[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux/ Windows Device Driver Training
Hello Everybody, Concepts has always been in forefront for providing software professionals with right directions, methodology to ensure that they remain on cutting edge of development and continue to win, with quality training from experienced Industry Experts. We are happy to announce next batch of 'Windows Device Driver' and "Linux Device Driver" from 22nd Jan. 2004 (Saturday). Duration: 45-50 Hrs (Approximately 1.5 months) Course Syllabus: WDD: http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/wdd.pdf LDD: http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Timings: WDD : Sat-Sun (08.30 AM) LDD : Sat-Sun (11.45 AM) Prerequisite: Sound C Programming Operating System Fundamentals Location: 3rd Floor, Nirmal Complex, Kothrud, Pune. India. For more details/ queries call on 020 56261180 or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks & Regards Team, Concepts http://www.conceptssys.com __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn more. http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250 -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [COMMERCIAL]Learn Linux Kernel programming from Experts
Hello All, Concepts has always been in forefront for providing software professionals with right directions, methodology to ensure that they remain on cutting edge of development and continue to win, with quality training from experienced Industry Experts. We are extremely happy to announce next weekend batch of "Linux Kernel Programming" from Sunday i.e. 6th March 2005. Course Highlights: -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Operating Systems Basics -Character loopback device driver -Mouse Device Driver -Slab Cache -System Call hooking -Kernel Compilation -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Simple File System Duration: Approximately 40+ Hrs (1.5 months) Venue: Concepts Systems, 3rd Floor, Nirmal Complex, Paud rd., Kothrud, Pune 411038. Key Highlights: -Industry Driven Curriculum -Techno-specialists as course-faculties having proven track record in the industry -Average rating of Concepts Trainer is 9 out of 10 -Concepts guided project MailDisk won prize at IIT Techfest. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020 25381126/ 09890 454585 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks & Regards, Preeti B. Concepts Systems, http://www.conceptssys.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph.: +91 020 25381126 (O) +91 098904 54585 (C) __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Developing File Systems
Hello All, Concepts has always been in forefront for providing software professionals with right directions, methodology to ensure that they remain on cutting edge of development and continue to win, with quality training from experienced Industry Experts. We are extremely happy to announce next batch of "File System Driver Workshop for Windows" from 23rd April 2005. During workshop, our team of Device Drivers professionals will be on hand to discuss: 1) Advanced I/O Manager Concepts 2) Virtual Memory System 3) Introduction to File Systems 4) FSD Architecture for Windows 5) FSD Core Functions and Auxiliary Functions 6) Fast I/O Operations 7) Case Study 8) File System Filter Drivers 9) Case Study Don't miss this opportunity to see first-hand how Concepts illustrates File System Fundamentals across the windows platform with a discussion of broader operating systems issues for developers as well as practical issues related to development of FSD and Filter Drivers. Prerequisite: Participants must have an understanding of Windows Kernel Mode Drivers Total Duration: 30 Hrs (Weekend Batch) Cost: Rs. 6000 per participant Venue: Concepts,Kothrud, Pune,India. If you have any queries feel free to mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or contact us on 020 - 25381126. Seats are Limited. Entries only with prior registration. Thanks & Regards, Team, Concepts. http://www.conceptssys.com __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/resources/ -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux Kernel Programming Training
Hello All, LDD Training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, NFS, Storage Space. Next weekend batch of Linux Kernel programming is starting from Saturday, 14th May 2005. Course Highlights: -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Operating Systems Basics -Character loopback device driver -Mouse Device Driver -Slab Cache -System Call hooking -Kernel Compilation -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Simple File System Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Venue: Concepts Systems, 3rd Floor, Nirmal Complex, Paud rd., Kothrud, Pune 411038. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-25381126 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks & Regards, Concepts Systems, http://www.conceptssys.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph.: +91 020 25381126 (O) P.S. Developing File Systems for Linux, batch starting from 23rd May 2005. __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/resources/ -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] File System Design & Implementation Training
Hello All, Concepts has always been in forefront for providing software professionals with right directions, methodology to ensure that they remain on cutting edge of development and continue to win, with quality training from experienced Industry Experts. We are extremely happy to announce first of its kind special batch of File System Design and Implementation for Linux. During course, our team of File Systems professionals will be on hand to discuss: 1) File System Basics 2) Advanced FS features 3) File System Objects 4) File System Architecture for Linux 5) Fast I/O and Metadata Operations 6) Ext2 implementation overview 7) Kernel Memory Management & Allocation 8) Implementation of dummy file system 9) Overview of advance cluster file system Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxFileSystems.pdf Dont miss this opportunity to see first-hand how Concepts illustrates File System Fundamentals across the Linux platform with a discussion of broader operating systems issues for developers as well as practical issues related to development of file systems and cluster file systems. Prerequisite: Participants must have an understanding of Linux Kernel Programming or have taken Linux Device Driver Course. Start Date: 23rd May 2005 Total Duration: 40 Hrs Days: Mon, Wed, Fri Timings: 08:45 AM - 10:15 AM Please note that entries are only with prior registration. If you have any queries feel free to mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or call us on 020-25381126. Thanks & Regards, Team, Concepts. www.conceptssys.com Yahoo! Mail Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour: http://tour.mail.yahoo.com/mailtour.html -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System and Device Driver Training from Experienced Professionals
