[pfx] Re: `postfix-pgsql`: Issues with expansion parameters `%s`, `%u` and `%d`, and some minor bugs(?)

2024-10-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Fri, Oct 25, 2024 at 01:42:40PM +1100, Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users 

> So we only support "postgresql:" and [not] "postgres:", because with non-URL
> hosts, we use a legacy API to separately specify host, port, database,
> username and password:
> https://github.com/vdukhovni/postfix/blob/a5b1b93841f14c32ddc9772887a664e7736b3826/postfix/src/global/dict_pgsql.c#L567-L573

Added a missing [not].

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: [ext] Re: list message posting loop

2024-10-24 Thread Wietse Venema via Postfix-users
Wietse Venema via Postfix-users:
> Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users:
> > On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 09:28:30AM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Can that (also) be fixed? If mail is delivered with LMTP, please add
> > > 
> > >   -o flags=D
> > 
> > > to the LMTP command line.
> > IIRC Wietse "misspoke" here, the "flags=..." argument is not a main.cf
> > parameter override, so this is a positional argument, not an "option"

Ack. It's not an option.

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: `postfix-pgsql`: Issues with expansion parameters `%s`, `%u` and `%d`, and some minor bugs(?)

2024-10-24 Thread Wietse Venema via Postfix-users
Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users:
> On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 12:00:42PM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users 
> wrote:
> > I have updated the hosts example, and added that the dbname field
> > is required but ignored when the hosts field specifies only URI
> > forms.
> > 
> >   Examples:
> >   hosts = 
> > postgresql://usern...@example.com/databasename?sslmode=require
> > ...
> >dbname (required)
> >   The database name on the servers. Example:
> >   dbname = customer_database
> > 
> >   This setting is required, but ignored when a postgresql:// URI
> >   specifies a database name.
> > 
> > We could add a ton of code to parse a postgresql:// URI and find
> > out if it specifies a database name, but that does not seem right.
> Note, my cursory look at the code suggests that URI connection strings
> MUST specify a database name, the required "dbname" parameter is never
> used to augment the URI, even if it appears to not include the required
> databasename path component.

I was thinking of URIs that specify no database name.


Does that mean it will use a hard-coded database name?

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: `postfix-pgsql`: Issues with expansion parameters `%s`, `%u` and `%d`, and some minor bugs(?)

2024-10-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 07:35:26PM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:

> > Note, my cursory look at the code suggests that URI connection strings
> > MUST specify a database name, the required "dbname" parameter is never
> > used to augment the URI, even if it appears to not include the required
> > databasename path component.
> I was thinking of URIs that specify no database name.
> postgresql://localhost
> postgresql://localhost:5432
> postgresql://user@localhost
> postgresql://user:secret@localhost
> Does that mean it will use a hard-coded database name?

At least for unix-domain socket connections, Postgres appears to
default a database equal to the username attempting the connection.

With "hosts = postgresql:///" I get:

postmap: warning: connect to pgsql server postgresql:///: connection to 
server on socket "/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: FATAL:  database 
"viktor" does not exist?
postmap: fatal: table pgsql:/tmp/table.cf: query error: Application error

while with "hosts = postgresql:///dane", I am able to make queries
against the DANE/DNSSEC survey database:

$ postmap -q postfix.org pgsql:/tmp/table.cf

Lots of text at: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/16/libpq-connect.html
It also mentions that:

The URI scheme designator can be either postgresql:// or

Perhaps we should support both?

All the while the unused "dbname" was set to "dane".


static void plpgsql_connect_single(DICT_PGSQL *dict_pgsql, HOST *host)
if (host->type == TYPECONNSTR) {
host->db = PQconnectdb(host->name);
} else {
host->db = PQsetdbLogin(host->name, host->port, NULL, NULL,
dict_pgsql->dbname, dict_pgsql->username,

The "dict_pgsql->dbname" value is only used for non-URI "hosts" elements.

I've never used "pgsql" tables myself.  The only Postgres database I
operate listens only on a unix-domain socket.  I don't 

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[pfx] Re: `postfix-pgsql`: Issues with expansion parameters `%s`, `%u` and `%d`, and some minor bugs(?)

2024-10-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 10:24:29PM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:

> I suppose that the PostgreSQL client library code is looking up the
> username, and using that as the default database name for a connection
> URI.

Yes, something like that.

