweat and physical and mental
>> energy as a boy trying to get rod brakes to work *well.*
>> On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:08 AM, Ryan M. 
>> wrote:
>>> My prediction...rim brakes are not going to make a comeback...not in
>>> mountain biking (or "hillbiking"). There just isn't any real good reason to
>>> use a rim brake over a modern disc brake today given that there is a
>>> definite performance advantage and a huge supply of products available at
>>> all price points and most work very well. I mean, I'll buy a bike with
>>> canti posts and ride it happily, but it is not my preference. It's not a
>>> deal breaker but I don't see canti posts and think "so awesome!"
>>> I have always thought mechanical disc brakes worked about the same as a
>>> v-brake (hydros being a different conversation) with regards to
>>> power, modulation and setup until I used a Paul Klamper. That brake is so
>>> freaking easy to set up; it's powerful; it feels really good in use and I
>>> just don't know why I haven't been using it on every bike I can. Anyway, I
>>> don't want to turn this thread into a canti-vs-disc argument. I got my
>>> preferences, for sure.
>>> I'm sure someone will make a rim compatible with this bike and it's need
>>> for a rim braking surface for a long time; I wouldn't worry about that.
>>> Choices will be less, of course.
>>> On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 11:13:31 AM UTC-5, masmojo wrote:
 I personally wouldn't worry much about the rims if they potentially
 were something that could be more popular in the future. Examples:
 moustache handlebars, normal width 650B rims, etc., but I am guessing 2.8"
 tires will require a wider rim be made. Plenty of them in all diameters,
 until you add rim braking capability and then it drops to none, one, 
 Of course who knows, rim

Re: [RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread Ash
That's a sweet bike!

No-nonsense... work of art!

On Wednesday, 19 September 2018 17:01:11 UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote:
> Sporty, but tasteful -- and made by Rivendell!
> Patrick "You've seen it before, and you'll see it again -- 99 Joe Starck 
> Riv Road custom" Moore
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 5:45 PM, Ash > 
> wrote:
>> ...
>> In general I'm into 'sporty' things (I'm into naked sport/enduro 
>> motorcycles, hate cruisers.. WRX any day over a Lexus etc).  However when 
>> it comes to bikes I can't stand those flashy MTBs and road bikes I see in 
>> stores.  They look ugly to me.  Full of company logos, distasteful colors 
>> and weird shapes. For most people who buy them they are not functionally 
>> well suited either.

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[RBW] Re: The ups and downs of my Clem Smith Jr

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
"Large chainring"

HA! I tried it once just cuz it's there. It's definitely there 😬

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Re: [RBW] Re: New "Hill" Bike is Posted

2018-09-19 Thread DarinM
Price was mentioned in the "Sept 8, but..." Blahg posts. $1500 for frame 
and fork only, but also $1900 for fillet brazed. He didn't specifically say 
both would be available, maybe they're going to do one or the other? Or 
maybe both, they got samples of both. Sounds like no stock completes a la 


On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 7:15:45 PM UTC-7, Mark in Beacon wrote:
> I can't recall if it was mentioned whether the Gus Boots would be offered 
> as complete only or also as a frameset? And was a general pricepoint 
> mentioned?

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[RBW] PSA: 58cm Riv Custom Complete on LA Craigslist

2018-09-19 Thread Joe Bernard
Some nice parts - BG brakes FTW - but it's a damn shame how that Joe Bell paint 
was treated. The need for restoration is going to kill the price on that thing. 

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[RBW] Re: Which Shutter precision Hub for my bike?

2018-09-19 Thread Adam in Indiana
Since I knew I would be running an LED light with no chargers (a B&M IQ-X), I 
went with the SV-8.  Though designed for smaller wheels, the lower power draw 
of LED lights allows for this... That said, I haven't used a dynamo designed 
for 700c wheels with my light, so maybe there is a performance difference I 
don't know about.  Regardless, I'm happy with the setup..!

On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 5:13:51 PM UTC-4, Lum Gim Fong wrote:
> 700c wheel. No charging accessories necessary.
> Using Schmidt edeluxe II dyno light and Spanninga dyno tail light.
> PV-8? Looks like it is listed for this wheel size. 26-29 inch wheels.

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