Hello All, Thanks for overwhelming response. We are pleased to announce a new batch of “Linux System and Kernel Programming” from Saturday, 14th Jan. 2006. Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like Oracle India, IFlex, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Concepts Systems has remarkable history of guiding projects in core systems. Concepts sponsored projects have been doing very well at various software competitions having won the Prizes at IIT Techfest, MIT, Modern, VIT etc. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: - Operating Systems Basics - System Calls for I/O - Multithreading and Synchronization - Interprocess communication - Memory Management - Memory mapped files - UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems - Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming - Intel x86 Fundamentals - Linux Kernel source tree - Character, Block device drivers - Memory Management - System Call hooking - Kernel Threading and synchronization - Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date: Saturday, 14th January 2006 Duration: 2.5 months Timings: Saturday and Sunday 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM Venue: Concepts Systems, 3rd Floor, Nirmal Complex, Nr. Vanaz Corner Bus Stop, Paud rd., Kothrud, Pune – 411038. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020- 25381126. Thanks & Regards, Vasudha B., Course Coordinator, www.conceptssys.com -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System and Device Driver Programming from Professionals
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Next weekend batch of Linux System and Kernel programming is starting from Saturday, 16th September 2006. Course Highlights: --- Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics-Memory Management -System Calls for I/O-Memory mapped files -Multithreading and Synchronization -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Interprocess communication -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming: -Intel x86 Fundamentals -System Call hooking -Linux Kernel source tree -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Character, Block device drivers -Virtual File System driver -Memory Management Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date: Saturday, 16th Sep 2006 - Duration: 2.5 months Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday 12:00 PM - 03:00 PM -- Venue: ----- Concepts Systems, 3rd Floor, Nirmal Complex, Nr. Vanaz Corner Bus Stop, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune - 411038. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-25381126 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: ---- Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Concepts Systems has remarkable history of guiding projects in core systems. Concepts sponsored projects have been doing very well at various software competitions having won the Prizes at IIT Techfest, MIT, Modern, VIT, PICT-Concepts etc. For more information, please visit our website www.conceptssys.com. Thanks & Regards, Team, Concepts Systems. -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial]Linux System and Device Driver Programming from Professionals
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Next weekend batch of Linux System and Kernel programming is starting from Saturday, 28th Oct. 2006. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: Operating Systems Basics System Calls for I/O Multithreading and Synchronization Interprocess communication Memory Management Memory mapped files UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming Intel x86 Fundamentals Linux Kernel source tree Character, Block device drivers Memory Management System Call hooking Kernel Threading and synchronization Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date: Saturday, 28th Oct. 2006 Duration: 2.5 months Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday 3:00 PM 6:00 PM Venue: Concepts Systems, 3rd Floor, Nirmal Complex, Nr. Vanaz Corner Bus Stop, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411038. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-25381126 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks & Regards, Shivani Joshi. Customer Interaction Executive, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Concepts Systems Educational Services Division -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial]Linux System and Device Driver Programming from Professionals
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Next weekend batch of Linux System and Kernel programming is starting from Saturday, 9th December 2006. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: Operating Systems Basics System Calls for I/O Multithreading and Synchronization Interprocess communication Memory Management Memory mapped files UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming Intel x86 Fundamentals Linux Kernel source tree Character, Block device drivers Memory Management System Call hooking Kernel Threading and synchronization Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date: Saturday, 9th December 2006 Duration: 2.5 months Days: Saturday and Sunday Timings:9:00 AM 12:00 PM Venue: Concepts Systems, 3rd Floor, Nirmal Complex, Nr. Vanaz Corner Bus Stop, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411038. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-25381126 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Concepts Systems has remarkable history of guiding projects in core systems. Concepts sponsored projects have been doing very well at various software competitions having won the Prizes at IIT Techfest, MIT, Modern, VIT, PICT-Concepts etc. For more information, please visit our website www.conceptssys.com Thanks & Regards, Shivani Joshi Customer Interaction Executive Concepts Systems [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System & Device Driver Programming from Professionals