> Viktor, I don't think that Postfix's pgsql client cares what URI
> scheme is being used, as long as the PostgreSQL client library finds
> it acceptable. So we can simplify the text to:

Sadly, I believe the Postfix pgsql driver reaches in and does some
minimal parsing of each host to determine whether it is a URI or not:


>hosts  The hosts that Postfix will try to connect to and
>  query from. Besides a PostgreSQL connection URI,
>  this setting supports the historical forms unix:/pathname
>  for UNIX-domain sockets and [...]

So we only support "postgresql:" and "postgres:", because with non-URL
hosts, we use a legacy API to separately specify host, port, database,
username and password:


Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: list message posting loop (was: ... smtp_tls_security_level ...)

2024-10-24 Thread Ralf Hildebrandt via Postfix-users
> Perhaps a Mailman "tuneup" is possible to harden it against this sort
> of loop.

Victor an I had a look and made some changes. I hope this mail goes
through :)

Ralf Hildebrandt
  Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netz | Netzwerk-Administration
  Invalidenstraße 120/121 | D-10115 Berlin
  Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
  ralf.hildebra...@charite.de | https://www.charite.de

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: smtp_tls_security_level defaults question

2024-10-24 Thread Wietse Venema via Postfix-users
Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users:
> Meanwhile, on the server side we could set:
> # Default to "may" when a cert file is configured.
> #
> smtpd_tls_security_level =
> ${smtpd_tls_chain_files ? {may} :
>   {${smtpd_tls_cert_file ? {may} :
>  {${smtpd_tls_eccert_file ? {may} :
> {${smtpd_tls_dcert_file ? {may
> Possibly with a top-level compatibility-level guard.

The compatibility-level guard is a good idea. To take out some of
the guesswork, I'm considering to add a read-only configuration
parameter that indicates whether Postfix is built with TLS support.

For the Postfix SMTP client the new default would look like:

smtp_tls_security_level =
${{$compatibility_level} >=level {3.10}?
{${built_with_tls ? {may

And for the Postfix SMTP server, this would add two guards
to Viktor's example:

smtpd_tls_security_level =
${{$compatibility_level} >=level {3.10} ?
{${built_with_tls ?
{${smtpd_tls_chain_files ? {may} :
{${smtpd_tls_cert_file ? {may} :
{${smtpd_tls_eccert_file ? {may} :
{${smtpd_tls_dcert_file ? {may

Configuration like this is ugly, and is acceptable only for 
compiled-in default settings.

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] General feedback on my postfix setup?

2024-10-24 Thread Mark via Postfix-users
Hello Postfix fellows,

Could you please give me your feedback on my postfix (with dovecot
LMTP and virtual users in MySQL db) setup?

Here's my main.cf and master.cf contents;


Anything unneeded, excessive, exaggerated, abusive or wrong there, please?

Many thanks in advance,

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: [ext] Re: list message posting loop

2024-10-24 Thread Wietse Venema via Postfix-users
Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users:
> On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 09:28:30AM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users 
> wrote:
> > Can that (also) be fixed? If mail is delivered with LMTP, please add
> > 
> > -o flags=D
> > to the LMTP command line.

You missed that last part. Command lines are conifgured in master.cf..


> IIRC Wietse "misspoke" here, the "flags=..." argument is not a main.cf
> parameter override, so this is a positional argument, not an "option"
> lmtp unix ... smtp
> -o ...
> -o ...
> ...
> # no -o here
> flags=DX
> -- 
> Viktor.
> ___
> Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to postfix-users-le...@postfix.org
Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: [ext] Re: list message posting loop

2024-10-24 Thread Ralf Hildebrandt via Postfix-users
* Wesley via Postfix-users :

> > > Perhaps a Mailman "tuneup" is possible to harden it against this sort
> > > of loop.
> > 
> > Victor an I had a look and made some changes. I hope this mail goes
> > through :)
> Why they had a chinese string added in the subject?

Because some chinese server resent the mail back here (thus creating a

Ralf Hildebrandt
  Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netz | Netzwerk-Administration
  Invalidenstraße 120/121 | D-10115 Berlin
  Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
  ralf.hildebra...@charite.de | https://www.charite.de

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
To unsubscribe send an email to postfix-users-le...@postfix.org

[pfx] Re: [ext] Re: list message posting loop

2024-10-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 09:28:30AM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:

> Can that (also) be fixed? If mail is delivered with LMTP, please add
>   -o flags=D

IIRC Wietse "misspoke" here, the "flags=..." argument is not a main.cf
parameter override, so this is a positional argument, not an "option"

lmtp unix ... smtp
-o ...
-o ...
# no -o here

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: `postfix-pgsql`: Issues with expansion parameters `%s`, `%u` and `%d`, and some minor bugs(?)

