Ralf Hildebrandt via Postfix-users:
> * Wesley via Postfix-users <postfix-users@postfix.org>:
> > > > Perhaps a Mailman "tuneup" is possible to harden it against this sort
> > > > of loop.
> > > 
> > > Victor an I had a look and made some changes. I hope this mail goes
> > > through :)
> > 
> > Why they had a chinese string added in the subject?
> Because some chinese server resent the mail back here (thus creating a
> loop).

And for some reason mail from list.sys4.de has adds no DELIVERED-TO: header
that would have (also) stopped this loop.

Can that (also) be fixed? If mail is delivered with LMTP, please add

        -o flags=D

to the LMTP client command line.

If it is delivered with PIPE, then the same setting applies there.


SMTP,(LMTP)                                                        SMTP,(LMTP)

       smtp, lmtp - Postfix SMTP+LMTP client
       flags=DORX (optional)
              Optional message processing flags.

              D      Prepend a "Delivered-To: recipient" message  header  with
                     the  envelope  recipient address. Note: for this to work,
                     the transport_destination_recipient_limit must be 1  (see
                     SINGLE-RECIPIENT DELIVERY above for details).

                     The D flag also enforces loop detection: if a message al?
                     ready  contains  a Delivered-To: header with the same re?
                     cipient address, then the message is returned as undeliv?
                     erable. The address comparison is case insensitive.

                     This feature is available as of Postfix 3.5.
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