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Next weekend batch of Linux System and Kernel programming is starting from Saturday, 6th January 2007. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: Operating Systems Basics System Calls for I/O Multithreading and Synchronization Interprocess communication Memory Management Memory mapped files UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming Intel x86 Fundamentals Linux Kernel source tree Character, Block device drivers Memory Management System Call hooking Kernel Threading and synchronization Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date: Saturday, 6th Jan. 2007 Duration: 2.5 months Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday 12:00 PM 03:00 PM Venue: Concepts Systems, Office No.602 and 603, Pentagon, Near Hotel Panchami, Pune-Satara Road , Pune Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-25381126 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India , KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Concepts Systems has remarkable history of guiding projects in core systems. Concepts sponsored projects have been doing very well at various software competitions having won the Prizes at IIT Techfest, MIT, Modern, VIT, PICT-Concepts etc. For more information, please visit our website www.conceptssys.com Thanks & Regards, Shivani Joshi Customer Interaction Executive Concepts Systems [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System and Device Driver Programming from Professionals
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: X Operating Systems Basics X System Calls for I/O X Multithreading and Synchronization X Interprocess communication X Memory Management X Memory mapped files X UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems X Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming X Intel x86 Fundamentals X Linux Kernel source tree X Character, Block device drivers X Memory Management X System Call hooking X Kernel Threading and synchronization X Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Duration: 1.5 months Days : Saturday and Sunday Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603 The Pentagon,Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel , Pune 411009 +91-20-24216888 / 9960699989 Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Concepts Systems has remarkable history of guiding projects in core systems. Concepts sponsored projects have been doing very well at various software competitions having won the Prizes at IIT Techfest, MIT, Modern, VIT, PICT-Concepts etc. For more information, please visit our website www.conceptssys.com Thanks & Regards, Team, Concepts Systems. www.conceptssys.com -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System and Device Driver Programming from Professionals.
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Next weekend batch of Linux System and Kernel programming is starting from Saturday,June 23 ,2007. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: - Operating Systems Basics - System Calls for I/O - Multithreading and Synchronization - Interprocess communication - Memory Management - Memory mapped files - UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems - Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming - Intel x86 Fundamentals - Linux Kernel source tree - Character, Block device drivers - Memory Management - System Call hooking - Kernel Threading and synchronization - Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date: Saturday, June 30,2007. Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, Pune. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Concepts Systems has remarkable history of guiding projects in core systems. Concepts sponsored projects have been doing very well at various software competitions having won the Prizes at IIT Techfest, MIT, Modern, VIT, PICT-Concepts etc. For more information please visit our website www.conceptssys.com Thanks & Regards, Ms. Gayatri U.S. Customers Interaction Executive. [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System and Device Driver Programming from Professionals
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Next weekend batch of Linux System and Kernel programming is starting from Saturday,August 11,2007. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: - Operating Systems Basics - System Calls for I/O - Multithreading and Synchronization - Interprocess communication - Memory Management - Memory mapped files - UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems - Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming - Intel x86 Fundamentals - Linux Kernel source tree - Character, Block device drivers - Memory Management - System Call hooking - Kernel Threading and synchronization - Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date: Saturday, August 11,2007. Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, Pune. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Concepts Systems has remarkable history of guiding projects in core systems. Concepts sponsored projects have been doing very well at various software competitions having won the Prizes at IIT Techfest, MIT, Modern, VIT, PICT-Concepts etc. For more information please visit our website www.conceptssys.com Thanks & Regards, Ms. Gayatri U.S. Customers Interaction Executive. [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux Kernel Training from Professionals.
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: - Operating Systems Basics - System Calls for I/O - Multithreading and Synchronization - Interprocess communication - Memory Management - Memory mapped files - UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems - Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming - Intel x86 Fundamentals - Linux Kernel source tree - Character, Block device drivers - Memory Management - System Call hooking - Kernel Threading and synchronization - Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date: Saturday, October 6,2007. Duration: 1.5 months. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, Pune. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Concepts Systems has remarkable history of guiding projects in core systems. Concepts sponsored projects have been doing very well at various software competitions having won the Prizes at IIT Techfest, MIT, Modern, VIT, PICT-Concepts etc. For more information please visit our website www.conceptssys.com Thanks & Regards, Team. Concepts Systems. -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System & Kernel Programming Training from Professionals.