2024-10-24 Thread Wietse Venema via Postfix-users
I have updated the hosts example, and added that the dbname field
is required but ignored when the hosts field specifies only URI

  hosts = 
   dbname (required)
  The database name on the servers. Example:
  dbname = customer_database

  This setting is required, but ignored when a postgresql:// URI
  specifies a database name.

We could add a ton of code to parse a postgresql:// URI and find
out if it specifies a database name, but that does not seem right.

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: list message posting loop

2024-10-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 08:32:22PM +0800, Wesley via Postfix-users wrote:

> On 2024-10-24 20:13, Ralf Hildebrandt via Postfix-users wrote:
> Why they had a chinese string added in the subject?

A typical corporate "security" feature, the Chinese text reads "External
Mail".  Sadly the same system then sends the message to the header
rather than the envelope recipient.  And even sets the envelope sender
to the header "From:" address.  You'd expect this sort of thing in an
MUA, but it has no place in server-side email handling software.  So
this is another instance of what is sometimes called "crapware".

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: General feedback on my postfix setup?

2024-10-24 Thread Gilgongo via Postfix-users
On Thu, 24 Oct 2024 at 13:02, Mark via Postfix-users <
postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:

> Hello Postfix fellows,
> Could you please give me your feedback on my postfix (with dovecot
> LMTP and virtual users in MySQL db) setup?
> Here's my main.cf and master.cf contents;
> https://www.pastebin.cz/en/p/fqcoW8Q
> Anything unneeded, excessive, exaggerated, abusive or wrong there, please?

I'm always a bit unclear about the utility of specifying things in
I tend to put it all in recipient_restrictions and be done with it.

BTW I take it you're not using postscreen as you have rspamd, is
that correct?

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: smtp_tls_security_level defaults question

2024-10-24 Thread Geert Hendrickx via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 11:33:22 -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:
> And for the Postfix SMTP server, this would add two guards
> to Viktor's example:
> smtpd_tls_security_level =
> ${{$compatibility_level} >=level {3.10} ?
> {${built_with_tls ?
> {${smtpd_tls_chain_files ? {may} :
> {${smtpd_tls_cert_file ? {may} :
> {${smtpd_tls_eccert_file ? {may} :
> {${smtpd_tls_dcert_file ? {may
> Configuration like this is ugly, and is acceptable only for 
> compiled-in default settings.

I would think that a postfix installer or packager that installs a default
certificate, can also add an explicit "smtpd_tls_security_level = may" to
the accompanying main.cf, so all these conditions are not really necessary
for the server side?

For the client side, with no dependencies beyond "built_with_tls", it's a
good idea.


Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: smtp_tls_security_level defaults question

2024-10-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 01:24:07PM +0300, Eugene R via Postfix-users wrote:

> On 24.10.2024 08:24, Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users wrote:
> > Yes, of course, as documented.  TLS is off by default, this is
> > backwards-compatible behaviour, and Postfix aims to not "surprise"
> > operators with unexpected new behaviour after an upgrade.  Default
> > settings are in part also the responsibility of vendor distributions
> > that determine how the Postfix software is built, and what settings
> > are used in initial deployments.
> > 
> > Now perhaps at this point, we could (if Wietse concurs) change the
> > default security level to "may" when (almost always nowdays) TLS is
> > enabled at compile time.  Gmail stats for TLS in/out are quite close
> > lately to 100% in both directions:
> But with "TLS on by default out of the box", who and how will be responsible
> for providing the valid certificates? I am not sure it can (and should) be
> handled automatically, as it requires an operator to make certain policy and
> technical decisions as well as to specify various data values. Even when
> using, e.g., a script from Dovecot to generate a self-signed certificate.

We're talking about the SMTP client, not the server.  As for the server,
OS distros could easily arrange to generate a "snake-oil" (self-signed)
cert (IIRC Debian has one by default).

Meanwhile, on the server side we could set:

# Default to "may" when a cert file is configured.
smtpd_tls_security_level =
${smtpd_tls_chain_files ? {may} :
  {${smtpd_tls_cert_file ? {may} :
 {${smtpd_tls_eccert_file ? {may} :
{${smtpd_tls_dcert_file ? {may

Possibly with a top-level compatibility-level guard.