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: - Operating Systems Basics - System Calls for I/O - Multithreading and Synchronization - Interprocess communication - Memory Management - Memory mapped files - UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems - Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming - Intel x86 Fundamentals - Linux Kernel source tree - Character, Block device drivers - Memory Management - System Call hooking - Kernel Threading and synchronization - Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date: Saturday, October 20,2007. Duration: 1.5 months each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, Pune. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Concepts Systems has remarkable history of guiding projects in core systems. Concepts sponsored projects have been doing very well at various software competitions having won the Prizes at IIT Techfest, MIT, Modern, VIT, PICT-Concepts etc. For more information please visit our website www.conceptssys.com Thanks & Regards, Team. Concepts Systems. -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System and Device Driver Programming from Professionals
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Next weekend batch of Linux System and Kernel programming is starting from Sunday, December 9, 2007 Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: Operating Systems BasicsMemory Management System Calls for I/OMemory mapped files Multithreading and Synchronization UNIX/ POSIX files and File systems Inter-process communication Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming: Intel x86 FundamentalsSystem Call hooking Linux Kernel source tree Kernel Threading and synchronization Character, Block device drivers Virtual File System driver Memory Management Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date: Sunday, December 9, 2007 Duration: 2.5 months Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday 12:00 PM 03:00 PM Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603 , The Pentagon, Near Hotel Panchmi, Pune-Satara Road, Pune 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team, Concepts Systems. -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [COMMERCIAL] : Advance C Training from Professionals
Hello All, With a growing demand for System Professionals, we are pleased to announce a new weekend batch of Advance C for working professionals, Engineers & students. Course Highlights: - Struct ,enums,typedefs, #define - Arrays & Pointer Arithmetic - Function Pointers etc - Dynamic linking - Segments & Executables - calling conventions - Segmentation Faults Labs: Carefully designed labs and exercises which will help participants to apply knowledge gained through lectures immediately in their assignments. Starting Date : Saturday , December 08, 2007. Duration : 1.5 months Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 hours per day. Venue : Concepts Systems, Pune Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. About Us: Concepts Systems Educational Services has always been in forefront for providing software professionals and aspirants with best-of-the-breed technologies which ensure that professionals/students remain on the cutting edge of technology and continue to win their goals. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888/9960638738 Or mail us at training at conceptssys dot com For customized on-site training for your team, send a mail to info at conceptssys dot com Thanks & Regards, Team , Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Training on Perl Automation by Industry Professionals
Hello All, With a growing demand for Perl automation ,we are pleased to announce a new weekend batch of "Perl Automation" for students & Professionals. Course Highlights: - Linux orientation - PERL introduction - PERL for Automation - Various operators - Data types - File handling - Pattern Matching - Functions in PERL - Processes Handling and Socket programming - Command line options and Standard system variables - References in PERL - Object Oriented Perl programming - PERL debugger Apart from these all followings are also covered : - How to create logs and reports in PERL based automation - Mailing the logs/reports through PERL script Labs Carefully designed labs and exercises which will help participants to apply knowledge gained through lectures immediately in their assignments. Starting Date : Sunday ,December 9, 2007. Duration: 40 Hours Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 hours per day. Venue : Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009 Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. About Us: Concepts Systems Educational Services has always been in forefront for providing software professionals and aspirants with best-of-the-breed technologies which ensure that professionals/students remain on the cutting edge of technology and continue to win their goals. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, NVIDIA, HP Labs, Oracle India etc. as its clients. High Quality training from seasoned Industry professionals is the hallmark of our educational services division. For more information, please visit our website www.conceptssys.com If you have any queries feel free to call us on +91-020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] For customized on-site training for your team, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks & Regards, Team, Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System and Device Driver Programming from Professionals
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date for LSP: December 15, 2007. Starting Date for LDD: December 9, 2007. Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Training on Perl Automation by Industry Professionals.
Hello All, With a growing demand for Perl automation ,we are pleased to announce a new weekend batch of "Perl Automation" for students & Professionals. Course Highlights: - Linux orientation - PERL introduction - PERL for Automation - Various operators - Data types - File handling - Pattern Matching - Functions in PERL - Processes Handling and Socket programming - Command line options and Standard system variables - References in PERL - Object Oriented Perl programming - PERL debugger Apart from these all followings are also covered : - How to create logs and reports in PERL based automation - Mailing the logs/reports through PERL script Labs Carefully designed labs and exercises which will help participants to apply knowledge gained through lectures immediately in their assignments. Tentative Starting Date : Sunday ,December 9, 2007. Duration: 40 Hours Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 hours per day. Venue : Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. About Us: Concepts Systems Educational Services has always been in forefront for providing software professionals and aspirants with best-of-the-breed technologies which ensure that professionals/students remain on the cutting edge of technology and continue to win their goals. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, NVIDIA, HP Labs, Oracle India etc. as its clients. High Quality training from seasoned Industry professionals is the hallmark of our educational services division. For more information, please visit our website www.conceptssys.com If you have any queries feel free to call us on +91-020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] For customized on-site training for your team, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems Educational Services. -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Advance C Training from Professionals.
Hello All, With a growing demand for System Professionals, we are pleased to announce a new weekend batch of Advance C for working professionals, Engineers & students. Course Highlights: - Struct ,enums,typedefs, #define - Arrays & Pointer Arithmetic - Function Pointers etc - Dynamic linking - Segments & Executables - calling conventions - Segmentation Faults Starting Date : Saturday ,December 8, 2007. Duration : 1.5 months Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 hours per day. Venue : Concepts Systems, Pune. 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. About Us: Concepts Systems Educational Services has always been in forefront for providing software professionals and aspirants with best-of-the-breed technologies which ensure that professionals/students remain on the cutting edge of technology and continue to win their goals. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC B'lore, Nvidia Corporation, HP Labs, Oracle India etc. as its clients. High Quality training from experienced Systems Experts is the hallmark of our training division. For more information, please visit our website www.conceptssys.com If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888/9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] For customized on-site training for your team, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks & Regards, Team, Concepts Systems. -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] Professional Seminar - Linux Kernel Debugging
An Exclusive seminar on Linux Kernel Debugging: This highly technical seminar will provide a learning forum for in-depth technical knowledge on Kernel Debugging. It will provide you debugging techniques and demonstrations designed to help you avoid common pitfalls in your system design. Seminar contents (With labs) Debugging with printk message. Debugging with kernel hoops. Working with GDB Default utilities of kernel e.g. ptrace, strace, system.map /proc/kcore/ /proc/ kallsyms Device information in proc Installation of KDB, invoking KDB, usages of KDB and co-relation between KDBG Pre-requisite: This is an intermediate-level seminar offering for active practitioners. All attendees are expected to understand operating system concepts in general. The basic concepts of kernel module programming and kernel compilation. Attendees must have previous hands-on experience working with Linux. It is a hands-on class intended to give students real, practical experience in using the Linux kernel debugger (GDB) and in understanding the data provided by the various kernel debugger extensions. Why you should attend the seminar: Learn from developers who work only with Kernel programming. Learn concepts & techniques by Industry professionals that you can apply over & over. Save time and money by learning what common mistakes to avoid. Take Aways : Fedora 7 DVD Registration on first come first serve basis. (Kindly confirm your seat with registration amount at the earliest as limited seats are offered.) Dates: January 19, 2008 Time : 2.30 to 5.30 PM (Saturday) Venue: Concepts Systems Educational Services Division 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. www.conceptssys.com Phone: +91-020-2421 6888 / 099606 38738 (Entry restricted to registered candidates only.) -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Training on Perl Automation by Industry Professionals.
Hello All, With a growing demand for Perl automation ,we are pleased to announce a new weekend batch of "Perl Automation" for students & Professionals. Course Highlights: - Linux orientation - PERL introduction - PERL for Automation - Various operators - Data types - File handling - Pattern Matching - Functions in PERL - Processes Handling and Socket programming - Command line options and Standard system variables - References in PERL - Object Oriented Perl programming - PERL debugger Apart from these all followings are also covered : - How to create logs and reports in PERL based automation - Mailing the logs/reports through PERL script Labs Carefully designed labs and exercises which will help participants to apply knowledge gained through lectures immediately in their assignments. Starting Date : 19 January, 2008. Duration : 40 Hours Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 hours per day. Venue : Concepts Systems, Pentagon, Pune-Satara Road, Pune 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. About Us: Concepts Systems Educational Services has always been in forefront for providing software professionals and aspirants with best-of-the-breed technologies which ensure that professionals/students remain on the cutting edge of technology and continue to win their goals. If you have any queries feel free to call us on +91-020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] For customized on-site training for your team, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems Educational Services. -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Training on Linux System and Kernel Programming by Industry Professionals
Hello All, With a growing demand for Linux System professionals, we are pleased to announce a training on Linux System and Kernel Programming for working professionals and Engineers. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : January 19, 2008. Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial]: Specialized course for students and Testing professionals on Perl
Hello All, With a growing demand for Perl automation ,we are pleased to announce a new weekend batch of "Perl Automation" for students & Professionals. Course Highlights: - Linux orientation - PERL introduction - PERL for Automation - Various operators - Data types - File handling - Pattern Matching - Functions in PERL - Processes Handling and Socket programming - Command line options and Standard system variables - References in PERL - Object Oriented Perl programming - PERL debugger Apart from these all followings are also covered : - How to create logs and reports in PERL based automation - Mailing the logs/reports through PERL script Labs Carefully designed labs and exercises which will help participants to apply knowledge gained through lectures immediately in their assignments. Starting Date : 19 January, 2008. Duration : 40 Hours Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 hours per day. Venue : Concepts Systems, Pentagon, Pune-Satara Road, Pune 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. About Us: Concepts Systems Educational Services has always been in forefront for providing software professionals and aspirants with best-of-the-breed technologies which ensure that professionals/students remain on the cutting edge of technology and continue to win their goals. If you have any queries feel free to call us on +91-020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] For customized on-site training for your team, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems Educational Services. -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial]: Linux systems programming & Device Drivers for students & Linux lovers by linux geeks