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: smtp_tls_security_level defaults question

2024-10-24 Thread Wietse Venema via Postfix-users
Geert Hendrickx:
> On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 11:33:22 -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:
> > And for the Postfix SMTP server, this would add two guards
> > to Viktor's example:
> > 
> > smtpd_tls_security_level =
> > ${{$compatibility_level} >=level {3.10} ?
> > {${built_with_tls ?
> > {${smtpd_tls_chain_files ? {may} :
> > {${smtpd_tls_cert_file ? {may} :
> > {${smtpd_tls_eccert_file ? {may} :
> > {${smtpd_tls_dcert_file ? {may
> > 
> > Configuration like this is ugly, and is acceptable only for 
> > compiled-in default settings.
> I would think that a postfix installer or packager that installs a default
> certificate, can also add an explicit "smtpd_tls_security_level = may" to
> the accompanying main.cf, so all these conditions are not really necessary
> for the server side?

Agreed, this would not work "out of the box" because of the external

This may be done instead with the command "postfix tls enable-server",
which generates a certificate and which sets smtpd_tls_security_level.

> For the client side, with no dependencies beyond "built_with_tls", it's a
> good idea.

Agreed, this would work out of the box.

This would make the command "postfix tls enable-client" mostly obsolete.

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: [ext] Re: list message posting loop

2024-10-24 Thread Wietse Venema via Postfix-users
Ralf Hildebrandt via Postfix-users:
> * Wesley via Postfix-users :
> > > > Perhaps a Mailman "tuneup" is possible to harden it against this sort
> > > > of loop.
> > > 
> > > Victor an I had a look and made some changes. I hope this mail goes
> > > through :)
> > 
> > Why they had a chinese string added in the subject?
> Because some chinese server resent the mail back here (thus creating a
> loop).

And for some reason mail from list.sys4.de has adds no DELIVERED-TO: header
that would have (also) stopped this loop.

Can that (also) be fixed? If mail is delivered with LMTP, please add

-o flags=D

to the LMTP client command line.

If it is delivered with PIPE, then the same setting applies there.



   smtp, lmtp - Postfix SMTP+LMTP client
   flags=DORX (optional)
  Optional message processing flags.

  D  Prepend a "Delivered-To: recipient" message  header  with
 the  envelope  recipient address. Note: for this to work,
 the transport_destination_recipient_limit must be 1  (see
 SINGLE-RECIPIENT DELIVERY above for details).

 The D flag also enforces loop detection: if a message al?
 ready  contains  a Delivered-To: header with the same re?
 cipient address, then the message is returned as undeliv?
 erable. The address comparison is case insensitive.

 This feature is available as of Postfix 3.5.
Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: change only domain when Email send via postfix

2024-10-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 06:53:32PM +0200, postfixmailing--- via Postfix-users 

> I would like change Domain name of all outgoing Email:
> user@domainA -> user@domainB

smtp_generic_maps = inline:{ {@domainA = @domainB} }

If you are relaying some SMTP email inbound as well as outbound,
and to exclude inbound traffic, then apply this setting in master.cf

smtp unix ... smtp
-o { smtp_generic_maps = inline:{ {@domainA = @domainB} } }
relay unix ... smtp

Use the "relay" transport for inbound SMTP deliveries, and "smtp" for
outbound deliveries.  This actually default behaviour if the inbound
destinations are listed in "relay_domains".  But if you explicit
transport table entries, you need to be diligent about using the
right transport:

inside.example  relay:inside-gw.example
outside.example smtp:outside-gw.example

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: `postfix-pgsql`: Issues with expansion parameters `%s`, `%u` and `%d`, and some minor bugs(?)

2024-10-24 Thread raf via Postfix-users
On Fri, Oct 25, 2024 at 11:46:38AM +1100, Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users 

> On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 07:35:26PM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users 
> wrote:
> > > Note, my cursory look at the code suggests that URI connection strings
> > > MUST specify a database name, the required "dbname" parameter is never
> > > used to augment the URI, even if it appears to not include the required
> > > databasename path component.

> At least for unix-domain socket connections, Postgres appears to
> default a database equal to the username attempting the connection.

The same is true over tcp.


Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: `postfix-pgsql`: Issues with expansion parameters `%s`, `%u` and `%d`, and some minor bugs(?)

2024-10-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 12:00:42PM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:
> I have updated the hosts example, and added that the dbname field
> is required but ignored when the hosts field specifies only URI
> forms.
>   Examples:
>   hosts = 
> postgresql://usern...@example.com/databasename?sslmode=require
> ...
>dbname (required)
>   The database name on the servers. Example:
>   dbname = customer_database
>   This setting is required, but ignored when a postgresql:// URI
>   specifies a database name.
> We could add a ton of code to parse a postgresql:// URI and find
> out if it specifies a database name, but that does not seem right.

Note, my cursory look at the code suggests that URI connection strings
MUST specify a database name, the required "dbname" parameter is never
used to augment the URI, even if it appears to not include the required
databasename path component.

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: [ext] Re: list message posting loop

2024-10-24 Thread Gary R. Schmidt via Postfix-users

On 25/10/2024 00:35, Ralf Hildebrandt via Postfix-users wrote:

* Wietse Venema via Postfix-users :

And for some reason mail from list.sys4.de has adds no DELIVERED-TO: header
that would have (also) stopped this loop.

That has also been added while we were at it.

Can that (also) be fixed? If mail is delivered with LMTP, please add

-o flags=D

to the LMTP client command line.

Yep, that should be active now.

I've just noticed you've asked about this on the Mailman 2 mailing list, 
you should ask on the mm3 list, which is at mailman3.org.

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: OpenSSL compile vs. runtime version warning

2024-10-24 Thread Geert Hendrickx via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 20:00:05 +1100, Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users wrote:
> And this is the logic used in Postfix >= 3.10-20240612, but while you've
> upgraded to a shiny new OpenSSL, you haven't also upgraded to a shiny new
> Postfix snapshot. :-)

This is using standard Arch Linux packages for OpenSSL 3.4.0 and Postfix 3.9.0.

But thanks for confirming it will be fixed in Postfix 3.10.  For now I'll just
ask Arch maintainers to rebuild the postfix package with the new openssl lib.


Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: `postfix-pgsql`: Issues with expansion parameters `%s`, `%u` and `%d`, and some minor bugs(?)

2024-10-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 11:31:13AM +0200, Thomas Landauer via Postfix-users 

> I think I found some bugs in `postfix-pgsql` lookup, or at least the
> docs don't match the actual behavior.
> 1:
> The expansion parameters `%s`, `%u` and `%d` are not working as documented:

You're mistaken.  The behaviour is exactly as documented.

> If I'm just using `%s` in my query template like this:
> > query = SELECT foo FROM mytable WHERE foo = '%s'
> ... then I'm getting *three* queries in my PostgreSQL log:
> > 2024-10-21 12:38:37.556 UTC [32997] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT foo 
> > FROM mytable WHERE foo = 'u...@example.com'
> > 2024-10-21 12:38:37.559 UTC [32997] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT foo 
> > FROM mytable WHERE foo = 'user'
> > 2024-10-21 12:38:37.561 UTC [32997] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT foo 
> > FROM mytable WHERE foo = '@example.com'

These are three separate queries with the full address, the user part
and the domain part, as documented for various address rewriting tables.
See virtual(5), aliases(5), canonical(5), ...

> So it looks like if `%s` doesn't yield a result, then another try with `%u`,
> and a third with `%d` is made.

Nothing of the sort, rather higher-level facilities issue multiple
queries with separate lookup keys.

> But when using `%d` in the query template, the behavior differs in two
> aspects:
> Firstly, the same query is executed *twice*:

The bare user query is suppressed, as documented, it lacks a domain.

> > 2024-10-21 13:00:13.914 UTC [33773] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT foo 
> > FROM mytable WHERE foo = 'example.com'
> > 2024-10-21 13:00:13.916 UTC [33773] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT foo 
> > FROM mytable WHERE foo = 'example.com'
> And secondly, note the different expansions for `%d`:
> `@example.com` in the above queries, vs.
> `example.com` here.

Well, you asked for '%d' so that's what you got.

> 2:
> This line at https://www.postfix.org/pgsql_table.5.html is wrong:
> > hosts = postgresql://usern...@example.com/tablename?sslmode=require
> I guess it should be:
> hosts = postgresql://username:password@
> `sslmode` isn't documented at all.