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Next weekend batch of Linux System and Kernel programming is starting from February 10,2008. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: Operating Systems Basics System Calls for I/O Multithreading and Synchronization Memory Management Interprocess communicationMemory mapped files UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Prog Intel x86 Fundamentals Linux Kernel source tree Memory Management Character, Block device drivers System Call hookingVirtual File System driver Kernel Threading and synchronization Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date: February 10,2008 Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, Pune. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Training on Linux Kernel Programming from Industry Professionals
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : February 10, 2008. Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Training on Linux System and Kernel Programming from Professionals
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : February 23, 2008. Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Training on Linux System and Device Driver Programming from Professionals
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : March 9, 2008. Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] : Become an Expert in Linux Kernel Programming
Hello All, Kernel Programming is the key to the digital city of device drivers: If you know the language for drivers you can get a device to do almost anything you want. Learn how to write device drivers with the help of industry experts. This module emphasizes on approach of identifying and resolving the critical issues in a project in a limited time frame. Course Highlights: Linux Kernel Programming (Linux Device Driver) -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : June 7, 2008. Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is a Pune based Software Training Company having expertise in Core Systems. Many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins are already part of Concepts Software Training Division clientele. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure form the backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] : Learn To Manage Linux File System from Industry Experts
Hello All, This module focuses on the way file systems are designed and provides exposure to advance cluster file system. This module emphasizes on approach of identifying and resolving the critical issues in a project in a limited time frame. Course Highlights: Linux File System -File System Basics -Introduction to Advanced FS Features -File System Framework -Implementation Overview -Meta Data Operation -Ext2 Implementation Overview -Introduction to Virtual Memory -Kernel Memory management & Allocation -Implementation of dummy file system -Overview of advance cluster file system. Detail syllabus is available at http://conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxFileSystems.pdf Starting Date: June 14, 2008. Duration : 1.5 months Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is a Pune based Software Training Company having expertise in Core Systems. Many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins are already part of Concepts Software Training Division clientele. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure form the backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] : Become an Expert in Linux Kernel Programming
Hello All, Kernel Programming is the key to the digital city of device drivers: If you know the language for drivers you can get a device to do almost anything you want. Learn how to write device drivers with the help of industry experts. This module emphasizes on approach of identifying and resolving the critical issues in a project in a limited time frame. Course Highlights: Linux Kernel Programming (Linux Device Driver) -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : June 21, 2008. Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is a Pune based Software Training Company having expertise in Core Systems. Many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins are already part of Concepts Software Training Division clientele. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure form the backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] : Become an Expert in Linux System Programming : Hands on Training
Hello All, Linux System Programming is an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic. This module enables professionals and students to rapidly identify issues critical to their project, and provide them in-depth knowledge to add Linux support to their product lines in an aggressive time frame. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Starting Date : June 21, 2008. Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is a Pune based Software Training Company having expertise in Core Systems. Many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins are already part of Concepts Software Training Division clientele. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure form the backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Concepts Systems Team -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [commercial] : Training on Linux System Programming from IT Professionals
Hello All, With a growing demand for Linux System Professionals, we are pleased to announce a new weekend batch of “Linux System Programming” for working professionals and Engineers. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Labs: Carefully designed labs and exercises which will help participants to apply knowledge gained through lectures immediately in their assignments. Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Starting Date : July 5, 2008. Duration: 1.5 months Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is a Pune based Software Training Company having expertise in Core Systems. Many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins are already part of Concepts Software Training Division clientele. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure form the backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Concepts Systems Team -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] : Hands on Technical Training on Linux Device Driver
Hello All, Kernel Programming is the key to the digital city of device drivers: If you know the language for drivers you can get a device to do almost anything you want. Learn how to write device drivers with the help of industry experts. This module emphesizes on approach of identifying and resolving the critical issues in a project in a lmited time frame. Course Highlights: Linux Kernel Programming (Linux Device Driver) -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Labs - Carefully designed labs and exercises which will help participants to apply knowledge gained through lectures immediately in their assignments. Starting Date: July 6, 2008. Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is a Pune based Software Training Company having expertise in Core Systems. Many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins are already part of Concepts Software Training Division clientele. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure form the backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial]: Linux Device Drivers:Where the Kernel Meets the Hardware