The "sslmode" parameter is documented:


What problem were you having with that connection string?  If you're
trying to say that "tablename" should be "databasename", then you're

> 3:
> The encoding doesn't work as documented:
> > The encoding used by the database client. The  default setting is:
> > encoding = UTF8
> However, the default setting seems to be LATIN1 in fact, cause I'm getting
> this in my PostgreSQL log:
> > 2024-10-21 12:15:07.424 UTC [31953] postfix@db LOG:  statement: set 
> > client_encoding to 'LATIN1'
> > 2024-10-21 12:15:07.428 UTC [31953] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT ...

What version of Postfix are you using?  The switch from "LATIN1" to
"UTF8" is recent.


diff --git a/postfix/HISTORY b/postfix/HISTORY
index 3da460d7d..14ed05def 100644
--- a/postfix/HISTORY
+++ b/postfix/HISTORY
@@ -26495,3 +26495,10 @@ Apologies for any names omitted.

to the import_environment description. File: proto/postconf.proto.
+   Cleanup: the pgsql: client encoding is now configurable
+   with the "encoding" configuration file attribute. The default
+   is "UTF8". Previously the encoding was hard-coded as "LATIN1".
+   Files: global/dict_pgsql,c, proto/pgsql_table.

For documentation about your version of Postfix, look at the manpage
for pgsql-table(5) that shipped with your system.

> Furthermore, changing the encoding doesn't work - this seems to be a bug in
> the code (not just in the docs):
> When trying to append it to the connection string like that:
> > hosts = 
> > postgresql://usern...@example.com/tablename?sslmode=require?encoding=UTF8

Who said this is a supported way to change the encoding in Postfix?  In
older versions of Postfix the client encoding was hardcoded to "LATIN1"
as documented.

> ... I'm getting this in my Postfix log:
> > Oct 21 14:17:27 backup postfix/smtpd[32279]: warning: connect to
> > pgsql server postgresql://postfix:...@
> > invalid URI query parameter: "encoding"?

The "encoding = ..." setting goes into the configuration file as a
Postfix table parameter, not as a component of the connect string URI.

> And setting it the "old school" way has no effect (i.e. same `LATIN1` entry
> in PostgreSQL log as above):
> > hosts = postgresql://postfix:...@
> > encoding = UTF8

Are you using a version of Postfix that is 3.8 or newer?

> 4:
> The connection string does replace the "old school" config parameters `user
> =` and `password =`, but not `dbname =`.
> If I omit the (redundant) `dbname =`, I'm getting th

[pfx] Re: OpenSSL compile vs. runtime version warning

2024-10-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 10:50:18AM +0200, Geert Hendrickx via Postfix-users 

> > warning: run-time library vs. compile-time header version mismatch:
> > OpenSSL 3.4.0 may not be compatible with OpenSSL 3.3.0
> Is this warning still relevant with OpenSSL's new versioning scheme,
> where OpenSSL 3.x releases are guaranteed[1] to be ABI compatible ?
> [1] https://openssl-library.org/post/2018-09-25-version/

IIRC, this is only *forward* ABI compatibility, so an older 3.x library
may not be compatible with a newer 3.y application.  But otherwise, yes
3.y for (y >= x) should work.

And this is the logic used in Postfix >= 3.10-20240612, but while you've
upgraded to a shiny new OpenSSL, you haven't also upgraded to a shiny
new Postfix snapshot. :-)

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
To unsubscribe send an email to postfix-users-le...@postfix.org

[pfx] `postfix-pgsql`: Issues with expansion parameters `%s`, `%u` and `%d`, and some minor bugs(?)

2024-10-24 Thread Thomas Landauer via Postfix-users


I think I found some bugs in `postfix-pgsql` lookup, or at least the 
docs don't match the actual behavior.

The expansion parameters `%s`, `%u` and `%d` are not working as documented:

If I'm just using `%s` in my query template like this:

query = SELECT foo FROM mytable WHERE foo = '%s'

... then I'm getting *three* queries in my PostgreSQL log:

2024-10-21 12:38:37.556 UTC [32997] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT foo FROM 
mytable WHERE foo = 'u...@example.com'
2024-10-21 12:38:37.559 UTC [32997] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT foo FROM 
mytable WHERE foo = 'user'
2024-10-21 12:38:37.561 UTC [32997] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT foo FROM 
mytable WHERE foo = '@example.com'

So it looks like if `%s` doesn't yield a result, then another try with 
`%u`, and a third with `%d` is made.