Hello All, For a non-programmer, these issues are mysteries: the system that never makes mistakes is full of problems, and who knows why? System Programmers, on the other hand, are familiar with the limits of the system--what happens inside the computer when it takes several minutes to open large files, why a particular security hole is a problem, and why it's so difficult to get large-scale software projects right. In sum, Kernel Programming is the key to the digital city of device drivers: If you know the language for drivers you can get a device to do almost anything you want. Learn how to write device drivers with the help of industry experts through Concepts Systems. We are pleased to announce a new batch of "Linux Device Drivers" for working professionals and engineers and freshers are also welcome. Course Highlights: Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : July 20th, 2008. Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is a Pune based Software Training Company having expertise in Core Systems. Many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins are already part of Concepts Software Training Division clientele. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure form the backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] : Get into the World of Linux Kernel
Hello All, Greetings from Concepts Systems. Kernel Programming is the key to the digital city of device drivers: If you know the language for drivers you can get a device to do almost anything you want. Learn how to write device drivers with the help of industry experts through Concepts Systems. We are pleased to announce the new batch for "Linux Device Drivers" for working professionals and engineers and freshers are also welcome. Course Highlights: Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : August 3, 2008. Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is a Pune based Software Training Company having expertise in Core Systems. Many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins are already part of Concepts Software Training Division clientele. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure form the backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial]: Linux System and Kernel Programming - Hands-On Training from Experts
Hello All, Linux System and Kernel Programming are an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic. These modules enable professionals and students to rapidly identify issues critical to their project, and provide them in-depth knowledge to add Linux support to their product lines in an aggressive time frame. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : April 12, 2008. Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia,Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Would like to write Linux Device Drivers?
Hello All, Linux System and Kernel Programming are an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic. These modules enable professionals and students to rapidly identify issues critical to their project, and provide them in-depth knowledge to add Linux support to their product lines in an aggressive time frame. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : December 20,2008. Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com. About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia,Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to plug-mail-requ...@plug.org.in for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Would like to write Linux Device Drivers?
Hello All, Linux System and Kernel Programming are an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : January 10,2009 Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to plug-mail-requ...@plug.org.in for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial]: Get into the World of Linux System and Kernel
Hello All, The objective of this communication with you is to introduce the modules that are specially designed by IT experts. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Starting Date : February 07, 2009 Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : February 7, 2009 Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 Or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to plug-mail-requ...@plug.org.in for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial]:Free Linux Internals Fundamentals Training from Industry Experts.
Hello All, Are you interested in learning fundamentals of Linux System/Kernel Programming from Industry Experts? Do you want to know where to start with learning path of Linux Internals ? If Yes, here is a foundation course which will totally free of cost and which will give you real taste of System Oriented C and put you on fast track of System Programming. Course Content • Introduction to C standards • Declaration & Definitions in depth, Struct ,enums,typedefs, #define, Precedence & Associativity. • Bitwise Arithmetic (with tricky programs) • Arrays & Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers for Multidimensional arrays, Dynamic arrays, Function Pointers etc. • Unscrambling dynamic allocation, Implement malloc & free • Introduction to Lint, Libraries Linking & Loading, Dynamic linking, Runtime System, O.S and a.out • Segments & Executables, Standard calling conventions, Activation Records • X86 Memory Architecture & C • Debugging Memory Leaks, Segmentation Faults • Type Casting Detail curriculum in PDF format can be found at: http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/Adv%20C.pdf Starting Date : February 07,2009 Duration : 6 weeks (36 hrs) Timings : Saturday and Sunday Venue : Concepts Systems Educational Services 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-2421 6888 Or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com For on-site corporate trainings, do write us a mail at i...@conceptssys.com Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems. -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to plug-mail-requ...@plug.org.in for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] :Linux System and Kernel Programming: Hands-On Training from Experts
Hello All, Linux System and Kernel Programming are an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic. These modules enable professionals and students to rapidly identify issues critical to their project, and provide them in-depth knowledge to add Linux support to their product lines in an aggressive time frame. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Starting Date : February 21 , 2009 Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : February 21,2009 Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com. About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia,Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to plug-mail-requ...@plug.org.in for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System and Kernel Programming: Hands-On Training from Experts
Hello All, Linux System and Kernel Programming are an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic. These modules enable professionals and students to rapidly identify issues critical to their project, and provide them in-depth knowledge to add Linux support to their product lines in an aggressive time frame. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : February 28,2009. Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com. About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia,Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems -- __ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to plug-mail-requ...@plug.org.in for mailing instructions.
[PLUG] [Commercial]: Get into the World of Linux System and Kernel
Hello All, The objective of this communication with you is to introduce the modules that are specially designed by IT experts. We are pleased to announce the new batches for "Linux System Programming" and "Linux Device Drivers" for working professionals and engineers and freshers are also welcome. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Starting Date : April 04, 2009. Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : April 04, 2009. Duration: 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com About Us: Concepts Systems is a Pune based Software Training Company having expertise in Core Systems. Many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins are already part of Concepts Software Training Division clientele. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure form the backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems ___ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux Device Drivers:Where the Kernel Meets the Hardware
Hello All, Linux Device Driver Programming is an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic is presented along with a supporting laboratory exercise before moving on to the next topic. The course shows attendees how device drivers work with the Linux kernel, how to compile and load drivers, how to debug drivers, the key issues in developing and testing Linux device drivers. This class enables developers and engineers to rapidly identify issues critical to their project, and provides them in-depth knowledge to add Linux support to their product lines in an aggressive time frame. Course Highlights: Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : April 18, 2009. Duration : 1.5 months. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com. About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems ___ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux Device Drivers:Where the Kernel Meets the Hardware
Hello All, Linux Device Driver Programming is an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic is presented along with a supporting laboratory exercise before moving on to the next topic. The course shows attendees how device drivers work with the Linux kernel, how to compile and load drivers, how to debug drivers, the key issues in developing and testing Linux device drivers. This class enables developers and engineers to rapidly identify issuescritical to their project, and provides them in-depth knowledge to add Linux support to their product lines in an aggressive time frame. Course Highlights: Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : May 31st, 2009. Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 Or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com. About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia, Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems ___ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
[PLUG] [Commercial]: Get into the World of Linux System and Kernel
Hello All, Linux System and Kernel Programming are an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic. These modules enable professionals and students to rapidly identify issues critical to their project, and provide them in-depth knowledge to add Linux support to their product lines in an aggressive time frame. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : June 6,2009. Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com. For customized on-site training for your team, send a mail to i...@conceptssys.com About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia,Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems ___ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
[PLUG] [Trainings]Advance C and Linux System Programming: Hands-On Training
Hello All, Advance C and Linux System Programming are an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic. These modules enable professionals and students to rapidly identify issues critical to their project, and provide them in-depth knowledge to add Linux support to their product lines in an aggressive time frame. Course Highlights: Advance C: - Struct ,enums,typedefs, #define - Arrays & Pointer Arithmetic - Function Pointers etc - Dynamic linking - Segments & Executables - calling conventions - Segmentation Faults Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/Adv C.pdf Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Starting Date : August 1, 2009. Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings: Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com. For customized on-site training for your team, send a mail to i...@conceptssys.com About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia,Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems ___ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
[PLUG] [Commercial]: Get into the World of Linux System and Kernel
Hello All, Linux System and Kernel Programming are an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic. These modules enable professionals and students to rapidly identify issues critical to their project, and provide them in-depth knowledge to add Linux support to their product lines in an aggressive time frame. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Linux Kernel Programming -Intel x86 Fundamentals -Linux Kernel source tree -Character, Block device drivers -Memory Management -System Call hooking -Kernel Threading and synchronization -Virtual File System driver Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LDD.pdf Starting Date : September 26,2009. Duration : 1.5 months for each module. Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com. For customized on-site training for your team, send a mail to i...@conceptssys.com About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based Training Consultancy having expertise in core systems. Concepts already has many leading software companies like EMC, HP, Nvidia,Oracle India, KPIT Cummins etc. as its clients. Systems Technology Experts having Industry exposure forms backbone of Concepts Training Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems ___ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System programming:Develope unique aspects of Linux Kernel
Hello All, Linux System Programming is an intensive hands-on course designed by Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic is presented along with a supporting laboratory exercise before moving on to the next topic. This Course is intended for programmers who wish to write programs which interface with the Linux kernel through the system call interface.Such programs may constitute a turnkey system where Linux is embedded.Students gain a general understanding of basic tools and interfaces in order to successfully modify features and develop new aspects of the kernel. Course Highlights: Linux System Programming: -Operating Systems Basics -System Calls for I/O -Multithreading and Synchronization -Interprocess communication -Memory Management -Memory mapped files -UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems -Pipes Detail syllabus is available at http://www.conceptssys.com/SyllabusPdf/LinuxSysPro.pdf Starting Date : October 24, 2009. Duration : 1.5 months Days & Timings : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day. Venue: Concepts Systems, 602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, Next to Pune-Satara Road, Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are limited seats. If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 or mail us at train...@conceptssys.com. About Us: Concepts Systems is Pune based consultancy and training company having expertise in core systems; Windows as well as Linux. Concepts Corporate Educational Services division has already delivered trainings in many leading software companies like EMC & HP (Bangalore), NVIDIA & KPIT Cummins (Pune), Oracle India (Hyderabad) etc. Systems’ Technical Experts having Industry exposure forms the backbone of Concepts Educational Services Division. Thanks & Regards, Team Concepts Systems ___ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List