But when using `%d` in the query template, the behavior differs in two 

Firstly, the same query is executed *twice*:

2024-10-21 13:00:13.914 UTC [33773] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT foo FROM 
mytable WHERE foo = 'example.com'
2024-10-21 13:00:13.916 UTC [33773] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT foo FROM 
mytable WHERE foo = 'example.com'

And secondly, note the different expansions for `%d`:
`@example.com` in the above queries, vs.
`example.com` here.

This line at https://www.postfix.org/pgsql_table.5.html is wrong:

hosts = postgresql://usern...@example.com/tablename?sslmode=require

I guess it should be:

hosts = postgresql://username:password@

`sslmode` isn't documented at all.

The encoding doesn't work as documented:

The encoding used by the database client. The  default setting is:
encoding = UTF8

However, the default setting seems to be LATIN1 in fact, cause I'm 
getting this in my PostgreSQL log:

2024-10-21 12:15:07.424 UTC [31953] postfix@db LOG:  statement: set 
client_encoding to 'LATIN1'
2024-10-21 12:15:07.428 UTC [31953] postfix@db LOG:  statement: SELECT ...

Furthermore, changing the encoding doesn't work - this seems to be a bug 
in the code (not just in the docs):

When trying to append it to the connection string like that:

hosts = 

... I'm getting this in my Postfix log:

Oct 21 14:17:27 backup postfix/smtpd[32279]: warning: connect to pgsql server 
postgresql://postfix:...@ invalid URI query parameter: 

And setting it the "old school" way has no effect (i.e. same `LATIN1` 
entry in PostgreSQL log as above):

hosts = postgresql://postfix:...@
encoding = UTF8

The connection string does replace the "old school" config parameters 
`user =` and `password =`, but not `dbname =`.

If I omit the (redundant) `dbname =`, I'm getting this in my Postfix log:

Oct 21 13:54:25 backup postfix/smtpd[30180]: fatal: /etc/postfix/postgres_db.cf: bad string length 0 < 1: dbname = 

During testing, I stumbled across this entry in my Postfix log:

Oct 21 14:56:10 backup postfix/smtpd[33373]: warning: pgsql query failed: fatal 
error from host postgresql://postfix:...@ SSL connection has been 
closed unexpectedly?

Why is an SSL connection tried to localhost? (I didn't set the `sslmode` 
parameter, see 2)

* Postfix version: 3.7.11
* postfix-pgsql/stable,stable,now 3.7.11-0+deb12u1 amd64 [installed]
* Entry in `main.cf`:

local_recipient_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/local_recipients 

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: list message posting loop (was: ... smtp_tls_security_level ...)

2024-10-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 08:57:00AM +0200, Jaroslaw Rafa via Postfix-users wrote:

> Something bad happened to the list (?), as your message seems to be repeated
> multiple times, with Chinese characters prepended to the subject and list
> footer appended to the body multiple times.

I already (~90 minutes ago) suspended list delivery for a plausible
source of the problem, and reached out to sys4.de to check their side to
ensure this is resolved.  What's puzzling is why Mailman fails to stop
the loop, it should be able to detect that it is reposting the same

- The Message-id is a repeat.

- The "RFC5322.From:" rewrite to 
  should mean that the reposted message is not from a list member,
  and should hit moderation.

* Unless of course the miscreant system is somehow "undoing" the DMARC
  header sanitisation, and restoring the original "From"

Perhaps a Mailman "tuneup" is possible to harden it against this sort
of loop.

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
To unsubscribe send an email to postfix-users-le...@postfix.org

[pfx] Re: smtp_tls_security_level defaults question

2024-10-24 Thread Geert Hendrickx via Postfix-users
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 16:24:04 +1100, Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users wrote:
> Yes, of course, as documented.  TLS is off by default, this is backwards-
> compatible behaviour, and Postfix aims to not "surprise" operators with
> unexpected new behaviour after an upgrade.

This could be enabled with a compatibility_level condition?

> Now perhaps at this point, we could (if Wietse concurs) change the
> default security level to "may" when (almost always nowdays) TLS is
> enabled at compile time.  Gmail stats for TLS in/out are quite close
> lately to 100% in both directions:

Yes it would be good to switch to (unconditional) "may" by now.  I wonder
how much of that Google reported cleartext e-mail comes from Postfix...


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